v0.6.3: translation updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Enfadat
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=En frenesí
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=La severitat de les ferides del Frenètic reforcen els seus cops. Com més baixa és la vida del Frenètic, major serà la bonificació del dany que infligirà. Aquesta bonificació és augmentada significantment quan el Frenètic està a punt de morir.\n\nQuan el Frenètic baixi a 0 punts de salut i porti el seu segell, entrarà en frenesí i _es negarà a morir_ per uns instants.\n\nDany actual: _%.0f%%._
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=A la vora de la mort, es sagna incertesa i por, deixant només ira. En aquest estat proper a la mort, el frenètic és increïblement poderós, _doblant el dany que infligeix, guanyant una bonificació de blindatge, i negant-se a morir._\n\nAquesta bonificació de blindatge és major com més bona sigui l'armadura del frenètic, i s'esgotarà lentament amb el temps. Quan aquesta protecció es redueix a 0, el frenètic cedirà i morirà.\n\nQualssevol forma de curació, li tornarà l'estabilitat al frenètic, però es quedarà esgotat físicament. Mentre estigui esgotat, el frenètic patirà una gran reducció de dany per uns instants, i haurà de guanyar experiència per poder tornar a entrar en frenesí.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=La força interior té els seus límits. El Frenètic està esgotat, fent que estigui dèbil i que sigui incapaç d'entrar en frenesí.\n\nEn aquest estat el Frenètic infligeix un dany significativament menor, i _morirà immediatament a 0 de vida._\n\nTorns restants d'esgotament: _%d_\nDany actual: _%.0f%%._
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La força interior té els seus límits. El Frenètic està esgotat, fent que estigui dèbil i que sigui incapaç d'entrar en frenesí.\n\nMentre s'estigui recuperant, el Frenètic seguirà infligint una bonificació de dany, però _morirà immediatament si arriba a 0 de vida._\n\nNivells fins a recuperar-se: _%.2f_\nDany actual: _%.0f%%._
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Vegades que el Frenètic s'ha enfurismat: _%d_\nSalut màxima reduïda a: _%d%%._
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Mort pel frenesí
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imbuït amb Toxicitat
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb energia verinosa!\n\nMentre et mous, el gas tòxic emana constantment de tu, danyant als teus enemics. Ets immune al gas tòxic i al verí durant l'efecte.\n\nTorns de toxicitat imbuïda restants: %s.
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Has mort per la metzina...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Sucumbit a la metzina
actors.buffs.venom.desc=La metzina és un verí extremadament càustic i perillós.\n\nA diferència del verí, que va reduïnt el dany que infligeix amb el temps, la metzina fa més mal com més temps hi estigui en el seu objectiu.\n\nTorns de metzina restants: %1$s.\nDany actual de la metzina: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Has mort per la metzina...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Sucumbit a la metzina
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Caminar en línia recta pot ser difícil quan tot el teu món gira.\n\nSota els efectes del vertigen, els personatges que intentin moure's aniran a una direcció a l'atzar, en lloc de la que tenien intenció d'anar.\n\nTorns de vertigen restants: %s.
@ -252,28 +253,28 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=El Guerrer comença amb un segell trencat qu
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=El Guerrer generarà lentament un escut mentre porti el segell fixat a l'armadura.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=El segell es pot moure entre armadures, portant amb ell una sola millora.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Qualsevol tros de menjar restaura una mica de salut quan es consumeix.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Les pocions de cura són identificades automàticament.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=El Mag comença amb un bastó únic, que pot ser imbuït amb les propietats d'una vareta.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk2=El bastó del Mag pot utilitzar-se com una arma cos a cos o una vareta més poderosa.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk3=El Mag identifica parcialment les varetes després d'utilitzar-les.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk4=Un cop menjat, qualsevol tros de menjar restaura 1 càrrega a totes les varetes de l'inventari.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Scrolls of Upgrade are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Els pergamins de millora són identificats automàticament.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk1=El Murri comença amb una capa d'ombres única, la qual pot utilitzar per tornar-se invisible.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk2=La capa del Murri és un artefacte, es torna més poderosa segons la va utilitzant.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk3=El Murri detecta secrets i trampes des de més lluny que altres herois.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk4=El Murri és capaç de trobar més secrets ocults a la masmorra que altres herois.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=Scrolls of Magic Mapping are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=Els pergamins de mapatge màgic són identificats automàticament.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=La Caçadora comença amb un bumerang únic que es pot millorar.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=The Huntress gains bonus damage from excess strength on thrown weapons.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress can use thrown weapons for longer before they break.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=La Caçadora aconsegueix una bonificació de dany amb les armes de míssil quan té un excés de força.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=La Caçadora pot utilitzar les armes de míssil durant més temps abans que es trenquin.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=La Caçadora pot sentir als monstres propers fins i tot si estan amagats darrere d'obstacles.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Potions of Mind Vision are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Les pocions de visió mental són identificades automàticament.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Un atac exitós amb una arma cos a cos li permet al _Gladiador_ començar un combo. Atacar en combo li permet utilitzar diferents moviments terminals.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries stren
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Na pokraji smrti se strach a nejistota odvracejí a zanechávají jen zlost. V tomto stavu blízké smrti je berserker neuvěřitelně silný, _uděluje dvojité poškození, získává bonusovou ochranu a odmítá zemřít._\n\nTato bonusová ochrana je tím silnější, čím lepší je berserkerova zbroj a postupně se časem snižuje. Když se tato ochrana sníží na 0, berserker se vzdá a zemře.\n\nKaždá forma léčení vrátí berserkerovi potřebné zdraví, ale bude vyčerpán. Během vyčerpání bude berserker na krátko trpět velkým snížením poškození a aby ho znovu mohl pohltit vztek, musí získat zkušenosti.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Úmrtí vztekem
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Naplnění Toxicitou
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Jsi naplněn jedovatou energií.\n\nJak se pohybuješ okolo, je z tebe neustále vypouštěn toxický plyn poškozující tvé nepřátele. Ty sám jsi během trvání tohoto efektu vůči toxickému plynu a jedu imunní.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění toxicitou: %s.
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Umíráš na otravu...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Podlehnutí jedu
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Tento jed je extrémně žíravý a nebezpečný.\n\nNa rozdíl od otravy, jejíž poškození se během času snižuje, s tímto jedem poškození narůstá, čím déle na cíli zůstane.\n\nZbývající tahy jedu: %1$s.\nSoučasné poškození jedem: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Umíráš na otravu...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Podlehnutí jedu
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Chodit rovně může být obtížné, když se celý svět točí.\n\nPod vlivem závratě, půjde postava při pohybu náhodným směrem, namísto toho kterým chce jít.\n\nZbývající tahy závratě: %s.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries stren
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Am Rande des Todes schwinden Angst und Ungewissheit, nur die Wut verbleibt. In diesem Zustand des Nahtodes ist der Berserker unglaublich stark, _richtet doppelten Schaden an, erhält eine Zusatzpanzerung und weigert sich, zu sterben._\n\nDie Zusatzpanzerung ist besser, je besser die Rüstung des Berserkers ist, und sie wird allmählich mit der Zeit schwächer werden. Wenn diese Panzerung auf 0 reduziert wurde, wird der Berserker aufgeben und sterben.\n\nJegliche Art der Heilung wird den Berserker zurück zur Stabilität bringen, aber er wird erschöpft sein. Während er erschöpft ist, wird der Berserker für eine kurze Zeit einen stark reduzierten Schaden anrichten, danach wird er mehr Erfahrung sammeln müssen, bevor er wieder in Raserei verfallen kann.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Zu Tode gewütet.
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Eins mit dem Gift
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Du bist eins mit dem Element des Giftes!\n\nImmer wenn du dich bewegst, bricht ein Schwall von giften Gasen hervor, welcher deinen Gegnern schadet. Solange du diesen Effekt besitzt, bist du gegen die Auswirkungen von Giften immun.\n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden: %s
actors.buffs.venom.name=Vergiftet mit Tiergift
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Du bist am Tiergift gestorben...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Dem Tiergift erlegen
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Tiergift ist ein extrem kaustisches und gefährliches Gift.\n\nAnders als Gift, bei dem sich der Schaden mit der Zeit verringert, vergrößert sich bei Tiergift der Schaden, je länger er auf das Ziel einwirkt.\n\nVerbleibende Züge mit Tiergift: %1$s.\nMomentaner Tiergiftschaden: %2$d
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Du bist am Tiergift gestorben...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Dem Tiergift erlegen
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=In einer geraden Linie zu laufen kann schwierig sein, wenn sich dabei die ganze Welt dreht. \n\nSolange man unter Schwindel leidet, bewegt man sich in eine zufällige Richtung anstatt in die gewünschte Richtung.\n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Schwindel-Runden: %s
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Kolera
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Seriozeco de vundoj de Berserko plifortigas liajn frapojn. Ju malpli sana la Berserko estas, des pli da ekstra damaĝo li kaŭzos. Tiu ĉi ekstra damaĝo estas signife pli forta kiam Berserko proksimiĝas al la morto.\n\nKiam la Berserko atingas 0 da sanpoentoj portante sian sigelon, li “berserkos” kaj _ne mortos_ por mallonga tempo.\n\nNuna damaĝo: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Ĉe la rando de morto, timo kaj hezito malgraviĝos, kaj nur restas kolero. En tiu ĉi stato de kvazaŭ-morto la Berserko estas supere ĉio fortega kaj _kaŭzas duoble da damaĝo, gajnas ekstran ŝirmon kaj ne subfalas sub morto._\n\nTiu ĉi ekstra ŝirmo estas des pli forta ju pli bona la defendaĵo de Berserko estas, kaj malrapidete eluziĝos dum tempo. Kiam la ŝirmo atingis 0, la Berserko kapitulacos kaj finfine mortos.\n\nIa sanigo restarigos la Berserkon, sed li iĝos lacega. Kiam lacego, la Berserko suferos pro ega redukto da damaĝo por mallonga tempo, kaj li devos gajni sperton antaŭ li povos berserki denove.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Ena povo havas sian limigon. La Berserko lacegiĝis, do li estas malpli forta kaj ne povas koleriĝi.\n\nEn tiu ĉi stato la Berserko kaŭzas signife reduktitan damaĝon kaj _tuj mortos je 0 da sanpoentoj._\n\nPluaj temperoj da lacego: _%d_\nNuna damaĝo: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Ena povo havas sian limigon. La Bersero devas ripozi antaŭ li reuzis sian koleron.\n\nDum refortigado la Berserko plue kaŭzas ekstran damaĝon, tamen li _tuj mortos je 0 da sanpoentoj._\n\nTemperoj ĝis refortigo: _%.2f_\nNuna damaĝo: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Kiomfoje la Berserko koleriĝis: _%d_\nMaksimuma sano reduktita al: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Berserkis ĝis morto
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Venenoza
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Vi estas plenigita per veneniga energio!\n\nKiam vi moviĝas, toksa gaso konstante eliĝas de vi, kaj damaĝas viajn kontraŭulojn. Vi estas imuna al toksa gaso kaj veneno dum la agado de tiu ĉi efiko.\n\nPluaj temperoj da venenozo: %s.
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Vi mortis pro venenego…
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venenego estas ege pli toksa kaj morda ol kutima veneno.\n\nKontraŭe kutima veneno kies damaĝo malfortiĝas kun la tempo, damaĝo pro venenego pliiĝas kun la tempo de elmeto al ĝi.\n\nPluaj temperoj da venenegado: %1$s.\nNuna venenega damaĝo: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Vi mortis pro venenego…
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Movado laŭ rekta linio povas esti malfacila kiam la tuta mondo turniĝas.\n\nEn la stato de ebrio, uloj provantaj moviĝi, iros en la hazarda direkto anstataŭ tien, kien ili intencis iri.\n\nPluaj temperoj de ebrio: %s.
@ -252,28 +253,28 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=La Batalisto komenciĝas kun rompita sigelo,
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=La Batalisto iom post iom regeneros ŝirmilon dum portado de defendaĵo kun surmetita sigelo.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=La sigelo porteblas inter defendaĵoj, kun eblo havi unu plibonigon kun si.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Manĝo de iu ajn peco da manĝaĵo iomete resanigas lin.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Eliksiroj de sano estas identigitaj per si mem.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=La Magiisto komenciĝas kun unika bastonego, kiu povas esti plenigita per sorĉo de vergo.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk2=La magiista bastonego povas esti uzata kiel manarmilon aŭ kiel pli potencan vergon.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk3=La Magiisto parte identigas vergoj dum uzo.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk4=Post manĝo, iu ajn peco da manĝaĵo restarigos 1 ŝargo por ĉiuj posedataj vergoj.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Scrolls of Upgrade are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Skribrulaĵoj de plibonigo estas identigitaj per si mem.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk1=La Fripono komencas kun unika Mantelo de Ombroj, kiun li povas uzi por iĝi nevidebla laŭvole.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk2=La mantelo de la Fripono estas antikvaĵo, do ju pli ĝi estas uzata, des pli potenca ĝi iĝas.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk3=La Fripono povas eltrovi kaŝaĵojn kaj kaptilojn de pli malproksime ol aliaj herooj.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk4=La Fripono povas eltrovi pli da kaŝaĵojn en la Labirinto ol aliaj herooj.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=Scrolls of Magic Mapping are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=Skribrulaĵoj de magia mapigado estas identigitaj per si mem.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=La Ĉasistino komenciĝas kun unika plibonigebla bumerango.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=The Huntress gains bonus damage from excess strength on thrown weapons.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress can use thrown weapons for longer before they break.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=La Ĉasistino kaŭzas ekstran damaĝon de ĵetarmiloj pro superflua povo.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=La Ĉasistino povas uzi ĵetarmiloj por pli longe antaŭ ili rompiĝos.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=La Ĉasistino sensas proksimajn monstrojn eĉ ili estas kaŝitaj post bariloj.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Potions of Mind Vision are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Eliksiroj de mensvido estas identigitaj per si mem.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Sukcesa frapo per manarmilo ebligas al la _Gladiatoro_ ekigi fraparon. Akirado de fraparo eblgas lin uzi specialajn venk-frapojn.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries stren
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Al borde de la muerte, el miedo y la incertidumbre se desvanecen, dejando sólo la ira. En este estado cercano a la muerte, el frenético es increíblemente poderoso, _dobla el daño, gana bonificación de blindaje y se niega a morir._\n\nEsta bonificación de blindaje es mayor cuanto mejor sea la armadura del frenético y se agota lentamente con el tiempo. Cuando esta protección se reduce a 0, el frenético cede y muere.\n\nCualquier curación devolverá la estabilidad al frenético, pero estará agotado. Mientras esté agotado, el frenético sufrirá una gran reducción de daños por un corto periodo de tiempo, y luego tendrá que reunir experiencia antes de poder entrar en frenesí de nuevo.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=El Berseker a muerto
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imbuido con Toxicidad
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con energía tóxica!\n\nMientras te muevas, un gas tóxico emanará constantemente de tu cuerpo, dañando a tus enemigos. Tú eres inmune al gas tóxico y al veneno mientras dure este efecto.\n\nTurnos de imbuido con toxicidad restantes: %s
actors.buffs.venom.name=Gravemente envenenado
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=El veneno te ha matado...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Sucumbió al veneno
actors.buffs.venom.desc=El veneno potente es extremadamente corrosivo y peligroso. \n\nA diferencia del veneno común, cuyo daño se reduce con el tiempo, el veneno potente causa daño que se incrementan mientras el objetivo esté envenenado.\n\nTurnos restantes de veneno potente: %1$s.\nDaño actual del veneno potente: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=El veneno te ha matado...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Sucumbió al veneno
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Caminar en línea recta puede ser un reto cuando todo te da vueltas.\n\nBajo los efectos del vértigo, los personajes que intenten moverse irán en una dirección aleatoria, en vez de la que querían ir.\n\nTurnos de vértigo restantes: %s.
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Suuttunut
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Raivopään haavojen vakavuus kasvattaa hänen iskujensa voimaa. Mitä vähemmän raivopäällä on elinvoimaa jäljellä, sitä kovempia tämän iskuista tulee. Tämä vaikutus on huomattavasti voimakkaampi raivopään ollessa kuoleman partaalla.\n\nKun raivopään elinvoima laskee nollaan hänen pitäessään sinettiään, hän raivostuu silmittömästi ja _kieltäytyy kuolemasta_ lyhyeksi aikaa.\n\nTämänhetkinen vahinko: %.0f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Kuoleman partaalla pelko ja epävarmuus valuvat pois, jättäen vain raivon. Tässä elämän ja kuoleman rajalla raivopää on uskomattoman vahva, _tehden kaksinkertaista vahinkoa, saaden ylimääräistä suojaa ja kieltäytyen kuolemasta._\n\nTämä ylimääräinen suoja on sitä vahvempi, mitä raivopään panssari on ja se laskee hitaasti ajan kuluessa. Kun suoja laskee nollaan, raivopää antaa periksi ja kuolee.\n\nMikä tahansa elinvoiman palautus palauttaa raivopään elävien kirjoihin, mutta hän uupuu. Uupuneena raivopää kärsii valtavasta hyökkäyskyvyn laskemisesta vähäksi aikaa. Hänen täytyy ansaita kokemusta pystyäkseen raivostumaan uudelleen.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Sisäisellä voimalla on rajansa. Raivopää on uupunut, mikä heikentää häntä ja tehden hänestä kyvyttömän raivostumaan.\n\nTässä tilassa raivopää tekee huomattavasti vähemmän vahinkoa ja kuolee välittömästi elinvoiman laskiessa nollaan.\n\nVuoroja uupumusta jäljellä: %d\nTämänhetkinen vahinko: %.0f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Sisäisellä voimalla on rajansa. Raivopään täytyy levätä ennen kuin hän kykenee raivostumaan uudestaan.\n\nToipuessaan raivopää tekee yhä ylimääräistä vahinkoa, mutta kuolee välittömästi elinvoiman laskiessa nollaan.\n\nTasoja toipumista jäljellä: %.2f\nTämänhetkinen vahinko: %.0f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Raivopään raivokohtauksia: _%d_\nAlentunut maksimielinvoima: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Raivosi kuoliaaksi
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Yhtä myrkyn kanssa
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Olet saanut käyttöösi myrkyn voiman!\n\nMyrkyllinen kaasu hyökyy jatkuvasti sinusta, vahingoittaen vihollisiasi. Olet immuuni myrkkykaasulle ja muille myrkyille vaikutuksen ajan.\n\nVuoroja myrkyn voiman ehtymiseen: %s
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Kuolit myrkkyyn...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Menehtyi myrkkyyn
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Sairaus on erittäin syövyttävä ja vaarallinen myrkytys.\n\nTavallisen myrkytyksen vastaisesti sairauden tuottama vahinko kasvaa suuremmaksi sitä mukaa, miten kauan se pysyy kohteessa.\n\nVuoroja sairautta jäljellä: %1$s.\nTämänhetkinen sairauden vahinko: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Kuolit myrkkyyn...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Menehtyi myrkkyyn
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Suoraan käveleminen voi olla vaikeaa, kun koko maailma pyörii silmissä.\n\nHuimauksen vaikutuksen alaisena olevat hahmot, jotka yrittävät liikkua, kulkevat satunnaiseen suuntaan pyrkimänsä suunnan sijaan.\n\nVuoroja huimauksen loppumiseen: %s
@ -252,28 +253,28 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=Soturi saa alussa murtuneen sinetin, jonka h
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=Soturi lataa hitaasti maagista kilpeä pitäessään päällään panssaria, johon on kiinnitetty sinetti.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=Sinetin voi siirtää panssarista toiseen, jolloin se tuo yksittäisen parannuksen mukanaan.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Mikä tahansa syöty ruuanmurunen palauttaa hieman elinvoimaa.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Parannuksen taikajuomat on tunnistetaan itsestään.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Maagi saa alussa uniikin sauvan, johon voi yhdistää muiden sauvojen ominaisuuksia.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk2=Maagin sauvaa voi käyttää lähitaisteluaseena tai tehokkaampana sauvana.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk3=Maagi tunnistaa sauvat osittain niiden käyttämisen jälkeen.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk4=Mikä tahansa syöty ruuanmurunen palauttaa yhden latauksen kaikkiin tavaraluettelossa oleviin sauvoihin.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Scrolls of Upgrade are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Parannuksen kääröt on tunnistetaan itsestään.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk1=Roisto saa alussa uniikin Varjojen Viitan, jota voi käyttää näkymättömäksi muuttumiseen.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk2=Roiston viitta on artefakti, josta tulee voimakkaampi käytön myötä.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk3=Roisto havaitsee piilotettuja ansoja ja salaovia kauempaa kuin muut hahmot.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk4=Roisto pystyy löytämään enemmän luolastoon piilotettuja asioita kuin muut hahmot
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=Scrolls of Magic Mapping are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=Maagisen Kartoittamisen kääröt tunnistetaan itsestään.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=Metsästäjä saa alussa uniikin paranneltavan bumerangin.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=The Huntress gains bonus damage from excess strength on thrown weapons.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress can use thrown weapons for longer before they break.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=Metsästäjä saa lisää vahinkoa heittoaseisiin ylimääräisestä vahvuudesta.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=Metsästäjä voi käyttää heittoaseita pidempään ennen niiden hajoamista.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=Metsästäjä vaistoaa lähellä olevat viholliset, vaikka ne olisivat piilossa esteiden takana.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Potions of Mind Vision are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Mielinäön taikajuomat on tunnistetaan itsestään.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Onnistunuessaan lähiaseella suoritetussa hyökkäyksessä _Gladiaattori_ aloitaa combon. Combon kasvattaminen antaa tälle käyttöön uniikkeja armoniskuja.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries stren
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Aux portes de la mort, la peur et l'incertitude son lavées par le sang, ne laissant que la rage. Dans cet état proche de la mort le berserker est incroyablement puissant, _ il inflige le double de dégâts, gagne un bonus de bouclier et refuse de mourir._\n\nPlus l'amure portée est puissante, plus le bonus de bouclier est important. Ce bonus diminue peu à peu. Lorsqu'il arrive à 0, le berserk abandonne et meurt. \n\nToute forme de soin calmera le berserker, mais il sera épuisé. Tant qu'il est épuisé les dégâts du berserker sont diminués sur une courte période. Il devra gagner de l'expérience pour pouvoir redevenir berserk.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Enragé jusqu'à la mort
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imprégné de toxicité
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Une énergie empoisonnée vous habite!\n\nQuand vous vous déplacez, un nuage de gaz toxique vous environne, endommageant vos ennemis. Vous êtes immunisés contre les dégâts de poison ou de gaz toxique pour la durée de l'effet. \n\nTours d'énergie empoisonnée restant : %s.
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Vous êtes mort à cause du venin...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Succombé au venin
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Le venin est un poison virulent très dangereux. \n\nContrairement au poison dont les dégâts diminuent avec le temps, plus la cible est envenimée depuis longtemps, plus les dégâts subits sont importants. \n\nTours de venin restant : %1$s. \nDégâts actuels du venin : %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Vous êtes mort à cause du venin...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Succombé au venin
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Marcher en ligne droite n'est pas évident quand le monde tourne autour de vous.\n\nLes personnages sous l'effet du vertige qui essayent de se déplacer iront dans une direction au hasard au lieu de celle qu'ils avaient choisie.\n\nTours de vertige restant : %s.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries stren
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=A halál torkában a félelem és bizonytalanság szertefoszlik, és csak a düh marad. Ebben a halálközeli állapotban a berzerker elképesztően erős, _dupla sebzést mér, bónusz pajzsot kap és ellenáll a halálnak._\n\nA bónusz pajzs annál erősebb, minél jobb a berzerker páncélja, de idővel lassan megszűnik. Ha a pajzs 0-ra csökken, a berzerker feladja és meghal.\n\nBármilyen gyógyítás stabilizálja a berzerker állapotát, de kimerült marad. Kimerült állapotban egy rövid időre jelentősen csökken a sebzése, majd újabb tapasztalati pontra van szüksége, hogy újra vadultan tudjon harcolnii.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Belehalt az őrjöngésbe
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Eltelve méreggel
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Mérgező energia jár át!\n\nAhogy mozogsz, folyamatosan mérgező gáz tör belőled elő, megsebezve az ellenségeidet. Amíg a hatás tart, védett vagy a mérgező gázzal és méreggel szemben.\n\nA mérgező töltöttség még %s körig tart.
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=You died from venom...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Succumbed to Venom
actors.buffs.venom.desc=A venom egy elképesztően maró és veszélyes méreg.\n\nAz egyszerű méreggel ellentétben, amelynek a sebzése idővel csökken, a venom annál többet sebez, minél hosszabb ideje van a célpontban.\n\nA venom még %1$s körig hat.\nA venom jelenlegi sebzése: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=You died from venom...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Succumbed to Venom
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Nem könnyű egyenesen menni, amikor az egész világ forog veled.\n\nA szédülés hatása alatt a karakter, aki mozogni próbál, a tervezetthez képest kiszámíthatatlan irányba megy.\n\nA szédülés még %s körig tart.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries stren
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Di ambang kematian, ketakutan dan kehabisan darah, yang ada hanyalah amarah. Di keadaan kritis ini, berserker sangat kuat, _serangannya dua kali lebih menyakitkan, mendapatkan pertahanan tambahan, dan menolak untuk mati._\n\nPertahanan tambahan ini akan lebih kuat tergantung armor yang dipakai berserker, dan akan berkurang seiring berjalannya waktu. Saat pertahanan ini mencapai 0, berserker akan menyerah dan mati.\n\nPenyembuhan dalam bentuk apa pun dapat membuat berserker stabil dan hidup kembali, tapi dia akan kelelahan. Saat kelelahan, berserker akan sangat lemah dalam serangan dan harus mendapatkam exp agar dapat "berserk" kembali.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Ngamuk sampai Mati
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Dijiwai oleh Racun
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Kau dijiwai oleh kekuatan racun!\n\nSeiring kau berjalan-jalan, gas beracun akan menyerebak dari dalam dirimu, menyakiti musuhmu. Kau imun terhadap gas beracun dan racun selama efek berlangsung.\n\nSisa waktu dijiwai racun: %s giliran.
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Kau mati karena venom...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Mati oleh Venom
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom adalah racun yang sangat korosif dan berbahaya.\n\nTidak seperti racun biasa, yang damage-nya berkurang seiring berjalannya waktu, damage dari venom ini justru akan bertambah selama target ada di dalamnya.\n\nWaktu venom akan menghilang: %1$s giliran.\nDamage venom saat ini: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Kau mati karena venom...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Mati oleh Venom
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Berjalan di garis lurus akan sangat sulit jika seluruh dunia berputar-putar.\n\nSaat sedang dalam efek vertigo, karakter akan berjalan menuju arah yang acak.\n\nSisa waktu vertigo: %s giliran.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries stren
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=In punto di morte, paura ed incertezza svaniranno, lasciando solo rabbia. In questo stato di quasi-morte il berserker è incredibilmente potente, _arrecando danno doppio, acquisendo scudo bonus e rifiutando di morire._\n\nQuesto scudo bonus è più forte tanto migliore è l'armatura del berserker, e si esaurirà lentamente nel tempo. Quando questo scudo è ridotto a 0, il berserker si arrenderà e morirà.\n\nOgni forma di cura riporterà il berserker allo stato stabile, ma sarà sfinito. Mentre è sfinito, il berserker soffrirà di una grande riduzione in danno per un breve periodo, ed in seguito avrà bisogno di acquisire esperienza prima di essere in grado di entrare in berserk ancora.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Morto in Berserk
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Impregnato con Tossicità
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Sei impregnato di energia velenosa!\n\nCome ti muovi attorno ondate di gas tossico si alzeranno davanti a te, danneggiando i tuoi nemici. Sei immune al gas tossico e al veleno per tutta la durata dell'effetto.\n\nTurni di impregnamento tossico rimanenti: %s.
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Sei morto avvelenato...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Sopraffatto dal veleno
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Veleno è una tossina estremamente caustica e pericolosa.\n\nA differenza di altri agenti tossici, i cui danni diminuiscono al passare del tempo, veleno incrementerà i danni inflitti tanto più rimarrà su di un bersaglio.\n\nTurni di veleno rimanenti: %1$s. \nDanno attuale da veleno: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Sei morto avvelenato...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Sopraffatto dal veleno
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Camminare diritti può essere difficile quando il mondo intero sta vorticando.\n\nSotto l'effetto di vertigine, individui che tentano di muoversi procederanno in direzione casuale, al posto di quella che intendono intraprendere.\n\nTurni di vertigine rimanenti: %s.
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=분노
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering=회복 중
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=광전사는 체력이 적을수록 더욱 강하게 공격합니다. 광전사가 잃은 체력에 비례해서 더 높은 추가 피해를 입힙니다. 추가 피해는 광전사가 죽음에 가까울수록 대폭 증가합니다.\n\n인장이 박힌 갑옷을 입은 광전사의 체력이 0이 되면 격노하여 짧은 시간 동안 _죽음을 유예시킬 수_ 있습니다.\n\n현재 피해량: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=죽음의 문턱에서, 공포와 두려움은 모두 사라지고 분노만 남았습니다. 이 가사 상태에서 광전사는 매우 강력합니다. _두 배의 피해를 입히고, 추가 방어막을 얻으며, 죽음을 유예합니다._\n\n더 좋은 갑옷일수록 얻는 방어막이 강해지며, 이는 시간이 지날수록 감소합니다. 방어막이 0이 되면 삶을 포기하고 죽게 됩니다.\n\n광전사가 어떤 방법으로든 체력을 회복하면 안정을 되찾을 수 있지만, 탈진 상태에 접어들게 됩니다. 탈진 상태에선 짧은 시간동안 피해량이 대폭 감소하며, 다시 격노 상태에 접어들기 위해선 경험치를 얻어야만 합니다.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=내면의 힘에는 한계가 있는 법입니다. 광전사가 탈진 상태에 접어들며, 공격이 약해지며 분노할 수 없게 됩니다.\n\n이 상태에서는 공격력이 대폭 감소하며, 체력이 0에 달하면 죽게 됩니다.\n\n탈진 효과는 _%d_ 턴 동안 지속됩니다.\n현재 피해량: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=내면의 힘에는 한계가 있는 법입니다. 광전사가 다시 격노할 수 있게 되려면 우선 조금 쉬어야만 합니다.\n\n회복 중인 광전사는 다시 추가 피해를 입힐 수 있지만, 체력이 0에 달하면 죽게 됩니다.\n\n회복하기까지 필요한 레벨: _%.2f_\n현재 피해량: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=격노한 횟수: _%d_\n현재 최대 체력: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=격노하며 버텼으나 사망
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=맹독과 동화함
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=당신은 독성 에너지와 하나가 되었습니다!\n\n당신이 움직일 때 마다 독성 가스가 피어오를 것이며, 이 가스는 적들을 중독시키지만 당신은 효과가 끝날 때 까지 독가스와 맹독 효과에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n맹독 동화는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=당신은 맹독에 중독사했다...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=맹독에 중독되어 사망
actors.buffs.venom.desc=맹독은 극히 부식성이고 위험한 독입니다. \n\n시간이 지날 수록 피해가 감소하는 독과 달리, 맹독은 대상에 오래 머무를수록 입는 피해가 증가합니다. \n\n맹독 효과는 %1$s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.\n현재 %2$d의 맹독 피해를 입고 있습니다.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=당신은 맹독에 중독사했다...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=맹독에 중독되어 사망
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=온 세상이 빙빙 돌아가며 일직선으로 걷는 것이 힘들 수 있습니다.\n\n현기증 효과를 받는 동안 움직이려는 캐릭터는 의도한 방향 대신 무작위 방향으로 움직이게 됩니다.\n\n현기증 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
@ -252,28 +253,28 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=전사는 갑옷에 붙일 수 있는 부러
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=전사는 인장이 박힌 갑옷을 입고 있을 때, 천천히 생성되는 방어막을 얻습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=인장은 여러 갑옷에 옮겨 붙일 수 있으며, 1만큼의 강화 수치를 옮겨줄 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=모든 음식은 먹었을 때 약간의 체력을 회복시킵니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=회복 물약이 처음부터 식별되어 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=마법사는 특별한 지팡이를 가지고 시작합니다. 다른 마법 막대를 융합하여 그 특성을 가질 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk2=마법사의 지팡이는 근접 무기로 사용하거나 더 강력한 마법 막대로 활용할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk3=마법사가 마법 막대를 사용하면 부분적으로 감정됩니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk4=모든 음식은 먹었을 때 인벤토리 안의 모든 마법 막대의 충전량을 1 증가시킵니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Scrolls of Upgrade are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=강화의 주문서가 처음부터 식별되어 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk1=도적은 특별한 그림자의 망토를 가지고 시작합니다. 원할 때 마다 투명화할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk2=도적의 망토는 마법 깃든 유물로써, 사용할 수록 더욱 강력해집니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk3=도적은 다른 영웅들보다 비밀과 함정을 더 먼 거리에서 파악할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk4=도적은 다른 영웅들보다 던전에서 더 많은 비밀 방을 찾을 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=Scrolls of Magic Mapping are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=마법 지도의 주문서가 처음부터 식별되어 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=사냥꾼은 강화가 특별한 희귀한 부메랑을 가지고 시작합니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=The Huntress gains bonus damage from excess strength on thrown weapons.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress can use thrown weapons for longer before they break.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=사냥꾼은 발사체 무기를 사용할 때 초과된 힘으로부터 추가 피해를 줄 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=사냥꾼은 발사체 무기를 좀 더 오래 사용할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=사냥꾼은 주변의 적을 탐지할 수 있습니다. 방해물에 가려져 있더라도요.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Potions of Mind Vision are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=심안의 물약이 처음부터 확인되어 있습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=_검투사_ 는 근접 공격을 성공시킬 때 마다 연속 타격을 개시합니다. 연속 타격 수치에 따라 특별한 필살기를 사용할 수 있습니다.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries stren
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Na krawędzi śmierci, strach i niepewność odchodzą, pozostawiając tylko gniew. W tym stanie bliskim śmierci berserker jest niezwykle silny, _wyrządzając podwójne obrażenia, zyskując dodatkową ochronę, i odmawia śmierci._\n\nDodatkowa ochrona jest tym silniejsza, im lepsza jest zbroja berserkera, i będzie się powoli wyczerpywać w miarę upływu czasu. Kiedy ta ochrona zostanie zredukowana do 0, berserker podda się i zginie.\n\nKażda forma leczenia powróci berserkera do stabilności, ale będzie on wyczerpany. W czasie wyczerpania, berserker będzie cierpieć na dużą redukcję obrażeń przez krótki czas, a potem będzie musiał zdobyć doświadczenie, zanim będzie mógł znowu szaleć.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Oszalał na śmierć
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Związanie z toksycznością
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Jesteś nasycony trującą energią!\n\nGdy się poruszasz, toksyczny gaz będzie stale się wydobywał z ciebie, uszkadzając twoich wrogów. Jesteś nieczuły na toksyczny gaz oraz truciznę w czasie trwania tego efektu.\n\nJesteś związany jeszcze przez: %s tur.
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Umarłeś od jadu...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Uległeś jadowi
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Jad jest niezwykle żrącą i niebezpieczną trucizną.\n\nW odróżnieniu od trucizny, której obrażenia słabną z upływem czasu, obrażenia zadawane przez jad zwiększają się im dłużej cel jest przez niego zatruty.\n\nJad będzie jeszcze trwało przez: %1$s tur.\nAktualne obrażenia jadu: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Umarłeś od jadu...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Uległeś jadowi
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Zawroty głowy
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Chodzenie prosto może być bardzo trudne, kiedy cały świat się kręci.\n\nPod wpływem efektów zawrotów głowy, każdy kto spróbuje się poruszyć wybierze przypadkowy kierunek, zamiast tego, gdzie chciał pójść.\n\nZawroty głowy będą jeszcze trwały przez: %s tur.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries stren
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=No limiar da morte, medo e incerteza esvaem-se, deixando apenas a raiva. Neste estado de quase-morto, o berserker é incrivelmente poderoso, _infligindo o dobro de dano, ganhando proteção extra e recusando-se a morrer._\n\nA protecção ganha é mais forte que a melhor armadura que um berserker pode usar e irá desaparecendo com o tempo. Quando chega a 0, o berserker irá finalmente ceder e morrer.\n\nQualquer forma de cura devolverá o berserker a um estado estável, mas deixando-o exausto. Enquanto exausto, o berserker dano infligido por ele será bastante reduzido por um tempo curto e, posteriormente, terá de ganhar experiência antes de conseguir perder o controlo outra vez.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Enfurecido até morrer
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imbuido com Toxinas
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Você está imbuído com energia tóxica!\n\nEnquanto você se move, gás tóxico irá constantemente seguir você, danificando os seus inimigos. Você esta imune a gás tóxico e veneno até o efeito acabar.\n\nTurnos de imbuição tóxica restantes: %s
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Você morreu envenenado...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Sucumbiu ao Veneno
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Peçonha é extremamente cáustico e perigosamente venenoso.\n\nDiferente de veneno, que o dano diminui com o passar do tempo, quanto mais tempo a peçonha agir no alvo, mais o dano aumenta.\n\nTurnos de peçonha restantes: %1$s.\nDano atual de peçonha: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Você morreu envenenado...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Sucumbiu ao Veneno
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Caminhar em linha reta pode ser difícil se o mundo está girando.\n\nEnquanto estiver sobre os efeitos de vertigem, personagens irão se mover em uma direção aleatória ao invés da direção que eles queriam ir.\n\nTurnos de vertigem restantes: %s.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries stren
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Страх и неуверенность отступают при приближении смерти, оставляя только ярость. В близком к смерти состоянии берсерк становится ещё опаснее, _нанося удвоенный урон, получая дополнительный щит и отказываясь умирать._\n\nЧем крепче броня, тем сильнее будет щит, однако он тает со временем. Когда щит пропадёт, берсерк сдастся и умрёт.\n\nЛюбое исцеление вернёт берсерка к жизни, однако он будет истощён на короткий промежуток времени. В этом состоянии он наносит значительно меньше урона. Чтобы снова впасть в неистовство, берсерку потребуется набрать опыт.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Умер от неистовства
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Благословение Яда
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Вы усилены отравляющей энергией!\n\nВо время движения вы распространяете отравляющий газ, наносящий урон вашим врагам. Во время действия эффекта вы невосприимчивы к отравлению и отравляющему газу.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.venom.name=Черный яд
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Вы умерли от смертельного яда...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Умер от смертельного яда...
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Яд - очень едкое и опасное вещество.\n\nВ отличие от простого отравления, урон которого со временем уменьшается, урон от яда со временем только растёт.\n\nХодов осталось: %1$s. \nТекущий урон: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Вы умерли от смертельного яда...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Умер от смертельного яда...
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Ходить по прямой сложно, когда мир крутится вокруг твоей головы.\n\nВ этом состоянии персонаж при попытке двигаться будет перемещаться в случайном направлении.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Sinirlendi
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted=Yorgunluktan bitmiş
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Berserkçinin yaraları onun saldırılarının gücünü arttırır. Sağlığı ne kadar az olursa o kadar bonus hasar verebilir. Bu bonus, berserkçi ölüme çok yakınken çok daha güçlüdür.\n\nEğer bir berserkçi 0hp'ye indirilirse ve mührü üzerindeyse bu onun çıldırmasına sebep olacak ve kısa bir süreliğine _ölmeyi reddedecektir._\n\nŞu anki hasar: %.0f%%
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Ölümün kıyısındayken öfke ve belli belirsiz kanamaların etkisinde olan vahşi savaşçı kendisini öfkesine bırakır. Ölümün kıyısında olan vahşi savaşçının gücü inanılmaz derecede artar, _iki kat fazla hasar verir, bonus korunma sahibi olur ve ölmeyi reddeder._\n\nBu bonus koruma vahşi savaşçının zırh kalitesi arttıkça daha da fazla olacaktır ve bu koruma zamanla azalacaktır. Koruma 0'a indiği zaman vahşi savaşçı pes edecek ve kendisini ölüme bırakacaktır. \n\nHerhangi bir iyileşme etkisi vahşi savaşçıyı stabil duruma getirecektir fakat yorgun durumda olacaktır, bu yorgun durumda kısa süreliğine hasarlara fazlasıyla açık olacaktır ve yeniden berzerk durumuna geçebilmek için tecrübe kazanması gerekecektir.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=İç gücün sınırları vardır. Berserkçi yorgunluktan bitmiş bir halde ve bu onun sinirlenmesine engel oluyor.\n\nBu durumda berserkçi çok daha az hasar verir ve 0 sağlıkta anında ölür.\n\nYorgunluğun bitmesine kalan sıra: %d\nŞu anki hasar: %.0f%%
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=İç gücün sınırları vardır. Berserkçinin yeniden sinirlenebilmesi için dinlenmesi gerekiyor.\n\nİyileşirken berserkçi hala bonus hasar verir, fakat 0 sağlıkta anında ölecektir.\n\nİyileşmeye kalan sıra:%.2f\nŞu anki hasar:%.0f%%
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Berserkçi _%d_ kez çıldırdı.\nMaksimum sağlığı _%d%%_ 'a düştü.
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Ölümüne Çıldırdı
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Toksite ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Zehirli enerji ile sarıldın!\n\nSen hareket ettikçe toksik gaz salacaksın, bu da düşmanlarına zarar verecek. Bu etki sırasında toksik gaz ve zehir etkilerine karşı dirençlisin.\n\nToksik sarılmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.blobs.venomgas.ondeath=Zehirden öldün...
actors.blobs.venomgas.rankings_desc=Zehre Yenik Düştü
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Kara zehir, aşırı derecede asidik ve tehlikeli bir zehir türüdür.\n\nVerdiği hasar zamanla azalan normal zehrin aksine kara zehrin hasarı bir hedefi etkilediği sürece zamanla artar.\n\nKara zehrin geçmesine %1$s sıra kaldı.\nŞu anki kara zehir hasarı: %2$d.
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.ondeath=Zehirden öldün...
actors.buffs.venom.rankings_desc=Zehre Yenik Düştü
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Baş dönmesi
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Düz bir yolda yürümek tüm dünya dönerken zor olabilir.\n\nBaş dönmesinin etkisi altında olan bir karakter gitmeye çalıştığı yer yerine rastgele başka bir yere gidecektir.\n\nBaş dönmesinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
@ -252,28 +253,28 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=Savaşçı, zırhına iliştirebileceği kı
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=Savaşçı, mührü taşırken yavaş bir şekilde bir kalkan oluşturacaktır.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=Mühür zırhtan zırha eklenebilir ve bir adet geliştirme taşıyabilir.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Yenilen herhangi bir yiyecek yendiği zaman biraz can yeniler.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=İyileşme iksirlerini başlangıçta tanır.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Büyücü özel bir değnek ile başlar, bir asanın gücü bu değneğe aşılanabilir.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk2=Büyücü'nün değneği bir yakın dövüş silahı olarak ya da güçlü bir asa olarak kullanılabilir.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk3=Büyücü asaları kullandıktan sonra onları kısmen tanımlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk4=Yenilen herhangi bir parça yiyecek envanterindeki bütün asaların şarjını 1 puan yeniler.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Scrolls of Upgrade are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Geliştirme Parşomenlerini başlangıçta tanır.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk1=Haydut özel bir Gölgelerin Pelerini ile başlar, bu pelerin onun istediği zaman görünmez olmasını sağlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk2=Haydutun pelerini bir artifakttır, yani kullanıldıkça daha da güçlenir.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk3=Bir haydut gizlenmiş şeyleri ve tuzakları diğer kahramanlardan daha uzakta fark edebilir.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk4=Haydut, zindanda diğer kahramanlara göre daha fazla gizlenmiş şey bulabilir.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=Scrolls of Magic Mapping are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=Büyülü Haritalama Parşomenlerini başlangıçta tanır.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=Avcı özel ve geliştirilebilir bir bumerang ile başlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=The Huntress gains bonus damage from excess strength on thrown weapons.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress can use thrown weapons for longer before they break.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=Avcı, fırlatmalı silahları kullanırken fazladan gücü ile fazladan hasar verebilir.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=Avcı, fırlatmalı silahları kırılmadan önce daha fazla kez kullanabilir.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=Avcı yakındaki canavaları engellerin ardında olsalar bile hisseder.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Potions of Mind Vision are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Akıl görüşü iksirlerini başlangıçta tanır.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Bir yakın mesafeli silahla yapılan her başarılı saldırı _Gladyatöre_ bir kombo başlatır. Bir kombo yapmak özel bitirici hareketlerin kullanılmasına olanak sağlar.
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=愤怒
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining: _%d_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will _immediately die at 0 health._\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_\nCurrent damage: _%.0f%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on the him, reducing his max health each time.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Times berserker has raged: _%d_\nMax health reduced to: _%d%%_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking will also permanently wear on him, reducing his max health each time.
@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=毒性之力
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=你体内被灌注了毒性能量! \n\n在你移动时毒气会从你的身体中翻腾而出,伤害你的敌人。持续时间内免疫毒气和中毒效果。 \n\n剩余的毒性之力时长:%s回合
actors.buffs.venom.heromsg=You are envenomed!
actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is an extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent venom damage: %2$d.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=如果整个世界都在旋转的话,想走直线会变得十分困难。 \n\n眩晕效果持续时,目标的移动将会向一个随机区域进行,而不是目标原本想到达的地方。\n\n剩余的眩晕效果时长:%s回合
@ -252,28 +253,28 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=战士起始拥有一个可佩戴于护甲
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Scrolls of Upgrade are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=Scrolls of Magic Mapping are automatically identified.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=The Huntress gains bonus damage from excess strength on thrown weapons.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress can use thrown weapons for longer before they break.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Potions of Mind Vision are automatically identified.
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.flow.name=%s de flux
items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Aquest glif manipula el flux d'aigua al voltant de l'usuari, fent-lo molt més ràpid quan es mou a través d'aquesta.
items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.name=%s d'ofuscació
items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=This glyph obscures the wearer, making them more difficult to detect.
items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Aquest glif obscureix al portador, fent-lo més difícil de detectar.
items.armor.glyphs.potential.name=%s de potencial
items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Mort per: glif de potencial
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=No, he canviat d'idea
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Segur que te la vols beure? En la majoria dels casos hauries de llençar aquestes pocions als teus enemics.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Segur que la vols llençar? En la majoria dels casos, té sentit beure-se-la.
items.potions.potion.shatter=El flascó es trenca i el líquid esquitxa inofensivament.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=poció d'experiència
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Les cròniques de multitud de batalles reduïdes a forma líquida. Aquest beuratge augmentarà el teu nivell d'experiència instantàniament.
@ -540,7 +541,7 @@ items.rings.ringofelements.name=anell dels elements
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Aquest anell proporciona resistència a diferents elements, com ara: el foc, l'electricitat, els gasos, etc. També disminueix la duració dels efectes negatius.
items.rings.ringofevasion.name=anell d'evasió
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=This ring quickens the wearer's reactions, making it harder to land blows on them. A cursed ring will instead make the user easier to strike.
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Aquest anell fa més ràpides les reaccions del seu portador, fent que sigui més difícil d'atacar. Un anell maleït, per contra, farà que l'usuari sigui més fàcil d'atacar.
items.rings.ringofforce.name=anell de força
items.rings.ringofforce.avg_dmg=Quan estàs desarmat, amb la teva força actual, aquest anell infligirà _%1$d-%2$d de dany._
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ items.rings.ringofmight.name=anell de poder
items.rings.ringofmight.desc=Aquest anell millora les característiques físiques del seu portador, augmentant la seva constitució i força física. Un anell maleït en canvi, debilitarà al seu portador.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=anell de precisió
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=This ring enhances the wearer's precision and aim, which will make all projectile weapons more damaging and durable. A cursed ring will have the opposite effect.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=Aquest anell millora la precisió i la punteria del seu portador, la qual cosa fa que les armes de míssil siguin més nocives i duradores. Un anell maleït farà l'efecte contrari.
items.rings.ringoftenacity.name=anell de tenacitat
items.rings.ringoftenacity.desc=Quan es porta, aquest anell permet al seu portador resistir cops que normalment són mortals. Com més ferit està el seu portador, més resistència tindrà al dany. Un anell maleït, per contra, farà que els enemics executin al portador més fàcilment.
@ -606,7 +607,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Infon un ítem
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=El teu ítem "%s" ha sigut infós amb energia arcana!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Aquest pergamí infondrà una arma o una armadura amb una poderosa energia màgica.\n\nA part de ser millorada, l'arma guanyarà un encanteri màgic, mentre que l'armadura serà imbuïda amb un glif.\n\nSi l'objecte ja tenia un encanteri o glif en cap cas serà esborrat per aquest pergamí.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamí de mapeig màgic
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamí de mapatge màgic
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ara ets conscient de l'estructura del pis.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Quan llegeixis aquest pergamí, una imatge cristal·lina i clara s'implantarà en la teva memòria, revelant-te l'estructura del pis i tots els seus secrets. La localització dels ítems i criatures, però, seguirà sent desconeguda.
@ -926,48 +927,48 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Una espasa relativament curta, deteriorad
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=These unusual ranged weapons aren't very damaging, but they do an excellent job of slowing their targets.
items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Aquestes armes a distància inusuals no són molt perjudicials, però fan un treball excel·lent a l'hora de frenar als seus objectius.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Si es llança a un enemic, aquest míssil pla i corbat tornarà a les mans del seu propietari.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due it its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=A causa de la seva construcció sòlida, aquest bumerang no es trencarà per l'ús.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=dard curare
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=These darts are tipped with an earthroot-based compound which will paralyze their target for a short time.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció d'arrel-terra que paralitza al seu objectiu per un període curt de temps.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.durability=Due to their size and simple construction, darts will never break from use. However specially tipped darts will lose their effect after one use.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=Aquests eixos simples de fusta, amb una punxa a la punta, s'han ponderat per volar i picar a la seva presa amb un moviment de canell.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.durability=A causa de la seva mida i la seva senzilla construcció, els dards mai es trencaran. No obstant això, els dards amb punta especial perdran el seu efecte després d'un ús.
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.name=fishing spear
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Lightweight throwing spears designed for fishing. They work well as an improvised weapon too.
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.name=llança de pescar
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Llances llancívoles lleugeres dissenyades per a la pesca. També funcionen bé com una arma improvisada.
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.name=dard incendiari
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.desc=These darts are tipped with a firebloom-based compound which will burst into brilliant flames on impact.
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció de florígnia que s'incendiaran en flames brillants quan impactin.
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=These larger throwing spears are weighted to keep the spike at their tip foremost as they sail through the air.
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Aquestes llances llancívoles més grosses s'han ponderat per mantenir la punxa de la seva punta intactament mentre naveguen per l'aire.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Aquest projectil infligeix _%1$d-%2$d de dany_ i requereix _%3$d de força_ per utilitzar-lo adequadament.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Aquesta arma està dissenyada per utilitzar-se a distància, es molt menys precisa quan es fa servir cos a cos.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Missile weapons will wear out and break as they are used.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=This stack of weapons has _%d/%d_ uses left before one breaks.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Les armes de míssil es gastaran i trencaran segons s'utilitzin.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=Aquesta pila d'armes té _%d/%d_ usos restants fins que una d'elles es trenqui.
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Peces de metall amb forma d'estrella, amb fulles afilades. Són lleugers i fàcils d'usar en moviment. Un sol shuriken pot llançar-se a instantàniament després de moure's.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=martell llancívol
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=ganivet llancívol
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=Aquests ganivets lleugers estan equilibrats per corbar-se a través de l'aire a la seva destinació. Són més efectius contra enemics desprevinguts.
items.weapon.missiles.tomahawk.desc=These throwing axes have a serrated edge that makes using them tricky to use. However, a solid blow with this weapon will cause an enemy to bleed.
items.weapon.missiles.tomahawk.desc=Aquestes destrals llancívoles tenen una fulla serrada que les fa difícils d'usar. Malgrat això, un cop sòlid amb aquesta arma farà que l'enemic sagni.
items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=Massive throwing spears with three deadly prongs on the end. They are powerful, but quite heavy.
items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=Llances de llançament massiu amb tres pues mortals a la punta. Són poderoses, però bastant pesades.
items.weapon.weapon.identify=Estas suficientment familiaritzat amb la teva arma com per identificar-la.
@ -1070,7 +1071,7 @@ items.item.curse=maledicció
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Desequipar-se un ítem
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Només pots portar dos ítems diversos alhora.
items.kindofweapon.equip_cursed=La seva adherència es tensa involuntàriament al voltant de l'arma.
items.kindofweapon.equip_cursed=La teva adherència es tensa involuntàriament al voltant de l'arma.
items.merchantsbeacon.name=balisa del comerciant
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Ne, rozmýšlím si to
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Opravdu to chceš vypít? Ve většině případů by se takové lektvary měli hodit po nepřátelích.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Opravdu to chceš hodit? Ve většině případů dává smysl to vypít.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Lahvička se roztříštila a tekutina se neškodně rozstříkla.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=Lektvar zkušeností
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Zkušenosti z mnoha bitev koncentrované do tekuté podoby. Tento nápoj okamžitě zvýší tvoji úroveň.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=Shuriken
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Nein, lieber doch nicht...
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Willst du ihn wirklich trinken? Normalerweise sollte dieser Trank auf deine Gegner geworfen werden.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Willst du ihn wirklich werfen? In den meisten Fällen macht es mehr Sinn, diesen zu konsumieren.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Das Fläschchen zerbricht und die Flüssigkeit spritzt harmlos herum.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=Trank der Erfahrung
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Die angesammelte Erfahrung vieler Kämpfe reduziert zu einer Flüssigkeit. Wenn dies getrunken wird, steigert er deine aktuelle Stufe.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=Wurfstern
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.flow.name=%s de fluo
items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Tiu ĉi skribaĵo manipulas fluon de akvo ĉirkaŭ portanto, igante lin pli rapida dum movado tra ĝin.
items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.name=%s de nigrumo
items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=This glyph obscures the wearer, making them more difficult to detect.
items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Tiu ĉi skribaĵo nigrumas la portanton, igante lin malpli eltrovebla.
items.armor.glyphs.potential.name=%s de potencialo
items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Mortigita de skribaĵo de potencialo
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Ne, mi ŝanĝis mian volon
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Ĉu vi certe volas trinki ĝin? Plejofte vi devas ĵeti tiajn eliksirojn al viaj kontraŭuloj.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Ĉu vi certe volas ĵeti ĝin? Plej ofte estas utile trinki ĝin.
items.potions.potion.shatter=La flakono dispeciĝis kaj likvo disverŝiĝis sendanĝere.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=eliksiro de sperto
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Spertoj de miloj da interesaj bataloj reduktitaj al likva formo, engluto de ĝi tuje pliigos vian spert-nivelon.
@ -540,7 +541,7 @@ items.rings.ringofelements.name=ringo de elementoj
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Tiu ĉi ringo peras reziston kontraŭ diversaj elementoj, kiel fajro, elektro, gasoj, ktp. Ĝi ankaŭ etigas daŭron de malbonaj efikoj.
items.rings.ringofevasion.name=ringo de evito
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=This ring quickens the wearer's reactions, making it harder to land blows on them. A cursed ring will instead make the user easier to strike.
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Tiu ĉi ringo plirapidigas reagoj de la portanto, malfaciligante al aliaj frapi lin. Sed tamen malbenita ringo igos la portanton pli frapebla.
items.rings.ringofforce.name=ringo de forto
items.rings.ringofforce.avg_dmg=Kun via nuna povo, kiam senarmila, tiu ĉi ringo kaŭzos _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo._
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ items.rings.ringofmight.name=ringo de potenco
items.rings.ringofmight.desc=Tiu ĉi ringo plibonigas korpajn lertecojn de la portanto, donante al li fizikan forton kaj konscion. Malbenita ringo malfortigos la portanton.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=ringo de trafĵetado
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=This ring enhances the wearer's precision and aim, which will make all projectile weapons more damaging and durable. A cursed ring will have the opposite effect.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=Tiu ĉi ringo plibonigas precizon kaj celadon de la portanto, igante ĉiujn ĵetarmilojn pli precizaj kaj solidaj. Sed tamen malbenita ringo havos inversan efikon.
items.rings.ringoftenacity.name=ringo de persisto
items.rings.ringoftenacity.desc=Dum portado tiu ĉi ringo ebligos al uzanto rezisti kutime mortigajn frapojn. Ju pli vundita la portanto estas, des pli rezista kontraŭ damaĝo li estas. Sed tamen malbenita ringo plifaciligos al kontraŭuloj mortigi la aventuriston.
@ -926,48 +927,48 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Sufiĉe mallonga glavo, eluzita dum peza
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=These unusual ranged weapons aren't very damaging, but they do an excellent job of slowing their targets.
items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Tiuj ĉi nekutimaj ĵetarmiloj ne kaŭzas multan damaĝon, sed ili perfekte malrapidigas iliajn viktimojn.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Ĵetita al kontraŭulo, tiu ĉi ebena kurba ligna ĵetarmilo revenos al manoj de sia ĵetinto.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due it its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Pro ĝia solida strukturo, tiu ĉi bumerango ne rompiĝos dum uzado.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=venena sageto
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=These darts are tipped with an earthroot-based compound which will paralyze their target for a short time.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Tiu ĉi sagetoj estas dronigitaj en terfrukt-faritan substancon, kiu paralizos la celon por mallonga tempo.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.durability=Due to their size and simple construction, darts will never break from use. However specially tipped darts will lose their effect after one use.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=Tiuj ĉi simplaj akrigitaj lignaj sagetoj estas ekvilibrigitaj por flugi rekte al la celo kaj piki ĝin dolore.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.durability=Pro ĝia grandeco kaj simpla strukturo, sagetoj neniam rompiĝos dum uzado. Tamen speciale dronigitaj sagetoj perdos sian efikon post unua uzo.
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.name=fishing spear
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Lightweight throwing spears designed for fishing. They work well as an improvised weapon too.
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Malpezaj ĵetlancoj projektitaj al fiŝkaptado. Ili ankaŭ funkcias kiel improvizitajn armilojn.
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.name=bruliga sageto
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.desc=These darts are tipped with a firebloom-based compound which will burst into brilliant flames on impact.
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.desc=Tiuj ĉi sagetoj estas dronigitaj en fajrofrukt-faritan substancon, kiu ekflamos je frapo.
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=These larger throwing spears are weighted to keep the spike at their tip foremost as they sail through the air.
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Tiuj ĉi grandaj ĵetlancoj estas ekvilibrigitaj por ke iliaj pikaj finaĵoj ŝovu antaŭen tra la aero.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Tiu ĉi ĵetarmilo kaŭzas _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo_ kaj postulas _%3$d da povo_ por uzi ĝin ĝuste.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Tiu ĉi armilo estas projektita por esti uzata je distanco, ĝi estas malpli preciza je proksimo.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Missile weapons will wear out and break as they are used.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=This stack of weapons has _%d/%d_ uses left before one breaks.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Ĵetarmiloj rompiĝos dum uzado.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=Tiu ĉi amaso de armiloj havas _%d%d_ uzoj antaŭ unu el ili rompiĝos.
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Stel-formaj pecoj da metalo kun akraj klingoj. Ili estas malpezigitaj kaj facile uzeblaj dum movi. Unuopa ĵetponardo povas esti ĵetita tuj post movi.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=Tiuj ĉi malpezaj tranĉiloj estas ekvilibrigitaj por arkmovi tra la aero al la celo. Ili estas plej efikaj kontraŭ surprizitaj kontraŭuloj.
items.weapon.missiles.tomahawk.desc=These throwing axes have a serrated edge that makes using them tricky to use. However, a solid blow with this weapon will cause an enemy to bleed.
items.weapon.missiles.tomahawk.desc=Tiuj ĉi ĵet-hakiloj karakterizas per segformaj randojj, kiuj postulas lertecon por uzi. Tamen firma frapo de tiu ĉi armilo igos viktimon sangadi.
items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=Massive throwing spears with three deadly prongs on the end. They are powerful, but quite heavy.
items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=Masivaj ĵetlancoj kun tri mortigaj dentoj ĉe la fino. Ili estas potencaj, sed eĉ pezaj.
items.weapon.weapon.identify=Vi sufiĉe ekkonis kun via armilo por identigi ĝin.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=No, he cambiado de idea
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=¿Estás seguro de que quieres beberla? En la mayoría de los casos lanzar estas pociones a los enemigos tiene más sentido.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=¿Estás seguro de que quieres lanzarla? En la mayoría de los casos tiene sentido beberla.
items.potions.potion.shatter=El frasco se rompe y el líquido salpica sin causar daños.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=poción de experiencia
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Las crónicas de multitudes de batallas reducidas a forma líquida, este brebaje aumentará tu nivel de experiencia instantáneamente.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=shuriken
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Ei, muutin mieleni
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Oletko varma, että haluat juoda sen? Useimmissa tapauksissa tämän taikajuoman heittäminen vihollisisasi kohti olisi paras vaihtoehto.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Oletko varma, että haluat heittää sen? Useimmissa tapauksissa olisi järkevämpää juoda se.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Pullo pirstoutuu ja sen sisältämä neste loiskahtaa harmittomasti ympäriinsä.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=kokemuksen taikajuoma
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Monien taisteluiden kokemus uutettuna nestemäiseen muotoon, siemaisu tästä nostaa kokemustasoasi välittömästi.
@ -540,7 +541,7 @@ items.rings.ringofelements.name=elementtien sormus
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Tämä sormus tarjoaa vastustuskykyä erilaisia elementtejä, kuten tulta, sähköä ja kaasuja vastaan. Lisäksi se vähentää haitallisten vaikutuksien kestoa.
items.rings.ringofevasion.name=väistelyn sormus
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=This ring quickens the wearer's reactions, making it harder to land blows on them. A cursed ring will instead make the user easier to strike.
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Tämä sormus nopeuttaa käyttäjänsä reaktioita, tehden tähän osumisesta vaikeampaa. Kirottu sormus puolestaan tekee käyttäjästään helpommin osuttavan.
items.rings.ringofforce.name=voiman sormus
items.rings.ringofforce.avg_dmg=Aseettomana ja nykyisellä vahvuudellasi tämä sormus tekee _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa._
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ items.rings.ringofmight.name=mahdin sormus
items.rings.ringofmight.desc=Tämä sormus vahvistaa käyttäjänsä fyysistä olemusta, lisäten tämän fyysistä voimaa ja yleiskuntoa. Kirottu sormus puolestaan heikentää kantajaansa.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=tarkka-ammunnan sormus
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=This ring enhances the wearer's precision and aim, which will make all projectile weapons more damaging and durable. A cursed ring will have the opposite effect.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=Tämä sormus parantaa kantajansa tarkkuutta ja tähtäystä, tehden heittoaseista tarkempia ja kestävämpiä. Kirotulla sormuksella on päinvastainen vaikutus.
items.rings.ringoftenacity.name=sitkeyden sormus
items.rings.ringoftenacity.desc=Tämä sormus antaa käyttäjälleen kyvyn kestää tavallisesti kuolettavia iskuja. Mitä vakavammin haavoittunut käyttäjä on, sitä paremmin tämä kestää vahinkoa. Kirottu sormus puolestaan tekee käyttäjän tappamisesta helpompaa.
@ -934,7 +935,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Vihollista kohden heitettynä tämä litte
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due it its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=These darts are tipped with an earthroot-based compound which will paralyze their target for a short time.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Nämä nuolet on kastettu maajuureen perustuvaan kemikaaliin, joka lamaannuttaa kohteen vähäksi aikaa.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=shuriken
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Etes-vous sûr de vouloir la boire? Vous devriez généralement lancer ce genre de potion sur vos ennemis.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Etes-vous sûr de vouloir la lancer ? Il est généralement plus intéressant de la boire.
items.potions.potion.shatter=La fiole se brise et son liquide se répand sans conséquence.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=potion d'expérience
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Concentré d'expériences de nombreuses batailles sous une forme liquide, ce breuvage augmentera instantanément votre niveau d'expérience.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=shuriken
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Nem, meggondoltam magam
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Biztos meg akarod inni? Általában az ilyen italokat az ellenségeidre érdemes dobnod.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Biztos el akarod dobni? Általában okosabb döntés meginni.
items.potions.potion.shatter=A flaska széttörik, a benne lévő folyadék ártalmatlanul loccsan szét.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=A számtalan megénekelt csata tapasztalatait folyékony formába sűrítették. Ez a kis korty azonnal megemeli a tapasztalati szintedet.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=shuriken
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Tidak, aku berubah pikiran
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Kau yakin ingin meminumnya? Kau mungkin seharusnya melempar ramuan seperti ini kepada musuh.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Kau yakin ingin melemparnya? Lebih masuk akal jika ramuan itu diminum.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Ramuan pecah dan cairannya memercik tanpa arti.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=ramuan experience
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Experience yang tersimpan dalam bentuk cair, meminum ini akan langsung menaikkan experience levelmu.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=shuriken
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=No, ho cambiato idea
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Sei sicuro di volerla bere? Nella maggior parte dei casi dovresti lanciare questa pozione ai tuoi nemici.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Sei sicuro di volerla lanciare? Nella maggior parte dei casi avrebbe più senso berla.
items.potions.potion.shatter=La boccetta si frantuma e il liquido si sparge senza fare danno.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=pozione dell'esperienza
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=La leggendaria esperienza di una moltitudine di battaglie ridotta in forma liquida. Questo distillato incrementerà istantaneamente il tuo livello di esperienza.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=shuriken
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.flow.name=흐름의 %s
items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=이 상형문자는 물결의 흐름을 조종하여, 물 위를 이동하는 걸 훨씬 빠르게 합니다.
items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.name=흐릿함의 %s
items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=This glyph obscures the wearer, making them more difficult to detect.
items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=이 상형문자는 착용자를 잘 눈에 띄지 않게 합니다.
items.armor.glyphs.potential.name=전위의 %s
items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=사망 원인: 전위의 상형문자
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=아니오. 생각을 바꾸었습니다.
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=정말로 마시겠습니까? 대부분의 상황에서 당신의 적에게 이 물약을 던져야 합니다.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=정말로 던지겠습니까? 대부분의 상황에서 그냥 마시는 것이 좋습니다.
items.potions.potion.shatter=물병이 깨지며 안에 든 액체가 무해하게 쏟아졌다.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=경험의 물약
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=많은 사람들의 경험을 적은 이야기를 액체로 만든 것이며, 이 물약을 마시는 즉시 당신의 경험 레벨을 올릴 것입니다.
@ -540,7 +541,7 @@ items.rings.ringofelements.name=원소의 반지
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=이 반지는 착용자에게 불, 전기, 가스와 같은 원소들에 저항할 수 있는 힘을 줍니다. 또한 약화 효과의 지속시간이 줄어듭니다.
items.rings.ringofevasion.name=회피의 반지
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=This ring quickens the wearer's reactions, making it harder to land blows on them. A cursed ring will instead make the user easier to strike.
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=이 반지는 착용자의 반사신경을 강화시켜 공격을 더 잘 피하도록 만듭니다. 저주받은 반지는 대신 착용자를 공격에 더 쉽게 노출시킵니다.
items.rings.ringofforce.name=완력의 반지
items.rings.ringofforce.avg_dmg=현재 힘에 따라 맨손인 상태에서 이 반지는 _%1$d-%2$d 의 피해_ 를 입힐 수 있습니다.
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ items.rings.ringofmight.name=힘의 반지
items.rings.ringofmight.desc=이 반지는 착용자의 물리적 특징을 강화하여, 더 강한 힘과 더 많은 최대 체력을 부여합니다. 저하된 반지는 착용자의 힘을 약화시킵니다.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=저격의 반지
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=This ring enhances the wearer's precision and aim, which will make all projectile weapons more damaging and durable. A cursed ring will have the opposite effect.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=이 반지는 착용자의 정확성과 조준을 향상시켜 모든 발사체 무기들을 더 정확하고 오래 사용할 수 있게 합니다. 저하된 반지는 반대의 효과를 줍니다.
items.rings.ringoftenacity.name=인내의 반지
items.rings.ringoftenacity.desc=이 반지는 착용자가 받은 치명적인 일격에 저항할 수 있게 합니다. 착용자가 더 많이 다칠수록, 피해에 저항하는 정도도 커집니다. 저하된 반지는 착용자를 더 쉽게 죽게 만듭니다.
@ -926,48 +927,48 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=오래 사용하여 낡아버린 소검
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=These unusual ranged weapons aren't very damaging, but they do an excellent job of slowing their targets.
items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=이 특이한 투척 무기는 비교적 약한 피해를 입히지만 대상을 감속시키는 데는 제격입니다.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=이 구부러진 나무 부메랑은 적에게 던지면 던진 사람의 손으로 되돌아옵니다.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due it its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=부메랑은 그 단단한 구조로 인해 절대로 부서지지 않습니다.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=마비독 다트
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=These darts are tipped with an earthroot-based compound which will paralyze their target for a short time.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=이 다트의 끝부분은 뱀뿌리 추출물이 발려 있어 맞은 적을 잠시 동안 기절시킵니다.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.durability=Due to their size and simple construction, darts will never break from use. However specially tipped darts will lose their effect after one use.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=끝부분에 금속 가시가 달린 나무 막대로써 손목의 튕김으로 쉽게 날려보내 적들을 찌를 수 있도록 만들어졌습니다.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.durability=다트는 단순한 구조와 작은 크기로 인해 절대 부서지지 않습니다. 하지만 특수 효과를 가진 다트들은 한 번 맞춘 후에는 다시 특수 효과를 발동시킬 수 없습니다.
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.name=fishing spear
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Lightweight throwing spears designed for fishing. They work well as an improvised weapon too.
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=물고기들을 잡기 위한 가벼운 투창입니다. 무기로도 그럭저럭 잘 사용할 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.name=인화성 다트
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.desc=These darts are tipped with a firebloom-based compound which will burst into brilliant flames on impact.
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.desc=이 다트의 끝부분은 화염초 추출물이 발려 있어 충격을 주면 밝은 빛으로 타오릅니다.
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=These larger throwing spears are weighted to keep the spike at their tip foremost as they sail through the air.
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=이 기다란 투창의 무게 중심은 가시가 있는 앞 부분에 쏠려 있어 날아가는 동안 힘을 실을 수 있게 됩니다.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=이 투척 무기는 _%1$d-%2$d의 피해_ 를 입히며 _힘이 %3$d이상_ 이어야 제대로 다룰 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=이 무기는 원거리 투척용으로 만들어졌으며, 근거리에서 사용하면 훨씬 덜 정확해집니다.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Missile weapons will wear out and break as they are used.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=This stack of weapons has _%d/%d_ uses left before one breaks.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=발사체 무기는 사용할 수록 내구도가 닳다가 마침내 부서집니다.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=이 무기들은 부서지기까지 _%d/%d_ 번의 사용할 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=날카로운 날이 달려 있는 별 모양의 쇳조각입니다. 가볍기 때문에 재빠르게 던질 수 있습니다. 이동한 직후 즉시 수리검 하나를 던질 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=투척용 망치
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=투척용 칼
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=이 가벼운 칼들은 바람을 가르며 목표의 목을 가르기에도 적합합니다. 무방비 상태의 적들에게 가장 효과적입니다.
items.weapon.missiles.tomahawk.name=투척용 도끼
items.weapon.missiles.tomahawk.desc=These throwing axes have a serrated edge that makes using them tricky to use. However, a solid blow with this weapon will cause an enemy to bleed.
items.weapon.missiles.tomahawk.desc=이 투척 도끼는 톱니 모양 날을 하고 있어 던지기에 까다롭습니다. 하지만 제대로 맞춘다면 대상을 출혈시킬 수 있을 것입니다.
items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=Massive throwing spears with three deadly prongs on the end. They are powerful, but quite heavy.
items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=거대한 투창으로 끝 부분에 무시무시한 3갈래의 갈퀴가 나 있습니다. 이 투척 무기는 강력하지만, 꽤나 무겁습니다.
items.weapon.weapon.identify=당신은 현재 사용하고 있는 무기가 무엇인지 알 만큼 충분히 익숙해졌습니다.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Nie, zmieniłem zdanie
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Jesteś pewien, że chcesz wypić tę miksturę? Zazwyczaj powinieneś rzucać takie mikstury w swoich przeciwników.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Jesteś pewien, że chcesz rzucić tym eliksirem? Zazwyczaj jedynym sensem jest wypicie go.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Kolba pęka i płyn rozpryskuje się nieszkodliwie.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=mikstura doświadczenia
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Zmagazynowane doświadczenia wielu bitew ograniczone do formy płynu, ten trunek zapewni ci automatyczne podniesienie poziomu.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=shuriken
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Não, mudei de ideia
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Você tem certeza de que quer beber isso? Na maioria dos casos você deve arremessar tais poções em seus inimigos.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Tem certeza de que quer jogar isso? Na maioria dos casos, faria mais sentido beber isso.
items.potions.potion.shatter=O frasco se despedaçou, e o líquido respinga inofensivamente.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=poção de experiência
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=As experiências célebres de muitas batalhas reduzidas à forma líquida , este líquido vai aumentar instantaneamente o seu nível de experiência.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=shuriken
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Нет, я передумал
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Вы уверены, что хотите выпить это зелье? Возможно, стоит кинуть им в кого-нибудь другого.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Вы уверены, что хотите бросить это зелье? Возможно, его лучше выпить.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Бутыль разлетается на мелкие осколки, а её содержимое безо всякого эффекта растекается по полу.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=Зелье Мудрости
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Это зелье содержит концентрированный опыт множества сражений. Если его выпить, ваш уровень будет немедленно повышен.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=сюрикен
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Hayır, fikrimi değiştirdim
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=İçmek istediğine emin misin? Genellikle bu türden iksirleri düşmanların üstüne atmalısın.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Fırlatmak istediğine emin misin? Genellikle bu gibi iksirleri içmek daha mantıklıdır.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Cam kırılıyor ve içindeki sıvı zararsızca etrafa sıçrıyor.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=deneyim İksiri
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Burada yaşanan savaşların deneyimleri sıvı bir formda toplamış, bundan bir yudum almak deneyim seviyeni anında yükseltecektir.
@ -540,7 +541,7 @@ items.rings.ringofelements.name=elementlerin yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Bu yüzük ateş, elektrik, gaz gibi çeşitli elementlere karşı direnç sağlar. Ayrıca negatif etkilerin etki süresini azaltır.
items.rings.ringofevasion.name=sakınma yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=This ring quickens the wearer's reactions, making it harder to land blows on them. A cursed ring will instead make the user easier to strike.
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Bu yüzük giyen kişinin reaksiyonlarını hızlandırarak ona vurmayı zorlaştırır. Lanetli bir yüzük onu giyen kişiye vurulmasını kolaylaştıracaktır.
items.rings.ringofforce.name=güç yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofforce.avg_dmg=Silahsızken, şu anki gücünle, bu yüzük _%1$d-%2$d hasar_ verir.
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ items.rings.ringofmight.name=yücelik yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofmight.desc=Bu yüzük giyen kişinin fiziksel kabiliyetlerini arttırarak onlara daha yüksek fiziksel güç ve dayanıklılık verir. Lanetli bir yüzük giyen kişiyi zayıflatır.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=keskin nişancılık yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=This ring enhances the wearer's precision and aim, which will make all projectile weapons more damaging and durable. A cursed ring will have the opposite effect.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=Bu yüzük, giyen kişinin nişan alımını ve kesinliğini attırarak tüm mesafeli silahları daha hasar verici ve sağlam hale getirir. Lanetli bir yüzük zıt efekte sahip olacaktır.
items.rings.ringoftenacity.name=inat yüzüğü
items.rings.ringoftenacity.desc=Giyildiğinde bu yüzük kuşananın normalde ölümcül olan saldırılara direncini arttırır. Kullanıcı ne kadar yaralı ise, hasara karşı o kadar dirençli olur. Lanetli bir yüzük düşmanların giyen kişiyi öldürmelerini kolaylaştırır.
@ -934,7 +935,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Düşmana fırlatılan bu düz, tahta, kıv
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due it its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=zehirli dart
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=These darts are tipped with an earthroot-based compound which will paralyze their target for a short time.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Bu dartların ucunda dünyatohumu ele alınarak yapılmış bir kimyasal bulunuyor, bu kimyasal hedefini kısa bir süreliğine felç edebilir.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=ninja yıldızı
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.flow.name=涌流%s
items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=This glyph obscures the wearer, making them more difficult to detect.
@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=不,我改变主意了
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=你确定要饮用它吗? 大多数情况下你该把它扔向敌人的。
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=你确定要投掷它吗? 大多数情况下把它喝下去会更有用。
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
@ -540,7 +541,7 @@ items.rings.ringofelements.name=元素之戒
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=This ring quickens the wearer's reactions, making it harder to land blows on them. A cursed ring will instead make the user easier to strike.
items.rings.ringofforce.avg_dmg=赤手空拳时,以你目前的力量,佩戴这枚戒指能够造成 _%1$d~%2$d伤害_。
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ items.rings.ringofmight.name=根骨之戒
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=This ring enhances the wearer's precision and aim, which will make all projectile weapons more damaging and durable. A cursed ring will have the opposite effect.
@ -926,48 +927,48 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=一把十分短的剑,在大量使用
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=These unusual ranged weapons aren't very damaging, but they do an excellent job of slowing their targets.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due it its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=These darts are tipped with an earthroot-based compound which will paralyze their target for a short time.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.durability=Due to their size and simple construction, darts will never break from use. However specially tipped darts will lose their effect after one use.
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.name=fishing spear
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Lightweight throwing spears designed for fishing. They work well as an improvised weapon too.
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.desc=These darts are tipped with a firebloom-based compound which will burst into brilliant flames on impact.
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=These larger throwing spears are weighted to keep the spike at their tip foremost as they sail through the air.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Missile weapons will wear out and break as they are used.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=This stack of weapons has _%d/%d_ uses left before one breaks.
items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=throwing hammer
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their all-metal construction makes them quite durable.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=throwing knife
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies.
items.weapon.missiles.tomahawk.desc=These throwing axes have a serrated edge that makes using them tricky to use. However, a solid blow with this weapon will cause an enemy to bleed.
items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=Massive throwing spears with three deadly prongs on the end. They are powerful, but quite heavy.
@ -26,104 +26,104 @@ levels.rooms.special.weakfloorroom$hiddenwell.desc=Pots entreveure un pou al fon
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=alarm trap
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=trampa d'alarma
levels.traps.alarmtrap.alarm=La trampa emet un so perforant que ressona per la masmorra!
levels.traps.alarmtrap.desc=Aquesta trampa sembla estar lligada a un mecanisme sorollós d'alarma. Activar-lo probablement alertarà a tot el pis.
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=blazing trap
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=trampa ardent
levels.traps.blazingtrap.desc=Trepitjar aquesta trampa encendrà una poderosa mescla química que incendiarà una àrea molt àmplia de terreny.
levels.traps.burningtrap.name=burning trap
levels.traps.burningtrap.name=trampa de foc
levels.traps.burningtrap.desc=Trepitjar aquesta trampa encendrà una mescla química, incendiant l'àrea propera.
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=chilling trap
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=trampa refredant
levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=Quan s'activi, les reaccions químiques dins aquesta trampa congelaran automàticament al seu objectiu.
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=confusion gas trap
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=trampa de gas de confusió
levels.traps.confusiontrap.desc=Activar aquesta trampa alliberarà un núvol de gas de confusió en aquella zona.
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=cursing trap
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=trampa de maledicció
levels.traps.cursingtrap.curse=L'equipament que portes ha sigut maleït!
levels.traps.cursingtrap.desc=Aquesta trampa conté la mateixa màgia maligna trobada a l'equipament maleït. Activar-la farà que maleeixi alguns ítems propers.
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=disarming trap
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=trampa de desarmament
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.disarm=La teva arma ha sigut teletransportada!
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.desc=Aquesta trampa conté una màgia de teletransport molt específica, teletransporta les armes de la seva víctima a una altra localització.
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=disintegration trap
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=trampa de desintegració
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.one=La trampa desintegra el teu ítem: %s!
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.some=La trampa desintegra alguns dels teus ítem: %s!
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.ondeath=Has mort per la trampa de desintegració...
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.desc=Un cop activada, aquesta trampa travessarà a l'objectiu amb rajos de desintegració, infligint un dany significatiu i destruint ítems.\n\nPer sort el mecanisme que l'activa no està ocult.
levels.traps.distortiontrap.name=distortion trap
levels.traps.distortiontrap.name=trampa de distorsió
levels.traps.distortiontrap.desc=Construïda a partir d'una màgia estranya d'origen desconegut, aquesta trampa canviarà i transformarà el món del teu voltant.
levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=explosive trap
levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=trampa d'explosió
levels.traps.explosivetrap.desc=Aquesta trampa conté un explosiu amb pólvora i un mecanisme que fa de guspira. Activar aquest mecanisme causarà una explosió en aquella àrea.
levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=flashing trap
levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=trampa de pólvora
levels.traps.flashingtrap.desc=Quan s'activi, aquesta trampa encendrà un potent tipus de pólvora emmagatzemada, cegant, esguerrant i ferint temporalment a la seva víctima.\n\nLa trampa deu contenir molt pólvora, ja que es pot activar moltes vegades sense trencar-se.
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=flock trap
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=trampa de ramat
levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=Es tracta potser d'alguna mena de broma d'algun mag aficionat, activar aquesta trampa crearà un ramat d'ovelles màgiques.
levels.traps.frosttrap.name=frost trap
levels.traps.frosttrap.name=trampa de glaçada
levels.traps.frosttrap.desc=Quan s'activi, les reaccions químiques dins aquesta trampa congelaran ràpidament l'aire a un bon radi des de la seva posició.
levels.traps.grimtrap.name=grim trap
levels.traps.grimtrap.name=trampa sinistra
levels.traps.grimtrap.ondeath=T'has mort per l'explosió de la trampa sinistra...
levels.traps.grimtrap.desc=Hi ha una màgia extremadament poderosa i destructiva emmagatzemada dins d'aquesta trampa, suficient per matar a l'heroi més sa. Activar-la dispararà una explosió de màgia letal cap al personatge més proper.\n\nPer sort el mecanisme d'activació no està amagat.
levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=gripping trap
levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=trampa d'agafada
levels.traps.grippingtrap.desc=Aquesta trampa s'enganxa als peus de qui l'activa, danyant-lo i alentint el seu moviment.\n\nPer la seva naturalesa simple, aquesta trampa es pot activar moltes vegades sense trencar-se.
levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=guardian trap
levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=trampa de guardians
levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=La trampa emet un so perforant que ressona per la masmorra!
levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=Aquesta trampa està lligada a un mecanisme màgic estrany, que invocarà a guardians i alertarà a tots els enemics del pis.
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=guardià invocat
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=Aquesta aparició blava sembla ser un clon invocat d'un dels guardians de pedra de la masmorra.\n\nMentre que l'estàtua en si és gairebé etèria, _l'%s_ que porta, sembla real.
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=ooze trap
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=trampa de llot
levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Aquesta trampa esquitxarà amb un llot càustic quan sigui activada, aquest llot cremarà fins que sigui rentat.
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=pitfall trap
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=trampa de caiguda
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Aquesta placa de pressió jau sobre un terra bastant feble i probablement col·lapsarà fent un forat si es pressiona.
levels.traps.poisondarttrap.name=poison dart trap
levels.traps.poisondarttrap.name=trampa de dard verinós
levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Una petita sarbatana deu estar amagada per aquí prop, activar aquesta trampa farà que aquesta dispari un dard verinós al seu objectiu més proper.\n\nPer sort el mecanisme d'activació no està amagat.
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.name=rockfall trap
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.name=trampa d'allau
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Has sigut aplastat per la trampa d'allau...
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Aquesta trampa està connectada amb una sèrie de roques poc estables, activar-la farà que et caiguin a sobre.\n\nPer sort el mecanisme d'activació no està ocult.
levels.traps.shockingtrap.name=shocking trap
levels.traps.shockingtrap.name=trampa elèctrica
levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Un mecanisme amb una gran quantitat d'energia emmagatzemada a dins. Activar aquesta trampa descarregarà aquesta energia al seu voltant.
levels.traps.stormtrap.name=storm trap
levels.traps.stormtrap.name=trampa de tempesta
levels.traps.stormtrap.desc=Un mecanisme amb una quantitat massiva d'energia emmagatzemada a dins. Activar aquesta trampa descarregarà aquesta energia en forma de tempesta elèctrica gegant.
levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=summoning trap
levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=trampa d'invocació
levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=Activar aquesta trampa invocarà en aquella zona uns quants monstres d'aquesta àrea.
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=teleportation trap
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=trampa de teletransport
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.desc=El que activi aquesta trampa serà teletransportat a un altre lloc d'aquest pis.
levels.traps.toxictrap.name=toxic gas trap
levels.traps.toxictrap.name=trampa de gas tòxic
levels.traps.toxictrap.desc=Activar aquesta trampa alliberarà un núvol de gas tòxic en aquella zona.
levels.traps.trap.rankings_desc=Mort per: %s
levels.traps.venomtrap.name=venom gas trap
levels.traps.venomtrap.name=trampa de gas metzinós
levels.traps.venomtrap.desc=Activar aquesta trampa farà que s'alliberi un núvol de gas per aquella zona.
levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=warping trap
levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=trampa de distorsió
levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=El que activi aquesta trampa serà teletransportat a un altre lloc d'aquest pis.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=weakening trap
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=trampa de debilitació
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La màgia fosca d'aquesta trampa aspira l'energia de qualsevol cosa amb què entri en contacte.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=worn dart trap
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=trampa de dard desgastada
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Una petita sarbatana deu estar amagada per aquí prop, activar aquesta trampa farà que aquesta dispari un dard verinós al seu objectiu més proper.\n\nA causa de la seva edat ja no fa tant de mal, ni tan sols està oculta...
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ levels.hallslevel.water_desc=Sembla lava, però està freda i probablement es pu
levels.hallslevel.statue_desc=La columna està feta de cranis humanoides reals. Increïble.
levels.hallslevel.bookshelf_desc=Els llibres en llengües antigues es redueixen a cendres a la prestatgeria.
levels.level.hidden_trap=A hidden %s activates!
levels.level.hidden_trap=Una %s oculta s'activa!
@ -26,104 +26,104 @@ levels.rooms.special.weakfloorroom$hiddenwell.desc=Vi apenaŭ vidas la profunda
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=alarm trap
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=alarma kaptilo
levels.traps.alarmtrap.alarm=La kaptilo aŭdigas trairantan sonegon, kiu eĥiĝas tra la labirinto!
levels.traps.alarmtrap.desc=Tiu ĉi kaptilo estas ligita kun laŭta alarma meĥanismo. Aktivigo de ĝi verŝajne ekalarmos ĉiujn en tiu ĉi keletaĝo.
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=blazing trap
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=incendia kaptilo
levels.traps.blazingtrap.desc=Enpaŝo al tiu ĉi kaptilo ekbruligos potencan ĥemian miksaĵon kovrantan vestan areon per la fajro.
levels.traps.burningtrap.name=burning trap
levels.traps.burningtrap.name=fajra kaptilo
levels.traps.burningtrap.desc=Enpaŝo al tiu ĉi kaptilo ekbruligos ĥemian miksaĵon, kiu kovros la ĉirkaŭaĵon per fajro.
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=chilling trap
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=glacia kaptilo
levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=Kiam aktivigita, ĥemiaĵoj de tiu ĉi kaptilo tuj frostigos aeron ĉirkaŭ tie ĉi.
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=confusion gas trap
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=konfuz-gasa kaptilo
levels.traps.confusiontrap.desc=Aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo eligos nubeton de konfuziga gaso en la proksimaĵon.
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=cursing trap
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=malbena kaptilo
levels.traps.cursingtrap.curse=Via portata armaĵo estas malbenita!
levels.traps.cursingtrap.desc=Tiu ĉi kaptilo enhavas la saman minacan magion trovatan en malbenitaj objektoj. Aktivigo de ĝi malbenos kelkajn aĵojn en la proksimaĵo.
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=disarming trap
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=senarmiga kaptilo
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.disarm=Via armilo estas teleportita for!
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.desc=Tiu ĉi kaptilo enhavas tre specialan teleportadan magion, kiu movos la armilon de sia viktimo al iu alia loko.
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=disintegration trap
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=dispeciga kaptilo
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.one=Via %s estas dispecigita de la kaptilo!
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.some=La kaptilo dispecigis kelkajn da viaj %s!
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.ondeath=Vi estis mortigita de la dispeciga kaptilo…
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.desc=Kiam aktivigita, tiu ĉi kaptilo eligos al la viktimo dispecig-radion, kiu kaŭzos seriozan damaĝon kaj detruos aĵojn.\n\nBonŝance la aktivigilo ne estas kaŝita.
levels.traps.distortiontrap.name=distortion trap
levels.traps.distortiontrap.name=perturba kaptilo
levels.traps.distortiontrap.desc=Kreita de kurioza magio de nekonata deveno, tiu ĉi kaptilo disordigos kaj ŝanĝos la mondon ĉirkaŭ vi.
levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=explosive trap
levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=eksploda kaptilo
levels.traps.explosivetrap.desc=Tiu ĉi kaptilo enhavas iun pulvoran eksplodaĵon kaj ŝaltmeĥanikaĵon. Aktivigo de ĝi kaŭzos eksplodon en la ĉirkaŭa areo.
levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=flashing trap
levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=fulma kaptilo
levels.traps.flashingtrap.desc=Je aktivigo, tiu ĉi kaptilo liberigos potencan fulman pulvoron, kiu por momente blindigos, kripligos kaj teruros sian viktimon.\n\nTiu ĉi kaptilo posedas grandan rezervon da pulvoro, ĉi ĝi povas aktivigi plurfoje sendifekte.
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=flock trap
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=ŝafa kaptilo
levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=Probable ŝerco de iu novula magiisto, aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo kreos anaron da magiaj ŝafoj.
levels.traps.frosttrap.name=frost trap
levels.traps.frosttrap.name=frostega kaptilo
levels.traps.frosttrap.desc=Je aktivigo, ĥemiaĵoj de tiu ĉi kaptilo tuj frostigos aeron ĉirkaŭe tiu ĉi loko.
levels.traps.grimtrap.name=grim trap
levels.traps.grimtrap.name=finfrapa kaptilo
levels.traps.grimtrap.ondeath=Vi estis mortigita per la eksplodo de finfrapa kaptilo…
levels.traps.grimtrap.desc=Ekstreme potenca detruanta magio estas konservata en tiu ĉi kaptilo, sufiĉe por en unu momento detrui ĉiujn krom la plej sanaj herooj. Aktivigo de ĝi sendos fulmon de mortigantan fisorĉon rekte al la plej proksima heroo.\n\nBonŝance la aktivigilo ne estas kaŝita.
levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=gripping trap
levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=tenanta kaptilo
levels.traps.grippingtrap.desc=Tiu ĉi kaptilo alkroĉiĝas al piedoj de aktiviganto, vundante ilin kaj malrapidigante lin.\n\nPro ĝia simpleco, tiu ĉi kaptilo povas aktiviĝi plurfoje sendifekte.
levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=guardian trap
levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=gardista kaptilo
levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=La kaptilo aŭdigas trairantan sonegon, kiu eĥiĝas tra la labirinto!
levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=Tiu ĉi kaptilo estas kunligita kun stranga magia meĥanikaĵo, kiu alvokos gardistojn kaj alarmos ĉiujn monstroj en la etaĝo.
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=alvokita gardisto
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=Tiu ĉi blua aperaĵo verŝajne estas alvokita eĥo de iu el ŝton-gardistoj de la labirinto.\n\nMalgraŭ tio, ke la statuo mem estas preskaŭ senkorpa, la _%s_ tenata ĝi ŝajnas aŭtente.
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=ooze trap
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=acida kaptilo
levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Tiu ĉi kaptilo elŝprucos mordan ĥemiaĵon je aktivigo, kiu estos mordanta ĝis ĝi estos forlavita.
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=pitfall trap
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=abisma kaptilo
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Tiu ĉi prem-plato kuŝas sur tre malsolida planko kaj ĝi sendube disfalos enprofunden je premo.
levels.traps.poisondarttrap.name=poison dart trap
levels.traps.poisondarttrap.name=venen-sageta kaptilo
levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Eta saget-ellasilo estas kaŝita proksime, do aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo pafos venenan sageton al la plej proksima celo.\n\nBonŝance la aktivigilo ne estas kaŝita.
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.name=rockfall trap
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.name=rok-falanta kaptilo
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Vi estis dispremita de la falanta roko…
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Tiu ĉi kaptilo estas ligita al serio da malstreĉaj rokoj, aktivigi ĝin igos ilin fali malsupren tra la tuta ĉambro.\n\nBonŝance la aktivigilo ne estas kaŝita.
levels.traps.shockingtrap.name=shocking trap
levels.traps.shockingtrap.name=elektroŝoka kaptilo
levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Meĥanikaĵo kun granda kvanto da energio konservata ene. Aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo malŝargos tiun energion al kampo ĉirkaŭen.
levels.traps.stormtrap.name=storm trap
levels.traps.stormtrap.name=tempesta kaptilo
levels.traps.stormtrap.desc=Meĥanikaĵo kun granda kvanto da energio konservata ene. Aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo malŝargos tiun energion al granda elektra tempesto.
levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=summoning trap
levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=monstra kaptilo
levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=Aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo elvokos kelkajn ĉi-tieajn monstrojn ĉe la proksimaĵon.
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=teleportation trap
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=teleporta kaptilo
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.desc=Tiu, kiu aktivigos tiun ĉi kaptilon estos teleportita al iu alia loko en tiu ĉi keletaĝo.
levels.traps.toxictrap.name=toxic gas trap
levels.traps.toxictrap.name=toks-gasa kaptilo
levels.traps.toxictrap.desc=Aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo eligos nubeton de toksa gaso en la proksimaĵon.
levels.traps.trap.rankings_desc=Mortigita de %s
levels.traps.venomtrap.name=venom gas trap
levels.traps.venomtrap.name=venen-gasa kaptilo
levels.traps.venomtrap.desc=Aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo eligos nubeton de serioze venenega gaso en la proksimaĵon.
levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=warping trap
levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=for-teleporta kaptilo
levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Tiu, kiu aktivigos tiun ĉi kaptilon estos translokita al iu alia loko en tiu ĉi keletaĝo.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=weakening trap
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=malfortiga kaptilo
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Malluma magio en tiu ĉi kaptilo elsuĉos la forton el io ajn, kio tuŝos ĝin.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=worn dart trap
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=eluzita pikila kaptilo
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Eta saget-ellasilo estas kaŝita proksime, do aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo pafos al la plej proksima celo.\n\nTamen pro ĝia aĝo ĝi ne estas tre danĝera, eĉ ne estas kaŝita…
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ levels.hallslevel.water_desc=Ĝi similas lafon, sed estas malvarmeta, supozeble
levels.hallslevel.statue_desc=La kolono farita el aŭtentikaj homecaj kranioj. Kurioza.
levels.hallslevel.bookshelf_desc=Libroj en antikvaj lingvoj ardetas en la libroŝranko.
levels.level.hidden_trap=A hidden %s activates!
levels.level.hidden_trap=Κaŝita %s aktiviĝis!
@ -26,104 +26,104 @@ levels.rooms.special.weakfloorroom$hiddenwell.desc=아래층의 우물로 빠져
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=alarm trap
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=경보 함정
levels.traps.alarmtrap.alarm=함정이 던전 전체에 울려퍼지는 꿰뚫는 듯한 소리를 내었다!
levels.traps.alarmtrap.desc=이 함정은 시끄러운 경보 장치에 연결된 것 같다. 이것을 작동시키면 현재 층의 모든 것의 주의를 끌게 될 것이다.
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=blazing trap
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=불타는 함정
levels.traps.blazingtrap.desc=이 함정에 발을 딛는것은 강력한 화학 혼합물에 불을 붙여, 넓은 구역을 불타게 만들 것이다.
levels.traps.burningtrap.name=burning trap
levels.traps.burningtrap.name=발화 함정
levels.traps.burningtrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 화합물이 발화하여 주변을 불길로 휩쌀 것이다.
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=chilling trap
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=냉동 함정
levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=이 함정이 작동되면, 화합물을 방출하여 주변의 공기를 빠르게 냉각시킬 것이다.
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=confusion gas trap
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=혼란 가스 함정
levels.traps.confusiontrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 이 주변에 혼란 가스가 뿌려질 것이다.
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=cursing trap
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=저주 함정
levels.traps.cursingtrap.curse=당신이 장비한 모든 장비가 저주받았다!
levels.traps.cursingtrap.desc=이 함정은 저주받은 장비들과 같은 사악한 마법이 깃들어 있다. 밟는 순간 주변의 아이템 몇개에 저주를 내린다.
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=disarming trap
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=무장 해제 함정
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.disarm=당신의 무기가 어디론가 순간이동해버렸다!
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면, 작동시킨 자의 무기를 어디론가 순간이동시켜버린다.
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=disintegration trap
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=분해 함정
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.one=함정이 당신의 %s을/를 분해해버렸다!
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.some=함정이 당신의 %s 중 일부를 분해해버렸다!
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.ondeath=당신은 분해 함정에 분해되어 죽었다...
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면, 분해 광선으로 가장 가까운 목표를 꿰뚫어 엄청난 피해를 주며, 아이템을 파괴할 것이다.\n\n다행히도 이 장치는 항상 드러나 있다.
levels.traps.distortiontrap.name=distortion trap
levels.traps.distortiontrap.name=왜곡 함정
levels.traps.distortiontrap.desc=근원을 알 수 없는 이상한 마법으로 만들어진 이 함정은, 당신을 둘러싼 세상을 바꾸고 뒤틀 것이다.
levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=explosive trap
levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=폭발 함정
levels.traps.explosivetrap.desc=이 함정은 폭발 화역과 뇌관으로 이루어져 있다. 밟는 순간 주변에 폭발을 일으킨다.
levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=flashing trap
levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=섬광 함정
levels.traps.flashingtrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 강렬한 섬광 분말을 방출시켜 대상을 실명시키고 불구 상태로 만들며 피해를 입힐 것이다.\n\n섬광 분말이 많이 장전되어 있는 탓에 몇 번을 작동해도 망가지지 않을 것이다.
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=flock trap
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=양떼 함정
levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=견습 마법사가 장난으로 만들어 놓은 것 같은 함정인 것 같다. 이 함정을 밟으면 마법의 양떼가 주변에 생겨난다.
levels.traps.frosttrap.name=frost trap
levels.traps.frosttrap.name=서리 함정
levels.traps.frosttrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 화학 반응으로 인해 주변의 넓은 지역의 공기를 급속도로 냉각시킬 것이다.
levels.traps.grimtrap.name=grim trap
levels.traps.grimtrap.name=냉혹한 함정
levels.traps.grimtrap.ondeath=당신은 냉혹한 함정의 공격으로 사망했다...
levels.traps.grimtrap.desc=매우 강력한 파괴 마법이 이 함정에 깃들어 있으며, 가장 건강한 영웅을 제외한 모든 것을 일격사시킬 수 있을 정도다. 함정을 밟게 되면 가장 가까운 캐릭터에게 치명적인 마법을 발사할 것이다.\n\n다행히도 이 장치는 항상 드러나 있다.
levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=gripping trap
levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=쇠덫 함정
levels.traps.grippingtrap.desc=이 함정은 대상의 발을 공격하여 피해를 입히고 이동 속도를 저하시킨다.\n\n간단한 구조 덕분에 몇 번을 작동해도 망가지지 않을 것이다.
levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=guardian trap
levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=수호자 함정
levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=함정이 던전 전체에 울려퍼지는 꿰뚫는 듯한 소리를 내었다!
levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=이 함정은 수상한 마법 장치와 연결되어 있어, 수호자를 소환하고 현재 층의 모든 적에게 당신의 위치를 알린다.
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=소환된 수호자
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=이 푸른 영혼은 던전에 있는 바위 수호자의 모습을 빌어 소환된 것 같습니다.\n\n이 석상 자체는 거의 비현실적이지만, 들고 있는 _%s_ 은/는 진짜 같아 보입니다.
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=ooze trap
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=산성 함정
levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 산성 덩어리를 내뿜는다. 물에 씻어낼 때 까지 계속해서 살을 녹인다.
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=pitfall trap
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=낭떠러지 함정
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=이 함정은 상대적으로 약한 땅 위에 놓여 있으며, 밟으면 아래층으로 떨어지는 구덩이를 만들어 버린다.
levels.traps.poisondarttrap.name=poison dart trap
levels.traps.poisondarttrap.name=독 다트 함정
levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=작은 다트 발사기가 주변에 숨겨져 있다. 함정을 작동시키면 가장 가까운 대상에 독 다트를 발사할 것이다.\n\n다행히도 이 장치는 항상 드러나 있다.
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.name=rockfall trap
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.name=낙석 함정
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=당신은 낙석 함정의 돌에 깔려 죽었다...
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 위쪽에 느슨하게 묶인 바위들이 방 전체에 떨어질 것이다!\n\n다행히도 이 장치는 항상 드러나 있다.
levels.traps.shockingtrap.name=shocking trap
levels.traps.shockingtrap.name=전격 함정
levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=이 장치에는 강력한 에너지가 응축되어 있는 것 같다. 함정을 작동시키면 주변 지역에 전격을 발생시킬 것이다.
levels.traps.stormtrap.name=storm trap
levels.traps.stormtrap.name=폭풍 함정
levels.traps.stormtrap.desc=이 장치에는 어마어마한 에너지가 응축되어 있는 것 같다. 함정을 작동시키면 주변 넓은 지역에 강력한 번개 폭풍을 발생시킬 것이다.
levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=summoning trap
levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=소환 함정
levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 이 구역에서 출현하는 몇몇 몬스터를 이 자리에 소환한다.
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=teleportation trap
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=공간이동 함정
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.desc=이 함정을 밟은 대상 혹은 물건은 현재 층의 다른 위치로 공간이동 할 것이다.
levels.traps.toxictrap.name=toxic gas trap
levels.traps.toxictrap.name=독가스 함정
levels.traps.toxictrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 근처에 독가스 구름을 방출한다.
levels.traps.trap.rankings_desc=%s 에 의해 사망
levels.traps.venomtrap.name=venom gas trap
levels.traps.venomtrap.name=맹독 가스 함정
levels.traps.venomtrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 주변 지대에 치명적인 맹독 가스 구름을 방출한다.
levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=warping trap
levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=순간이동 함정
levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=이 함정을 밟은 대상은 현재 층의 다른 위치로 공간이동한다.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=weakening trap
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=약화 함정
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=이 함정에 깃든 암흑 마법이 함정을 건드린 대상의 에너지를 빼앗아간다.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=worn dart trap
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=오래된 다트 함정
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=작은 다트 발사기가 주변이 숨겨져 있다. 함정을 작동시키면 가장 가까운 대상에게 다트를 발사할 것이다.\n\n오래 방치되어 있어 위험해 보이지도 않고, 숨겨져 있지도 않다.
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ levels.hallslevel.water_desc=용암처럼 보이지만, 실제로는 차가워
levels.hallslevel.statue_desc=이 기둥은 진짜 인간의 해골로 만들어졌다. 여러 가지 의미로 대단한 기둥이다.
levels.hallslevel.bookshelf_desc=책장 속의 고대 언어로 쓰여진 책이 서서히 불타고 있다.
levels.level.hidden_trap=A hidden %s activates!
levels.level.hidden_trap=숨겨진 %s이 발동했다!
@ -26,104 +26,104 @@ levels.rooms.special.weakfloorroom$hiddenwell.desc=你隐约可以看到深处
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=alarm trap
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=blazing trap
levels.traps.burningtrap.name=burning trap
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=chilling trap
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=confusion gas trap
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=cursing trap
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=disarming trap
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=disintegration trap
levels.traps.distortiontrap.name=distortion trap
levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=explosive trap
levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=flashing trap
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=flock trap
levels.traps.frosttrap.name=frost trap
levels.traps.grimtrap.name=grim trap
levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=gripping trap
levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=guardian trap
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=这个蓝色的幻影似乎是召唤出来的地牢里的石像守卫虚影之一。 \n\n尽管雕像本身几乎没有形体,但它握着的_%s_,看起来像是真的。
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=ooze trap
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=pitfall trap
levels.traps.poisondarttrap.name=poison dart trap
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.name=rockfall trap
levels.traps.shockingtrap.name=shocking trap
levels.traps.stormtrap.name=storm trap
levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=summoning trap
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=teleportation trap
levels.traps.toxictrap.name=toxic gas trap
levels.traps.venomtrap.name=venom gas trap
levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=warping trap
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=weakening trap
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=worn dart trap
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ levels.hallslevel.water_desc=看起来像是岩浆,不过却是冰凉的,应
levels.level.hidden_trap=A hidden %s activates!
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combina tres llavors per crear una poció!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Selecciona un ítem
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Vale, un tracte és un tracte, això és el que puc fer per tu: puc reforjar-te 2 ítems i convertir-los en un de millor qualitat.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Reforja un ítem
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Zkombinuj tři semínka pro vytvoření lektvaru!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Vyber předmět
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Dobrá, dohoda je dohoda. Zde je to, co pro tebe mohu udělat. Můžu zkovat 2 předměty a udělat z nich jeden, lepší kvality.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Zkovat předmět
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Kombiniere drei Saaten um einen Trank zu erhalten!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Wähle einen Gegenstand
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Okay, ein Deal ist ein Deal. Hier is´ mein Angebot: Ich kann 2 identische Gegenstände zu einem besseren Gegenstand erneuern.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Gegenstand Erneuern
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Kunmiksu tri semojn por krei eliksiron!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Elektu aĵon
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Ho, kontrakt' estas kontrakt', tion mi povas fari por vi: mi povas reforghi 2 ajhojn kaj elfari el ili iun pli bonan.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Reforĝi objekton
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=¡Combina tres semillas para crear una poción!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Selecciona un ítem
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Ok, un trato es un trato, esto es lo que puedo hacer por ti: Puedo reforjar 2 ítems y convertirlos en uno de mejor calidad.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Elige un ítem para reforjarlo
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Yhdistä kolme siementä keittääksesi taikajuoman!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Valitse esine lumottavaksi
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Ok, sopimus on sopimus, tässä on mitä voin tehdä hyväksesi: Voin yhdistää 2 esinettä yhdeksi paremmaksi.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Valitse esine uudelleentaottavaksi
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combinez trois graines pour créer une potion !
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Sélectionnez un objet
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Très bien, un accord est un accord, voici ce que je peux faire pour toi : je peux reforger 2 objets pour les fusionner en un seul de meilleure qualité.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Reforger un objet
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Kombinálj össze három magot egy főzet elkészítéséhez!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Válassz egy tárgyat
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Rendben, az üzlet az üzlet. Amit ajánlani tudok: beveszek 2 tárgyat és egy jó minőségűt kovácsolok össze belőlük.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Mit kovácsoltatsz újra?
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine three seeds to create a potion!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Pilih sebuah item
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Oke, persetujuan adalah persetujuan, ini yang bisa aku lakukan untukmu: Aku bisa menempa 2 item-mu dan mengubah mereka menjadi satu buah dengan kualitas yang lebih baik.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Tempa sebuah barang
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combina tre semi per creare una pozione!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Seleziona un oggetto
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Ok, gli accordi sono accordi, ecco cosa posso fare per te: posso riforgiare 2 oggetti e trasformarli in uno di qualità migliore.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Riforgia un oggetto
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=세 개의 씨앗을 합쳐 물약을 만드세요!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=아이템을 선택하세요
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=알겠거든. 약속은 약속이니까, 같은 아이템 2개를 가져다 주면 더 좋은 아이템으로 조합해 줄 거거든.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=조합할 아이템을 선택하세요
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Połącz trzy nasiona, aby stworzyć miksturę!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Wybierz przedmiot
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Dobrze, dobiliśmy targu, oto co mogę dla ciebie uczynić: mogę przekuć 2 przedmioty i przemienić jest w jeden o lepszej jakości.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Wybierz przedmiot do przekucia
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine três sementes para criar uma poção!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Selecione um item
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Ok, promessa é promessa. O que posso fazê pro'cê: eu posso reforjá 2 itens em um outro item de melhor qualidade.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Reforjar um item
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Смешай три семени, чтобы получить зелье!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Выберите предмет
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Лады, сделка есть сделка, и вот что я тебе предлагаю: я могу перековать 2 предмета, превратив их в один лучшего качества.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Перековать предмет
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Bir iksir yapmak için üç tohumu birleştir!
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.select=Bir eşya seç
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Tamam, anlaşma anlaşmadır, sana ne yapabiliceğimi söyleyeyim: 2 eşyayı yeniden işleyip daha iyi kalitede bir eşyaya dönüştürebilirim.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Bir eşyayı yeniden işle
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
windows.wndalchemy.text=Combine ingredients to create something new!
windows.wndalchemy.recipes_text=_Random Potion:_\nMix three seeds of any type to create a random potion. The potion is more likely to relate to one of the seeds used.\n\n_Cooked Blandfruit:_\nMix a blandfruit with one seed to imbue the blandfruit with that seed's properties.\n\n_Tipped Darts:_\nMix two regular darts with a seed of either firebloom or earthroot to create two tipped darts!
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