diff --git a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/items/Generator.java b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/items/Generator.java
index f4dc6b22b..b92209543 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/items/Generator.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/items/Generator.java
@@ -178,7 +178,290 @@ import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 public class Generator {
-	private static final String CATEGORY_PROBS = "_probs";
+	public enum Category {
+		WEAPON	( 6,    MeleeWeapon.class),
+		WEP_T1	( 0,    MeleeWeapon.class),
+		WEP_T2	( 0,    MeleeWeapon.class),
+		WEP_T3	( 0,    MeleeWeapon.class),
+		WEP_T4	( 0,    MeleeWeapon.class),
+		WEP_T5	( 0,    MeleeWeapon.class),
+		ARMOR	( 4,    Armor.class ),
+		MISSILE ( 3,    MissileWeapon.class ),
+		MIS_T1  ( 0,    MissileWeapon.class ),
+		MIS_T2  ( 0,    MissileWeapon.class ),
+		MIS_T3  ( 0,    MissileWeapon.class ),
+		MIS_T4  ( 0,    MissileWeapon.class ),
+		MIS_T5  ( 0,    MissileWeapon.class ),
+		WAND	( 3,    Wand.class ),
+		RING	( 1,    Ring.class ),
+		ARTIFACT( 1,    Artifact.class),
+		FOOD	( 0,    Food.class ),
+		POTION	( 20,   Potion.class ),
+		SEED	( 0,    Plant.Seed.class ), //dropped by grass
+		SCROLL	( 20,   Scroll.class ),
+		STONE   ( 2,    Runestone.class),
+		GOLD	( 18,   Gold.class );
+		public Class<?>[] classes;
+		//some item types use a deck-based system, where the probs decrement as items are picked
+		// until they are all 0, and then they reset. Those generator classes should define
+		// defaultProbs. If defaultProbs is null then a deck system isn't used.
+		//Artifacts in particular don't reset, no duplicates!
+		public float[] probs;
+		public float[] defaultProbs = null;
+		public float prob;
+		public Class<? extends Item> superClass;
+		private Category( float prob, Class<? extends Item> superClass ) {
+			this.prob = prob;
+			this.superClass = superClass;
+		}
+		public static int order( Item item ) {
+			for (int i=0; i < values().length; i++) {
+				if (values()[i].superClass.isInstance( item )) {
+					return i;
+				}
+			}
+			return item instanceof Bag ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1;
+		}
+		static {
+			GOLD.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					Gold.class };
+			GOLD.probs = new float[]{ 1 };
+			POTION.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					PotionOfStrength.class, //2 drop every chapter, see Dungeon.posNeeded()
+					PotionOfHealing.class,
+					PotionOfMindVision.class,
+					PotionOfFrost.class,
+					PotionOfLiquidFlame.class,
+					PotionOfToxicGas.class,
+					PotionOfHaste.class,
+					PotionOfInvisibility.class,
+					PotionOfLevitation.class,
+					PotionOfParalyticGas.class,
+					PotionOfPurity.class,
+					PotionOfExperience.class};
+			POTION.defaultProbs = new float[]{ 0, 6, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 };
+			POTION.probs = POTION.defaultProbs.clone();
+			SEED.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					Rotberry.Seed.class, //quest item
+					Sungrass.Seed.class,
+					Fadeleaf.Seed.class,
+					Icecap.Seed.class,
+					Firebloom.Seed.class,
+					Sorrowmoss.Seed.class,
+					Swiftthistle.Seed.class,
+					Blindweed.Seed.class,
+					Stormvine.Seed.class,
+					Earthroot.Seed.class,
+					Dreamfoil.Seed.class,
+					Starflower.Seed.class};
+			//TODO adjust these
+			SEED.defaultProbs = new float[]{ 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1 };
+			SEED.probs = SEED.defaultProbs.clone();
+			SCROLL.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					ScrollOfUpgrade.class, //3 drop every chapter, see Dungeon.souNeeded()
+					ScrollOfIdentify.class,
+					ScrollOfRemoveCurse.class,
+					ScrollOfMirrorImage.class,
+					ScrollOfRecharging.class,
+					ScrollOfTeleportation.class,
+					ScrollOfLullaby.class,
+					ScrollOfMagicMapping.class,
+					ScrollOfRage.class,
+					ScrollOfRetribution.class,
+					ScrollOfTerror.class,
+					ScrollOfTransmutation.class
+			};
+			SCROLL.defaultProbs = new float[]{ 0, 6, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 };
+			SCROLL.probs = SCROLL.defaultProbs.clone();
+			STONE.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					StoneOfEnchantment.class,   //1 is guaranteed to drop on floors 6-19
+					StoneOfIntuition.class,     //1 additional stone is also dropped on floors 1-3
+					StoneOfDisarming.class,
+					StoneOfFlock.class,
+					StoneOfShock.class,
+					StoneOfBlink.class,
+					StoneOfDeepenedSleep.class,
+					StoneOfClairvoyance.class,
+					StoneOfAggression.class,
+					StoneOfBlast.class,
+					StoneOfAffection.class,
+					StoneOfAugmentation.class  //1 is also sold in each shop
+			};
+			//TODO adjust these
+			STONE.defaultProbs = new float[]{ 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0 };
+			STONE.probs = STONE.defaultProbs.clone();
+			WAND.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					WandOfMagicMissile.class,
+					WandOfLightning.class,
+					WandOfDisintegration.class,
+					WandOfFireblast.class,
+					WandOfCorrosion.class,
+					WandOfBlastWave.class,
+					WandOfLivingEarth.class,
+					WandOfFrost.class,
+					WandOfPrismaticLight.class,
+					WandOfWarding.class,
+					WandOfTransfusion.class,
+					WandOfCorruption.class,
+					WandOfRegrowth.class };
+			WAND.probs = new float[]{ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 };
+			//see generator.randomWeapon
+			WEAPON.classes = new Class<?>[]{};
+			WEAPON.probs = new float[]{};
+			WEP_T1.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					WornShortsword.class,
+					Gloves.class,
+					Dagger.class,
+					MagesStaff.class
+			};
+			WEP_T1.probs = new float[]{ 1, 1, 1, 0 };
+			WEP_T2.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					Shortsword.class,
+					HandAxe.class,
+					Spear.class,
+					Quarterstaff.class,
+					Dirk.class
+			};
+			WEP_T2.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 5, 4, 4 };
+			WEP_T3.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					Sword.class,
+					Mace.class,
+					Scimitar.class,
+					RoundShield.class,
+					Sai.class,
+					Whip.class
+			};
+			WEP_T3.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 };
+			WEP_T4.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					Longsword.class,
+					BattleAxe.class,
+					Flail.class,
+					RunicBlade.class,
+					AssassinsBlade.class,
+					Crossbow.class
+			};
+			WEP_T4.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 };
+			WEP_T5.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					Greatsword.class,
+					WarHammer.class,
+					Glaive.class,
+					Greataxe.class,
+					Greatshield.class,
+					Gauntlet.class
+			};
+			WEP_T5.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 };
+			//see Generator.randomArmor
+			ARMOR.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					ClothArmor.class,
+					LeatherArmor.class,
+					MailArmor.class,
+					ScaleArmor.class,
+					PlateArmor.class };
+			ARMOR.probs = new float[]{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+			//see Generator.randomMissile
+			MISSILE.classes = new Class<?>[]{};
+			MISSILE.probs = new float[]{};
+			MIS_T1.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					ThrowingStone.class,
+					ThrowingKnife.class
+			};
+			MIS_T1.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5 };
+			MIS_T2.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					FishingSpear.class,
+					ThrowingClub.class,
+					Shuriken.class
+			};
+			MIS_T2.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 4 };
+			MIS_T3.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					ThrowingSpear.class,
+					Kunai.class,
+					Bolas.class
+			};
+			MIS_T3.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 4 };
+			MIS_T4.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					Javelin.class,
+					Tomahawk.class,
+					HeavyBoomerang.class
+			};
+			MIS_T4.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 4 };
+			MIS_T5.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					Trident.class,
+					ThrowingHammer.class,
+					ForceCube.class
+			};
+			MIS_T5.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 4 };
+			FOOD.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					Food.class,
+					Pasty.class,
+					MysteryMeat.class };
+			FOOD.probs = new float[]{ 4, 1, 0 };
+			RING.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					RingOfAccuracy.class,
+					RingOfEvasion.class,
+					RingOfElements.class,
+					RingOfForce.class,
+					RingOfFuror.class,
+					RingOfHaste.class,
+					RingOfEnergy.class,
+					RingOfMight.class,
+					RingOfSharpshooting.class,
+					RingOfTenacity.class,
+					RingOfWealth.class};
+			RING.probs = new float[]{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
+			ARTIFACT.classes = new Class<?>[]{
+					CapeOfThorns.class,
+					ChaliceOfBlood.class,
+					CloakOfShadows.class,
+					HornOfPlenty.class,
+					MasterThievesArmband.class,
+					SandalsOfNature.class,
+					TalismanOfForesight.class,
+					TimekeepersHourglass.class,
+					UnstableSpellbook.class,
+					AlchemistsToolkit.class,
+					DriedRose.class,
+					LloydsBeacon.class,
+					EtherealChains.class
+			};
+			ARTIFACT.defaultProbs = new float[]{ 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1};
+			ARTIFACT.probs = ARTIFACT.defaultProbs.clone();
+		}
+	}
 	private static final float[][] floorSetTierProbs = new float[][] {
 			{0, 70, 20,  8,  2},
@@ -332,7 +615,8 @@ public class Generator {
 	private static final String GENERAL_PROBS = "general_probs";
+	private static final String CATEGORY_PROBS = "_probs";
 	public static void storeInBundle(Bundle bundle) {
 		Float[] genProbs = categoryProbs.values().toArray(new Float[0]);
 		float[] storeProbs = new float[genProbs.length];
@@ -356,7 +640,7 @@ public class Generator {
 	public static void restoreFromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
@@ -387,291 +671,6 @@ public class Generator {
-	}
-	public enum Category {
-		WEAPON	( 6,    MeleeWeapon.class),
-		WEP_T1	( 0,    MeleeWeapon.class),
-		WEP_T2	( 0,    MeleeWeapon.class),
-		WEP_T3	( 0,    MeleeWeapon.class),
-		WEP_T4	( 0,    MeleeWeapon.class),
-		WEP_T5	( 0,    MeleeWeapon.class),
-		ARMOR	( 4,    Armor.class ),
-		MISSILE ( 3,    MissileWeapon.class ),
-		MIS_T1  ( 0,    MissileWeapon.class ),
-		MIS_T2  ( 0,    MissileWeapon.class ),
-		MIS_T3  ( 0,    MissileWeapon.class ),
-		MIS_T4  ( 0,    MissileWeapon.class ),
-		MIS_T5  ( 0,    MissileWeapon.class ),
-		WAND	( 3,    Wand.class ),
-		RING	( 1,    Ring.class ),
-		ARTIFACT( 1,    Artifact.class),
-		FOOD	( 0,    Food.class ),
-		POTION	( 20,   Potion.class ),
-		SEED	( 0,    Plant.Seed.class ), //dropped by grass
-		SCROLL	( 20,   Scroll.class ),
-		STONE   ( 2,    Runestone.class),
-		GOLD	( 18,   Gold.class );
-		public Class<?>[] classes;
-		static {
-			GOLD.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					Gold.class };
-			GOLD.probs = new float[]{ 1 };
-			POTION.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					PotionOfStrength.class, //2 drop every chapter, see Dungeon.posNeeded()
-					PotionOfHealing.class,
-					PotionOfMindVision.class,
-					PotionOfFrost.class,
-					PotionOfLiquidFlame.class,
-					PotionOfToxicGas.class,
-					PotionOfHaste.class,
-					PotionOfInvisibility.class,
-					PotionOfLevitation.class,
-					PotionOfParalyticGas.class,
-					PotionOfPurity.class,
-					PotionOfExperience.class};
-			POTION.defaultProbs = new float[]{ 0, 6, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 };
-			POTION.probs = POTION.defaultProbs.clone();
-			SEED.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					Rotberry.Seed.class, //quest item
-					Sungrass.Seed.class,
-					Fadeleaf.Seed.class,
-					Icecap.Seed.class,
-					Firebloom.Seed.class,
-					Sorrowmoss.Seed.class,
-					Swiftthistle.Seed.class,
-					Blindweed.Seed.class,
-					Stormvine.Seed.class,
-					Earthroot.Seed.class,
-					Dreamfoil.Seed.class,
-					Starflower.Seed.class};
-			//TODO adjust these
-			SEED.defaultProbs = new float[]{ 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1 };
-			SEED.probs = SEED.defaultProbs.clone();
-			SCROLL.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					ScrollOfUpgrade.class, //3 drop every chapter, see Dungeon.souNeeded()
-					ScrollOfIdentify.class,
-					ScrollOfRemoveCurse.class,
-					ScrollOfMirrorImage.class,
-					ScrollOfRecharging.class,
-					ScrollOfTeleportation.class,
-					ScrollOfLullaby.class,
-					ScrollOfMagicMapping.class,
-					ScrollOfRage.class,
-					ScrollOfRetribution.class,
-					ScrollOfTerror.class,
-					ScrollOfTransmutation.class
-			};
-			SCROLL.defaultProbs = new float[]{ 0, 6, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 };
-			SCROLL.probs = SCROLL.defaultProbs.clone();
-			STONE.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					StoneOfEnchantment.class,   //1 is guaranteed to drop on floors 6-19
-					StoneOfIntuition.class,     //1 additional stone is also dropped on floors 1-3
-					StoneOfDisarming.class,
-					StoneOfFlock.class,
-					StoneOfShock.class,
-					StoneOfBlink.class,
-					StoneOfDeepenedSleep.class,
-					StoneOfClairvoyance.class,
-					StoneOfAggression.class,
-					StoneOfBlast.class,
-					StoneOfAffection.class,
-					StoneOfAugmentation.class  //1 is also sold in each shop
-			};
-			//TODO adjust these
-			STONE.defaultProbs = new float[]{ 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0 };
-			STONE.probs = STONE.defaultProbs.clone();
-			WAND.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					WandOfMagicMissile.class,
-					WandOfLightning.class,
-					WandOfDisintegration.class,
-					WandOfFireblast.class,
-					WandOfCorrosion.class,
-					WandOfBlastWave.class,
-					WandOfLivingEarth.class,
-					WandOfFrost.class,
-					WandOfPrismaticLight.class,
-					WandOfWarding.class,
-					WandOfTransfusion.class,
-					WandOfCorruption.class,
-					WandOfRegrowth.class };
-			WAND.probs = new float[]{ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 };
-			//see generator.randomWeapon
-			WEAPON.classes = new Class<?>[]{};
-			WEAPON.probs = new float[]{};
-			WEP_T1.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					WornShortsword.class,
-					Gloves.class,
-					Dagger.class,
-					MagesStaff.class
-			};
-			WEP_T1.probs = new float[]{ 1, 1, 1, 0 };
-			WEP_T2.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					Shortsword.class,
-					HandAxe.class,
-					Spear.class,
-					Quarterstaff.class,
-					Dirk.class
-			};
-			WEP_T2.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 5, 4, 4 };
-			WEP_T3.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					Sword.class,
-					Mace.class,
-					Scimitar.class,
-					RoundShield.class,
-					Sai.class,
-					Whip.class
-			};
-			WEP_T3.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 };
-			WEP_T4.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					Longsword.class,
-					BattleAxe.class,
-					Flail.class,
-					RunicBlade.class,
-					AssassinsBlade.class,
-					Crossbow.class
-			};
-			WEP_T4.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 };
-			WEP_T5.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					Greatsword.class,
-					WarHammer.class,
-					Glaive.class,
-					Greataxe.class,
-					Greatshield.class,
-					Gauntlet.class
-			};
-			WEP_T5.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 };
-			//see Generator.randomArmor
-			ARMOR.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					ClothArmor.class,
-					LeatherArmor.class,
-					MailArmor.class,
-					ScaleArmor.class,
-					PlateArmor.class };
-			ARMOR.probs = new float[]{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-			//see Generator.randomMissile
-			MISSILE.classes = new Class<?>[]{};
-			MISSILE.probs = new float[]{};
-			MIS_T1.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					ThrowingStone.class,
-					ThrowingKnife.class
-			};
-			MIS_T1.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5 };
-			MIS_T2.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					FishingSpear.class,
-					ThrowingClub.class,
-					Shuriken.class
-			};
-			MIS_T2.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 4 };
-			MIS_T3.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					ThrowingSpear.class,
-					Kunai.class,
-					Bolas.class
-			};
-			MIS_T3.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 4 };
-			MIS_T4.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					Javelin.class,
-					Tomahawk.class,
-					HeavyBoomerang.class
-			};
-			MIS_T4.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 4 };
-			MIS_T5.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					Trident.class,
-					ThrowingHammer.class,
-					ForceCube.class
-			};
-			MIS_T5.probs = new float[]{ 6, 5, 4 };
-			FOOD.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					Food.class,
-					Pasty.class,
-					MysteryMeat.class };
-			FOOD.probs = new float[]{ 4, 1, 0 };
-			RING.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					RingOfAccuracy.class,
-					RingOfEvasion.class,
-					RingOfElements.class,
-					RingOfForce.class,
-					RingOfFuror.class,
-					RingOfHaste.class,
-					RingOfEnergy.class,
-					RingOfMight.class,
-					RingOfSharpshooting.class,
-					RingOfTenacity.class,
-					RingOfWealth.class};
-			RING.probs = new float[]{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
-			ARTIFACT.classes = new Class<?>[]{
-					CapeOfThorns.class,
-					ChaliceOfBlood.class,
-					CloakOfShadows.class,
-					HornOfPlenty.class,
-					MasterThievesArmband.class,
-					SandalsOfNature.class,
-					TalismanOfForesight.class,
-					TimekeepersHourglass.class,
-					UnstableSpellbook.class,
-					AlchemistsToolkit.class,
-					DriedRose.class,
-					LloydsBeacon.class,
-					EtherealChains.class
-			};
-			ARTIFACT.defaultProbs = new float[]{ 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1};
-			ARTIFACT.probs = ARTIFACT.defaultProbs.clone();
-		}
-		//some item types use a deck-based system, where the probs decrement as items are picked
-		// until they are all 0, and then they reset. Those generator classes should define
-		// defaultProbs. If defaultProbs is null then a deck system isn't used.
-		//Artifacts in particular don't reset, no duplicates!
-		public float[] probs;
-		public float prob;
-		public Class<? extends Item> superClass;
-		private Category( float prob, Class<? extends Item> superClass ) {
-			this.prob = prob;
-			this.superClass = superClass;
-		}
-		public static int order( Item item ) {
-			for (int i=0; i < values().length; i++) {
-				if (values()[i].superClass.isInstance( item )) {
-					return i;
-				}
-			}
-			return item instanceof Bag ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1;
-		}
-		public float[] defaultProbs = null;