diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors.properties index 13fdcdf58..a2f9a7936 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=The Rogue can control the flow of battle and actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=huntress actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass _without trampling it_.\n\nThe Huntress also starts with _studded gloves_, cloth armor, a waterskin, and a velvet pouch.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n_-_ Scrolls of Identify\n_-_ Potions of Mind Vision\n_-_ Scrolls of Lullaby -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 15 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 10 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=berserker actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage. Rage increases his damage, and can let him briefly cheat death. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ca.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ca.properties index a04a2b8ac..32a60d20d 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ca.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ca.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=The Rogue can control the flow of battle and actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=caçadora actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass _without trampling it_.\n\nThe Huntress also starts with _studded gloves_, cloth armor, a waterskin, and a velvet pouch.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n_-_ Scrolls of Identify\n_-_ Potions of Mind Vision\n_-_ Scrolls of Lullaby -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 15 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 10 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=frenètic actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage. Rage increases his damage, and can let him briefly cheat death. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_cs.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_cs.properties index 5a3bffc02..a4d06c5c9 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_cs.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_cs.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Zloděj dokáže ovládat proud bitvy a udeř actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=Lovkyně actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=Lovkyně začíná s _unikátním přízračným lukem_, z něhož může vystřelit neomezené množství šípů.\n\nLovkyně dokáže procházet vysokou trávou aniž by ji pošlapala.\n\nLovkyně také začíná s _párem okovaných rukavic_, látkovou zbrojí, měchem na vodu a sametovým váčkem.\n\nLovkyně automaticky pozná:\n_-_ Svitky identifikace\n_-_ Lektvary vidění\n_-_ Svitky ukolébání -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Lovkyně je mystryní vrhacích zbraní a ovládá _unikátní přízračný luk_ s nekonečným množstvím šípů.\n\nPro její odemčení _zasáhni 15 různých nepřátel vrhací zbraní v jedné hře_. +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Lovkyně je mystryní vrhacích zbraní a ovládá _unikátní přízračný luk_ s nekonečným množstvím šípů.\n\nPro její odemčení _zasáhni 10 různých nepřátel vrhací zbraní v jedné hře_. actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=Berserk actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=Když dostává poškození, buduje si _Berserkr_ zlost. Ta mu zvyšuje udělované poškození a může mu umožnit odmítnout zemřít. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_de.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_de.properties index eaa2fdcab..b8583ab00 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_de.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_de.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Der Schurke kann den Verlauf des Kampfes und actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=Jägerin actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=Die Jägerin startet mit einem _einzigartigem Seelenbogen_, der eine unendliche Anzahl von beschworenen Pfeilen abfeuern kann.\n\nDie Jägerin kann durch hohes Gras laufen, _ohne es zu zertrampeln._\n\nDie Jägerin startet außerdem mit _Kampfhandschuhen_, einer Stoffrüstung, einem Wasserschlauch und einem Samtbeutel.\n\nDie Jägerin identifiziert automatisch:\n_-_ Schriftrollen der Identifizierung\n_-_ Tränke der übersinnlichen Wahrnehmung\n_-_ Schriftrollen der Wiegenlieder -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Die Jägerin ist eine Meisterin der Wurfwaffen und hat einen _einzigartigen magischen Bogen_ mit unendlich vielen Pfeilen.\n\nUm sie freizuschalten, _musst du 15 verschiedene Gegner mit Wurfwaffen in einem Spiel treffen._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Die Jägerin ist eine Meisterin der Wurfwaffen und hat einen _einzigartigen magischen Bogen_ mit unendlich vielen Pfeilen.\n\nUm sie freizuschalten, _musst du 10 verschiedene Gegner mit Wurfwaffen in einem Spiel treffen._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=Berserker actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=Der _Berserker_ baut Wut auf, wenn er Schaden erleidet. Wut erhöht den von ihm ausgeteilten Schaden und kann ihn kurzzeitig den Tod austricksen lassen. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_el.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_el.properties index 8f7902929..a75568a59 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_el.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_el.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Ο Κλέφτης μπορεί να ελέγ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=Κυνηγός actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=Η Κυνηγός ξεκινά με ένα μοναδικό _πνευματικό τόξο,_ που εξαπολύει έναν απεριόριστο αριθμό υλοποιήσιμων βελών.\n\nΗ Κυνηγός μπορεί να περνά μέσα από το ψηλό γρασίδι _χωρίς να το ποδοπατά._\n\nΕπίσης, η Κυνηγός ξεκινά με ένα ζευγάρι _γάντια με καρφιά,_ μία υφασμάτινη πανοπλία, ένα φλασκί νερού κι ένα βελούδινο πουγκί.\n\nΗ Κυνηγός αναγνωρίζει αυτόματα:\n_-_ Παπύρους αναγνώρισης\n_-_ Φίλτρα ενόρασης\n_-_ Παπύρους νανουρίσματος -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Η Κυνηγός είναι δεξιοτέχνισσα με τα όπλα ρίψης και διαθέτει ένα _μοναδικό μαγικό τόξο_ με άπειρα βέλη.\n\nΓια να την ξεκλειδώσεις, _χτύπησε 15 διαφορετικούς εχθρούς με όπλα ρίψης σε ένα παιχνίδι._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Η Κυνηγός είναι δεξιοτέχνισσα με τα όπλα ρίψης και διαθέτει ένα _μοναδικό μαγικό τόξο_ με άπειρα βέλη.\n\nΓια να την ξεκλειδώσεις, _χτύπησε 10 διαφορετικούς εχθρούς με όπλα ρίψης σε ένα παιχνίδι._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=Βάρβαρος actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=Ο _Βάρβαρος_ συσσωρεύει οργή όσο δέχεται ζημιά. Η οργή ανεβάζει τη ζημιά που προκαλεί και μπορεί να τον κάνει να ξεγελάσει για λίγο τον θάνατο. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_eo.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_eo.properties index acb5fc5c8..e20cef51b 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_eo.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_eo.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=The Rogue can control the flow of battle and actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=ĉasistino actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=La ĉasistino komencas kun _unika spirita pafarko_, kiu povas arkpafi senliman nombron da magiaj sagoj.\n\nLa ĉasistino povas trairi altan herbon sen piedpremi ĝin.\n\nŜi eniras la labirinton posedante _pikilecajn gantojn_, ŝtofan defendaĵon, felsakon kaj veluran sakon.\n\nLa ĉasistino aŭtomate identigas:\n_–_ skribrulaĵojn de identigo,\n_–_ eliksirojn de mensvido,\n_–_ skribrulaĵojn de lulkanto. -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 15 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 10 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=berserko actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=La _berserko_ akiras “koleron” proporcie al ricevata damaĝo. Kolero igas lin pli forta kaj ebligas por mallonga tempo trompi la morton. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_es.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_es.properties index 62e21a50f..392637d28 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_es.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_es.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=El pícaro puede controlar el flujo de la bat actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=cazadora actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=La Cazadora empieza con un _arco espiritual_, el cual puede disparar un numero infinito de flechas_.\n\nLa Cazadora puede pasar a través de la hierba alta _sin pisotearla_.\n\nLa Cazadora comienza con unos _guantes tachonados_, armadura de tela, un odre de agua y una bolsa de terciopelo.\n\nIdentifica automáticamente:\n_-_ Pergaminos de identificación\n_-_ Pociones de visión mental\n_-_ Pergaminos de canción de cuna -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La Cazadora es una maestra de las armas arrojadizas y tiene un _arco mágico único_ con flechas infinitas.\n\nPara desbloquearla _golpea a 15 enemigos diferentes con armas arrojadizas en una partida_. +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La Cazadora es una maestra de las armas arrojadizas y tiene un _arco mágico único_ con flechas infinitas.\n\nPara desbloquearla _golpea a 10 enemigos diferentes con armas arrojadizas en una partida_. actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=frenético actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=El _Frenético_ acumula furia cuando recibe daño. La furia aumenta su daño y puede permitirle engañar brevemente a la muerte. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_eu.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_eu.properties index e3a6120fc..2c699dee6 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_eu.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_eu.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Alprojak borrokaren fluxua kontrolatu dezake actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=ehiztaria actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass _without trampling it_.\n\nThe Huntress also starts with _studded gloves_, cloth armor, a waterskin, and a velvet pouch.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n_-_ Scrolls of Identify\n_-_ Potions of Mind Vision\n_-_ Scrolls of Lullaby -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Ehiztaria arma jaurtigaien espezialista da, eta _arku magiko paregabe_ bat du, gezi agortu ezinekin.\n\nDesblokeatzeko _Akabatu 15 etsai arma jaurtigaiekin partida berean._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Ehiztaria arma jaurtigaien espezialista da, eta _arku magiko paregabe_ bat du, gezi agortu ezinekin.\n\nDesblokeatzeko _Akabatu 10 etsai arma jaurtigaiekin partida berean._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=amorratua actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=_Amorratua_k hira metatzen du jasotako kaltearekin. hirak eragindako kaltea areagotzen du, eta une batez heriotzatik ihes egitea ahalbidetzen dio. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_fi.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_fi.properties index f1cd7a405..8d0b83b94 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_fi.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_fi.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=The Rogue can control the flow of battle and actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=metsästäjä actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass _without trampling it_.\n\nThe Huntress also starts with _studded gloves_, cloth armor, a waterskin, and a velvet pouch.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n_-_ Scrolls of Identify\n_-_ Potions of Mind Vision\n_-_ Scrolls of Lullaby -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 15 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 10 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=raivopää actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage. Rage increases his damage, and can let him briefly cheat death. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_fr.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_fr.properties index 5a2312df5..173513e4e 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_fr.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_fr.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Le Voleur peut contrôler le courant de la ba actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=chasseresse actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=La Chasseresse commence avec un _arc spirituel unique_ qui peut tirer un nombre infini de flèches invoquées.\n\nLa Chasseresse peut traverser les herbes hautes_ sans les écraser._\n\nLa Chasseresse commence également avec des _gants cloutés_, une armure en tissu, une outre et une pochette en velours.\nLa Chasseresse identifie automatiquement:\n- les Parchemins d'Identification,\n- les Potions de Vision Spirituelle,\n- les Parchemins de Berceuse. -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La Chasseresse est maîtresse des armes à distance et possède un _arc spirituel unique_ aux flèches infinies.\n\nPour le débloquer, _tuez 15 ennemis avec l'aide d'armes à distance dans une partie._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La Chasseresse est maîtresse des armes à distance et possède un _arc spirituel unique_ aux flèches infinies.\n\nPour le débloquer, _tuez 10 ennemis avec l'aide d'armes à distance dans une partie._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=berserker actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=Le _Berserker_ augmente sa rage au fur et à mesure qu'il subit des dégâts, ce qui lui permet d'infliger des dégâts supplémentaires. Lorsqu'il est pleinement enragé, il peut défier la mort pour une courte période, au prix de l'épuisement. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_hu.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_hu.properties index 551fa901b..6de0aa9cf 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_hu.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_hu.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=The Rogue can control the flow of battle and actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=vadásznő actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=A Vadásznő egy _különleges lélek íjjal_ rendelkezik, amely végtelen számú megidézett nyílvesszőt képes kilőni.\n\nA Vadásznő képes magas fűben közlekedni _ anélkül, hogy letaposná_.\n\nA Vadásznő _szegecses kesztyűvel_, szövetpáncéllal, egy vizestömlővel és egy bársonyzacskóval indul.\n\nA Vadásznő automatikusan azonosítja:\n_-_ Az azonosítótekercseket\n_-_ A látomásitalokat\n_-_ Az altatódaltekercseket -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 15 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 10 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=vérengző actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=A _Vérengző_ dühöt gyűjt, ahogy sebzést kap. A düh növeli a sebzését, és rövid időre kicselezheti a halált. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_in.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_in.properties index cdf935c96..242ab2e9a 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_in.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_in.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=The Rogue can control the flow of battle and actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=pemburu actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=Pemburu memulai dengan _busur roh unik,_ yang dapat menembakkan panah ajaib dengan jumlah yang tak terbatas.\n\nPemburu dapat berjalan melalui rumput tinggi _tanpa merusaknya_.\n\nPemburu juga memulai dengan _sarung tangan tajam_, armor kain, kantong air, dan kantong kecil.\n\nPemburu secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n_-_ Gulungan Identifikasi\n_-_ Ramuan Pembaca Pikiran\n_-_ Gulungan Nina Bobo -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 15 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 10 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=berserker actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=_Berserker_ membangun kemarahan saat dia menerima damage. Kemarahan akan meningkatkan damage serangan dan untuk sesaat ia bisa kebal terhadap kematian. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_it.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_it.properties index 1839efc7a..de652ce99 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_it.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_it.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Il Ladro può controllare il flusso della bat actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=cacciatrice actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=La Cacciatrice inizia con un _esclusivo arco spirituale_, che può scoccare un numero infinito di frecce incantate.\n\nLa Cacciatrice può camminare attraverso l'erba alta _senza calpestarla_.\n\nLa Cacciatrice inizia con dei _guanti borchiati_, un'armatura di stoffa, un otre, e un sacchetto di velluto.\n\nLa Cacciatrice indentifica automaticamente:\n_-_ Pergamenda dell'identificazione\n_-_ Pozione di visione mentale\n_-_ Pergamena della ninnananna -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La cacciatrice è una maestra delle armi da lancio, e ha un _esclusivo arco magico_ con frecce infinite.\n\nPer sbloccarla _colpisci 15 nemici diversi con armi da lancio in una partita._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La cacciatrice è una maestra delle armi da lancio, e ha un _esclusivo arco magico_ con frecce infinite.\n\nPer sbloccarla _colpisci 10 nemici diversi con armi da lancio in una partita._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=berserker actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=Il _Berserker_ accumula tanta furia quanti più danni subisce. La furia incrementa il suo danno, e può permettegli di evitare la morte per un breve periodo. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ja.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ja.properties index 76d6dbc69..826f1f570 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ja.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ja.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=盗賊は戦いの流れを制御し、_独 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=女猟師 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass _without trampling it_.\n\nThe Huntress also starts with _studded gloves_, cloth armor, a waterskin, and a velvet pouch.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n_-_ Scrolls of Identify\n_-_ Potions of Mind Vision\n_-_ Scrolls of Lullaby -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=女猟師は投擲武器の達人であり、無限の矢を持つ_独特の魔法の弓_を持つ。\n\nロック解除するには、_1回のダンジョン冒険で15体の異なる敵に投擲武器を当てる。_ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=女猟師は投擲武器の達人であり、無限の矢を持つ_独特の魔法の弓_を持つ。\n\nロック解除するには、_1回のダンジョン冒険で10体の異なる敵に投擲武器を当てる。_ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=狂戦士 actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=_狂戦士_はダメージを受けると怒りが蓄積される。怒りはダメージを増加させ、一時的に死を免れることができる。 diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ko.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ko.properties index 866ec6081..97657214f 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ko.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ko.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=도적은 _특별한 그림자의 망토_를 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=사냥꾼 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=사냥꾼은 화살을 무한히 발사할 수 있는 _특별한 영혼의 활_을 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n사냥꾼은 길게 자란 풀을 _짓밟지 않고_ 지나갈 수 있습니다.\n\n사냥꾼은 또한 _징 박힌 장갑_, 천 갑옷, 가죽 물통, 벨벳 주머니를 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n사냥꾼은 다음 아이템들을 감정한 채로 시작합니다:\n_-_ 감정의 주문서\n_-_ 심안의 물약\n_-_ 자장가의 주문서 -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=사냥꾼은 투척 무기의 숙련자로, 무한한 화살을 가진 _특별한 마법 활_을 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n사냥꾼을 해금하려면 _한 판에서 투척 무기로 각각 다른 적 15마리를 맞추십시오._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=사냥꾼은 투척 무기의 숙련자로, 무한한 화살을 가진 _특별한 마법 활_을 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n사냥꾼을 해금하려면 _한 판에서 투척 무기로 각각 다른 적 10마리를 맞추십시오._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=광전사 actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=_광전사_는 피해를 입을 때마다 분노를 쌓습니다. 분노는 피해량을 증가시키며, 죽음을 잠시 모면할 수도 있습니다. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_pl.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_pl.properties index fa32ea13c..1f62671ab 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_pl.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_pl.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Łotrzyk jest mistrzem skradania oraz manipul actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=Łowczyni actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=Łowczyni zaczyna z _unikatowym łukiem dusz_, który może wyczarować nieskończoną ilość strzał.\n\nŁowczyni może przemknąć przez wysoką trawę _nie zadeptując jej_.\n\nŁowczyni zaczyna również z _ćwiekowanymi rękawicami_, _płócienną zbroją_, bukłakiem oraz aksamitną sakiewką.\n\nŁowczyni automatycznie identyfikuje:\n_-_ Zwój identyfikacji \n_-_ Miksturę wizji umysłów\n_-_ Zwój kołysanki -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Łowczyni jest mistrzynią walki dystansowej i posiada _unikatowy magiczny łuk_, którego strzały się nigdy nie kończą.\n\nAby ją odblokować _rzuć bronią miotaną w 15 rożnych przeciwników w jednej grze._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Łowczyni jest mistrzynią walki dystansowej i posiada _unikatowy magiczny łuk_, którego strzały się nigdy nie kończą.\n\nAby ją odblokować _rzuć bronią miotaną w 10 rożnych przeciwników w jednej grze._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=berserker actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=Wściekłość _Berserkera_ rośnie w miarę otrzymywania obrażeń. Wściekłość ta z kolei zwiększa zadawane przez niego obrażenia i pozwala mu na krótko oszukać śmierć. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_pt.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_pt.properties index 037d67b0e..d0ff5bb36 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_pt.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_pt.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=The Rogue can control the flow of battle and actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=caçadora actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=A Caçadora começa com um _arco espiritual único _ que pode atirar um infinito número de flechas conjuradas.\n\nA Caçadora pode andar pela grama alta _sem pisoteá-la_.\n\nEla também começa com um par de _luvas cravejadas_, uma armadura de pano, um cantil e uma bolsa de veludo.\n\nA Caçadora automaticamente identifica:\n_-_ Pergaminhos de Identificação\n_-_ Poções de Visão Mental\n_-_ Pergaminhos do Acalento -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 15 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 10 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=berserker actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=O _Berserker_ acumula fúria conforme ele leva dano. A fúria aumenta seu poder de ataque e o deixa enganar a morte brevemente. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ru.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ru.properties index 48d704fbb..8a5c32e5e 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ru.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_ru.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Разбойник может контрол actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=охотница actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=Охотница начинает с _уникальным луком духов,_ который может стрелять бесконечным количеством колдовских стрел.\n\nОхотница может ходить в высокой траве, _не вытаптывая её_.\n\nОхотница также начинает с парой _шипованных перчаток_, тканой броней, бурдюком, и бархатным мешочком.\n\nОхотница автоматически опознаёт:\n_-_ Свиток Опознания\n_-_ Зелье Ментального Зрения\n_-_ Свиток Колыбельной -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Охотница - эксперт дальнего боя, а также владеет своим _уникальным магическим луком_ с бесконечными стрелами.\n\nЧтобы разблокировать ее, _ударьте 15 противников с помощью оружий дальнего боя._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Охотница - эксперт дальнего боя, а также владеет своим _уникальным магическим луком_ с бесконечными стрелами.\n\nЧтобы разблокировать ее, _ударьте 10 противников с помощью оружий дальнего боя._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=берсерк actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=_Берсерк_ накапливает ярость, когда получает урон. Ярость увеличивает его урон и может позволить ему ненадолго обмануть смерть. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_tr.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_tr.properties index ea6d691cc..0a4e20363 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_tr.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_tr.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=The Rogue can control the flow of battle and actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=avcı actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=Avcı _eşsiz ruh yayı_ ile başlar. Bu yay sonsuz sayıda sihirli oklar atabilir. \n\nAvcı uzun otları ezmeden içlerinden geçebilir.\n\nAvcı oyuna _çivili eldiven_, kumaş zırh, zembil ve kadife kese ile başlar.\nAvcı otomatikman şunları tanımlar:\n-Tanımlama Parşömeni\n-Akıl görüşü iksiri\n-Ninni parşömeni -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 15 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 10 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=vahşi savaşçı actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=_Vahşi Savaşçı_ hasar aldıkça öfke biriktirir. Öfke hasarını artırır ve kısa bir süre için ölümü aldatmasını sağlayabilir. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_uk.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_uk.properties index a26fead16..662ba4f41 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_uk.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_uk.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=The Rogue can control the flow of battle and actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=мисливиця actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass _without trampling it_.\n\nThe Huntress also starts with _studded gloves_, cloth armor, a waterskin, and a velvet pouch.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n_-_ Scrolls of Identify\n_-_ Potions of Mind Vision\n_-_ Scrolls of Lullaby -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 15 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 10 different enemies with thrown weapons in one game._ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=берсерк actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage. Rage increases his damage, and can let him briefly cheat death. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_zh.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_zh.properties index 47e143465..4825f8b8b 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_zh.properties +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/actors_zh.properties @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=盗贼可使用他特有的_暗影斗篷_操 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=女猎手 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc=女猎手初始携带一把独特的_灵能弓_,拥有无限的魔法弹药。\n\n女猎手可以穿过高草丛而_不将其践踏成草地_。\n\n同时,女猎手初始携带一副_带钉手套_,布甲,水袋与绒布包。\n\n女猎手开局便已鉴定的道具有:\n_-_鉴定卷轴\n_-_灵视药剂\n_-_催眠卷轴 -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=女猎手精通投掷武器,并且具有一把能无限射击的_独特灵能弓_。\n\n_在一局游戏中使用投掷武器击中 15 名不同敌人_以解锁女猎手。 +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=女猎手精通投掷武器,并且具有一把能无限射击的_独特灵能弓_。\n\n_在一局游戏中使用投掷武器击中 10 名不同敌人_以解锁女猎手。 actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=狂战士 actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_short_desc=_狂战士_在受到伤害的时候会积累怒气,怒气能提高狂战士的攻击力,并使其短时间抗拒死亡。 diff --git a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/Badges.java b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/Badges.java index 13e33f3dd..e9630c682 100644 --- a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/Badges.java +++ b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/Badges.java @@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ public class Badges { } public static void validateHuntressUnlock(){ - if (Statistics.thrownAssists >= 15 && !global.contains(Badge.UNLOCK_HUNTRESS)){ + if (Statistics.thrownAssists >= 10 && !global.contains(Badge.UNLOCK_HUNTRESS)){ displayBadge( Badge.UNLOCK_HUNTRESS ); } }