v0.7.0: translation updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Aquí tot està covert amb una teranyina gruixuda.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=Un augment del poder físic, l'adrenalina ha millorat l'atac i la velocitat de moviment.\n\nL'adrenalina permet al seu objectiu moure's a 2x de velocitat, i atacar a 1.5x de velocitat.\n\nTorns restants: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=El deliri causa un estat de gran fúria i confusió en el seu objectiu.\n\nQuan una criatura és afectada pel deliri, atacarà el que trobi al seu voltant, sigui un amic o un enemic.\n\nTorns de deliri restants: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=El deliri causa un estat de gran fúria i confusió en el seu objectiu.\n\nQuan una criatura és afectada pel deliri, atacarà el que trobi al seu voltant, sigui un amic o un enemic.\n\nTorns de deliri restants: %s.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Enfadat
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=En frenesí
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=En frenesí
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=La severitat de les ferides del Frenètic reforça els seus cops. Segons el Frenètic rebi dany físic, la seva fúria augmentarà, garantint un dany extra. El dany que es bloquegi amb una armadura també comptarà per augmentar la fúria.\n\nLa fúria s'anirà esvaint amb el temps. Com més baixa sigui la vida del Frenètic, més temps durarà.\n\nSi el Frenètic baixa a 0 ps mentre es troba completament enfurismat, i porta el seu segell, entrarà en frenesí i _es negarà a morir_ per uns instants.\n\nDany actual: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ de dany
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=A la vora de la mort, se sagna incertesa i por, deixant només fúria. En aquest estat proper a la mort, el Frenètic és increïblement poderós, _guanyant un +50% de dany, guanyant una bonificació de blindatge, i negant-se a morir._\n\nAquesta bonificació de blindatge és major com més bona sigui l'armadura del frenètic, i s'esgotarà amb el temps. Quan aquesta protecció es redueixi a 0, el frenètic cedirà i morirà.\n\nQualssevol forma de curació, li tornarà l'estabilitat al frenètic, però es quedarà esgotat. Mentre estigui esgotat, el frenètic haurà de guanyar experiència per poder tornar a enfurismar-se.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=A la vora de la mort, se sagna incertesa i por, deixant només fúria. En aquest estat proper a la mort, el Frenètic és increïblement poderós, _guanyant un +50% de dany, guanyant una bonificació de blindatge, i negant-se a morir._\n\nAquesta bonificació de blindatge és major com més bona sigui l'armadura del frenètic, i s'esgotarà amb el temps. Quan aquesta protecció es redueixi a 0, el frenètic cedirà i morirà.\n\nQualssevol forma de curació, li tornarà l'estabilitat al frenètic, però es quedarà esgotat. Mentre estigui esgotat, el frenètic haurà de guanyar experiència per poder tornar a enfurismar-se.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La força interior té els seus límits. El Frenètic necessita descansar abans d'enfurismar-se.\n\nMentre es recupera, el Frenètic no augmenta la fúria en rebre danys.\n\nNivells fins a recuperar-se: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La força interior té els seus límits. El Frenètic necessita descansar abans d'enfurismar-se.\n\nMentre es recupera, el Frenètic no augmenta la fúria en rebre danys.\n\nNivells fins a recuperar-se: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Entrar en frenesí també el desgastarà permanentment, reduint la seva màxima salut cada vegada.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Entrar en frenesí també el desgastarà permanentment, reduint la seva màxima salut cada vegada.
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Un encantament és una màgia manipuladora que pot fer q
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=L'enemic "%s" es congela!
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=L'enemic "%s" es congela!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=No congelat, però si massa fred.\n\nLes víctimes fan les seves accions més lentament, depenent de quants torns li quedin a l'efecte. En el pitjor dels casos, és l'equivalent a estar alentit.\n\nTorns de refredament restants: %1$s.\nVelocitat reduïda un: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d cops!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d cops!
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Estàs furiós; als enemics no els hi agradaràs quan est
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barrera Purificadora
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barrera Purificadora
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Una força estranya et recobreix amb una fina barrera protectora, bloquejant tots els efectes nocius de l'aire.\n\nEts immune a tots els efectes que afecten una àrea mentre mantinguis aquesta barrera.\n\nTorns de barrera restants: %s.
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Una força estranya et recobreix amb una fina barrera protectora, bloquejant tots els efectes nocius de l'aire.\n\nEts immune a tots els efectes que afecten una àrea mentre mantinguis aquesta barrera.\n\nTorns de barrera restants: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=L'energia recorre els teus músculs, permetent-te córrer a velocitats increïbles.\n\nMentre estiguis sota els efectes de la pressa, et mouràs a una velocitat de 3x, però realitzaràs totes les altres accions a velocitat normal.\n\nTorns de pressa restants: %s.
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Goo s'està inflant a ell mateix!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorbit per en Goo
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorbit per en Goo
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Se'n sap poc d'en Goo. És bastant possible que ni tan sols sigui una criatura, sinó un conglomerat de substàncies vils de les clavegueres que d'alguna manera ha adquirit intel·ligència bàsica. Tot i això, la màgia fosca és sense dubte el que ha permès que en Goo existeixi.\n\nLa seva natura gelatinosa li deixa absorbir una gran quantitat d'energia fosca, sents un calfred només d'estar-hi a prop. Si en Goo et pot atacar amb aquesta energia, no viuràs molt de temps.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=cranc gran
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=cranc gran
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=El cranc nota l'atac i el bloqueja amb la seva urpa massiva.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=El cranc nota l'atac i el bloqueja amb la seva urpa massiva.
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Todo esta cubierto por una gruesa telaraña aquí.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=Una fuente de poder físico, la adrenalina mejora la velocidad de ataque y movimiento.\n\nLa adrenalina permite a su objetivo atacar 2x más rapido, y atacar 1.5x más rapido.\n\nTurnos restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=La locura causa un estado de gran furia y confusión en el objetivo.\n\nCuando una criatura enloquece, atacará a cualquiera que esté cerca, sea aliado o enemigo.\n\nTurnos de locura restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=La locura causa un estado de gran furia y confusión en el objetivo.\n\nCuando una criatura enloquece, atacará a cualquiera que esté cerca, sea aliado o enemigo.\n\nTurnos de locura restantes: %s.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Enfadado
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=La severidad de las heridas del frenético potencia sus golpes. Como el frenético tome daño fisico, el ganara furia, garantizando daño extra. Daño bloqueado por la armadura tambien cuenta.\n\nLa furia se disipara con el tiempo. Cuanto menor sea la vida del frenético, la furia durara mas.\n\nSi el frenético llega a 0 PS con la furia al maximo, y llevando su sello, el ira a modo frenético y _se negara a morir_ por un corto periodo de tiempo.\n\nFuria actual: _%.0f%%_ \n_+%.0f%%_ de daño
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Al borde de la muerte, el miedo y la incertidumbre se desvanecen, dejando solo la ira. En este estado de cercano a la muerte, el frenético es extremadamente poderoso, aumentando el daño en un 50%, gana protección adicional y se niega a morir.\n\nEste escudo extra es más fuerte cuanto mejor sea la armadura del frenético, y se agotará con el tiempo. Cuando este escudo se reduce a 0, el frenético se agotara y morirá.\n\nCualquier forma de curación devolverá al frenético a la estabilidad, pero se agotará. Mientras está exhausto, el frenético tendrá que adquirir experiencia antes de poder desarrollar furia nuevamente.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Al borde de la muerte, el miedo y la incertidumbre se desvanecen, dejando solo la ira. En este estado de cercano a la muerte, el frenético es extremadamente poderoso, aumentando el daño en un 50%, gana protección adicional y se niega a morir.\n\nEste escudo extra es más fuerte cuanto mejor sea la armadura del frenético, y se agotará con el tiempo. Cuando este escudo se reduce a 0, el frenético se agotara y morirá.\n\nCualquier forma de curación devolverá al frenético a la estabilidad, pero se agotará. Mientras está exhausto, el frenético tendrá que adquirir experiencia antes de poder desarrollar furia nuevamente.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La fuerza interior tiene sus limites. El frenético debe descansar para usar su furia de nuevo.\n\nMientras se recupera el frenético no puede ganar furia al tomar daño.\n\nNiveles para recuperarse: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La fuerza interior tiene sus limites. El frenético debe descansar para usar su furia de nuevo.\n\nMientras se recupera el frenético no puede ganar furia al tomar daño.\n\nNiveles para recuperarse: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Volverse frenético también le afectará permanentemente, reduciendo su salud máxima cada vez.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Volverse frenético también le afectará permanentemente, reduciendo su salud máxima cada vez.
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=El encanto es una magia manipulativa que hace que los en
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=¡%s se congela!
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=¡%s se congela!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=No del todo congelado, pero demasiado frío.\n\nLos personajes enfriados realizan todas las acciones mas lentamente, dependiendo cuantos turnos restan del efecto. En su peor momento, esto equivale a estar ralentizado.\n\nTurnos de frío restantes: %1$s.\nVelocidad reducida en %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=¡Combo de %d golpes!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=¡Combo de %d golpes!
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Estás enfadado, a los enemigos no les gustarás cuando e
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barrera de Purificación
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barrera de Purificación
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Alguna fuerza extraña te encierra en una delgada barrera protectora, bloqueando todos los efectos dañinos del ambiente.\n\nEres inmune a todos los efectos del área mientras dure esta barrera.\n\nTurnos de inmunidad restante: %s.
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Alguna fuerza extraña te encierra en una delgada barrera protectora, bloqueando todos los efectos dañinos del ambiente.\n\nEres inmune a todos los efectos del área mientras dure esta barrera.\n\nTurnos de inmunidad restante: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energia moviendose atraves de tus musculos, permitiedote correr a velocidades increibles!\n\nMientras estes bajo el efecto de rapidez correrás 3x más rapido, pero haras otras acciones a velocidad normal.\n\nTurnos de velocidad restante: %s.
@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_misc=El picaro detecta trampas y secretos en un
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Una subclase puede ser elegida al derrotar el 2do jefe: el picaro tiene 2 subclases:
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Una subclase puede ser elegida al derrotar el 2do jefe: el picaro tiene 2 subclases:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_item=La cazadora empieza con un _boomerang unico,_ que puede ser arrojado un infinito numero de veces.\n\nEl boomerang que puede ser imbuido y encantado. justo como un arma cuerpo a cuerpo.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_item=La cazadora empieza con un _búmeran unico,_ que puede ser arrojado un infinito numero de veces.\n\nEl búmeran puede ser imbuido y encantado. justo como un arma cuerpo a cuerpo.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La cazadora empieza con _puños de hierro,_ que ataca mas rapido que las otras armas iniciales.\n\nLa cazadora empieza con un boomerang como opcion de rango.\n\nLa cazadora empieza con _bolsa de velvet,_ que puede almacenar objetos pequeños semillas y piedras runicas.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La cazadora empieza con _puños de hierro,_ que ataca mas rapido que las otras armas iniciales.\n\nLa cazadora empieza con un búmeran como opcion de rango.\n\nLa cazadora empieza con _bolsa de velvet,_ que puede almacenar objetos pequeños semillas y piedras runicas.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_misc=La cazadora gana daño extra de la fuerza en exceso en armas arrojadizas.\n\nLa cazadora puede usar armas arrrojadizas por mas tiempo antes de que se rompan.\n\nLa cazadora siente enemigos cercanos incluso si estan detras de obstaculos.\n\nLa cazadora identifica automaticamente las pociones de vision mental.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_misc=La cazadora gana daño extra de la fuerza en exceso en armas arrojadizas.\n\nLa cazadora puede usar armas arrrojadizas por mas tiempo antes de que se rompan.\n\nLa cazadora siente enemigos cercanos incluso si estan detras de obstaculos.\n\nLa cazadora identifica automaticamente las pociones de vision mental.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Una subclase puede ser elegida al derrotar el 2do jefe. La cazadora tiene 2 subclases:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Una subclase puede ser elegida al derrotar el 2do jefe. La cazadora tiene 2 subclases:
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=¡Gú se está bombeando a sí mismo!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorbido por el Gú
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorbido por el Gú
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Poco se sabe sobre El Gú. Es posible que no sea siquiera una criatura, sino un conglomerado de sustancias viles de las alcantarillas que de alguna manera ganó inteligencia básica. A pesar de esto, la magia oscura es ciertamente lo que ha dejado a Gú existir.\n\nSu naturaleza gelatinosa lo deja absorber un montón de energía negra, y sientes un escalofrío de solo estar cerca. si Gú puede atacarte con esta energía, no viviras por mucho.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=gran cangrejo
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=gran cangrejo
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=El cangrejo se da cuenta del ataque y lo bloquea con su enorme pinza.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=El cangrejo se da cuenta del ataque y lo bloquea con su enorme pinza.
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Qui tutto è coperto da una fitta ragnatela.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=Un'ondata di potenza fisica, adrenalina migliora sia l'attacco che la velocità di movimento.\n\nAdrenalina permette al suo bersaglio di correre a 2x della velocità e attaccare a 1.5x della stessa.\n\nTurni rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=La frenesia provoca uno stato di grande rabbia e confusione nell'obbiettivo.\n\nQuando una creatura è resa frenetica, attaccherà tutto ciò che le sta vicino, siano essi amici o nemici.\n\nTurni di frenesia rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=La frenesia provoca uno stato di grande rabbia e confusione nell'obbiettivo.\n\nQuando una creatura è resa frenetica, attaccherà tutto ciò che le sta vicino, siano essi amici o nemici.\n\nTurni di frenesia rimanenti: %s.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Arrabbiato
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=La gravità delle ferite del berserker rafforza i suoi colpi. Mano a mano che il berserker riceve danno fisico la sua rabbia si svilupperà, concedendogli danno bonus. I danni bloccati dall'armatura contano comunque al fine dello sviluppo di rabbia.\n\nLa rabbia si affievolirà nel tempo. Più bassa è la salute del berserker, più a lungo durerà.\n\nSe il berserker è portato a 0 hp mentre è in piena rabbia, e sta indossando il suo sigillo, andrà in berserk _rifiutandosi di morire_ per un breve periodo.\n\nRabbia attuale: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ punti danno
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=In punto di morte, paura ed incertezza svaniranno, lasciando solo rabbia. In questo stato di quasi morte il berserker è incredibilmente potente, _arrecando +50% punti danno, acquisendo scudo bonus e rifiutandosi di morire._\n\nQuesto scudo bonus è tanto più forte quanto migliore è l'armatura del berserker, e si esaurirà nel tempo. Quando questo scudo è ridotto a 0, il berserker si arrenderà, morendo.\n\nOgni forma di cura riporterà il berserker allo stato stabile, ma sarà sfinito. Mentre è sfinito, il berserker avrà bisogno di acquisire esperienza prima di essere in grado di accumulare ancora rabbia.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=In punto di morte, paura ed incertezza svaniranno, lasciando solo rabbia. In questo stato di quasi morte il berserker è incredibilmente potente, _arrecando +50% punti danno, acquisendo scudo bonus e rifiutandosi di morire._\n\nQuesto scudo bonus è tanto più forte quanto migliore è l'armatura del berserker, e si esaurirà nel tempo. Quando questo scudo è ridotto a 0, il berserker si arrenderà, morendo.\n\nOgni forma di cura riporterà il berserker allo stato stabile, ma sarà sfinito. Mentre è sfinito, il berserker avrà bisogno di acquisire esperienza prima di essere in grado di accumulare ancora rabbia.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La forza interiore ha i suoi limiti. Il berserker deve riposarsi prima di usare ancora la sua rabbia.\n\nMentre si riposa il berserker non accumulerà nessuna rabbia dal ricevere danni.\n\nLivelli fino al recupero: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La forza interiore ha i suoi limiti. Il berserker deve riposarsi prima di usare ancora la sua rabbia.\n\nMentre si riposa il berserker non accumulerà nessuna rabbia dal ricevere danni.\n\nLivelli fino al recupero: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=L'abilità inoltre lo logorerà permanentemente, riducendo ogni volta la sua salute massima.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=L'abilità inoltre lo logorerà permanentemente, riducendo ogni volta la sua salute massima.
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Una malia è una magia manipolativa che fa in modo che i
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s congela!
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s congela!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Non proprio congelato ma comunque parecchio freddo. \n\nI bersagli ghiacciati compiono tutte le azioni più lentamente, a seconda di quanti turni rimangono all'effetto. Al peggio è equivalente ad essere rallentati. \n\nTurni di ghiaccio rimanenti: %1$s.\nVelocità ridotta di: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo da %d colpi!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo da %d colpi!
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Sei arrabbiato, ai nemici non piaci quando sei arrabbiato
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barriera della Purificazione
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barriera della Purificazione
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Qualche strana forza ti racchiude in una sottile barriera protettiva, bloccando ogni effetto gassoso dannoso.\n\nSei immune a tutti gli effetti attivi in zona finché questa barriera persiste.\n\nTurni di immunità rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Qualche strana forza ti racchiude in una sottile barriera protettiva, bloccando ogni effetto gassoso dannoso.\n\nSei immune a tutti gli effetti attivi in zona finché questa barriera persiste.\n\nTurni di immunità rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=L'energia scorre nei tuoi muscoli, permettendoti di correre a velocità incredibili!\n\nMentre sei sotto l'effetto di Fretta correrai a 3x della velocità, ma eseguirai ogni altra attività a velocità normale.\n\nTurni di Fretta rimanenti: %s.
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Goo si sta caricando!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Assorbito da Goo
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Assorbito da Goo
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Poco si sa di Goo. È possibile che non sia nemmeno una creatura, ma piuttosto un agglomerato di sostanze nauseabonde provenienti dalle fogne che in qualche modo ha ottenuto un'intelligenza elementare. In ogni caso, è magia nera quella che ha permesso a Goo di esistere.\n\nLa sua natura gelatinosa gli ha concesso di assorbire un sacco di energia oscura, avverti un brivido solo a stargli vicino. Se Goo è in grado di attaccare con tale energia non vivrai a lungo.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=grande granchio
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=grande granchio
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Il granchio si accorge dell'attacco e lo blocca con la sua chela imponente.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Il granchio si accorge dell'attacco e lo blocca con la sua chela imponente.
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=모든 것이 굵은 거미줄로 뒤덮혀 있다.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=물리적인 힘의 파동인, 아드레날린이 공격과 이동속도를 향상시켰습니다.\n\n아드레날린은 그것의 목표를 2배 빠르게 달리게 하고, 1.5배 빠르게 공격하게 합니다.\n\n아드레날린은 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=광란 효과는 대상에게 대단한 분노와 혼란 효과를 줍니다. \n\n어떤 생물체가 광란에 걸리면, 그 적과 아군 구분 없이 주변의 모든 것을 공격하게 됩니다. \n\n광란 효과는 %s턴 동안 유지됩니다.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=광란 효과는 대상에게 대단한 분노와 혼란 효과를 줍니다. \n\n어떤 생물체가 광란에 걸리면, 그 적과 아군 구분 없이 주변의 모든 것을 공격하게 됩니다. \n\n광란 효과는 %s턴 동안 유지됩니다.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=분노
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering=회복 중
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering=회복 중
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=광전사의 부상의 정도는 광전사의 타격을 강화시킵니다. 광전사가 육체적인 피해를 받으면, 더욱 분노하여 추가 피해를 줍니다. 갑옷에 의해 감소된 피해 역시 그의 분노를 더합니다.\n\n분노는 시간이 지나면서 사라지며, 광전사의 체력이 낮을수록 더 오래 지속됩니다.\n\n만약 완전히 분노한 상태에서 인장이 박힌 갑옷을 입은 광전사의 체력이 0이 되면, 그는 격노하여 짧은 시간 동안 _죽음을 유예_ 할 수 있습니다.\n\n현재 분노: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ 피해량
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=죽음이 임박한 시점에서, 두려움과 불확실성이 사라지고 분노만 남습니다. 이런 죽음에 가까운 상태에서 광전사는 극도로 강력합니다 _50%의 추가 피해를 입히고, 추가 방어막을 얻고, 죽음을 유예합니다._\n\n이 추가 방어막은 그의 갑옷이 좋을수록 더 강력하며, 시간이 지나면서 줄어들 것입니다. 이 보호막이 0까지 줄어들면 광전사는 삶을 포기하고 죽을 것입니다.\n\n어떤 방법으로든 체력을 회복하면 안정을 되찾을 수 있지만, 탈진 상태에 접어들게 됩니다. 탈진 상태에선 다시 격노 상태에 접어들기 위해선 경험치를 얻어야만 합니다.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=죽음이 임박한 시점에서, 두려움과 불확실성이 사라지고 분노만 남습니다. 이런 죽음에 가까운 상태에서 광전사는 극도로 강력합니다 _50%의 추가 피해를 입히고, 추가 방어막을 얻고, 죽음을 유예합니다._\n\n이 추가 방어막은 그의 갑옷이 좋을수록 더 강력하며, 시간이 지나면서 줄어들 것입니다. 이 보호막이 0까지 줄어들면 광전사는 삶을 포기하고 죽을 것입니다.\n\n어떤 방법으로든 체력을 회복하면 안정을 되찾을 수 있지만, 탈진 상태에 접어들게 됩니다. 탈진 상태에선 다시 격노 상태에 접어들기 위해선 경험치를 얻어야만 합니다.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=내면의 힘에는 한계가 있는 법입니다. 광전사가 다시 격노할 수 있께 되려면 우선 조금 쉬어야만 합니다.\n\n체력을 회복하는 동안 광전사는 피해를 입을 때 분노를 얻지 못합니다.\n\n복구될 때까지의 레벨: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=내면의 힘에는 한계가 있는 법입니다. 광전사가 다시 격노할 수 있께 되려면 우선 조금 쉬어야만 합니다.\n\n체력을 회복하는 동안 광전사는 피해를 입을 때 분노를 얻지 못합니다.\n\n복구될 때까지의 레벨: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=격노 효과는 광전사의 기력을 영구적으로 소모시켜 격노할 때 마다 최대 체력이 감소합니다.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=격노 효과는 광전사의 기력을 영구적으로 소모시켜 격노할 때 마다 최대 체력이 감소합니다.
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=매혹 효과는 적과 자신을 일시적으로 사랑
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다!
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=완전히 얼진 않았지만, 그래도 여전히 너무 춥습니다.\n\n냉동된 대상은 모든 행동을 더 느리게 하며, 남은 효과 시간에 비례하여 느려집니다. 최대로 냉동된 상태는 둔화 효과에 걸린 것과 동일합니다.\n\n냉동은 %1$s 턴 동안 유지되며,\n속도를 %2$s%%만큼 감소시킵니다.
actors.buffs.combo.name=연속 타격
actors.buffs.combo.name=연속 타격
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d 연속 명중!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d 연속 명중!
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=당신은 화가 났습니다. 그리고 적들은 화가
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=정화의 보호막
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=정화의 보호막
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=어떤 기묘한 힘이 얇은 보호막을 형성했습니다. 공기 중의 모든 해로운 효과를 받지 않게 됩니다.\n\n보호막이 유지되는 동안 모든 지역 효과를 받지 않게 됩니다.\n\n보호막은 %s턴 동안 유지됩니다.
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=어떤 기묘한 힘이 얇은 보호막을 형성했습니다. 공기 중의 모든 해로운 효과를 받지 않게 됩니다.\n\n보호막이 유지되는 동안 모든 지역 효과를 받지 않게 됩니다.\n\n보호막은 %s턴 동안 유지됩니다.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=에너지가 당신의 근육을 따라 흐르며, 당신이 믿을 수 없는 속도로 달리는 것을 가능하게 합니다!\n\n신속 효과가 적용되는 동안 당신은 3배 빠르게 달릴 수 있지만, 다른 행동들은 보통의 속도로 할 수 있습니다.\n\n신속 효과는 %s턴 동안 적용됩니다.
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=구가 스스로의 몸집을 불리기 시작했다!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=구에게 흡수됨
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=구에게 흡수됨
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=구에 대해서 알려진 것은 많지 않습니다. 아마도 구는 원래 생물체가 아니며, 하수구에 있던 유독한 물질들이 모여서 아주 기초적인 지성을 얻게 된 것 같습니다. 방법이야 어찌 되었든, 어두운 마법의 힘이 구를 존재하게 하는 것은 틀림없어 보입니다.\n\n구의 젤리같은 몸체는 많은 양의 암흑 에너지를 빨아들일 수 있어 가까이 다가가기만 해도 한기를 느낄 수 있습니다. 이 에너지를 전면으로 개방한다면 당신도 버틸 수 없을 것입니다.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=거대한 게
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=거대한 게
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=거대한 게가 당신의 공격을 눈치채고 거대한 집게발로 방어했다.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=거대한 게가 당신의 공격을 눈치채고 거대한 집게발로 방어했다.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Buradaki herșey kalın bir ağ ile kaplanmış.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Sinirlendi
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted=Yorgunluktan bitmiş
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted=Yorgunluktan bitmiş
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Vahşi savaşçının yaralarının ağırlığı onun yaptığı saldırıların gücünü arttıracaktır. Vahşi savaşçı fiziksel hasar aldıkça öfkesi artacak ve bu ona bonus hasar sağlayacaktır. Zırh tarafından bloklanan hasar da ona öfke olarak döner.\n\nÖfke zamanla kaybolur. Vahşi savaşçının sağlığı ne kadar azsa o kadar uzun sürer.\n\nEğer vahşi savaşçı tam öfkedeyken 0 sp'ye düşerse ve mührü zırhına iliştirili ise çıldıracak ve kısa bir süreliğine _ölmeyi reddedecektir._\n\nŞu anki öfke: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ hasar
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Ölümün kıyısında, öfke ve eminsizlik vücudundan çıkan kanla kaybolur ve geriye sadece öfkeyi bırakır. Vahşi savaşçı bu ölümün kıyısındaki halinde _+%50 hasar, ekstra korunma ve ölmeyi reddetmesi_ ile aşırı güçlüdür.\n\nEkstra korunma vahşi savaşçının zırhı ne kadar güçlü ise o kadar iyi olur ve zamanla kaybolur. Korunma 0'a düştüğünde vahşi savaşçı pes edecek ve ölecektir.\n\nHerhangi bir iyileşme kaynağı vahşi savaşçıyı stabil bir hale getirecektir, fakat o aşırı derecede bitkin olacaktır. Bitkin haldeyken vahşi savaşçının yeniden öfke toplayabilir bir hale gelmesi için deneyim kazanması gerekir.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Ölümün kıyısında, öfke ve eminsizlik vücudundan çıkan kanla kaybolur ve geriye sadece öfkeyi bırakır. Vahşi savaşçı bu ölümün kıyısındaki halinde _+%50 hasar, ekstra korunma ve ölmeyi reddetmesi_ ile aşırı güçlüdür.\n\nEkstra korunma vahşi savaşçının zırhı ne kadar güçlü ise o kadar iyi olur ve zamanla kaybolur. Korunma 0'a düştüğünde vahşi savaşçı pes edecek ve ölecektir.\n\nHerhangi bir iyileşme kaynağı vahşi savaşçıyı stabil bir hale getirecektir, fakat o aşırı derecede bitkin olacaktır. Bitkin haldeyken vahşi savaşçının yeniden öfke toplayabilir bir hale gelmesi için deneyim kazanması gerekir.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=İç gücün sınırları vardır. Vahşi savaşçının öfkesini yeniden kullanabilmesi için dinlenmeye ihtiyacı var.\n\nİyileşme durumundayken vahşi savaşçı hasar aldığında öfke biriltirmez.\n\nİyileşmeye kalan seviye: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=İç gücün sınırları vardır. Vahşi savaşçının öfkesini yeniden kullanabilmesi için dinlenmeye ihtiyacı var.\n\nİyileşme durumundayken vahşi savaşçı hasar aldığında öfke biriltirmez.\n\nİyileşmeye kalan seviye: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Çıldırmak ayrıca onun üzerinde kalıcı bir hasar bırakacaktır ve her çıldırdığında maksimum sağlığı azalacaktır.
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Çıldırmak ayrıca onun üzerinde kalıcı bir hasar bırakacaktır ve her çıldırdığında maksimum sağlığı azalacaktır.
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Tutulma, düşmanları birbirine kısa süreliğine hayr
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s dondu!
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s dondu!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Tam olarak donmadın, ama yine de çok soğuk. \n\nÜşümüş hedefler, etkinin geçmesine kaç sıra kaldığına bağlı olarak eylemlerini daha yavaş gerçekleştirir. En kötüsü, bu yavaşlamaya denktir. \n\nÜşümenin geçmesine kalan sıra: %1$s. \nHız şu kadar azaldı: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Art arda %d isabet!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Art arda %d isabet!
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Goo kendini pompalıyor!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Goo Tarafından Emildi
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Goo Tarafından Emildi
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Goo ile ilgili çok az şey biliniyor. Onun bir yaratık olmadığını söyleyebilmek bile mümkün, bir yaratıktan çok lağımlardaki çerçöpün toparlanarak basit zeka kazanmış hali gibi duruyor. Bunun yanında, Goo'nun oluşumuna fırsat veren şey kesinlikle kara büyü.\n\nJelatinimsi doğası çok fazla kara büyü emmesine izin veriyor, yaklaşırken bile bir titreme hissediyorsun. Eğer Goo bu enerji ile saldırı yapabiliyorsa pek uzun süre hayatta kalamayabilirsin.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=büyük yengeç
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=büyük yengeç
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Yengeç, saldırını fark ediyor ve dev kıskacı ile engelliyor.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Yengeç, saldırını fark ediyor ve dev kıskacı ile engelliyor.
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=这里所有东西都被厚厚的蜘蛛网覆盖着。
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=来自肾上腺素对机体的强化,激素涌动能同时增强被使用者的攻击和移动速度。\n\n激素涌动允许被使用者拥有2倍的移动速度和1.5倍的攻击速度。\n\n持续时间:1%s 回合。
actors.buffs.amok.desc=狂乱导致状态下的生物进入一种极度愤怒和混乱的状态。 \n\n狂乱的生物会不分敌我地攻击任何靠近它们的人。\n\n剩余的狂乱效果时长:%s回合
actors.buffs.amok.desc=狂乱导致状态下的生物进入一种极度愤怒和混乱的状态。 \n\n狂乱的生物会不分敌我地攻击任何靠近它们的人。\n\n剩余的狂乱效果时长:%s回合
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=你非常暴怒,很明显敌人并不喜欢这样的你
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=强大的能量流进你的大腿肌肉,允许你以不可思议的速度移动!\n\n当你拥有极速状态时你将拥有3倍的移动速度,但是其他行动依然和原来一样。\n\n极速持续时间:1%s 回合。
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Ha tingut un augment de _defensa._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=L'ítem està inscrit amb un _%s._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=L'ítem està inscrit amb un _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Com que aquesta armadura està maleïda, no te la pots treure.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Com que aquesta armadura està maleïda, no te la pots treure.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia perversa amagada dins d'aquesta armadura.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia perversa amagada dins d'aquesta armadura.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Aquesta armadura està lliure de màgia malvolent.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=El segell trencat del Guerrer està unit a aquesta armadura.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=El segell trencat del Guerrer està unit a aquesta armadura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=T'ha matat l'enemic: %s...
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=T'ha matat l'enemic: %s...
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=CUINAR
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No pots portar dos artefactes iguals.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No pots portar dos artefactes iguals.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefacte s'incrusta dolorosament al teu cos.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefacte s'incrusta dolorosament al teu cos.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola emmagatzemada dins d'aquest artefacte.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola emmagatzemada dins d'aquest artefacte.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=Aquest artefacte està lliure de màgia malvolent.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Has d'equipar-te l'artefacte per fer això.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Has d'equipar-te l'artefacte per fer això.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=capa d'espines
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=capa d'espines
@ -356,18 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=baia-agonia
items.food.blandfruit.raw=No ets capaç de menjar-te-la crua.
items.food.blandfruit.raw=No ets capaç de menjar-te-la crua.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=La baia-gel té un lleuger gust a carpaccio congelat.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=La baia-gel té un lleuger gust a carpaccio congelat.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Sents un gran foc cremant-te per dins!
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Sents un gran foc cremant-te per dins!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Ets imbuït amb vil poder tòxic!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Ets imbuït amb vil poder tòxic!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Sents el poder de la terra corrent a través teu!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Sents el poder de la terra corrent a través teu!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tan seca i insubstancial, potser guisant-la amb un altre ingredient la milloraria.
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tan seca i insubstancial, potser guisant-la amb un altre ingredient la milloraria.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=La baia s'ha omplert amb tant de temps en remull a l'olla, i ha absorbit fins i tot les propietats de la llavor amb què ha sigut cuinada.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=Sembla llesta per ser menjada!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=Sembla bastant volàtil, serà millor llançar-ho.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=trossos de baia-insípida
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=La baia-insípida ha explotat en l'impacte, deixant enrere trossos inerts.\n\nTot i estar una mica bruts, aquests grans trossos de baia-insípida cuinada semblen perfectament comestibles.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carn a la brasa
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carn a la brasa
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Sembla un bon filet.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Sembla un bon filet.
@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Les cròniques de multitud de batalles red
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=poció de glaçada
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=poció de glaçada
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=La substància química dins aquesta poció s'evaporarà en un núvol congelant quan s'exposi a aire obert.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=La substància química dins aquesta poció s'evaporarà en un núvol congelant quan s'exposi a aire obert.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=poció de pressa
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Beure aquest líquid estrany i dolç t'imbuirà amb una gran energia durant un temps curt, cosa que et permetrà córrer a grans velocitats.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=poció de curació
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=poció de curació
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Les teves ferides es comencen a tancar.
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Les teves ferides es comencen a tancar.
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Això és: %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Ja t'has familiaritzat prou amb el teu anell per identificar-lo. És un %s.
items.rings.ring.identify=Ja t'has familiaritzat prou amb el teu anell per identificar-lo. És un %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Com que aquest anell està maleït, no te'l pots treure.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Com que aquest anell està maleït, no te'l pots treure.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola emmagatzemada dins d'aquest anell.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola emmagatzemada dins d'aquest anell.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Aquest anell està lliure de màgia malvolent.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anell de precisió
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anell de precisió
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Aquest anell millora la teva concentració, reduint l'habilitat del teu enemic d'esquivar els teus atacs. Un anell maleït, en canvi, farà que pels enemics sigui més fàcil esquivar els teus atacs.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Aquest anell millora la teva concentració, reduint l'habilitat del teu enemic d'esquivar els teus atacs. Un anell maleït, en canvi, farà que pels enemics sigui més fàcil esquivar els teus atacs.
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=pergamí de miratge
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=L'encanteri d'aquest pergamí crearà uns bessons il·lusoris d'aquell que el llegeixi, aquests bessons perseguiran i atacaran als seus enemics.
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=L'encanteri d'aquest pergamí crearà uns bessons il·lusoris d'aquell que el llegeixi, aquests bessons perseguiran i atacaran als seus enemics.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pergamí d'explosió psiònica
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pergamí d'explosió psiònica
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Aquest pergamí conté una energia destructiva que pot ser canalitzada per destrossar les ments de totes les criatures visibles, cegant-les i danyant-les. El poder que deixa anar aquest pergamí és caòtic, també cegarà, atordirà i debilitarà a l'usuari.\n\nCom més danyat estigui l'usuari, més poderós serà el pergamí. A un nivell baix de vida l'explosió psiònica pot matar a la majoria d'enemics instantàniament.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=pergamí de fúria
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=pergamí de fúria
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Aquest pergamí emet un rugit enfuriant que fa eco per la masmorra!
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Aquest pergamí emet un rugit enfuriant que fa eco per la masmorra!
@ -664,11 +664,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=El pergamí emet una ràfega brillant de llum i
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=El pergamí emet una ràfega brillant de llum i els monstres fugen!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=El pergamí emet una ràfega brillant de llum i els monstres fugen!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Una ràfega de llum aclapararà a totes les criatures del teu voltant amb terror, fent que donin la volta i fugin. Atacar a un enemic que fuig dissiparà l'efecte.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Una ràfega de llum aclapararà a totes les criatures del teu voltant amb terror, fent que donin la volta i fugin. Atacar a un enemic que fuig dissiparà l'efecte.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=pergamí de transmutació
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmutar un ítem
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=No passa res interessant.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=El teu ítem es transforma en una cosa diferent!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=Aquest pergamí conté una potent màgia de transmutació. Quan s'utilitza en un ítem concret, el transforma en un element diferent del mateix tipus. La màgia fins i tot conserva millores, encanteris i glifs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=pergamí de millora
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=pergamí de millora
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Millora un ítem
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Millora un ítem
@ -681,11 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Aquest pergamí millorarà un sol ítem, mill
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=pedra d'agressió
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=pedra d'augment
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Augmentar un ítem
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Augmentar un ítem
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica posseeix una màgia potent que pot augmentar l'equipament per millorar una propietat a canvi d'una altra.\n\nUtilitzar-la en una arma et permetrà millorar la velocitat o el dany.\n\nUtilitzar-la en una armadura et permetrà millorar la defensa o l'evasió.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica posseeix una màgia potent que pot augmentar l'equipament per millorar una propietat a canvi d'una altra.\n\nUtilitzar-la en una arma et permetrà millorar la velocitat o el dany.\n\nUtilitzar-la en una armadura et permetrà millorar la defensa o l'evasió.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Què vols millorar?
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Què vols millorar?
@ -696,46 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Defensa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Treure augment
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Treure augment
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=És igual
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=És igual
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=pedra d'evitament
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=pedra d'explosió
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica explotarà instantàniament a la ubicació on és llenci. Igual que una bomba, l'explosió farà malbé qualsevol propera.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=pedra de parpalleig
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica teletransportarà a l'usuari a la localització on es tiri.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=pedra de clarividencia
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=Aquesta pedra buscarà instantàniament totes les rajoles visibles des de el lloc on es tiri.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=pedra de somni aprofundit
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=pedra de detecció de malediccions
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detectar un ítem
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=Sents que l'ítem està maleït!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=No hi ha màgia maligna en aquell ítem.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica conté una versió més dèbil de la màgia que es troba en els pergamins d'eliminació de malediccions. Tot que i que les malediccions no poden ser eliminades d'un ítem, si que poden ser detectades.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=pedra d'encanteri
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Encantar un ítem
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Encantar un ítem
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=La teva arma brilla a la foscor!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=La teva arma brilla a la foscor!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=La teva armadura brilla a la foscor!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=La teva armadura brilla a la foscor!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica posseeix màgia d'encanteri. En comptes de millorar directament el poder d'un ítem com fa el pergamí de millora imbuirà una arma o una armadura amb un encanteri, garantint-li un nou poder.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica posseeix màgia d'encanteri. En comptes de millorar directament el poder d'un ítem com fa el pergamí de millora imbuirà una arma o una armadura amb un encanteri, garantint-li un nou poder.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=pedra de ramat
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=pedra d'intuïció
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecciona un ítem
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecciona un ítem
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica és una versió més dèbil de la màgia que es troba als pergamins d'identificació. En lloc d'identificar directament un ítem, millorarà la teva intuïció, permetent que identifiquis una poció o un pergamí endevinant.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica és una versió més dèbil de la màgia que es troba als pergamins d'identificació. En lloc d'identificar directament un ítem, millorarà la teva intuïció, permetent que identifiquis una poció o un pergamí endevinant.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Endevina quin és l'ítem no identificat. Si ho endevines correctament, serà identificat!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correcte. L'ítem ha sigut identificat!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=La teva suposició és errònia.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=pedra d'electricitat
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica crearà una petita tempesta elèctrica de poca durada a la localització on es tiri.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=T'has suïcidat amb el teu propi ítem: %s.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=T'has suïcidat amb el teu propi ítem: %s.
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=La teva vareta espurneja; no deu tenir prou càrrega.
items.wands.wand.self_target=No et pots fer servir d'objectiu!
items.wands.wand.self_target=No et pots fer servir d'objectiu!
items.wands.wand.identify=Ara ja estàs familiaritzat amb el teu ítem: %s.
items.wands.wand.identify=Ara ja estàs familiaritzat amb el teu ítem: %s.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Aquesta vareta està maleïda, això fa que la seva màgia sigui caòtica i aleatòria.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Aquesta vareta està maleïda, això fa que la seva màgia sigui caòtica i aleatòria.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Aquest ítem "%s" està maleït!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Aquest ítem "%s" està maleït!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Tria cap a on disparar
items.wands.wand.prompt=Tria cap a on disparar
@ -917,7 +918,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Una bola de pues unida a un mànec per una llarga
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=guant de pedra
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=guant de pedra
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Aquesta és una arma molt ràpida.\nAquesta arma bloqueja certa quantitat de dany.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Aquesta és una arma molt ràpida.\nAquesta arma bloqueja certa quantitat de dany.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Aquest guant massiu està fet d'una tela carmesina amb una capa de pedra màgica pesada. La tela es tensa al teu voltant, fent de les gruixudes planxes de pedra gairebé com una segona pell. Colpejar una arma tan pesada requereix força, però afegeix un dany enorme als teus cops de puny.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Aquesta és una arma més aviat lenta.\nAquesta arma té un abast extra.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Aquesta és una arma més aviat lenta.\nAquesta arma té un abast extra.
@ -1012,8 +1013,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Una espasa relativament curta, deteriorad
###missile weapons
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=dard d'adrenalina
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció de card-ràpid que donarà al seu objectiu un augment de velocitat. Aquest augment afectarà tant la velocitat de moviment com la d'atac, tot i que el moviment es millorarà més.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=dard cegador
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=dard cegador
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció d'herbacega que cegarà al seu objectiu per un període curt de temps. No desorienten, però, és a dir que un enemic recordarà on t'han vist per últim cop.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció d'herbacega que cegarà al seu objectiu per un període curt de temps. No desorienten, però, és a dir que un enemic recordarà on t'han vist per últim cop.
@ -1059,7 +1060,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Aquestes armes a distància inusuals no són mo
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Si es llança a un enemic, aquest míssil pla i corbat tornarà a les mans del seu propietari.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Si es llança a un enemic, aquest míssil pla i corbat tornarà a les mans del seu propietari.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=A causa de la seva construcció sòlida, aquest bumerang no es trencarà per l'ús.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=dard curare
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=dard curare
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció d'arrel-terra que paralitza al seu objectiu per un període curt de temps.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció d'arrel-terra que paralitza al seu objectiu per un període curt de temps.
@ -1103,7 +1104,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Degut al teu excès de força, infligiràs fins a
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=La interacció dels diferents tipus de màgia han evitat l'encanteri d'aquesta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=La interacció dels diferents tipus de màgia han evitat l'encanteri d'aquesta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Com que l'arma està maleïda, no te la pots treure de sobre.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Com que l'arma està maleïda, no te la pots treure de sobre.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia perversa amagada dins d'aquesta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia perversa amagada dins d'aquesta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=Aquesta arma està lliure de màgia malvolent.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Ha tingut un augment de _velocitat._
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Ha tingut un augment de _velocitat._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Ha tingut un augment de _dany._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Ha tingut un augment de _dany._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Té l'arma: _%s._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Té l'arma: _%s._
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ items.potions.potionoffrost.name=Lektvar mrazu
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Chemikálie obsažená v tomto lektvaru, se při kontaktu se vzduchem vypaří do mrazivého oblaku.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Chemikálie obsažená v tomto lektvaru, se při kontaktu se vzduchem vypaří do mrazivého oblaku.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=Lektvar léčení
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=Lektvar léčení
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Tento svitek vylepší jeden předmět a zlep
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Odstranit rozšíření
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Nedělat nic
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Nedělat nic
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Tvá zbroj září ve tmě!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Tento runový kámen je obdařen magii okouzlení. Na rozdíl od svitku vylepšení nezvýší přímo sílu předmětu, ale místo toho naplní zbraň nebo zbroj magickým okouzlením, které předmětu poskytne novou sílu.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Tento runový kámen je obdařen magii okouzlení. Na rozdíl od svitku vylepšení nezvýší přímo sílu předmětu, ale místo toho naplní zbraň nebo zbroj magickým okouzlením, které předmětu poskytne novou sílu.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Vyber předmět
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Vyber předmět
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Tvá hůlka zasyčela. Nespíš je úplně vybitá.
items.wands.wand.self_target=Nemůžeš zacílit sebe!
items.wands.wand.self_target=Nemůžeš zacílit sebe!
items.wands.wand.identify=Nyní dostatečně znáš svou %s.
items.wands.wand.identify=Nyní dostatečně znáš svou %s.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Hůlka je prokletá, což dělá její magii chaotickou a náhodnou.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Hůlka je prokletá, což dělá její magii chaotickou a náhodnou.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=%s je prokletá!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=%s je prokletá!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Zvol místo seslání
items.wands.wand.prompt=Zvol místo seslání
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ items.potions.potionoffrost.name=Trank des Frosts
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Die Chemikalie in diesem Trank verdampft nach Kontakt mit der Luft zu einer eiskalten Wolke.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Die Chemikalie in diesem Trank verdampft nach Kontakt mit der Luft zu einer eiskalten Wolke.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Diese Schriftrolle wird einen einzelnen Gegen
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Entferne Verzauberung
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Später entscheiden
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Später entscheiden
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Deine Rüstung glüht in der Dunkelheit!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Dieser Runenstein besitzt die Magie der Bezauberung. Anders als eine Schriftrolle der Verbesserung, kann er nicht direkt die Macht eines Gegenstands erhöhen. Stattdessen wird er eine Waffe oder Rüstung mit einem Zauber versehen, so dass sie eine neue Kraft erhalten.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Dieser Runenstein besitzt die Magie der Bezauberung. Anders als eine Schriftrolle der Verbesserung, kann er nicht direkt die Macht eines Gegenstands erhöhen. Stattdessen wird er eine Waffe oder Rüstung mit einem Zauber versehen, so dass sie eine neue Kraft erhalten.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Wahle einen Gegenstand
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Wahle einen Gegenstand
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Dein Zauberstab zischt; Er scheint nicht genug Ladungen
items.wands.wand.self_target=Du kannst dich selber nicht als Ziel bestimmen.
items.wands.wand.self_target=Du kannst dich selber nicht als Ziel bestimmen.
items.wands.wand.identify=Du bist nun mit deinem %s vertraut,
items.wands.wand.identify=Du bist nun mit deinem %s vertraut,
items.wands.wand.cursed=Dieser Zauberstab ist verflucht, welche seine Magie zufällig und chaotisch macht.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Dieser Zauberstab ist verflucht, welche seine Magie zufällig und chaotisch macht.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Dieser %s ist verflucht!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Dieser %s ist verflucht!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Wähle ein Ziel zum Zaubern.
items.wands.wand.prompt=Wähle ein Ziel zum Zaubern.
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Ĝi estas plivastigita por pliigi _defendon._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Ĝi estas surskribita per _%s._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Ĝi estas surskribita per _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Pro malbeno de tiu ĉi defendaĵo, vi ne povas ĝin demeti.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Pro malbeno de tiu ĉi defendaĵo, vi ne povas ĝin demeti.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Vi sentas fian magion insidantan de tiu ĉi defendaĵo.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Vi sentas fian magion insidantan de tiu ĉi defendaĵo.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Tiu ĉi defendaĵo estas libera de fia magio.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Rompita sigelo de Batalisto estas surmetita al tiu ĉi defendaĵo.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Rompita sigelo de Batalisto estas surmetita al tiu ĉi defendaĵo.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s mortigis vin…
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s mortigis vin…
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=KUIRI
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vi ne povas surmeti du samajn antikvaĵojn.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vi ne povas surmeti du samajn antikvaĵojn.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=La antikvaĵo dolore ligas sin al vi.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=La antikvaĵo dolore ligas sin al vi.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Vi povas senti malican magion en la antikvaĵo.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Vi povas senti malican magion en la antikvaĵo.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=Tiu ĉi antikvaĵo estas libera de fia magio.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Vi devas surmeti vian antikvaĵon por fari tion.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Vi devas surmeti vian antikvaĵon por fari tion.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=pelerino de dornoj
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=pelerino de dornoj
@ -356,18 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=ĉagrenfrukto
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Vi ne povas manĝi ĝin nekurite.
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Vi ne povas manĝi ĝin nekurite.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=La glacifrukto gustas kvazaŭ glaciigita karpaĉo.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=La glacifrukto gustas kvazaŭ glaciigita karpaĉo.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Vi sentas fajregon flamantan en vi!
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Vi sentas fajregon flamantan en vi!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Vi estas plenigita per fiforto de veneno!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Vi estas plenigita per fiforto de veneno!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Vi sentas, ke forto de la tero plenigas vin!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Vi sentas, ke forto de la tero plenigas vin!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tiel naŭza kaj sengusta, eble kuiro kun alia konsistaĵo plibongustigus ĝin.
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tiel naŭza kaj sengusta, eble kuiro kun alia konsistaĵo plibongustigus ĝin.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=La frukto ŝvelis pro longtempa kuirado en la poto kaj eĉ ensorbis ecojn de semo kun kiu ĝi estis kuirita.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=Ĝi ŝajnas manĝinde!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=Ĝi aspektas eĉ flugpova, eble estus bone ĵeti ĝin.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=pecoj da naŭzfrukto
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Naŭzfrukto eksplodis je falo, disfalante al malagemaj pecoj.\n\nMalgraŭ esti iomete malpuraj, tiuj ĉi grandaj pecoj da kuirita naŭzfrukto ŝajnas esti manĝeblaj.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=rostita viandaĵo
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=rostita viandaĵo
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Ĝi aspektas kiel bongusta viandotranĉaĵo.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Ĝi aspektas kiel bongusta viandotranĉaĵo.
@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Spertoj de miloj da interesaj bataloj redu
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=eliksiro de frosto
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=eliksiro de frosto
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Ĥemiaĵo entenata en tiu ĉi eliksiro vaporiĝos formante frostigan nubeton en kontakto kun freŝa aero.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Ĥemiaĵo entenata en tiu ĉi eliksiro vaporiĝos formante frostigan nubeton en kontakto kun freŝa aero.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=eliksiro de rapido
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Trinkado de tiu ĉi strange dolĉa likvo plenigos vin per multege da energio por mallonga tempo, ebligante al vi kuradi rapidege.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=eliksiro de sano
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=eliksiro de sano
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Viaj vundoj komenciĝas saniĝi.
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Viaj vundoj komenciĝas saniĝi.
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Tio ĉi estas %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Vi sufiĉe ekkonis kun via ringo por identigi ĝin. Ĝi estas %s.
items.rings.ring.identify=Vi sufiĉe ekkonis kun via ringo por identigi ĝin. Ĝi estas %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Pro malbeno de tiu ĉi ringo, vi ne povas ĝin demeti.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Pro malbeno de tiu ĉi ringo, vi ne povas ĝin demeti.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Vi sentas fian magion insidantan de tiu ĉi ringo.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Vi sentas fian magion insidantan de tiu ĉi ringo.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Tiu ĉi ringo estas libera de fia magio.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=ringo de precizo
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=ringo de precizo
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Tiu ĉi ringo pliigas vian sinkoncentron, malpliigante povon de via kontraŭulo por eviti viajn frapojn. Sed tamen malbenita ringo helpos al viaj malamikoj eviti viajn atakojn.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Tiu ĉi ringo pliigas vian sinkoncentron, malpliigante povon de via kontraŭulo por eviti viajn frapojn. Sed tamen malbenita ringo helpos al viaj malamikoj eviti viajn atakojn.
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo plibonigos unu aĵon, pl
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Senplivastigi
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Vi defendaĵo brilas en la mallumo!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Tiu ĉi runŝtono enhavas ian magion. Kontraŭe al skribrulaĵo de plibonigo, ĝi ne rekte pliigos povon de aĵo, sed anstataŭ plenigos armilon aŭ defendaĵon per ensorĉo, donante al ĝi novan efikon.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Tiu ĉi runŝtono enhavas ian magion. Kontraŭe al skribrulaĵo de plibonigo, ĝi ne rekte pliigos povon de aĵo, sed anstataŭ plenigos armilon aŭ defendaĵon per ensorĉo, donante al ĝi novan efikon.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Elektu aĵon
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Elektu aĵon
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Via vergo siblas, ĝi ne havas sufiĉe da ŝargoj.
items.wands.wand.self_target=Vi ne povas alceli vin mem!
items.wands.wand.self_target=Vi ne povas alceli vin mem!
items.wands.wand.identify=Vi sufiĉe ekkonis kun via %s.
items.wands.wand.identify=Vi sufiĉe ekkonis kun via %s.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Tiu ĉi vergo estas malbenita, ĝia magio estas ĥaosa kaj hazarda.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Tiu ĉi vergo estas malbenita, ĝia magio estas ĥaosa kaj hazarda.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Tiu ĉi %s estas malbenita!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Tiu ĉi %s estas malbenita!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Elektu kien pafi
items.wands.wand.prompt=Elektu kien pafi
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Esta agumentado para mejorar la _defensa._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Esta inscrito con un _%s._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Esta inscrito con un _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ya que esta armadura está maldita, no tienes las fuerzas para quitártela.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ya que esta armadura está maldita, no tienes las fuerzas para quitártela.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Puedes sentir una magia perversa escondida en esta armadura.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Puedes sentir una magia perversa escondida en esta armadura.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Esta armadura esta libre de energia maligna.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=El sello roto del Guerrero ha sido fijado a esta armadura.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=El sello roto del Guerrero ha sido fijado a esta armadura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s te ha matado.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s te ha matado.
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=FERMENTAR
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No puedes llevar dos artefactos del mismo tipo.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No puedes llevar dos artefactos del mismo tipo.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=El artefacto se une dolorosamente a ti.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=El artefacto se une dolorosamente a ti.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Puedes sentir magia malévola acechando dentro del artefacto.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Puedes sentir magia malévola acechando dentro del artefacto.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=Este artefacto esta libre de energia maligna.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Necesitas equipar tu artefacto para hacer eso.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Necesitas equipar tu artefacto para hacer eso.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=capa de espinas
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=capa de espinas
@ -356,18 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=bayatriste
items.food.blandfruit.raw=No eres capaz de comértela cruda.
items.food.blandfruit.raw=No eres capaz de comértela cruda.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=La bayahielo sabe un poco a Carpaccio Congelado.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=La bayahielo sabe un poco a Carpaccio Congelado.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Sientes un gran fuego ardiendo dentro de ti!
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Sientes un gran fuego ardiendo dentro de ti!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=¡Estás imbuido con vil poder tóxico!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=¡Estás imbuido con vil poder tóxico!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=¡Sientes el poder de la tierra recorriendo tu cuerpo!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=¡Sientes el poder de la tierra recorriendo tu cuerpo!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Muy seca e insustancial, quizá mejoraría cociéndola con algún otro ingrediente.
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Muy seca e insustancial, quizá mejoraría cociéndola con algún otro ingrediente.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=La fruta se ha rellenado por su tiempo dentro de la olla e incluso ha absorbido las propiedades de la semilla con que fue cocinada.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=Parece lista para comer!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=Parece muy volatil, podria ser mejor que la arrojes.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=trozos de fruta
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=La fruta a explotado en el impacto, dejando pequeños trozos inertes.\n\nA pesar de un poco de tierra, estos pedazos grandes de fruta cocinada parecen perfectamente comestibles.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne tierna
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne tierna
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Parece un filete comestible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Parece un filete comestible.
@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Las crónicas de multitudes de batallas re
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=poción de escarcha
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=poción de escarcha
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=El producto químico contenido en esta poción se evaporará en una nube de congelación al exponerse al aire libre.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=El producto químico contenido en esta poción se evaporará en una nube de congelación al exponerse al aire libre.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=Poción de rapidez
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Beber este liquido extrañamente dulce te dara tremenda energia por un corto periodo de tiempo, permitiendote correr a altas velocidades.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=poción de curación
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=poción de curación
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Tus heridas empiezan a cerrarse.
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Tus heridas empiezan a cerrarse.
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Esto es un %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Te has familizarizado lo suficiente con tu anillo para identificarlo. Es un %s.
items.rings.ring.identify=Te has familizarizado lo suficiente con tu anillo para identificarlo. Es un %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Como el anillo está maldito no tienes las fuerzas para quitártelo.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Como el anillo está maldito no tienes las fuerzas para quitártelo.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Notas que una magia perversa acecha en el anillo.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Notas que una magia perversa acecha en el anillo.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Esta anillo esta libre de energia maligna.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anillo de precisión
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anillo de precisión
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Este anillo incrementa tu concentración, reduciendo la habilidad de los enemigos para esquivar tus ataques. Un anillo maldito, por el contrario, facilitará a tus enemigos esquivar tus ataques.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Este anillo incrementa tu concentración, reduciendo la habilidad de los enemigos para esquivar tus ataques. Un anillo maldito, por el contrario, facilitará a tus enemigos esquivar tus ataques.
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=pergamino de reflejo
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=El encantamiento en este pergamino creará gemelos ilusorios del lector, que perseguirán a los enemigos.
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=El encantamiento en este pergamino creará gemelos ilusorios del lector, que perseguirán a los enemigos.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pergamino de la explosión psiónica
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pergamino de la explosión psiónica
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Este pergamino contiene una energía destructiva que puede ser canalizada para desgarrar la mente de todas las criaturas visibles. El poder desatado por el pergamino es caótico, que cegara y debilitara al usuario.\n\nComo más dañado este el usuario, el pergamino sera más poderoso. A muy baga vida el pergamino matara la mayoría de los enemigos instantaneamente.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=pergamino de furia
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=pergamino de furia
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=¡Este pergamino emite un encolerizante rugido que hace eco en todo el calabozo!
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=¡Este pergamino emite un encolerizante rugido que hace eco en todo el calabozo!
@ -664,11 +664,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=¡El pergamino emite una brillante luz roja y %
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=¡El pergamino emite un brillante resplandor de luz roja y los monstruos huyen!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=¡El pergamino emite un brillante resplandor de luz roja y los monstruos huyen!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Un resplandor de luz roja infundirá a todas las criaturas en tu campo de visión con terror haciendo que se alejen y huyan. Atacar a un enemigo huyendo disipará este efecto.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Un resplandor de luz roja infundirá a todas las criaturas en tu campo de visión con terror haciendo que se alejen y huyan. Atacar a un enemigo huyendo disipará este efecto.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=Pergamino de transmutación
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmuta un objeto
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nada interesante pasa.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=¡Tu objeto se transforma en algo diferente!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=Este pergamino contiene poderosa magia de transmutacíon. Cuando es usado en un objeto seleccionable se transformara en un objeto diferente del mismo tipo. La magia preservara mejoras, encantamientos y glifos
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=pergamino de mejora
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=pergamino de mejora
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Mejorar un ítem
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Mejorar un ítem
@ -681,11 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Este pergamino mejorará un solo ítem, aumen
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=Piedra de agresion
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Piedra de agumentacion
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Agumenta un objeto
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Agumenta un objeto
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Esta piedra posee potente magia que puede agumentar equipamiento para mejorar una propiedad a costa de la otra.\n\nUsarla en un arma te permitira mejorar la velocidad o el daño.\n\nUsarla en armaduras te permitira mejorar la defensa o la evasion.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Esta piedra posee potente magia que puede agumentar equipamiento para mejorar una propiedad a costa de la otra.\n\nUsarla en un arma te permitira mejorar la velocidad o el daño.\n\nUsarla en armaduras te permitira mejorar la defensa o la evasion.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Que te gustaria mejorar?
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Que te gustaria mejorar?
@ -696,46 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Defensa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Eliminar Agumentacion
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Eliminar Agumentacion
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=Piedra de evitación
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=Piedra explosiva
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Esta piedra runíca explotara instantaneamente en el lugar al que fue arrojado. Igual que una bomba, la explosion dañara cualquier cosa cercana.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=Piedra de teleportacion
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=Esta piedra teleportara al usuario a la localizacion arrojada.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=Piedra de clarividencia
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=Esta pieira buscara instantaneamente todas las casillas que son visibles en la localizacion arrojada.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=Piedra de sueño profundo
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=Piedra de detectar maldicion
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detecta un objeto
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=¡Sientes que el objeto esta maldito!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=No hay magia maligna en ese objeto.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=Esta piedra runíca tiene una magia más debil que la de los pegaminos de eliminar maldicion. Mientras las maldiciones no se quitaran del objeto, podran ser detectadas.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Piedra de encantamiento
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Encantar un Ítem
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Encantar un Ítem
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=¡Tu arma resplandece en la oscuridad!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=¡Tu arma resplandece en la oscuridad!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=¡Tu armadura resplandece en la oscuridad!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=¡Tu armadura resplandece en la oscuridad!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Esta piedra rúnica posee magia encantadora. A diferencia de un pergamino de mejora, no aumentará la potencia directa de un objeto, sino que impregnará un arma o armadura con un hechizo, otorgándole un nuevo poder.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Esta piedra rúnica posee magia encantadora. A diferencia de un pergamino de mejora, no aumentará la potencia directa de un objeto, sino que impregnará un arma o armadura con un hechizo, otorgándole un nuevo poder.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=Piedra de rebaño
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Piedra de intuicion
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecciona un ítem
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecciona un ítem
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Esta piedra rúnica contiene una versión más débil de la magia encontrada en pergaminos de identificación. En lugar de identificar directamente un objeto, funcionará con tu intuición, lo que le permite intentar identificar una poción o pergamino al adivinar.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Esta piedra rúnica contiene una versión más débil de la magia encontrada en pergaminos de identificación. En lugar de identificar directamente un objeto, funcionará con tu intuición, lo que le permite intentar identificar una poción o pergamino al adivinar.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Adivina cual es el objeto inidentificado. Si adivinas correctamente, sera identificado!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=¡Correcto, El objeto a sido identificado!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Tu respuesta es incorrecta.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=Piedra de electricidad
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=Esta piedra libera una corta tormenta electrica en el lugar donde fue arrojado.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Fuiste asesinado por tu propio %s.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Fuiste asesinado por tu propio %s.
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Tu varita chisporrotea; no debe tener energía suficien
items.wands.wand.self_target=¡No puedes apuntarte a ti mismo!
items.wands.wand.self_target=¡No puedes apuntarte a ti mismo!
items.wands.wand.identify=Ahora estás familiarizado con tu %s.
items.wands.wand.identify=Ahora estás familiarizado con tu %s.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Esta varita está maldita, haciendo su magia caótica y aleatoria.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Esta varita está maldita, haciendo su magia caótica y aleatoria.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=¡Este %s está maldito!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=¡Este %s está maldito!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Elige una dirección para disparar.
items.wands.wand.prompt=Elige una dirección para disparar.
@ -917,7 +918,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Una bola de pinchos sujeta a un mango por una larg
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=Guantelete de piedra
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=Guantelete de piedra
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Esta es un arma muy rápida.\nEsta arma bloquea algo de daño.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Esta es un arma muy rápida.\nEsta arma bloquea algo de daño.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Este guantelete masivo esta hecho de tela carmesí con pesada piedra magica puesta encima. La tela se tenza alrededor de ti, haciendo las placas de roca como una segunda piel. Usar un arma asi de pesada requiere fuerza, pero añade tremenda fuerza a tus golpes.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Esta es un arma bastante lenta.\nEsta arma tiene alcance extra.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Esta es un arma bastante lenta.\nEsta arma tiene alcance extra.
@ -1012,8 +1013,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Una espada bastante corta, desgastada por
###missile weapons
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=Dardo de adrenalina
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=Estos dardos tienen un compuesto en la punta basado en cardoimpulso que le dara a su objetivo un aumento de velocidad. Este aumento afecta la veloridad de movimiento y de ataque, pero el movimiento es mejorado más.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=Dardos cegadores
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=Dardos cegadores
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Estos dardos estan hechos con un compuesto basado en ciegahierba que cegara el objetivo por un corto periodo de tiempo, no desorientan, significa que un enemigo sabra donde te vio la ultima vez.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Estos dardos estan hechos con un compuesto basado en ciegahierba que cegara el objetivo por un corto periodo de tiempo, no desorientan, significa que un enemigo sabra donde te vio la ultima vez.
@ -1059,7 +1060,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Estas inusuales armas a distancia no son muy da
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Arrojado al enemigo este proyectil de madera curvada volverá a las manos del lanzador.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Arrojado al enemigo este proyectil de madera curvada volverá a las manos del lanzador.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Debido a su solida construccion, este búmeran no se rompera por uso.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=dardo curare
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=dardo curare
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Estos dardos tienen en la punta un componente basado en raizterránea que paráliza al objetivo durante un corto tiempo al impactar.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Estos dardos tienen en la punta un componente basado en raizterránea que paráliza al objetivo durante un corto tiempo al impactar.
@ -1103,7 +1104,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Debido a tu exceso de fuerza, causarás hasta _%d
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=¡La interacción con diferentes tipos de magia ha anulado el encantamiento de esta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=¡La interacción con diferentes tipos de magia ha anulado el encantamiento de esta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Debido a la maldición de esta arma, eres incapaz de quitártela.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Debido a la maldición de esta arma, eres incapaz de quitártela.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Puedes sentir la magia malévola acechando dentro de esta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Puedes sentir la magia malévola acechando dentro de esta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=Esta arma esta libre de energia maligna.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Esta agumentado para mejorar la _velocidad._
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Esta agumentado para mejorar la _velocidad._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Esta agumentado para mejorar el _daño._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Esta agumentado para mejorar el _daño._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Tiene un _%s._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Tiene un _%s._
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ items.potions.potionoffrost.name=pakkasen taikajuoma
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Tässä taikajuomassa oleva kemikaali höyrystyy jäätäväksi pilveksi päästessään reagoimaan ilman kanssa.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Tässä taikajuomassa oleva kemikaali höyrystyy jäätäväksi pilveksi päästessään reagoimaan ilman kanssa.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=elinvoiman taikajuoma
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=elinvoiman taikajuoma
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Tämä käärö parantaa yhtä esinettä, teh
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remove Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Unohda koko juttu
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Unohda koko juttu
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Panssarisi hohtaa pimeässä!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Tähän riimukiveen on sidottu lumoavaa taikuutta. Parannuksen kääröstä poiketen se ei suoraan kasvata esineen voimaa, vaan lumoaa aseen tai panssarin uuden ominaisuuden antavalla lumouksella.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Tähän riimukiveen on sidottu lumoavaa taikuutta. Parannuksen kääröstä poiketen se ei suoraan kasvata esineen voimaa, vaan lumoaa aseen tai panssarin uuden ominaisuuden antavalla lumouksella.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Valitse esine tunnistettavaksi
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Valitse esine tunnistettavaksi
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Sauvasi sihisee; siinä ei varmaankaan ole tarpeeksi en
items.wands.wand.self_target=Et voi ottaa itseäsi kohteeksi!
items.wands.wand.self_target=Et voi ottaa itseäsi kohteeksi!
items.wands.wand.identify=%s on nyt sinulle tuttu.
items.wands.wand.identify=%s on nyt sinulle tuttu.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Tämä sauva on kirottu, tehden sen magiasta kaoottista ja epäluotettavaa.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Tämä sauva on kirottu, tehden sen magiasta kaoottista ja epäluotettavaa.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Tämä %s on kirottu!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Tämä %s on kirottu!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Valitse ruutu, mihin haluat tähdätä loitsun
items.wands.wand.prompt=Valitse ruutu, mihin haluat tähdätä loitsun
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ items.potions.potionoffrost.name=potion de froid
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Cette fiole contient une substance qui s'évapore soudainement au contact de l'air créant un brouillard glaçant.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Cette fiole contient une substance qui s'évapore soudainement au contact de l'air créant un brouillard glaçant.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=potion de soins
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=potion de soins
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Ce parchemin va améliorer un unique objet, e
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Retirer l'Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=J'ai changé d'avis
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=J'ai changé d'avis
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Votre armure brille dans l'obscurité!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Cette pierre runique possède un enchantement magique. À la différence d'un parchemin d'augmentation de niveau, elle n'augmentera pas la puissance directe d'un objet, mais imprègnera plutôt une arme ou une armure d'un enchantement, lui conférant un nouveau pouvoir.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Cette pierre runique possède un enchantement magique. À la différence d'un parchemin d'augmentation de niveau, elle n'augmentera pas la puissance directe d'un objet, mais imprègnera plutôt une arme ou une armure d'un enchantement, lui conférant un nouveau pouvoir.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Sélectionnez un objet
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Sélectionnez un objet
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Votre baguette s'interrompt ; elle doit manquer de char
items.wands.wand.self_target=Vous ne pouvez pas vous cibler !
items.wands.wand.self_target=Vous ne pouvez pas vous cibler !
items.wands.wand.identify=Vous vous êtes familiarisés avec votre %s.
items.wands.wand.identify=Vous vous êtes familiarisés avec votre %s.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Cette baguette est maudite, rendant sa magie chaotique et aléatoire.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Cette baguette est maudite, rendant sa magie chaotique et aléatoire.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Cet %s est maudit !
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Cet %s est maudit !
items.wands.wand.prompt=Choisissez un endroit pour tirer
items.wands.wand.prompt=Choisissez un endroit pour tirer
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ items.potions.potionoffrost.name=fagyásital
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=A vegyszer szabad levegőre érve jéghideg felhővé illan.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=A vegyszer szabad levegőre érve jéghideg felhővé illan.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Ezzel a tekerccsel egy tárgyat fejleszthetsz
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remove Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=A páncélod világít a sötétben!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=This runestone possesses enchanting magic. Unlike a scroll of upgrade, it will not increase the direct power of an item, but will instead imbue a weapon or armor with an enchantment, granting it a new power.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=This runestone possesses enchanting magic. Unlike a scroll of upgrade, it will not increase the direct power of an item, but will instead imbue a weapon or armor with an enchantment, granting it a new power.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Válassz egy tárgyat
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Válassz egy tárgyat
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=A pálcád csak sistereg; talán nem töltődött még
items.wands.wand.self_target=Magadat nem célozhatod!
items.wands.wand.self_target=Magadat nem célozhatod!
items.wands.wand.identify=Kiismerted a tárgyad: %s.
items.wands.wand.identify=Kiismerted a tárgyad: %s.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Ez a pálca átkozott, ettől kaotikusan és vaktában varázsol.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Ez a pálca átkozott, ettől kaotikusan és vaktában varázsol.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=%s meg van átkozva!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=%s meg van átkozva!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Hova lősz?
items.wands.wand.prompt=Hova lősz?
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ items.potions.potionoffrost.name=ramuan es
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam ramuan ini akan menguap menjadi awan beku ketika terkena paparan udara bebas.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam ramuan ini akan menguap menjadi awan beku ketika terkena paparan udara bebas.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=ramuan penyembuhan
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=ramuan penyembuhan
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Gulungan ini akan meng-upgrade satu buah item
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Hapus Augmentasi
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Gak jadi
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Gak jadi
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Armormu bercahaya dalam kegelapan!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Batu kuno ini memiliki kekuatan sihir. Tidak seperti gulungan upgrade, batu ini tidak akan meningkatkan kekuatan sebuah item, tapi justru hanya akan memberikan senjata dan armor kekuatan khusus, memberikannya kekuatan baru.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Batu kuno ini memiliki kekuatan sihir. Tidak seperti gulungan upgrade, batu ini tidak akan meningkatkan kekuatan sebuah item, tapi justru hanya akan memberikan senjata dan armor kekuatan khusus, memberikannya kekuatan baru.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Pilih sebuah item
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Pilih sebuah item
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Tongkat sihirmu mendesis; pasti tidak cukup charge.
items.wands.wand.self_target=Kau tidak dapat menargetkan diri sendiri!
items.wands.wand.self_target=Kau tidak dapat menargetkan diri sendiri!
items.wands.wand.identify=Kau sekarang sudah familiar dengan %s-mu.
items.wands.wand.identify=Kau sekarang sudah familiar dengan %s-mu.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Tongkat sihir ini terkutuk, membuat sihirnya berbahaya dan acak.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Tongkat sihir ini terkutuk, membuat sihirnya berbahaya dan acak.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=%s ini terkutuk!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=%s ini terkutuk!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Pilih lokasi untuk ditembak
items.wands.wand.prompt=Pilih lokasi untuk ditembak
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=È incrementata per migliorare _la difesa._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=È inscritto con un _%s._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=È inscritto con un _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Poiché questa armatura è maledetta, non ti è possibile rimuoverla.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Poiché questa armatura è maledetta, non ti è possibile rimuoverla.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Puoi percepire un'energia maligna nascondersi in questa armatura.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Puoi percepire un'energia maligna nascondersi in questa armatura.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Questa armatura è libera da magia ostile.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Il sigillo rotto del Guerriero è connesso a quest'armatura.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Il sigillo rotto del Guerriero è connesso a quest'armatura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s ti ha ucciso...
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s ti ha ucciso...
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=PREPARA
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Non puoi indossare due artefatti uguali.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Non puoi indossare due artefatti uguali.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefatto si lega a te dolorosamente.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefatto si lega a te dolorosamente.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Puoi percepire una magia ostile nascondersi nell'artefatto.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Puoi percepire una magia ostile nascondersi nell'artefatto.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=Questo artefatto è libero da magia ostile.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Dovrai equipaggiare l'artefatto per farlo.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Dovrai equipaggiare l'artefatto per farlo.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=cappa di spine
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=cappa di spine
@ -356,18 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=frutto del dolore
items.food.blandfruit.stormfruit=frutto della tempesta
items.food.blandfruit.stormfruit=frutto della tempesta
items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=frutto del sogno
items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=frutto del sogno
items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=frutto delle stelle
items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=frutto delle stelle
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Non puoi mangiarlo crudo.
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Non puoi mangiarlo crudo.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Il frutto del ghiaccio sa di Carpaccio.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Il frutto del ghiaccio sa di Carpaccio.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Senti un grande fuoco bruciare dentro di te!
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Senti un grande fuoco bruciare dentro di te!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Sei pervaso da un potere tossico e vile!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Sei pervaso da un potere tossico e vile!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Senti il potere della terra scorrere dentro di te!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Senti il potere della terra scorrere dentro di te!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Così secco e inutile... forse stufarlo con un altro ingrediente potrebbe migliorarlo.
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Così secco e inutile... forse stufarlo con un altro ingrediente potrebbe migliorarlo.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Il frutto sì è gonfiato a causa del tempo passato nella pentola ed ha assorbito le proprietà del seme con cui è stato cotto.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=Sembra pronto per essere mangiato!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=Sembra piuttosto instabile, sarebbe meglio lanciarlo.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=pezzi di blandofrutto
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Il blandofrutto è esploso all'impatto, lasciando dietro di sé dei pezzetti inerti.\n\nMalgrado siano un po' sporchi, questi grossi pezzi di blandofrutto cotto appaiono completamente commestibili.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne alla griglia
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne alla griglia
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Sembra una bistecca niente male.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Sembra una bistecca niente male.
@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=La leggendaria esperienza di una moltitudi
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=pozione del congelamento
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=pozione del congelamento
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=La sostanza chimica contenuta in questa pozione evaporerà in una nube congelante non appena esposta all'aria aperta.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=La sostanza chimica contenuta in questa pozione evaporerà in una nube congelante non appena esposta all'aria aperta.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=pozione di fretta
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Bere questo liquido curiosamente dolce ti irradierà di una eccezionale energia per un breve periodo, permettendoti di correre ad alte velocità.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=pozione della guarigione
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=pozione della guarigione
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Le tue ferite cominciano a chiudersi.
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Le tue ferite cominciano a chiudersi.
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Questo è un %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Ormai hai abbastanza familiarità con il tuo anello da indentificarlo. È un %s.
items.rings.ring.identify=Ormai hai abbastanza familiarità con il tuo anello da indentificarlo. È un %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Poiché l'anello è maledetto, non ti è possibile rimuoverlo.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Poiché l'anello è maledetto, non ti è possibile rimuoverlo.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Puoi percepire una magia maligna nascondersi all'interno di questo anello.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Puoi percepire una magia maligna nascondersi all'interno di questo anello.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Questo anello è libero da magia ostile.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anello della precisione
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anello della precisione
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Questo anello aumenta la tua concentrazione, riducendo l'abilità del nemico di schivare i tuoi colpi. Un anello maledetto invece permetterà ai nemici di schivare più facilmente i tuoi attacchi.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Questo anello aumenta la tua concentrazione, riducendo l'abilità del nemico di schivare i tuoi colpi. Un anello maledetto invece permetterà ai nemici di schivare più facilmente i tuoi attacchi.
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=pergamena dell'immagine speculare
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=L'incantesimo di questa pergamena creerà delle illusioni-clone del lettore, che daranno la caccia ai nemici.
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=L'incantesimo di questa pergamena creerà delle illusioni-clone del lettore, che daranno la caccia ai nemici.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pergamena di esplosione psionica
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pergamena di esplosione psionica
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Questa pergamena contiene energia distruttiva che può essere canalizzata per aggredire le menti di ogni creatura visibile, accecandole e ferendole. Il potere scatenato dalla pergamena è caotico, quindi accecherà e indebolirà anche l'utilizzatore.\n\nPiù l'utilizzatore è ferito, più potente sarà la pergamena. Se la tua salute è molto bassa l'esplosione psionica può uccidere all'istante la maggior parte dei nemici.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=pergamena della rabbia
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=pergamena della rabbia
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=la pergamena emette un furioso ruggito che echeggia attraverso il dungeon!
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=la pergamena emette un furioso ruggito che echeggia attraverso il dungeon!
@ -664,11 +664,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=La pergamena emette un brillante lampo di luce
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=La pergamena emette un brillante lampo di luce rossa e i mostri fuggono!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=La pergamena emette un brillante lampo di luce rossa e i mostri fuggono!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Un lampo di luce rossa travolgerà tutte le creature nel tuo campo visivo, terrorizzandole e facendole fuggire via. Attaccare un nemico in fuga interromperà l'effetto.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Un lampo di luce rossa travolgerà tutte le creature nel tuo campo visivo, terrorizzandole e facendole fuggire via. Attaccare un nemico in fuga interromperà l'effetto.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=pergamena della trasmutazione
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Trasmuta un oggetto
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Non succede nulla di interessante.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Il tuo oggetto si trasforma in qualcosa di diverso!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=Questa pergamena contiene una potente magia trasmutante. Quando usata su di un oggetto idoneo, esso verrà trasformato in un oggetto differente dello stesso tipo. La magia conserverà miglioramenti, incantamenti e glifi.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=pergamena del miglioramento
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=pergamena del miglioramento
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Migliora un oggetto
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Migliora un oggetto
@ -681,11 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Questa pergamena migliorerà un singolo ogget
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=pietra dell'aggressività
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=pietra dell'incremento
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Incrementa un oggetto
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Incrementa un oggetto
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Questa pietra runica possiede una potente magia che può incrementare l'equipaggiamento per migliorare una proprietà al costo di un'altra.\n\nUsandola su di un'arma ti permetterà di migliorarne la velocità o il danno.\n\nUsandola su di un'armatura ti permetterà di migliorarne la difesa o l'evasività.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Questa pietra runica possiede una potente magia che può incrementare l'equipaggiamento per migliorare una proprietà al costo di un'altra.\n\nUsandola su di un'arma ti permetterà di migliorarne la velocità o il danno.\n\nUsandola su di un'armatura ti permetterà di migliorarne la difesa o l'evasività.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Cosa vorresti migliorare?
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Cosa vorresti migliorare?
@ -696,8 +696,8 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Difesa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Rimuovi Incremento
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Rimuovi Incremento
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Lascia perdere
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Lascia perdere
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=pietra dell'evasione
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=La tua armatura brilla nell'oscurità!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Questa pietra runica possiede una magia incantante. A differenza di una pergamena di miglioramento, non aumenterà la potenza diretta di un oggetto ma piuttosto instillerà un'arma o un'armatura con un incantamento, assegnandole un nuovo potere.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Questa pietra runica possiede una magia incantante. A differenza di una pergamena di miglioramento, non aumenterà la potenza diretta di un oggetto ma piuttosto instillerà un'arma o un'armatura con un incantamento, assegnandole un nuovo potere.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Seleziona un oggetto
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Seleziona un oggetto
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=La tua bacchetta emette fievoli scoppiettii; sarà scar
items.wands.wand.self_target=Non puoi puntarlo su te stesso!
items.wands.wand.self_target=Non puoi puntarlo su te stesso!
items.wands.wand.identify=Ora hai familiarità con %s.
items.wands.wand.identify=Ora hai familiarità con %s.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Questa bacchetta è maledetta, rendendo la sua magia disordinata e casuale.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Questa bacchetta è maledetta, rendendo la sua magia disordinata e casuale.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Questo %s è maledetto!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Questo %s è maledetto!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Scegli un punto da colpire
items.wands.wand.prompt=Scegli un punto da colpire
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=그것은 _방어_ 를 강화하기 위해 증강되
items.armor.armor.inscribed=_%s_ 가 새겨져 있습니다.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=_%s_ 가 새겨져 있습니다.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=이 갑옷은 저주받았기 때문에, 당신은 이 갑옷을 벗을 수 없습니다.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=이 갑옷은 저주받았기 때문에, 당신은 이 갑옷을 벗을 수 없습니다.
items.armor.armor.cursed=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 이 갑옷에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.armor.armor.cursed=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 이 갑옷에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=이 갑옷에는 악의적인 마법이 없습니다.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=전사의 부러진 인장이 이 갑옷에 붙어 있습니다.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=전사의 부러진 인장이 이 갑옷에 붙어 있습니다.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s에 의해 죽었습니다...
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s에 의해 죽었습니다...
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=제조
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=같은 유물 아이템 두 개를 동시에 착용할 수 없습니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=같은 유물 아이템 두 개를 동시에 착용할 수 없습니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=유물이 당신에게 고통스럽게 달라붙었다.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=유물이 당신에게 고통스럽게 달라붙었다.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 유물에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 유물에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=이 유물에는 악의적인 마법이 없습니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=먼저 유물을 착용해야 합니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=먼저 유물을 착용해야 합니다.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=가시 망토
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=가시 망토
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=슬픔과
items.food.blandfruit.raw=당신은 이걸 억지로도 먹을 수 없을 것 같다.
items.food.blandfruit.raw=당신은 이걸 억지로도 먹을 수 없을 것 같다.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=눈꽃과에서 얼린 생고기 맛이 났다.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=눈꽃과에서 얼린 생고기 맛이 났다.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=당신은 말 그대로 속이 타는 것을 느꼈다.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=당신은 말 그대로 속이 타는 것을 느꼈다.
@ -364,10 +364,10 @@ items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=당신은 사악한 독과 하나가 되었다!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=당신은 대지의 힘이 당신에게 들어오는 것을 느꼈다!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=당신은 대지의 힘이 당신에게 들어오는 것을 느꼈다!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=이건 너무 건조하고 쓸모 없을 것 같습니다. 아마 다른 재료와 섞어 요리하면 더 좋아질 수 있을 것 같습니다.
items.food.blandfruit.desc=이건 너무 건조하고 쓸모 없을 것 같습니다. 아마 다른 재료와 섞어 요리하면 더 좋아질 수 있을 것 같습니다.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=먹을 수 있을 것 같습니다!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=불안정해 보이며, 던져 버려야 할 것 같습니다.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=단백과 조각
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=이 단백과는 폭발하여 속살만 조금 남았습니다.\n\n이 요리된 단백과 조각은 흙이 조금 묻었지만 먹을 수 있을 것 같습니다.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=직화구이 고기
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=직화구이 고기
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=괜찮게 구워진 고기가 된 것 같다.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=괜찮게 구워진 고기가 된 것 같다.
@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=많은 사람들의 경험을 적은 이
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=서리의 물약
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=서리의 물약
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=이 화합물은 공기에 닿는 즉시 차가운 구름으로 기화합니다.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=이 화합물은 공기에 닿는 즉시 차가운 구름으로 기화합니다.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=신속의 물약
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=매우 달콤한 이 물약은 당신에게 폭발적인 에너지를 부여해 짧은 시간 동안 매우 빠른 속도로 달릴 수 있게 합니다.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=치유 물약
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=치유 물약
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=당신의 상처가 낫기 시작했다.
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=당신의 상처가 낫기 시작했다.
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=이것은 %s 입니다.
items.rings.ring.identify=당신은 이 반지가 무엇인지 알 만큼 충분히 익숙해졌습니다. 이것은 %s입니다.
items.rings.ring.identify=당신은 이 반지가 무엇인지 알 만큼 충분히 익숙해졌습니다. 이것은 %s입니다.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=이 반지는 저주받았기 때문에, 이 반지를 뺄 수 없습니다.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=이 반지는 저주받았기 때문에, 이 반지를 뺄 수 없습니다.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 이 반지에 깃든 것을 느낍니다
items.rings.ring.curse_known=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 이 반지에 깃든 것을 느낍니다
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=이 반지에는 악의적인 마법이 없습니다.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=정확성의 반지
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=정확성의 반지
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=이 반지는 착용자의 집중력을 향상시켜, 적들이 당신의 공격을 더 피하기 어렵게 만듭니다. 저주받은 반지는 당신의 공격이 더 잘 빗나가게 만듭니다.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=이 반지는 착용자의 집중력을 향상시켜, 적들이 당신의 공격을 더 피하기 어렵게 만듭니다. 저주받은 반지는 당신의 공격이 더 잘 빗나가게 만듭니다.
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=거울상의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=이 주문서에 적인 글귀는 독자와 똑같이 생긴 환영들을 만들어 그의 적들을 쫓아다닙니다.
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=이 주문서에 적인 글귀는 독자와 똑같이 생긴 환영들을 만들어 그의 적들을 쫓아다닙니다.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=정신 폭발의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=정신 폭발의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=이 주문서에는 시야 내에 들어온 모든 대상의 정신을 공격하여 눈을 멀게 하고 피해를 줍니다. 주문서의 마법은 불안정하여 읽은 사람도 눈이 멀게 되고 약화됩니다.\n\n읽은 사람의 체력이 적을수록 주문서의 위력도 강력해집니다. 빈사 상태에서 주문서를 읽으면 대부분의 적들을 전멸시킬 수 있을 정도입니다.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=분노의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=분노의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=주문서가 내뱉은 분노에 찬 함성이 던전 전체에 울려퍼졌다!
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=주문서가 내뱉은 분노에 찬 함성이 던전 전체에 울려퍼졌다!
@ -664,11 +664,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=주문서에서 눈이 부시도록 시뻘건
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=주문서에서 눈이 부시도록 시뻘건 빛이 뿜어져 나오며 몬스터들이 도망쳤다!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=주문서에서 눈이 부시도록 시뻘건 빛이 뿜어져 나오며 몬스터들이 도망쳤다!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=이 주문서를 사용하면 시뻘건 빛을 발하여 사용자의 시야 안에 있는 적들을 공포에 몰아넣고, 그들을 도망치게 합니다. 도망치는 적들을 공격하면 효과가 해제됩니다.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=이 주문서를 사용하면 시뻘건 빛을 발하여 사용자의 시야 안에 있는 적들을 공포에 몰아넣고, 그들을 도망치게 합니다. 도망치는 적들을 공격하면 효과가 해제됩니다.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=변환의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=변환할 아이템을 선택하세요
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=뭔가 바뀐 건 없어 보인다.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=당신의 아이템이 다른 것으로 변했다!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=이 주문서는 강력한 변환 마법이 담겨 있습니다. 특정한 아이템에 사용하면 같은 종류의 다른 아이템으로 변환시킵니다. 변환한 아이템의 강화 수치, 마법, 상형문자가 보존됩니다.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=강화의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=강화의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=강화할 아이템을 선택하세요
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=강화할 아이템을 선택하세요
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=이 주문서는 하나의 아이템을 강
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=증강 제거
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=당신의 갑옷은 어둠 속에서 빛
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=이 룬석은 마법 부여의 힘이 담겨 있습니다. 강화의 주문서처럼 장비 자체의 질을 향상시키지는 않지만, 대신 무기와 방어구와 융합하여 장비에 마법을 부여할 수 있습니다.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=이 룬석은 마법 부여의 힘이 담겨 있습니다. 강화의 주문서처럼 장비 자체의 질을 향상시키지는 않지만, 대신 무기와 방어구와 융합하여 장비에 마법을 부여할 수 있습니다.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=아이템을 선택하세요
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=아이템을 선택하세요
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=당신의 마법 막대는 움찔할 뿐이었다. 충
items.wands.wand.self_target=당신은 스스로를 겨냥할 수 없다.
items.wands.wand.self_target=당신은 스스로를 겨냥할 수 없다.
items.wands.wand.identify=당신은 %s에 충분히 익숙해졌습니다.
items.wands.wand.identify=당신은 %s에 충분히 익숙해졌습니다.
items.wands.wand.cursed=이 마법 막대는 저주받았습니다. 사용하면 혼란스러운 무작위 주문이 발사됩니다.
items.wands.wand.cursed=이 마법 막대는 저주받았습니다. 사용하면 혼란스러운 무작위 주문이 발사됩니다.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=이 %s는 저주받았다!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=이 %s는 저주받았다!
items.wands.wand.prompt=발사할 지점을 선택하세요
items.wands.wand.prompt=발사할 지점을 선택하세요
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ items.potions.potionoffrost.name=mikstura mrozu
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Chemikalia w miksturze wyparują, a następnie zamarzną w powietrzu tworząc mroźną chmurę.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Chemikalia w miksturze wyparują, a następnie zamarzną w powietrzu tworząc mroźną chmurę.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=mikstura lecząca
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=mikstura lecząca
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Ten zwój ulepszy jeden przedmiot. Różdżki
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Usuń Rozszerzenie
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Twoja zbroja jarzy się w ciemności!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Kamień runiczny posiadający magię zaklinającą. W przeciwieństwie do zwoju ulepszenia, nie będzie zwiększał moc przedmioty, lecz da broni lub zbroi czar, dając temu przedmiotowi nową moc.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Kamień runiczny posiadający magię zaklinającą. W przeciwieństwie do zwoju ulepszenia, nie będzie zwiększał moc przedmioty, lecz da broni lub zbroi czar, dając temu przedmiotowi nową moc.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Wybierz przedmiot
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Wybierz przedmiot
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Twoja różdżka iskrzy; nie ma wystarczająco dużego
items.wands.wand.self_target=Nie możesz celować w samego siebie!
items.wands.wand.self_target=Nie możesz celować w samego siebie!
items.wands.wand.identify=Nosisz %s wystarczająco długo by dobrze znać ten przedmiot.
items.wands.wand.identify=Nosisz %s wystarczająco długo by dobrze znać ten przedmiot.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Ta różdżka jest przeklęta, jej magia jest chaotyczna i przypadkowa.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Ta różdżka jest przeklęta, jej magia jest chaotyczna i przypadkowa.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Ta %s jest przeklęta!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Ta %s jest przeklęta!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Wybierz miejsce do strzelenia
items.wands.wand.prompt=Wybierz miejsce do strzelenia
@ -840,7 +841,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.fragile.name=kruchy %s
items.weapon.curses.fragile.desc=Kruche bronie z początku są tak silne jak ich zwykłe odpowiedniki, ale szybko ich efektywność maleje wraz z używaniem.
items.weapon.curses.fragile.desc=Kruche bronie z początku są tak silne jak ich zwykłe odpowiedniki, ale szybko ich efektywność maleje wraz z używaniem.
items.weapon.curses.friendly.name=%s przyjaźni
items.weapon.curses.friendly.name=%s przyjaźni
items.weapon.curses.friendly.desc=Bronie przyjaźni najbardziej przydadzą się dla pacyfistom; czasami rzucają one zaklęcie czyniące niezdolnym do walki.
items.weapon.curses.friendly.desc=Bronie przyjaźni najbardziej przydadzą się pacyfistom; czasami rzucają one zaklęcie czyniące niezdolnym do walki.
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.name=ofiarny %s
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.name=ofiarny %s
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.desc=Ofiarny bronie żądają krwi swoich nosicieli w zamian za atakowanie przeciwników. Im bardziej zdrowy użytkownik jest, tym więcej krwi klątwa odbierze.
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.desc=Ofiarny bronie żądają krwi swoich nosicieli w zamian za atakowanie przeciwników. Im bardziej zdrowy użytkownik jest, tym więcej krwi klątwa odbierze.
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ items.potions.potionoffrost.name=poção Gélida
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=O produto químico contido nesta poção evaporará em uma nuvem congelante após a exposição ao ar aberto.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=O produto químico contido nesta poção evaporará em uma nuvem congelante após a exposição ao ar aberto.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=poção da cura
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=poção da cura
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Este pergaminho aprimorará um único item, m
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remover o aumento
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Deixa quieto
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Deixa quieto
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Sua armadura brilha na escuridão!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Essa pedra rúnica contém poder de encantamento. Ao contrario de um pergaminho de aprimoramento, não aumenta o poder direto de um item, porém irá encantar a arma ou armadura, concedendo-os um novo poder.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Essa pedra rúnica contém poder de encantamento. Ao contrario de um pergaminho de aprimoramento, não aumenta o poder direto de um item, porém irá encantar a arma ou armadura, concedendo-os um novo poder.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecione um item
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecione um item
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Sua varinha chia; ela não deve ter cargas suficiente.
items.wands.wand.self_target=Você não consegue mirar em si mesmo!
items.wands.wand.self_target=Você não consegue mirar em si mesmo!
items.wands.wand.identify=Você agora está acostumado com %s.
items.wands.wand.identify=Você agora está acostumado com %s.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Esta varinha está amaldiçoada, fazendo com que sua magia seja caótica e aleatória.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Esta varinha está amaldiçoada, fazendo com que sua magia seja caótica e aleatória.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Este(a) %s está amaldiçoado(a)!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Este(a) %s está amaldiçoado(a)!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Escolha uma direção para atirar
items.wands.wand.prompt=Escolha uma direção para atirar
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Этот доспех сбалансирован, чт
items.armor.armor.inscribed=На ней начертана руна _%s._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=На ней начертана руна _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ваша броня проклята и вы не в силах снять её.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ваша броня проклята и вы не в силах снять её.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этой броне.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этой броне.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Эта броня не проклята.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=К этой броне прикреплена сломанная печать Воина.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=К этой броне прикреплена сломанная печать Воина.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s убила вас...
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s убила вас...
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ items.potions.potionoffrost.name=Зелье Холода
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=При контакте с воздухом этот химикат мгновенно испаряется, замораживая всех, кто попал в облако его паров.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=При контакте с воздухом этот химикат мгновенно испаряется, замораживая всех, кто попал в облако его паров.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=Зелье Исцеления
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=Зелье Исцеления
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Этот свиток улучшит один
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Убрать балансиро
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Я передумал
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Я передумал
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Ваша броня светится в т
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Этот рунный камень содержит зачаровывающую магию. В отличие от аналогичных свитков, он не может быть использован для улучшения предметов. Но зато может наложить на оружие или броню случайное зачарование, наделив предмет новыми силами..
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Этот рунный камень содержит зачаровывающую магию. В отличие от аналогичных свитков, он не может быть использован для улучшения предметов. Но зато может наложить на оружие или броню случайное зачарование, наделив предмет новыми силами..
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Выберите предмет
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Выберите предмет
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Ваш жезл искрит. Видимо, у него
items.wands.wand.self_target=Нельзя выбрать себя в качестве цели!
items.wands.wand.self_target=Нельзя выбрать себя в качестве цели!
items.wands.wand.identify=Теперь вы знаете ваш %s.
items.wands.wand.identify=Теперь вы знаете ваш %s.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Этот жезл проклят, его сила хаотична и непредсказуема.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Этот жезл проклят, его сила хаотична и непредсказуема.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Этот %s проклят!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Этот %s проклят!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Выберите цель
items.wands.wand.prompt=Выберите цель
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=KARIŞTIR
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Aynı eserden iki tane giyemezsin.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Aynı eserden iki tane giyemezsin.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Eser kendisini sana acı verici bir şekilde bağlıyor.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Eser kendisini sana acı verici bir şekilde bağlıyor.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Eserin içinde kötücül bir büyünün varlığını hissediyorsun.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Eserin içinde kötücül bir büyünün varlığını hissediyorsun.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=Bu eser kötücül büyülerden arındırılmış.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Bunu yapabilmen için eserini kuşanman gerekiyor.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Bunu yapabilmen için eserini kuşanman gerekiyor.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=dikenlerin pelerini
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=dikenlerin pelerini
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=İğrenç zehirli bir güç ile sarıldın!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Dünyanın gücünün etrafında süzüldüğünü hissediyorsun!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Dünyanın gücünün etrafında süzüldüğünü hissediyorsun!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Çok kuru ve temelsiz, belki başka bir malzeme ile pişirmek onu geliştirebilir.
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Çok kuru ve temelsiz, belki başka bir malzeme ile pişirmek onu geliştirebilir.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=Yemeye hazır gibi görünüyor!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ items.potions.potionoffrost.name=dondurma iksiri
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Bu iksirin içindeki kimyasal, hava ile temas ettiğinde dondurucu bir bulut oluşturacaktır.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Bu iksirin içindeki kimyasal, hava ile temas ettiğinde dondurucu bir bulut oluşturacaktır.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=iyileştirme iksiri
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=iyileştirme iksiri
@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Bir kırmızı ışık parlaması görüş ala
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Kayda değer bir şey olmadı.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Bu parşömen tek bir eşyayı yükselterek k
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,11 +697,11 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Yükseltmeyi Kaldır
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Bu rüntaşı atıldığı yere değdiği an patlayacaktır. Aynı bir bomba gibi, patlama çevresindekilere zarar verecektir.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=Bu eşyanın içinde kötücül büyü bulunmuyor.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Zırhın karanlıkta parlıyor!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Bu taş efsunlama sihrine sahip. Bir Yükseltme Tomarının aksine bir eşyanın gücünü direkt olarak yükseltmez, fakat bunun yerine bir zırha veya silahı bir büyüyle kaplayarak ona yeni bir güç kazandırır.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Bu taş efsunlama sihrine sahip. Bir Yükseltme Tomarının aksine bir eşyanın gücünü direkt olarak yükseltmez, fakat bunun yerine bir zırha veya silahı bir büyüyle kaplayarak ona yeni bir güç kazandırır.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Bir eşya seç
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Bir eşya seç
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Asan hiçbir şey yapmadı; yeterli şarjı olmasa gere
items.wands.wand.self_target=Kendini hedef alamazsın!
items.wands.wand.self_target=Kendini hedef alamazsın!
items.wands.wand.identify=Artık %s'na alışıksın.
items.wands.wand.identify=Artık %s'na alışıksın.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Bu asa lanetlenmiş, bu lanet onun büyüsünü kaotik ve rastgele bir hale getiriyor.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Bu asa lanetlenmiş, bu lanet onun büyüsünü kaotik ve rastgele bir hale getiriyor.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Bu %s lanetlenmiş!
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Bu %s lanetlenmiş!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Saldırmak için bir yer seç
items.wands.wand.prompt=Saldırmak için bir yer seç
@ -1059,7 +1060,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Bu alışılmadık fırlatma silahları pek de
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Düşmana fırlatılan bu düz, tahta, kıvrık menzilli silah fırlatıcısının eline geri döner.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Düşmana fırlatılan bu düz, tahta, kıvrık menzilli silah fırlatıcısının eline geri döner.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Sağlam yapısı sayesinde bu bumerang kullanım sonucu kırılmayacaktır.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=zehirli dart
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=zehirli dart
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Bu dartların ucunda dünyatohumu ele alınarak yapılmış bir kimyasal bulunuyor, bu kimyasal hedefini kısa bir süreliğine felç edebilir.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Bu dartların ucunda dünyatohumu ele alınarak yapılmış bir kimyasal bulunuyor, bu kimyasal hedefini kısa bir süreliğine felç edebilir.
@ -459,8 +459,8 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=众多战斗积累而来的经验被浓缩
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=这张卷轴可以升级一件物品,提升
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will be forced to attack you instead of any allies, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=移除强化
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will be forced to attack any of your allies instead of you, if any allies are nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their sleep. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=你的护甲在暗中微微发光!
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ items.wands.wand.fizzles=你的法杖滋滋作响;一定是没能量了。
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=This wand is free of malevolent magic.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Si una situació sembla perillosa
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Saqueig efectiu
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Saqueig efectiu
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Algunes habitacions concretes contenen un millor botí que altres. Algunes d'aquestes habitacions estaran darrere de portes tancades, o contindran obstacles que s'han d'esquivar.\n\nQuan un obstacle com aquest bloquegi el teu progrés, busca una solució al teu voltant. Pot ser una clau o alguna cosa més manufacturada, sovint hi ha alguna eina que pots utilitzar en el mateix pis.\n\nLes pocions de força i els pergamins de millora són una mesura excel·lent del teu nivell d'exploració i saqueig. Seràs capaç de trobar 3 pergamins de millora i 2 pocions de millora per cada regió de la masmorra.\n\n(Pots veure una llista de fites i claus que no has utilitzat a la pestanya de notes a la finestra del teu diari)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Algunes habitacions concretes contenen un millor botí que altres. Algunes d'aquestes habitacions estaran darrere de portes tancades, o contindran obstacles que s'han d'esquivar.\n\nQuan un obstacle com aquest bloquegi el teu progrés, busca una solució al teu voltant. Pot ser una clau o alguna cosa més manufacturada, sovint hi ha alguna eina que pots utilitzar en el mateix pis.\n\nLes pocions de força i els pergamins de millora són una mesura excel·lent del teu nivell d'exploració i saqueig. Seràs capaç de trobar 3 pergamins de millora i 2 pocions de millora per cada regió de la masmorra.\n\n(Pots veure una llista de fites i claus que no has utilitzat a la pestanya de notes a la finestra del teu diari)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Atacs màgics
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Atacs màgics
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Els atacs màgics travessen l'armadura i són extremadament difícils d'esquivar.\n\nAixò vol dir que atacar als teus enemics amb varetes és molt fiable, però també fa als enemics màgics extremadament perillosos.\n\nEls atacs màgics sempre tenen un inconvenient però. En el cas de les varetes és el seu límit de càrregues, les varetes es tornen gairebé inútils si no se'ls hi dóna temps perquè es recarreguin. La màgia que utilitzen els enemics sempre tindrà també alguna mena de debilitació.\n\nQuan s'enfronten enemics que utilitzen màgia és extremadament important saber com evitar la seva màgia, en lloc de simplement menjar-se el dany de l'atac.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pou de salut
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pou de salut
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pou de coneixement
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pou de coneixement
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Si ves negra la situación, no te
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Saqueo efectivo
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Saqueo efectivo
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Hay ciertas habitaciones que suelen contener mejor botín que las demás. Algunas de estas habitaciones están tras puertas cerradas con llave, o contienen obstáculos que hay que superar.\n\nCuando un obstáculo de este tipo se interponga en tu camino, busca una solución en las cercanías. Ya sea una llave o algo más ingenioso, con frecuencia habrá una herramienta que puedas usar en el mismo piso.\n\nLas pociones de fuerza y pergaminos de mejora son una medida excelente de hasta qué punto estás explorando y saqueando bien, ya que encontrarás 3 pergaminos de mejora y 2 pociones de fuerza en cada región de la mazmorra.\n\n(Puedes ver una lista de puntos notables y llaves sin usar en la pestaña de notas de la ventana de diario.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Hay ciertas habitaciones que suelen contener mejor botín que las demás. Algunas de estas habitaciones están tras puertas cerradas con llave, o contienen obstáculos que hay que superar.\n\nCuando un obstáculo de este tipo se interponga en tu camino, busca una solución en las cercanías. Ya sea una llave o algo más ingenioso, con frecuencia habrá una herramienta que puedas usar en el mismo piso.\n\nLas pociones de fuerza y pergaminos de mejora son una medida excelente de hasta qué punto estás explorando y saqueando bien, ya que encontrarás 3 pergaminos de mejora y 2 pociones de fuerza en cada región de la mazmorra.\n\n(Puedes ver una lista de puntos notables y llaves sin usar en la pestaña de notas de la ventana de diario.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Ataques mágicos
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Ataques mágicos
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Los ataques mágicos atraviesan la armadura y son extremadamente difíciles de esquivar.\n\nEsto significa que el daño que produzcas con varitas será muy confiable, pero también hace que los enemigos mágicos sean extremadamente peligrosos.\n\nSin embargo, los ataques mágicos siempre tienen su parte mala. En el caso de las varitas, sus cargas limitadas, las varitas se vuelven casi inútiles si no se les da tiempo para recargarse. La magia que usan los enemigos también tendrá algún punto débil.\n\nCuando te enfrentes a enemigos que usan magia, es extremadamente importante saber cómo evadir su magia, en lugar de recibir el daño de ella.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozo de vitalidad
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozo de vitalidad
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozo del conocimiento
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozo del conocimiento
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=상황이 안 좋아진다면 도
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=효율적인 아이템 수집
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=효율적인 아이템 수집
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=몇몇 방들은 다른 방들보다 더 나은 전리품을 가지고 있습니다. 그중 몇몇은 열쇠로 잠겨 있을 수도 있고, 장애물로 막혀 특정한 방법으로 통과해야 합니다.\n\n장애물로 막힌 문이 있다면, 주변을 둘러보세요. 열쇠나 장애물을 통과할 수 있는 수단은 거의 항상 같은 층에 생성됩니다.\n\n힘의 물약과 강화의 주문서는 당신이 얼마나 탐험을 잘 했느냐를 보여주는 척도도 될 수 있습니다. 한 개의 던전 테마마다 3개의 강화 주문서와 2개의 힘 물약이 생성됩니다.\n\n(일지 화면에서 메모 탭을 눌러 특수 지형과 사용하지 않은 열쇠를 확인할 수 있습니다.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=몇몇 방들은 다른 방들보다 더 나은 전리품을 가지고 있습니다. 그중 몇몇은 열쇠로 잠겨 있을 수도 있고, 장애물로 막혀 특정한 방법으로 통과해야 합니다.\n\n장애물로 막힌 문이 있다면, 주변을 둘러보세요. 열쇠나 장애물을 통과할 수 있는 수단은 거의 항상 같은 층에 생성됩니다.\n\n힘의 물약과 강화의 주문서는 당신이 얼마나 탐험을 잘 했느냐를 보여주는 척도도 될 수 있습니다. 한 개의 던전 테마마다 3개의 강화 주문서와 2개의 힘 물약이 생성됩니다.\n\n(일지 화면에서 메모 탭을 눌러 특수 지형과 사용하지 않은 열쇠를 확인할 수 있습니다.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=마법 공격
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=마법 공격
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=마법 공격은 갑옷을 관통하고 피하기가 매우 어렵습니다.\n\n이것은 당신이 지팡이로 공격하여 데미지를 주는 것이 굉장히 믿음성있지만, 마법을 사용하는 적들이 매우 위험하다는 것도 의미합니다.\n\n그러나 마법 공격은 항상 주의 사항을 가지고 있습니다. 지팡이의 경우에는 제한된 사용으로 충전할 시간이 주어지지 않으면 지팡이는 무용지물이 되고 맙니다. 적들이 사용하는 마법도 항상 어떤 형태로든 약점을 가지고 있을 것입니다. \n\n마법을 사용하는 적들과 맞설 때는 피해를 입는 것보다 마법을 피하는 방법을 계산하는 것이 중요합니다.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=회복의 우물
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=회복의 우물
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=지식의 우물
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=지식의 우물
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Eğer durum vahim görünüyorsa,
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Etkili Yağmalama
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Etkili Yağmalama
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Belirli odalar genellikle diğerlerine göre daha iyi yağmaya sahip olacaktır. Bu odaların bazıları kilitli kapılar veya aşılması gereken engellerle kapatılmış olabilir. \n\nNe zaman bir engel ilerlemeni durdurursa o engeli aşmak için yakınlardaki çözümleri incele. Bir anahtar veya daha yaratıcı bir şey, genelde her katta aynı engeli aşmak için bir araç bulunur. \n\nGüç İksirleri ve Yükseltme Tomarları ne kadar etkili yağmaladığını ölçmenin en iyi yoludur. Her zindan bölgesinde 3 Yükseltme Tomarı ve 2 Güç İksiri bulabilirsin. \n\n(Önemli yerleri ve kullanılmamış anahtarları günlüğünün notlar bölümünde bulabilirsin.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Belirli odalar genellikle diğerlerine göre daha iyi yağmaya sahip olacaktır. Bu odaların bazıları kilitli kapılar veya aşılması gereken engellerle kapatılmış olabilir. \n\nNe zaman bir engel ilerlemeni durdurursa o engeli aşmak için yakınlardaki çözümleri incele. Bir anahtar veya daha yaratıcı bir şey, genelde her katta aynı engeli aşmak için bir araç bulunur. \n\nGüç İksirleri ve Yükseltme Tomarları ne kadar etkili yağmaladığını ölçmenin en iyi yoludur. Her zindan bölgesinde 3 Yükseltme Tomarı ve 2 Güç İksiri bulabilirsin. \n\n(Önemli yerleri ve kullanılmamış anahtarları günlüğünün notlar bölümünde bulabilirsin.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Büyülü Saldırılar
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Büyülü Saldırılar
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Büyülü saldırılar zırhları es geçer ve onlardan kaçınmak aşırı zordur. \n\nBu da asalarla yapacağın hasarın güvenilir olduğunu gösterse de aynı zamanda büyülü düşmanları aşırı derecede tehlikeli yapar. \n\nAncak büyülü saldırıların her zaman zayıf bir yönü vardır. Asalar ele alınırsa şarjları sınırlı olduğu için reşarj olmaları için zaman verilmezse neredeyse işe yaramaz hale gelirler. Büyülü düşmanların da her zaman bir zayıf yönü olacaktır. \n\nBüyü kullanan düşmanlarla yüzleşirken onlardan hasar görmek yerine büyülü saldırılarından nasıl kaçınılabileceğini düşünmek aşırı önemlidir.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sağlık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sağlık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=farkındalık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=farkındalık kuyusu
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ plants.sungrass$seed.name=llavor d'herba-sol
plants.sungrass$health.name=Curació Herbal
plants.sungrass$health.name=Curació Herbal
plants.sungrass$health.desc=L'herbasol té unes propietats curatives excel·lents, tot i que és molt més lenta que una poció de curació.\n\nEstàs regenerant salut lentament amb la planta d'herbasol. Allunyar-se de la planta trencarà l'efecte curatiu.\n\nCuració restant: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=L'herbasol té unes propietats curatives excel·lents, tot i que és molt més lenta que una poció de curació.\n\nEstàs regenerant salut lentament amb la planta d'herbasol. Allunyar-se de la planta trencarà l'efecte curatiu.\n\nCuració restant: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Quan es trepitja, el card-ràpid accelerarà ràpidament el pas del temps al seu voltant, permetent al que l'ha trepitjat fer diverses accions instantàniament.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=llavor de card-ràpid
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bombolla Temporal
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Estàs en una petita bombolla de temps accelerat, que et permet realitzar accions a l'instant. Atacar, moure't o usar màgia trencarà aquest efecte.\n\nTorns restants: %s.
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ plants.sungrass$seed.name=semilla de hierbasol
plants.sungrass$health.name=Curación Vegetal
plants.sungrass$health.name=Curación Vegetal
plants.sungrass$health.desc=La hierbasol posee excelentes propiedades curativas, pero es mas lento que una pocion de curacion.\n\nTu estas ahora mismo regenerando vida lentamente de la planta de hierbasol. Moverse rompera el efecto curativo \n\nCuracion restante: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=La hierbasol posee excelentes propiedades curativas, pero es mas lento que una pocion de curacion.\n\nTu estas ahora mismo regenerando vida lentamente de la planta de hierbasol. Moverse rompera el efecto curativo \n\nCuracion restante: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Cuando es pisado, el cardoimpulso rapidamente acelerara la fluidez del tiempo a su alrededor, permitiendo al usuario hacer muchas acciones instantaneamente.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=semilla de cardoimpulso
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Burbuja de Tiempo
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Estas en una pequeña burbuja de tiempo acelerado, permitiendote ejecutar acciones instantaneamente. Atacar, moverse, o usar magia rompera el efecto.\n\nTurnos restantes: %s.
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ plants.sungrass$seed.name=태양초의 씨앗
plants.sungrass$health.name=자연의 치료
plants.sungrass$health.name=자연의 치료
plants.sungrass$health.desc=태양초는 굉장한 치료 효과를 담고 있지만, 회복의 물약보다는 느리게 회복시킵니다. \n\n당신은 지금 태양초의 느린 체력 재생 효과를 받고 있습니다. 식물에서 떨어지면 효과가 중단됩니다.\n\n앞으로 %d의 체력을 더 회복할 수 있습니다.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=태양초는 굉장한 치료 효과를 담고 있지만, 회복의 물약보다는 느리게 회복시킵니다. \n\n당신은 지금 태양초의 느린 체력 재생 효과를 받고 있습니다. 식물에서 떨어지면 효과가 중단됩니다.\n\n앞으로 %d의 체력을 더 회복할 수 있습니다.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=이것이 밟힐 때, 신속엉겅퀴는 주변의 시간 흐름을 짧게 가속화하여 밟은 사람이 여러가지 행동을 즉시 할 수 있게 합니다.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=신속엉겅퀴의 씨앗
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=시간 방울
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=당신은 가속화된 시간의 작은 거품 속에 있고, 이것은 즉시 행동을 할 수 있게 해줍니다. 하지만 공격하거나 움직이거나 마법을 사용하는 건 이런 효과를 멈출 수 있습니다.\n\n남은 턴: %s.
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ plants.sungrass$seed.name=Nasiono Słonecznej Trawy
plants.sungrass$health.name=Roślinne leczenie
plants.sungrass$health.name=Roślinne leczenie
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Słoneczna Trawa posiada doskonałe właściwości leczące, aczkolwiek nie jest tak szybka w działaniu jak napój leczący.\n\nAktualnie powoli odzyskujesz zdrowie z rośliny Słonecznej Trawy. Otrzymywanie obrażeń w trakcie leczenia zmniejszy efektywność leczenia, a odejście od rośliny przerwie leczenie.\n\nPozostałe leczenie: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Słoneczna Trawa posiada doskonałe właściwości leczące, aczkolwiek nie jest tak szybka w działaniu jak napój leczący.\n\nAktualnie powoli odzyskujesz zdrowie z rośliny Słonecznej Trawy. Otrzymywanie obrażeń w trakcie leczenia zmniejszy efektywność leczenia, a odejście od rośliny przerwie leczenie.\n\nPozostałe leczenie: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Przy rozdeptaniu, prędkooset na chwilę przyśpieszy upływ czasu wokół siebie, pozwalając depczącemu na wykonanie kilku czynności naraz.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=Nasiono Prędkoostu.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bańka czasowa
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Znajdujesz się w niewielkiej bańce przyśpieszonego czasu, co pozwala ci robić różne rzeczy natychmiastowo. Jednakże zaatakowanie czegoś, zmiana pozycji lub użycie magii przerwie ten efekt.\n\nTury do końca efektu:%s.
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ plants.sungrass$seed.name=семя солнечника
plants.sungrass$health.name=Благословение природы
plants.sungrass$health.name=Благословение природы
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Солнечник обладает отличными целебными свойствами, хотя и гораздо более слабыми, чем у зелья исцеления.\n\nВы постепенно восстанавливаете здоровье под действием солнечника. При попытке сойти с с места, лечение прекратится.\n\nЗапас исцеления: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Солнечник обладает отличными целебными свойствами, хотя и гораздо более слабыми, чем у зелья исцеления.\n\nВы постепенно восстанавливаете здоровье под действием солнечника. При попытке сойти с с места, лечение прекратится.\n\nЗапас исцеления: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=Семя скорополоха
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Временной пузырь
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Вы в маленьком пузыре ускоренного времени, позволяющего совершать действия моментально. Однако, атака, движение или использование магии разрушит этот эффект.\n\nХодов осталось:
@ -58,5 +58,5 @@ plants.sungrass$health.desc=Bir iyileşme iksirinden çok daha yavaş olsa da g
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Zaman Baloncuğu
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Bir zaman baloncuğunun içinde bulunmaktasın. Bu sayede hamlelerini anında yapabilme özelliğine sahipsin. Ancak saldırmak, hareket etmek veya büyü yapmak bu etkiyi bozacaktır.\n\nKalan hamle sayısı: %s
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