v0.3.4: updated translations

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Evan Debenham 2016-01-28 01:35:31 -05:00 committed by Evan Debenham
parent d9dfa084f6
commit 60a51b6c00
39 changed files with 3551 additions and 1434 deletions

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@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator=Gladiator
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Ein erfolgreicher Angriff mit einer Nahkampfwaffe erlaubt es den _Gladiator_ eine Combo zu starten, in welcher er mit jedem weiteren Treffer mehr Schaden verursacht. actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Ein erfolgreicher Angriff mit einer Nahkampfwaffe erlaubt es den _Gladiator_ eine Combo zu starten, in welcher er mit jedem weiteren Treffer mehr Schaden verursacht.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=Berserker actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=Berserker
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=Wenn der _Berseker_ ernsthaft verwundet wird, begibt er sich in einem Zustand des Kampfrausches, wodurch er signifikant mehr Schaden verursacht. actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=Wenn der _Berseker_ ernsthaft verwundet wird, begibt er sich in einem Zustand des Kampfrausches, wodurch er signifikant mehr Schaden verursacht.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock=Hexer actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock=Hexenmeister
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Wenn ein_Hexenmeister_ einen Gegner mit seinem Zauberstab angreift, besteht eine Chance, die Seele seines Opfers zu makieren. Makierte Gegner heilen und sättigen den _Hexenmeister_ immer, wenn makierte Gegner physischen Schaden erleiden. actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Wenn ein_Hexenmeister_ einen Gegner mit seinem Zauberstab angreift, besteht eine Chance, die Seele seines Opfers zu makieren. Makierte Gegner heilen und sättigen den _Hexenmeister_ immer, wenn makierte Gegner physischen Schaden erleiden.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=Kampfmagier actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=Kampfmagier
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Wenn ein _Kampfmagier_ mit seinem Stab kämpft, erhält dieser, je nachdem mit welche Magie der Stab erfüllt ist, Bonuseffekte. Außerdem wird sich sein Stab während eines Kampfes aufladen. actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Wenn ein _Kampfmagier_ mit seinem Stab kämpft, erhält dieser, je nachdem mit welche Magie der Stab erfüllt ist, Bonuseffekte. Außerdem wird sich sein Stab während eines Kampfes aufladen.
@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cant_reforge=Ich kann diese Gegenstände nicht umsch
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Der Trollschmied sieht wie alle anderen Trolle aus\: Er ist groß und mager, seine Haut ähnelt Stein durch Farbe und Konsistenz. Der Trollschmied bastelt mit unproportional kleinen Werkzeugen herum. actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Der Trollschmied sieht wie alle anderen Trolle aus\: Er ist groß und mager, seine Haut ähnelt Stein durch Farbe und Konsistenz. Der Trollschmied bastelt mit unproportional kleinen Werkzeugen herum.
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=Trauriger Geist actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=Trauriger Geist
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Seid gegrüßt %s... Ich war einst wie du - Stark und zuversichtlich... doch dann wurde ich von einem widerwärtigen Wesen getötet... Ich kann diesen Ort nicht verlassen... Nicht solange bis ich meine Rache erhalten habe... Töte die _Stinkende Ratte_, die mir das Leben genommen hat... \n\nEs wandert auf dieser Ebene. Verteilt seinen Geruch überall... _Sei Vorsichtig. Achte auf Ihren wiederwärtiger Geruch und zersetzenden Bisse, Ihr Gift löst sich im Wasser auf..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Seid gegrüßt %s... Ich war einst wie du - Stark und zuversichtlich... doch dann wurde ich von einem widerwärtigen Wesen getötet... Ich kann diesen Ort nicht verlassen... Nicht solange bis ich meine Rache erhalten habe... Töte die _Stinkende Ratte_, die mir das Leben genommen hat... \n\nEs wandert auf dieser Ebene. Verteilt seinen Geruch überall... _Sei Vorsichtig. Achte auf Ihren wiederwärtigen Geruch und zersetzenden Bisse, Ihr Gift löst sich im Wasser auf..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=Bitte... Helft mir... Erschlagt die Abscheulichkeit...\n\n_Bekämpft sie nah am Wasser... Meidet den Gestank..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=Bitte... Helft mir... Erschlagt die Abscheulichkeit...\n\n_Bekämpft sie nah am Wasser... Meidet den Gestank..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Seid gegrüßt %s... Ich war einst wie du - Stark und zuversichtlich... doch dann wurde ich von einem verschlagenen Wesen getötet... Ich kann diesen Ort nicht verlassen... Nicht solange bis ich meine Rache erhalten habe... Töte den _Gnoll-Trickser_, welcher mir das Leben genommen hat... \n\nEr verhält sich nicht wie normale Gnolle... Er versteckt sich und verwendet Wurfwaffen... _Sei Vorsichtig. Achte auf seine Gift- und Brandpfeile und meide den Distanzkampf mit Ihm..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Seid gegrüßt %s... Ich war einst wie du - Stark und zuversichtlich... doch dann wurde ich von einem verschlagenen Wesen getötet... Ich kann diesen Ort nicht verlassen... Nicht solange bis ich meine Rache erhalten habe... Töte den _Gnoll-Trickser_, welcher mir das Leben genommen hat... \n\nEr verhält sich nicht wie normale Gnolle... Er versteckt sich und verwendet Wurfwaffen... _Sei Vorsichtig. Achte auf seine Gift- und Brandpfeile und meide den Distanzkampf mit Ihm..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=Bitte... Helft mir... Erschlagt den Gauner...\n\n_Lasst euch nicht treffen... Geht nah an ihn ran..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=Bitte... Helft mir... Erschlagt den Trickser...\n\n_Lasst euch nicht treffen... Geht nah an ihn ran..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_1=Seid gegrüßt %s... Ich war einst wie du - Stark und zuversichtlich... doch dann wurde ich von einem uralten Kreatur getötet... Ich kann diesen Ort nicht verlassen... Nicht solange bis ich meine Rache erhalten habe... Töte die _gigantische Krabbe_, welcher mir das Leben genommen hat... \n\nDie Krabbe ist unnatürlich alt... Sie hat eine massive Schere und eine dicke Schale... _Sei Vorsichtig. Er pariert viele Angriffe mit seiner Schere. Du musst Ihn überraschen, andernfalls wird er ein schwerer Gegner..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_1=Seid gegrüßt %s... Ich war einst wie du - Stark und zuversichtlich... doch dann wurde ich von einem uralten Kreatur getötet... Ich kann diesen Ort nicht verlassen... Nicht solange bis ich meine Rache erhalten habe... Töte die _gigantische Krabbe_, welcher mir das Leben genommen hat... \n\nDie Krabbe ist unnatürlich alt... Sie hat eine massive Schere und eine dicke Schale... _Sei Vorsichtig. Er pariert viele Angriffe mit seiner Schere. Du musst Ihn überraschen, andernfalls wird er ein schwerer Gegner..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_2=Bitte... Helft mir... Erschlagt das Krustentier...\n\n_Es wird immer blocken... Wenn es euch kommen sieht..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_2=Bitte... Helft mir... Erschlagt das Krustentier...\n\n_Es wird immer blocken... Wenn es euch kommen sieht..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.def_verb=ausgewiechen actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.def_verb=ausgewiechen
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.desc=Dieser alte, jedoch rüstige Herr blickt leicht
###mobs ###mobs
# actors.mobs.acidic.name=acidic scorpio actors.mobs.acidic.name=Ätzender Skorpio
actors.mobs.albino.name=Albinoratte actors.mobs.albino.name=Albinoratte
actors.mobs.albino.desc=Dies ist eine seltene Gattung der Ratte, erkennbar an Ihrem weißen Fell und Ihren gezackten Zähnen. actors.mobs.albino.desc=Dies ist eine seltene Gattung der Ratte, erkennbar an Ihrem weißen Fell und Ihren gezackten Zähnen.
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ actors.mobs.bandit.name=verrückter Bandit
actors.mobs.bat.name=Vampirfledermaus actors.mobs.bat.name=Vampirfledermaus
actors.mobs.bat.def_verb=ausgewiechen actors.mobs.bat.def_verb=ausgewiechen
# actors.mobs.bat.desc=These brisk and tenacious inhabitants of cave domes may defeat much larger opponents by replenishing their health with each successful attack. actors.mobs.bat.desc=Diese flinken und hartnäckigen Bewohner der Höhlenwölbungen sind in der Lage größere Lebewesen als sie selbst zu besiegen indem sie eigene Lebensenergie mit jedem erfolgreichen treffer wiederherstellen.
actors.mobs.bee.name=goldene Biene actors.mobs.bee.name=goldene Biene
actors.mobs.bee.desc=Trotz der geringen Größe der goldenen Bienen, verteidigen sie erbittert ihre Behausung. Diese hier ist sehr wütend, bleib lieber auf Distanz. actors.mobs.bee.desc=Trotz der geringen Größe der goldenen Bienen, verteidigen sie erbittert ihre Behausung. Diese hier ist sehr wütend, bleib lieber auf Distanz.
@ -354,52 +354,52 @@ actors.mobs.crab.def_verb=pariert
actors.mobs.crab.desc=Diese riesigen Krabben stehen in der Nahrungskette der Abwasserkanäle am höchsten. Sie sind extremst schnell und ihr dicker Panzer wiedersteht auch schweren Schlägen. actors.mobs.crab.desc=Diese riesigen Krabben stehen in der Nahrungskette der Abwasserkanäle am höchsten. Sie sind extremst schnell und ihr dicker Panzer wiedersteht auch schweren Schlägen.
actors.mobs.dm300.name=DM-300 actors.mobs.dm300.name=DM-300
# actors.mobs.dm300.notice=Unauthorised personnel detected. actors.mobs.dm300.notice=Unautorisiertes Personal entdeckt.
actors.mobs.dm300.defeated=Mission fehlgeschlagen. Herunterfahren. actors.mobs.dm300.defeated=Mission fehlgeschlagen. Herunterfahren.
actors.mobs.dm300.repair=DM-300 repariert sich selbst\! actors.mobs.dm300.repair=DM-300 repariert sich selbst\!
# actors.mobs.dm300.rankings_desc=Crushed by the DM-300 # actors.mobs.dm300.rankings_desc=Crushed by the DM-300
# actors.mobs.dm300.desc=This machine was created by the Dwarves several centuries ago. Later, Dwarves started to replace machines with golems, elementals and even demons. Eventually it led their civilization to the decline. The DM-300 and similar machines were typically used for construction and mining, and in some cases, for city defense. actors.mobs.dm300.desc=Diese Maschine wurde vor Jahrhunderten von den Zwergen geschaffen. Später begannen sie damit ihre Maschinen durch Golems, Elementare und sogar Dämonen zu ersetzen, was zum Niedergang ihrer Zivilisation führte. Der DM-300 und ähnliche Maschinen wurden typischerweise zu Bauzwecken und zum Bergbau verwendet und in manchen Fällen auch zur Stadtverteidigung.
actors.mobs.elemental.name=Feuerelementar actors.mobs.elemental.name=Feuerelementar
# actors.mobs.elemental.desc=Wandering fire elementals are a byproduct of summoning greater entities. They are too chaotic in their nature to be controlled by even the most powerful demonologist. actors.mobs.elemental.desc=Umherziehende Feuerelementare sind ein Nebenprodukt beim Beschwören höherer Wesen. Sie sind zu Chaotisch in ihrer Natur um selbst vom mächtigsten Dämonologen gebändigt zu werden.
# actors.mobs.eye.name=evil eye actors.mobs.eye.name=Übles Auge
# actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=The deathgaze killed you... actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=Der Blick des Bösen hat dich getötet...
# actors.mobs.eye.desc=One of this demon's other names is "orb of hatred", because when it sees an enemy, it uses its deathgaze recklessly, often ignoring its allies and wounding them. actors.mobs.eye.desc=Ein weiterer Name dieses Dämonen lautet "Auge der Gehässigkeit", denn sobald es einen Feind erblickt setzt es rücksichtslos seinen Blick des Bösen ein, wobei es oft seine eigenen Verbündeten ignoriert und diese verwundet.
# actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=fetid rat actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=Stinkende Ratte
# actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Something is clearly wrong with this rat. Its greasy black fur and rotting skin are very different from the healthy rats you've seen previously. It's pale green eyes make it seem especially menacing.\n\nThe rat carries a cloud of horrible stench with it, it's overpoweringly strong up close.\n\nDark ooze dribbles from the rat's mouth, it eats through the floor but seems to dissolve in water. actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Es ist offensichtlich das etwas mit dieser Ratte nicht stimmt. Ihr schmieriges, schwarzes Fell und die faulende Haut sind keineswegs mit den gesunden Ratten, die du bisher gesehen hast, vergleichbar. Ihre blassen, grünen Augen lassen sie besonders bedrohlich erscheinen.\n\nDie Ratte bringt eine Wolke übelriechenden Gestanks mit sich, es ist überwältigend stark aus nächster Nähe.\n\nDunkler Schleim tropft ihr aus dem Mund, es beißt sich in den Boden hinein, scheint sich aber in Wasser aufzulösen.
# actors.mobs.gnoll.name=gnoll scout actors.mobs.gnoll.name=Gnoll-Späher
# actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Gnolls are hyena-like humanoids. They dwell in sewers and dungeons, venturing up to raid the surface from time to time. Gnoll scouts are regular members of their pack, they are not as strong as brutes and not as intelligent as shamans. actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Gnolle sind Hyänen-ähnliche Humanoide. Sie hausen in der Kanalisation und Dungeons und wagen sich manchmal hinauf um die Oberfläche zu Überfallen. Gnoll-Späher sind normale Mitglieder ihres Stammes, sie sind nicht so stark wie ihre Rohlinge oder so intelligent wie die Schamanen.
# actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.name=gnoll trickster actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.name=Gnoll-Trickser
# actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.desc=A strange looking creature, even by gnoll standards. It hunches forward with a wicked grin, almost cradling the satchel hanging over its shoulder. Its eyes are wide with a strange mix of fear and excitement.\n\nThere is a large collection of poorly made darts in its satchel, they all seem to be tipped with various harmful substances. actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.desc=Eine merkwürdig ausschauende Kreatur, sogar unter den Gnollen. Er ist gebuckelt und trägt ein boshaftes Grinsen im Gesicht, bedacht darauf seine Schultertasche zu schüzten.\n\nEine große Sammlung dürftig gefertigter Pfeile befindet sich in der Tasche, alle davon scheinen mit gefährlichen Substanzen versetzt worden zu sein.
actors.mobs.golem.name=Golem actors.mobs.golem.name=Golem
actors.mobs.golem.def_verb=blockiert actors.mobs.golem.def_verb=blockiert
# actors.mobs.golem.desc=The Dwarves tried to combine their knowledge of mechanisms with their newfound power of elemental binding. They used spirits of earth as the "soul" for the mechanical bodies of golems, which were believed to be most controllable of all. Despite this, the tiniest mistake in the ritual could cause an outbreak. actors.mobs.golem.desc=Die Zwerge versuchten ihr Wissen in der Mechanik mit ihrer neu gewonnenen Macht über die Bindung von Elementaren zu kombinieren. Sie verwendeten Erdgeister als die "Seele" für die mechanischen Körper der Golems, welche sie als am leichtesten Kontrollierbar einstuften. Dennoch kann der kleinste Fehler während des Rituals zu einem Ausbruch führen.
actors.mobs.goo.name=Schleim actors.mobs.goo.name=Schleim
# actors.mobs.goo.notice=GLURP-GLURP\! actors.mobs.goo.notice=GLUPP-GLUPP\!
# actors.mobs.goo.defeated=glurp... glurp... actors.mobs.goo.defeated=glupp.... glupp...
actors.mobs.goo.!!!=\!\!\! actors.mobs.goo.!!!=\!\!\!
# actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Goo is pumping itself up\! actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Der Schleim bläht sich auf\!
actors.mobs.goo.enraged=Wütend actors.mobs.goo.enraged=Wütend
# actors.mobs.goo.enraged_text=Goo Becomes Enraged\!\! actors.mobs.goo.enraged_text=Der Schleim wird rasend\!
# actors.mobs.goo.gluuurp=GLUUUURP\! actors.mobs.goo.gluuurp=GLUUUUPP\!
# actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorbed by the Goo # actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorbed by the Goo
# actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long. actors.mobs.goo.desc=Wenig ist bekannt über Den Schleim. Es ist gut möglich das es keine wirkliche Kreatur ist, sondern eher eine Verbindung aus gefährlichen Substanzen aus der Kanalisation welche irgendwie grundlegende Intelligenz erlangt haben. In jedem Falle ist es dunkle Magie welche Den Schleim zum Leben erweckt hat.\n\nSeine elastische Natur ermöglichte es ihm viel dunkle Energie aufzunehmen, du fühlst einen Schauer davon nur in der Nähe zu sein. Wenn Der Schleim in der Lage ist, mit dieser Energie anzugreifen, wirst du nicht lange überleben.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=Große Krabbe actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=Große Krabbe
# actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=The crab notices the attack and blocks with its massive claw. actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Die Krabbe bemerkt den Angriff und blockt mit ihrer massiven Klaue.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.blocked=blockiert actors.mobs.greatcrab.blocked=blockiert
# actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=This crab is gigantic, even compared to other sewer crabs. Its blue shell is covered in cracks and barnacles, showing great age. It lumbers around slowly, barely keeping balance with its massive claw.\n\nWhile the crab only has one claw, its size easily compensates. The crab holds the claw infront of itself whenever it sees a threat, shielding itself behind an impenetrable wall of carapace. actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=Diese Krabbe ist riesig, sogar verglichen mit anderen Abflusskrabben. Ihre blaue Schale ist von Rissen und Seepocken überzogen, hinweisend auf ein hohes Alter. Sie bewegt sich schwerfällig umher, gerade so mit ihrer massiven Klaue balancierend.\n\nWährend diese Krabbe nur eine Klaue hat, gleicht ihre Größe das leicht wieder aus. Die Krabbe hält die Klaue vor sich wenn immer sie einen Feind erblickt, damit schützt sie sich vor Angriffen hinter einem undurchdringlichen Schutzpanzer.
actors.mobs.guard.name=Gefängniswache actors.mobs.guard.name=Gefängniswache
actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=komm hier her\! actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=komm hier her\!
actors.mobs.guard.def_verb=blockiert actors.mobs.guard.def_verb=blockiert
# actors.mobs.guard.desc=Once keepers of the prison, these guards have long since become no different than the inmates. They shamble like zombies, brainlessly roaming through the halls in search of anything out of place, like you\!\n\nThey carry chains around their hip, possibly used to pull in enemies to close range. actors.mobs.guard.desc=Einst Hüter des unterirdischen Gefängnisses, sind diese Wächter schon lange nicht mehr besser als die Insassen. Sie schleifen sich fort wie Zombies, hirnlos durch die Hallen streifend auf der Suche nach allem was dort nicht hingehört, so wie du\!\n\nSie tragen Ketten um ihre Hüfte, möglicherweise um Feinde nah heran zu ziehen.
actors.mobs.king.name=König der Zwerge actors.mobs.king.name=König der Zwerge
actors.mobs.king.notice=Wie kannst du es wagen\! actors.mobs.king.notice=Wie kannst du es wagen\!
@ -407,14 +407,14 @@ actors.mobs.king.defeated=Du kannst mich nicht töten, %s... ich bin... unsterbl
actors.mobs.king.def_verb=pariert actors.mobs.king.def_verb=pariert
actors.mobs.king.arise=Erhebt euch, Sklaven\! actors.mobs.king.arise=Erhebt euch, Sklaven\!
# actors.mobs.king.rankings_desc=Fell Before the King of Dwarves # actors.mobs.king.rankings_desc=Fell Before the King of Dwarves
# actors.mobs.king.desc=The last king of dwarves was known for his deep understanding of processes of life and death. He has persuaded members of his court to participate in a ritual, that should have granted them eternal youthfulness. In the end he was the only one, who got it - and an army of undead as a bonus. actors.mobs.king.desc=Der letzte König der Zwerge war bekannt für sein tiefes Verständnis für die Vorgänge von Leben und Tod. Er überredete Mitglieder seines Hofs an einem Ritual teilzunehmen, welches ihnen unendliche Jugend schenken sollte. Letztendlich war er der einzige, der es bekam - und eine Armee untoter als Bonus.
actors.mobs.king$undead.name=untoter Zwerg actors.mobs.king$undead.name=untoter Zwerg
actors.mobs.king$undead.def_verb=blockiert actors.mobs.king$undead.def_verb=blockiert
# actors.mobs.king$undead.rankings_desc=Fell Before the King of Dwarves # actors.mobs.king$undead.rankings_desc=Fell Before the King of Dwarves
# actors.mobs.king$undead.desc=These undead dwarves, risen by the will of the King of Dwarves, were members of his court. They appear as skeletons with a stunning amount of facial hair. actors.mobs.king$undead.desc=Diese untoten Zwerge, animiert durch den Willen des Zwergenkönigs, waren einst Mitglieder seines Hofs. Sie treten als Skelette mit einer verblüffenden Menge an Gesichtsbehaarung auf.
actors.mobs.mimic.name=Mimik actors.mobs.mimic.name=Mimik
# actors.mobs.mimic.desc=Mimics are magical creatures which can take any shape they wish. In dungeons they almost always choose a shape of a treasure chest, because they know how to beckon an adventurer. actors.mobs.mimic.desc=Mimiks sind magische Kreaturen welche jede Form die sie sich wünschen annehmen können. In Dungeons wählen sie fast immer die Form einer Schatztruhe da sie wissen wie man einen Abenteurer lockt.
actors.mobs.mob.died=Du hörst etwas in der Ferne sterben. actors.mobs.mob.died=Du hörst etwas in der Ferne sterben.
actors.mobs.mob.rage=\#$%^ actors.mobs.mob.rage=\#$%^
@ -422,17 +422,17 @@ actors.mobs.mob.exp=%+dEXP
# actors.mobs.mob.rankings_desc=Slain by\: %s # actors.mobs.mob.rankings_desc=Slain by\: %s
actors.mobs.mob$sleeping.status=Dieser %s schläft. actors.mobs.mob$sleeping.status=Dieser %s schläft.
actors.mobs.mob$wandering.status=Dieser %s wandert umher. actors.mobs.mob$wandering.status=Dieser %s wandert umher.
# actors.mobs.mob$hunting.status=This %s is hunting. actors.mobs.mob$hunting.status=Dieser %s ist am jagen.
actors.mobs.mob$fleeing.status=Dieser %s flieht. actors.mobs.mob$fleeing.status=Dieser %s flieht.
actors.mobs.mob$passive.status=Dieser %s ist passiv. actors.mobs.mob$passive.status=Dieser %s ist passiv.
actors.mobs.monk.name=Zwergenmönch actors.mobs.monk.name=Zwergenmönch
# actors.mobs.monk.disarm=The monk knocks the %s from your hands\! actors.mobs.monk.disarm=Der Mönch schlägt dir %s aus den Händen\!
actors.mobs.monk.def_verb=pariert actors.mobs.monk.def_verb=pariert
# actors.mobs.monk.desc=These monks are fanatics, who devoted themselves to protecting their city's secrets from all aliens. They don't use any armor or weapons, relying solely on the art of hand-to-hand combat. actors.mobs.monk.desc=Diese Monks sind Fanatiker welche sich dem Schutz der Geheimnisse ihrer Stadt gegenüber allen Fremden verschrieben haben. Sie nutzen weder Waffen noch Panzerungen und verlassen sich ausschliesslich auf die Kunst des unbewaffneten Nahkampfs.
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=neugeborenes Feuerelementar actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=neugeborenes Feuerelementar
# actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Fire elementals are a byproduct of summoning greater entities. They are too chaotic in their nature to be controlled by even the most powerful demonologist.\n\nThis fire elemental is freshy summoned, and is weakened as a result. In this state is it especially vulnerable to the cold. Its offensive capabilities are still great though, caution is advised. actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Umherziehende Feuerelementare sind ein Nebenprodukt beim Beschwören höherer Wesen. Sie sind zu Chaotisch in ihrer Natur um selbst vom mächtigsten Dämonologen gebändigt zu werden.\n\nDieser Feuerelementar ist erst neu beschworen worden und ist daher geschwächt. In diesem Zustand ist es besonders anfällig gegen Kälte. Seine Angriffsstärke ist dennoch nicht zu unterschätzen.
# actors.mobs.piranha.name=giant piranha # actors.mobs.piranha.name=giant piranha
# actors.mobs.piranha.desc=These carnivorous fish are not natural inhabitants of underground pools. They were bred specifically to protect flooded treasure vaults. # actors.mobs.piranha.desc=These carnivorous fish are not natural inhabitants of underground pools. They were bred specifically to protect flooded treasure vaults.
@ -440,38 +440,38 @@ actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=neugeborenes Feuerelementar
actors.mobs.rat.name=Beutelratte actors.mobs.rat.name=Beutelratte
actors.mobs.rat.desc=Beutelratten sind aggressive, aber recht schwache Bewohner der Kanalisation. Sie können unangenehm zubeißen, sind jedoch nur in größeren Gruppen lebensbedrohlich. actors.mobs.rat.desc=Beutelratten sind aggressive, aber recht schwache Bewohner der Kanalisation. Sie können unangenehm zubeißen, sind jedoch nur in größeren Gruppen lebensbedrohlich.
# actors.mobs.rotheart.name=rot heart actors.mobs.rotheart.name=Fäulnisherz
# actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=A Rotberry's fruit is very unique. Instead of rotting away and providing nutrients, the fruit grows, hardens, and encompasses the seed. It provides protection for the internal organs which grow inside the fruit. This giant orb is referred to as the heart of an adult rotberry plant. actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=Die Frucht der Fäulnispflanze ist sehr einzigartig. Anstatt zu verrotten und Nährstoffe herzugeben, wächst diese frucht, verhärtet und umschließt den Samen. Sie schützt damit die inneren Organe welche in der Frucht wachsen. Diese große Kugelform bezeichnet man als das Herz einer ausgewachsenen Fäulnispflanze.
# actors.mobs.rotlasher.name=rot lasher actors.mobs.rotlasher.name=Fäulnispeitsche
# actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=The rot lasher is a part of a mature rotberry plant's root structure, and also their primary means of defence. Lashers are stuck into the ground, but will violently assault anything that gets near to them. When there is no nearby prey, they stand motionless, attempting to blend in with surrounding vegetation. actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=Die Fäulnispeitsche ist ein teil der Wurzelstruktur einer ausgewachsenen Fäulnispflanze. Die Peitschen stecken im Boden, attackieren aber alles was in ihre Nähe gerät. Wenn keine Beute in der Nähe ist bleiben sie Regungslos und versuchen als Teil der umgebenden Pflanzen zu wirken.
# actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=This %s is idle. actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=Dieser %s ist untätig.
actors.mobs.scorpio.name=Skorpio actors.mobs.scorpio.name=Skorpio
# actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=These huge arachnid-like demonic creatures avoid close combat by all means, firing crippling serrated spikes from long distances. actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=Diese riesigen spinnenartigen Dämonenkreaturen vermeiden Nahkampf um jeden Preis und feuern verkrüppelnde, zahnbesetzte Stacheln über weite Strecken.
# actors.mobs.senior.name=senior monk actors.mobs.senior.name=Ältesten-Mönch
# actors.mobs.shaman.name=gnoll shaman actors.mobs.shaman.name=Gnoll-Schamane
actors.mobs.shaman.zap_kill=Der Blitzschlag hat dich getötet... actors.mobs.shaman.zap_kill=Der Blitzschlag hat dich getötet...
# actors.mobs.shaman.desc=The most intelligent gnolls can master shamanistic magic. Gnoll shamans prefer battle spells to compensate for lack of might, not hesitating to use them on those who question their status in a tribe. actors.mobs.shaman.desc=Die intelligentesten Gnolle können schamanistische Magie meistern. Gnoll-Schamanen bevorzugen Kampfzauber um für ihren Mangel an Kraft zu kompensieren und zögern nicht diese gegen jene zu verwenden, welche ihren Status im Stamm in Frage stellen.
# actors.mobs.shielded.name=shielded brute actors.mobs.shielded.name=Beschildeter Rohling
actors.mobs.shielded.def_verb=blockiert actors.mobs.shielded.def_verb=blockiert
actors.mobs.skeleton.name=Skelett actors.mobs.skeleton.name=Skelett
# actors.mobs.skeleton.explo_kill=You were killed by the explosion of bones... actors.mobs.skeleton.explo_kill=Du wurdest durch eine Knochenexplosion getötet...
actors.mobs.skeleton.def_verb=blockiert actors.mobs.skeleton.def_verb=blockiert
# actors.mobs.skeleton.desc=Skeletons are composed of corpses bones from unlucky adventurers and inhabitants of the dungeon, animated by emanations of evil magic from the depths below. After they have been damaged enough, they disintegrate in an explosion of bones. actors.mobs.skeleton.desc=Skelette bestehen aus einer Ansammlung an Knochen der Leichen vergangener Abenteurer und der Bewohner des Dungeons, welche durch die Ausstrahlung dunkler Magie aus den tieferen Ebenen reanimiert wurden. Nachdem sie genug Schaden genommen haben lösen sie sich in einer Knochenexplosion auf.
# actors.mobs.spinner.name=cave spinner actors.mobs.spinner.name=Höhlenspinner
# actors.mobs.spinner.desc=These greenish furry cave spiders try to avoid direct combat, preferring to wait in the distance while their victim, entangled in the spinner's excreted cobweb, slowly dies from their poisonous bite. actors.mobs.spinner.desc=Diese grünlichen, behaarten Höhlenspinnen versuchen direkten Kampf zu vermeiden. Sie bevorzugen es in einiger Distanz zu warten, während die Beute, in ihrem Netz gefangen, langsam an ihrem giftigen Biss erliegt.
actors.mobs.statue.name=Belebte Statue actors.mobs.statue.name=Belebte Statue
# actors.mobs.statue.desc=You would think that it's just another one of this dungeon's ugly statues, but its red glowing eyes give it away.\n\nWhile the statue itself is made of stone, the _%s,_ it's wielding, looks real. actors.mobs.statue.desc=Man könnte denken dies ist nur eine weitere hässliche Statue dieses Dungeons, aber die rot leuchtenden Augen verraten sie.\n\nWährend die Statue aus Stein gemeißelt ist, das _%s_, welches sie trägt, sieht echt aus.
actors.mobs.succubus.name=Succubus actors.mobs.succubus.name=Succubus
# actors.mobs.succubus.desc=The succubi are demons that look like seductive (in a slightly gothic way) girls. Using its magic, the succubus can charm a hero, who will become unable to attack anything until the charm wears off. actors.mobs.succubus.desc=Succubi sind Dämonen welche wie verführerische Frauen aussehen. Durch ihre Magie können sie einen Helden entzücken, welcher dadurch nicht mehr in der Lage ist irgendetwas anzugreifen bis die Entzückung nachlässt.
actors.mobs.swarm.name=Fliegenschwarm actors.mobs.swarm.name=Fliegenschwarm
actors.mobs.swarm.def_verb=ausgewiechen actors.mobs.swarm.def_verb=ausgewiechen

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@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Una nube de Gas de Confusión esta rondando aquí.
actors.blobs.fire.desc=Un fuego está ardiendo aqui.
actors.blobs.foliage.desc=Rayos de luz atraviesan la penumbra del jardín subterráneo.
actors.blobs.goowarn.desc=¡Partículas de energía oscura están revoloteando por aquí\!
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Una nube de Gas Paralítico esta rondando aquí.
actors.blobs.stenchgas.desc=Una nube de Olor Pútrido esta rondando aquí.
actors.blobs.toxicgas.desc=Una nube verdosa de Gas Tóxico esta rondando aquí.
# actors.blobs.toxicgas.rankings_desc=Suffocated
actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=Has muerto por el gas tóxico.
actors.blobs.venomgas.desc=Una nube de Veneno Ácido esta rondando aquí.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=Mientras tomas un trago, sientes como el conocimiento se esparce en tu mente. Ahora sabes todo sobre tus objetos equipados. También puedes sentir todos los objetos en el nivel, y conoces todos sus secretos.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=El poder del conocimiento se irradia del agua de esta fuente. Toma un sorbo de ella para revelar todos los secretos de tus objetos equipados.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.procced=Mientras tomas un trago, sientes como tus heridas se sanan completamente.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.desc=El poder de la vida se irradia del agua de esta fuente. Toma un sorbo de ella para sanar tus heridas y satisfacer tu hambre.
actors.blobs.wateroftransmutation.desc=El poder del cambio irradia del agua de esta fuente. Tira un objeto sobre ella para transformarlo en otra cosa.
actors.blobs.web.desc=Todo esta cubierto por una red gruesa.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=La locura causa un estado de gran furia y confusión en el objetivo.\n\nCuando una criatura es enloquecida, atacará a cualquiera que esté cerca, sea aliado o enemigo.\n\nTurnos de locura restantes\: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Piel de árbol
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Tu piel se ha endurecido, se siente solida y rugosa como la corteza de un arbol. La piel endurecida incrementa tu armadura permitiendo una mejor defensa contra los ataques fisicos. El bonus de armadura se reduce un punto por turno hasta que se agota. Incremento actual de armadura\: %d.
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Sangraste hasta tu muerte..
actors.buffs.bleeding.heromsg=Estas Sangrando\!
# actors.buffs.bleeding.rankings_desc=Bled to Death
actors.buffs.bleeding.desc=Esa herida está derramando una cantidad preocupante de sangre.\n\nSangrar causa daño cada turno. Cada turno el daño se reduce por una cantidad aleatoria, hasta que el sangrado se detiene eventualmente.\n\nDaño actual del sangrado\: %d.
actors.buffs.bless.desc=Una gran ráfaga de atención. algunos dicen que es inspirada por los dioses.\n\nBendecir aumenta significativamente la presición y evasión, haciendo al bendito mucho mas efectivo en combate. \n\nTurnos de bendición restantes\: %s.
actors.buffs.blindness.heromsg=Estas Cegado\!
actors.buffs.blindness.desc=La ceguera convierte al espacio circundante en una oscura neblina.\n\nDurante la ceguera, un personaje no puede ver más que un casillero frente a él mismo, convirtiendo en inservibles los ataques a distancia y haciendo más fácil perder la pista de enemigos distantes. Adicionalmente, un héroe cegado está imposibilitado de leer pergaminos o libros.\n\nTurnos de ceguera restantes\: %s.
actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=Te prendes fuego\!
# actors.buffs.burning.burnsup=%s burns up\!
# actors.buffs.burning.ondeath=You burned to death...
# actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Burned to Ash
actors.buffs.burning.desc=Pocas cosas son más angustiosas que estar envuelto en llamas.\n\nEl fuego causará daño cada turno hasta que se desaparezca por agua o se apague. El fuego puede ser extinguido mediante pararse en el agua, o por el chapoteo al romper una poción.\n\nAdicionalmente, el fuego puede quemar el terreno flamable o ítems con el que tenga contacto.\n\nTurnos en llamas restantes\: %s.
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Estas Encantado\!
actors.buffs.charm.desc=El encanto es una manipulativa magia que hace que los enemigos se adoren el uno al otro de manera temporal.\n\nPersonajes afectados por el encanto están imposibilitados de atacar directamente al enemigo al que están encantados. De cualquier modo, atacar otros objetivos es posible todavía.\n\nTurnos de encanto restantes\: %s.
# actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s freezes\!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=No del todo congelado, pero demasiado frío.\n\nPersonajes enfriados realizan todas las acciones mas lentamente, dependiendo cuantos turnos restan del efecto. En su peor momento, equivale a estar ralentizado.\n\nTurnos de frío restantes\: %s.\nVelocidad reducida en %s%%.
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d golpes\!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Mediante la construcción de impulsos, el gladiador efectua daño adicional.\n\nTu combo seguirá aumentando con ataques rápidos. Mientras más largo sea el combo, más veloces deberán ser los ataques. Errar un golpe reiniciará el combo.
actors.buffs.combo.notenough=\n\nTu combo aún no es suficientemente grande como para darte un incremento de daño.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corrupción se filtra dentro de la esencia de un ser, retorciéndolo contra su vieja forma natural. \n\nCriaturas corruptas atacarán y agravarán a sus aliados e ignorando a los enemigos anteriores. La corrupción también hace daño, y lentamente causará que su objetivo sucumba.\n\nLa corrupción es permanente, su efecto solo cesa en la muerte.
actors.buffs.cripple.heromsg=Estás lisiado\!
actors.buffs.cripple.desc=Estás muy seguro que las piernas no deberían doblarse de esa manera.\n\nEstar lisiado disminuye la velocidad de movimiento a la mitad, haciendo que moverse un casillero tome dos turnos en vez de uno.\n\n\\Turnos de lisiado restantes\: %s.
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Una fuerza mágica dificulta estar despierto.\n\nEl héroe puede resistir la somnolencia al recibir daño o estando con la salud completa.\n\nDespués de algunos turnos, el objetivo caerá en un profundo sueño mágico.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imbuido con Tierra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Estás imbuido con el poder de la Tierra\!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos enviarán raíces para inmovilizar al objetivo en su lugar hasta que el efecto termine.\n\nTurnos de imbuido por la Tierra restantes\: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuido con Fuego
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Estás imbuido por el poder del fuego\!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos tienen una chance de incendiar a los enemigos. Adicionalmente, eres completamente inmune a los efectos del fuego.\n\nTurnos de imbuido por el fuego restantes\: %s.
# actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s freezes\!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Diferente de congelarse completamente, este tipo más benigno de congelación atrapa al objetivo en hielo.\n\nLa congelación actua similarmente a la parálisis, haciéndole imposible actuar al objetivo. A diferencia de la parálisis, la congelación es cancelada inmediatamente si el objetivo sufre daño, ya que el hielo se destruirá.\n\nTurnos de congelación restantes\: %s.
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Te pones Furioso
actors.buffs.fury.desc=Estas enfadado, a los enemigos no les gustarás cuando estés enfadado.\n\nUna gran furia se desata dentro tuyo, incrementando el daño que haces con tus ataques físicos en un 50%%.\n\nEsta Furia durará mientras estes dañado por debajo del 50%% de vida.
actors.buffs.gasesimmunity.name=Inmune a los gases
actors.buffs.gasesimmunity.desc=Alguna fuerza extraña está filtrándose en el aire a tu alrededor, no está causándote ningún daño, pero bloquea todo excepto el aire por lo tanto no puedes olfatear nada\!\n\nEres inmune a los efectos de todos los gases mientras esta mejora dure.\n\nTurnos de inmunidad al gas restantes\: %s.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Muerto de hambre
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Estas Hambriento
actors.buffs.hunger.onstarving=Estas Muriendo de hambre\!
actors.buffs.hunger.ondeath=Moriste de hambre...
actors.buffs.hunger.cursedhorn=E cuerno maldito te roba algo de la comida que comes.
# actors.buffs.hunger.rankings_desc=Starved to Death
actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_hungry=Sientes como tu estomago te pide comida, pero no es urgente todavia.
actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_starving=Tienes tanta hambre que te duele.
actors.buffs.hunger.desc=\n\nEl hambre aumenta lentamente mientras pasas tiempo en la mazmorra. Eventualmente comenzarás a perder vida por el hambre. Mientras eso pase tu salud mermará en vez de regenerarse.\n\nRacionar es importante\! Si tienes salud suficiente, pasar hambre no es mala idea si eso significa que habrá más comida luego. \nUn racionamiento efectivo hace que la comida dure mucho más\!
actors.buffs.invisibility.desc=Estás completamente integrado con el terreno circundante, haciendo imposible verte.\n\nMientras permaneces invisible eres incapaz de ser atacado o seguido. Ataques físicos y efectos mágicos (como pergaminos y varas) cancelarán inmediatamente la invisibilidad.\n\nTurnos de invisibilidad restantes\: %s.
actors.buffs.levitation.desc=Una fuerza mágica te está haciendo levitar por encima del sueño, haciéndote sentir ligero.\n\nMientras levitas ignoras todos los efectos basados en el contacto con el suelo. Las trampas no se activarán, el agua no apagará el fuego, las plantas no serán pisadas, los enraizamientos fallarán, y planearás sobre las fosas. Ten cuidado, pues todas estas cosas pueden afectarte apenas la levitación acabe.\n\nTurnos de levitación restantes\: %s.
actors.buffs.light.desc=Incluso en la Mazmorra más oscura, una luz estable a tu lado es siempre alentadora.\n\nLa luz ayuda a mantener la oscuridad a raya, permiténdote ver una razonable distancia, a pesar del ambiente.\n\nTurnos de iluminación restantes\: %s.
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.name=El piso esta Cerrado
# actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=The current floor is locked, and you are unable to leave it\!\n\nWhile a floor is locked, you will not gain hunger or take damage from starving. In addition, if you do not work towards defeating this floor's boss, passive regeneration effects will also stop.\n\nAdditionally, if you are revived by an unblessed ankh while the floor is locked, then it will reset.\n\nKill this floor's boss to break the lock.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.name=Sueño Magico
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Estas muy sano, y resistes el impulso de dormir.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.fallasleep=Caes en un profundo y magico sueño.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=Te despiertas sintiendote refrescado y saludable.
# actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=This character has fallen into a deep magical sleep which they will not wake from naturally.\n\nMagical sleep is similar to regular sleep, except that only damage will cause the target to wake up.\n\nFor the hero, magical sleep has some restorative properties, allowing them to rapidly heal while resting.
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Vision mental
# actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Somehow you are able to see all creatures on this floor through your mind. It's a weird feeling.\n\nAll characters on this floor are visible to you as long as you have mind vision. Seeing a creature through mind vision counts as it being seen or nearby for the purposes of many magical effects.\n\nTurns of mind vision remaining\: %s.
# actors.buffs.ooze.name=Caustic ooze
# actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Caustic ooze eats your flesh. Wash it away\!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Te derrites...
# actors.buffs.ooze.rankings_desc=Dissolved
# actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage until it is washed off in water.\n\nOoze does not expire on its own and must be removed with water.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Estas Paralizado\!
# actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Oftentimes the worst thing to do is nothing at all.\n\nParalysis completely halts all actions, forcing the target to wait until the effect wears off. The pain from taking damage can also cause characters to snap out of paralysis.\n\nTurns of paralysis remaining\: %s.
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Estas Envenenado\!
actors.buffs.poison.ondeath=Has muerto por Veneno...
# actors.buffs.poison.rankings_desc=Succumbed to Poison
# actors.buffs.poison.desc=Poison works its way through the body, slowly impairing its internal functioning.\n\nPoison deals damage each turn proportional to how long until it expires.\n\nTurns of poison remaining\: %s.
# actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energy is coursing through you, improving the rate that your wands and staffs charge.\n\nEach turn this buff will increase current charge by one quarter, in addition to regular recharge.\n\nTurns of recharging remaining\: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=No puedes moverte\!
# actors.buffs.roots.desc=Roots(magical or natural) grab at the feet, forcing them down to the ground.\n\nRoots lock a target in place, making it impossible for them to move, but other actions are not affected.\n\nTurns of root remaining\: %s.
# actors.buffs.shadows.name=Shadowmelded
# actors.buffs.shadows.desc=You are blended into the shadows around you, granting you invisibility and slowing your metabolism.\n\nWhile you are invisible enemies are unable to attack or follow you. Most physical attacks and magical effects (such as scrolls and wands) will immediately cancel invisibility. Additionally, while shadowmelded, your rate of hunger is slowed.\n\nYou will remain shadowmelded until you leave the shadows or an enemy comes into contact with you.
# actors.buffs.slow.desc=Slowing magic affects the target's rate of time, to them everything is moving super-fast.\n\nA slowed character performs all actions in twice the amount of time they would normally take.\n\nTurns of slow remaining\: %s.
# actors.buffs.snipersmark.name=Sniper's mark
# actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=The sniper is honed in on a nearby target, gaining increased attack speed and armor penetration while attacking it.\n\nThe sniper will remain honed in until she switches targets, stops attacking, or the target dies.
# actors.buffs.soulmark.name=Soul Marked
# actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=The warlock has tapped into the soul of this creature. He will heal and satisfy his hunger as it takes physical damage.\n\nTurns of soul mark remaining\: %s.
# actors.buffs.terror.desc=Terror is manipulative magic which forces its target into an uncontrollable panic.\n\nTerrified characters are forced to run away from their opponent, trying to put as many doors and walls between them as possible. The shock of pain is enough to break this effect, however.\n\nTurns of terror remaining\: %s.
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imbuido con Toxicidad
# actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=You are imbued with poisonous energy\!\n\nAs you move around toxic gas will constantly billow forth from you, damaging your enemies. You are immune to toxic gas and poison for the duration of the effect.\n\nTurns of toxic imbue remaining\: %s.
# actors.buffs.venom.name=Venomed
# actors.buffs.venom.desc=Venom is a extremely caustic and dangerous poison.\n\nUnlike poison, whose damage lowers over time, venom does increasing damage the longer it stays on a target.\n\nTurns of venom remaining\: %s.\nCurrent venom damage\: %d.
# actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Walking in a straight line can be difficult when the whole world is spinning.\n\nWhile under the effects of vertigo, characters who attempt to move will go in a random direction, instead of the one they intended to go in.\n\nTurns of vertigo remaining\: %s.
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Te sientes Debilitado\!
# actors.buffs.weakness.desc=Your gear suddenly feels a lot heavier.\n\nWeakening magic is affecting you, reducing your effective strength by 2 points.\n\nTurns of weakness remaining\: %s.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Uno no se escapa simplemente del Calabozo de Pixeles.
# actors.hero.hero.level_up=Level up\!
actors.hero.hero.new_level=Bienvenido al nivel %d\! Ahora estas mas saludable y mas enfocado. Es mas facil pegarle a tus enemigos y esquivar sus ataques.
actors.hero.hero.level_cap=No puedes volverte mas fuerte, pero tus experiencias te dan una oleada de poder\!
# actors.hero.hero.you_now_have=You now have %s.
# actors.hero.hero.something_else=There is something else here.
actors.hero.hero.locked_chest=Este cofre esta cerrado y no tienes una llave que entre
# actors.hero.hero.locked_door=You don't have a matching key.
# actors.hero.hero.noticed_smth=You noticed something.
# actors.hero.hero.search_distracted=You can't concentrate, searching takes a while.
# actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=The pain helps you resist the urge to sleep.
actors.hero.hero.revive=El Ankh explota con energia revitalizante\!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=El Guerrero comienza con 11 puntos de Fuerza.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=El Guerrero comienza con una Espada Corta unica. Esta Espada puede ser "reforjada" para mejorar otra arma de mano.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=El Guerrero es menos habil con Armas de Proyectiles
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Cualquier trozo de comida restaura algo de vida cuando se come.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Las Pociones de Fuerza estan identificadas desde el comienzo.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=El Mago comienza con un Palo único, el cual puede ser imbuido con las propiedades de una Varita.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk2=El Palo del Mago puede ser usado como un Arma de Mano o como una Varita mas poderosa.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk3=El Mago idenfitica parcialmente a las Varitas luego de usarlas.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk4=Cuando son consumidas, cualquier pieza de comida restaura 1 carga para todas las Varitas del inventario
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Los Pergaminos de Mejora son identificados desde el comienzo.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk1=El Pícaro comienza con una Capa de Sombras única.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk2=El Pícaro identifica el tipo de un Anillo cuando se lo equipa.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk3=El Pícaro es mas habil con una Armadura Ligera, esquivando mejor con fuerza en exceso.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk4=El Pícaro es mas habil en detectar puertas y trampas ocultas
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=El Pícaro puede aguantar mas sin comida.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=Los Pergaminos de Mapeo Magico son identificados desde el comienzo.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=La Cazadora comienza con un Boomerang única mejorable.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=La Cazadora es mas hábil con las Armas de Proyectiles, teniendo un bono de daño por exceso de fuerza.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=La Cazadora puede recuperar un Arma de Misil usada de cada enemigo.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=La Cazadora puede sentir a los enemigos cercanos, aun cuando esten ocultos detras de obstaculos.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Las pociones de Vision Mental estan identificadas desde el comienzo.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator=gladiator
# actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo, in which every next successful hit inflicts more damage.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=berserker
# actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=When severely wounded, the _Berserker_ enters a state of wild fury significantly increasing his damage output.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock=warlock
# actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever they take physical damage.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=battlemage
# actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=When fighting with his staff, the _Battlemage_ conjures bonus effects depending on the wand his staff is imbued with. His staff will also gain charge through combat.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin=assassin
# actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=When performing a surprise attack, the _Assassin_ inflicts additional damage to his target.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner=freerunner
# actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ moves faster when he unencumbered and not starving, if he is invisible, this speed boost is increased.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=sniper
# actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is able to detect weak points in an enemy's armor, effectively ignoring it when using a missile weapon.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.warden=warden
# actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=Having a strong connection with forces of nature allows the _Warden_ to gain additional health from dew, armor from trampling grass, and seeds and dew from plants.
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.name=troll blacksmith
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.gold_1=Hey human\! Wanna be useful, eh? Take dis pickaxe and mine me some _dark gold ore, 15 pieces_ should be enough. What do you mean, how am I gonna pay? You greedy...\nOk, ok, I don't have money to pay, but I can do some smithin' for you. Consider yourself lucky, I'm the only blacksmith around.
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.blood_1=Hey human\! Wanna be useful, eh? Take dis pickaxe and _kill a bat_ wit' it, I need its blood on the head. What do you mean, how am I gonna pay? You greedy...\nOk, ok, I don't have money to pay, but I can do some smithin' for you. Consider yourself lucky, I'm the only blacksmith around.
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.lost_pick=Are you kiddin' me? Where is my pickaxe?\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.gold_2=Dark gold ore. 15 pieces. Seriously, is it dat hard?
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.blood_2=I said I need bat blood on the pickaxe. Chop chop\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.completed=Oh, you have returned... Better late dan never.
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.get_lost=I'm busy. Get lost\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.same_item=Select 2 different items, not the same item twice\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.diff_type=Select 2 items of the same type\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.un_ided=I need to know what I'm working with, identify them first\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cursed=I don't work with cursed items\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.degraded=It's junk, the quality is too poor\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cant_reforge=I can't reforge these items\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=This troll blacksmith looks like all trolls look\: he is tall and lean, and his skin resembles stone in both color and texture. The troll blacksmith is tinkering with unproportionally small tools.
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=sad ghost
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Hello %s... Once I was like you - strong and confident... But I was slain by a foul beast... I can't leave this place... Not until I have my revenge... Slay the _fetid rat,_ that has taken my life...\n\nIt stalks this floor... Spreading filth everywhere... _Beware its cloud of stink and corrosive bite, the acid dissolves in water..._
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=Please... Help me... Slay the abomination...\n\n_Fight it near water... Avoid the stench..._
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Hello %s... Once I was like you - strong and confident... But I was slain by a devious foe... I can't leave this place... Not until I have my revenge... Slay the _gnoll trickster,_ that has taken my life...\n\nIt is not like the other gnolls... It hides and uses thrown weapons... _Beware its poisonous and incendiary darts, don't attack from a distance..._
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=Please... Help me... Slay the trickster...\n\n_Don't let it hit you... Get near to it..._
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_1=Hello %s... Once I was like you - strong and confident... But I was slain by an ancient creature... I can't leave this place... Not until I have my revenge... Slay the _great crab,_ that has taken my life...\n\nIt is unnaturally old... With a massive single claw and a thick shell... _Beware its claw, you must surprise the crab or it will block with it..._
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_2=Please... Help me... Slay the Crustacean...\n\n_It will always block... When it sees you coming..._
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.def_verb=evaded
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.find_me=Thank you... come find me...
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.desc=The ghost is barely visible. It looks like a shapeless spot of faint light with a sorrowful face.
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.name=ambitious imp
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_1=Are you an adventurer? I love adventurers\! You can always rely on them if something needs to be killed. Am I right? For a bounty of course ;)\nIn my case this is _golems_ who need to be killed. You see, I'm going to start a little business here, but these stupid golems are bad for business\! It's very hard to negotiate with wandering lumps of granite, damn them\! So please, kill... let's say _6 of them_ and a reward is yours.
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_1=Are you an adventurer? I love adventurers\! You can always rely on them if something needs to be killed. Am I right? For a bounty of course ;)\nIn my case this is _monks_ who need to be killed. You see, I'm going to start a little business here, but these lunatics don't buy anything themselves and will scare away other customers. So please, kill... let's say _8 of them_ and a reward is yours.
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_2=How is your golem safari going?
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_2=Oh, you are still alive\! I knew that your kung-fu is stronger ;) Just don't forget to grab these monks' tokens.
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.cya=See you, %s\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.hey=Psst, %s\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.def_verb=evaded
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.desc=Imps are lesser demons. They are notable for neither their strength nor their magic talent, but they are quite smart and sociable. Many imps prefer to live among non-demons.
# actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.name=ambitious imp
# actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.greetings=Hello, %s\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=I thought I could trust you\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Imps are lesser demons. They are notable for neither their strength nor their magic talent. But they are quite smart and sociable, and many of imps prefer to live and do business among non-demons.
# actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=mirror image
# actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=This illusion bears a close resemblance to you, but it's paler and twitches a little.
# actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.name=rat king
# actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.not_sleeping=I'm not sleeping\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.what_is_it=What is it? I have no time for this nonsense. My kingdom won't rule itself\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.desc_festive=This rat is a little bigger than a regular marsupial rat. It's wearing a tiny festive hat instead of its usual crown. Happy Holidays\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.desc=This rat is a little bigger than a regular marsupial rat and it's wearing a tiny crown on its head.
# actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.name=sheep
# actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.baa!=Baa\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.baa?=Baa?
# actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.baa.=Baa.
# actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.baa...=Baa...
# actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.desc=This is a magic sheep. What's so magical about it? You can't kill it. It will stand there until it magcially fades away, all the while chewing cud with a blank stare.
# actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.name=shopkeeper
# actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.thief=Thief, Thief\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.sell=Select an item to sell
# actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.desc=This stout guy looks more appropriate for a trade district in some large city than for a dungeon. His prices explain why he prefers to do business here.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.name=old wandmaker
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_warrior=Oh, what a pleasant surprise to meet a hero in such a depressing place\! If you're up to helping an old man out, I may have a task for you.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_rogue=Oh Goodness, you startled me\! I haven't met a bandit from this place that still has his sanity, so you must be from the surface\! If you're up to helping a stranger out, I may have a task for you.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_mage=Oh, hello %s\! I heard there was some ruckus regarding you and the wizards institute? Oh never mind, I never liked those stick-in-the-muds anyway. If you're willing, I may have a task for you.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=Oh, hello miss\! A friendly face is a pleasant surprise down here isn't it? In fact, I swear I've seen your face before, but I can't put my finger on it... Oh never mind, if you're here for adventure, I may have a task for you.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nI came here to find a rare ingredient for a wand, but I've gotten myself lost, and my magical shield is weakening. I'll need to leave soon, but can't bear to go without getting what I came for.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=I'm looking for some _corpse dust._ It's a special kind of cursed bone meal that usually shows up in places like this. There should be a barricaded room around here somewhere, I'm sure some dust will turn up there. Do be careful though, the curse the dust carries is quite potent, _get back to me as fast as you can_ and I'll cleanse it for you.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=I'm looking for some _fresh embers_ from a newborn fire elemental. Elementals usually pop up when a summoning ritual isn't controlled, so just find some candles and a ritual site and I'm sure you can get one to pop up. You might want to _keep some sort of freezing item handy_ though, elementals are very powerful, but ice will take them down quite easily.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=The old warden of this prison kept a _rotberry plant,_ and I'm after one of its seeds. The plant has probably gone wild by now though, so getting it to give up a seed might be tricky. Its garden should be somewhere around here. Try to _keep away from its vine lashers_ if you want to stay in one piece. Using fire might be tempting but please don't, you'll kill the plant and destroy its seeds.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\nIf you can get that for me, I'll be happy to pay you with one of my finely crafted wands\! I brought two with me, so you can take whichever one you prefer.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=Any luck with corpse dust, %s? Look for some barricades.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=Any luck with those embers, %s? You'll need to find four candles and the ritual site.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_berry=Any luck with a Rotberry seed, %s? Look for a room filled with vegetation.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.def_verb=absorbed
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.desc=This old yet hale gentleman wears a slightly confused expression. He is protected by a magic shield.
# actors.mobs.acidic.name=acidic scorpio
# actors.mobs.albino.name=albino rat
# actors.mobs.albino.desc=This is a rare breed of marsupial rat, with pure white fur and jagged teeth.
# actors.mobs.bandit.name=crazy bandit
# actors.mobs.bat.name=vampire bat
# actors.mobs.bat.def_verb=evaded
# actors.mobs.bat.desc=These brisk and tenacious inhabitants of cave domes may defeat much larger opponents by replenishing their health with each successful attack.
# actors.mobs.bee.name=golden bee
# actors.mobs.bee.desc=Despite their small size, golden bees tend to protect their home fiercely. This one is very mad, better keep your distance.
# actors.mobs.brute.name=gnoll brute
# actors.mobs.brute.enraged=enraged
# actors.mobs.brute.enraged_text=The brute becomes enraged\!
# actors.mobs.brute.desc=Brutes are the largest, strongest and toughest of all gnolls. When severely wounded, they go berserk, inflicting even more damage to their enemies.
# actors.mobs.crab.name=sewer crab
# actors.mobs.crab.def_verb=parried
# actors.mobs.crab.desc=These huge crabs are at the top of the food chain in the sewers. They are extremely fast and their thick carapace can withstand heavy blows.
# actors.mobs.dm300.name=DM-300
# actors.mobs.dm300.notice=Unauthorised personnel detected.
# actors.mobs.dm300.defeated=Mission failed. Shutting down.
# actors.mobs.dm300.repair=DM-300 repairs itself\!
# actors.mobs.dm300.rankings_desc=Crushed by the DM-300
# actors.mobs.dm300.desc=This machine was created by the Dwarves several centuries ago. Later, Dwarves started to replace machines with golems, elementals and even demons. Eventually it led their civilization to the decline. The DM-300 and similar machines were typically used for construction and mining, and in some cases, for city defense.
# actors.mobs.elemental.name=fire elemental
# actors.mobs.elemental.desc=Wandering fire elementals are a byproduct of summoning greater entities. They are too chaotic in their nature to be controlled by even the most powerful demonologist.
# actors.mobs.eye.name=evil eye
# actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=The deathgaze killed you...
# actors.mobs.eye.desc=One of this demon's other names is "orb of hatred", because when it sees an enemy, it uses its deathgaze recklessly, often ignoring its allies and wounding them.
# actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=fetid rat
# actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Something is clearly wrong with this rat. Its greasy black fur and rotting skin are very different from the healthy rats you've seen previously. It's pale green eyes make it seem especially menacing.\n\nThe rat carries a cloud of horrible stench with it, it's overpoweringly strong up close.\n\nDark ooze dribbles from the rat's mouth, it eats through the floor but seems to dissolve in water.
# actors.mobs.gnoll.name=gnoll scout
# actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Gnolls are hyena-like humanoids. They dwell in sewers and dungeons, venturing up to raid the surface from time to time. Gnoll scouts are regular members of their pack, they are not as strong as brutes and not as intelligent as shamans.
# actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.name=gnoll trickster
# actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.desc=A strange looking creature, even by gnoll standards. It hunches forward with a wicked grin, almost cradling the satchel hanging over its shoulder. Its eyes are wide with a strange mix of fear and excitement.\n\nThere is a large collection of poorly made darts in its satchel, they all seem to be tipped with various harmful substances.
# actors.mobs.golem.name=golem
# actors.mobs.golem.def_verb=blocked
# actors.mobs.golem.desc=The Dwarves tried to combine their knowledge of mechanisms with their newfound power of elemental binding. They used spirits of earth as the "soul" for the mechanical bodies of golems, which were believed to be most controllable of all. Despite this, the tiniest mistake in the ritual could cause an outbreak.
# actors.mobs.goo.name=Goo
# actors.mobs.goo.notice=GLURP-GLURP\!
# actors.mobs.goo.defeated=glurp... glurp...
# actors.mobs.goo.!!!=\!\!\!
# actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Goo is pumping itself up\!
# actors.mobs.goo.enraged=enraged
# actors.mobs.goo.enraged_text=Goo Becomes Enraged\!\!
# actors.mobs.goo.gluuurp=GLUUUURP\!
# actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorbed by the Goo
# actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
# actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=great crab
# actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=The crab notices the attack and blocks with its massive claw.
# actors.mobs.greatcrab.blocked=blocked
# actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=This crab is gigantic, even compared to other sewer crabs. Its blue shell is covered in cracks and barnacles, showing great age. It lumbers around slowly, barely keeping balance with its massive claw.\n\nWhile the crab only has one claw, its size easily compensates. The crab holds the claw infront of itself whenever it sees a threat, shielding itself behind an impenetrable wall of carapace.
# actors.mobs.guard.name=prison guard
# actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=get over here\!
# actors.mobs.guard.def_verb=blocked
# actors.mobs.guard.desc=Once keepers of the prison, these guards have long since become no different than the inmates. They shamble like zombies, brainlessly roaming through the halls in search of anything out of place, like you\!\n\nThey carry chains around their hip, possibly used to pull in enemies to close range.
# actors.mobs.king.name=King of Dwarves
# actors.mobs.king.notice=How dare you\!
# actors.mobs.king.defeated=You cannot kill me, %s... I am... immortal...
# actors.mobs.king.def_verb=parried
# actors.mobs.king.arise=Arise, slaves\!
# actors.mobs.king.rankings_desc=Fell Before the King of Dwarves
# actors.mobs.king.desc=The last king of dwarves was known for his deep understanding of processes of life and death. He has persuaded members of his court to participate in a ritual, that should have granted them eternal youthfulness. In the end he was the only one, who got it - and an army of undead as a bonus.
# actors.mobs.king$undead.name=undead dwarf
# actors.mobs.king$undead.def_verb=blocked
# actors.mobs.king$undead.rankings_desc=Fell Before the King of Dwarves
# actors.mobs.king$undead.desc=These undead dwarves, risen by the will of the King of Dwarves, were members of his court. They appear as skeletons with a stunning amount of facial hair.
# actors.mobs.mimic.name=mimic
# actors.mobs.mimic.desc=Mimics are magical creatures which can take any shape they wish. In dungeons they almost always choose a shape of a treasure chest, because they know how to beckon an adventurer.
# actors.mobs.mob.died=You hear something died in the distance.
# actors.mobs.mob.rage=\#$%^
# actors.mobs.mob.exp=%+dEXP
# actors.mobs.mob.rankings_desc=Slain by\: %s
# actors.mobs.mob$sleeping.status=This %s is sleeping.
# actors.mobs.mob$wandering.status=This %s is wandering.
# actors.mobs.mob$hunting.status=This %s is hunting.
# actors.mobs.mob$fleeing.status=This %s is fleeing.
# actors.mobs.mob$passive.status=This %s is passive.
# actors.mobs.monk.name=dwarf monk
# actors.mobs.monk.disarm=The monk knocks the %s from your hands\!
# actors.mobs.monk.def_verb=parried
# actors.mobs.monk.desc=These monks are fanatics, who devoted themselves to protecting their city's secrets from all aliens. They don't use any armor or weapons, relying solely on the art of hand-to-hand combat.
# actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=newborn fire elemental
# actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Fire elementals are a byproduct of summoning greater entities. They are too chaotic in their nature to be controlled by even the most powerful demonologist.\n\nThis fire elemental is freshy summoned, and is weakened as a result. In this state is it especially vulnerable to the cold. Its offensive capabilities are still great though, caution is advised.
# actors.mobs.piranha.name=giant piranha
# actors.mobs.piranha.desc=These carnivorous fish are not natural inhabitants of underground pools. They were bred specifically to protect flooded treasure vaults.
# actors.mobs.rat.name=marsupial rat
# actors.mobs.rat.desc=Marsupial rats are aggressive but rather weak denizens of the sewers. They have a nasty bite, but are only life threatening in large numbers.
# actors.mobs.rotheart.name=rot heart
# actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=A Rotberry's fruit is very unique. Instead of rotting away and providing nutrients, the fruit grows, hardens, and encompasses the seed. It provides protection for the internal organs which grow inside the fruit. This giant orb is referred to as the heart of an adult rotberry plant.
# actors.mobs.rotlasher.name=rot lasher
# actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=The rot lasher is a part of a mature rotberry plant's root structure, and also their primary means of defence. Lashers are stuck into the ground, but will violently assault anything that gets near to them. When there is no nearby prey, they stand motionless, attempting to blend in with surrounding vegetation.
# actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=This %s is idle.
# actors.mobs.scorpio.name=scorpio
# actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=These huge arachnid-like demonic creatures avoid close combat by all means, firing crippling serrated spikes from long distances.
# actors.mobs.senior.name=senior monk
# actors.mobs.shaman.name=gnoll shaman
# actors.mobs.shaman.zap_kill=The lightning bolt killed you...
# actors.mobs.shaman.desc=The most intelligent gnolls can master shamanistic magic. Gnoll shamans prefer battle spells to compensate for lack of might, not hesitating to use them on those who question their status in a tribe.
# actors.mobs.shielded.name=shielded brute
# actors.mobs.shielded.def_verb=blocked
# actors.mobs.skeleton.name=skeleton
# actors.mobs.skeleton.explo_kill=You were killed by the explosion of bones...
# actors.mobs.skeleton.def_verb=blocked
# actors.mobs.skeleton.desc=Skeletons are composed of corpses bones from unlucky adventurers and inhabitants of the dungeon, animated by emanations of evil magic from the depths below. After they have been damaged enough, they disintegrate in an explosion of bones.
# actors.mobs.spinner.name=cave spinner
# actors.mobs.spinner.desc=These greenish furry cave spiders try to avoid direct combat, preferring to wait in the distance while their victim, entangled in the spinner's excreted cobweb, slowly dies from their poisonous bite.
# actors.mobs.statue.name=animated statue
# actors.mobs.statue.desc=You would think that it's just another one of this dungeon's ugly statues, but its red glowing eyes give it away.\n\nWhile the statue itself is made of stone, the _%s,_ it's wielding, looks real.
# actors.mobs.succubus.name=succubus
# actors.mobs.succubus.desc=The succubi are demons that look like seductive (in a slightly gothic way) girls. Using its magic, the succubus can charm a hero, who will become unable to attack anything until the charm wears off.
# actors.mobs.swarm.name=swarm of flies
# actors.mobs.swarm.def_verb=evaded
# actors.mobs.swarm.desc=The deadly swarm of flies buzzes angrily. Every non-magical attack will split it into two smaller but equally dangerous swarms.
# actors.mobs.tengu.name=Tengu
# actors.mobs.tengu.notice_mine=You're mine, %s\!
# actors.mobs.tengu.notice_face=Face me, %s\!
# actors.mobs.tengu.interesting=Let's make this interesting...
# actors.mobs.tengu.defeated=Free at last...
# actors.mobs.tengu.rankings_desc=Assassinated by the Tengu
# actors.mobs.tengu.desc=A famous and enigmatic assassin, named for the mask grafted to his face.\n\nTengu is held down with large clasps on his wrists and knees, though he seems to have gotten rid of his chains long ago.\n\nHe will try to use traps, deceptive magic, and precise attacks to eliminate the only thing stopping his escape\: you.
# actors.mobs.thief.name=crazy thief
# actors.mobs.thief.stole=The thief stole %s from you\!
# actors.mobs.thief.carries=\n\nThe thief is carrying a _%s._ Stolen obviously.
# actors.mobs.thief.escapes=The thief gets away with your %s\!
# actors.mobs.thief.desc=Though these inmates roam free of their cells, this place is still their prison. Over time, this place has taken their minds as well as their freedom. Long ago, these crazy thieves and bandits have forgotten who they are and why they steal.\n\nThese enemies are more likely to steal and run than they are to fight. Make sure to keep them in sight, or you might never see your stolen item again.
# actors.mobs.warlock.name=dwarf warlock
# actors.mobs.warlock.bolt_kill=The shadow bolt killed you...
# actors.mobs.warlock.desc=When dwarves' interests have shifted from engineering to arcane arts, warlocks have come to power in the city. They started with elemental magic, but soon switched to demonology and necromancy.
# actors.mobs.wraith.name=wraith
# actors.mobs.wraith.def_verb=evaded
# actors.mobs.wraith.desc=A wraith is a vengeful spirit of a sinner, whose grave or tomb was disturbed. Being an ethereal entity, it is very hard to hit with a regular weapon.
# actors.mobs.yog.name=Yog-Dzewa
# actors.mobs.yog.notice=Hope is an illusion...
# actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=Devoured by Yog-Dzewa
# actors.mobs.yog.desc=Yog-Dzewa is an Old God, a powerful entity from the realms of chaos. A century ago, the ancient dwarves barely won the war against its army of demons, but were unable to kill the god itself. Instead, they then imprisoned it in the halls below their city, believing it to be too weak to rise ever again.
# actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.name=rotting fist
# actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=Devoured by Yog-Dzewa
# actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa is an Old God, a powerful entity from the realms of chaos. A century ago, the ancient dwarves barely won the war against its army of demons, but were unable to kill the god itself. Instead, they then imprisoned it in the halls below their city, believing it to be too weak to rise ever again.
# actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.name=burning fist
# actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=Devoured by Yog-Dzewa
# actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa is an Old God, a powerful entity from the realms of chaos. A century ago, the ancient dwarves barely won the war against its army of demons, but were unable to kill the god itself. Instead, they then imprisoned it in the halls below their city, believing it to be too weak to rise ever again.
# actors.mobs.yog$larva.name=god's larva
# actors.mobs.yog$larva.rankings_desc=Devoured by Yog-Dzewa
# actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=Yog-Dzewa is an Old God, a powerful entity from the realms of chaos. A century ago, the ancient dwarves barely won the war against its army of demons, but were unable to kill the god itself. Instead, they then imprisoned it in the halls below their city, believing it to be too weak to rise ever again.
actors.char.kill=%s te ha matado.
# actors.char.defeat=You defeated %s.
# actors.char.out_of_paralysis=The pain snapped %s out of paralysis.
# actors.char.def_verb=dodged

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=여기에 마비 가스 구름이 소용돌이치
actors.blobs.stenchgas.desc=여기에 악취나는 구름이 소용돌이치고 있다. actors.blobs.stenchgas.desc=여기에 악취나는 구름이 소용돌이치고 있다.
actors.blobs.toxicgas.desc=여기에 초록색 유독성 가스 구름이 소용돌이치고 있다. actors.blobs.toxicgas.desc=여기에 초록색 유독성 가스 구름이 소용돌이치고 있다.
# actors.blobs.toxicgas.rankings_desc=Suffocated actors.blobs.toxicgas.rankings_desc=질식사
actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=당신은 유독 가스 때문에 죽었다... actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=당신은 유독 가스 때문에 죽었다...
actors.blobs.venomgas.desc=여기에 역겨운 산성 맹독 구름이 소용돌이치고 있다. actors.blobs.venomgas.desc=여기에 역겨운 산성 맹독 구름이 소용돌이치고 있다.
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=당신의 피부는 단단해져 마치 나무껍질
actors.buffs.bleeding.name=출혈 actors.buffs.bleeding.name=출혈
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=당신은 과다출혈로 죽었다... actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=당신은 과다출혈로 죽었다...
actors.buffs.bleeding.heromsg=당신은 피를 흘린다\! actors.buffs.bleeding.heromsg=당신은 피를 흘린다\!
# actors.buffs.bleeding.rankings_desc=Bled to Death actors.buffs.bleeding.rankings_desc=과다 출혈로 사망
actors.buffs.bleeding.desc=당신은 상처에서 상당한 양의 피를 흘립니다.\n\n출혈은 당신이 매 턴마다 피해를 입게 합니다. 매 턴 입는 피해는 출혈이 끝날 때 까지 무작위로 줄어듭니다. \n\n출혈은 현재 %d의 최대 피해를 입힙니다. actors.buffs.bleeding.desc=당신은 상처에서 상당한 양의 피를 흘립니다.\n\n출혈은 당신이 매 턴마다 피해를 입게 합니다. 매 턴 입는 피해는 출혈이 끝날 때 까지 무작위로 줄어듭니다. \n\n출혈은 현재 %d의 최대 피해를 입힙니다.
actors.buffs.bless.name=축복 actors.buffs.bless.name=축복
@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ actors.buffs.blindness.desc=실명 상태는 대상의 주변의 모든 것을
actors.buffs.burning.name=연소 actors.buffs.burning.name=연소
actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=당신에게 불이 붙었다\! actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=당신에게 불이 붙었다\!
# actors.buffs.burning.burnsup=%s burns up\! actors.buffs.burning.burnsup=%s에게 불이 붙었다\!
# actors.buffs.burning.ondeath=You burned to death... actors.buffs.burning.ondeath=당신은 불타 사망했다...
# actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Burned to Ash actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=재가 되어버림
actors.buffs.burning.desc=불이 붙는 것만큼 고통스러운 것은 얼마 없습니다.\n\n 불이 붙으면 물에 들어가거나 꺼질 때 까지 매 턴 지속적으로 피해를 입힙니다. 물에 들어가거나 포션을 깨트리면 끌 수 잇습니다. 또한, 불이 붙은 상태에서 다른 지형이나 아이템에 불을 옮길 수도 있습니다. \n\n불이 스스로 꺼지기까지 %s만큼 남았습니다. actors.buffs.burning.desc=불이 붙는 것만큼 고통스러운 것은 얼마 없습니다.\n\n 불이 붙으면 물에 들어가거나 꺼질 때 까지 매 턴 지속적으로 피해를 입힙니다. 물에 들어가거나 포션을 깨트리면 끌 수 잇습니다. 또한, 불이 붙은 상태에서 다른 지형이나 아이템에 불을 옮길 수도 있습니다. \n\n불이 스스로 꺼지기까지 %s만큼 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.charm.name=매혹 actors.buffs.charm.name=매혹
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=당신은 매혹되었다\!
actors.buffs.charm.desc=매혹 효과는 적과 자신을 일시적으로 사랑에 빠지게 하는 조작 마법입니다.\n\n 매혹에 걸린 대상들은 같이 매혹에 걸린 적들을 직접적으로 공격하는 것이 불가능해집니다.\n\n 하지만 다른 적을 공격하는 것은 가능합니다. 매횩 효과는 %s동안 유지됩니다. actors.buffs.charm.desc=매혹 효과는 적과 자신을 일시적으로 사랑에 빠지게 하는 조작 마법입니다.\n\n 매혹에 걸린 대상들은 같이 매혹에 걸린 적들을 직접적으로 공격하는 것이 불가능해집니다.\n\n 하지만 다른 적을 공격하는 것은 가능합니다. 매횩 효과는 %s동안 유지됩니다.
actors.buffs.chill.name=냉동 actors.buffs.chill.name=냉동
# actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s freezes\! actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다\!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=완전히 얼어버리진 않았지만, 그래도 너무 추워졌습니다.\n\n냉동된 대상은 모든 행동을 느리게 수행하며, 느려지는 정도는 남은 효과 시간에 비례합니다. 최대 빙결 효과는 둔화 효과와 비슷한 속도 감소 효과를 냅니다.\n\n냉동 효과는 %s동안 유지되며, 속도를 %s%%만큼 감소시킵니다 actors.buffs.chill.desc=완전히 얼어버리진 않았지만, 그래도 너무 추워졌습니다.\n\n냉동된 대상은 모든 행동을 느리게 수행하며, 느려지는 정도는 남은 효과 시간에 비례합니다. 최대 빙결 효과는 둔화 효과와 비슷한 속도 감소 효과를 냅니다.\n\n냉동 효과는 %s동안 유지되며, 속도를 %s%%만큼 감소시킵니다
actors.buffs.combo.name=연속 타격 actors.buffs.combo.name=연속 타격
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=화염과 동화함
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=당신은 불의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다\!\n\n적에게 가하는 모든 물리 공격은 지속시간 동안 적들을 불타오르게 만들며, 당신은 불에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n화염과 동화함 효과는 %s동안 지속됩니다. actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=당신은 불의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다\!\n\n적에게 가하는 모든 물리 공격은 지속시간 동안 적들을 불타오르게 만들며, 당신은 불에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n화염과 동화함 효과는 %s동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.frost.name=빙결 actors.buffs.frost.name=빙결
# actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s freezes\! actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다\!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=꽁꽁 얼리는 것은 아니지만, 그래도 빙결은 상대를 얼음 안에 가둘 뿐입니다.\n\n빙결은 마비와 비슷하게 대상의 움직임을 봉쇄합니다. 하지만 대상이 피해를 입으면 얼음이 깨져 효과가 중단됩니다.\n\n빙결이 끝날 때 까지 %s 남았습니다. actors.buffs.frost.desc=꽁꽁 얼리는 것은 아니지만, 그래도 빙결은 상대를 얼음 안에 가둘 뿐입니다.\n\n빙결은 마비와 비슷하게 대상의 움직임을 봉쇄합니다. 하지만 대상이 피해를 입으면 얼음이 깨져 효과가 중단됩니다.\n\n빙결이 끝날 때 까지 %s 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.fury.name=분노 actors.buffs.fury.name=분노
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=당신은 배고프다.
actors.buffs.hunger.onstarving=당신은 굶고 있다\! actors.buffs.hunger.onstarving=당신은 굶고 있다\!
actors.buffs.hunger.ondeath=당신은 굶어 죽었다... actors.buffs.hunger.ondeath=당신은 굶어 죽었다...
actors.buffs.hunger.cursedhorn=저주받은 뿔은 당신이 먹고있는 음식의 영양분을 빼앗아간다. actors.buffs.hunger.cursedhorn=저주받은 뿔은 당신이 먹고있는 음식의 영양분을 빼앗아간다.
# actors.buffs.hunger.rankings_desc=Starved to Death actors.buffs.hunger.rankings_desc=영양실조
actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_hungry=당신은 배가 살짝 고프지만 아직 그렇게 급하지는 않다. actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_hungry=당신은 배가 살짝 고프지만 아직 그렇게 급하지는 않다.
actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_starving=당신은 너무 배고파서 체력이 줄어들었다. actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_starving=당신은 너무 배고파서 체력이 줄어들었다.
actors.buffs.hunger.desc=\n던전에서 시간을 보내는 동안 배고픔이 천천히 증가하여 결국 굶주리게 됩니다. 굶주리는 동안에는 체력이 회복되지 않고 천천히 감소합니다.\n\n식량 조절은 중요합니다\! 남는 체력이 있다면 나중에 더 많은 식량을 위해 굶주리는것도 나쁘지 않은 생각 입니다. 효과적인 식량 조절이 음식을 훨씬 오래 가게 합니다\! actors.buffs.hunger.desc=\n던전에서 시간을 보내는 동안 배고픔이 천천히 증가하여 결국 굶주리게 됩니다. 굶주리는 동안에는 체력이 회복되지 않고 천천히 감소합니다.\n\n식량 조절은 중요합니다\! 남는 체력이 있다면 나중에 더 많은 식량을 위해 굶주리는것도 나쁘지 않은 생각 입니다. 효과적인 식량 조절이 음식을 훨씬 오래 가게 합니다\!
@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ actors.buffs.invisibility.name=투명화
actors.buffs.invisibility.desc=당신은 주변 환경에 완벽하게 섞여들어 보이지 않습니다.\n\n 투명화 상태 동안 적들은 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 물리적 공격이나 주문서 혹은 마법 막대 같은 마법 효과는 투명화를 즉시 중단시킵니다.\n\n 투명화는 %s동안 지속됩니다. actors.buffs.invisibility.desc=당신은 주변 환경에 완벽하게 섞여들어 보이지 않습니다.\n\n 투명화 상태 동안 적들은 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 물리적 공격이나 주문서 혹은 마법 막대 같은 마법 효과는 투명화를 즉시 중단시킵니다.\n\n 투명화는 %s동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.levitation.name=부유 actors.buffs.levitation.name=부유
# actors.buffs.levitation.desc=A magical force is levitating you over the ground, making you feel weightless.\n\nWhile levitating you ignore all ground-based effects. Traps won't trigger, water won't put out fire, plants won't be trampled, roots will miss you, and you will hover right over pits. Be careful, as all these things can come into effect the second the levitation ends\!\n\nTurns of levitation remaining\: %s. actors.buffs.levitation.desc=마법의 힘이 당신을 공중으로 띄워 마치 무게가 없는 것 처럼 느껴집니다.\n\n공중에 뜬 상태에서는 모든 땅 공격을 무시합니다. 또한 함정을 밟지 않으며, 불을 끄기 위해 물에 들어갈 수 없고, 식물을 밟을 수 없고, 뿌리가 당신을 놓질 것이며, 구덩이 위를 날아다닐 수 있습니다. 단 해당 타일은 부유 효과가 끝나자마자 효과를 발동시키니 주의하십시오.\n\n부유 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
# actors.buffs.light.name=Illuminated actors.buffs.light.name=발광
# actors.buffs.light.desc=Even in the Darkest Dungeon, a steady light at your side is always comforting.\n\nLight helps keep darkness at bay, allowing you to see a reasonable distance despite the environment.\n\nTurns of illumination remaining\: %s. actors.buffs.light.desc=가장 어두운 던전에서라도, 당신 곁에 있는 밝은 불빛은 매우 든든한 존재입니다.\n\n불빛은 어둠을 몰아 내며, 주변 환경에 구애받지 않고 시야를 더 넓혀줍니다.\n\n발광 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.name=층이 잠겨있음 actors.buffs.lockedfloor.name=층이 잠겨있음
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=현재 층이 잠겨 있어 당신은 나갈 수 없습니다\!\n\n층이 잠겨있는 동안 당신은 배고픔이 증가하지 않고 굶주림 피해를 입지 않습니다. 더하여 이 층의 보스를 물리치러 나아가지 않는 이상 재생 효과는 멈춥니다.\n\n또 층이 잠겨있는 동안 축복받지 않은 앙크로 부활한다면 앙크가 리셋됩니다.\n\n잠금을 풀기 위해 이 층의 보스를 물리치십시오. actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=현재 층이 잠겨 있어 당신은 나갈 수 없습니다\!\n\n층이 잠겨있는 동안 당신은 배고픔이 증가하지 않고 굶주림 피해를 입지 않습니다. 더하여 이 층의 보스를 물리치러 나아가지 않는 이상 재생 효과는 멈춥니다.\n\n또 층이 잠겨있는 동안 축복받지 않은 앙크로 부활한다면 앙크가 리셋됩니다.\n\n잠금을 풀기 위해 이 층의 보스를 물리치십시오.
@ -124,33 +124,33 @@ actors.buffs.magicalsleep.name=마법의 수면
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=건강한 당신은 수면의 욕구에 저항했다. actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=건강한 당신은 수면의 욕구에 저항했다.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.fallasleep=당신은 깊은 마법의 잠에 빠졌다. actors.buffs.magicalsleep.fallasleep=당신은 깊은 마법의 잠에 빠졌다.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=당신은 생기있고 건강한 기분으로 깨어났다. actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=당신은 생기있고 건강한 기분으로 깨어났다.
# actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=This character has fallen into a deep magical sleep which they will not wake from naturally.\n\nMagical sleep is similar to regular sleep, except that only damage will cause the target to wake up.\n\nFor the hero, magical sleep has some restorative properties, allowing them to rapidly heal while resting. actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=이 캐릭터는 깊은 마법의 수면에 빠져 자연적으로는 일어날 수 없습니다.\n\n마법의 수면은 일반 수면과 다를 것이 없지만, 오직 피해를 입어야만 깨어날 수 있다는 것이 차이점입니다.\n\n영웅에게 걸린 마법 숙면은 치유의 힘이 깃들어 있어, 자는 동안 체력을 빠른 속도로 회복시킵니다.
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=심안 actors.buffs.mindvision.name=심안
# actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Somehow you are able to see all creatures on this floor through your mind. It's a weird feeling.\n\nAll characters on this floor are visible to you as long as you have mind vision. Seeing a creature through mind vision counts as it being seen or nearby for the purposes of many magical effects.\n\nTurns of mind vision remaining\: %s. actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=당신은 어떻게든 이 층에 있는 모든 생물체들을 마음의 눈으로 볼 수 있게 되었습니다. 익숙한 현상은 아니겠지요.\n\n심안 효과가 지속되는 동안 이 층에 있는 모든 캐릭터들을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 효과로 보여진 적들은 시야 내의 캐릭터에게 효과가 있는 마법 주문의 대상에 포함됩니다.\n\n심안 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=악취 덩어리 actors.buffs.ooze.name=산성 덩어리
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=악취 덩어리가 살점을 삼킨다. 씻어내야 한다\! actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=산성 덩어리가 살점을 삼킨다. 씻어내야 한다\!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=당신은 녹아버렸다.... actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=당신은 녹아버렸다....
# actors.buffs.ooze.rankings_desc=Dissolved actors.buffs.ooze.rankings_desc=산성에 의해 녹아버림
# actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage until it is washed off in water.\n\nOoze does not expire on its own and must be removed with water. actors.buffs.ooze.desc=이 끈적한 산성 덩어리가 당신의 살에 붙어 천천히 녹이고 있습니다.\n\n산성 덩어리는 물에 씻어 내기 전 까지 지속적으로 피해를 줍니다.\n\n산성 덩어리는 물에 씻어 내기 전 까지 절대로 사라지지 않습니다.
actors.buffs.paralysis.name=마비 actors.buffs.paralysis.name=마비
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=당신은 마비되었다\! actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=당신은 마비되었다\!
# actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Oftentimes the worst thing to do is nothing at all.\n\nParalysis completely halts all actions, forcing the target to wait until the effect wears off. The pain from taking damage can also cause characters to snap out of paralysis.\n\nTurns of paralysis remaining\: %s. actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=어쩌면 아무것도 안 하는 것이 가장 위험한 것일 수도 있습니다.\n\n마비는 효과가 끝날 때 까지 대상의 모든 행동을 완전히 정지시킵니다. 피해를 입을 때의 고통으로 인해 마비에서 벗어날 때도 있습니다.\n\n마비 효과는 %s동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.poison.name=중독 actors.buffs.poison.name=중독
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=당신은 중독되었다\! actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=당신은 중독되었다\!
actors.buffs.poison.ondeath=당신은 중독사하였다... actors.buffs.poison.ondeath=당신은 중독사하였다...
# actors.buffs.poison.rankings_desc=Succumbed to Poison actors.buffs.poison.rankings_desc=맹독에 중독되어 사망
# actors.buffs.poison.desc=Poison works its way through the body, slowly impairing its internal functioning.\n\nPoison deals damage each turn proportional to how long until it expires.\n\nTurns of poison remaining\: %s. actors.buffs.poison.desc=독이 당신의 피를 타고 흘러가 내부의 기능을 천천히 방해합니다.\n\n독은 매 턴마다 남은 지속시간에 비례하는 피해를 입힙니다.\n\n독 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.recharging.name=충전 actors.buffs.recharging.name=충전
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=에너지가 당신을 지나가며 완드와 스태프가 충전되는 속도를 향상시키고 있습니다.\n\n이 버프는 일반적인 충전 속도에 더해 충전 속도를 1/4 증가시킵니다.\n\n남아있는 충전 턴\: %s actors.buffs.recharging.desc=에너지가 당신을 지나가며 완드와 스태프가 충전되는 속도를 향상시키고 있습니다.\n\n이 버프는 일반적인 충전 속도에 더해 충전 속도를 1/4 증가시킵니다.\n\n남아있는 충전 턴\: %s
actors.buffs.roots.name=속박 actors.buffs.roots.name=속박
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=당신은 움직일 수 없다\! actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=당신은 움직일 수 없다\!
# actors.buffs.roots.desc=Roots(magical or natural) grab at the feet, forcing them down to the ground.\n\nRoots lock a target in place, making it impossible for them to move, but other actions are not affected.\n\nTurns of root remaining\: %s. actors.buffs.roots.desc=속박(마법 속박이든 마법 속박이든)은 당신의 발을 묶어, 그 자리에 서 있게 합니다.\n\n속박은 대상을 그 자리에 묶어 이동할 수 없게 하지만, 다른 행동은 여전히 할 수 있습니다.\n\n속박 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=어둠에 동화됨 actors.buffs.shadows.name=어둠에 동화됨
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=당신은 주변의 어둠에 동화되어, 투명화되었으며 느린 신진대사를 가지게 되었습니다.\n\n투명화가 적용되는 동안, 적들은 당신을 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 대부분의 물리적인 공격이나 마법 효과(스크롤이나 완드 등)는 즉시 투명화를 취소합니다. 또한, 어둠에 동화되는 동안에는 덜 배고파집니다.\n\n직접 어둠에서 빠져나오거나, 적이 당신에게 다가오기 전까지는 계속 어둠에 동화될 것입니다. actors.buffs.shadows.desc=당신은 주변의 어둠에 동화되어, 투명화되었으며 느린 신진대사를 가지게 되었습니다.\n\n투명화가 적용되는 동안, 적들은 당신을 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 대부분의 물리적인 공격이나 마법 효과(스크롤이나 완드 등)는 즉시 투명화를 취소합니다. 또한, 어둠에 동화되는 동안에는 덜 배고파집니다.\n\n직접 어둠에서 빠져나오거나, 적이 당신에게 다가오기 전까지는 계속 어둠에 동화될 것입니다.
@ -158,23 +158,23 @@ actors.buffs.shadows.desc=당신은 주변의 어둠에 동화되어, 투명화
actors.buffs.slow.name=느려짐 actors.buffs.slow.name=느려짐
actors.buffs.slow.desc=느려지는 마법은 목표의 시간에 영향을 주어, 다른 모든 것이 매우 빠르게 움직이는 것처럼 보이게 합니다.\n\n느려진 캐릭터는 모든 행동에 두 배의 시간이 필요합니다.\n\n남아있는 느려짐 시간 \: %s. actors.buffs.slow.desc=느려지는 마법은 목표의 시간에 영향을 주어, 다른 모든 것이 매우 빠르게 움직이는 것처럼 보이게 합니다.\n\n느려진 캐릭터는 모든 행동에 두 배의 시간이 필요합니다.\n\n남아있는 느려짐 시간 \: %s.
# actors.buffs.snipersmark.name=Sniper's mark actors.buffs.snipersmark.name=저격수의 표식
# actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=The sniper is honed in on a nearby target, gaining increased attack speed and armor penetration while attacking it.\n\nThe sniper will remain honed in until she switches targets, stops attacking, or the target dies. actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=저격수는 가까운 목표물에 정신을 집중하여 그 대상을 공격할 때 추가 공격 속도와 방어력 관통을 얻습니다,\n\n표식은 저격수가 목표를 바꾸거나, 대상을 그만 공격하거나, 대상이 죽을 때 까지 계속됩니다.
# actors.buffs.soulmark.name=Soul Marked actors.buffs.soulmark.name=영혼 표식
# actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=The warlock has tapped into the soul of this creature. He will heal and satisfy his hunger as it takes physical damage.\n\nTurns of soul mark remaining\: %s. actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=흑마법사는 해당 생물체의 영혼을 전환시켰습니다. 대상에게 물리 피해를 입힐 때 마다 흑마법사의 체력을 회복하고 허기를 감소시킵니다.\n\n영혼 표식은 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
# actors.buffs.terror.name=Terrified actors.buffs.terror.name=공포
# actors.buffs.terror.desc=Terror is manipulative magic which forces its target into an uncontrollable panic.\n\nTerrified characters are forced to run away from their opponent, trying to put as many doors and walls between them as possible. The shock of pain is enough to break this effect, however.\n\nTurns of terror remaining\: %s. actors.buffs.terror.desc=공포 효과는 대상을 주체할 수 없는 공황 상태로 몰아넣는 조작 마법입니다.\n\n공포에 질린 캐릭터들은 대상의 적들로부터 멀리 도망치며, 최대한 많은 벽과 문을 사이에 두려고 합니다. 하지만 고통의 충격은 이 효과를 중단시킵니다.\n\n공포 효과는 %s 동안 계속됩니다.
# actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imbued with Toxicity actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=맹독과 동화함
# actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=You are imbued with poisonous energy\!\n\nAs you move around toxic gas will constantly billow forth from you, damaging your enemies. You are immune to toxic gas and poison for the duration of the effect.\n\nTurns of toxic imbue remaining\: %s. actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=당신은 독성 에너지와 하나가 되었습니다\!\n\n당신이 움직일 때 마다 독성 가스가 피어오를 것이며, 이 가스는 적들을 중독시키지만 당신은 효과가 끝날 때 까지 독가스와 맹독 효과에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n맹독 동화는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.venom.name=맹독 actors.buffs.venom.name=맹독
actors.buffs.venom.desc=맹독은 극히 부식이고 위험한 독입니다.\n\n시간이 지날 수록 데미지가 감소하는 독과 달리, 맹독은 대상에 오래 머무를수록 데미지가 증가합니다.\n\n남아있는 맹독 턴 수\: %s\n현재 맹독 데미지\: %d actors.buffs.venom.desc=맹독은 극히 부식이고 위험한 독입니다.\n\n시간이 지날 수록 데미지가 감소하는 독과 달리, 맹독은 대상에 오래 머무를수록 데미지가 증가합니다.\n\n남아있는 맹독 턴 수\: %s\n현재 맹독 데미지\: %d
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=현기증 actors.buffs.vertigo.name=현기증
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=온 세상이 회전할 때엔 일직선으로 걷는 것이 힘들 수 있습니다.\n\n현기증 효과를 받는 동안 움직이려는 캐릭터는 의도한 방향 대신 랜덤한 방향으로 움직이게 됩니다.\n\n남아있는 현기증 턴\: %s actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=온 세상이 빙빙 돌아가며 일직선으로 걷는 것이 힘들 수 있습니다.\n\n현기증 효과를 받는 동안 움직이려는 캐릭터는 의도한 방향 대신 랜덤한 방향으로 움직이게 됩니다.\n\n남아있는 현기증 턴\: %s
actors.buffs.weakness.name=약화 actors.buffs.weakness.name=약화
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=당신은 약해진 기분이 든다\! actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=당신은 약해진 기분이 든다\!
@ -185,103 +185,103 @@ actors.buffs.weakness.desc=당신의 장비가 갑자기 무거워진 것처럼
#hero #hero
actors.hero.hero.name=당신 actors.hero.hero.name=당신
actors.hero.hero.leave=벌써 픽셀 던전을 나가시려고요? actors.hero.hero.leave=벌써 픽셀 던전을 나가시려고요?
# actors.hero.hero.level_up=Level up\! actors.hero.hero.level_up=레벨 업\!
actors.hero.hero.new_level=%d 레벨이 된 것을 환영합니다\! 당신은 더욱 건강해지고 더욱 집중하게 되었습니다. 적들을 공격하고 그들의 공격을 회피하는것이 쉬워졌습니다. actors.hero.hero.new_level=%d 레벨이 된 것을 축하합니다\! 당신은 더욱 건강해지고 집중력이 강화되었습니다. 적들을 공격하고 그들의 공격을 회피하는것이 쉬워졌습니다.
# actors.hero.hero.level_cap=You cannot grow stronger, but your experiences do give you a surge of power\! actors.hero.hero.level_cap=당신은 더 이상 강해질 순 없지만, 당신의 경험들은 당신에게 새로운 힘을 주었다\!
actors.hero.hero.you_now_have=%s을/를 얻었다. actors.hero.hero.you_now_have=%s을/를 얻었다.
actors.hero.hero.something_else=여기에 다른 무언가가 있다. actors.hero.hero.something_else=여기에 다른 무언가가 있다.
actors.hero.hero.locked_chest=이 상자는 잠겨있 당신은 상자를 열 수 있는 열쇠가 없다. actors.hero.hero.locked_chest=이 상자는 잠겨있으며, 당신은 상자를 열 수 있는 열쇠가 없다.
actors.hero.hero.locked_door=맞는 열쇠를 갖고 있지 않다. actors.hero.hero.locked_door=맞는 열쇠를 갖고 있지 않다.
actors.hero.hero.noticed_smth=당신은 무언가 눈치챘다. actors.hero.hero.noticed_smth=당신은 무언가 눈치챘다.
actors.hero.hero.wait=... actors.hero.hero.wait=...
actors.hero.hero.search=탐색 actors.hero.hero.search=탐색
actors.hero.hero.search_distracted=집중할 수 없어 탐색에 약간 시간이 걸린다. actors.hero.hero.search_distracted=집중할 수 없어 탐색에 약간 시간이 걸린다.
actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=고통으로 인해 당신은 수면 욕구에 저항했다. actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=고통으로 인해 당신은 수면 욕구에 저항했다.
# actors.hero.hero.revive=The ankh explodes with life-giving energy\! actors.hero.hero.revive=앙크는 부활의 에너지로 폭발했다\!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=전사 actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=전사
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=전사는 11포인트의 힘을 가지고 시작합니다. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=전사는 11포인트의 힘을 가지고 시작합니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=전사는 특별한 소검을 가지고 시작합니다. 이 소검은 나중에 다른 근접 무기를 강화하기 위해 재련될 수 있습니다. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=전사는 특별한 소검을 가지고 시작합니다. 이 소검은 나중에 다른 근접 무기를 강화하기 위해 재련될 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=전사는 투척 무기를 다루는데 능숙하지 못합니다. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=전사는 투척 무기를 다루는데 능숙하지 못합니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=모든 음식은 먹었을 때 약간의 체력을 회복시킵니다. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=모든 음식은 먹었을 때 약간의 체력을 회복시킵니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=힘의 물약이 처음부터 확인되어 있습니다. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=힘의 물약이 처음부터 식별되어 있습니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.mage=mage actors.hero.heroclass.mage=마법사
# actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=The Mage starts with a unique Staff, which can be imbued with the properties of a wand. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=마법사는 특별한 지팡이를 가지고 시작합니다. 다른 마법 막대를 융합하여 그 특성을 가질 수 있습니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk2=The Mage's staff can be used as a melee weapon or a more powerful wand. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk2=마법사의 지팡이는 근접 무기로 사용하거나 더 강력한 마법 막대로 활용할 수 있습니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk3=The Mage partially identifies wands after using them. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk3=마법사가 마법 막대를 사용하면 부분적으로 감정됩니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk4=When eaten, any piece of food restores 1 charge for all wands in the inventory. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk4=모든 음식은 먹었을 때 인벤토리 안의 모든 마법 막대의 충전량을 1 증가시킵니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=Scrolls of Upgrade are identified from the beginning. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk5=강화의 주문서가 처음부터 식별되어 있습니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=rogue actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=도적
# actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk1=The Rogue starts with a unique Cloak of Shadows. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk1=도적은 특별한 그림자의 망토를 가지고 시작합니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk2=The Rogue identifies a type of a ring on equipping it. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk2=도적은 착용한 반지를 즉시 감정합니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk3=The Rogue is proficient with light armor, dodging better with excess strength. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk3=도적은 가벼운 갑옷을 입었을 때, 남는 힘만큼의 추가 회피를 얻습니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk4=The Rogue is more proficient in detecting hidden doors and traps. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk4=도적은 숨겨진 문과 함정을 더 잘 찾을 수 있습니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=The Rogue can go without food longer. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk5=도적은 허기가 더 느리게 찹니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=Scrolls of Magic Mapping are identified from the beginning. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=마법 지도의 주문서가 처음부터 식별되어 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=사냥꾼 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=사냥꾼
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=사냥꾼은 강화가능한 희귀한 부메랑을 가지고 시작합니다. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=사냥꾼은 강화가능한 희귀한 부메랑을 가지고 시작합니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=사냥꾼은 능숙하게 투사체 무기를 다, 초과된 힘으로부터 추가 공격력을 얻습니다. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=사냥꾼은 능숙하게 투사체 무기를 다루며, 초과된 힘으로부터 추가 공격력을 얻습니다.
# actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress is able to recover a single used missile weapon from each enemy. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=사냥꾼은 적에게 명중한 투사체 무기를 회수할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=사냥꾼은 주변의 적을 탐지할 수 있습니다. 방해물에 가려져 있더라도요. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=사냥꾼은 주변의 적을 탐지할 수 있습니다. 방해물에 가려져 있더라도요.
# actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Potions of Mind Vision are identified from the beginning. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=심안의 물약이 처음부터 확인되어 있습니다.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator=gladiator actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator=검투사
# actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo, in which every next successful hit inflicts more damage. actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=_검투사_는 근접 공격을 성공시킬 때 마다 연속 타격을 개시하여 다음 공격에 추가 피해를 줄 수 있습니다.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=berserker actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=광전사
# actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=When severely wounded, the _Berserker_ enters a state of wild fury significantly increasing his damage output. actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=\ _광전사_는 체력이 일정 이하로 낮아지면 자신이 가하는 피해량을 크게 증가시키는 분노 상태에 접어듭니다.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock=warlock actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock=흑마법사
# actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever they take physical damage. actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=_흑마법사_는 적에게 마법 막대를 사용함으로써 영혼 표식을 걸 확률이 있습니다. 표식이 걸린 적들은 물리 피해를 입을 때 마다 흑마법사의 체력과 허기를 충족시킵니다.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=battlemage actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=전투 마법사
# actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=When fighting with his staff, the _Battlemage_ conjures bonus effects depending on the wand his staff is imbued with. His staff will also gain charge through combat. actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=_전투 마법사_는 자신의 지팡이로 물리 공격을 할 때, 지팡이가 흡수한 특성에 따른 추가 효과를 줄 수 있습니다. 또한 피해를 입힐 때 마다 추가 충전량을 얻을 수 있습니다.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin=assassin actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin=암살자
# actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=When performing a surprise attack, the _Assassin_ inflicts additional damage to his target. actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=_암살자_는 숨은 상태에서 기습 공격을 할 때마다, 대상에게 커다란 추가 피해를 줍니다.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner=freerunner actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner=프리러너
# actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ moves faster when he unencumbered and not starving, if he is invisible, this speed boost is increased. actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_프리러너_는 굶주리지 않으며 방해받지 않을 때 더 빠르게 이동합니다. 투명화 상태에서는\n추가 속도가 증가합니다.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=sniper actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=저격수
# actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is able to detect weak points in an enemy's armor, effectively ignoring it when using a missile weapon. actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_저격수_는 적의 방어가 취약한 곳을 파악하여, 투척 공격을 할 때 대상의 방어를 무시할 수 있습니다.
# actors.hero.herosubclass.warden=warden actors.hero.herosubclass.warden=숲지기
# actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=Having a strong connection with forces of nature allows the _Warden_ to gain additional health from dew, armor from trampling grass, and seeds and dew from plants. actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=_숲지기_는 자연의 힘과 강한 유대를 맺어, 이슬에서 추가로 체력을 화복하고, 긴 수풀을 밟았을 때 추가 방어를 얻으며, 식물에서 씨앗과 이슬이 더 자주 나옵니다.
###npcs ###npcs
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.name=troll blacksmith actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.name=트롤 대장장이
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.gold_1=Hey human\! Wanna be useful, eh? Take dis pickaxe and mine me some _dark gold ore, 15 pieces_ should be enough. What do you mean, how am I gonna pay? You greedy...\nOk, ok, I don't have money to pay, but I can do some smithin' for you. Consider yourself lucky, I'm the only blacksmith around. actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.gold_1=거기 인간\! 네 도움이 필요하거든? 이 곡괭이를 들고 _어두운 금 광석 15개_정도만 캐 줘. 뭐라고? 보상으로 뭘 해줄 꺼냐고? 욕심많기는...\n좋아, 좋아. 지금 당장 현금은 없지만, 장비는 손 봐줄수 있거든. 운 좋은줄 아셔, 이 근방에 대장장이는 나 밖에 없거든.
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.blood_1=Hey human\! Wanna be useful, eh? Take dis pickaxe and _kill a bat_ wit' it, I need its blood on the head. What do you mean, how am I gonna pay? You greedy...\nOk, ok, I don't have money to pay, but I can do some smithin' for you. Consider yourself lucky, I'm the only blacksmith around. actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.blood_1=거기 인간\! 네 도움이 필요하거든? 이 곡괭이를 들고 _박쥐를 한 마리 처치_해 줘. 당장 녀석의 피가 필요하거든. 뭐라고? 보상으로 뭘 해줄 꺼냐고? 욕심많기는...\n좋아, 좋아. 지금 당장 현금은 없지만, 장비는 손 봐줄수 있거든. 운 좋은 줄 아셔, 이 근방에 대장장이는 나 밖에 없거든.
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.lost_pick=Are you kiddin' me? Where is my pickaxe?\! actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.lost_pick=지금 장난해? 내 곡괭이 어디다 두고 온 거야?\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.gold_2=Dark gold ore. 15 pieces. Seriously, is it dat hard? actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.gold_2=어두운 금 원석, 15개, 그게 그렇게 어렵든?
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.blood_2=I said I need bat blood on the pickaxe. Chop chop\! actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.blood_2=그 곡괭이로 박쥐를 잡아 오라고 했거든\! 얼렁 줘패버리라고\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.completed=Oh, you have returned... Better late dan never. actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.completed=어쨋든 왔군... 목 빠지는 줄 알았거든.
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.get_lost=I'm busy. Get lost\! actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.get_lost=난 좀 바쁘거든. 이제 꺼져\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.same_item=Select 2 different items, not the same item twice\! actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.same_item=다른 아이템 2개를 고르라고 했지, 같은거 고르란 말은 안 했거든\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.diff_type=Select 2 items of the same type\! actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.diff_type=같은 거 2개를 고르라고 했거든\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.un_ided=I need to know what I'm working with, identify them first\! actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.un_ided=내가 손대는 게 뭔진 알아야 하거든, 먼저 감정을 하고 와\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cursed=I don't work with cursed items\! actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cursed=저주받은 장비는 손댈 수 없거든\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.degraded=It's junk, the quality is too poor\! actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.degraded=이거 완전 고물 아냐? 저하된건 취급 안하거든\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cant_reforge=I can't reforge these items\! actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cant_reforge=이 물건들은 재주조할 수 없거든\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=This troll blacksmith looks like all trolls look\: he is tall and lean, and his skin resembles stone in both color and texture. The troll blacksmith is tinkering with unproportionally small tools. actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=저 트롤 대장장이는 다른 트롤과 비슷하게 생겼습니다. 키는 크고 늘씬하며, 피부의 색상과 질감이 바위 같습니다. 트롤 대장장이는 그의 덩치에 걸맞지 않는 작은 도구로 장비를 손질하고 있습니다.
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=슬픈 유령 actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=슬픈 유령
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Hello %s... Once I was like you - strong and confident... But I was slain by a foul beast... I can't leave this place... Not until I have my revenge... Slay the _fetid rat,_ that has taken my life...\n\nIt stalks this floor... Spreading filth everywhere... _Beware its cloud of stink and corrosive bite, the acid dissolves in water..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=반갑네 %s여... 한때 난 당신처럼 자신감 넘치고 강한 모험가였다네... 하지만 난 추악한 짐승에 의해 죽어 버렸네... 그래서 난 이 곳을 떠날 수 없지... 복수를 하기 전 까진 말야... _악취나는 쥐_를 죽여 줘... 놈이 내 목숨을 앗아 갔으니...\n\n놈은 이 바닥을 돌아다니며... 오물을 여기저기 퍼트리고 있어... _악취나는 구름과 산성 이빨을 조심해... 그리고 산성 공격은 물에 씻어낼 수 있어..._
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=Please... Help me... Slay the abomination...\n\n_Fight it near water... Avoid the stench..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=부탁하네... 날 도와줘... 그 돌연변이를 죽여...\n\n_물 근처에서 싸워... 그리고 악취 구름을 피해..._
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Hello %s... Once I was like you - strong and confident... But I was slain by a devious foe... I can't leave this place... Not until I have my revenge... Slay the _gnoll trickster,_ that has taken my life...\n\nIt is not like the other gnolls... It hides and uses thrown weapons... _Beware its poisonous and incendiary darts, don't attack from a distance..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=반갑네 %s여... 한때 난 당신처럼 자신감 넘치고 강한 모험가였다네... 하지만 난 비겁한 적에게 죽어 버렸네... 그래서 난 이 곳을 떠날 수 없지... 복수를 하기 전 까진 말야... _놀 사기꾼_을 죽여줘... 놈이 내 목숨을 앗아 갔으니...\n\n놈은 다른 놀과 달라... 숨어서 투척 무기를 사용해... _놈의 맹독과 화염 다트를 조심해... 멀리서 공격하려 하지 마..._
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=Please... Help me... Slay the trickster...\n\n_Don't let it hit you... Get near to it..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=부탁하네... 날 도와줘... 그 사기꾼을 죽여...\n\n_녀석에게 공격할 틈을 줘선 안 돼... 거리를 좁혀야 해..._
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_1=Hello %s... Once I was like you - strong and confident... But I was slain by an ancient creature... I can't leave this place... Not until I have my revenge... Slay the _great crab,_ that has taken my life...\n\nIt is unnaturally old... With a massive single claw and a thick shell... _Beware its claw, you must surprise the crab or it will block with it..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_1=반갑네 %s여... 한때 난 당신처럼 자신감 넘치고 강한 모험가였다네... 하지만 난 고대의 존재에게 죽어 버렸네... 그래서 난 이 곳을 떠날 수 없지... 복수를 하기 전 까진 말야... _거대한 게_를 죽여 줘... 놈이 내 목숨을 앗아 갔으니...\n\n놈은 비정상적으로 나이 들었어... 그리고 거대한 집게발 하나와 두꺼운 갑각으로 무장했지... _놈의 집게발을 조심해... 기습을 하지 않으면 어떤 공격이든 방어할 테니까..._
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_2=Please... Help me... Slay the Crustacean...\n\n_It will always block... When it sees you coming..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_2=부탁하네... 날 도와줘... 그 게새끼를 죽여...\n\n_기습을 하지 않으면... 어떤 공격이든 막아 버려..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.def_verb=회피 actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.def_verb=회피
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.find_me=Thank you... come find me... actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.find_me=고마워... 나를 찾아 와...
# actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.desc=The ghost is barely visible. It looks like a shapeless spot of faint light with a sorrowful face. actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.desc=이 유령은 거의 보이지 않습니다. 슬픈 얼굴을 하고 있는 형체 없는 흐릿한 빛을 띄고 있습니다.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.name=야심만만한 임프 actors.mobs.npcs.imp.name=야심만만한 임프
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_1=넌 모험가니? 난 모험가가 좋아\! 뭔가 죽이고 싶은 것이 있으면 그들에게 부탁하면 돼. 약간의 현상금과 함께 말이야. ;)\n나 같은 경우에는... 골렘들을 죽여줬으면 해. 보다시피, 여기서 난 작은 사업을 하고 있는데, 그 멍청한 골렘들이 내 사업을 망쳐놨어\! 그 망할 돌덩어리들과 협상하는건 매우 어렵단 말이야\! 그래서, 부탁인데.. 그들을 한... 6마리 정도 죽여줘. 그러면 너에게 보상해줄게. actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_1=넌 모험가니? 난 모험가가 좋아\! 뭔가 죽이고 싶은 것이 있으면 그들에게 부탁하면 돼. 약간의 현상금과 함께 말이야. 안 그래? ;)\n나 같은 경우에는... _골렘_들을 죽여줬으면 해. 보다시피, 여기서 난 작은 사업을 하려고 하는데, 그 멍청한 골렘들은 장사에 보탬이 안 되거든\! 그 망할 돌덩어리들과 협상하는건 매우 어렵단 말이야\! 그래서, 부탁인데.. 그들을 한... _6마리 정도_ 죽여줘. 그러면 너에게 보상을 줄게.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_1=넌 모험가니? 난 모험가가 좋아\! 뭔가 죽이고 싶은 것이 있으면 그들에게 부탁하면 돼. 약간의 현상금과 함께 말이야. ;)\n나 같은 경우에는... 수도승들을 죽여줬으면 해. 보다시피, 여기서 난 작은 사업을 하고 있는데, 그 미치광이들은 아무것도 사지 않으면서 다른 손님들을 쫒아버리고 있어\! 그래서, 부탁인데.. 그들을 한... 8마리 정도 죽여줘. 그러면 너에게 보상해줄게. actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_1=넌 모험가니? 난 모험가가 좋아\! 뭔가 죽이고 싶은 것이 있으면 그들에게 부탁하면 돼. 약간의 현상금과 함께 말이야. 안 그래? ;)\n나 같은 경우에는... _드워프 수도승_들을 죽여줬으면 해. 보다시피, 여기서 난 작은 사업을 하려고 하는데, 그 미치광이들은 아무것도 사지 않으면서 다른 손님들을 쫒아버리고 있어\! 그래서 부탁인데, 그들을 한... _8마리 정도_ 죽여줘. 그러면 너에게 보상해줄게.
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_2=How is your golem safari going? actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_2=골렘 사냥은 어때?
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_2=Oh, you are still alive\! I knew that your kung-fu is stronger ;) Just don't forget to grab these monks' tokens. actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_2=아, 아직 안 죽었구나\! 네 무술이 더 강하다는 걸 알았다니까\! ;) 아참, 수도승이 떨어트린 토큰을 잊지 말라고.
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.cya=See you, %s\! actors.mobs.npcs.imp.cya=있다 봐, %s\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.imp.hey=Psst, %s\! actors.mobs.npcs.imp.hey=, %s\!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.def_verb=회피 actors.mobs.npcs.imp.def_verb=회피
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.desc=임프는 하급 악마입니다. 그들은 강력하지도, 특별한 마법 재능이 있지도 않습니다. 하지만 그들은 꽤 영리하고 사교적입니다. 많은 임프는 악마 이외의 다른 존재와 살기를 원합니다. actors.mobs.npcs.imp.desc=임프는 하급 악마입니다. 그들은 강력하지도, 특별한 마법 재능이 있지도 않습니다. 하지만 그들은 꽤 영리하고 사교적입니다. 많은 임프는 악마 이외의 다른 존재와 살기를 원합니다.
@ -290,14 +290,14 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.greetings=안녕, %s\!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=내가 볼 때 넌 믿을 수 있을 것 같아\! actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=내가 볼 때 넌 믿을 수 있을 것 같아\!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=임프는 하급 악마입니다. 그들은 강력하지도, 특별한 마법 재능이 있지도 않습니다. 하지만 그들은 꽤 영리하고 사교적이며, 이 때문에 많은 임프들은 비-악마들과의 사업을 하고 있습니다. actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=임프는 하급 악마입니다. 그들은 강력하지도, 특별한 마법 재능이 있지도 않습니다. 하지만 그들은 꽤 영리하고 사교적이며, 이 때문에 많은 임프들은 비-악마들과의 사업을 하고 있습니다.
# actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=mirror image actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=거울상
# actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=This illusion bears a close resemblance to you, but it's paler and twitches a little. actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=이 환영은 당신을 꼭 빼닮았습니다. 하지만 좀 더 창백하고 떨리긴 합니다.
# actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.name=rat king actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.name=쥐 대왕
# actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.not_sleeping=I'm not sleeping\! actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.not_sleeping=짐은 자고 있지 않았다\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.what_is_it=What is it? I have no time for this nonsense. My kingdom won't rule itself\! actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.what_is_it=뭐지? 짐은 이 황당한 일을 지켜볼 시간이 없다. 내 왕국은 그냥 돌아가지 않는단 말이다\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.desc_festive=This rat is a little bigger than a regular marsupial rat. It's wearing a tiny festive hat instead of its usual crown. Happy Holidays\! actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.desc_festive=이 쥐는 다른 주머니쥐들보다 조금 더 큽니다. 평소 쓰던 왕관 대신 작은 크리스마스 모자를 쓰고 있습니다. 즐거운 기념일 되세요\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.desc=This rat is a little bigger than a regular marsupial rat and it's wearing a tiny crown on its head. actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.desc=이 쥐는 다른 주머니쥐들보다 조금 더 큽니다. 머리에 작은 왕관을 쓰고 있습니다.
actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.name= actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.name=
actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.baa!=메에\! actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.baa!=메에\!
@ -308,215 +308,215 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.desc=이 양은 마법 양입니다. 어떤 마법이 있
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.name=상점 주인 actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.name=상점 주인
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.thief=도둑, 도둑이다\! actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.thief=도둑, 도둑이다\!
# actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.sell=Select an item to sell actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.sell=판매할 아이템을 선택하세요
# actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.desc=This stout guy looks more appropriate for a trade district in some large city than for a dungeon. His prices explain why he prefers to do business here. actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.desc=이 작은 남자는 거대한 도시보단 던전에 틀어박혀 장사를 하는 것에 더 소질이 있는 것 같습니다. 손님들에게 바가지를 씌우는 걸 보면 왜 그런지 알 수 있죠.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.name=old wandmaker actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.name=지팡이 깎는 노인
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_warrior=Oh, what a pleasant surprise to meet a hero in such a depressing place\! If you're up to helping an old man out, I may have a task for you. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_warrior=오, 이 우울한 곳을 찾는 모험가가 있다니 얼마나 놀라운 기쁨인가\! 이 늙은이를 돕고 싶으면, 여기 부탁이 있네.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_rogue=Oh Goodness, you startled me\! I haven't met a bandit from this place that still has his sanity, so you must be from the surface\! If you're up to helping a stranger out, I may have a task for you. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_rogue=오 신이시어, 놀랐구먼\! 아직 이성을 잃지 않은 도적은 본 적이 없으니, 자네는 분명 지상에서 내려온 사람이겠군\! 이 늙은이를 돕고 싶다면, 여기 부탁이 있네.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_mage=Oh, hello %s\! I heard there was some ruckus regarding you and the wizards institute? Oh never mind, I never liked those stick-in-the-muds anyway. If you're willing, I may have a task for you. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_mage=오, 반갑네 %s이여\! 자네에 대해 마법사 학회에서 이야기를 들은 적이 있던가? 아 신경쓸 거 없네, 그 앞뒤 꽉 막힌 녀석들이랑은 엮이기도 싫으니 말야. 이 늙은이를 돕고 싶다면, 여기 부탁이 있네.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=Oh, hello miss\! A friendly face is a pleasant surprise down here isn't it? In fact, I swear I've seen your face before, but I can't put my finger on it... Oh never mind, if you're here for adventure, I may have a task for you. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=아 반갑네, 여인이여\! 이렇게 깊은 곳에서 친숙한 얼굴을 보자니 놀랍군, 안 그런가? 사실 난 분명 자네 얼굴을 본 적 있는 것 같은데, 확신은 안 서는군... 뭐 어쨋든, 이 늙은이를 돕고 싶다면, 여기 부탁이 있네.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nI came here to find a rare ingredient for a wand, but I've gotten myself lost, and my magical shield is weakening. I'll need to leave soon, but can't bear to go without getting what I came for. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\n난 마법 막대를 만들 희귀할 재료를 찾으러 왔네, 하지만 여기서 길을 잃었고, 마법 보호막도 점점 힘을 잃어가는구먼. 곧 여길 떠야할 것 같지만, 그 물건을 못 얻고 그냥 갈 수는 없어서 말야.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=I'm looking for some _corpse dust._ It's a special kind of cursed bone meal that usually shows up in places like this. There should be a barricaded room around here somewhere, I'm sure some dust will turn up there. Do be careful though, the curse the dust carries is quite potent, _get back to me as fast as you can_ and I'll cleanse it for you. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=내가 필요한 건 _시체 먼지_일세. 이러한 장소에서만 나온다는 특별한 종류의 저주받은 뼛가루지. 여기 어딘가에 나무로 막힌 문이 있을 껀데, 그 문 너머에 있을 거라고 확신하지. 하지만 주의하게나. 그 먼지가 가진 저주들은 꽤 강력하거든, _먼지를 얻었으면 최대한 빨리 나에게로 돌아와 주게._ 그 저주를 정화해 줄 테니 말야
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=I'm looking for some _fresh embers_ from a newborn fire elemental. Elementals usually pop up when a summoning ritual isn't controlled, so just find some candles and a ritual site and I'm sure you can get one to pop up. You might want to _keep some sort of freezing item handy_ though, elementals are very powerful, but ice will take them down quite easily. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=내가 필요한 건 갓 소환된 불정령에서 얻을 수 있는 _신선한 잉걸불_일세. 정령은 조정되지 않은 소환 의식으로 쉽게 부를 수 있으니, 의식의 제단에 양초를 몇 개 가져가면 하나 소환할 수 있을 걸세. 정령은 강하지만 얼음으로 쉽게 제압할 수 있으니, _얼음을 일으키는 아이템을 가져가면 편리할 걸세._
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=The old warden of this prison kept a _rotberry plant,_ and I'm after one of its seeds. The plant has probably gone wild by now though, so getting it to give up a seed might be tricky. Its garden should be somewhere around here. Try to _keep away from its vine lashers_ if you want to stay in one piece. Using fire might be tempting but please don't, you'll kill the plant and destroy its seeds. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=예전에 이 감옥의 한 간수는 _썩은열매 식물_을 키웠다고 하더군, 그리고 난 그 씨앗을 필요로 한다네. 하지만 지금쯤 그 식물은 통제불능으로 자랐을 꺼고, 씨앗을 쉽게 얻을 수는 없을 것일세. 썩은열매가 만든 정원은 여기 근처에 있을 걸세. 살고 싶으면 _덩굴에 묶이지 않게 주의_하게나. 불을 이용하면 식물과 함께 씨앗을 태워 버리니 _불은 절대로 사용하면 안 된다네._
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\nIf you can get that for me, I'll be happy to pay you with one of my finely crafted wands\! I brought two with me, so you can take whichever one you prefer. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\n그 물건을 내게 가져오면 특별히 이 늙은이가 정성스레 만든 마법 막대를 보답으로 주지\! 나 한테 두 개가 있으니, 둘 중 하나 원하는 것을 가져가면 된다네.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=Any luck with corpse dust, %s? Look for some barricades. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=시체 먼지는 아직인가, %s이여? 나무로 막힌 곳을 찾아보게나.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=Any luck with those embers, %s? You'll need to find four candles and the ritual site. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=잉걸불은 아직인가, %s이여? 양초 4개를 찾아 의식의 제단으로 가게나.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_berry=Any luck with a Rotberry seed, %s? Look for a room filled with vegetation. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_berry=썩은열매 씨앗은 아직인가, %s이여? 식물로 가득 찬 방을 찾아 보게나.
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.def_verb=absorbed actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.def_verb=흡수됨
# actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.desc=This old yet hale gentleman wears a slightly confused expression. He is protected by a magic shield. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.desc=이 늙었지만 정중한 신사는 약간 길을 잃어 난감한 표정을 하고 있습니다. 현재 그는 마법 보호막으로 보호되고 있습니다.
###mobs ###mobs
# actors.mobs.acidic.name=acidic scorpio actors.mobs.acidic.name=산성 전갈
# actors.mobs.albino.name=albino rat actors.mobs.albino.name=알비노 쥐
# actors.mobs.albino.desc=This is a rare breed of marsupial rat, with pure white fur and jagged teeth. actors.mobs.albino.desc=주머니쥐의 특별한 개체로써, 순백의 털과 뾰족한 이빨이 특징입니다.
# actors.mobs.bandit.name=crazy bandit actors.mobs.bandit.name=미치광이 강도
# actors.mobs.bat.name=vampire bat actors.mobs.bat.name=흡혈 박쥐
actors.mobs.bat.def_verb=회피 actors.mobs.bat.def_verb=회피
# actors.mobs.bat.desc=These brisk and tenacious inhabitants of cave domes may defeat much larger opponents by replenishing their health with each successful attack. actors.mobs.bat.desc=무덤에 기거하는 이 작고 끈질긴 생물체들은 공격에 성공할 때 마다 스스로의 체력을 회복하는 식으로 훨씬 큰 적들을 제압합니다.
# actors.mobs.bee.name=golden bee actors.mobs.bee.name=황금 벌
# actors.mobs.bee.desc=Despite their small size, golden bees tend to protect their home fiercely. This one is very mad, better keep your distance. actors.mobs.bee.desc=황금 벌들은 작은 몸집에도 불구하고 그들의 집을 맹렬하게 지키려고 합니다. 이 녀석은 매우 화가 나 있는 상태이니, 가까이 다가가지 않는 것이 좋겠습니다.
# actors.mobs.brute.name=gnoll brute actors.mobs.brute.name=놀 병정
# actors.mobs.brute.enraged=enraged actors.mobs.brute.enraged=분노
# actors.mobs.brute.enraged_text=The brute becomes enraged\! actors.mobs.brute.enraged_text=놀 병정이 분노했다\!
# actors.mobs.brute.desc=Brutes are the largest, strongest and toughest of all gnolls. When severely wounded, they go berserk, inflicting even more damage to their enemies. actors.mobs.brute.desc=놀 병정들은 놀 중에서도 가장 크고, 강인하며, 무서운 녀석들입니다. 병정이 크게 피해를 입으면 광분하여 그들의 적에게 더 큰 피해를 입힐 수 있습니다.
# actors.mobs.crab.name=sewer crab actors.mobs.crab.name=하수구 게
# actors.mobs.crab.def_verb=parried actors.mobs.crab.def_verb=막음
# actors.mobs.crab.desc=These huge crabs are at the top of the food chain in the sewers. They are extremely fast and their thick carapace can withstand heavy blows. actors.mobs.crab.desc=이 커다란 게는 하수구 먹이사슬의 최상위 포식자입니다. 그들은 매우 빠르며 단단한 갑각이 강력한 공격도 견디게 해 줍니다.
# actors.mobs.dm300.name=DM-300 actors.mobs.dm300.name=DM-300
# actors.mobs.dm300.notice=Unauthorised personnel detected. actors.mobs.dm300.notice=무단 침입자 감지.
# actors.mobs.dm300.defeated=Mission failed. Shutting down. actors.mobs.dm300.defeated=임무 실패. 동력 차단...
# actors.mobs.dm300.repair=DM-300 repairs itself\! actors.mobs.dm300.repair=DM-300은 스스로를 수리했다\!
# actors.mobs.dm300.rankings_desc=Crushed by the DM-300 actors.mobs.dm300.rankings_desc=DM-300에게 박살남
# actors.mobs.dm300.desc=This machine was created by the Dwarves several centuries ago. Later, Dwarves started to replace machines with golems, elementals and even demons. Eventually it led their civilization to the decline. The DM-300 and similar machines were typically used for construction and mining, and in some cases, for city defense. actors.mobs.dm300.desc=이 기계는 몇세기 전 드워프들에 의해 만들어졌습니다. 그 후, 드워프들은 이 기계들을 골렘, 정령, 심지어는 악마들로 대신했습니다. 결국 그들의 문명은 쇠퇴하고 말았습니다. DM-300과 같은 계열의 기계들은 주로 건설과 채굴 작업에 사용되지만, 필요에 따라 거점 방어도 가능합니다.
# actors.mobs.elemental.name=fire elemental actors.mobs.elemental.name=화염 정령
# actors.mobs.elemental.desc=Wandering fire elementals are a byproduct of summoning greater entities. They are too chaotic in their nature to be controlled by even the most powerful demonologist. actors.mobs.elemental.desc=방랑하는 화염 정령들은 더 강한 존재를 소환하는 중 나온 부산물입니다. 그들의 본성은 매우 예측할 수 없어 최고의 악마학자 마저도 제대로 제어할 수 없습니다.
# actors.mobs.eye.name=evil eye actors.mobs.eye.name=악마의 눈
# actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=The deathgaze killed you... actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=죽음의 눈길에 의해 사망했다...
# actors.mobs.eye.desc=One of this demon's other names is "orb of hatred", because when it sees an enemy, it uses its deathgaze recklessly, often ignoring its allies and wounding them. actors.mobs.eye.desc=이 악마의 별명은 "증오의 주시자"라고 불리는데, 적을 감지하면 무차별로 죽음의 시선을 발사하며, 심지어는 경로에 있는 아군까지 해를 입히기 때문입니다.
# actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=fetid rat actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=악취나는 쥐
# actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Something is clearly wrong with this rat. Its greasy black fur and rotting skin are very different from the healthy rats you've seen previously. It's pale green eyes make it seem especially menacing.\n\nThe rat carries a cloud of horrible stench with it, it's overpoweringly strong up close.\n\nDark ooze dribbles from the rat's mouth, it eats through the floor but seems to dissolve in water. actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=확실히 이 쥐는 뭔가 잘못되 보입니다. 기름이 범벅된 검은 털과 부패하는 살은 여태 보았던 다른 건강한 쥐들에 비해 다르게 보입니다. 창백한 초록 눈은 특히나 더 위협적으로 보입니다.\n\n이 쥐는 끔찍한 악취 구름을 발생합니다. 너무 가까이에 있으면 매우 위험합니다.\n\n어두운 덩어리가 이 쥐의 입에서 흘러 내립니다. 바닥을 녹일 정도로 강력하지만 물에는 녹는 것 같습니다.
# actors.mobs.gnoll.name=gnoll scout actors.mobs.gnoll.name=놀 정찰병
# actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Gnolls are hyena-like humanoids. They dwell in sewers and dungeons, venturing up to raid the surface from time to time. Gnoll scouts are regular members of their pack, they are not as strong as brutes and not as intelligent as shamans. actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=놀은 사람의 몸에 하이에나의 얼굴을 달아놓은 것처럼 생겼습니다. 주로 하수구와 던전에 살며, 가끔 지상으로 침공을 가하기도 합니다. 놀 정찰병은 무리의 대부분을 구성하지만, 병정 계급만큼 강하지도 않고, 주술사 계급만큼 똑똑하지도 않습니다.
# actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.name=gnoll trickster actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.name=놀 사기꾼
# actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.desc=A strange looking creature, even by gnoll standards. It hunches forward with a wicked grin, almost cradling the satchel hanging over its shoulder. Its eyes are wide with a strange mix of fear and excitement.\n\nThere is a large collection of poorly made darts in its satchel, they all seem to be tipped with various harmful substances. actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.desc=놀의 기준으로 봐서도 매우 특이한 생물체입니다. 등은 앞으로 굽어 있고 허리띠 가방을 거의 어깨에 둘러매고 있습니다. 또한 얼굴엔 사악한 미소를 머금으며 눈은 공포와 기쁨으로 크게 뜨여 있습니다.\n\n가방 안에는 조잡하게 만들어진 다트들이 많이 들어 있습니다. 모든 다트들의 끝 부분은 해로운 물질이 발라져 있는 것 같습니다.
# actors.mobs.golem.name=golem actors.mobs.golem.name=골렘
# actors.mobs.golem.def_verb=blocked actors.mobs.golem.def_verb=방어
# actors.mobs.golem.desc=The Dwarves tried to combine their knowledge of mechanisms with their newfound power of elemental binding. They used spirits of earth as the "soul" for the mechanical bodies of golems, which were believed to be most controllable of all. Despite this, the tiniest mistake in the ritual could cause an outbreak. actors.mobs.golem.desc=드워프들은 자신들의 기계학과 새로 습득한 정령 빙의의 힘을 결합하려고 했습니다. 거의 모든 것을 조종할 수 있는 대지의 정령을 이 기계 육신의 "영혼"으로 사용했습니다. 하지만 의식 중 작은 실수도 돌이킬 수 없는 큰 사고를 일으킬 수 있습니다.
# actors.mobs.goo.name=Goo actors.mobs.goo.name=
# actors.mobs.goo.notice=GLURP-GLURP\! actors.mobs.goo.notice=꾸륵-꾸륵\!
# actors.mobs.goo.defeated=glurp... glurp... actors.mobs.goo.defeated=꾸륵...꾸륵...
# actors.mobs.goo.!!!=\!\!\! actors.mobs.goo.!!!=\!\!\!
# actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Goo is pumping itself up\! actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=구가 스스로의 몸집을 불리기 시작했다\!
# actors.mobs.goo.enraged=enraged actors.mobs.goo.enraged=분노
# actors.mobs.goo.enraged_text=Goo Becomes Enraged\!\! actors.mobs.goo.enraged_text=구가 분노에 휩싸였다\!\!
# actors.mobs.goo.gluuurp=GLUUUURP\! actors.mobs.goo.gluuurp=꾸르르륵\!
# actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorbed by the Goo actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=구에게 흡수됨
# actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long. actors.mobs.goo.desc=구에 대해서 알려진 것은 많지 않습니다. 아마도 구는 원래 생물체가 아니며, 하수구에 있던 유독한 물질들이 모여서 아주 기초적인 지성을 얻게 된 것 같습니다. 방법이야 어찌 되었든, 어두운 마법의 힘이 구를 존재하게 하는 것은 틀림없어 보입니다.\n\n구의 젤리같은 몸체는 많은 양의 암흑 에너지를 빨아들일 수 있어 가까이 다가가기만 해도 한기를 느낄 수 있습니다. 이 에너지를 전면으로 개방한다면 당신도 버틸 수 없을 것입니다.
# actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=great crab actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=거대한 게
# actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=The crab notices the attack and blocks with its massive claw. actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=거대한 게가 당신의 공격을 눈치채고 거대한 집게발로 방어했다.
# actors.mobs.greatcrab.blocked=blocked actors.mobs.greatcrab.blocked=방어
# actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=This crab is gigantic, even compared to other sewer crabs. Its blue shell is covered in cracks and barnacles, showing great age. It lumbers around slowly, barely keeping balance with its massive claw.\n\nWhile the crab only has one claw, its size easily compensates. The crab holds the claw infront of itself whenever it sees a threat, shielding itself behind an impenetrable wall of carapace. actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=이 게는 다른 하수구 게와 비교해도 엄청 거대합니다. 파란 껍데기는 금과 깨어진 흔적이 보건데 아주 오랜 시간을 살았을 것이라 추정됩니다. 이 게는 천천히 주변을 돌아다니며, 거대한 집게발 때문에 거의 힘들게 균형을 맞추고 있습니다. \n\n이 게의 집게발은 하나 뿐이지만, 그 크기 덕분에 다른 게에 비해 부족함이 없습니다. 그 거대한 집게발을 자신의 바로 앞에 들어 다가오는 모든 위협을 뚫을 수 없는 갑각으로 방어합니다.
# actors.mobs.guard.name=prison guard actors.mobs.guard.name=감옥 경비원
# actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=get over here\! actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=이쪽으로 와라\!
# actors.mobs.guard.def_verb=blocked actors.mobs.guard.def_verb=방어
# actors.mobs.guard.desc=Once keepers of the prison, these guards have long since become no different than the inmates. They shamble like zombies, brainlessly roaming through the halls in search of anything out of place, like you\!\n\nThey carry chains around their hip, possibly used to pull in enemies to close range. actors.mobs.guard.desc=한때 감옥을 지키던 이 경비병들도 지금은 미쳐버린 수감자들과 별반 다를 것이 없게 되었습니다. 그들은 좀비처럼 경련하며, 제 자리에 없는 것들을 찾아 복도를 돌아다닙니다. 당신을 포함해서요\!\n\n그들은 허리춤에 쇠사슬을 묶어 두었습니다. 자신의 적들을 가까이 당기기 위해서죠.
# actors.mobs.king.name=King of Dwarves actors.mobs.king.name=드워프 제왕
# actors.mobs.king.notice=How dare you\! actors.mobs.king.notice=무엄하도다\!
# actors.mobs.king.defeated=You cannot kill me, %s... I am... immortal... actors.mobs.king.defeated=네놈 %s는 나를 죽일 수 없어... 짐은... 불멸이다...
# actors.mobs.king.def_verb=parried actors.mobs.king.def_verb=막음
# actors.mobs.king.arise=Arise, slaves\! actors.mobs.king.arise=일어나라, 나의 종들아\!
# actors.mobs.king.rankings_desc=Fell Before the King of Dwarves actors.mobs.king.rankings_desc=드워프의 제왕에게 무릎 꿇음
# actors.mobs.king.desc=The last king of dwarves was known for his deep understanding of processes of life and death. He has persuaded members of his court to participate in a ritual, that should have granted them eternal youthfulness. In the end he was the only one, who got it - and an army of undead as a bonus. actors.mobs.king.desc=드워프들의 마지막 왕은 삶과 죽음의 방식을 깊게 연구한 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 그는 왕국의 신하들을 꼬드겨 영생을 부여하는 의식에 강제로 참가시키게 했습니다. 최후에는 드워프 왕이 바라는 대로 영생을 얻었고, 추가로 많은 언데드 군단도 덤으로 얻었습니다.
# actors.mobs.king$undead.name=undead dwarf actors.mobs.king$undead.name=언데드 드워프
# actors.mobs.king$undead.def_verb=blocked actors.mobs.king$undead.def_verb=방어
# actors.mobs.king$undead.rankings_desc=Fell Before the King of Dwarves actors.mobs.king$undead.rankings_desc=드워프의 제왕에게 무릎 꿇음
# actors.mobs.king$undead.desc=These undead dwarves, risen by the will of the King of Dwarves, were members of his court. They appear as skeletons with a stunning amount of facial hair. actors.mobs.king$undead.desc=드워프 제왕에게 일으켜진 이 언데드 드워프들은, 한때 왕국의 신하들이었습니다. 엄청난 양의 수염이 자라난 해골처럼 생겼습니다.
# actors.mobs.mimic.name=mimic actors.mobs.mimic.name=미믹
# actors.mobs.mimic.desc=Mimics are magical creatures which can take any shape they wish. In dungeons they almost always choose a shape of a treasure chest, because they know how to beckon an adventurer. actors.mobs.mimic.desc=미믹은 자신이 원하는 모습으로 변할 수 있는 마법 생물체입니다. 이런 던전에선 거의 대부분 보물 상자의 모습을 하고 있습니다. 모험가의 뒤통수를 칠 수 있는 가장 효과적인 수단임을 알고 있기 때문이죠.
# actors.mobs.mob.died=You hear something died in the distance. actors.mobs.mob.died=당신은 근처에서 무언가가 죽는 소리를 들었다.
# actors.mobs.mob.rage=\#$%^ actors.mobs.mob.rage=\#$%^
# actors.mobs.mob.exp=%+dEXP actors.mobs.mob.exp=%+d경험치
# actors.mobs.mob.rankings_desc=Slain by\: %s actors.mobs.mob.rankings_desc=%s에 의해 사망
# actors.mobs.mob$sleeping.status=This %s is sleeping. actors.mobs.mob$sleeping.status=이 %s은/는 자고 있습니다.
# actors.mobs.mob$wandering.status=This %s is wandering. actors.mobs.mob$wandering.status=이 %s은/는 순찰 중입니다.
# actors.mobs.mob$hunting.status=This %s is hunting. actors.mobs.mob$hunting.status=이 %s은/는 추적 중입니다.
# actors.mobs.mob$fleeing.status=This %s is fleeing. actors.mobs.mob$fleeing.status=이 %s은/는 도망치고 있습니다.
# actors.mobs.mob$passive.status=This %s is passive. actors.mobs.mob$passive.status=이 %s은/는 무력화 되었습니다.
# actors.mobs.monk.name=dwarf monk actors.mobs.monk.name=드워프 수도승
# actors.mobs.monk.disarm=The monk knocks the %s from your hands\! actors.mobs.monk.disarm=수도승이 당신의 %s을/를 손에서 튕겨 냈습니다\!
# actors.mobs.monk.def_verb=parried actors.mobs.monk.def_verb=막음
# actors.mobs.monk.desc=These monks are fanatics, who devoted themselves to protecting their city's secrets from all aliens. They don't use any armor or weapons, relying solely on the art of hand-to-hand combat. actors.mobs.monk.desc=이 수도승들은 광신적이며, 드워프 도시의 비밀을 외지인들로부터 지키기 위해 헌신한 자들입니다. 그들은 어떠한 무기와 방어구도 사용하지 않으며, 오직 맨손 격투만 사용합니다.
# actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=newborn fire elemental actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=갓 소환된 화염 정령
# actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Fire elementals are a byproduct of summoning greater entities. They are too chaotic in their nature to be controlled by even the most powerful demonologist.\n\nThis fire elemental is freshy summoned, and is weakened as a result. In this state is it especially vulnerable to the cold. Its offensive capabilities are still great though, caution is advised. actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=화염 정령들은 더 강한 존재를 소환한 후의 부산물입니다. 그들의 본성은 너무도 예측불허라서 가장 강력한 악마학자들도 제대로 제어할 수 없습니다\n\n이 화염 정령은 갓 소환되었으며, 결과적으로 아직은 약합니다. 유난히 추위에 약한 것으로 보입니다. 공격 능력은 보통의 화염 정령들과 거의 차이가 없으니 주의가 필요합니다.
# actors.mobs.piranha.name=giant piranha actors.mobs.piranha.name=거대 피라냐
# actors.mobs.piranha.desc=These carnivorous fish are not natural inhabitants of underground pools. They were bred specifically to protect flooded treasure vaults. actors.mobs.piranha.desc=이 식인 물고기는 원래 지하 물웅덩이에 살던 종은 아니었습니다. 물에 잠긴 보물 창고를 지키기 위해 사육된 놈들입니다.
# actors.mobs.rat.name=marsupial rat actors.mobs.rat.name=주머니쥐
# actors.mobs.rat.desc=Marsupial rats are aggressive but rather weak denizens of the sewers. They have a nasty bite, but are only life threatening in large numbers. actors.mobs.rat.desc=주머니쥐는 하수구에서 공격적이지만 약한 생물체입니다. 주머니쥐의 이빨은 아프지만, 수가 모일 때만 목숨을 위협할 수 있습니다.
# actors.mobs.rotheart.name=rot heart actors.mobs.rotheart.name=부패 심장
# actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=A Rotberry's fruit is very unique. Instead of rotting away and providing nutrients, the fruit grows, hardens, and encompasses the seed. It provides protection for the internal organs which grow inside the fruit. This giant orb is referred to as the heart of an adult rotberry plant. actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=썩은열매의 열매는 매우 특이합니다. 썩어서 양분을 주는 대신, 열매가 자라나 단단해지며, 씨앗을 감쌉니다. 그리고 열매 내부에 생명 활동을 주관하는 기관이 자라나며, 단단해진 열매는 이를 보호합니다. 이 거대한 열매는 다 자란 썩은열매 식물의 심장에 비유됩니다.
# actors.mobs.rotlasher.name=rot lasher actors.mobs.rotlasher.name=썩은 휘감개
# actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=The rot lasher is a part of a mature rotberry plant's root structure, and also their primary means of defence. Lashers are stuck into the ground, but will violently assault anything that gets near to them. When there is no nearby prey, they stand motionless, attempting to blend in with surrounding vegetation. actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=썩은 휘감개는 다 자란 썩은열매 식물의 뿌리 구조 중 하나이며, 주된 방어 수단입니다. 휘감개는 대부분 땅에 박혀 있지만, 근처에 다가오는 모든 것을 난폭하게 공격합니다. 근처에 먹잇감이 없으면, 움직임 없이 가만히 있어 주변 식물과 동화됩니다.
# actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=This %s is idle. actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=이 %s는 가만히 있습니다.
# actors.mobs.scorpio.name=scorpio actors.mobs.scorpio.name=전갈
# actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=These huge arachnid-like demonic creatures avoid close combat by all means, firing crippling serrated spikes from long distances. actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=절지동물을 닮은 이 악마 생물체는 근접전을 무조건 피하며, 불구를 거는 날카로운 가시를 먼 거리에서 발사합니다.
# actors.mobs.senior.name=senior monk actors.mobs.senior.name=상급 수도승
# actors.mobs.shaman.name=gnoll shaman actors.mobs.shaman.name=놀 주술사
# actors.mobs.shaman.zap_kill=The lightning bolt killed you... actors.mobs.shaman.zap_kill=번개 화살로 인해 사망했다...
# actors.mobs.shaman.desc=The most intelligent gnolls can master shamanistic magic. Gnoll shamans prefer battle spells to compensate for lack of might, not hesitating to use them on those who question their status in a tribe. actors.mobs.shaman.desc=가장 똑똑한 놀들만이 주술 마법을 익힐 수 있습니다. 놀 주술사는 힘이 약한 대신 마법 주문을 사용합니다. 부족에서 하극상을 일으킨 놀을 처리할 때도 사용을 마다하지 않습니다.
# actors.mobs.shielded.name=shielded brute actors.mobs.shielded.name=놀 방패병
# actors.mobs.shielded.def_verb=blocked actors.mobs.shielded.def_verb=방어
# actors.mobs.skeleton.name=skeleton actors.mobs.skeleton.name=해골
# actors.mobs.skeleton.explo_kill=You were killed by the explosion of bones... actors.mobs.skeleton.explo_kill=당신은 뼈 폭발에 의해 사망했다...
# actors.mobs.skeleton.def_verb=blocked actors.mobs.skeleton.def_verb=방어
# actors.mobs.skeleton.desc=Skeletons are composed of corpses bones from unlucky adventurers and inhabitants of the dungeon, animated by emanations of evil magic from the depths below. After they have been damaged enough, they disintegrate in an explosion of bones. actors.mobs.skeleton.desc=해골들은 이미 죽은 던전의 생물체와 불행한 모험가들의 시체 뼈로 이루어졌으며, 깊은 곳에서 올라온 사악한 마법으로 인해 일으켜졌습니다. 그들이 피해를 입으면 폭발하여 뼈를 사방에 날립니다.
# actors.mobs.spinner.name=cave spinner actors.mobs.spinner.name=동굴 거미
# actors.mobs.spinner.desc=These greenish furry cave spiders try to avoid direct combat, preferring to wait in the distance while their victim, entangled in the spinner's excreted cobweb, slowly dies from their poisonous bite. actors.mobs.spinner.desc=이 녹색의 털이 난 동굴 거미는 직접 전투를 피하려고 합니다. 대신 근처에 희생양이 다가오면, 미리 뽑아낸 거미줄로 가두어 독성 이빨로 천천히 죽어가게 합니다.
# actors.mobs.statue.name=animated statue actors.mobs.statue.name=살아있는 석상
# actors.mobs.statue.desc=You would think that it's just another one of this dungeon's ugly statues, but its red glowing eyes give it away.\n\nWhile the statue itself is made of stone, the _%s,_ it's wielding, looks real. actors.mobs.statue.desc=단순히 봐서는 던전의 다른 못생긴 석상과 다를 것 없다고 느낄 것입니다. 하지만 붉게 빛나는 눈은 전혀 그렇지 않다고 말합니다.\n\n이 석상은 돌로 만들어져 있지만, 석상이 들고 있는 _%s_은/는 진짜 같아 보입니다.
# actors.mobs.succubus.name=succubus actors.mobs.succubus.name=서큐버스
# actors.mobs.succubus.desc=The succubi are demons that look like seductive (in a slightly gothic way) girls. Using its magic, the succubus can charm a hero, who will become unable to attack anything until the charm wears off. actors.mobs.succubus.desc=서큐버스들은(고딕 형식의 옷을 입고) 타인을 유혹하는 소녀 형태의 악마입니다. 마법을 사용하여 영웅을 매혹시킬 수 있으며, 매혹에 걸린 영웅은 효과가 끝날 때 까지 직접적인 공격을 할 수 없게 됩니다.
# actors.mobs.swarm.name=swarm of flies actors.mobs.swarm.name=파리떼
actors.mobs.swarm.def_verb=회피 actors.mobs.swarm.def_verb=회피
# actors.mobs.swarm.desc=The deadly swarm of flies buzzes angrily. Every non-magical attack will split it into two smaller but equally dangerous swarms. actors.mobs.swarm.desc=치명적인 파리떼들이 성난 듯이 윙윙댑니다. 모든 비마법 공격은 두 개의 작은 파리떼로 분열되지만 공격성은 그대로입니다.
# actors.mobs.tengu.name=Tengu actors.mobs.tengu.name=텐구 암살자
# actors.mobs.tengu.notice_mine=You're mine, %s\! actors.mobs.tengu.notice_mine=넌 내것이다, %s여\!
# actors.mobs.tengu.notice_face=Face me, %s\! actors.mobs.tengu.notice_face=덤벼라, %s여\!
# actors.mobs.tengu.interesting=Let's make this interesting... actors.mobs.tengu.interesting=재미 좀 보겠군...
# actors.mobs.tengu.defeated=Free at last... actors.mobs.tengu.defeated=마침내 자유로구나...
# actors.mobs.tengu.rankings_desc=Assassinated by the Tengu actors.mobs.tengu.rankings_desc=텐구 암살자에게 암살당함
# actors.mobs.tengu.desc=A famous and enigmatic assassin, named for the mask grafted to his face.\n\nTengu is held down with large clasps on his wrists and knees, though he seems to have gotten rid of his chains long ago.\n\nHe will try to use traps, deceptive magic, and precise attacks to eliminate the only thing stopping his escape\: you. actors.mobs.tengu.desc=이 유명하고도 신비로운 암살자는 그의 얼굴에 씌워진 가면을 따라 이름 붙여졌습니다.\n\n텐구 암살자는 팔다리에 커다란 수갑을 차고 있지만, 연결고리는 이미 끊어 버린지 오래입니다.\n\n그는 함정, 속임수 마법, 그리고 정확한 투척 공격으로 탈출을 막는 유일한 적을 막을 것입니다. 그 적은 바로 당신이죠.
# actors.mobs.thief.name=crazy thief actors.mobs.thief.name=미치광이 도둑
# actors.mobs.thief.stole=The thief stole %s from you\! actors.mobs.thief.stole=미치광이 도둑이 당신에게서 %s을/를 훔쳤다\!
# actors.mobs.thief.carries=\n\nThe thief is carrying a _%s._ Stolen obviously. actors.mobs.thief.carries=\n\n저 도둑은 _%s_을/를 들고 있습니다. 분명 어디서 훔친 것입니다.
# actors.mobs.thief.escapes=The thief gets away with your %s\! actors.mobs.thief.escapes=미치광이 도둑이 당신의 %s을/를 들고 탈출했다\!
# actors.mobs.thief.desc=Though these inmates roam free of their cells, this place is still their prison. Over time, this place has taken their minds as well as their freedom. Long ago, these crazy thieves and bandits have forgotten who they are and why they steal.\n\nThese enemies are more likely to steal and run than they are to fight. Make sure to keep them in sight, or you might never see your stolen item again. actors.mobs.thief.desc=이 수감자들은 자신의 수감실 바깥에서 자유롭게 돌아다니지만, 이 장소 자체가 그들에겐 감옥입니다. 시간이 니자면서, 이 장소는 그들의 자유뿐만 아니라 생각조차도 앗아갔습니다. 오래 전에 이 미치광이 도둑들은 그들이 누구인지, 왜 훔치는지조차도 잊어버렸습니다.\n\n도둑들은 직접 싸우기보다는 물건을 훔쳐서 달아나려고 합니다. 그들을 시야에서 놓치지 마십시오. 아니면 도둑맞은 아이템을 다신 볼 수 없게 됩니다.
# actors.mobs.warlock.name=dwarf warlock actors.mobs.warlock.name=드워프 흑마법사
# actors.mobs.warlock.bolt_kill=The shadow bolt killed you... actors.mobs.warlock.bolt_kill=당신은 어둠의 화살에 의해 사망했다...
# actors.mobs.warlock.desc=When dwarves' interests have shifted from engineering to arcane arts, warlocks have come to power in the city. They started with elemental magic, but soon switched to demonology and necromancy. actors.mobs.warlock.desc=드워프들의 관심이 기계학에서 신비학으로 바뀌여갔을 때, 흑마법사들은 도시의 실세가 되었습니다. 그들은 처음엔 원소 마법으로 시작했지만, 곧 악마학과 강령술로 마법을 바꾸었습니다.
# actors.mobs.wraith.name=wraith actors.mobs.wraith.name=망령
actors.mobs.wraith.def_verb=회피 actors.mobs.wraith.def_verb=회피
# actors.mobs.wraith.desc=A wraith is a vengeful spirit of a sinner, whose grave or tomb was disturbed. Being an ethereal entity, it is very hard to hit with a regular weapon. actors.mobs.wraith.desc=망령은 자신의 무덤을 파헤친 자를 쫓는 복수심 가득한 영혼입니다. 완전한 영체로 이루어져 있어 일반적인 무기로 공격하는 것은 매우 힘듭니다.
# actors.mobs.yog.name=Yog-Dzewa actors.mobs.yog.name=요그-제바
# actors.mobs.yog.notice=Hope is an illusion... actors.mobs.yog.notice=희망은 환상에 불과하도다...
actors.mobs.yog.defeated=... actors.mobs.yog.defeated=...
# actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=Devoured by Yog-Dzewa actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=요즈-제바에게 잡아먹힘
# actors.mobs.yog.desc=Yog-Dzewa is an Old God, a powerful entity from the realms of chaos. A century ago, the ancient dwarves barely won the war against its army of demons, but were unable to kill the god itself. Instead, they then imprisoned it in the halls below their city, believing it to be too weak to rise ever again. actors.mobs.yog.desc=요그-제바는 고대의 신이며, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 몇 세기 전, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 순 없었습니다. 대신, 그들은 악마들이 다시 일어날 수 없을 정도로 약화되었다고 믿으며 그들을 도시 아래에 가두어 버렸습니다.
# actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.name=rotting fist actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.name=부패하는 주먹
# actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=Devoured by Yog-Dzewa actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=요즈-제바에게 잡아먹힘
# actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa is an Old God, a powerful entity from the realms of chaos. A century ago, the ancient dwarves barely won the war against its army of demons, but were unable to kill the god itself. Instead, they then imprisoned it in the halls below their city, believing it to be too weak to rise ever again. actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=요그-제바는 고대의 신이며, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 몇 세기 전, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 순 없었습니다. 대신, 그들은 악마들이 다시 일어날 수 없을 정도로 약화되었다고 믿으며 그들을 도시 아래에 가두어 버렸습니다.
# actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.name=burning fist actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.name=불타오르는 주먹
# actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=Devoured by Yog-Dzewa actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=요즈-제바에게 잡아먹힘
# actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa is an Old God, a powerful entity from the realms of chaos. A century ago, the ancient dwarves barely won the war against its army of demons, but were unable to kill the god itself. Instead, they then imprisoned it in the halls below their city, believing it to be too weak to rise ever again. actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.desc=요그-제바는 고대의 신이며, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 몇 세기 전, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 순 없었습니다. 대신, 그들은 악마들이 다시 일어날 수 없을 정도로 약화되었다고 믿으며 그들을 도시 아래에 가두어 버렸습니다.
# actors.mobs.yog$larva.name=god's larva actors.mobs.yog$larva.name=신의 애벌레
# actors.mobs.yog$larva.rankings_desc=Devoured by Yog-Dzewa actors.mobs.yog$larva.rankings_desc=요즈-제바에게 잡아먹힘
# actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=Yog-Dzewa is an Old God, a powerful entity from the realms of chaos. A century ago, the ancient dwarves barely won the war against its army of demons, but were unable to kill the god itself. Instead, they then imprisoned it in the halls below their city, believing it to be too weak to rise ever again. actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=요그-제바는 고대의 신이며, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 몇 세기 전, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 순 없었습니다. 대신, 그들은 악마들이 다시 일어날 수 없을 정도로 약화되었다고 믿으며 그들을 도시 아래에 가두어 버렸습니다.
actors.char.kill=%s에 의해 죽었습니다... actors.char.kill=%s에 의해 죽었습니다...
# actors.char.defeat=You defeated %s. actors.char.defeat=당신은 %s을/를 쓰러뜨렸다.
# actors.char.out_of_paralysis=The pain snapped %s out of paralysis. actors.char.out_of_paralysis=고통이 %s의 마비를 벗어나게 했다.
# actors.char.def_verb=dodged actors.char.def_verb=회피

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@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Тролль-кузнец выглядит ка
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=печальный дух actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=печальный дух
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Здравствуй, %s... Когда-то и я был таким, как ты - сильным и уверенным в себе... Но я погиб от ужасного зверя... Я не могу покинуть это место... Не раньше, чем свершится месть... Убей _вонючую крысу_, что забрала мою жизнь...\n\nОна бродит по этому уровню... Распространяя вонь повсюду... _Остерегайся облака вони и разъедающего укуса, кислота смывается водой..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Здравствуй, %s... Когда-то и я был таким, как ты - сильным и уверенным в себе... Но я погиб от ужасного зверя... Я не могу покинуть это место... Не раньше, чем свершится месть... Убей _вонючую крысу_, что забрала мою жизнь...\n\nОна бродит по этому уровню... Распространяя вонь повсюду... _Остерегайся облака вони и разъедающего укуса, кислота смывается водой..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=Прошу... Помоги мне... Убей чудовище...\n\n_Сражайся в воде... Избегай вони..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=Прошу... Помоги мне... Убей чудовище...\n\n_Сражайся в воде... Избегай вони..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Здравствуй, %s... Когда-то и я был таким, как ты - сильным и уверенным в себе... Но я погиб от дьявольского отродья... Я не могу покинуть это место... Не раньше, чем свершится месть... Убей _гнолла-обманщика_, что забрал мою жизнь...\n\nОн не похож на остальных гноллов... Он прячется и использует метательное оружие... _Остерегайся его отравляющих и воспламеняющих дротиков, не сражайся на расстоянии..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Здравствуй, %s... Когда-то и я был таким, как ты - сильным и уверенным в себе... Но я погиб от дьявольского отродья... Я не могу покинуть это место... Не раньше, чем свершится месть... Убей _гнолла-трикстера_, что забрал мою жизнь...\n\nОн не похож на остальных гноллов... Он прячется и использует метательное оружие... _Остерегайся его отравляющих и воспламеняющих дротиков, не сражайся на расстоянии..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=Прошу... Помоги мне... Убей трикстера...\n\n_Не позволяй ему попасть в тебя... Подойди ближе..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=Прошу... Помоги мне... Убей трикстера...\n\n_Не позволяй ему попасть в тебя... Старайся бить вблизи..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_1=Здравствуй, %s... Когда-то и я был таким, как ты - сильным и уверенным в себе... Но я погиб от древнего существа... Я не могу покинуть это место... Не раньше, чем свершится месть... Убей _древнего краба_, что забрал мою жизнь...\n\nОн невероятно стар... С огромной клешней и толстым панцирем... _Остерегайся его клешни, тебе придется атаковать неожиданно, или он заблокирует атаку..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_1=Здравствуй, %s... Когда-то и я был таким, как ты - сильным и уверенным в себе... Но я погиб от древнего существа... Я не могу покинуть это место... Не раньше, чем свершится месть... Убей _древнего краба_, что забрал мою жизнь...\n\nОн невероятно стар... С огромной клешней и толстым панцирем... _Остерегайся его клешни, тебе придется атаковать неожиданно, или он заблокирует атаку..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_2=Прошу... Помоги мне... Убей это ракообразное...\n\n_Оно всегда блокирует... Если видит, что ты атакуешь..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_2=Прошу... Помоги мне... Убей это ракообразное...\n\n_Оно всегда блокирует... Если видит, что ты атакуешь..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.def_verb=избежал actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.def_verb=избежал
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.desc=Этот пожилой мужчина в рас
###mobs ###mobs
actors.mobs.acidic.name=кислотный скорп actors.mobs.acidic.name=кислотный скорпид
actors.mobs.albino.name=крыса-альбинос actors.mobs.albino.name=крыса-альбинос
actors.mobs.albino.desc=Это редкая разновидность сумчатой крысы с абсолютно белым мехом и зазубренными зубами. actors.mobs.albino.desc=Это редкая разновидность сумчатой крысы с абсолютно белым мехом и зазубренными зубами.
@ -370,11 +370,11 @@ actors.mobs.eye.desc=Одно из других имен этих демонов
actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=вонючая крыса actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=вонючая крыса
actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Что-то определенно не так с этой крысой. Её рваный черный мех и гниющая шкура совсем не похожи на здоровых крыс, который можно было встретить ранее. А тусклые зелёные глаза делают её совсем безумной.\n\nЗа крысой следует жуткое облако вони, невероятно сильное вблизи.\n\nТемная слизь капает изо рта крысы, разъедая пол, но растворяясь в воде. actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Что-то определенно не так с этой крысой. Её рваный черный мех и гниющая шкура совсем не похожи на здоровых крыс, который можно было встретить ранее. А тусклые зелёные глаза делают её совсем безумной.\n\nЗа крысой следует жуткое облако вони, невероятно сильное вблизи.\n\nТемная слизь капает изо рта крысы, разъедая пол, но растворяясь в воде.
actors.mobs.gnoll.name=Гнолл-разведчик actors.mobs.gnoll.name=гнолл-разведчик
actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Гноллы - гиеноподобные гуманоиды. Они обитают в канализации и подземельях, периодически собираясь для рейдов на поверхность. Гноллы-разведчики - обычные члены стаи, не такие сильные, как громилы, и не такие умные, как шаманы. actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Гноллы - гиеноподобные гуманоиды. Они обитают в канализации и подземельях, периодически собираясь для рейдов на поверхность. Гноллы-разведчики - обычные члены стаи, не такие сильные, как громилы, и не такие умные, как шаманы.
actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.name=Гнолл-ловкач actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.name=гнолл-трикстер
actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.desc=Даже для гнолла этот кажется странным. Он склонился вперед с дикой ухмылкой, чуть ли не баюкая перекинутую через плечо сумку. Его глаза полны странной смеси страха и наслаждения.\n\nВ его сумке внушительная коллекция самодельных дротиков, явно покрытых какой-то гадостью. actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.desc=Даже по сравнению с обычными гноллами, этот кажется немного странным. Чуть склонившись вперед с дикой ухмылкой, он чуть ли не баюкает перекинутую через плечо сумку. Его глаза полны странной смеси страха и наслаждения.\n\nВ его сумке внушительная коллекция самодельных дротиков, явно покрытых какой-то гадостью.
actors.mobs.golem.name=голем actors.mobs.golem.name=голем
actors.mobs.golem.def_verb=блокирует actors.mobs.golem.def_verb=блокирует
@ -420,11 +420,11 @@ actors.mobs.mob.died=Вы слышите, что вдали кто-то умер
actors.mobs.mob.rage=\#$%^ actors.mobs.mob.rage=\#$%^
actors.mobs.mob.exp=%+dEXP actors.mobs.mob.exp=%+dEXP
actors.mobs.mob.rankings_desc=Убит (убийца - %s) actors.mobs.mob.rankings_desc=Убит (убийца - %s)
actors.mobs.mob$sleeping.status=Этот %s спит. actors.mobs.mob$sleeping.status=%s спит.
actors.mobs.mob$wandering.status=Этот %s бродит. actors.mobs.mob$wandering.status=%s бродит.
actors.mobs.mob$hunting.status=Этот %s охотится. actors.mobs.mob$hunting.status=%s охотится.
actors.mobs.mob$fleeing.status=Этот %s убегает. actors.mobs.mob$fleeing.status=%s убегает.
actors.mobs.mob$passive.status=Этот %s ничего не делает. actors.mobs.mob$passive.status=%s ничего не делает.
actors.mobs.monk.name=дворф-монах actors.mobs.monk.name=дворф-монах
actors.mobs.monk.disarm=Монах выбил %s из ваших рук\! actors.mobs.monk.disarm=Монах выбил %s из ваших рук\!
@ -443,11 +443,11 @@ actors.mobs.rat.desc=Сумчатые крысы - агрессивные, но
actors.mobs.rotheart.name=сердце гнилоягоды actors.mobs.rotheart.name=сердце гнилоягоды
actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=Гнилоягода - уникальное растение. Вместо разложения и образования нитратов, фрукт растет, твердеет и хранит в себе семя. Он обеспечивает защиту органов, растущих внутри фрукта. Гигантская сфера обычно называется сердцем гнилоягоды. actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=Гнилоягода - уникальное растение. Вместо разложения и образования нитратов, фрукт растет, твердеет и хранит в себе семя. Он обеспечивает защиту органов, растущих внутри фрукта. Гигантская сфера обычно называется сердцем гнилоягоды.
actors.mobs.rotlasher.name=Плёточник actors.mobs.rotlasher.name=плёточник
actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=Плёточники - часть взрослой структуры гнилоягоды, а также её основное средство защиты. Плёточники крепко сидят в земле, однако будут жестоко атаковать любого, кто окажется рядом. Если угрозы нет, они не двигаются, старясь слиться с окружающей растительностью. actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=Плёточники - часть взрослой структуры гнилоягоды, а также её основное средство защиты. Плёточники крепко сидят в земле, однако будут жестоко атаковать любого, кто окажется рядом. Если угрозы нет, они не двигаются, старясь слиться с окружающей растительностью.
actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=Этот %s ждёт. actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=Этот %s ждёт.
actors.mobs.scorpio.name=скорп actors.mobs.scorpio.name=скорпид
actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=Эти гигантские демоны-арахниды избегают ближнего боя любой ценой, обстреливая врагов острыми калечащими шипами. actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=Эти гигантские демоны-арахниды избегают ближнего боя любой ценой, обстреливая врагов острыми калечащими шипами.
actors.mobs.senior.name=монах-наставник actors.mobs.senior.name=монах-наставник
@ -481,14 +481,14 @@ actors.mobs.tengu.name=Тенгу
actors.mobs.tengu.notice_mine=Ты мой, %s\! actors.mobs.tengu.notice_mine=Ты мой, %s\!
actors.mobs.tengu.notice_face=Найди меня, %s\! actors.mobs.tengu.notice_face=Найди меня, %s\!
actors.mobs.tengu.interesting=Давай сделаем поинтереснее... actors.mobs.tengu.interesting=Давай сделаем поинтереснее...
actors.mobs.tengu.defeated=Наконец-то свобода... actors.mobs.tengu.defeated=Наконец-то свободен...
actors.mobs.tengu.rankings_desc=Убит Тенгу actors.mobs.tengu.rankings_desc=Ликвидирован Тенгу
actors.mobs.tengu.desc=Знаменитый и загадочный убийца, названный по имени своей маски.\n\nТенгу скован большими цепями на запястьях и ногах, хотя, видимо, он уже давно освободился от оков.\n\nОн попытается использовать ловушки, отвлекающую магию и точные атаки, чтобы убрать единственное препятствие на пути к свободе\: тебя. actors.mobs.tengu.desc=Знаменитый и загадочный убийца, названный по имени своей маски.\n\nТенгу скован большими цепями на запястьях и ногах, хотя, видимо, он уже давно освободился от оков.\n\nОн попытается использовать ловушки, отвлекающую магию и точные атаки, чтобы убрать единственное препятствие на пути к свободе\: тебя.
actors.mobs.thief.name=безумный вор actors.mobs.thief.name=безумный вор
actors.mobs.thief.stole=Вор украл у вас %s\! actors.mobs.thief.stole=Вор украл у вас %s\!
actors.mobs.thief.carries=\n\nВор несёт _%s_. Очевидно, украл где-то. actors.mobs.thief.carries=\n\nВор несёт _%s_. Очевидно, украл где-то.
actors.mobs.thief.escapes=Вор скрылся от вас\! Вы больше не увидите %s\! actors.mobs.thief.escapes=Вор скрылся от вас, стащив %s\!
actors.mobs.thief.desc=Хотя заключенные свободно ходят вне камер, это место - всё равно их тюрьма. Со временем помимо свободы оно забрало их рассудок. Эти воры и бандиты уже давно забыли, кто они и что они здесь делают.\n\nЭти враги скорее украдут и попытаются сбежать, чем продолжат бой. Не упускайте их из виду, иначе вы можете никогда больше не увидеть украденное. actors.mobs.thief.desc=Хотя заключенные свободно ходят вне камер, это место - всё равно их тюрьма. Со временем помимо свободы оно забрало их рассудок. Эти воры и бандиты уже давно забыли, кто они и что они здесь делают.\n\nЭти враги скорее украдут и попытаются сбежать, чем продолжат бой. Не упускайте их из виду, иначе вы можете никогда больше не увидеть украденное.
actors.mobs.warlock.name=дворф-чернокнижник actors.mobs.warlock.name=дворф-чернокнижник
@ -517,6 +517,6 @@ actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=Йог-Джева - это Древний Бог, м
actors.char.kill=%s убивает вас... actors.char.kill=%s убивает вас...
actors.char.defeat=Вы победили %s. actors.char.defeat=%s погибает.
actors.char.out_of_paralysis=Из-за боли %s вырывается из паралича. actors.char.out_of_paralysis=Из-за боли %s вырывается из паралича.
actors.char.def_verb=уклоняется actors.char.def_verb=уклоняется

View File

@ -91,41 +91,41 @@ items.artifacts.artifact.unequip_title=Leg' einen Ausrüstungsteil ab.
items.artifacts.artifact.unequip_message=Du kannst nur zwei verschiedene Gegenstände zugleich tragen. items.artifacts.artifact.unequip_message=Du kannst nur zwei verschiedene Gegenstände zugleich tragen.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Du kannst nicht zwei selbe Artefakte tragen. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Du kannst nicht zwei selbe Artefakte tragen.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed_worn=Das Artefakt bindet sich schmerzhaft an dich. items.artifacts.artifact.cursed_worn=Das Artefakt bindet sich schmerzhaft an dich.
# items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=You can feel a malevolent magic lurking within the artifact. items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Du spürst wie eine übelwollende Magie in diesem Artefakt ruht.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Du musst dich mit dem Artefakt ausrüsten um das zu tun. items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Du musst dich mit dem Artefakt ausrüsten um das zu tun.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=Dornenumhang items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=Dornenumhang
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc=These collapsed sheets of metal from the DM-300 have formed together into a rigid cape. It seems to store a deep energy, perhaps it has some of the DM-300's power? items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc=Diese kollabierten Metalplatten vom DM-300 haben sich irgendwie in massiven Umhang zusammengeformt. Es wirkt so, als ob eine mächtige Energie in diesem Umhang ruht. Vielleicht ein Fragment der Energie von DM-300?
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_inactive=The cape feels reassuringly heavy on your shoulders, it seems to be gaining energy from the damage you take. items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_inactive=Dieser Umhang fühlt sich beruhigend an, während er schwer auf deinen Schulter ruht. Es scheint als er an Kraft gewinnt, wenn du Schaden erleidest.
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_active=The cape seems to be releasing stored energy, it is radiating a protective power. items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_active=Der Umhang scheint die gespeicherte Energie freizugeben. Es strahlt eine schützende Energie aus.
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.inert=Your Cape becomes inert again. items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.inert=Dein Umhang wird wieder träge.
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.radiating=Your Cape begins radiating energy, you feel protected\! items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.radiating=Dein Umhang beginnt wieder Energie freizugeben\! Du fühlst dich geschützt\!
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.levelup=Your Cape grows stronger\! items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.levelup=Dein Umhang wird stärker\!
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.name=Dornen items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.name=Dornen
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=Your cape is radiating energy, surrounding you in a field of deflective force\!\n\nAll damage you receive is reduced while the thorns effect is active. Additionally, if the attacker is next to you, the reduced amount is deflected back at the attacker.\n\nTurns of thorns remaining\: %s. items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=Dein Umhang strahlt Energie aus und erzeugt ein Reflektionsfeld um dich rum\!\n\nSämtlicher Schaden den du erleidest ist reduziert, solange der Dornen-Effekt besteht. Wenn der Angreifer sich in deiner Nähe befindet, erleidet er ebenfalls den reduzierten Schaden, den du erlitten hast.\n\nDer Dornen-Effekt verbleibt noch %s Runden.
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.name=Kelch des Blutes items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.name=Kelch des Blutes
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.ac_prick=PRICK # items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.ac_prick=PRICK
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.yes=Ja, ich weiß was ich tue items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.yes=Ja, ich weiß was ich tue
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.no=Nein, habs mir anders überlegt items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.no=Nein, habs mir anders überlegt
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.prick_warn=Each time you use the chalice it will drain more life energy, if you are not careful this can easily kill you.\n\nAre you sure you want to offer it more life energy? items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.prick_warn=Jedes Mal, wenn du den Kelch verwendest, entzieht dieser dir mehr Lebensenergie. Wenn du nicht vorsichtig bist, kann dieser dich leicht töten.\n\nBist du dir sicher, dass du dem Kelch mehr Lebensenergie opfern willst?
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.onprick=You prick yourself, and your life essence drains into the chalice. items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.onprick=Du stichst dich selbst und spührst, wie deine Lebensenergie vom Kelch absorbiert wird.
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.ondeath=The Chalice sucks your life essence dry... items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.ondeath=Der Kelch hat deine gesamte Lebensessenz entzogen...
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc=This shining silver chalice is oddly adorned with sharp gems at the rim. items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc=Dieser funkelnde Silberkelch ist merkwürdigerweise am Rand mit scharfen Edelsteinen verziehrt.
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_cursed=The cursed chalice has bound itself to your hand, and is inhibiting your ability to regenerate health. items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_cursed=Der verfluchte Kelch hat sich an deine Hand gefesselt und verhindert deine Fähigkeit, Lebensenergie zu regenerieren.
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_1=As you hold the chalice, you feel oddly compelled to prick yourself on the sharp gems. items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_1=Während du den Kelch in deinen Händen hälst, spührst du den Drang, dich an den scharfen Edelsteinen zu picksen.
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_2=Some of your blood is pooled into the chalice, you can subtly feel the chalice feeding life energy into you. You still want to cut yourself on the chalice, even though you know it will hurt. items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_2=Inzwischen befindet sich eine geringe Menge Blut im Kelch und du spührst, auch wenn schwach, wie dir Lebensenergie überträgen wird. Dein Verlangen dich erneuert am Kelch zu schneiden ist groß, genau so wie Verletzung, die dadurch entstehen wird.
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=The chalice is filled to the brim with your life essence. You can feel the chalice pouring life energy back into you. items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Der Kelch ist bis zum Rand mit deiner Lebensessenz gefüllt. Du spührst wie der Kelch dich mit Lebensenergie überschüttet.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=Umhang der Schatten items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=Umhang der Schatten
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=STEALTH # items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=STEALTH
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Your cloak needs %d more rounds to re-energize. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Dein Umhang benötigt %d Runden um sich wiederaufzuladen.
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Your cloak hasn't recharged enough to be usable yet. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Dein Umhang hat noch nicht genug Aufladungen um aktiviert zu werden.
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=A priceless magical cloak, stolen from the royal armory many years ago by the Rogue. When worn, it can be used to turn completely invisible for a short time.\n\nThe more the cloak is used, the stronger it will become, allowing the Rogue to become invisible more frequently and for longer durations. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Ein unbezahlbarer, magischer Umhang, welcher der Schurke aus der königlichen Rüstungskammer vor vielen Jahren gestohlen hat. Solange dieser Umhang getragen wird, kann dieser seinen Träger für wenige Augenblicke unsichtbar machen.\n\nDesto öfters der Umhang verwendet wird, desto mächtiger wird dieser und ermöglicht eine längere Unsichtbarkeit und schnellere Verfügbarkeit.
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Your cloak has run out of energy. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Dein Umhang besitzt keine Energie mehr.
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.levelup=Your cloak grows stronger\! items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.levelup=Dein Umhang wird stärker\!
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.name=Verhüllt items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.name=Verhüllt
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Your cloak of shadows is granting you invisibility while you are shrouded by it.\n\nWhile you are invisible enemies are unable to attack or follow you. Physical attacks and magical effects (such as scrolls and wands) will immediately cancel invisibility.\n\nYou will remain cloaked until it is cancelled or your cloak runs out of charge. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Dein Umhang der Schatten gewährt dir, solange du unter diesem versteckt bist, Unsichtbarkeit.\n\nSolange du unsichtbar bist, können Gegner dich nicht angreifen und wahrnehmen. Physische Angriffe oder magische Effekte (wie die Verwendung von Schriftrollen und Zauberstäbe) beenden die Unsichtbarkeit sofort. \n\nDeine Unsichtbartkeit verbleibt solange, bis sämtliche Aufladungen verbraucht werden oder du die Unsichtbarkeit beendest.
items.artifacts.driedrose.name=Vertrocknete Rose items.artifacts.driedrose.name=Vertrocknete Rose
# items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_summon=SUMMON # items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_summon=SUMMON
@ -150,56 +150,56 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.name=Vertrocknete Blüte
# items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=A frail looking ethereal figure with a humanoid shape. Its power seems tied to the rose I have.\n\nThis ghost may not be much, but it seems to be my only true friend down here. # items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=A frail looking ethereal figure with a humanoid shape. Its power seems tied to the rose I have.\n\nThis ghost may not be much, but it seems to be my only true friend down here.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=Ätherketten items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=Ätherketten
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.ac_cast=CAST items.artifacts.etherealchains.ac_cast=ZAUBERN
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Your chains do not have enough charge. items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Deine Ketten haben nicht genug Aufladungen.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Du kannst verfluchte Ketten nicht verwenden. items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Du kannst verfluchte Ketten nicht verwenden.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Das wird gar nichts bewirken. items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Das wird gar nichts bewirken.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cant_pull=Deine Kette kann dieses Ziel nicht ziehen. items.artifacts.etherealchains.cant_pull=Deine Kette kann dieses Ziel nicht ziehen.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.nothing_to_grab=Dort ist nichts zu greifen. items.artifacts.etherealchains.nothing_to_grab=Dort ist nichts zu greifen.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.prompt=Wähle eine Zielposition. items.artifacts.etherealchains.prompt=Wähle eine Zielposition.
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc=These large yet lightweight chains glow with spiritual energy. They can be used to pull you towards terrain, or pull enemies toward you. The ethereal nature of the chains even allows them to extend through walls\! items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc=Diese langen aber leichten Ketten glühen vor spiritueller Energie. Sie können verwendet werden, um sich über Terrain zu befördern oder um Gegner zu sich zu ziehen. Die ätherische Natur dieser Ketten erlaubt sogar durch Wände geschleudert zu werden.
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_cursed=The cursed chains are locked to your side, constantly swinging around, trying to trip or bind you items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_cursed=Die verfluchten Ketten baumeln an deiner Seite und versuchen immer dich zu fesseln oder behindern.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=Die Kette hängt an deiner Seite, langsam die spirituelle Energie derer aufsaugend die du besiegst. Jede Ladung entspricht einem Kettenglied, das genau eine Kachel weit reicht. items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=Die Kette hängt an deiner Seite, langsam die spirituelle Energie derer aufsaugend die du besiegst. Jede Ladung entspricht einem Kettenglied, das genau eine Kachel weit reicht.
items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=Deine Kette wird stärker\! items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=Deine Kette wird stärker\!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.name=Horn des Überflusses items.artifacts.hornofplenty.name=Horn des Überflusses
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_eat=EAT items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_eat=ESSEN
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_store=STORE items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_store=LAGERN
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.eat=Du isst aus dem Horn. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.eat=Du isst aus dem Horn.
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.prompt=Select a piece of food items.artifacts.hornofplenty.prompt=Wähle etwas zu Essen aus
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.no_food=Your horn has no food in it to eat\! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.no_food=In deinem Horn befindet sich nichts zu essen\!
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.full=Your horn is full of food\! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.full=Dein Horn ist gefüllt mit Essen\!
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.reject=Your horn rejects the uncooked blandfruit. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.reject=Dein Horn lehnt die ungekochte Fadfrucht ab.
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Your horn has consumed all the food it can\! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Dein Horn hat sämtliches Essen konsumiert\!
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=The horn consumes your food offering and grows in strength\! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=Dein Horn hat dein angebotenes Essen konsumiert und ist stärker geworden\!
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=This horn can't be blown into, but instead seems to fill up with food over time when equipped. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=Man kann nicht in dieses Horn reinblasen, aber es füllt sich nach und nach mit Lebensmitteln, wenn man sich damit ausrüstet.
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Perhaps there is a way to increase the horn's power by giving it food energy. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Vielleicht gibt es ein Weg die Kräfte des Horns zu steigern, wenn man es mit Essen füttert.
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=The cursed horn has bound itself to your side, it seems to be eager to take food rather than produce it. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=Das verfluchte Horn ist an dich gebunden und ist begierig darauf, sämtliches Essen dir zu entreißen und zu konsumieren anstatt welches zu produzieren.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=Iloyd´s Signalfeuer items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=Iloyd´s Signalfeuer
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_zap=ZAP items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_zap=FEUERN
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_set=SET items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_set=FESTLEGEN
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_return=RETURN items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_return=RÜCKKEHR
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.no_charge=Your beacon does not have enough energy right now. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.no_charge=Dein Leuchtfeuer-Stab hat im Moment keine Energie.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.tele_fail=Die Teleportationsmagie versagt. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.tele_fail=Die Teleportationsmagie versagt.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.prompt=Wähle eine Position zum Abknallen. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.prompt=Wähle eine Position zum Abknallen.
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.levelup=Your beacon grows stronger\! items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.levelup=Dein Leuchtfeuer-Stab wird stärker\!
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.preventing=Strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the lloyd's beacon\! items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.preventing=Eine starke, magische Aura verhindert, dass du Iloyd´s Leuchtfeuer-Stab verwenden kannst\!
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.creatures=Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to use the lloyd's beacon at this moment. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.creatures=Die psysische Aura nahegelegenen Kreaturen erlaubt es dir nicht, Iloyd´s Leuchtfeuer-Stab zu verwenden.
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.return=The lloyd's beacon is successfully set at your current location, now you can return here anytime. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.return=Iloyd´s Leuchtfeuer-Stab wurde erfolgreich auf deiner momentanen Position angewandt und erlaubt dir jederzeit hier zurückzukehren.
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Lloyd's beacon is an intricate magical device which grants the user control of teleportation magics. The beacon can be used to return to a set location, but can also expel bursts of random teleportation magic once it has charged from being equipped. This magic can be directed at a target or at the user themselves. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Iloyd´s Leuchtfeuer-Stab ist ein kompliziertes, magisches Gerät, welches seinem Benutzer erlaubt, Teleportmagie anzuwenden. Dieser Gegenstand erlaubt es an einer vorher festgelegten Positionen zurückzukehren, ermöglicht aber auch zufällige Teleportationen, sofern genug Aufladungen vorhanden sind, welche man durch das Ausrüsten dieses Gegenstandes erhält. Diese Teleportierungen können auf beliebige Ziele oder auf sich selbst gewirkt werden,
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on the level %d of Pixel Dungeon. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Aktuell kann man sich mithilfe des Leuchtfeuer-Stabes irgendwo auf Ebene %d im Dungeon teleportieren.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Armband des Meisterdiebes items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Armband des Meisterdiebes
# items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to the person you took it from either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Dieses purpur-farbene Seidenarmband zeigt das Symbol eines Meisterdiebes. Es gehört dir zwar nicht, aber es gehört wahrscheinlich auch nicht seinen ehemaligen Besitzer, welchen du es abgenommen hast.
# items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from pixel mart... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Mit dem Armband an deinem Handgelenk spürst du mit jeder Goldmünze, die du findest, das Verlangen die Besitztümer anderer für dich zu beanspruchen.\n\nVIelleicht ist es doch nicht so schwer etwas aus dem Pixel-Markt zu stehlen...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandalen der Natur items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandalen der Natur
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Schuhe der Natur items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Schuhe der Natur
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_2=Stiefel der Natur items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_2=Stiefel der Natur
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_3=Beinschienen der Natur items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_3=Beinschienen der Natur
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.ac_feed=FEED items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.ac_feed=FÜTTERN
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.ac_root=ROOT items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.ac_root=VERWURZELN
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.no_charge=They have no energy right now. # items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.no_charge=They have no energy right now.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.prompt=Wähle ein Samenkorn items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.prompt=Wähle ein Samenkorn
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.already_fed=Dein Schuhwerk hat bereits kürzlich Nährstoffe dieses Samens aufgenommen. items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.already_fed=Dein Schuhwerk hat bereits kürzlich Nährstoffe dieses Samens aufgenommen.
@ -215,27 +215,27 @@ items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_cursed=Die Verfluchten Sandalen verhindern
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=Du hast dem Schuhwerk %d Samen gefüttert. items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=Du hast dem Schuhwerk %d Samen gefüttert.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.name=Talisman der Vorsorge items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.name=Talisman der Vorsorge
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.ac_scry=SCRY items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.ac_scry=WEITSICHT
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.no_charge=Dein Talisman ist noch nicht aufgeladen. items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.no_charge=Dein Talisman ist noch nicht aufgeladen.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.scry=The Talisman floods your mind with knowledge about the current floor. items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.scry=Das Talisman verbindet sich mit deinem Geist und teilt sein Wissen über diese Ebene mit dir.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc=A smooth stone with strange engravings on it. You feel like it's watching everything around you, keeping an eye out for anything unusual. items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc=Ein glatter Stein mit merkwürdigen Gravuren. Du fühlst wie es alles um dich herum beobachtet und wirft ein Auge auf alles Ungewöhnliche für dich.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc_worn=When you hold the talisman you feel like your senses are heightened. items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc_worn=Du spührst wie deine Sinne geschärft werden, wenn du das Talisman in deinen Händen hälst.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc_cursed=The cursed talisman is intently staring into you, making it impossible to concentrate. items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc_cursed=Das verfluchte Talisman bemustert dich intensiv, was es unmöglich für dich macht, dich zu konzentrieren.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.name=Foresight items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.name=Weitsicht
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.levelup=Dein Talisman wird stärker\! items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.levelup=Dein Talisman wird stärker\!
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.full_charge=Dein Talisman ist aufgeladen\! items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.full_charge=Dein Talisman ist aufgeladen\!
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.uneasy=Du fühlst dich unwohl. items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.uneasy=Du fühlst dich unwohl.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.desc=Du bist nervös. Als wäre eine unsichtbare Gefahr in der Nähe. items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.desc=Du bist nervös. Als wäre eine unsichtbare Gefahr in der Nähe.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.name=Zeitmesser´s Stundenglas items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.name=Zeitmesser´s Stundenglas
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.ac_activate=ACTIVATE items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.ac_activate=AKTIVIEREN
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.in_use=Deine Sanduhr ist bereits in Verwendung. items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.in_use=Deine Sanduhr ist bereits in Verwendung.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.no_charge=Your hourglass hasn't recharged enough to be usable yet. items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.no_charge=Deine Sanduhr hat noch nicht genug Aufladungen.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.cursed=Du kannst eine verfluchte Sanduhr nicht verwenden. items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.cursed=Du kannst eine verfluchte Sanduhr nicht verwenden.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.onstasis=The world seems to shift around you in an instant. items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.onstasis=Es vergeht ein Augenblick und plötzlich verschiebt sich die gesamte Welt um dich.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.onfreeze=Everything around you suddenly freezes. items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.onfreeze=Deine Umgebung friert urplötzlich ein.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.stasis=Ich versetze mich selbst in Stasis items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.stasis=Ich versetze mich selbst in Stasis
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.freeze=Freeze time around me items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.freeze=Friere die Zeit ein
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.prompt=How would you like to use the hourglass's magic?\n\nWhile in stasis, time will move normally while you are frozen and completely invulnerable.\n\nWhen time is frozen, you can move as if your actions take no time. Note that attacking will break this. # items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.prompt=How would you like to use the hourglass's magic?\n\nWhile in stasis, time will move normally while you are frozen and completely invulnerable.\n\nWhen time is frozen, you can move as if your actions take no time. Note that attacking will break this.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc=This large ornate hourglass looks fairly unassuming, but you feel a great power in its finely carved frame. As you rotate the hourglass and watch the sand pour you can feel its magic tugging at you, surely using this magic would give you some control over time. # items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc=This large ornate hourglass looks fairly unassuming, but you feel a great power in its finely carved frame. As you rotate the hourglass and watch the sand pour you can feel its magic tugging at you, surely using this magic would give you some control over time.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_hint=Die Sanduhr scheint Sand verloren zu haben. Wenn du nur welchen finden könntest... items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_hint=Die Sanduhr scheint Sand verloren zu haben. Wenn du nur welchen finden könntest...
@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.no_hourglass=Du hast keine Sanduhr
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.desc=This small bag of fine sand should work perfectly with your hourglass.\n\nIt seems odd that the shopkeeper would have this specific item right when you need it... # items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.desc=This small bag of fine sand should work perfectly with your hourglass.\n\nIt seems odd that the shopkeeper would have this specific item right when you need it...
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.name=Instabiles Zauberbuch items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.name=Instabiles Zauberbuch
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.ac_read=READ items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.ac_read=LESEN
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.ac_add=ADD items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.ac_add=HINZUFÜGEN
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.blinded=Solange du blind bist kannst du nicht im Buch lesen. items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.blinded=Solange du blind bist kannst du nicht im Buch lesen.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.no_charge=Dein Zauberbuch hat im Moment keine Energie. items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.no_charge=Dein Zauberbuch hat im Moment keine Energie.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.cursed=Du kannst nicht in einem verfluchten Zauberbuch lesen. items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.cursed=Du kannst nicht in einem verfluchten Zauberbuch lesen.
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=Gebratenes Fleisch
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Es sieht aus wie ein gutes Steak. items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Es sieht aus wie ein gutes Steak.
items.food.food.name=Essensration items.food.food.name=Essensration
# items.food.food.ac_eat=EAT items.food.food.ac_eat=ESSEN
items.food.food.eat_msg=Das hat echt lecker geschmeckt\! items.food.food.eat_msg=Das hat echt lecker geschmeckt\!
items.food.food.desc=Nichts außergewöhnliches hier\: getrocknetes Fleisch, einige Biscuits - Sowas halt. items.food.food.desc=Nichts außergewöhnliches hier\: getrocknetes Fleisch, einige Biscuits - Sowas halt.
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ items.keys.skeletonkey.desc=Dieser Schlüssel sieht besonders aus\: Der Kopf ist
###potions ###potions
# items.potions.potion.ac_drink=DRINK items.potions.potion.ac_drink=TRINKEN
items.potions.potion.turquoise=türkise/r items.potions.potion.turquoise=türkise/r
items.potions.potion.crimson=purpurne/r items.potions.potion.crimson=purpurne/r
items.potions.potion.azure=azurfarbige/r items.potions.potion.azure=azurfarbige/r
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ items.quest.embers.name=Asche eines Elementars
items.quest.embers.desc=Spezielle Asche, welche nur von jungen Feuerelementaren geerntet werden kann. Die Asche strahlt termische Energie aus. items.quest.embers.desc=Spezielle Asche, welche nur von jungen Feuerelementaren geerntet werden kann. Die Asche strahlt termische Energie aus.
items.quest.pickaxe.name=Spitzhacke items.quest.pickaxe.name=Spitzhacke
# items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=MINE items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=ABBAUEN
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Es befindet sich kein Dunkelgold in der Nähe, welches du abbauen könntest. items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Es befindet sich kein Dunkelgold in der Nähe, welches du abbauen könntest.
items.quest.pickaxe.desc=Dies ist ein zuverlässiges Werkzeug, um Steine zu zerschlagen. Es könnte auch als Waffe eingesetzt werden. items.quest.pickaxe.desc=Dies ist ein zuverlässiges Werkzeug, um Steine zu zerschlagen. Es könnte auch als Waffe eingesetzt werden.
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ items.rings.ringofwealth.desc=Es ist nicht klar, was dieser Ring genau macht, ab
###scrolls ###scrolls
# items.scrolls.scroll.ac_read=READ items.scrolls.scroll.ac_read=LESEN
items.scrolls.scroll.kaunan=KAUNAN items.scrolls.scroll.kaunan=KAUNAN
items.scrolls.scroll.sowilo=SOWILO items.scrolls.scroll.sowilo=SOWILO
items.scrolls.scroll.laguz=LAGUZ items.scrolls.scroll.laguz=LAGUZ
@ -590,11 +590,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Diese Schriftrolle verbessert einen Gegenstan
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Du hast dich selbst getötet durch deine/n %s. items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Du hast dich selbst getötet durch deine/n %s.
items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Es passiert nichts. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Es passiert nichts.
items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=Deine getragenen Ausrüstungsgegenstände wurden verflucht\! items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=Deine getragenen Ausrüstungsgegenstände wurden verflucht\!
items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Grass wächst urplötzlich um dich rum\! # items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Grass erupts around you\!
items.wands.cursedwand.fire=Du riechst etwas verbranntes... items.wands.cursedwand.fire=Du riechst etwas verbranntes...
items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Dein Zauberstab transmutiert es in einen komplett anderen Gegenstand\! items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Dein Zauberstab transmutiert es in einen komplett anderen Gegenstand\!
# items.wands.wand.ac_zap=ZAP items.wands.wand.ac_zap=FEUERN
items.wands.wand.fizzles=Dein Zauberstab zischt; Es scheint nicht genug Ausladungen zu besitzen. items.wands.wand.fizzles=Dein Zauberstab zischt; Es scheint nicht genug Ausladungen zu besitzen.
items.wands.wand.self_target=Du kannst dich selber nicht als Ziel bestimmen. items.wands.wand.self_target=Du kannst dich selber nicht als Ziel bestimmen.
items.wands.wand.identify=Du bist nun mit deinem %s vertraut, items.wands.wand.identify=Du bist nun mit deinem %s vertraut,
@ -602,49 +602,60 @@ items.wands.wand.cursed=Dieser Zauberstab ist verflucht, welche seine Magie zuf
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Dieser %s ist verflucht\! items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Dieser %s ist verflucht\!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Wähle ein Ziel zum Zaubern. items.wands.wand.prompt=Wähle ein Ziel zum Zaubern.
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=wand of blast wave items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=Zauberstab der Schockwelle
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Blast Wave... items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=Stab der Schockwelle
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=This wand is made of a sort of marbled stone, with gold trim and a round black gem at the tip. It feels very weighty in your hand.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which violently detonates at a target location. The force of this blast is strong enough to send most enemies flying. items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Du hast dich selbst getötet durch deinen eigenen Stab der Schockwelle...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Dieser Stab besteht aus gold-geschmückten, mamorierten Stein und an seiner Spitze tröhnt ein schwarzer Edelstein. Er fühlt sich sehr schwer an.\n\nDieser Zauberstab schleudert einen Blitz, welcher an seinem Zielort gewaltsam explodiert. Die Kraft dieser Schockwelle ist so stark, dass die meisten Gegner davonfliegen.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=wand of corruption items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=Zauberstab der Korruption
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=That character is already corrupted. items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=Stab
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=Bosses are immune to corruption. items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Dieser Charakter ist bereits korrumpiert.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=The corrupting power was not strong enough, nothing happens. items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=Bosse sind Immun gegen Korruption.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=This wand radiates dark energy, if that weren't already obvious from the small decorative skull shaped onto its tip.\n\nThis wand will release a blast of corrupting energy, attempting to bend enemies to your will. Full health enemies are much harder to corrupt than weakened ones.\n\nThis wand uses at least one charge per cast, but will often use more in an attempt to overpower more healthy enemies. items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=Die Macht der Korruption war nicht stark genug. Dementsprechend passiert nichts.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Dieser Zauberstab strahlt eine dunkle Energie aus, auch offensichtlich erkennbar an dem kleinen, dekorativen Totenschädel, welcher auf der Spitze des Stabes ruht.\n\nDieser Zauberstab setzt eine Welle korrumpierender Energie frei, welche versucht den Willen deiner Gegner zu brechen. Gesunde Gegner sind wesentlich schwerer zu korrumpieren als geschwächte Gegner.\n\nDieser Zauberstab verwendet eine Aufladung pro Anwendung. Bei gesunden Gegner wird der Zauberstab oftmals mehr Aufladungen verwenden, damit dieser jene diese Gegner überwältigen kann.
# items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=wand of disintegration items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=Zauberstab der Desintegrierung
# items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=This wand is made from a solid smooth chunk of obsidian, with a deep purple light running up its side, ending at the tip. It glows with destructive energy, waiting to shoot forward.\n\nThis wand shoots a beam that pierces any obstacle, and will go farther the more it is upgraded.\n\nThis wand deals bonus damage the more enemies and terrain it penetrates. items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=Stab der Desintegration
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus glattem Obsidian, welcher von einem violetten Licht umgeben ist. Es strahlt eine destruktive Energie aus und wartet geduldig darauf, verwendet zu werden.\n\nDieser Stab schießt einen allesdurchdringenden Strahl aus, welcher noch weiter reicht, wenn der Stab verbessert wird.\n\nDieser Stab richtet zusätzlichen Schaden an, desto mehr Gegner oder Hindernisse dieser durchdringt.
# items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=wand of fireblast items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=Stab des Flammenstoß
# items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=This wand is made from red-lacquered wood with golden leaf used liberally to make it look quite regal. It crackles and hisses at the tip, eager to unleash its powerful magic.\n\nThis wand produces a blast of fire when used, extending out into a cone shape. As this wand is upgraded it will consume more charges, the effect becomes significantly more powerful the more charges are consumed. items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=Stab des Feuerschlages
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus rot-lackierten Holz, geschmückt mit goldenen Blättern, was diesem Stab einen sehr königlichen Look verleiht. Knacken und Zischen ist aus seiner Spitze zu hören, begierig seine mächtige Magie zu entfachen.\n\nDieser Zauberstab erzeugt einen kegelförmigen Flammenstoß, welcher mit jeder Verbesserung deutlich mächtiger wird und damit auch mehr Aufladungen verbraucht.
# items.wands.wandoffrost.name=wand of frost items.wands.wandoffrost.name=Zauberstab des Frostes
# items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=This wand seems to be made out of some kind of magical ice. It grows brighter towards its rounded tip. It feels very cold when held, but somehow your hand stays warm.\n\nThis wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing significant damage and chilling, which reduces speed. The effect seems stronger in water. Chilled and frozen enemies take less damage from this wand, as they are already cold. items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=Stab der Frost
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Dieser Zauberstab scheint aus magischen Eis zu bestehen, wie seine kugelförmigen Spitze. Außerdem fühlt sich der Stab sehr kalt an, doch irgendwie verbleibt deine Hand warm.\n\nDieser Zauberstab verschießt eisige Energie auf deine Gegner, richtet deutlichen Schaden an und unterkühlt diesen, was Ihre Geschwindigkeit verringert. Dieser Effekt wirkt stärker, wenn das Ziel in Wasser steht. Unterkühlte und gefrohrende Gegner erleiden weniger Schaden durch diesen Zauberstab, da diese bereits unter der Kälte leiden.
# items.wands.wandoflightning.name=wand of lightning items.wands.wandoflightning.name=Zauberstab des Blitzschlags
# items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Lightning... items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=Stab des Blitzschlags
# items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=This wand is made out of solid metal, making it surprisingly heavy. Two prongs curve together at the tip, and electricity arcs between them.\n\nThis wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at. This electricity can bounce between many nearby foes, and is more powerful in water. If you're too close, you may get shocked as well. items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Du hast dich mithilfe deines Zauberstab des Blitzschlags selbst getötet...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus solidem Metal und wirkt schwerer als der erste Eindruck vermuten lässt. Zwei Zinken verbinden sich an der Spitze, wo die Elektrizität sich lichtbogenartig entlädt.\n\nDieser Stab entläd einen starken Blitzschlag an seine Opfer und springt von Feind zu Feind, wenn diese nahe einander stehen. Besonders effektiv kann dieser verwendet werden, wenn sich deine Gegner in Wasser befinden. Du kannst ebenfalls einen Schlag erleiden, wenn du dich zu nahe an deinem Ziel befindest.
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=wand of magic missile items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=Stab der magischen Geschosse
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=This fairly plain wand launches missiles of pure magical energy, dealing moderate damage to a target.\n\nWhile not as strong as other wands, it makes up for it somewhat with more available charges. items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=Stab der magischen Geschosse
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Dieser recht-einfache Zauberstab jagt Geschosse aus purer magische Energie auf seine Feinde, welche ordentlichen Schaden anrichten.\n\nDieser Stab ist zwar nicht so stark wie andere Zauberstäbe, verfügt jedoch über mehr Aufladungen.
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=wand of prismatic light items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=Stab des prismatischen Lichtes
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=This wand is made of a solid piece of translucent crystal, like a long chunk of smooth glass.\n\nThis wand shoots rays of light which damage and blind enemies and cut through the darkness of the dungeon, revealing hidden areas and traps. Demonic and undead foes will burn in the bright light of the wand, taking significant bonus damage. items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=Stab des prismatischen Lichtes
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=ieser Stab besteht aus einem solidem, lichtdurchlässigem Kristall und sieht fast so aus wie ein langes, glattes Stück Glas.\n\nDieser Zauberstab schleudert einen Lichtstrahl aus, welcher Gegner schadet und erblinden lässt, sich durch die Dunkelheit des Dungeons scheidet und diesen erhellt sowie versteckte Areale und Fallen enthüllt. Untote und Dämonen erleiden bei Kontakt mit dem Lichtstrahl signifikaten Bonusschaden und gehen in Flammen auf.
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=wand of regrowth items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=Zauberstab des Erneuerns
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core.\n\nWhen used, this wand will consume all its charges to blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone. This magic will cause grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life.\n\n"When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains\!" items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=Stab der Erneuerung
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Dewcatcher items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=DIeser Zauberstab besteht aus einem dünnen Stück meisterlich-verarbeitetem Holz, Irgendwie wirkt es lebendig und pulsierend in grüner Farbe, wie das Herz eines jungen Baumes.\n\nWenn dieser Stab aktiviert wird, verwendet er all seine Aufladungen um eine magische Erneuerung zu entfachen. Diese Magie bewirkt das Grass, Wurzeln und seltene Pflanzen wachsen und gedeihen.\n\n"Wenn Leben neues Leben erzeugt, beginnt dies bereits zu wachsen... Der ewige Kreislauf verbleibt Ewiglich\!"
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away. items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Taufänger
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Seed Pod items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Taufänger tarnen sich als Grass um überflüssige Aufmerksamkeit zu entgegen, doch die Menge an gesammelten Tau lässt diese Taufänger-Pflanze leicht erkennen.
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Seed Pods look pretty, but the seeds they carry are actually stolen from other plants they kill with their roots. items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Samenschote
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Samenschoten sehen sehr schön aus, aber die Wurzeln dieser Pflanze vernichtet andere Pflanzen und raubt Ihre Samen, welche dann in dieser Schote gesammelt werden.
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=wand of transfusion items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=Zauberstab der Transfusion
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Transfusion... items.wands.wandoftransfusion.staff_name=Stab der Transfusion
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Your staff is charged with the life energy of your enemy\! items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Du hast dich mithilfe deines Zauberstabes der Transfusion selbst getötet...
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=A fairly plainly shaped wand, it stands out due to its magenta hue and pitch black gem at the tip.\n\nThis wand will take some of your life energy and blast it at a target. This effect is very versatile\: allies will be healed, enemies will be temporarily charmed, and hostile undead will take considerable damage.\n\nThe life drain is significant though, using this wand will deal damage to you in addition to consuming charges. items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Dein Stab ist geladen mit der Lebensenergie deines Feindes\!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Dieser recht gewöhnliche Stab hebt sich nur durch sein magenta-farbene Verzierhung und dem pech-schwarzen Edelstein an seiner Spitze hervor.\n\nDieser Zauberstab entzieht seinem Anwender seine Lebensenergie und feuert diese auf sein Ziel. Der Effekt kann sehr unterschiedlich sein; Verbündete werden geheilt, Gegner können vorrübergehend entzückt werden und feindliche Untote erleiden erheblichen Schaden.\n\nDer Lebensenzug ist ebenfalls erheblich, die Verwendung dieses Stabes richtet mit der Anzahl der verwendeten Anwendungen auch mehr Schaden an dich selbst an.
# items.wands.wandofvenom.name=wand of venom items.wands.wandofvenom.name=Zauberstab des Venoms
# items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=This wand has a purple body which opens to a brilliant green gem.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of vile venomous gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take continual damage, increasing with time. items.wands.wandofvenom.staff_name=Stab des Giftes
items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=Dieser Purpur-gefärbte Stab vollendet sein Aussehen mit einem grün-glänzenden Edelstein, welcher auf seiner Spitze tröhnt.\n\nDieser Stab schleudert ein Kugel, welche an seinem Bestimmungsort explodiert und die Umgebung in einer tödlich-giftigen Gaswolke einhüllt. Alles, was sich in dieser Gaswoilke befindet wird kontinurierlich Schaden erleiden.
@ -672,189 +683,187 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.slow.name=Frost-%s
###melee weapons ###melee weapons
items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.name=Kriegsaxt items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.name=Kriegsaxt
# items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.stats_desc=This is a rather accurate weapon. items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.stats_desc=Dies ist eine präzise Waffe.
# items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.desc=The enormous steel head of this battle axe puts considerable heft behind each stroke. items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.desc=Der gewaltige Stahlkopf dieser Schlachtaxt bringt alleine durch sein Gewicht wuchtige Schläge zustande.
items.weapon.melee.dagger.name=Dolch items.weapon.melee.dagger.name=Dolch
# items.weapon.melee.dagger.stats_desc=This is a rather accurate weapon. items.weapon.melee.dagger.stats_desc=Dies ist eine ziemlich präzise Waffe.
# items.weapon.melee.dagger.desc=A simple iron dagger with a well worn wooden handle. items.weapon.melee.dagger.desc=Ein simpler Eisendolch. Sein Holzgriff ist deutlich abgegriffen.
# items.weapon.melee.glaive.name=glaive items.weapon.melee.glaive.name=Gleve
# items.weapon.melee.glaive.desc=A polearm consisting of a sword blade on the end of a pole. items.weapon.melee.glaive.desc=Eine Stangenwaffe, an welchen sich am einen Ende eine längliche Klinge befindet.
# items.weapon.melee.knuckles.name=knuckleduster items.weapon.melee.knuckles.name=Schlagringe
# items.weapon.melee.knuckles.stats_desc=This is a rather fast weapon. items.weapon.melee.knuckles.stats_desc=Dies ist eine ziemlich schnelle Waffe.
# items.weapon.melee.knuckles.desc=A piece of iron shaped to fit around the knuckles. items.weapon.melee.knuckles.desc=Ein Stück Metal, maßgefertigt für die Fingerknöchel.
items.weapon.melee.longsword.name=Langschwert items.weapon.melee.longsword.name=Langschwert
# items.weapon.melee.longsword.desc=This towering blade inflicts heavy damage by investing its heft into every cut. items.weapon.melee.longsword.desc=Diese Klingen-Wurfwaffe richtet schweren Schaden aufgrund Ihres schweren Gewichtes.
# items.weapon.melee.mace.name=mace items.weapon.melee.mace.name=Streitkolben
# items.weapon.melee.mace.stats_desc=This is a slightly fast weapon. items.weapon.melee.mace.stats_desc=Dies ist eine etwas schnelle Waffe.
# items.weapon.melee.mace.desc=The iron head of this weapon inflicts substantial damage. items.weapon.melee.mace.desc=Der Eisenkopf dieser Waffe richtet erheblich viel Schaden an.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=mage's staff items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=Magierstab
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=IMBUE items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=VERSCHMELZEN
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=ZAP items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=FEUERN
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.wand=wand items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Wähle einen Stab zum Verschmelzen
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.staff=staff items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Du hast deinen Stab mit dem %s verschmolzen.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Select a wand to consume items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Die magischen Kräfte, die hier entgegenwirken, löschen die Verzauberung auf deinen Stab aus.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=You imbue your staff with the %s. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Du musst diesen Zauberstab erstmal identifizieren.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=The conflicting magics erase the enchantment on your staff. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Du kannst einen verfluchten Zauberstab nicht verwenden.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=You'll need to identify this wand first.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=You can't use a cursed wand.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nYour staff will inherit the highest level between it and the wand, and all magic currently affecting the staff will be lost. # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nYour staff will inherit the highest level between it and the wand, and all magic currently affecting the staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Ja, ich bin mir sicher. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Ja, ich bin mir sicher.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Nein, ich habe meine Meinung geändert items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Nein, ich habe meine Meinung geändert
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the mage himself, this extraordinary staff is a one of a kind multi-purpose magical weapon. Rather than having an innate magic in it, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand, granting it new power. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Geschaffen vom Magier selbst, vollzieht dieser außergewöhnliche und einzigartige Stab mehrere Funktionen. Auch wenn dem Stab eine eigene magische Energie innewohnt, kann dieser Stab mit der magischen Energie eines anderen Stabes verschmelzen und so neue Kräfte erlangen.
# items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=This a tier-%d melee weapon. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=Dies ist eine Tier-%d Nahkampfwaffe.
# items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Its typical average damage per hit is %d and usually it requires %d points of strength. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Normalerweise richtet diese Waffe durchschnittlich %d Schaden an und benötigt zum Führen %d Stärkepunkte.
# items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.probably_too_heavy=Probably this weapon is too heavy for you. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.probably_too_heavy=Wahrscheinlich ist diese Waffe zu schwer für dich.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_desc= items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_desc=
# items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed_worn=Because this weapon is cursed, you are powerless to remove it. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed_worn=Da diese Waffe verflucht ist, bist du nicht in der Lage diese abzulegen.
# items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed=You can feel a malevolent magic lurking within this weapon. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed=Du spürst wie eine übelwollende Magie in dieser Waffe ruht.
# items.weapon.melee.quarterstaff.name=quarterstaff items.weapon.melee.quarterstaff.name=Kampfstab
# items.weapon.melee.quarterstaff.desc=A staff of hardwood, its ends are shod with iron. items.weapon.melee.quarterstaff.desc=Dieser Stab besteht aus Hartholz, seine Enden sind mit Eisen beschlagen.
# items.weapon.melee.shortsword.name=short sword items.weapon.melee.shortsword.name=Kurzschwert
# items.weapon.melee.shortsword.ac_reforge=REFORGE items.weapon.melee.shortsword.ac_reforge=ERNEUERN
# items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=It is indeed quite short, just a few inches longer, than a dagger. items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=Tatsächlich ist dies ein kurzes Schwert, nur ein kleines bisschen länger als ein Dolch.
# items.weapon.melee.spear.name=spear items.weapon.melee.spear.name=Speer
# items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=This is a rather slow weapon. items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=Dies ist eine ziemlich langsame Waffe.
# items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=A slender wooden rod tipped with sharpened iron. items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Ein schlanker Holzstab. An seiner Spitze ruht ein scharfe Eisenspitze.
# items.weapon.melee.sword.name=sword items.weapon.melee.sword.name=Schwert
# items.weapon.melee.sword.desc=The razor-sharp length of steel blade shines reassuringly. items.weapon.melee.sword.desc=Die rasierscharfe Klinge dieser glänzenden Waffe schimmert beruhigend.
# items.weapon.melee.warhammer.name=war hammer items.weapon.melee.warhammer.name=Kriegshammer
# items.weapon.melee.warhammer.stats_desc=This is a rather accurate weapon. items.weapon.melee.warhammer.stats_desc=Dies ist eine ziemlich zielgenaue Waffe.
# items.weapon.melee.warhammer.desc=Few creatures can withstand the crushing blow of this towering mass of lead and steel, but only the strongest of adventurers can use it effectively. items.weapon.melee.warhammer.desc=Nur wenige Kreaturen widerstehen den zerschmetternen Schlag dieser Waffe aus Blei und Stahl, doch nur die stärksten Abenteuer können diese wirklich effektiv genug führen.
###missile weapons ###missile weapons
# items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.name=boomerang items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.name=\ Bumerang
# items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Thrown to the enemy this flat curved wooden missile will return to the hands of its thrower. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Wenn diese flach-gekrümmte Waffe auf den Feind geworfen wird, gelangt diese wieder in die Hand des Werfers.
# items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=curare dart items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=Curare-Pfeil
# items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=These little evil darts don't do much damage but they can paralyze the target leaving it helpless and motionless for some time. items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Diese kleinen, bösen Pfeile richten zwar nicht viel Schaden an, aber paralysieren Ihr Opfer für eine kurze Zeit.
# items.weapon.missiles.dart.name=dart items.weapon.missiles.dart.name=Pfeil
# items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=These simple metal spikes are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. # items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=These simple metal spikes are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.
# items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.name=incendiary dart items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.name=Brandpfeil
# items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.desc=The spike on each of these darts is designed to pin it to its target while the unstable compounds strapped to its length burst into brilliant flames. items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.desc=Die Zacken von diesen Pfeilen sind entworfen worden, damit sich diese in das Ziel festnageln, während zwei instabile Flüssigkeiten sich vermischen und das Ziel in Flammen aufgehen lässt.
# items.weapon.missiles.javelin.name=javelin items.weapon.missiles.javelin.name=Wurfspieß
# items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=This length of metal is weighted to keep the spike at its tip foremost as it sails through the air. # items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=This length of metal is weighted to keep the spike at its tip foremost as it sails through the air.
# items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=This weapon is designed to be used at a distance, it is much less accurate at melee range. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Diese Waffe wurde entwickelt um aus der Ferne verwendet zu werden, daher ist es wesentlich ungenauer im Nahkampf.
# items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=shuriken items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=Shuriken
# items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades do significant damage when they hit a target. They can be thrown at very high rate. items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Sternen-förmige und rassiermesser-scharfe Wurfwaffen, welche signifikaten Schaden anrichten, wenn Sie ein Ziel treffen. Sie können sehr schnell geworfen werden.
# items.weapon.missiles.tamahawk.name=tomahawk items.weapon.missiles.tamahawk.name=Tomahawk
# items.weapon.missiles.tamahawk.desc=This throwing axe is not that heavy, but it still requires significant strength to be used effectively. items.weapon.missiles.tamahawk.desc=Diese Wurfaxt ist nicht so schwer wie Sie aussieht, aber benötigt trotzdem eine signifikate Stärke, damit Sie effektiv geführt werden kann.
items.weapon.weapon.identify=Du hast deinen %s lang genug getragen, um Ihn identifizieren zu können. Es ist ein %s. items.weapon.weapon.identify=Du hast deinen %s lang genug getragen, um Ihn identifizieren zu können. Es ist ein %s.
# items.weapon.weapon.avg_dmg=Its average damage per hit is %d. items.weapon.weapon.avg_dmg=Der durchschnittliche Schaden beträgt %d Punkte pro Treffer.
# items.weapon.weapon.too_heavy=Because of your inadequate strength the accuracy and speed of your attack with this weapon will be decreased. items.weapon.weapon.too_heavy=Aufgrund deiner unzureichenen Stärke ist die Zielgenauigkeit und Angriffsgeschwindigkeit dieser Waffe verringert.
# items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Interaction of different types of magic has negated the enchantment on this weapon\! items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Die Interaktion mit verschiedenen Arten von Magie hat die Verzauberung von dieser Waffe entfernt\!
# items.weapon.weapon.lighter=It was balanced to be lighter. items.weapon.weapon.lighter=Es wurde ausbalanciert um weniger Gewicht zu erzeugen.
# items.weapon.weapon.heavier=It was balanced to be heavier. items.weapon.weapon.heavier=Es wurde ausbalanciert um mehr Gewicht zu erzeugen.
###misc items ###misc items
# items.amulet.name=amulet of yendor items.amulet.name=Amulett von Yendor
# items.amulet.ac_end=END THE GAME items.amulet.ac_end=SPIEL BEENDEN
# items.amulet.rankings_desc=Obtained the Amulet of Yendor items.amulet.rankings_desc=Das Amulett von Yendor erlangt
# items.amulet.desc=The Amulet of Yendor is the most powerful known artifact of unknown origin. It is said that the amulet is able to fulfil any wish if its owner's will-power is strong enough to "persuade" it to do it. items.amulet.desc=Das Amulet von Yendor ist das mächtigste Artefakt mit unbekannter Herkunft. Man sagt diesem Artefakt nach, dass es einem jeden Wunsch erfüllt, sofern die Willenskraft stark genug ist, das Artefakt zu überzeugen, jenen Wunsch zu erfüllen.
# items.ankh.name=ankh items.ankh.name=Ankh
# items.ankh.ac_bless=BLESS items.ankh.ac_bless=SEGNEN
# items.ankh.bless=You bless the ankh with clean water. items.ankh.bless=Du hast dein Ankh mithilfe von sauberen Wasser gesegnet.
# items.ankh.desc=This ancient symbol of immortality grants the ability to return to life after death. Upon resurrection all non-equipped items are lost. Using a full dew vial, the ankh can be blessed with extra strength. items.ankh.desc=Dieses alte Symbol der Unsterblichen gewährt die Fähigkeit der Wiedergeburt nach dem Tod. Während der Wiedergeburt gehen alle nicht ausgerüsteten Gegenstände verloren. Das Ankh kann gesegnet werden mithillfe einer vollen Tautropfen-Phiole, damit das Ankh noch mächtiger wird.
# items.ankh.desc_blessed=This ancient symbol of immortality grants the ability to return to life after death. The ankh has been blessed and is now much stronger. The Ankh will sacrifice itself to save you in a moment of deadly peril. items.ankh.desc_blessed=Dieses alte Symbol der Unsterblichen gewährt die Fähigkeit der Wiedergeburt nach dem Tod. Dieses Ankh wurde gesegnet und ist nun viel stärker als zuvor. Solltest du in tödlicher Gefahr sein, wird sich das Ankh opfern und dich erretten.
# items.armorkit.name=armor kit items.armorkit.name=Rüstungskit
# items.armorkit.ac_apply=APPLY items.armorkit.ac_apply=ANWENDEN
# items.armorkit.prompt=Select an armor to upgrade items.armorkit.prompt=Wähle eine Rüstung zum Verbessern aus
# items.armorkit.upgraded=You applied the armor kit to upgrade your %s items.armorkit.upgraded=Du hast das Rüstungskit an deiner %s verwendet
# items.armorkit.desc=Using this kit of small tools and materials anybody can transform any armor into an "epic armor", which will keep all properties of the original armor, but will also provide its wearer a special ability depending on his class. No skills in tailoring, leatherworking or blacksmithing are required. items.armorkit.desc=Das Kit besteht aus kleinen Werkzeugen und Materialien. Jeder kann dieses verwenden um eine beliebige Rüstung in eine epische Rüstung aufzuwerten. Diese Rüstung behält Ihre Eigenschaften der ursprünglichen Rüstung, ermöglicht aber seinen Träger das Ausüben einer speziellen Klassentechnik. Es werden keine Fähigkeiten in Schneiderei, Lederverarbeitung und Schmiedekunst benötigt.
items.bomb.name=Bombe items.bomb.name=Bombe
# items.bomt.ac_lightthrow=LIGHT & THROW items.bomb.ac_lightthrow=Anzünden & Werfel
# items.bomb.snuff_fuse=You quickly snuff the bomb's fuse. items.bomb.snuff_fuse=Du hast die Lunte der Bombe so schnell wie möglich gelöscht.
# items.bomb.ondeath=Killed by an explosion items.bomb.ondeath=Getötet von einer Explosion
# items.bomb.rankings_desc=Killed by an explosion items.bomb.rankings_desc=Von einer Explosion getötet worden
# items.bomb.desc=A fairly hefty black powder bomb. An explosion from this would certainly do damage to anything nearby.\n\nIt looks like the fuse will take a couple rounds to burn down once it is lit. items.bomb.desc=Eine ziemlich mächtige Schwarzpulver-Bombe. Seine Explosion richtet sicherlich, in unmittelbarer Nähe, einiges an Schaden an.
# items.bomb.desc_burning=A fairly hefty black powder bomb. An explosion from this would certainly do damage to anything nearby.\n\nThe bomb's fuse is burning away, keep your distance or put it out\! items.bomb.desc_burning=Eine ziemlich große Schwarzpulver-Bombe. Eine Explosion würde so ziemlich jeden in seiner Nähe sicherlich viel Schaden anrichten.\n\nDie Zündschnurr brennt gerade, also nimm Abstand oder lösch´ Sie\!
# items.bomb$doublebomb.name=two bombs items.bomb$doublebomb.name=Zwei Bomben
# items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=A stack of two hefty black powder bombs, looks like you get one free\! items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Hier liegen zwei große Schwarzpulver-Bomben\! DIe Zweite gibt es anscheinend obendrauf\!
# items.dewdrop.name=dewdrop items.dewdrop.name=Tautropfen
# items.dewdrop.value=%+dHP items.dewdrop.value=%+dHP
# items.dewdrop.already_full=You already have full health. items.dewdrop.already_full=Du bist bereits vollständig gesund.
# items.dewdrop.desc=A crystal clear dewdrop.\n\nDue to the magic of this place, pure water has minor restorative properties. items.dewdrop.desc=Ein kristallklarer Tautropfen.\n\nAufgrund der Magie, die in diesem Ort innewohnt, hat dieses reine Wasser geringfügige Heilkräfte.
items.dewvial.name=Taufläschchen items.dewvial.name=Taufläschchen
# items.dewvial.ac_drink=DRINK items.dewvial.ac_drink=TRINKEN
# items.dewvial.value=%+dHP items.dewvial.value=%+dHP
items.dewvial.collected=Du hast einen Tautropfen in den Fläschchen gegeben. items.dewvial.collected=Du hast einen Tautropfen in den Fläschchen gegeben.
items.dewvial.full=Dein Taufläschchen ist voll\! items.dewvial.full=Dein Taufläschchen ist voll\!
items.dewvial.empty=Dein Taufläschchen ist leer\! items.dewvial.empty=Dein Taufläschchen ist leer\!
# items.dewvial.desc=You can store excess dew in this tiny vessel for drinking it later. The more full the vial is, the more each dew drop will heal you. A full vial is as strong as a potion of healing.\n\nVials like this one used to be imbued with revival magic, but that power has faded. There still seems to be some residual power left, perhaps a full vial can bless another revival item. items.dewvial.desc=Du kannst überflüssige Tautropfen in diesem kleinen Gefäß lagern und dies später trinken. Desto voller diese Phiole, desto mehr Heilung erfährst du von jedem gesammelten Tautropfen.\n\nPhiolen wie diese sind einst mit Wiederbelebungsmagie verschmolzen worden, doch diese ist fast komplett erloschen.\nVielleicht kann man den Rest dieser Magie verwenden, um einen anderen Wiederbelebungsgegenstand zu segnen.
items.equipableitem.unequip_cursed=Du kannst einen verfluchten Rüstungsteil nicht ablegen\! items.equipableitem.unequip_cursed=Du kannst einen verfluchten Rüstungsteil nicht ablegen\!
# items.equipableitem.ac_equip=EQUIP items.equipableitem.ac_equip=AUSRÜSTEN
# items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=UNEQUIP items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=AUSZIEHEN
items.gold.name=Gold items.gold.name=Gold
# items.gold.desc=A pile of gold coins. Collect gold coins to spend them later in a shop. items.gold.desc=Ein Haufen voller Goldmünzen. Sammle Goldmünzen um diese später in einem Laden auszugeben.
items.honeypot.name=Honigtopf items.honeypot.name=Honigtopf
# items.honeypot.ac_shatter=SHATTER items.honeypot.ac_shatter=ZERSCHMETTERN
# items.honeypot.desc=This large honeypot is only really lined with honey, instead it houses a giant bee\! These sorts of massive bees usually stay in their hives, perhaps the pot is some sort of specialized trapper's cage? The bee seems pretty content inside the pot with its honey, and buzzes at you warily when you look at it. items.honeypot.desc=Dieser Honigtopf ist wirklich bist zum Anschlag mit Honig gefüllt und mit einer gigantischen Biene\! Diese Art von riesigen Biene bleibt eigendlich in Ihrem Nest, vielleicht ist dieser Topf auch ein spezielles Gefängnis eines Trappers? Die Biene wirkt jedenfalls entspannt und gibt ein warnendes Surren von sich, wenn du Ihren Topf anschaust.
items.honeypot$shatteredpot.name=Zerbrochener Honigtopf items.honeypot$shatteredpot.name=Zerbrochener Honigtopf
# items.honeypot$shatteredpot.desc=The pot has been shattered, only the sticky honey that lines its walls is holding it together, and it is slowly coming apart.\n\nDespite its broken state, the bee still seems to want to protect the pot. items.honeypot$shatteredpot.desc=Dieser Topf ist zerschmettert worden und nur der klebrige Honig hält die Bruchstücke zusammen, welche langsam auseinanderfallen.\n\nAuch wenn der Topf zerschmettert ist, scheint die Biene weiterhin den Topf zu verteidigen.
items.item.pack_full=Dein Rucksack ist zu voll für %s. items.item.pack_full=Dein Rucksack ist zu voll für %s.
items.item.prompt=Wähle die Wurfrichtung items.item.prompt=Wähle die Wurfrichtung
# items.item.ac_drop=DROP items.item.ac_drop=ABLEGEN
# items.item.ac_throw=THROW items.item.ac_throw=WERFEN
items.item.rankings_desc=Getötet von\: %s items.item.rankings_desc=Getötet von\: %s
# items.kindofweapon.cursed=you wince as your grip involuntarily tightens around your %s items.kindofweapon.cursed=Du zuckst, als dein Griff sich unfreiwillig um dein %s schnürrt.
# items.merchantsbeacon.name=merchant's beacon items.merchantsbeacon.name=Händler-Ortungsgerät
# items.merchantsbeacon.ac_use=USE items.merchantsbeacon.ac_use=VERWENDEN
# items.merchantsbeacon.desc=This odd piece of dwarven technology allows you to communicate from great distances.\n\nAfter being activated, this beacon will let you sell items to Pixel Mart from anywhere in the dungeon.\n\nHowever, the magic within the beacon will only last for one session, so use it wisely. items.merchantsbeacon.desc=Dieses alte Stück Zwergen-Technologie erlaubt es dir über weite Distanzen zu kommunizieren.\n\nNachdem dies aktiviert worden ist, erlaubt dir dieses Ortungsgerät deine Gegenstände an dem Pixel-Markt zu verkaufen, egal, wo du dich im Dungeon befindest.\n\nJedoch wirkt die Magie, die in diesem Ortungsgerät innewohnt, nur ein einziges Mal. Nutze es weise.
# items.stylus.name=arcane stylus items.stylus.name=Arkaner Stylus
# items.stylus.ac_inscribe=INSCRIBE items.stylus.ac_inscribe=EINGRAVIEREN
items.stylus.prompt=Wähle eine Rüstung zum Beschriften items.stylus.prompt=Wähle eine Rüstung zum Beschriften
# items.stylus.inscribed=You inscribed your armor with the stylus items.stylus.inscribed=Du hast deine Rüstung mit deinem Stylus beschriftet.
# items.stylus.desc=This arcane stylus is made of some dark, very hard stone. Using it you can inscribe a magical glyph on your armor, but you have no power over choosing what glyph it will be, the stylus will decide it for you. items.stylus.desc=Dieser Arkane Stylus besteht aus einem dunklen und harten Stein. Wenn du es verwendest, kannst du deine Rüstung mit einer magischen Glyphe beschreiben, doch du hast keinen Einlfuss darauf, welche Glyphe gewählt wird. Der Stylus entscheidet dies für dich.
# items.tomeofmastery.name=Tome of Mastery items.tomeofmastery.name=Buch der Meisterschaft
# items.tomeofmastery.ac_read=READ items.tomeofmastery.ac_read=LESEN
# items.tomeofmastery.way=You have chosen the way of the %s\! items.tomeofmastery.way=Du hast den Weg des %s gewählt\!
# items.tomeofmastery.desc=This worn leather book is not that thick, but you feel somehow, that you can gather a lot from it. Remember though that reading this tome may require some time. items.tomeofmastery.desc=Dieses abgegriffene Lederbuch ist nicht wirklich dick, aber du spührst das du eine ganze Menge davon lernen kannst. Vergiss jedoch nicht, dass das Lesen dieses Buches einige Zeit dauert.
items.torch.name=Fackel items.torch.name=Fackel
# items.torch.ac_light=LIGHT items.torch.ac_light=ENTZÜNDEN
# items.torch.desc=An adventuring staple, when a dungeon goes dark, a torch can help lead the way. items.torch.desc=Eines der wichtigsten Werkzeuge eines Abenteuers. Wenn einem Dungeon sämtliches Licht fehlt, kann eine Fackel helfen den Weg zu erleuchten.
items.weightstone.name=Wuchtgewicht items.weightstone.name=Wuchtgewicht
# items.weightstone.ac_apply=APPLY items.weightstone.ac_apply=ANWENDEN
items.weightstone.select=Wähle eine Waffe zum Ausbalancieren items.weightstone.select=Wähle eine Waffe zum Ausbalancieren
items.weightstone.light=Du hast deine Waffe auf leichter getrimmt items.weightstone.light=Du hast deine Waffe auf leichter getrimmt
items.weightstone.heavy=Du hast deine Waffe auf schwerer getrimmt items.weightstone.heavy=Du hast deine Waffe auf schwerer getrimmt
# items.weightstone.desc=Using a weightstone, you can balance your melee weapon to make it lighter or heavier, increasing either speed or damage at the expense of the other. items.weightstone.desc=Durch das verwenden einen Gewichtssteins kann man seine Nahkampfwaffen neu ausbalancieren, um diese leichter oder schwerer zu machen, was jeweils die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit oder den Schaden verbessert.
items.weightstone$wndbalance.choice=Wie würdest du deine Waffe gern ausbalancieren? items.weightstone$wndbalance.choice=Wie würdest du deine Waffe gern ausbalancieren?
items.weightstone$wndbalance.light=Leichter items.weightstone$wndbalance.light=Leichter
items.weightstone$wndbalance.heavy=Schwerer items.weightstone$wndbalance.heavy=Schwerer

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@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
items.armor.glyphs.affection.name=%s de afecto
items.armor.glyphs.antientropy.name=%s de anti-entropía
items.armor.glyphs.bounce.name=%s de rebote
items.armor.glyphs.displacement.name=%s de dislocación
items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.name=%s de enraizamiento
items.armor.glyphs.metabolism.name=%s de metabolismo
items.armor.glyphs.multiplicity.name=%s de multiplicidad
# items.armor.glyphs.multiplicity.rankings_desc=Killed by\: glyph of multiplicity
items.armor.glyphs.potential.name=%s the potencial
# items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Killed by\: glyph of potential
items.armor.glyphs.stench.name=%s de peste
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.name=%s de viscosidad
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=diferido %d
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.name=Daño diferido
# items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.ondeath=The deferred damage killed you...
# items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.rankings_desc=Killed by deferred damage
# items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=While your armor's glyph has protected you from damage, it seems to be slowly paying you back for it.\n\nDamage is being dealt to you over time instead of immediately. You will take one damage per turn until there is no damage left.\n\nDeferred damage remaining\: %d.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=Tu %s se ciñe dolorosamente alrededor de ti.
items.armor.armor.identify=Ahora conoces lo sufiente a tu %s para identificarlo. Es un %s.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=La interacción de diferentes tipos de magia ha borrado el glifo de esta armadura.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Esta armadura brinda resistencia al daño hasta %d puntos de daño.
items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Normalemente esta armadura brinda resistencia al daño hasta %d puntos por ataque y requiere %d puntos de fuerza.
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=En razón de tu fuerza insufienciente, utilizar esta armadura reducirá tu velocidad de movimiento y habilidad de defensa.
items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Probablemente esta armadura es muy pesada para ti.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Está grabada con una %s.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ya que esta armadura está maldecida, no puedes quitártela.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Puedes sentir una magia perversa escondida en esta armadura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s te ha matado.
items.armor.classarmor.low_hp=Tu salud está muy baja\!
items.armor.classarmor.not_equipped=Necesitas ponerte esta armadura para usar su poder especial\!
items.armor.clotharmor.name=armadura de tela
items.armor.clotharmor.desc=Esta armadura liviana ofrece protección básica.
items.armor.huntressarmor.name=velo de Cazadora
# items.armor.huntressarmor.ac_special=SPECTRAL BLADES
items.armor.huntressarmor.no_enemies=No hay enemigos a la vista.
items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=Una Cazadora en este velo puede crear un abanico de cuchillas espectrales. Cada una de estas cuchillas apuntarán a un enemigo que la Cazadora pueda ver, inflingiendo daño dependiendo de su arma cuerpo a cuerpo actualmente equipada.
items.armor.leatherarmor.name=armadura de cuero
items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=Armadura hecha de piel curtida de monstruo. No es tan liviana como una armadura de tela, pero brinda mejor protección.
items.armor.magearmor.name=túnica de Mago
# items.armor.magearmor.ac_special=MOLTEN EARTH
items.armor.magearmor.desc=Usando esta hermosa túnica, un Mago puede lanzar un hechizo de Tierra Ardiente, por el cual todo los enemigos a la vista serán prendidos en fuego y serán incapaces de moverse al mismo tiempo.
items.armor.mailarmor.name=armadura de malla
items.armor.mailarmor.desc=Ligas de metal entrelazadas conforman una fuerte pero flexible armadura.
items.armor.platearmor.name=Armadura laminada
items.armor.platearmor.desc=Enormes láminas de metal están unidas para formar un traje que da una inigualable protección a cualquier aventurero lo suficientemente fuerte para soportar su asombroso precio.
items.armor.roguearmor.name=Atuendo de picaro
# items.armor.roguearmor.ac_special=SMOKE BOMB
# items.armor.roguearmor.fov=You can only jump to an empty location in your field of view
items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=Elige un destino para saltar
# items.armor.roguearmor.desc=Wearing this dark garb, a rogue can perform a trick, that is called "smoke bomb"\: he blinds enemies who could see him and jumps aside.
items.armor.scalearmor.name=Armadura de escamas
# items.armor.scalearmor.desc=The metal scales sewn onto a leather vest create a flexible, yet protective armor.
items.armor.warriorarmor.name=Armadura de Guerrero
# items.armor.warriorarmor.ac_special=HEROIC LEAP
items.armor.warriorarmor.prompt=Elige la direccion de salto
# items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=While this armor looks heavy, it allows a warrior to perform heroic leap towards a targeted location, slamming down to stun all neighbouring enemies.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=Kit del alquimista
# items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=BREW
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.artifact.unequip_title=Desequipar un ítem
# items.artifacts.artifact.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
# items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=You cannot wear two of the same artifact.
# items.artifacts.artifact.cursed_worn=The artifact painfully binds itself to you.
# items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=You can feel a malevolent magic lurking within the artifact.
# items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=You need to equip your artifact to do that.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=Capa de espinas
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc=These collapsed sheets of metal from the DM-300 have formed together into a rigid cape. It seems to store a deep energy, perhaps it has some of the DM-300's power?
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_inactive=The cape feels reassuringly heavy on your shoulders, it seems to be gaining energy from the damage you take.
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_active=The cape seems to be releasing stored energy, it is radiating a protective power.
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.inert=Your Cape becomes inert again.
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.radiating=Your Cape begins radiating energy, you feel protected\!
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.levelup=Your Cape grows stronger\!
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.name=Thorns
# items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=Your cape is radiating energy, surrounding you in a field of deflective force\!\n\nAll damage you receive is reduced while the thorns effect is active. Additionally, if the attacker is next to you, the reduced amount is deflected back at the attacker.\n\nTurns of thorns remaining\: %s.
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.name=Cáliz de sangre
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.ac_prick=PRICK
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.yes=Yes, I know what I'm doing
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.no=No, I changed my mind
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.prick_warn=Each time you use the chalice it will drain more life energy, if you are not careful this can easily kill you.\n\nAre you sure you want to offer it more life energy?
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.onprick=You prick yourself, and your life essence drains into the chalice.
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.ondeath=The Chalice sucks your life essence dry...
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc=This shining silver chalice is oddly adorned with sharp gems at the rim.
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_cursed=The cursed chalice has bound itself to your hand, and is inhibiting your ability to regenerate health.
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_1=As you hold the chalice, you feel oddly compelled to prick yourself on the sharp gems.
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_2=Some of your blood is pooled into the chalice, you can subtly feel the chalice feeding life energy into you. You still want to cut yourself on the chalice, even though you know it will hurt.
# items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=The chalice is filled to the brim with your life essence. You can feel the chalice pouring life energy back into you.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=Capa de sombras
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=STEALTH
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Your cloak needs %d more rounds to re-energize.
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Your cloak hasn't recharged enough to be usable yet.
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=A priceless magical cloak, stolen from the royal armory many years ago by the Rogue. When worn, it can be used to turn completely invisible for a short time.\n\nThe more the cloak is used, the stronger it will become, allowing the Rogue to become invisible more frequently and for longer durations.
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Your cloak has run out of energy.
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.levelup=Your cloak grows stronger\!
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.name=Cloaked
# items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Your cloak of shadows is granting you invisibility while you are shrouded by it.\n\nWhile you are invisible enemies are unable to attack or follow you. Physical attacks and magical effects (such as scrolls and wands) will immediately cancel invisibility.\n\nYou will remain cloaked until it is cancelled or your cloak runs out of charge.
items.artifacts.driedrose.name=Rosa marchita
# items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_summon=SUMMON
# items.artifacts.driedrose.spawned=You have already summed the ghost.
# items.artifacts.driedrose.no_charge=Your rose isn't fully charged yet.
# items.artifacts.driedrose.cursed=You cannot use a cursed rose.
# items.artifacts.driedrose.no_space=There is no free space near you.
# items.artifacts.driedrose.charged=Your rose is fully charged\!
# items.artifacts.driedrose.desc=Is this the rose that the ghost mentioned before disappearing? It seems to hold some spiritual power, perhaps it can be used to channel the energy of that lost warrior.
# items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_hint=It seems to be missing some petals. Perhaps reattaching them out strengthen the rose.
# items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_cursed=The cursed rose is bound to your hand, it feels eerily cold.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.name=Pétalo marchito
# items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.no_rose=You have no rose to add this petal to.
# items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.no_room=There is no room left for this petal, so you discard it.
# items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.maxlevel=The rose is completed\!
# items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.levelup=You add the petal to the rose.
# items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.desc=A frail dried up petal, which has somehow survived this far into the dungeon.
# items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.name=sad ghost
# items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.def_verb=evaded
# items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=Hello again %s.
# items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=My spirit is bound to this rose, it was very precious to me, a gift from my love whom I left on the surface.\n\nI cannot return to him, but thanks to you I have a second chance to complete my journey. When I am able I will respond to your call and fight with you.\n\nhopefully you may succeed where I failed...
# items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=A frail looking ethereal figure with a humanoid shape. Its power seems tied to the rose I have.\n\nThis ghost may not be much, but it seems to be my only true friend down here.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=Cadenas etereas
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.ac_cast=CAST
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Your chains do not have enough charge.
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=You can't use cursed chains.
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=That won't do anything.
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.cant_pull=Your chains cannot pull that target.
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.nothing_to_grab=There is nothing to grab there.
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.prompt=Choose a location to target.
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc=These large yet lightweight chains glow with spiritual energy. They can be used to pull you towards terrain, or pull enemies toward you. The ethereal nature of the chains even allows them to extend through walls\!
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_cursed=The cursed chains are locked to your side, constantly swinging around, trying to trip or bind you
# items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=The chains rest around your side, slowly siphoning the spiritual energy of those you defeat. Each charge is a link in the chain, which will extend out exactly one tile.
# items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=Your chains grow stronger\!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.name=Cuerno de la saciedad
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_eat=EAT
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_store=STORE
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.eat=You eat from the horn.
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.prompt=Select a piece of food
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.no_food=Your horn has no food in it to eat\!
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.full=Your horn is full of food\!
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.reject=Your horn rejects the uncooked blandfruit.
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Your horn has consumed all the food it can\!
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=The horn consumes your food offering and grows in strength\!
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=This horn can't be blown into, but instead seems to fill up with food over time when equipped.
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Perhaps there is a way to increase the horn's power by giving it food energy.
# items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=The cursed horn has bound itself to your side, it seems to be eager to take food rather than produce it.
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=lloyd's beacon
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_zap=ZAP
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_set=SET
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_return=RETURN
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.no_charge=Your beacon does not have enough energy right now.
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.tele_fail=The teleportation magic fails.
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.prompt=Choose a location to zap.
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.levelup=Your beacon grows stronger\!
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.preventing=Strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the lloyd's beacon\!
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.creatures=Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to use the lloyd's beacon at this moment.
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.return=The lloyd's beacon is successfully set at your current location, now you can return here anytime.
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Lloyd's beacon is an intricate magical device which grants the user control of teleportation magics. The beacon can be used to return to a set location, but can also expel bursts of random teleportation magic once it has charged from being equipped. This magic can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
# items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on the level %d of Pixel Dungeon.
# items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=master thieves' armband
# items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to the person you took it from either.
# items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from pixel mart...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandalias de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Zapatos de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_2=Botas de la naturaleza
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_3=greaves of nature
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.ac_feed=FEED
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.ac_root=ROOT
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.no_charge=They have no energy right now.
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.prompt=Select a seed
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.already_fed=Your footwear have already recently gained nutrients from that seed.
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.levelup=Your footwear surges in size\!
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.absorb_seed=The footwear absorbs the seed, they seem healthier.
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_1=What initially seem like sandals made of twine are actually two plants\! They seem very weak and pale, perhaps they need to be given nutrients?
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_2=The footwear has grown and now more closely resemble two tailored shoes. Some colour has returned to them, perhaps they can still grow further?
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_3=The plants have grown again and now resembles a pair of solid boots made from bark. The plants seem to have regained their strength, but perhaps they can still grow further?
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_4=The plants seem to have reached their maximum size, they resemble a pair of armored greaves. The greaves are a deep brown and resemble a very sturdy tree.
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_hint=You feel more attuned with nature while wearing this artifact.
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_cursed=The cursed sandals are blocking any attunement with nature.
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_ability=The footwear has gained the ability to form up into a sort of immobile natural armour, but will need to charge up for it.
# items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=You have fed the footwear %d seeds.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.name=Talisman de prevision.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.ac_scry=SCRY
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.no_charge=Your talisman isn't fully charged yet.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.scry=The Talisman floods your mind with knowledge about the current floor.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc=A smooth stone with strange engravings on it. You feel like it's watching everything around you, keeping an eye out for anything unusual.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc_worn=When you hold the talisman you feel like your senses are heightened.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc_cursed=The cursed talisman is intently staring into you, making it impossible to concentrate.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.name=Foresight
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.levelup=Your Talisman grows stronger\!
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.full_charge=Your Talisman is fully charged\!
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.uneasy=You feel uneasy.
# items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.desc=You feel very nervous, as if there is nearby unseen danger.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.name=timekeeper's hourglass
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.ac_activate=ACTIVATE
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.in_use=Your hourglass is already in use.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.no_charge=Your hourglass hasn't recharged enough to be usable yet.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.cursed=You cannot use a cursed hourglass.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.onstasis=The world seems to shift around you in an instant.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.onfreeze=Everything around you suddenly freezes.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.stasis=Put myself in stasis
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.freeze=Freeze time around me
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.prompt=How would you like to use the hourglass's magic?\n\nWhile in stasis, time will move normally while you are frozen and completely invulnerable.\n\nWhen time is frozen, you can move as if your actions take no time. Note that attacking will break this.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc=This large ornate hourglass looks fairly unassuming, but you feel a great power in its finely carved frame. As you rotate the hourglass and watch the sand pour you can feel its magic tugging at you, surely using this magic would give you some control over time.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_hint=The hourglass seems to have lost some sand, if only you could find some...
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_cursed=The cursed hourglass is locked to your side, you can feel it trying to manipulate your flow of time.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.name=Bolsa de arena mágica
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.levelup=You add the sand to your hourglass.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.maxlevel=Your hourglass is filled with magical sand\!
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.no_hourglass=You have no hourglass to place this sand into.
# items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.desc=This small bag of fine sand should work perfectly with your hourglass.\n\nIt seems odd that the shopkeeper would have this specific item right when you need it...
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.name=Libro de hechizos inestable
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.ac_read=READ
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.ac_add=ADD
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.blinded=You cannot read from the book while blinded.
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.no_charge=Your spellbook is out of energy for now.
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.cursed=You cannot read from a cursed spellbook.
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.prompt=Select a scroll
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.infuse_scroll=You infuse the scroll's energy into the book.
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.unable_scroll=You are unable to add this scroll to the book.
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.unknown_scroll=You're not sure what type of scroll this is yet.
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc=This Tome is in surprising good condition given its age. It fizzes and crackles as you move the pages, surging with unstable energy. If you read from this book, there's no telling what spell you might cast.
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_cursed=The cursed book has bound itself to you, it is inhibiting your ability to use most scrolls.
# items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=The book's index is incomplete, and is currently pointing to the following blank pages\:
# items.bags.potionbandolier.name=potion bandolier
# items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=This thick bandolier fits around your chest like a sash, it has many insulated straps on it to hold potion vials.\n\nWhile inside the bandolier, your potions should be protected from the cold.
# items.bags.scrollholder.name=scroll holder
# items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
# items.bags.seedpouch.name=seed pouch
# items.bags.seedpouch.desc=This small velvet pouch allows you to store any number of seeds in it. Very convenient.
# items.bags.wandholster.name=wand holster
# items.bags.wandholster.desc=This slim holster is made from some exotic animal, and is designed to compactly hold many wands.
# items.food.blandfruit.name=blandfruit
# items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=rotfruit
# items.food.blandfruit.fadefruit=fadefruit
# items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=sorrowfruit
# items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=starfruit
# items.food.blandfruit.raw=You can't bear to eat it raw.
# items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=The icefruit tastes a bit like Frozen Carpaccio.
# items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=You feel a great fire burning within you\!
# items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=You are imbued with vile toxic power\!
# items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=You feel the power of the earth coursing through you\!
# items.food.blandfruit.desc=So dry and insubstantial, perhaps stewing it with another ingredient would improve it.
# items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.\n\nIt looks ready to be eaten\!
# items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=chargrilled meat
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Parece un filete comestible.
items.food.food.name=ración de comida
# items.food.food.ac_eat=EAT
items.food.food.eat_msg=¡La comida estaba deliciosa\!
# items.food.food.desc=Nothing fancy here\: dried meat, some biscuits - things like that.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.name=carpaccio congelado
items.food.frozencarpaccio.invis=¡Ves tus manos volviéndose invisibles\!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.hard=¡Sientes tu piel endurecerse\!
# items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Refreshing\!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=¡Te encuentras mejor\!
# items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=It's a piece of frozen raw meat. The only way to eat it is by cutting thin slices of it. And this way it's suprisingly good.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=Carne misteriosa
# items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=That food tasted... strange.
# items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh it's hot\!
items.food.mysterymeat.legs=No sientes las piernas\!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=No te encuentras bien.
# items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=You are stuffed.
# items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Eat at your own risk\!
# items.food.overpricedration.name=overpriced food ration
# items.food.overpricedration.eat_msg=That food tasted ok.
# items.food.overpricedration.desc=It looks exactly like a standard ration of food but smaller.
# items.food.pasty.pasty=pasty
items.food.pasty.cane=bastón de caramelo
items.food.food.pasty_desc=Es un auntentico pastel de Cournalles con el tradicional relleno de carne y patatas.
# items.food.food.cane_desc=A huge sugary sweet candy cane\! It's big enough to fill you up, and the sugar might give your wands a tiny bit of extra charge too.\n\nHappy Holidays\!
items.keys.goldenkey.name=llave de oro
# items.keys.goldenkey.desc=The notches on this golden key are tiny and intricate. Maybe it can open some chest lock?
items.keys.ironkey.name=llave de acero
# items.keys.ironkey.desc=The notches on this ancient iron key are well worn; its leather lanyard is battered by age. What door might it open?
items.keys.skeletonkey.name=llave de esqueleto
# items.keys.skeletonkey.desc=This key looks serious\: its head is shaped like a skull. Probably it can open some serious door.
# items.potions.potion.ac_drink=DRINK
# items.potions.potion.turquoise=turquoise
# items.potions.potion.crimson=crimson
# items.potions.potion.azure=azure
# items.potions.potion.jade=jade
# items.potions.potion.charcoal=charcoal
# items.potions.potion.ivory=ivory
# items.potions.potion.amber=amber
# items.potions.potion.bistre=bistre
# items.potions.potion.unknown_name=%s potion
# items.potions.potion.unknown_desc=This flask contains a swirling %s liquid. Who knows what it will do when drunk or thrown?
# items.potions.potion.harmful=Harmful potion\!
# items.potions.potion.beneficial=Beneficial potion
items.potions.potion.yes=Si, sé lo que hago
items.potions.potion.no=No, He cambiado de idea
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=¿Estás seguro de que quieres tirarlo? En la mayoría de los casos tiene tirar estas pociones a los enemigos.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=¿Estás seguro de que quieres tirarlo? En la mayoría de los casos tiene sentido beberla.
# items.potions.potion.shatter=The flask shatters and %s liquid splashes harmlessly
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=poción de la experiencia
# items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=The storied experiences of multitudes of battles reduced to liquid form, this draught will instantly raise your experience level.
# items.potions.potionoffrost.name=potion of frost
# items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Upon exposure to open air this chemical will evaporate into a freezing cloud, causing any creature that contacts it to be frozen in place unable to act and move. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
# items.potions.potionofhealing.name=potion of healing
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Tus heridas se curan por completo.
# items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=An elixir that will instantly return you to full health and cure poison.
items.potions.potionofinvisibility.name=poción de la invisibilidad
items.potions.potionofinvisibility.invisible=¡Ves tus manos volviéndose invisibles\!
# items.potions.potionofinvisibility.desc=Drinking this potion will render you temporarily invisible. While invisible, enemies will be unable to see you. Attacking an enemy, as well as using a wand or a scroll before enemy's eyes, will dispel the effect.
items.potions.potionoflevitation.name=poción de levitación
# items.potions.potionoflevitation.float=You float into the air\!
# items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Drinking this curious liquid will cause you to hover in the air, able to drift effortlessly over traps and pits. Throwing this potion will create a cloud of unrefined gas, disorienting anything caught in it.
# items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=potion of liquid flame
# items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=This flask contains an unstable compound which will burst violently into flame upon exposure to open air.
# items.potions.potionofmight.name=potion of might
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 fuerza, +5 salud
# items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Newfound strength surges through your body.
# items.potions.potionofmight.desc=This powerful liquid will course through your muscles, permanently increasing your strength by one point and health by five points.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=poción de visión mental
# items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=You can somehow feel the presence of other creatures' minds\!
# items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=You can somehow tell that you are alone on this level at the moment.
# items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=After drinking this, your mind will become attuned to the psychic signature of distant creatures, enabling you to sense biological presences through walls. Also this potion will permit you to see through nearby walls and doors.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=poción de gas paralizante
# items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Upon exposure to open air, the liquid in this flask will vaporize into a numbing yellow haze. Anyone who inhales the cloud will be paralyzed instantly, unable to move for some time after the cloud dissipates. This item can be thrown at distant enemies to catch them within the effect of the gas.
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=poción de purificación
# items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=You feel uncommon freshness in the air.
# items.potions.potionofpurity.no_smell=You've stopped sensing any smells\!
# items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful gases in the area of effect. Drinking it will give you a temporary immunity to such gases.
# items.potions.potionofstrength.name=potion of strength
# items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 str
# items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_2=Newfound strength surges through your body.
# items.potions.potionofstrength.desc=This powerful liquid will course through your muscles, permanently increasing your strength by one point.
items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.name=Pocion de gas toxico
# items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Uncorking or shattering this pressurized glass will cause its contents to explode into a deadly cloud of toxic green gas. You might choose to fling this potion at distant enemies instead of uncorking it by hand.
###quest items
# items.quest.ceremonialcandle.name=ceremonial candle
# items.quest.ceremonialcandle.desc=A set of candles, melted down and fused together through use.\n\nAlone they are worthless, but used with other candles in a pattern, they can focus the energy for a summoning ritual.
# items.quest.corpsedust.name=corpse dust
# items.quest.corpsedust.desc=The ball of corpse dust doesn't differ outwardly from a regular dust ball. But you can feel a malevolent energy lurking within it.\n\nGetting rid of it as soon as possible would be a good idea.
# items.quest.darkgold.name=dark gold ore
# items.quest.darkgold.desc=This metal is called dark not because of its color (it doesn't differ from the normal gold), but because it melts under the daylight, making it useless on the surface.
# items.quest.dwarftoken.name=dwarf token
# items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Many dwarves and some of their larger creations carry these small pieces of metal of unknown purpose. Maybe they are jewelry or maybe some kind of ID. Dwarves are strange folk.
# items.quest.embers.name=elemental embers
# items.quest.embers.desc=Special embers which can only be harvested from young fire elementals. They radiate thermal energy.
# items.quest.pickaxe.name=pickaxe
# items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=MINE
# items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=There is no dark gold vein near you to mine.
# items.quest.pickaxe.desc=This is a large and sturdy tool for breaking rocks. Probably it can be used as a weapon.
# items.quest.ratskull.name=giant rat skull
# items.quest.ratskull.desc=A surprisingly large rat skull. It would make a great hunting trophy, if you had a wall to mount it on.
# items.rings.ring.diamond=diamond
# items.rings.ring.opal=opal
# items.rings.ring.garnet=garnet
# items.rings.ring.ruby=ruby
# items.rings.ring.amethyst=amethyst
# items.rings.ring.topaz=topaz
# items.rings.ring.onyx=onyx
# items.rings.ring.tourmaline=tourmaline
# items.rings.ring.emerald=emerald
# items.rings.ring.sapphire=sapphire
# items.rings.ring.quartz=quartz
# items.rings.ring.agate=agate
# items.rings.ring.cursed=The ring tightens around your finger painfully\!
# items.rings.ring.unknown_name=%s ring
# items.rings.ring.unknown_desc=This metal band is adorned with a large %s gem that glitters in the darkness. Who knows what effect it has when worn?
# items.rings.ring.known=This is a %s
# items.rings.ring.identify=You are now familiar enough with your %s to identify it. It is %s.
# items.rings.ring.on_finger=The %s is on your finger.
# items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Because this ring is cursed, you are powerless to remove it.
# items.rings.ring.curse_known=You can feel a malevolent magic lurking within the %s.
items.rings.ring.unequip_title=Desequipar un ítem
# items.rings.ring.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anillo de la precisión
# items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=This ring increases your focus, reducing your enemy's ability to dodge your attacks. A degraded ring will instead make you easier to evade.
items.rings.ringofelements.name=anillo de los elementos
# items.rings.ringofelements.desc=This ring provides resistance to different elements, such as fire, electricity, gases etc. Also it decreases duration of negative effects.
items.rings.ringofevasion.name=anillo de evasión
# items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=This ring obfuscates the true position of the wearer, making them harder to detect and attack. This ring is much stronger while the user remains undetected, and if the user is targeted the power of evasion will slowly fade away, remaining undetected will restore the ring's effectiveness. A degraded ring will instead make the user easier to detect and strike.
items.rings.ringofforce.name=anillo de la fuerza
# items.rings.ringofforce.avg_dmg=When unarmed, at your current strength, average damage with this ring is %d points per hit.
# items.rings.ringofforce.typical_avg_dmg=When unarmed, at your current strength, typical average damage with this ring is %d points per hit.
# items.rings.ringofforce.desc=This ring enhances the force of the wearer's blows. This extra power is largely wasted when wielding weapons, but an unarmed attack will be made much stronger. A degraded ring will instead weaken the wearer's blows.
# items.rings.ringoffuror.name=ring of furor
# items.rings.ringoffuror.desc=This ring grants the wearer an inner fury, allowing them to attack more rapidly. This fury works best in large bursts, so slow weapons benefit far more than fast ones. A degraded ring will instead slow the wearer's speed of attack.
items.rings.ringofhaste.name=anillo de la velocidad
# items.rings.ringofhaste.desc=This ring reduces the stress of movement on the wearer, allowing them to run at superhuman speeds. A degraded ring will instead weigh the wearer down.
items.rings.ringofmagic.name=anillo mágico
# items.rings.ringofmagic.desc=Your wands will become more powerful in the arcane field that radiates from this ring. Degraded rings of magic will instead weaken your wands.
items.rings.ringofmight.name=anillo de fortaleza
# items.rings.ringofmight.desc=This ring enhances the physical traits of the wearer, granting them greater physical strength and constitution. A degraded ring will weaken the wearer.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=anillo del tirador
# items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=This ring enhances the wearer's precision and aim, which will make all projectile weapons more accurate and durable. A degraded ring will have the opposite effect.
items.rings.ringoftenacity.name=anillo de la tenacidad
# items.rings.ringoftenacity.desc=When worn, this ring will allow the wearer to resist normally mortal strikes. The more injured the user is, the more resistant they will be to damage. A degraded ring will instead make it easier for enemies to execute the wearer.
# items.rings.ringofwealth.name=ring of wealth
# items.rings.ringofwealth.desc=It's not clear what this ring does exactly, good luck may influence the life of an adventurer in many subtle ways. Naturally a degraded ring would give bad luck.
# items.scrolls.scroll.ac_read=READ
# items.scrolls.scroll.mannaz=MANNAZ
# items.scrolls.scroll.naudiz=NAUDIZ
# items.scrolls.scroll.berkanan=BERKANAN
# items.scrolls.scroll.odal=ODAL
# items.scrolls.scroll.tiwaz=TIWAZ
# items.scrolls.scroll.unknown_name=scroll "%s"
# items.scrolls.scroll.unknown_desc=This parchment is covered with indecipherable writing, and bears a title of rune %s. Who knows what it will do when read aloud?
# items.scrolls.scroll.blinded=You can't read a scroll while blinded.
# items.scrolls.scroll.cursed=Your cursed spellbook prevents you from invoking this scroll's magic\! A scroll of remove curse might be strong enough to still work though...
# items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.warning=Do you really want to cancel this scroll usage? It will be consumed anyway.
# items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.yes=Yes, I'm positive
items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=No, He cambiado de idea
# items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.name=scroll of identify
# items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.inv_title=Select an item to identify
# items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.it_is=It is %s
# items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=This scroll permanently reveals all of the secrets of a single item.
# items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=scroll of lullaby
# items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=The scroll utters a soothing melody. You feel very sleepy.
# items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
# items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=scroll of magical infusion
# items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Select an item to infuse
# items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=your %s is infused with arcane energy\!
# items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=This scroll will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will never be erased by this scroll.
# items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=scroll of magic mapping
# items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=You are now aware of the level layout.
# items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=When this scroll is read, an image of crystal clarity will be etched into your memory, alerting you to the precise layout of the level and revealing all hidden secrets. The locations of items and creatures will remain unknown.
# items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=scroll of mirror image
# items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=The incantation on this scroll will create illusionary twins of the reader, which will chase their enemies.
# items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=scroll of psionic blast
# items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=The Psionic Blast tears your mind apart...
# items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to tear apart the minds of all visible creatures. The power unleashed by the scroll will also temporarily blind, stun, and seriously harm the reader.
# items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=scroll of rage
# items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=The scroll emits an enraging roar that echoes throughout the dungeon\!
# items.scrolls.scrollofrage.desc=When read aloud, this scroll will unleash a great roar that draws all enemies to the reader, and enrages nearby ones.
# items.scrolls.scrollofrecharging.name=scroll of recharging
# items.scrolls.scrollofrecharging.surge=A surge of energy courses through your body, invigorating your wands\!
# items.scrolls.scrollofrecharging.desc=The raw magical power bound up in this parchment will, when released, charge up all the users wands over time.
# items.scrolls.scrollofremovecurse.name=scroll of remove curse
# items.scrolls.scrollofremovecurse.cleansed=Your pack glows with a cleansing light, and a malevolent energy disperses.
# items.scrolls.scrollofremovecurse.not_cleansed=Your pack glows with a cleansing light, but nothing happens.
# items.scrolls.scrollofremovecurse.desc=The incantation on this scroll will instantly strip from the reader's weapon, armor, rings and carried items any evil enchantments that might prevent the wearer from removing them.
# items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.name=scroll of teleportation
# items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=In a blink of an eye you were teleported to another location of the level.
# items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Strong magic aura of this place prevents you from teleporting\!
# items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a random location on the dungeon level. It can be used to escape a dangerous situation, but the unlucky reader might find themselves in an even more dangerous place.
# items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=scroll of terror
# items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=The scroll emits a brilliant flash of red light.
# items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=The scroll emits a brilliant flash of red light and the %s flees\!
# items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=The scroll emits a brilliant flash of red light and the monsters flee\!
# items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=A flash of red light will overwhelm all creatures in your field of view with terror, and they will turn and flee. Attacking a fleeing enemy will dispel the effect.
# items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=scroll of upgrade
# items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Select an item to upgrade
# items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.looks_better=your %s certainly looks better now
# items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=This scroll will upgrade a single item, improving its quality. A wand will increase in power and in number of charges; a weapon will inflict more damage; a suit of armor will better absorb damage; the effect of a ring on its wearer will intensify. Weapons and armor will also require less strength to use, and any curses on the item will be lifted.
# items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=You were killed by your own %s.
# items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nothing happens.
items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=¡El equipamiento que llevas se vuelve maldito\!
# items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Grass erupts around you\!
# items.wands.cursedwand.fire=You smell burning...
# items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Your wand transmogrifies into a different item\!
# items.wands.wand.ac_zap=ZAP
# items.wands.wand.fizzles=Your wand fizzles; it must not have enough charge.
# items.wands.wand.self_target=You can't target yourself\!
# items.wands.wand.identify=You are now familiar with your %s.
# items.wands.wand.cursed=This wand is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
# items.wands.wand.curse_discover=This %s is cursed\!
# items.wands.wand.prompt=Choose a location to zap
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=wand of blast wave
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=staff of blast wave
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Blast Wave...
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=This wand is made of a sort of marbled stone, with gold trim and a round black gem at the tip. It feels very weighty in your hand.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which violently detonates at a target location. The force of this blast is strong enough to send most enemies flying.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=wand of corruption
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=staff
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=That character is already corrupted.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=Bosses are immune to corruption.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=The corrupting power was not strong enough, nothing happens.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=This wand radiates dark energy, if that weren't already obvious from the small decorative skull shaped onto its tip.\n\nThis wand will release a blast of corrupting energy, attempting to bend enemies to your will. Full health enemies are much harder to corrupt than weakened ones.\n\nThis wand uses at least one charge per cast, but will often use more in an attempt to overpower more healthy enemies.
# items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=wand of disintegration
# items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=staff of disintegration
# items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=This wand is made from a solid smooth chunk of obsidian, with a deep purple light running up its side, ending at the tip. It glows with destructive energy, waiting to shoot forward.\n\nThis wand shoots a beam that pierces any obstacle, and will go farther the more it is upgraded.\n\nThis wand deals bonus damage the more enemies and terrain it penetrates.
# items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=wand of fireblast
# items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=staff of fireblast
# items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=This wand is made from red-lacquered wood with golden leaf used liberally to make it look quite regal. It crackles and hisses at the tip, eager to unleash its powerful magic.\n\nThis wand produces a blast of fire when used, extending out into a cone shape. As this wand is upgraded it will consume more charges, the effect becomes significantly more powerful the more charges are consumed.
# items.wands.wandoffrost.name=wand of frost
# items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=staff of frost
# items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=This wand seems to be made out of some kind of magical ice. It grows brighter towards its rounded tip. It feels very cold when held, but somehow your hand stays warm.\n\nThis wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing significant damage and chilling, which reduces speed. The effect seems stronger in water. Chilled and frozen enemies take less damage from this wand, as they are already cold.
# items.wands.wandoflightning.name=wand of lightning
# items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=staff of lightning
# items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Lightning...
# items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=This wand is made out of solid metal, making it surprisingly heavy. Two prongs curve together at the tip, and electricity arcs between them.\n\nThis wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at. This electricity can bounce between many nearby foes, and is more powerful in water. If you're too close, you may get shocked as well.
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=wand of magic missile
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=staff of magic missile
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=This fairly plain wand launches missiles of pure magical energy, dealing moderate damage to a target.\n\nWhile not as strong as other wands, it makes up for it somewhat with more available charges.
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=wand of prismatic light
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=staff of prismatic light
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=This wand is made of a solid piece of translucent crystal, like a long chunk of smooth glass.\n\nThis wand shoots rays of light which damage and blind enemies and cut through the darkness of the dungeon, revealing hidden areas and traps. Demonic and undead foes will burn in the bright light of the wand, taking significant bonus damage.
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=wand of regrowth
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=staff of regrowth
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core.\n\nWhen used, this wand will consume all its charges to blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone. This magic will cause grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life.\n\n"When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains\!"
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Dewcatcher
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Seed Pod
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Seed Pods look pretty, but the seeds they carry are actually stolen from other plants they kill with their roots.
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=wand of transfusion
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.staff_name=staff of transfusion
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Transfusion...
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Your staff is charged with the life energy of your enemy\!
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=A fairly plainly shaped wand, it stands out due to its magenta hue and pitch black gem at the tip.\n\nThis wand will take some of your life energy and blast it at a target. This effect is very versatile\: allies will be healed, enemies will be temporarily charmed, and hostile undead will take considerable damage.\n\nThe life drain is significant though, using this wand will deal damage to you in addition to consuming charges.
# items.wands.wandofvenom.name=wand of venom
# items.wands.wandofvenom.staff_name=staff of venom
# items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=This wand has a purple body which opens to a brilliant green gem.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of vile venomous gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take continual damage, increasing with time.
# items.weapon.enchantments.death.name=grim %s
# items.weapon.enchantments.fire.name=blazing %s
# items.weapon.enchantments.horror.name=eldritch %s
# items.weapon.enchantments.instability.name=unstable %s
# items.weapon.enchantments.leech.name=vampiric %s
# items.weapon.enchantments.luck.name=lucky %s
# items.weapon.enchantments.paralysis.name=stunning %s
# items.weapon.enchantments.poison.name=venomous %s
# items.weapon.enchantments.shock.name=shocking %s
# items.weapon.enchantments.slow.name=chilling %s
###melee weapons
# items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.name=battle axe
# items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.stats_desc=This is a rather accurate weapon.
# items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.desc=The enormous steel head of this battle axe puts considerable heft behind each stroke.
# items.weapon.melee.dagger.name=dagger
# items.weapon.melee.dagger.stats_desc=This is a rather accurate weapon.
# items.weapon.melee.dagger.desc=A simple iron dagger with a well worn wooden handle.
# items.weapon.melee.glaive.name=glaive
# items.weapon.melee.glaive.desc=A polearm consisting of a sword blade on the end of a pole.
# items.weapon.melee.knuckles.name=knuckleduster
# items.weapon.melee.knuckles.stats_desc=This is a rather fast weapon.
# items.weapon.melee.knuckles.desc=A piece of iron shaped to fit around the knuckles.
# items.weapon.melee.longsword.name=longsword
# items.weapon.melee.longsword.desc=This towering blade inflicts heavy damage by investing its heft into every cut.
# items.weapon.melee.mace.name=mace
# items.weapon.melee.mace.stats_desc=This is a slightly fast weapon.
# items.weapon.melee.mace.desc=The iron head of this weapon inflicts substantial damage.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=mage's staff
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=IMBUE
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=ZAP
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Select a wand to consume
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=You imbue your staff with the %s.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=The conflicting magics erase the enchantment on your staff.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=You'll need to identify this wand first.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=You can't use a cursed wand.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nYour staff will inherit the highest level between it and the wand, and all magic currently affecting the staff will be lost.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Yes, I'm sure.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, He cambiado de idea
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the mage himself, this extraordinary staff is a one of a kind multi-purpose magical weapon. Rather than having an innate magic in it, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand, granting it new power.
# items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=This a tier-%d melee weapon.
# items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Its typical average damage per hit is %d and usually it requires %d points of strength.
# items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.probably_too_heavy=Probably this weapon is too heavy for you.
# items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed_worn=Because this weapon is cursed, you are powerless to remove it.
# items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed=You can feel a malevolent magic lurking within this weapon.
# items.weapon.melee.quarterstaff.name=quarterstaff
# items.weapon.melee.quarterstaff.desc=A staff of hardwood, its ends are shod with iron.
# items.weapon.melee.shortsword.name=short sword
# items.weapon.melee.shortsword.ac_reforge=REFORGE
# items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=It is indeed quite short, just a few inches longer, than a dagger.
# items.weapon.melee.spear.name=spear
# items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=This is a rather slow weapon.
# items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=A slender wooden rod tipped with sharpened iron.
# items.weapon.melee.sword.name=sword
# items.weapon.melee.sword.desc=The razor-sharp length of steel blade shines reassuringly.
# items.weapon.melee.warhammer.name=war hammer
# items.weapon.melee.warhammer.stats_desc=This is a rather accurate weapon.
# items.weapon.melee.warhammer.desc=Few creatures can withstand the crushing blow of this towering mass of lead and steel, but only the strongest of adventurers can use it effectively.
###missile weapons
# items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.name=boomerang
# items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Thrown to the enemy this flat curved wooden missile will return to the hands of its thrower.
# items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=curare dart
# items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=These little evil darts don't do much damage but they can paralyze the target leaving it helpless and motionless for some time.
# items.weapon.missiles.dart.name=dart
# items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=These simple metal spikes are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.
# items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.name=incendiary dart
# items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.desc=The spike on each of these darts is designed to pin it to its target while the unstable compounds strapped to its length burst into brilliant flames.
# items.weapon.missiles.javelin.name=javelin
# items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=This length of metal is weighted to keep the spike at its tip foremost as it sails through the air.
# items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=This weapon is designed to be used at a distance, it is much less accurate at melee range.
# items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.name=shuriken
# items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades do significant damage when they hit a target. They can be thrown at very high rate.
# items.weapon.missiles.tamahawk.name=tomahawk
# items.weapon.missiles.tamahawk.desc=This throwing axe is not that heavy, but it still requires significant strength to be used effectively.
# items.weapon.weapon.identify=You are now familiar enough with your %s to identify it. It is %s.
# items.weapon.weapon.avg_dmg=Its average damage per hit is %d.
# items.weapon.weapon.too_heavy=Because of your inadequate strength the accuracy and speed of your attack with this weapon will be decreased.
# items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Interaction of different types of magic has negated the enchantment on this weapon\!
# items.weapon.weapon.lighter=It was balanced to be lighter.
# items.weapon.weapon.heavier=It was balanced to be heavier.
###misc items
# items.amulet.name=amulet of yendor
# items.amulet.ac_end=END THE GAME
# items.amulet.rankings_desc=Obtained the Amulet of Yendor
# items.amulet.desc=The Amulet of Yendor is the most powerful known artifact of unknown origin. It is said that the amulet is able to fulfil any wish if its owner's will-power is strong enough to "persuade" it to do it.
# items.ankh.name=ankh
# items.ankh.ac_bless=BLESS
# items.ankh.bless=You bless the ankh with clean water.
# items.ankh.desc=This ancient symbol of immortality grants the ability to return to life after death. Upon resurrection all non-equipped items are lost. Using a full dew vial, the ankh can be blessed with extra strength.
# items.ankh.desc_blessed=This ancient symbol of immortality grants the ability to return to life after death. The ankh has been blessed and is now much stronger. The Ankh will sacrifice itself to save you in a moment of deadly peril.
# items.armorkit.name=armor kit
# items.armorkit.ac_apply=APPLY
# items.armorkit.prompt=Select an armor to upgrade
# items.armorkit.upgraded=You applied the armor kit to upgrade your %s
# items.armorkit.desc=Using this kit of small tools and materials anybody can transform any armor into an "epic armor", which will keep all properties of the original armor, but will also provide its wearer a special ability depending on his class. No skills in tailoring, leatherworking or blacksmithing are required.
# items.bomb.name=bomb
# items.bomb.ac_lightthrow=LIGHT & THROW
# items.bomb.snuff_fuse=You quickly snuff the bomb's fuse.
# items.bomb.ondeath=Killed by an explosion
# items.bomb.rankings_desc=Killed by an explosion
# items.bomb.desc=A fairly hefty black powder bomb. An explosion from this would certainly do damage to anything nearby.\n\nIt looks like the fuse will take a couple rounds to burn down once it is lit.
# items.bomb.desc_burning=A fairly hefty black powder bomb. An explosion from this would certainly do damage to anything nearby.\n\nThe bomb's fuse is burning away, keep your distance or put it out\!
# items.bomb$doublebomb.name=two bombs
# items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=A stack of two hefty black powder bombs, looks like you get one free\!
# items.dewdrop.name=dewdrop
# items.dewdrop.value=%+dHP
# items.dewdrop.already_full=You already have full health.
# items.dewdrop.desc=A crystal clear dewdrop.\n\nDue to the magic of this place, pure water has minor restorative properties.
items.dewvial.name=frasco de rocío
# items.dewvial.ac_drink=DRINK
# items.dewvial.value=%+dHP
# items.dewvial.collected=You collected a dewdrop into your dew vial.
# items.dewvial.full=Your dew vial is full\!
# items.dewvial.empty=Your dew vial is empty\!
# items.dewvial.desc=You can store excess dew in this tiny vessel for drinking it later. The more full the vial is, the more each dew drop will heal you. A full vial is as strong as a potion of healing.\n\nVials like this one used to be imbued with revival magic, but that power has faded. There still seems to be some residual power left, perhaps a full vial can bless another revival item.
# items.equipableitem.unequip_cursed=You can't remove a cursed item\!
# items.equipableitem.ac_equip=EQUIP
# items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=UNEQUIP
# items.gold.name=gold
# items.gold.desc=A pile of gold coins. Collect gold coins to spend them later in a shop.
# items.honeypot.name=honeypot
# items.honeypot.ac_shatter=SHATTER
# items.honeypot.desc=This large honeypot is only really lined with honey, instead it houses a giant bee\! These sorts of massive bees usually stay in their hives, perhaps the pot is some sort of specialized trapper's cage? The bee seems pretty content inside the pot with its honey, and buzzes at you warily when you look at it.
# items.honeypot$shatteredpot.name=shattered honeypot
# items.honeypot$shatteredpot.desc=The pot has been shattered, only the sticky honey that lines its walls is holding it together, and it is slowly coming apart.\n\nDespite its broken state, the bee still seems to want to protect the pot.
# items.item.pack_full=Your pack is too full for the %s.
# items.item.prompt=Choose direction of throw
# items.item.ac_drop=DROP
# items.item.ac_throw=THROW
# items.item.rankings_desc=Killed by\: %s
# items.kindofweapon.cursed=you wince as your grip involuntarily tightens around your %s
# items.merchantsbeacon.name=merchant's beacon
# items.merchantsbeacon.ac_use=USE
# items.merchantsbeacon.desc=This odd piece of dwarven technology allows you to communicate from great distances.\n\nAfter being activated, this beacon will let you sell items to Pixel Mart from anywhere in the dungeon.\n\nHowever, the magic within the beacon will only last for one session, so use it wisely.
# items.stylus.name=arcane stylus
# items.stylus.ac_inscribe=INSCRIBE
# items.stylus.prompt=Select an armor to inscribe
# items.stylus.inscribed=You inscribed your armor with the stylus
# items.stylus.desc=This arcane stylus is made of some dark, very hard stone. Using it you can inscribe a magical glyph on your armor, but you have no power over choosing what glyph it will be, the stylus will decide it for you.
# items.tomeofmastery.name=Tome of Mastery
# items.tomeofmastery.ac_read=READ
# items.tomeofmastery.way=You have chosen the way of the %s\!
# items.tomeofmastery.desc=This worn leather book is not that thick, but you feel somehow, that you can gather a lot from it. Remember though that reading this tome may require some time.
# items.torch.name=torch
# items.torch.ac_light=LIGHT
# items.torch.desc=An adventuring staple, when a dungeon goes dark, a torch can help lead the way.
# items.weightstone.name=weightstone
# items.weightstone.ac_apply=APPLY
# items.weightstone.select=Select a weapon to balance
# items.weightstone.light=you balanced your weapon to make it lighter
# items.weightstone.heavy=you balanced your weapon to make it heavier
# items.weightstone.desc=Using a weightstone, you can balance your melee weapon to make it lighter or heavier, increasing either speed or damage at the expense of the other.
# items.weightstone$wndbalance.choice=How would you like to balance your weapon?
# items.weightstone$wndbalance.light=Lighter
# items.weightstone$wndbalance.heavy=Heavier

View File

@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
# items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=You were killed by your own %s. # items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=You were killed by your own %s.
# items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nothing happens. # items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nothing happens.
# items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=Your worn equipment becomes cursed\! # items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=Your worn equipment becomes cursed\!
# items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Grass explodes around you\! # items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Grass erupts around you\!
# items.wands.cursedwand.fire=You smell burning... # items.wands.cursedwand.fire=You smell burning...
# items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Your wand transmogrifies into a different item\! # items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Your wand transmogrifies into a different item\!
@ -603,35 +603,44 @@ items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
# items.wands.wand.prompt=Choose a location to zap # items.wands.wand.prompt=Choose a location to zap
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=wand of blast wave # items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=wand of blast wave
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=staff of blast wave
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Blast Wave... # items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Blast Wave...
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=This wand is made of a sort of marbled stone, with gold trim and a round black gem at the tip. It feels very weighty in your hand.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which violently detonates at a target location. The force of this blast is strong enough to send most enemies flying. # items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=This wand is made of a sort of marbled stone, with gold trim and a round black gem at the tip. It feels very weighty in your hand.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which violently detonates at a target location. The force of this blast is strong enough to send most enemies flying.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=wand of corruption # items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=wand of corruption
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=staff
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=That character is already corrupted. # items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=That character is already corrupted.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=Bosses are immune to corruption. # items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=Bosses are immune to corruption.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=The corrupting power was not strong enough, nothing happens. # items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=The corrupting power was not strong enough, nothing happens.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=This wand radiates dark energy, if that weren't already obvious from the small decorative skull shaped onto its tip.\n\nThis wand will release a blast of corrupting energy, attempting to bend enemies to your will. Full health enemies are much harder to corrupt than weakened ones.\n\nThis wand uses at least one charge per cast, but will often use more in an attempt to overpower more healthy enemies. # items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=This wand radiates dark energy, if that weren't already obvious from the small decorative skull shaped onto its tip.\n\nThis wand will release a blast of corrupting energy, attempting to bend enemies to your will. Full health enemies are much harder to corrupt than weakened ones.\n\nThis wand uses at least one charge per cast, but will often use more in an attempt to overpower more healthy enemies.
# items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=wand of disintegration # items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=wand of disintegration
# items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=staff of disintegration
# items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=This wand is made from a solid smooth chunk of obsidian, with a deep purple light running up its side, ending at the tip. It glows with destructive energy, waiting to shoot forward.\n\nThis wand shoots a beam that pierces any obstacle, and will go farther the more it is upgraded.\n\nThis wand deals bonus damage the more enemies and terrain it penetrates. # items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=This wand is made from a solid smooth chunk of obsidian, with a deep purple light running up its side, ending at the tip. It glows with destructive energy, waiting to shoot forward.\n\nThis wand shoots a beam that pierces any obstacle, and will go farther the more it is upgraded.\n\nThis wand deals bonus damage the more enemies and terrain it penetrates.
# items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=wand of fireblast # items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=wand of fireblast
# items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=staff of fireblast
# items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=This wand is made from red-lacquered wood with golden leaf used liberally to make it look quite regal. It crackles and hisses at the tip, eager to unleash its powerful magic.\n\nThis wand produces a blast of fire when used, extending out into a cone shape. As this wand is upgraded it will consume more charges, the effect becomes significantly more powerful the more charges are consumed. # items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=This wand is made from red-lacquered wood with golden leaf used liberally to make it look quite regal. It crackles and hisses at the tip, eager to unleash its powerful magic.\n\nThis wand produces a blast of fire when used, extending out into a cone shape. As this wand is upgraded it will consume more charges, the effect becomes significantly more powerful the more charges are consumed.
# items.wands.wandoffrost.name=wand of frost # items.wands.wandoffrost.name=wand of frost
# items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=staff of frost
# items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=This wand seems to be made out of some kind of magical ice. It grows brighter towards its rounded tip. It feels very cold when held, but somehow your hand stays warm.\n\nThis wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing significant damage and chilling, which reduces speed. The effect seems stronger in water. Chilled and frozen enemies take less damage from this wand, as they are already cold. # items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=This wand seems to be made out of some kind of magical ice. It grows brighter towards its rounded tip. It feels very cold when held, but somehow your hand stays warm.\n\nThis wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing significant damage and chilling, which reduces speed. The effect seems stronger in water. Chilled and frozen enemies take less damage from this wand, as they are already cold.
# items.wands.wandoflightning.name=wand of lightning # items.wands.wandoflightning.name=wand of lightning
# items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=staff of lightning
# items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Lightning... # items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Lightning...
# items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=This wand is made out of solid metal, making it surprisingly heavy. Two prongs curve together at the tip, and electricity arcs between them.\n\nThis wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at. This electricity can bounce between many nearby foes, and is more powerful in water. If you're too close, you may get shocked as well. # items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=This wand is made out of solid metal, making it surprisingly heavy. Two prongs curve together at the tip, and electricity arcs between them.\n\nThis wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at. This electricity can bounce between many nearby foes, and is more powerful in water. If you're too close, you may get shocked as well.
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=wand of magic missile # items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=wand of magic missile
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=staff of magic missile
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=This fairly plain wand launches missiles of pure magical energy, dealing moderate damage to a target.\n\nWhile not as strong as other wands, it makes up for it somewhat with more available charges. # items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=This fairly plain wand launches missiles of pure magical energy, dealing moderate damage to a target.\n\nWhile not as strong as other wands, it makes up for it somewhat with more available charges.
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=wand of prismatic light # items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=wand of prismatic light
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=staff of prismatic light
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=This wand is made of a solid piece of translucent crystal, like a long chunk of smooth glass.\n\nThis wand shoots rays of light which damage and blind enemies and cut through the darkness of the dungeon, revealing hidden areas and traps. Demonic and undead foes will burn in the bright light of the wand, taking significant bonus damage. # items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=This wand is made of a solid piece of translucent crystal, like a long chunk of smooth glass.\n\nThis wand shoots rays of light which damage and blind enemies and cut through the darkness of the dungeon, revealing hidden areas and traps. Demonic and undead foes will burn in the bright light of the wand, taking significant bonus damage.
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=wand of regrowth # items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=wand of regrowth
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=staff of regrowth
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core.\n\nWhen used, this wand will consume all its charges to blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone. This magic will cause grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life.\n\n"When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains\!" # items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core.\n\nWhen used, this wand will consume all its charges to blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone. This magic will cause grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life.\n\n"When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains\!"
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Dewcatcher # items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Dewcatcher
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away. # items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
@ -639,11 +648,13 @@ items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Seed Pods look pretty, but the seeds they carry are actually stolen from other plants they kill with their roots. # items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Seed Pods look pretty, but the seeds they carry are actually stolen from other plants they kill with their roots.
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=wand of transfusion # items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=wand of transfusion
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.staff_name=staff of transfusion
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Transfusion... # items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Transfusion...
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Your staff is charged with the life energy of your enemy\! # items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Your staff is charged with the life energy of your enemy\!
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=A fairly plainly shaped wand, it stands out due to its magenta hue and pitch black gem at the tip.\n\nThis wand will take some of your life energy and blast it at a target. This effect is very versatile\: allies will be healed, enemies will be temporarily charmed, and hostile undead will take considerable damage.\n\nThe life drain is significant though, using this wand will deal damage to you in addition to consuming charges. # items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=A fairly plainly shaped wand, it stands out due to its magenta hue and pitch black gem at the tip.\n\nThis wand will take some of your life energy and blast it at a target. This effect is very versatile\: allies will be healed, enemies will be temporarily charmed, and hostile undead will take considerable damage.\n\nThe life drain is significant though, using this wand will deal damage to you in addition to consuming charges.
# items.wands.wandofvenom.name=wand of venom # items.wands.wandofvenom.name=wand of venom
# items.wands.wandofvenom.staff_name=staff of venom
# items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=This wand has a purple body which opens to a brilliant green gem.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of vile venomous gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take continual damage, increasing with time. # items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=This wand has a purple body which opens to a brilliant green gem.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of vile venomous gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take continual damage, increasing with time.
@ -696,8 +707,6 @@ items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=mage's staff # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=mage's staff
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=IMBUE # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=IMBUE
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=ZAP # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=ZAP
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.wand=wand
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.staff=staff
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Select a wand to consume # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Select a wand to consume
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=You imbue your staff with the %s. # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=You imbue your staff with the %s.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=The conflicting magics erase the enchantment on your staff. # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=The conflicting magics erase the enchantment on your staff.
@ -787,7 +796,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.identify=Vous êtes maintenant assez familiarisé avec votre
# items.armorkit.desc=Using this kit of small tools and materials anybody can transform any armor into an "epic armor", which will keep all properties of the original armor, but will also provide its wearer a special ability depending on his class. No skills in tailoring, leatherworking or blacksmithing are required. # items.armorkit.desc=Using this kit of small tools and materials anybody can transform any armor into an "epic armor", which will keep all properties of the original armor, but will also provide its wearer a special ability depending on his class. No skills in tailoring, leatherworking or blacksmithing are required.
# items.bomb.name=bomb # items.bomb.name=bomb
# items.bomt.ac_lightthrow=LIGHT & THROW # items.bomb.ac_lightthrow=LIGHT & THROW
# items.bomb.snuff_fuse=You quickly snuff the bomb's fuse. # items.bomb.snuff_fuse=You quickly snuff the bomb's fuse.
# items.bomb.ondeath=Killed by an explosion # items.bomb.ondeath=Killed by an explosion
# items.bomb.rankings_desc=Killed by an explosion # items.bomb.rankings_desc=Killed by an explosion

View File

@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.desc=말라 비틀어진 꽃잎으로, 던전의
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.name=슬픈 유령 items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.name=슬픈 유령
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.def_verb=회피 items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.def_verb=회피
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=안녕하신가 %s여. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=안녕하신가 %s여.
# items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=My spirit is bound to this rose, it was very precious to me, a gift from my love whom I left on the surface.\n\nI cannot return to him, but thanks to you I have a second chance to complete my journey. When I am able I will respond to your call and fight with you.\n\nhopefully you may succeed where I failed... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=내 영혼은 이 장미에 묶여 있어. 지상에 있는 내 연인에게서 받은 아주 소중한 물건이었지.\n\n그이에겐 더 이상 돌아갈 순 없겠지만, 당신 덕에 내 사명을 완수할 두 번째 기회를 얻었어. 가능하다면 당신의 부름에 응해 같이 싸워줄 거야.\n\n부디 당신은 나처럼 되지 않기를...
# items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=A frail looking ethereal figure with a humanoid shape. Its power seems tied to the rose I have.\n\nThis ghost may not be much, but it seems to be my only true friend down here. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=허약해 보이는 인간 모양의 영체다. 내가 가지고 있는 장미에 힘이 묶여 있는 듯 하다.\n\n이 귀신은 그리 친근하진 않지만 여기 던전에서 유일한 말동무가 될 것이다.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=에테르 사슬 items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=에테르 사슬
items.artifacts.etherealchains.ac_cast=시전 items.artifacts.etherealchains.ac_cast=시전
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=이 주문서는 하나의 아이템을 강
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=당신은 당신의 %s에 의해 죽었다. items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=당신은 당신의 %s에 의해 죽었다.
items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=아무일도 일어나지 않았다. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=아무일도 일어나지 않았다.
items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=당신이 장비한 모든 장비가 저주받았다\! items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=당신이 장비한 모든 장비가 저주받았다\!
items.wands.cursedwand.grass=당신 주변에서 풀이 마구 자라났다\! # items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Grass erupts around you\!
items.wands.cursedwand.fire=뭔가 타는 냄새가 나는데... items.wands.cursedwand.fire=뭔가 타는 냄새가 나는데...
items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=당신의 마법 막대는 다른 종류로 변했다\! items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=당신의 마법 막대는 다른 종류로 변했다\!
@ -603,35 +603,44 @@ items.wands.wand.curse_discover=이 %s는 저주받았다\!
items.wands.wand.prompt=발사할 지점을 선택하세요 items.wands.wand.prompt=발사할 지점을 선택하세요
items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=충격파의 마법 막대 items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=충격파의 마법 막대
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=staff of blast wave
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=당신은 당신이 발사한 충격파에 맞아 죽었다... items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=당신은 당신이 발사한 충격파에 맞아 죽었다...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=이 막대는 대리석의 일종으로 만들어졌으며, 금색의 테두리와 끝 부분의 둥글고 검은 보석으로 장식되어 있습니다. 손에 쥐었을때 매우 무겁게 느껴집니다.\n\n이 막대는 해당 지점에 착탄해 공간을 사납게 폭발시키는 화살을 발사합니다. 충격파는 해당 지점의 대부분의 적들을 날려보낼 만큼 강력합니다. items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=이 막대는 대리석의 일종으로 만들어졌으며, 금색의 테두리와 끝 부분의 둥글고 검은 보석으로 장식되어 있습니다. 손에 쥐었을때 매우 무겁게 느껴집니다.\n\n이 막대는 해당 지점에 착탄해 공간을 사납게 폭발시키는 화살을 발사합니다. 충격파는 해당 지점의 대부분의 적들을 날려보낼 만큼 강력합니다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=타락의 마법 막대 items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=타락의 마법 막대
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=staff
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=저 캐릭터는 이미 타락한 상태다. items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=저 캐릭터는 이미 타락한 상태다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=보스급 몬스터들은 타락 효과에 면역이다. items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=보스급 몬스터들은 타락 효과에 면역이다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=타락의 힘은 충분히 강하지 못한 듯 하다. 아무 일도 일어나지 않았다. items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=타락의 힘은 충분히 강하지 못한 듯 하다. 아무 일도 일어나지 않았다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=이 막대는 끝 부분에 달린 해골 모양 장식에서 알 수 있듯이 어두운 에너지를 발합니다.\n\n이 막대는 타락의 에너지를 발사하여, 적 하나의 정신을 조종할 수 있습니다. 체력이 가득 찬 적들은 그렇지 않은 적보다 지배하기가 힘들어집니다.\n\n이 막대는 사용할 때 최소 한번의 충전량을 사용하지만, 굳건한 적을 제압하기 위해 더 많은 충전량을 사용할 수도 있습니다. items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=이 막대는 끝 부분에 달린 해골 모양 장식에서 알 수 있듯이 어두운 에너지를 발합니다.\n\n이 막대는 타락의 에너지를 발사하여, 적 하나의 정신을 조종할 수 있습니다. 체력이 가득 찬 적들은 그렇지 않은 적보다 지배하기가 힘들어집니다.\n\n이 막대는 사용할 때 최소 한번의 충전량을 사용하지만, 굳건한 적을 제압하기 위해 더 많은 충전량을 사용할 수도 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=붕괴의 마법 막대 items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=붕괴의 마법 막대
# items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=staff of disintegration
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=이 막대는 매끈한 흑요석 덩어리로 만들어졌으며, 진보라색 빛이 옆 부분을 타고 끝까지 이어져 있습니다. 파괴적인 에너지를 내뿜으고 있으며 그 에너지가 발사되길 기다리고 있습니다.\n\n이 막대는 모든 장애물을 관통하는 광선을 발사합니다. 또한 막대가 강화될수록 광선이 더 멀리까지 나갑니다.\n\n이 막대가 발사하는 광선은 적과 지형을 관통할수록 더 강력해집니다. items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=이 막대는 매끈한 흑요석 덩어리로 만들어졌으며, 진보라색 빛이 옆 부분을 타고 끝까지 이어져 있습니다. 파괴적인 에너지를 내뿜으고 있으며 그 에너지가 발사되길 기다리고 있습니다.\n\n이 막대는 모든 장애물을 관통하는 광선을 발사합니다. 또한 막대가 강화될수록 광선이 더 멀리까지 나갑니다.\n\n이 막대가 발사하는 광선은 적과 지형을 관통할수록 더 강력해집니다.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=화염 폭발의 마법 막대 items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=화염 폭발의 마법 막대
# items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=staff of fireblast
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=이 막대는 붉은 색으로 옻칠한 나뭇가지를 금색 잎으로 대충 말아서 만들었습니다. 끝 부분이 떨리고 있어 강력한 마법을 발사하길 원하는 것 같습니다.\n\n이 막대를 사용하면 화염의 폭발이 일어나며, 원뿔 모양으로 확산됩니다. 강화된 막대는 더 많은 충전량을 소모하며, 소모하는 충전량이 늘어날 때 마다 효과도 눈에 띄게 강해집니다. items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=이 막대는 붉은 색으로 옻칠한 나뭇가지를 금색 잎으로 대충 말아서 만들었습니다. 끝 부분이 떨리고 있어 강력한 마법을 발사하길 원하는 것 같습니다.\n\n이 막대를 사용하면 화염의 폭발이 일어나며, 원뿔 모양으로 확산됩니다. 강화된 막대는 더 많은 충전량을 소모하며, 소모하는 충전량이 늘어날 때 마다 효과도 눈에 띄게 강해집니다.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=서리의 마법 막대 items.wands.wandoffrost.name=서리의 마법 막대
# items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=staff of frost
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=이 막대는 일종의 마법 얼음으로 만들어진 것 같습니다. 둥근 끝 부분으로 갈수록 밝게 빛이 납니다. 잡고 있으면 매우 차갑지만, 손이 차가워지지는 않습니다.\n\n이 막대는 사용자의 적에게 얼음 에너지를 발사하여 적지 않은 피해를 주며 냉동시켜 속도를 느리게 만듭니다. 물 속에 있는 적에게 사용하면 냉동 효과가 더 강해집니다. 냉동되거나 얼어 버린 적들은 이미 차가운 상태라서 이 막대에 피해를 적게 입습니다. items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=이 막대는 일종의 마법 얼음으로 만들어진 것 같습니다. 둥근 끝 부분으로 갈수록 밝게 빛이 납니다. 잡고 있으면 매우 차갑지만, 손이 차가워지지는 않습니다.\n\n이 막대는 사용자의 적에게 얼음 에너지를 발사하여 적지 않은 피해를 주며 냉동시켜 속도를 느리게 만듭니다. 물 속에 있는 적에게 사용하면 냉동 효과가 더 강해집니다. 냉동되거나 얼어 버린 적들은 이미 차가운 상태라서 이 막대에 피해를 적게 입습니다.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=번개의 마법 막대 items.wands.wandoflightning.name=번개의 마법 막대
# items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=staff of lightning
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=당신은 당신이 발사한 번개에 맞아 죽었다... items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=당신은 당신이 발사한 번개에 맞아 죽었다...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=이 막대는 쇳덩어리로 만들어져 생각보다 엄청 무겁다. 두 개의 지침이 끝 부분에 함께 휘어져 있으며 전류가 둘 사이에 흐르고 있다.\n\n이 막대는 발사한 지역으로 나가는 강력한 번개를 발사합니다. 이 번개는 주변의 적들에게 튕겨나갈 수 있으며, 물 속의 대상에게 더 강력합니다. 너무 가까이서 발사하면 당신도 번개에 맞을 수 있습니다. items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=이 막대는 쇳덩어리로 만들어져 생각보다 엄청 무겁다. 두 개의 지침이 끝 부분에 함께 휘어져 있으며 전류가 둘 사이에 흐르고 있다.\n\n이 막대는 발사한 지역으로 나가는 강력한 번개를 발사합니다. 이 번개는 주변의 적들에게 튕겨나갈 수 있으며, 물 속의 대상에게 더 강력합니다. 너무 가까이서 발사하면 당신도 번개에 맞을 수 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=마탄의 마법 막대 items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=마탄의 마법 막대
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=staff of magic missile
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=이 평범해 보이는 막대는 순수한 마법 에너지를 발사해 맞은 대상에게 평범한 피해를 입힙니다.\n\n다른 막대에 비해서 강하지는 않지만, 그에 비해 더 많은 충전량을 가집니다. items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=이 평범해 보이는 막대는 순수한 마법 에너지를 발사해 맞은 대상에게 평범한 피해를 입힙니다.\n\n다른 막대에 비해서 강하지는 않지만, 그에 비해 더 많은 충전량을 가집니다.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=굴절광의 마법 막대 items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=굴절광의 마법 막대
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=staff of prismatic light
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=이 막대는 투명한 수정 덩어리로 만들어져서 마치 기다랗고 매끈한 유리처럼 보입니다.\n\n이 막대는 맞은 적들에게 피해와 실명을 주며, 던전의 어둠을 밝혀 숨겨진 지역과 함정을 드러내 주는 광선을 발사합니다. 악마와 언데드는 막대에서 발사된 빛에 태워지며 대단한 추가 피해를 입습니다. items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=이 막대는 투명한 수정 덩어리로 만들어져서 마치 기다랗고 매끈한 유리처럼 보입니다.\n\n이 막대는 맞은 적들에게 피해와 실명을 주며, 던전의 어둠을 밝혀 숨겨진 지역과 함정을 드러내 주는 광선을 발사합니다. 악마와 언데드는 막대에서 발사된 빛에 태워지며 대단한 추가 피해를 입습니다.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=재성장의 마법 막대 items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=재성장의 마법 막대
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=staff of regrowth
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=이 막대는 전문적인 솜씨로 조각된 얇은 나무 줄기로 만들어졌습니다. 어떤 방법인지 모르겠지만 이 막대는 살아 있으며 어린 나무처럼 푸르고 움직입니다.\n\n이 막대를 사용하면 남은 충전량을 모두 소모해 원뿔 모양으로 마법의 재성장 에너지를 발사합니다. 이 마법은 잔디, 뿌리들, 그리고 희귀한 색물들을 자라나게 합니다.\n\n"한 생명이 죽으면 또 다른 생명이 태어나는 법... 그리고 영원한 순환은 언제나 계속될지니\!" items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=이 막대는 전문적인 솜씨로 조각된 얇은 나무 줄기로 만들어졌습니다. 어떤 방법인지 모르겠지만 이 막대는 살아 있으며 어린 나무처럼 푸르고 움직입니다.\n\n이 막대를 사용하면 남은 충전량을 모두 소모해 원뿔 모양으로 마법의 재성장 에너지를 발사합니다. 이 마법은 잔디, 뿌리들, 그리고 희귀한 색물들을 자라나게 합니다.\n\n"한 생명이 죽으면 또 다른 생명이 태어나는 법... 그리고 영원한 순환은 언제나 계속될지니\!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=이슬잡이풀 items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=이슬잡이풀
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=이슬잡이풀은 평소에는 잘 보이지 않기 위해 주변의 잡초로 위장하지만, 이슬을 머금은 주머니로 구분이 가능하다. items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=이슬잡이풀은 평소에는 잘 보이지 않기 위해 주변의 잡초로 위장하지만, 이슬을 머금은 주머니로 구분이 가능하다.
@ -639,11 +648,13 @@ items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=씨앗주머니풀
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=씨앗주머니풀은 예쁘게 보이지만, 그들이 가지고 있는 씨앗은 다른 식물을 뿌리 채 죽이고 난 뒤 가져온 것이다. items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=씨앗주머니풀은 예쁘게 보이지만, 그들이 가지고 있는 씨앗은 다른 식물을 뿌리 채 죽이고 난 뒤 가져온 것이다.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=이식의 마법 막대 items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=이식의 마법 막대
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.staff_name=staff of transfusion
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=당신은 당신이 가진 이식의 마법 막대 때문에 죽었다... items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=당신은 당신이 가진 이식의 마법 막대 때문에 죽었다...
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=당신의 지팡이는 적들의 생명력으로 충전되었다\! items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=당신의 지팡이는 적들의 생명력으로 충전되었다\!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=꽤나 평범하게 생긴 막대로써, 자주색 몸통 끝에 달린 칠흑색 보석이 돋보입니다.\n\n이 막대는 당신의 생명력을 조금 빨아 들여 대상에게 발사합니다. 이 효과는 대상에 따라 천차만별인데, 아군은 회복되며, 적들은 매혹시키며, 적대적인 언데드에겐 상당한 피해를 줍니다.\n\n사용자의 생명력 흡수가 이루어지므로, 이 막대를 사용하면 충전량을 소모하는 것과 동시에 사용자에게 피해를 입힙니다. items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=꽤나 평범하게 생긴 막대로써, 자주색 몸통 끝에 달린 칠흑색 보석이 돋보입니다.\n\n이 막대는 당신의 생명력을 조금 빨아 들여 대상에게 발사합니다. 이 효과는 대상에 따라 천차만별인데, 아군은 회복되며, 적들은 매혹시키며, 적대적인 언데드에겐 상당한 피해를 줍니다.\n\n사용자의 생명력 흡수가 이루어지므로, 이 막대를 사용하면 충전량을 소모하는 것과 동시에 사용자에게 피해를 입힙니다.
items.wands.wandofvenom.name=맹독의 마법 막대 items.wands.wandofvenom.name=맹독의 마법 막대
# items.wands.wandofvenom.staff_name=staff of venom
items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=이 막대는 보랏빛 몸체에 끝은 밝은 초록 보석으로 장식되어 있습니다.\n\n이 막대는 목표 지점에 착탄하여 사악한 유독성 가스를 발생시키는 화살을 발사합니다. 이 구름 속에 갇힌 적들은 지속적인 피해를 입으며, 이 피해는 시간이 갈수록 강해집니다. items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=이 막대는 보랏빛 몸체에 끝은 밝은 초록 보석으로 장식되어 있습니다.\n\n이 막대는 목표 지점에 착탄하여 사악한 유독성 가스를 발생시키는 화살을 발사합니다. 이 구름 속에 갇힌 적들은 지속적인 피해를 입으며, 이 피해는 시간이 갈수록 강해집니다.
@ -696,8 +707,6 @@ items.weapon.melee.mace.desc=이 무기 끝에 달린 철구는 적에게 보통
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=마법사의 지팡이 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=마법사의 지팡이
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=융합한다 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=융합한다
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=발사한다 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=발사한다
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.wand=마법 막대
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=흡수할 마법 막대를 선택하시오 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=흡수할 마법 막대를 선택하시오
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=당신은 당신의 지팡이와 %s를 합쳤다. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=당신은 당신의 지팡이와 %s를 합쳤다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=상반되는 마법이 당신의 지팡이에 깃든 마법을 지워 버렸다. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=상반되는 마법이 당신의 지팡이에 깃든 마법을 지워 버렸다.
@ -787,7 +796,7 @@ items.armorkit.upgraded=당신은 당신의 %s에 개조 도구를 사용했다.
items.armorkit.desc=이 작은 부품과 재료로 이루어진 도구를 작동시키면 누구라도 어떤 갑옷을 "전설 갑옷"으로 바꿀 수 있습니다. 갑옷이 가지고 있던 속성을 유지하며, 입은 직업에 따라 달라지는 능력을 새로 부여합니다. 재단술, 무두질, 제련술 그 어떤 것도 필요하지 않습니다. items.armorkit.desc=이 작은 부품과 재료로 이루어진 도구를 작동시키면 누구라도 어떤 갑옷을 "전설 갑옷"으로 바꿀 수 있습니다. 갑옷이 가지고 있던 속성을 유지하며, 입은 직업에 따라 달라지는 능력을 새로 부여합니다. 재단술, 무두질, 제련술 그 어떤 것도 필요하지 않습니다.
items.bomb.name=폭탄 items.bomb.name=폭탄
items.bomt.ac_lightthrow=불 붙여 던진다 # items.bomb.ac_lightthrow=LIGHT & THROW
items.bomb.snuff_fuse=당신은 폭탄의 도화선을 재빨리 껐다. items.bomb.snuff_fuse=당신은 폭탄의 도화선을 재빨리 껐다.
items.bomb.ondeath=폭사했다. items.bomb.ondeath=폭사했다.
items.bomb.rankings_desc=폭발로 사망 items.bomb.rankings_desc=폭발로 사망

View File

@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Ten zwój ulepszy jeden przedmiot, zwiększaj
# items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=You were killed by your own %s. # items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=You were killed by your own %s.
# items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nothing happens. # items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nothing happens.
items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=Ekwipunek, którego używasz został przeklęty\! items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=Ekwipunek, którego używasz został przeklęty\!
# items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Grass explodes around you\! # items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Grass erupts around you\!
# items.wands.cursedwand.fire=You smell burning... # items.wands.cursedwand.fire=You smell burning...
# items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Your wand transmogrifies into a different item\! # items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Your wand transmogrifies into a different item\!
@ -603,35 +603,44 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=Ekwipunek, którego używasz został przeklęty\!
# items.wands.wand.prompt=Choose a location to zap # items.wands.wand.prompt=Choose a location to zap
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=wand of blast wave # items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=wand of blast wave
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=staff of blast wave
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Blast Wave... # items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Blast Wave...
# items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=This wand is made of a sort of marbled stone, with gold trim and a round black gem at the tip. It feels very weighty in your hand.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which violently detonates at a target location. The force of this blast is strong enough to send most enemies flying. # items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=This wand is made of a sort of marbled stone, with gold trim and a round black gem at the tip. It feels very weighty in your hand.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which violently detonates at a target location. The force of this blast is strong enough to send most enemies flying.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=wand of corruption # items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=wand of corruption
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=staff
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=That character is already corrupted. # items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=That character is already corrupted.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=Bosses are immune to corruption. # items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=Bosses are immune to corruption.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=The corrupting power was not strong enough, nothing happens. # items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=The corrupting power was not strong enough, nothing happens.
# items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=This wand radiates dark energy, if that weren't already obvious from the small decorative skull shaped onto its tip.\n\nThis wand will release a blast of corrupting energy, attempting to bend enemies to your will. Full health enemies are much harder to corrupt than weakened ones.\n\nThis wand uses at least one charge per cast, but will often use more in an attempt to overpower more healthy enemies. # items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=This wand radiates dark energy, if that weren't already obvious from the small decorative skull shaped onto its tip.\n\nThis wand will release a blast of corrupting energy, attempting to bend enemies to your will. Full health enemies are much harder to corrupt than weakened ones.\n\nThis wand uses at least one charge per cast, but will often use more in an attempt to overpower more healthy enemies.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=różdżka dezintegracji items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=różdżka dezintegracji
# items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=staff of disintegration
# items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=This wand is made from a solid smooth chunk of obsidian, with a deep purple light running up its side, ending at the tip. It glows with destructive energy, waiting to shoot forward.\n\nThis wand shoots a beam that pierces any obstacle, and will go farther the more it is upgraded.\n\nThis wand deals bonus damage the more enemies and terrain it penetrates. # items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=This wand is made from a solid smooth chunk of obsidian, with a deep purple light running up its side, ending at the tip. It glows with destructive energy, waiting to shoot forward.\n\nThis wand shoots a beam that pierces any obstacle, and will go farther the more it is upgraded.\n\nThis wand deals bonus damage the more enemies and terrain it penetrates.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=różdżka ognistego pocisku items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=różdżka ognistego pocisku
# items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=staff of fireblast
# items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=This wand is made from red-lacquered wood with golden leaf used liberally to make it look quite regal. It crackles and hisses at the tip, eager to unleash its powerful magic.\n\nThis wand produces a blast of fire when used, extending out into a cone shape. As this wand is upgraded it will consume more charges, the effect becomes significantly more powerful the more charges are consumed. # items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=This wand is made from red-lacquered wood with golden leaf used liberally to make it look quite regal. It crackles and hisses at the tip, eager to unleash its powerful magic.\n\nThis wand produces a blast of fire when used, extending out into a cone shape. As this wand is upgraded it will consume more charges, the effect becomes significantly more powerful the more charges are consumed.
# items.wands.wandoffrost.name=wand of frost # items.wands.wandoffrost.name=wand of frost
# items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=staff of frost
# items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=This wand seems to be made out of some kind of magical ice. It grows brighter towards its rounded tip. It feels very cold when held, but somehow your hand stays warm.\n\nThis wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing significant damage and chilling, which reduces speed. The effect seems stronger in water. Chilled and frozen enemies take less damage from this wand, as they are already cold. # items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=This wand seems to be made out of some kind of magical ice. It grows brighter towards its rounded tip. It feels very cold when held, but somehow your hand stays warm.\n\nThis wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing significant damage and chilling, which reduces speed. The effect seems stronger in water. Chilled and frozen enemies take less damage from this wand, as they are already cold.
# items.wands.wandoflightning.name=wand of lightning # items.wands.wandoflightning.name=wand of lightning
# items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=staff of lightning
# items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Lightning... # items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Lightning...
# items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=This wand is made out of solid metal, making it surprisingly heavy. Two prongs curve together at the tip, and electricity arcs between them.\n\nThis wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at. This electricity can bounce between many nearby foes, and is more powerful in water. If you're too close, you may get shocked as well. # items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=This wand is made out of solid metal, making it surprisingly heavy. Two prongs curve together at the tip, and electricity arcs between them.\n\nThis wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at. This electricity can bounce between many nearby foes, and is more powerful in water. If you're too close, you may get shocked as well.
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=wand of magic missile # items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=wand of magic missile
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=staff of magic missile
# items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=This fairly plain wand launches missiles of pure magical energy, dealing moderate damage to a target.\n\nWhile not as strong as other wands, it makes up for it somewhat with more available charges. # items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=This fairly plain wand launches missiles of pure magical energy, dealing moderate damage to a target.\n\nWhile not as strong as other wands, it makes up for it somewhat with more available charges.
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=wand of prismatic light # items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=wand of prismatic light
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=staff of prismatic light
# items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=This wand is made of a solid piece of translucent crystal, like a long chunk of smooth glass.\n\nThis wand shoots rays of light which damage and blind enemies and cut through the darkness of the dungeon, revealing hidden areas and traps. Demonic and undead foes will burn in the bright light of the wand, taking significant bonus damage. # items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=This wand is made of a solid piece of translucent crystal, like a long chunk of smooth glass.\n\nThis wand shoots rays of light which damage and blind enemies and cut through the darkness of the dungeon, revealing hidden areas and traps. Demonic and undead foes will burn in the bright light of the wand, taking significant bonus damage.
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=wand of regrowth # items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=wand of regrowth
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=staff of regrowth
# items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core.\n\nWhen used, this wand will consume all its charges to blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone. This magic will cause grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life.\n\n"When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains\!" # items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core.\n\nWhen used, this wand will consume all its charges to blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone. This magic will cause grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life.\n\n"When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains\!"
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Dewcatcher # items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Dewcatcher
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away. # items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
@ -639,11 +648,13 @@ items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=różdżka ognistego pocisku
# items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Seed Pods look pretty, but the seeds they carry are actually stolen from other plants they kill with their roots. # items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Seed Pods look pretty, but the seeds they carry are actually stolen from other plants they kill with their roots.
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=wand of transfusion # items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=wand of transfusion
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.staff_name=staff of transfusion
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Transfusion... # items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=You killed yourself with your own Wand of Transfusion...
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Your staff is charged with the life energy of your enemy\! # items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Your staff is charged with the life energy of your enemy\!
# items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=A fairly plainly shaped wand, it stands out due to its magenta hue and pitch black gem at the tip.\n\nThis wand will take some of your life energy and blast it at a target. This effect is very versatile\: allies will be healed, enemies will be temporarily charmed, and hostile undead will take considerable damage.\n\nThe life drain is significant though, using this wand will deal damage to you in addition to consuming charges. # items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=A fairly plainly shaped wand, it stands out due to its magenta hue and pitch black gem at the tip.\n\nThis wand will take some of your life energy and blast it at a target. This effect is very versatile\: allies will be healed, enemies will be temporarily charmed, and hostile undead will take considerable damage.\n\nThe life drain is significant though, using this wand will deal damage to you in addition to consuming charges.
# items.wands.wandofvenom.name=wand of venom # items.wands.wandofvenom.name=wand of venom
# items.wands.wandofvenom.staff_name=staff of venom
# items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=This wand has a purple body which opens to a brilliant green gem.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of vile venomous gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take continual damage, increasing with time. # items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=This wand has a purple body which opens to a brilliant green gem.\n\nThis wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of vile venomous gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take continual damage, increasing with time.
@ -696,8 +707,6 @@ items.weapon.melee.mace.stats_desc=To raczej szybka broń.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=mage's staff # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=mage's staff
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=IMBUE # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=IMBUE
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=ZAP # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=ZAP
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.wand=wand
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.staff=staff
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Select a wand to consume # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Select a wand to consume
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=You imbue your staff with the %s. # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=You imbue your staff with the %s.
# items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=The conflicting magics erase the enchantment on your staff. # items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=The conflicting magics erase the enchantment on your staff.
@ -787,7 +796,7 @@ items.ankh.desc=Będący starożytnym symbolem nieśmiertelności, Ankh zapewnia
# items.armorkit.desc=Using this kit of small tools and materials anybody can transform any armor into an "epic armor", which will keep all properties of the original armor, but will also provide its wearer a special ability depending on his class. No skills in tailoring, leatherworking or blacksmithing are required. # items.armorkit.desc=Using this kit of small tools and materials anybody can transform any armor into an "epic armor", which will keep all properties of the original armor, but will also provide its wearer a special ability depending on his class. No skills in tailoring, leatherworking or blacksmithing are required.
# items.bomb.name=bomb # items.bomb.name=bomb
# items.bomt.ac_lightthrow=LIGHT & THROW # items.bomb.ac_lightthrow=LIGHT & THROW
# items.bomb.snuff_fuse=You quickly snuff the bomb's fuse. # items.bomb.snuff_fuse=You quickly snuff the bomb's fuse.
# items.bomb.ondeath=Killed by an explosion # items.bomb.ondeath=Killed by an explosion
# items.bomb.rankings_desc=Killed by an explosion # items.bomb.rankings_desc=Killed by an explosion

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
###glyphs ###glyphs
items.armor.glyphs.affection.name=%s da afeição, items.armor.glyphs.affection.name=%s da afeição
items.armor.glyphs.antientropy.name=%s da anti-entropia items.armor.glyphs.antientropy.name=%s da anti-entropia
items.armor.glyphs.bounce.name=%s do repelimento. items.armor.glyphs.bounce.name=%s do repelimento
items.armor.glyphs.displacement.name=%s do deslocamento items.armor.glyphs.displacement.name=%s do deslocamento
@ -20,70 +20,70 @@ items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Morto por\: glifo do potencial
items.armor.glyphs.stench.name=%s do fedor items.armor.glyphs.stench.name=%s do fedor
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.name=%s da viscosidade items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.name=%s da viscosidade
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=%d deferido items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=%d adiado
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.name=dano adiado items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.name=dano adiado
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.ondeath=O dano adiado matou você... items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.ondeath=O dano adiado matou você...
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.rankings_desc=Morto por dano adiado items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.rankings_desc=Morto por dano adiado
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=enquanto o grifo de sua armadura protegeu você do dano,ele parece estar lentamente pagando você de volta por isso.\n\no dano está sendo causado a você lentamente ao invés de imediatamente.Você irá levar um de dano a cada turno até não haver mais dano restante.\n\ndano adiado restante\: %d items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=O glifo de sua armadura protegeu você do dano, mas parece estar lentamente retribuindo o dano a você.\n\nO dano está sendo causado a você ao longo do tempo ao invés de imediatamente. Você irá levar um de dano a cada turno até não haver mais dano restante.\n\nDano adiado restante\: %d.
###armor ###armor
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=a sua %s aperta-se em você dolorosamente. items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=%s aperta-se em você dolorosamente.
items.armor.armor.identify=você esta familiar com sua %s para identificar,é um %s items.armor.armor.identify=Você está acostumado com %s suficientemente para indetificá-lo(a). É %s.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=interação de diferentes tipos de magia apagou o glifo dessa armadura. items.armor.armor.incompatible=A interação de tipos diferentes de magia apagou o glifo dessa armadura\!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=essa armadura fornece absorção de dano de até %d por ataque items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Esta armadura provê absorção de dano de até %d pontos por ataque.
items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=tipicamente essa armadura fornece absorção de dano de até %d pontos e requer %d pontos de força items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Normalmente esta armadura oferece absorção de dano de até %d pontos por ataque e requer %d pontos de força.
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=por causa de sua força inadequada vestir essa armadura ira diminuir sua velocidade de movimento e habilidade de defesa items.armor.armor.too_heavy=Por conta de sua força inadequada, vestir esta armadura irá diminuir sua velocidade de movimento e habilidade de defesa.
items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=provavelmente esa armadura é muito pesada para você items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Esta armadura provavelmente é muito pesada para você.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=esta escrita com %s items.armor.armor.inscribed=Está inscrita com um %s.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=essa armadura é amaldiçoada,e você é incapaz de remove-la items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Esta armadura está amaldiçoada. Você é incapaz de removê-la.
items.armor.armor.cursed=você pode sentir uma magia maligna pulsando com essa armadura. items.armor.armor.cursed=Você consegue sentir uma magia malévola se escondendo dentro desta armadura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.glyph=glifo items.armor.armor$glyph.glyph=glifo
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s matou você items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s matou você...
items.armor.classarmor.low_hp=sua vida esta muito baixa\! items.armor.classarmor.low_hp=Sua vida está muito baixa\!
items.armor.classarmor.not_equipped=você precisa estar usando essa armadura para usar sue poder especial items.armor.classarmor.not_equipped=Você precisa estar vestindo esta armadura para usar seu poder especial\!
items.armor.clotharmor.name=armadura de pano. items.armor.clotharmor.name=armadura de pano
items.armor.clotharmor.desc=essa armadura leve fornece proteção básica items.armor.clotharmor.desc=Esta armadura leve oferece proteção básica.
items.armor.huntressarmor.name=capa da caçadora items.armor.huntressarmor.name=capa da caçadora
items.armor.huntressarmor.ac_special=LÂMINAS ESPECTRAIS items.armor.huntressarmor.ac_special=LÂMINAS ESPECTRAIS
items.armor.huntressarmor.no_enemies=nenhum inimigo a vista items.armor.huntressarmor.no_enemies=Nenhum inimigo à vista
items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=uma caçadora nessa capa pode criar uma coleção de laminas espectrais.cada uma dessas lamina irá atingir um único inimigo no campo de visão da caçadora,causando dano de acordo com a sua arma branca atualmente equipada. items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=Uma caçadora vestindo uma capa como essa consegue criar um leque de lâminas espectrais. Cada uma destas lâminas irá mirar em um único inimigo que estiver no campo de visão da caçadora, infligindo dano dependendo da arma com que ela está equipada.
items.armor.leatherarmor.name=armadura de couro items.armor.leatherarmor.name=armadura de couro
items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=essa armadura foi feita de algum tipo de couro de monstro.não é tão leve quanto a armadura de pano,mas fornece proteção melhor. items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=Armadura feita de couro de monstro curtido. Não é tão leve quanto a armadura de pano mas oferece uma proteção melhor.
items.armor.magearmor.name=robe do mago. items.armor.magearmor.name=túnica do mago
items.armor.magearmor.ac_special=TERRA DERRETIDA items.armor.magearmor.ac_special=TERRA DERRETIDA
items.armor.magearmor.desc=vestindo esse lindo robe,um mago pode invocar um feitiço de fundir a terra\:todos os inimigos em seu campo de visão pegarão fogo e serão incapazes de se mover ao mesmo tempo. items.armor.magearmor.desc=Vestindo esta linda túnica, um mago pode invocar um feitiço de terra fundida\: todos os inimigos no seu campo de visão pegarão fogo e ficarão incapazes de mover-se.
items.armor.mailarmor.name=armadura de malha items.armor.mailarmor.name=armadura de malha
items.armor.mailarmor.desc=elos de metal foram entralaçados para formar uma armadura resistente,mas flexivél. items.armor.mailarmor.desc=Elos de metal foram entrelaçados para formar uma armadura resistente, porém flexível.
items.armor.platearmor.name=armadura de placa items.armor.platearmor.name=armadura de placa
items.armor.platearmor.desc=placas de metal enormes foram fundidas juntas para formar um terno que fornece proteção incomparável para qualquer aventureiro forte o suficiente para suportar seu peso esmagador. items.armor.platearmor.desc=Placas de metal enormes foram usadas para formar esta armadura, que fornece proteção incomparável para qualquer aventureiro forte o suficiente para suportar seu peso esmagador.
items.armor.roguearmor.name=traje do trapaceiro. items.armor.roguearmor.name=traje do maroto
items.armor.roguearmor.ac_special=BOMBA DE FUMAÇA items.armor.roguearmor.ac_special=BOMBA DE FUMAÇA
items.armor.roguearmor.fov=você só pode pular para um lugar vazio em sua linha de visão. items.armor.roguearmor.fov=Você só pode pular para um lugar vazio em seu campo de visão.
items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=escolha uma localização para pular. items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=Escolha uma localização para pular.
items.armor.roguearmor.desc=vestindo essa roupa escura,um trapaceiro pode efetuar um truque,ele se chama ¨bomba de fumaça¨\:isso cega inimigos visiveis e pula para uma localização visivel\n. items.armor.roguearmor.desc=Vestindo este traje escuro, um maroto consegue fazer um truque que ele chama de "bomba de fumaça"\: ele cega inimigos que conseguem vê-lo e pula para outro lado.
items.armor.scalearmor.name=armadura de escalas items.armor.scalearmor.name=armadura de escamas
items.armor.scalearmor.desc=escamas de metal foram juntadas para formar um flexivel,porem protetiva armadura. items.armor.scalearmor.desc=Escamas de metal foram costuradas em um colete de couro para formar uma armadura flexível, porém reforçada.
items.armor.warriorarmor.name=armadura do guerreiro items.armor.warriorarmor.name=armadura do guerreiro
items.armor.warriorarmor.ac_special=SALTO HERÓICO items.armor.warriorarmor.ac_special=SALTO HERÓICO
items.armor.warriorarmor.prompt=selecione uma direção para pular items.armor.warriorarmor.prompt=Selecione uma direção para pular
items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=enquanto essa armadura parece pesada,ela permite que um guerreiro performe um salto heróico para uma localização alvo,atordoando todos os inimigos próximos items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Enquanto esta armadura aparenta ser pesada, na verdade ela permite ao guerreiro dar um pulo heroico na direção alvo, esmagando todos os inimigos ao redor e atordoando-os.
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit de ferramentas do alquimista. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit de ferramentas do alquimista
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=MISTURAR items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=MISTURAR
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n ##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.levelup=Sua Capa se torna mais forte\!
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.name=Espinhos items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.name=Espinhos
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=sua capa está irradiando energia,cercando você em um campo e força defletiva\!\n\ntodo o dano recebido é reduzido enquanto o efeito espinhos esta ativado.adicionalmente,se o atacante está próximo a você.o dano reduzido e defletido de volta ao atacante\!\n\nturnos de espinhos restantes\: %s. items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=sua capa está irradiando energia,cercando você em um campo e força defletiva\!\n\ntodo o dano recebido é reduzido enquanto o efeito espinhos esta ativado.adicionalmente,se o atacante está próximo a você.o dano reduzido e defletido de volta ao atacante\!\n\nturnos de espinhos restantes\: %s.
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.name=calice de sangue. items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.name=cálice de sangue
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.ac_prick=FURAR items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.ac_prick=FURAR
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.yes=sim,eu sei oque estou fazendo items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.yes=sim,eu sei oque estou fazendo
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.no=não,eu mudei de ideia items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.no=não,eu mudei de ideia
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_1=quando você segura o cálice,você se sen
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_2=um pouco do seu sangue está acumulado dentro do cálice,você sente o cálice sutilmente alimentando você com um pouco de energia vital. Você ainda quer se cortar no cálice,mesmo sabendo que vai doer. items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_2=um pouco do seu sangue está acumulado dentro do cálice,você sente o cálice sutilmente alimentando você com um pouco de energia vital. Você ainda quer se cortar no cálice,mesmo sabendo que vai doer.
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=o cálice esta cheio até a borda com a sua essência vital.Você pode sentir o cálice transbordando energia vital de volta para você items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=o cálice esta cheio até a borda com a sua essência vital.Você pode sentir o cálice transbordando energia vital de volta para você
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=capa das sombras. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=capa das sombras
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=FURTIVO items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=FURTIVO
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=sua capa precisa de mais %d para se re-energizar. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=sua capa precisa de mais %d para se re-energizar.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=sua capa ainda não carregou o suficiente para ser usavêl ainda items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=sua capa ainda não carregou o suficiente para ser usavêl ainda
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.levelup=sua capa cresceu em força
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.name=encapuzado. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.name=encapuzado.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=sua capa das sombras esta lhe garantindo invisibilidade enquanto você estiver envolvido por ela.\n\nEnquanto você estiver invisível inimigos são incapazes de atacar ou segui-lo . Ataques físicos e efeitos mágicos (tais como pergaminhos e varinhas ) irá cancelar imediatamente invisibilidade.\n\nvocê permanecera encapuzado por até sua capa ficar sem carga. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=sua capa das sombras esta lhe garantindo invisibilidade enquanto você estiver envolvido por ela.\n\nEnquanto você estiver invisível inimigos são incapazes de atacar ou segui-lo . Ataques físicos e efeitos mágicos (tais como pergaminhos e varinhas ) irá cancelar imediatamente invisibilidade.\n\nvocê permanecera encapuzado por até sua capa ficar sem carga.
items.artifacts.driedrose.name=rosa seca items.artifacts.driedrose.name=rosa murcha
items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_summon=INVOCAR items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_summon=INVOCAR
items.artifacts.driedrose.spawned=Você já invocou o fantasma. items.artifacts.driedrose.spawned=Você já invocou o fantasma.
items.artifacts.driedrose.no_charge=Sua rosa ainda não está totalmente carregada. items.artifacts.driedrose.no_charge=Sua rosa ainda não está totalmente carregada.
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose.charged=Sua rosa está totalmente carregada\!
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc=É esta a rosa que o fantasma mencionou antes de desaparecer? Ela parece conter uma forma de poder espiritual, talvez ela possa ser usada para canalizar a energia daquele guerreiro falecido. items.artifacts.driedrose.desc=É esta a rosa que o fantasma mencionou antes de desaparecer? Ela parece conter uma forma de poder espiritual, talvez ela possa ser usada para canalizar a energia daquele guerreiro falecido.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_hint=Algumas pétalas parecem estar faltando. Talvez reanexá-las possa fortalecer a rosa. items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_hint=Algumas pétalas parecem estar faltando. Talvez reanexá-las possa fortalecer a rosa.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_cursed=A rosa amaldiçoada está presa à sua mão, ela está estranhamente fria. items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_cursed=A rosa amaldiçoada está presa à sua mão, ela está estranhamente fria.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.name=petala seca items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.name=pétala seca
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.no_rose=Você não tem uma rosa para reanexar esta pétala. items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.no_rose=Você não tem uma rosa para reanexar esta pétala.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.no_room=Não há mais espaço para esta pétala, então você a descarta. items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.no_room=Não há mais espaço para esta pétala, então você a descarta.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.maxlevel=A rosa está completa\! items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.maxlevel=A rosa está completa\!
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=esse chifre não pode ser soprado,mas parece s
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=talvez aja um jeito de aumentar o poder do chifre lhe dando energia de uma comida items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=talvez aja um jeito de aumentar o poder do chifre lhe dando energia de uma comida
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=o chifre amaldiçoado se prendeu a você,ele parece estar roubando a efetividade da comida em vez de produzi-la. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=o chifre amaldiçoado se prendeu a você,ele parece estar roubando a efetividade da comida em vez de produzi-la.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=o farol da lloyd´s items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=o farol de lloyd
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_zap=ZAPEAR items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_zap=ZAPEAR
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_set=ATIVAR items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_set=ATIVAR
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_return=RETORNAR items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_return=RETORNAR
@ -190,14 +190,14 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.return=o farol da Lloyd-s foi marcado na sua locali
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=o faról da Lloyd´s é uma ferramenta magica intrincada que garante ao usuario controle das magias de teleportação.ele pode ser usado para retornar a uma localização marcada,ele também pode espelir estouros de magia de teleporte aleatória se estiver equipado ou carregado.Essa magia pode ser direcionada a a um alvo ou ao próprio usuario items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=o faról da Lloyd´s é uma ferramenta magica intrincada que garante ao usuario controle das magias de teleportação.ele pode ser usado para retornar a uma localização marcada,ele também pode espelir estouros de magia de teleporte aleatória se estiver equipado ou carregado.Essa magia pode ser direcionada a a um alvo ou ao próprio usuario
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=o farol foi marcado em algum lugar do andar %d de pixel dungeon items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=o farol foi marcado em algum lugar do andar %d de pixel dungeon
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=braçadeira do mestre ladrão. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=braçadeira dos mestres ladrões
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=essa braçadeira roxa apresenta a marca de um mestre ladrão.Ela não pertence a você,mas provavelmente não pertencia a pessoa de quem você tirou isso items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=essa braçadeira roxa apresenta a marca de um mestre ladrão.Ela não pertence a você,mas provavelmente não pertencia a pessoa de quem você tirou isso
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=com a braçadeira ao redor de seu pulso,cada peça de ouro que você encontra faz você querer mais.Talvez não seja tão dificil roubar do pixel mart... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=com a braçadeira ao redor de seu pulso,cada peça de ouro que você encontra faz você querer mais.Talvez não seja tão dificil roubar do pixel mart...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandalias da natureza items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandálias da natureza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=sapatos da natureza items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=sapatos da natureza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_2=botas da natureza items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_2=botas da natureza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_3=gravas da natureza items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_3=grevas da natureza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.ac_feed=ALIMENTAR items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.ac_feed=ALIMENTAR
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.ac_root=ENRAIZAR items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.ac_root=ENRAIZAR
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.no_charge=ele não tem energia agora. items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.no_charge=ele não tem energia agora.
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_cursed=as sandalias amaldiçoadas estão bl
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_ability=O calçado ganhou a capacidade de transformar-se em uma espécie de armadura natural imóvel, mas terá de carregar para fazer isso. items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_ability=O calçado ganhou a capacidade de transformar-se em uma espécie de armadura natural imóvel, mas terá de carregar para fazer isso.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=você já alimentou os calçados com sementes de %d items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=você já alimentou os calçados com sementes de %d
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.name=talismã da previdencia items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.name=talismã da vidência
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.ac_scry=ADIVINHAR items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.ac_scry=ADIVINHAR
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.no_charge=o talismã ainda não esta totalmente carregado. items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.no_charge=o talismã ainda não esta totalmente carregado.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.scry=o talismã imunda a sua mente com sabedoria sobre o andar atual items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.scry=o talismã imunda a sua mente com sabedoria sobre o andar atual
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.full_charge=seu talismã esta tota
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.uneasy=você se sente desconfortavel items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.uneasy=você se sente desconfortavel
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.desc=você se sente muito desconfortavel,como se tivesse algum perigo por perto items.artifacts.talismanofforesight$foresight.desc=você se sente muito desconfortavel,como se tivesse algum perigo por perto
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.name=ampulheta do guardião do tempo. items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.name=ampulheta do guardião do tempo
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.ac_activate=ATIVAR items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.ac_activate=ATIVAR
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.in_use=sua ampulheta esta pronta para o uso items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.in_use=sua ampulheta esta pronta para o uso
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.no_charge=sua ampulheta ainda não recarregou o suficiente para ser usavél ainda items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.no_charge=sua ampulheta ainda não recarregou o suficiente para ser usavél ainda
@ -266,244 +266,244 @@ items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=o indice do livro está incompleto,
items.bags.bag.name=mochila items.bags.bag.name=mochila
items.bags.potionbandolier.name=bandoleira de poções items.bags.potionbandolier.name=bandoleira de poções
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Esta bandoleira de espessura se encaixa em torno de seu peito como um cinto , ele tem muitas tiras isoladas sobre ela para armazenar frascos de poção\n\nenquanto dentro da bandoleira,suas poções serão protegidas do frio items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Esta bandoleira grossa se encaixa em torno de seu peito como um cinto, ela tem várias tiras isoladas para armazenar frascos de poção.\n\nEnquanto estiverem dentro da bandoleira, suas poções estarão protegidas do frio.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=suporte de pergaminhos items.bags.scrollholder.name=canudo de pergaminhos
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Este recipiente tubular parece que serve para realizar gráficos de um astrônomo , mas seus pergaminhos vão caber tão bem...\n\no suporte não parece muito inflamavel então talvez seu pergaminhos estejam seguros do fogo ai dentro. items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Este recipiente tubular parece que foi feito para guardar mapas de astrônomos, mas seus pergaminhos caberão do mesmo jeito.\n\nO canudo não parece ser muito inflamável, então seus pergaminhos devem estar protegidos contra o fogo enquanto estiverem dentro dele.
items.bags.seedpouch.name=bolsa de sementes items.bags.seedpouch.name=bolsa de sementes
items.bags.seedpouch.desc=esta pequena bolsa de veludo permite armazenar qualquer número de sementes.Muito conveniente. items.bags.seedpouch.desc=Esta pequena bolsa de veludo permite armazenar qualquer número de sementes. Muito conveniente.
items.bags.wandholster.name=coldre de varinhas. items.bags.wandholster.name=coldre de varinhas
items.bags.wandholster.desc=Este coldre fino é feito de algum animal exótico, e é projetado para armazenar de forma compacta muitas varinhas. items.bags.wandholster.desc=Este coldre fino é feito de algum animal exótico, e é projetado para armazenar de forma compacta muitas varinhas.
###food ###food
items.food.blandfruit.name=blandfruit items.food.blandfruit.name=frutinsossa
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=fruta do sol items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=fruta do sol
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=rotfruit items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=rotfruta
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=fruta da terra items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=fruterra
items.food.blandfruit.blindfruit=fruta cega items.food.blandfruit.blindfruit=fruta cega
items.food.blandfruit.firefruit=fruta de fogo items.food.blandfruit.firefruit=fogofruta
items.food.blandfruit.icefruit=fruta de gelo items.food.blandfruit.icefruit=gelofruta
items.food.blandfruit.fadefruit=fadefruit items.food.blandfruit.fadefruit=fruta-fantasma
items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=fruta tóxica items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=frutristeza
items.food.blandfruit.stormfruit=fruta de tempestade items.food.blandfruit.stormfruit=tempesfruta
items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=fruta dos sonhos items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=sonhofruta
items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=fruta de estrela items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=fruta-estrela
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Você não pode suportar comer isso cru . items.food.blandfruit.raw=Você não suporta comer isto cru.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=o gosto da fruta de gelo lembra um pouco carpaccio congelado items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=A gelofruta tem um gosto parecido com um Carpaccio Congeldo.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Você sente um grande fogo queimando dentro de você\! items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Você sente um grande fogo queimando dentro de você\!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Você está imbuído de poder tóxico vil\! items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Você está imbuído de um poder tóxico vil\!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Você sente o poder da terra fluindo através de você\! items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Você sente o poder da terra fluindo através de você\!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tão seca e sem substância , talvez cozinhar com outro ingrediente pode melhorar isso\! items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tão seca e sem gosto. Talvez colocá-la em um caldo com outro ingrediente melhoraria seu gosto.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=O fruto saiu de seu tempo de imersão na panela e parece ter absorvido as propriedades da semente\n\nparece pronto para comer\! items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=O fruto tornou-se suculento após a imersão no caldeirão e até absorveu as propriedades da semente com o qual foi cozido.\n\nParece estar pronto para ser comido\!
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne grelhada items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne grelhada
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=parece um lanche decente items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Parece ser um bife decente.
items.food.food.name=ração de comida items.food.food.name=ração
items.food.food.ac_eat=COMER items.food.food.ac_eat=COMER
items.food.food.eat_msg=a comida estava deliciosa\! items.food.food.eat_msg=A comida estava deliciosa\!
items.food.food.desc=nada de mais aqui\:carne seca,alguns biscoitos,coisas assim items.food.food.desc=Nada de mais aqui\: carne seca, alguns biscoitos - coisas desse tipo.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.name=carpaccio congelado items.food.frozencarpaccio.name=carpaccio congelado
items.food.frozencarpaccio.invis=você viu as suas mão ficarem invisiveis\! items.food.frozencarpaccio.invis=Você vê suas mãos tornarem-se invisíveis\!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.hard=você sente sua pele mais dura items.food.frozencarpaccio.hard=Você sente sua pele endurecer\!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=revigorante\! items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Revigorante\!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=você se sente melhor\! items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Você se sente melhor\!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=É um pedaço de carne crua congelada. A única maneira de comer é cortando fatias finas do mesmo. E desta forma é surpreendentemente bom. items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=É um pedaço de carne crua congelada. A única maneira de comer é cortando em fatias bem finas. Desta forma ele é surpreendentemente bom.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=carne misteriosa. items.food.mysterymeat.name=carne misteriosa
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=esta comida estava...estranha items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Essa comida estava com um gosto... esquisito.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=oh\!está quente\! items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh\! Está quente\!
items.food.mysterymeat.legs=você não sente suas pernas\! items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Você não sente suas pernas\!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=você não se sente bem. items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Você não se sente bem.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=voçê esta estufado items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Você está estufado.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=coma por seu próprio risco items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Coma por sua própria conta e risco.
items.food.overpricedration.name=ração de comida acima do preço. items.food.overpricedration.name=ração inflacionada
items.food.overpricedration.eat_msg=a comida esta ok. items.food.overpricedration.eat_msg=Esta comida estava com um gosto OK.
items.food.overpricedration.desc=Parece exatamente com uma ração de comida padrão,mas menor. items.food.overpricedration.desc=Parece exatamente como uma ração comum, mas um pouco menor.
items.food.pasty.pasty=pastel items.food.pasty.pasty=salgado
items.food.pasty.cane=bengala doce. items.food.pasty.cane=bengala doce
items.food.food.pasty_desc=Este é um autêntico pastel Cornish com recheio tradicional de carne e batata . items.food.food.pasty_desc=Este é um autêntico salgado da Cornuália com recheio tradicional de carne e batata .
items.food.food.cane_desc=Uma enorme e açucarada bengala doce\! É grande o suficiente para encher você , e o açúcar pode dar a suas varinhas um pouquinho de carga extra também.\n\nfeliz natal\! items.food.food.cane_desc=Uma enorme e açucarada bengala doce\! É grande o suficiente para matar sua fome, e o açúcar pode dar à suas varinhas um pouquinho de carga extra também.\n\nFeliz Natal\!
###keys ###keys
items.keys.goldenkey.name=chave de ouro items.keys.goldenkey.name=chave dourada
items.keys.goldenkey.desc=as marcações nessa chave de ouro são muito intrincadas, talvez ela possa abrir algum baú trancado? items.keys.goldenkey.desc=As marcações nessa chave de ouro são muito pequenas e delicadas. Talvez ela possa abrir algum baú trancado?
items.keys.ironkey.name=chave de ferro items.keys.ironkey.name=chave de ferro
items.keys.ironkey.desc=Os entalhes nesta chave de ferro antiga são bem desgastados ; seu cordão de couro também é degastado pela idade. Que porta pode abrir? items.keys.ironkey.desc=Os entalhes nesta chave de ferro antiga estão bem desgastados; seu cordão de couro estão castigados pela idade. Que porta poderia abrir?
items.keys.skeletonkey.name=chave esqueleto items.keys.skeletonkey.name=chave-mestre
items.keys.skeletonkey.desc=essa chave parece importante\:sua cabeça tem o formato de um crânio . Provavelmente, ele pode abrir alguma porta importante items.keys.skeletonkey.desc=Esta chave parece ser especial\: sua cabeça tem o formato de um crânio. Ela deve abrir alguma porta importante.
###potions ###potions
items.potions.potion.ac_drink=BEBER items.potions.potion.ac_drink=BEBER
items.potions.potion.turquoise=turquesa items.potions.potion.turquoise=turquesa
items.potions.potion.crimson=carmesim items.potions.potion.crimson=escarlate
items.potions.potion.azure=azul items.potions.potion.azure=azul
items.potions.potion.jade=jade items.potions.potion.jade=jade
items.potions.potion.golden=dourada items.potions.potion.golden=cor-de-ouro
items.potions.potion.magenta=magenta items.potions.potion.magenta=magenta
items.potions.potion.charcoal=carvão items.potions.potion.charcoal=grafite
items.potions.potion.ivory=ambar items.potions.potion.ivory=marfim
items.potions.potion.amber=ambar items.potions.potion.amber=âmbar
items.potions.potion.bistre=marrom escuro items.potions.potion.bistre=marrom
items.potions.potion.indigo=anil items.potions.potion.indigo=anil
items.potions.potion.silver=prata items.potions.potion.silver=prata
items.potions.potion.unknown_name=poção %s items.potions.potion.unknown_name=poção %s
items.potions.potion.unknown_desc=esse frasco conte um borbulhante liquido %s. Quem sabe o que ele vai fazer quando bebido ou jogado ? items.potions.potion.unknown_desc=Esse frasco contém um liquido %s borbulhante. Quem sabe o que ele vai fazer quando ingerido ou arremessado?
items.potions.potion.harmful=poção prejudicial\! items.potions.potion.harmful=Poção prejudicial\!
items.potions.potion.beneficial=poção beneficial items.potions.potion.beneficial=Poção benéfica\!
items.potions.potion.yes=sim,eu sei oque estou fazendo items.potions.potion.yes=Sim, sei o que estou fazendo
items.potions.potion.no=não,eu mudei de ideia items.potions.potion.no=Não, mudei de ideia
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=você tem certeza de que quer beber isso?Na maioria dos casos você deve lançar tais poções em seus inimigos items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Você tem certeza de que quer beber isso? Na maioria dos casos você deve arremessar tais poções em seus inimigos.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=tem certeza de que quer jogar isso?em muitos casos faria mais sentido beber isso. items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Tem certeza de que quer jogar isso? Na maioria dos casos, faria mais sentido beber isso.
items.potions.potion.shatter=o frasco se despedaçou e o liquido %s se espalha inofensivamente. items.potions.potion.shatter=O frasco se despedaçou, e o liquido %s respinga inofensivamente.
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=poção de experiencia items.potions.potionofexperience.name=poção de experiência
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=As experiências célebres de muitas batalhas reduzidas a forma líquida , este liquido vai aumentar instantaneamente o seu nível de experiência. items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=As experiências célebres de muitas batalhas reduzidas à forma líquida , este líquido vai aumentar instantaneamente o seu nível de experiência.
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=poção da geada. items.potions.potionoffrost.name=poção da geada
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Após a exposição ao ar este produto químico vai evaporar em uma nuvem congelante , fazendo com que qualquer criatura que entre em contato com ele seja congelado no lugar incapaz de agir e se movimentar . O efeito de congelamento é muito mais forte se o ambiente está molhado. items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Após a exposição ao ar, este produto químico vai evaporar em uma nuvem congelante, fazendo com que qualquer criatura que entre em contato com ele seja congelada, incapaz de agir e se movimentar. O efeito de congelamento é muito mais forte se o ambiente estiver molhado.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=poção da saúde. items.potions.potionofhealing.name=poção da vida
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Suas feridas cicatrizam completamente . items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Suas feridas são curadas completamente.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Um elixir que fazer com que você imediatamente volte para a plena saúde e cura veneno. items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Um elixir que fará com que você restaure sua saúde e cure qualquer envenenamento.
items.potions.potionofinvisibility.name=poção de invisibilidade items.potions.potionofinvisibility.name=poção de invisibilidade
items.potions.potionofinvisibility.invisible=você viu as suas mão ficarem invisiveis\! items.potions.potionofinvisibility.invisible=Você vê as suas mãos ficarem invisíveis\!
items.potions.potionofinvisibility.desc=Beber esta poção irá torná-lo temporariamente invisível. ao ser invisível , os inimigos não serão capazes de vê-lo . Atacar um inimigo , bem como através de uma varinha ou um pergaminho diante dos olhos do inimigo , irá dissipar o efeito . items.potions.potionofinvisibility.desc=Beber esta poção irá torná-lo temporariamente invisível. Ao ficar invisível, os inimigos não serão capazes de vê-lo. Atacar um inimigo, bem como usar uma varinha ou um pergaminho na presença do inimigo, irá dissipar o efeito.
items.potions.potionoflevitation.name=poção de levitação items.potions.potionoflevitation.name=poção de levitação
items.potions.potionoflevitation.float=você flutua no ar\! items.potions.potionoflevitation.float=Você flutua no ar\!
items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Beber este líquido curioso fará com que você flutue no ar , capaz de pairar sem esforço sobre armadilhas e buracos . Jogando esta poção irá criar uma nuvem de gás da confusão desorientando tudo preso nela items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Beber este líquido curioso fará com que você flutue no ar, sendo capaz de pairar sem esforço sobre armadilhas e buracos. Jogar esta poção irá criar uma nuvem de um gás não refinado, desorientando qualquer coisa que estiver no caminho.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=poção da chama liquida items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=poção da chama líquida
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Este frasco contém um composto instável que vai estourar violentamente em chamas ao ser exposto ao ar. items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Este frasco contém um composto instável que vai estourar violentamente em chamas ao ser exposto ao ar.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=poção do poder items.potions.potionofmight.name=poção do poder
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 str, + 5 hp items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 str, + 5 hp
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=força reencontrada surge através de seu corpo. items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Uma força de origem desconhecida se manifesta pelo seu corpo.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Este líquido poderoso irá ir através de seus músculos , aumentando permanentemente a sua força por um ponto e saúde por cinco pontos. items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Este líquido poderoso vai percorrer seus músculos, aumentando sua força em um ponto e vida em cinco pontos permanentemente.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=poção de visão mental items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=poção de visão mental
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=de alguma forma você pode sentir a presença das mentes de outras criaturas. items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=De alguma forma você consegue sentir a presença das mentes de outras criaturas.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=você pode de alguma forma dizer que você está sozinho neste andar. items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=De alguma maneira você tem certeza de que está sozinho neste nível no momento.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Depois de beber isso, sua mente vai entrar em sintonia com a assinatura psíquica de criaturas distantes , permitindo-lhe sentir presenças biológicas através de paredes . Também esta poção lhe permitirá ver através de paredes e portas próximas. items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Após beber isto, sua mente se tornará sintonizada à assinatura psíquica de criaturas distantes, possibilitando a você pressentir presenças biológicas através de paredes. Além disso, esta poção te permitirá ver através de paredes e portas próximas.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=poção de gaz paralítico items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=poção de gas paralítico
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Após a exposição ao ar , o líquido neste frasco irá vaporizar em uma névoa amarela entorpecente . Qualquer um que inale a nuvem será paralisado instantaneamente , incapaz de se mover por algum tempo depois. Este item pode ser jogado em inimigos distantes para pegá-los dentro do efeito do gás. items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Após a exposição ao ar, o líquido deste frasco irá vaporizar em uma névoa amarela entorpecente. Qualquer um que inale da nuvem será paralisado instantaneamente, incapaz de se mover por algum tempo. Este item pode ser jogado em inimigos distantes para envolvê-los no efeito do gás.
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=poção de purificação items.potions.potionofpurity.name=poção de purificação
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=você sente um frescor incomum no ar. items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Você sente um frescor incomum no ar.
items.potions.potionofpurity.no_smell=você parou de sentir cheiros\! items.potions.potionofpurity.no_smell=Você parou de sentir cheiros\!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=este liquido irá neutralizar qualquer gaz prejudicial na área de efeito.bebe-lo irá lhe dar uma imunidade temporaria a estes gazes. items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Este liquido irá neutralizar qualquer gás prejudicial na área de efeito. Bebê-lo irá lhe dar uma imunidade temporária a estes gases.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=poção de força items.potions.potionofstrength.name=poção de força
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 stg items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 str
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_2=força reencontrada surge através de seu corpo. items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_2=Uma força de origem desconhecida se manifesta pelo seu corpo.
items.potions.potionofstrength.desc=Este líquido poderoso irá ir através de seus músculos , aumentando permanentemente a sua força por um ponto. items.potions.potionofstrength.desc=Este líquido poderoso vai percorrer seus músculos, aumentando sua força em um ponto permanentemente.
items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.name=poção de gaz tóxico items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.name=poção de gás tóxico
items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=abrindo ou quebrando esse gaz pressurizado irá fazer o seu conteúdo explodir numa nuvem mortal de gaz tóxico esverdeado. talvez seja melhor jogar isso em inimigos distantes no que abrir na sua mão items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Removendo a rolha ou quebrando esse vidro pressurizado irá fazer o seu conteúdo explodir numa nuvem mortal de gás tóxico esverdeado. Talvez seja melhor jogar isso em inimigos distantes do que abrir em sua mão.
###quest items ###quest items
items.quest.ceremonialcandle.name=vela cerimonial items.quest.ceremonialcandle.name=vela cerimonial
items.quest.ceremonialcandle.desc=Um conjunto de velas , derretidas e fundidas através da utilização.\n\nsozinhas elas são inúteis,mas se usadas com outras velas em um padrão,elas podem canalizar a energia para um ritual de invocação. items.quest.ceremonialcandle.desc=Um conjunto de velas, derretidas e fundidas pelo uso.\n\nSozinhas elas são inúteis, mas se usadas com outras velas em um padrão, elas podem canalizar a energia para um ritual de invocação.
items.quest.corpsedust.name=pó de cadaver items.quest.corpsedust.name=pó de cadáver
items.quest.corpsedust.desc=esta bola de pó não é muito diferente de uma bola de pó normal.mas você pode sentir uma magia maligna pulsando com ela.\n\nse livrar disso o mais rápido possível vai ser uma boa idéia. items.quest.corpsedust.desc=Esta bola de pó de cadáver não é muito diferente de uma bola de pó normal. Mas você pode sentir uma magia maligna pulsando dentro ela.\n\nSe livrar disso o mais rápido possível é uma boa ideia.
items.quest.darkgold.name=minério de ouro escuro items.quest.darkgold.name=minério de ouro escuro
items.quest.darkgold.desc=esse metal não é chamado de escuro por causa de sua cor(que não é diferente de ouro normal) mas por que ele derrete na luz do sol,fazendo dele inútel na superficie items.quest.darkgold.desc=Esse metal não é chamado de escuro por causa de sua cor (que não é diferente de ouro normal) mas porque ele derrete na luz do sol, tornando-o inútil na superfície.
items.quest.dwarftoken.name=token anão. items.quest.dwarftoken.name=ficha do anão
items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=muitos anões e algumas de suas maiores criações carregam estas pequenas peças de metal de propósito desconhecido.talvez sejam algum tipo de joalheria ou um ID.anões são pessoas estranhas. items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Muitos anões e algumas de suas criações maiores carregam estas pequenas peças de metal de propósito desconhecido. Talvez sejam algum tipo de joalheria ou um documento de identificação. Anões são um povo estranho.
items.quest.embers.name=cinzas elementais. items.quest.embers.name=brasas elementais
items.quest.embers.desc=cinzas especiais que só podem ser obtidas de um elemental de fogo jovem.elas irradiam energia termal. items.quest.embers.desc=Brasas especiais que só podem ser obtidas de um elemental de fogo jovem. Elas irradiam energia térmica.
items.quest.pickaxe.name=picareta. items.quest.pickaxe.name=picareta
items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=GARIMPAR items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=GARIMPAR
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=não tem nenhum veio de ouro escuro para você minerar. items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Não há nenhum veio de ouro escuro para você minerar.
items.quest.pickaxe.desc=essa é uma grande e forte ferramenta para quebrar pedras.Provavelmente ela pode ser usada para quebrar pedras. items.quest.pickaxe.desc=Essa é uma ferramenta grande e forte para quebrar pedras. Ela pode provavelmente ser utilizada como uma arma.
items.quest.ratskull.name=cranio de rato gigante. items.quest.ratskull.name=crânio de ratazana gigante
items.quest.ratskull.desc=uma caveira de rato bem grande.daria um ótimo troféu de caça,se você tiver uma parede grande para coloca-lo items.quest.ratskull.desc=Uma caveira bem grande de ratazana . Daria um ótimo troféu de caça, se você tivesse uma parede para colocá-la.
###rings ###rings
items.rings.ring.diamond=diamante items.rings.ring.diamond=diamante
items.rings.ring.opal=opala items.rings.ring.opal=opala
items.rings.ring.garnet=garnet items.rings.ring.garnet=granada
items.rings.ring.ruby=rubí items.rings.ring.ruby=rubi
items.rings.ring.amethyst=amestita items.rings.ring.amethyst=ametista
items.rings.ring.topaz=topazío items.rings.ring.topaz=topázio
items.rings.ring.onyx=onyx items.rings.ring.onyx=ônix
items.rings.ring.tourmaline=turmalina items.rings.ring.tourmaline=turmalina
items.rings.ring.emerald=esmeralda items.rings.ring.emerald=esmeralda
items.rings.ring.sapphire=safíra items.rings.ring.sapphire=safira
items.rings.ring.quartz=quartzo items.rings.ring.quartz=quartzo
items.rings.ring.agate=agata items.rings.ring.agate=ágata
items.rings.ring.cursed=o anel de apertou ao redor de seu dedo dolorosamente\! items.rings.ring.cursed=O anel se aperta ao redor do seu dedo dolorosamente\!
items.rings.ring.unknown_name=anel de %s items.rings.ring.unknown_name=anel de %s
items.rings.ring.unknown_desc=esse circulo de metal esta adornado com uma grande gema de %s que cintila no escuro.quem sabe que efeito isso não ao ser usado? items.rings.ring.unknown_desc=Esse circulo de metal está adornado com uma grande pedra de %s que cintila no escuro. Quem sabe qual efeito ele terá quando usado?
items.rings.ring.known=isso é um %s items.rings.ring.known=Isso é um %s
items.rings.ring.identify=você agora esta familiar com o seu %s para identifica-lo,é um %s items.rings.ring.identify=Você agora está suficientemente acostumado com o %s para identificá-lo. É um %s.
items.rings.ring.on_finger=o %s está no seu dedo items.rings.ring.on_finger=O %s encontra-se no seu dedo.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=esse anel é amaldiçoado,e por causa disso você é incapaz de remove-lo items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Este anel está amaldiçoado, e por causa disso você é incapaz de removê-lo.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=você pode sentir uma magia maligna pulsando com o %s items.rings.ring.curse_known=Você consegue sentir uma magia maligna pulsando no %s.
items.rings.ring.unequip_title=desequipe um item items.rings.ring.unequip_title=Desequipe um item
items.rings.ring.unequip_message=você só pode equipar dois aneis/artefatos por vez. items.rings.ring.unequip_message=Você só pode equipar dois acessórios por vez.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anel da precisão. items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anel da precisão
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Este anel aumenta seu foco , reduzindo a capacidade do seu inimigo se esquivar de seus ataques. Um anel degradado, no entanto irá facilitar aos inimigos desviar de seus ataques items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Este anel aumenta seu foco, reduzindo a capacidade do seu inimigo de esquivar de seus ataques. Um anel degradado, no entanto, irá facilitar seus inimigos a desviar de seus golpes.
items.rings.ringofelements.name=anel de elementos items.rings.ringofelements.name=anel dos elementos
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=esse anel fornece resistência a diferentes elementos,como fogo,veneno,eletricidade,gazes. etc.e também diminui a duração dos efeitos negativos. items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Esse anel fornece proteção contra diferentes elementos, como fogo, veneno, eletricidade, gases etc. Ele também diminui a duração de efeitos negativos.
items.rings.ringofevasion.name=anel da evasão items.rings.ringofevasion.name=anel da evasão
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Este anel ofusca a verdadeira posição do utilizador, tornando-o mais difícil de detectar e atacar. Este anel é muito mais forte enquanto o usuário continua a ser indetectado , e se o usuário é visto o poder de evasão irá desaparecer lentamente , permanecendo sem ser detectado irá restaurar a eficácia do anel . Um anel degradado em vez disso, fazer o usuário mais fácil de detectar e atacar. items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Este anel ofusca a verdadeira posição do utilizador, tornando-o mais difícil de detectar e atacar. Este anel é muito mais forte enquanto o usuário continua a ser indetectável, e se o usuário é visto, o poder de evasão irá desaparecer lentamente. Permanecendo sem ser detectado irá restaurar a eficácia do anel. Um anel degradado, ao invés disso, fará o usuário mais fácil de detectar e atacar.
items.rings.ringofforce.name=anel da força items.rings.ringofforce.name=anel da força
items.rings.ringofforce.avg_dmg=quando desarmado,com a sua força atual,o dano médio ao usar esse anel é %d por golpe items.rings.ringofforce.avg_dmg=Quando desarmado, com a sua força atual, o dano médio ao usar esse anel é de %d pontos por golpe.
items.rings.ringofforce.typical_avg_dmg=quando desarmado,com a sua força atual,o dano tipico médio ao usar esse anel é %d por golpe items.rings.ringofforce.typical_avg_dmg=Quando desarmado, com a sua força atual, o dano tipico médio ao usar esse anel é de %d pontos por golpe.
items.rings.ringofforce.desc=Este anel aumenta a força de golpes do utilizador . Esta potência extra é em grande parte desperdiçada quando empunhando armas, mas um ataque desarmado será feito muito mais forte. Um anel degradado , ao contrário vai enfraquecer os golpes do utilizador. items.rings.ringofforce.desc=Este anel aumenta a força de golpes do utilizador. Essa potência extra é desperdiçada em sua maioria quando usada com armas, mas um ataque desarmado será feito com muito mais força. Um anel degradado, ao contrário, vai enfraquecer os golpes do utilizador.
items.rings.ringoffuror.name=anel do frenesi items.rings.ringoffuror.name=anel da fúria
items.rings.ringoffuror.desc=esse anel dará ao usuário um frenesi interior,permitindo que ele ataque mais rápidamente. esse frenesi funciona melhor em grandes explosões.fazendo com que armas lentas beneficiem mais do que as rápidas.um anel degradado irá reduzir a velocidade do ataque do usuário items.rings.ringoffuror.desc=Este anel dará ao usuário uma fúria interior interior, tornando seus ataques mais rápidos. Essa fúria funciona melhor em grandes explosões, então armas lentas se beneficiarão mais do que as rápidas. Um anel degradado, por sua vez, irá reduzir a velocidade do ataque do usuário.
items.rings.ringofhaste.name=anel da pressa items.rings.ringofhaste.name=anel da pressa
items.rings.ringofhaste.desc=Este anel reduz o estresse do movimento sobre o usuário , permitindo-lhe correr a velocidades sobre-humanas . Um anel degradado em vez disso,fará o usuário correr devagar. items.rings.ringofhaste.desc=Este anel reduz o impacto de movimento sobre o usuário, permitindo-lhe correr a velocidades sobre-humanas. Um anel degradado, em vez disso, fará o usuário correr devagar.
items.rings.ringofmagic.name=anel da magia. items.rings.ringofmagic.name=anel da magia
items.rings.ringofmagic.desc=suas varinhas ficarão mais poderosas com a energia arcana que irradia desse anel,aneis degradados da magia irão enfraquecer suas varinhas. items.rings.ringofmagic.desc=Suas varinhas ficarão mais poderosas com a energia arcana que irradia deste anel. Anéis da magia degradados irão enfraquecer suas varinhas.
items.rings.ringofmight.name=anel do poder items.rings.ringofmight.name=anel do poder
items.rings.ringofmight.desc=Este anel melhora as características físicas do portador, concedendo-lhes maior força física e constituição. Um anel degradado vai enfraquecer o portador items.rings.ringofmight.desc=Este anel melhora as características físicas do portador, concedendo-lhes maior força física e constituição. Um anel degradado vai enfraquecer o portador
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=anel do tiro afiado items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=anel do tiro certeiro
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=Este anel aumenta a precisão do portador e o alvo , o que fará com que todas as armas de projétil sejam mais precisas e durável. Um anel degradado terá o efeito oposto . items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=Este anel aumenta a precisão e a mira do portador, o que fará com que todas as armas de projétil sejam mais precisas e duráveis. Um anel degradado terá o efeito oposto.
items.rings.ringoftenacity.name=anel da tenacidade items.rings.ringoftenacity.name=anel da tenacidade
items.rings.ringoftenacity.desc=Quando usado, este anel permitirá que o usuário resista a ataques normalmente mortais. Quanto mais ferido o utilizador esta , mais resistente ele será a danos . Um anel degradado em vez disso, torná-lo mais fácil para os inimigos para executar o portador items.rings.ringoftenacity.desc=Quando usado, este anel permitirá que o usuário resista a ataques normalmente mortais. Quanto mais ferido o utilizador está, mais resistente ele será a danos. Um anel degradado, em vez disso, o tornará mais fácil para os inimigos de executá-lo.
items.rings.ringofwealth.name=anel da riqueza items.rings.ringofwealth.name=anel da riqueza
items.rings.ringofwealth.desc=Não está claro o que este anel faz exatamente , boa sorte pode influenciar a vida de um aventureiro de muitas maneiras sutis. Naturalmente um anel degradada daria má sorte. items.rings.ringofwealth.desc=Não está claro o que exatamente este anel faz, a boa sorte pode influenciar a vida de um aventureiro de muitas maneiras sutis. Naturalmente, um anel degradado daria má sorte.
@ -520,33 +520,33 @@ items.scrolls.scroll.mannaz=MANNAZ
items.scrolls.scroll.naudiz=NAUDIZ items.scrolls.scroll.naudiz=NAUDIZ
items.scrolls.scroll.berkanan=BERKANAN items.scrolls.scroll.berkanan=BERKANAN
items.scrolls.scroll.odal=ODAL items.scrolls.scroll.odal=ODAL
items.scrolls.scroll.tiwaz=TIWAS items.scrolls.scroll.tiwaz=TIWAZ
items.scrolls.scroll.unknown_name=pergaminho ¨%s¨ items.scrolls.scroll.unknown_name=pergaminho "%s"
items.scrolls.scroll.unknown_desc=esse pergaminho esta coberto com uma escrita indecifrável,e o titulo dessa runa é %s.quem sabe oque vai acontecer se eu ler isso em voz alta? items.scrolls.scroll.unknown_desc=Este pergaminho está coberto com uma escrita indecifrável, e o titulo é uma runa %s. Quem sabe o que acontecerá quando lido em voz alta?
items.scrolls.scroll.blinded=você não pode ler um pergaminho enquanto esta cegado items.scrolls.scroll.blinded=Você não pode ler um pergaminho enquanto estiver cego.
items.scrolls.scroll.cursed=o livro de feitiços amaldiçoado impede você de invocar a magia desse pergaminho\!Um pergaminho de remoção de maldição pode ser forte o suficiente para funcionar... items.scrolls.scroll.cursed=O livro de feitiços amaldiçoado impede que você invoque a magia desse pergaminho\! Um pergaminho de remoção de maldição talvez seja forte o suficiente para funcionar...
items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.warning=Você realmente deseja cancelar o uso desse pergaminho?Será consumido qualquer maneira . items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.warning=Você deseja realmente cancelar o uso deste pergaminho? Ele será consumido mesmo assim.
items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.yes=sim,eu tenho certeza items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.yes=Sim, eu tenho certeza
items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=não,eu mudei de ideia items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=Não, eu mudei de ideia
items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.name=pergaminho de identificar items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.name=pergaminho de identificação
items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.inv_title=selecione um item para identificar items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.inv_title=Selecione um item para identificar
items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.it_is=isso é um %s items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.it_is=É um(a) %s
items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=esse pergaminho permanentemente revela todos os segredos de um único item. items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Este pergaminho revela todos os segredos de um único item permanentemente.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergaminho da canção de ninar items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergaminho do acalento
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=O pergaminho proferiu uma melodia suave. Você se sente muito sonolento . items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=O pergaminho sussurra uma melodia suave. Você se sente muito sonolento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=ler este pergaminho emite uma melodia suave que vai prender todos os que ouvi-lo em um sono profundo mágico . items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Ler este pergaminho emite uma melodia suave que vai prender todos os que a ouvirem em um sono profundo mágico.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=pergaminho da infusão magica items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=pergaminho da infusão mágica
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=selecione um item para infundir items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Selecione um item para infundir
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=o seu %s esta infundido com energia arcana items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=O(A) %s está infuso com energia arcana\!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=esse pergaminho irá infundir uma arma ou armadura com poderosa energia mágica.\n\nem adição a ser melhorada,uma arma ganhará um encantamento magico,ou uma armadura será imbuída com um glifo magico.\n\nse um item já tiver um encantamento ou glifo,ele nunca será apagado pelo pergaminho items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Este pergaminho irá infundir uma arma ou armadura com uma poderosa energia mágica.\n\nAlém de ser melhorada, uma arma ganhará um encantamento mágico, ou uma armadura será imbuída com um glifo mágico.\n\nSe um item já tiver um encantamento ou glifo, ele não será apagado pelo pergaminho.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergaminho de mapeamento mágico items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergaminho de mapeamento mágico
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=você esta agora ciente do layout do andar. items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Você está agora ciente da configuração deste nível.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=quando esse pergaminho é lido,uma imagem clara como cristal sera colocada na sua mente,alertando você sobre o layout preciso do andar e revelando todos os segredos ocultos.a localização de itens e criaturas permaneceram desconhecidos. items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Quando esse pergaminho é lido, uma imagem clara como um cristal será esculpida em sua mente, alertando você sobre a configuração precisa deste nível e revelando todos os seus segredos ocultos. A localização de itens e criaturas permanecerão desconhecidas.
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=pergaminho da imagem do espelho items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=pergaminho da imagem do espelho
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=o encantamento desse pergaminho irá criar gemeos ilusionarios do usuário,que irão perseguir os seu inimigos. items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=o encantamento desse pergaminho irá criar gemeos ilusionarios do usuário,que irão perseguir os seu inimigos.
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Este pergaminho vai atualizar um único item,
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=você foi morto por seu próprio %s. items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=você foi morto por seu próprio %s.
items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=nada aconteceu items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=nada aconteceu
items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=o seu equipamento se tornou amaldiçoado. items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=o seu equipamento se tornou amaldiçoado.
items.wands.cursedwand.grass=a grama explodiu ao seu redor\! items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Grama cresce violentamente ao seu redor\!
items.wands.cursedwand.fire=você sente cheiro de queimado.. items.wands.cursedwand.fire=você sente cheiro de queimado..
items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=sua varinha se transformou em um item diferente items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=sua varinha se transformou em um item diferente
@ -603,35 +603,44 @@ items.wands.wand.curse_discover=essa %s é amaldiçoada.
items.wands.wand.prompt=selecione uma direção para dar um tiro items.wands.wand.prompt=selecione uma direção para dar um tiro
items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=varinha da onde de choque. items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=varinha da onde de choque.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=cajado da onda de choque
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=você se matou com sua varinha de onda de choque items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=você se matou com sua varinha de onda de choque
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=essa varinha é feita de algum tipo de pedra,com uma trivela dourada e uma preta e redonda gema preta no topo,ela parece muito pesada na sua mão.\n\nessa varinha atira um projétil que explode violentamente em uma localização alvo.a força dessa explosão é suficiente para fazer alguns inimigos leves saírem voando. items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=essa varinha é feita de algum tipo de pedra,com uma trivela dourada e uma preta e redonda gema preta no topo,ela parece muito pesada na sua mão.\n\nessa varinha atira um projétil que explode violentamente em uma localização alvo.a força dessa explosão é suficiente para fazer alguns inimigos leves saírem voando.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=varinha da corrupção items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=varinha da corrupção
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=esse personagem já esta corrompido\! items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=esse personagem já esta corrompido\!
items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=chefes são imunes a corrupção items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=chefes são imunes a corrupção
items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=o poder de corrupção não foi forte o suficiente,nada aconteceu. items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=o poder de corrupção não foi forte o suficiente,nada aconteceu.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=essa varinha irradia energia escura,como se isso não fosse obvio pela caveira decorativa no topo.\n\nessa varinha ira soltar um raio e pura energia corruptiva ,tentando controlar inimigos contra a sua vontade.inimigos com a vida cheia serão muito mais difíceis de corromper do que os enfraquecidos\n\nessa varinha usa uma carga por vez,mas ela pode usar mais para tentar superar os inimigos mais fortes. items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=essa varinha irradia energia escura,como se isso não fosse obvio pela caveira decorativa no topo.\n\nessa varinha ira soltar um raio e pura energia corruptiva ,tentando controlar inimigos contra a sua vontade.inimigos com a vida cheia serão muito mais difíceis de corromper do que os enfraquecidos\n\nessa varinha usa uma carga por vez,mas ela pode usar mais para tentar superar os inimigos mais fortes.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=varinha de desintegração items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=varinha de desintegração
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=cajado da desintegração
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=essa varinha é feita de um pedaço sólido de obsidiana,com uma luz purpúra profundo no centro.ela brilha com energia estrutiva,esperando para ser desencadeada.\n\nessa varinha dispara um feixe que pode penetrar qualquer obstaculo,e ele irpa mais longe se a varinha for melhorada.\n\nessa varinha causa dano extra dependendo de quanto terreno ou inimigos ela atravessou items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=essa varinha é feita de um pedaço sólido de obsidiana,com uma luz purpúra profundo no centro.ela brilha com energia estrutiva,esperando para ser desencadeada.\n\nessa varinha dispara um feixe que pode penetrar qualquer obstaculo,e ele irpa mais longe se a varinha for melhorada.\n\nessa varinha causa dano extra dependendo de quanto terreno ou inimigos ela atravessou
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=varinha da explosão de fogo. items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=varinha da explosão de fogo.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=cajado da rajada de fogo
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Esta varinha é feita de madeira vermelha - lascado com folhas de ouro usadas livremente para torná-la bastante real. Ela emite estalos e chiados na ponta , ansioso para desencadear a sua magia poderosa\n\n.essa varinha solta uma explosão ao ser usada,se estendendo em forma de cone.quanto mais cargas ela tiver,mais poderoso sera o efeito items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Esta varinha é feita de madeira vermelha - lascado com folhas de ouro usadas livremente para torná-la bastante real. Ela emite estalos e chiados na ponta , ansioso para desencadear a sua magia poderosa\n\n.essa varinha solta uma explosão ao ser usada,se estendendo em forma de cone.quanto mais cargas ela tiver,mais poderoso sera o efeito
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=varinha da geada items.wands.wandoffrost.name=varinha da geada
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=cajado da geada
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Esta varinha parece ser feita de algum tipo de gelo mágico. Ela cresce mais brilhante para a sua ponta arredondada . Ela parece muito fria , quando segurada , mas de alguma forma a sua mão permanece quente \n\nEsta varinha dispara rajadas de energia gelada em direção a seus inimigos , causando dano significativo e refrigeração, o que reduz a velocidade. O efeito parece mais forte em água . Inimigos refrigerados e congelados tomar menos dano desta varinha , como eles já são frios items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Esta varinha parece ser feita de algum tipo de gelo mágico. Ela cresce mais brilhante para a sua ponta arredondada . Ela parece muito fria , quando segurada , mas de alguma forma a sua mão permanece quente \n\nEsta varinha dispara rajadas de energia gelada em direção a seus inimigos , causando dano significativo e refrigeração, o que reduz a velocidade. O efeito parece mais forte em água . Inimigos refrigerados e congelados tomar menos dano desta varinha , como eles já são frios
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=varinha do relâmpago. items.wands.wandoflightning.name=varinha do relâmpago.
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=cajado do relâmpago
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=você se matou com sua varinha de relâmpago items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=você se matou com sua varinha de relâmpago
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=essa varinha é feita de algum tipo de metal sólido,fazendo-a surpreendentemente pesada.dois arcos se curvam no topo,e raios de eletricidade brilham entre eles.\n\nessa varinha envia poderosos raios de eletricidade ao ser disparada.Essa eletricidade pode atingir varíos inimigos que estejam próximos,e é mais poderosa na água,e se você estiver muito perto você também será eletrificado. items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=essa varinha é feita de algum tipo de metal sólido,fazendo-a surpreendentemente pesada.dois arcos se curvam no topo,e raios de eletricidade brilham entre eles.\n\nessa varinha envia poderosos raios de eletricidade ao ser disparada.Essa eletricidade pode atingir varíos inimigos que estejam próximos,e é mais poderosa na água,e se você estiver muito perto você também será eletrificado.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=varinha do míssil mágico items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=varinha do míssil mágico
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=cajado do míssil mágico
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=essa varinha simples envia misseis de pura energia mágica,causando dano moderado a um único alvo\n\nnão é tão forte quando outras varinhas,mas tem mais cargas dispóniveis items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=essa varinha simples envia misseis de pura energia mágica,causando dano moderado a um único alvo\n\nnão é tão forte quando outras varinhas,mas tem mais cargas dispóniveis
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=varinha de luz prismática items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=varinha de luz prismática
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=cajado da luz prismática
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=essa varinha é feita de uma sólida pesa de cristal,como um longo,como um longo pedaço de vidro.\n\nessa varinha atira raios de luz que danifica e cega inimigos,e corta a escuridão da masmorra,revelando areas escuras e armadilhas.inimigos demôniacos e mortos-vivos irão queimar na luz da varinha,e receberão dano extra significativo. items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=essa varinha é feita de uma sólida pesa de cristal,como um longo,como um longo pedaço de vidro.\n\nessa varinha atira raios de luz que danifica e cega inimigos,e corta a escuridão da masmorra,revelando areas escuras e armadilhas.inimigos demôniacos e mortos-vivos irão queimar na luz da varinha,e receberão dano extra significativo.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=varinha de rebrota items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=varinha de rebrota
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=cajado da regeneração
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=essa varinha é feita de algum tipo de madeira encarvada,de algum jeito ela ainda permanece viva e vibrante,verde como o nucleo de uma arvore jovem.\n\nao ser usada essa varinha usara todas as suas cargas para atirar um raio de energia natural em forma de cone.Essa magia irá fazer com que grama,raizes e plantas rara a crescerem para a vida.\n\n¨quando a vida cessa nova vida começa a crescer..o ciclo eterno nunca para\!¨ items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=essa varinha é feita de algum tipo de madeira encarvada,de algum jeito ela ainda permanece viva e vibrante,verde como o nucleo de uma arvore jovem.\n\nao ser usada essa varinha usara todas as suas cargas para atirar um raio de energia natural em forma de cone.Essa magia irá fazer com que grama,raizes e plantas rara a crescerem para a vida.\n\n¨quando a vida cessa nova vida começa a crescer..o ciclo eterno nunca para\!¨
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=agarradora de orvalho items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=agarradora de orvalho
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=agarradoras de orvalho de camuflam como grama para evitar atenção,mas os seu bulbos de orvalho coletado a entregam items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=agarradoras de orvalho de camuflam como grama para evitar atenção,mas os seu bulbos de orvalho coletado a entregam
@ -639,11 +648,13 @@ items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=planta de sementes.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=plantas de sementes parecem fofas,mas as semente que ela carregas foram roubadas de outras plantas que ela mata com suas raízes items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=plantas de sementes parecem fofas,mas as semente que ela carregas foram roubadas de outras plantas que ela mata com suas raízes
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=varinha de transfusão items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=varinha de transfusão
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.staff_name=cajado da transfusao
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=você se matou com a sua própria varinha de transfusão items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=você se matou com a sua própria varinha de transfusão
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=o seu cajado está carregado com energia vital do seu inimigo. items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=o seu cajado está carregado com energia vital do seu inimigo.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Uma varinha bastante em forma , destaca-se devido à sua cor magenta e sua jóia preta na ponta.\n\nEsta varinha vai tirar um pouco da sua energia vital e explodi-lo em um alvo . Este efeito é muito versátil \: aliados serão curados , os inimigos irão se encantar temporariamente , e mortos-vivos hostil terá prejuízos consideráveis\n\nO dreno vida é significativo , porém, usando esta varinha irá causar dano a você de acordo com as cargas consumidas items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Uma varinha bastante em forma , destaca-se devido à sua cor magenta e sua jóia preta na ponta.\n\nEsta varinha vai tirar um pouco da sua energia vital e explodi-lo em um alvo . Este efeito é muito versátil \: aliados serão curados , os inimigos irão se encantar temporariamente , e mortos-vivos hostil terá prejuízos consideráveis\n\nO dreno vida é significativo , porém, usando esta varinha irá causar dano a você de acordo com as cargas consumidas
items.wands.wandofvenom.name=varinha de venom. items.wands.wandofvenom.name=varinha de venom.
items.wands.wandofvenom.staff_name=cajado do veneno
items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=essa varinha tem um corpo purpurá que se abre em uma brilhante gema verde.\n\nessa varinha dispara um tiro que irá explodir em uma nuvem de gás e uma localização alvo.Qualquer coisa pega nessa nuvem levará ano continuo,aumentando com o tempo. items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=essa varinha tem um corpo purpurá que se abre em uma brilhante gema verde.\n\nessa varinha dispara um tiro que irá explodir em uma nuvem de gás e uma localização alvo.Qualquer coisa pega nessa nuvem levará ano continuo,aumentando com o tempo.
@ -694,10 +705,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.mace.stats_desc=essa é uma arma levemente rápida
items.weapon.melee.mace.desc=a cabeça de metal dessa arma causa dano substancial. items.weapon.melee.mace.desc=a cabeça de metal dessa arma causa dano substancial.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=cajado do mago items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=cajado do mago
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=ENCORPORAR items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=IMBUIR
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=ZAPEAR items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=ZAPEAR
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=selecione uma varinha para consumir items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=selecione uma varinha para consumir
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=você imbuir seu cajado com a %s items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=você imbuir seu cajado com a %s
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=as magias conflitantes apagaram o encantamento no seu cajado items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=as magias conflitantes apagaram o encantamento no seu cajado
@ -787,7 +796,7 @@ items.armorkit.upgraded=você aplicou o kit de armadura na sua %s
items.armorkit.desc=Usando este kit de ferramentas e materiais pequenos você pode transformar uma armadura em uma ``armadura épica¨ ela vai manter todas as propriedades da armadura original, mas também irá fornecer seu ao portador uma habilidade especial em função da sua classe. Sem habilidades em alfaiataria, serralharia obrigatórios. items.armorkit.desc=Usando este kit de ferramentas e materiais pequenos você pode transformar uma armadura em uma ``armadura épica¨ ela vai manter todas as propriedades da armadura original, mas também irá fornecer seu ao portador uma habilidade especial em função da sua classe. Sem habilidades em alfaiataria, serralharia obrigatórios.
items.bomb.name=bomba items.bomb.name=bomba
items.bomt.ac_lightthrow=ACENDER E ARREMESSAR items.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ACENDER & JOGAR
items.bomb.snuff_fuse=você apagou o fúsil da bomba items.bomb.snuff_fuse=você apagou o fúsil da bomba
items.bomb.ondeath=morto por uma explosão items.bomb.ondeath=morto por uma explosão
items.bomb.rankings_desc=Morto por uma explosão items.bomb.rankings_desc=Morto por uma explosão

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@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=ваша %s внезапно больно впи
items.armor.armor.identify=Ваша %s прослужила вам достаточно долго для того, чтобы вы смогли опознать её. Это %s. items.armor.armor.identify=Ваша %s прослужила вам достаточно долго для того, чтобы вы смогли опознать её. Это %s.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=Взаимодействие разных типов магии стерло руну с этой брони\! items.armor.armor.incompatible=Взаимодействие разных типов магии стерло руну с этой брони\!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Эта броня может поглотить до %d единиц урона за удар. items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Эта броня может поглотить до %d единиц урона за удар.
items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Обычно эта броня поглощает до %d единиц урона за удар и требует %d единиц силы для того, чтобы использовать её. items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Обычно, такая броня поглощает до %d единиц урона за удар и требует %d единиц силы для того, чтобы использовать её.
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=Так как вы недостаточно сильны для использования этой брони, в ней ваши защита и скорость перемещения будут понижены. items.armor.armor.too_heavy=Так как вы недостаточно сильны для использования этой брони, в ней ваши защита и скорость перемещения будут понижены.
items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Вероятно, эта броня слишком тяжела для вас. items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Вероятно, эта броня будет слишком тяжела для вас.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=На ней начертана руна %s. items.armor.armor.inscribed=На ней начертана руна %s.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ваша броня проклята и вы не в силах снять её. items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ваша броня проклята и вы не в силах снять её.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этой броне. items.armor.armor.cursed=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этой броне.
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=УКРЫТИЕ
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Плащу требуется ещё %d ходов для перезарядки. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Плащу требуется ещё %d ходов для перезарядки.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Ваш плащ недостаточно заряжен, чтобы его можно было использовать. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Ваш плащ недостаточно заряжен, чтобы его можно было использовать.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Бесценный волшебный плащ, украденный Разбойником много лет назад из королевской оружейной. Носящий плащ может на короткое время становиться невидимым.\n\nЧем больше плащ используется. тем сильнее он становится, позволяя Разбойнику становиться невидимым чаще и на больший срок. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Бесценный волшебный плащ, украденный Разбойником много лет назад из королевской оружейной. Носящий плащ может на короткое время становиться невидимым.\n\nЧем больше плащ используется. тем сильнее он становится, позволяя Разбойнику становиться невидимым чаще и на больший срок.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Ваш плащ лишился энергии. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Ваш плащ полностью разрядился.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.levelup=Ваш плащ стал сильнее\! items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.levelup=Ваш плащ стал сильнее\!
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.name=Маскировка items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.name=Маскировка
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Спрятав всё своё тело под плащ теней, вы получили временную невидимость.\n\nВ этом состоянии враги не атакуют и не преследуют вас. Атака или использование магии (например, свитка или жезла) немедленно рассеет невидимость.\n\nВы останетесь скрыты, пока не отмените эффект или у плаща не иссякнет энергия. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Спрятав всё своё тело под плащ теней, вы получили временную невидимость.\n\nВ этом состоянии враги не атакуют и не преследуют вас. Атака или использование магии (например, свитка или жезла) немедленно рассеет невидимость.\n\nВы останетесь скрыты, пока не отмените эффект или у плаща не иссякнет энергия.
@ -160,14 +160,14 @@ items.artifacts.etherealchains.prompt=Выберите место или цел
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc=Эти толстые, но лёгкие цепи мерцают духовной энергией. Их можно использовать для того, чтобы быстро переместить себя к стене или притянуть кого-то другого поближе. Благодаря призрачной сущности цепей вы сможете даже проходить сквозь стены\! items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc=Эти толстые, но лёгкие цепи мерцают духовной энергией. Их можно использовать для того, чтобы быстро переместить себя к стене или притянуть кого-то другого поближе. Благодаря призрачной сущности цепей вы сможете даже проходить сквозь стены\!
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_cursed=Проклятые цепи обмотались вокруг вас, постоянно пытаясь свалить вас с ног или зацепиться за что-нибудь. items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_cursed=Проклятые цепи обмотались вокруг вас, постоянно пытаясь свалить вас с ног или зацепиться за что-нибудь.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=Цепи свисают с вас, медленно поглощая души убитых вами врагов. Каждый заряд - это звено в цепи, способное преодолеть ровно одну клетку. items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=Цепи свисают с вас, медленно поглощая души убитых вами врагов. Каждый заряд - это звено в цепи, способное преодолеть ровно одну клетку.
items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=Ваша цепь стал сильнее\! items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=Ваша цепь стала сильнее\!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.name=рог изобилия items.artifacts.hornofplenty.name=рог изобилия
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_eat=СЪЕСТЬ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_eat=СЪЕСТЬ
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_store=ПОЛОЖИТЬ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_store=ПОЛОЖИТЬ
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.eat=Вы едите из рога. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.eat=Вы едите из рога.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.prompt=Выберите порцию еды items.artifacts.hornofplenty.prompt=Выберите еду
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.no_food=В роге нечего есть\! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.no_food=Рог пуст\!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.full=Рог полон еды\! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.full=Рог полон еды\!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.reject=Рог отвергает сырой пустофрукт. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.reject=Рог отвергает сырой пустофрукт.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Рог поглотил всю еду, что мог\! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Рог поглотил всю еду, что мог\!
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.preventing=Сильная магия этого м
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.creatures=Аура ближайших существ не позволяет вам использовать маяк Ллойда. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.creatures=Аура ближайших существ не позволяет вам использовать маяк Ллойда.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.return=Маяк Ллойда установлен на вашу текущую позицию, вы сможете вернуться сюда в любое время. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.return=Маяк Ллойда установлен на вашу текущую позицию, вы сможете вернуться сюда в любое время.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Маяк Ллойда - хитроумное магическое приспособление, позволяющее контролировать телепортацию. Маяк может вернуть вас в установленное место, а если его надеть, то он сможет излучать вспышки телепортирующей магии, которые можно направить на врага, или на себя. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Маяк Ллойда - хитроумное магическое приспособление, позволяющее контролировать телепортацию. Маяк может вернуть вас в установленное место, а если его надеть, то он сможет излучать вспышки телепортирующей магии, которые можно направить на врага, или на себя.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Маяк установлен на %d уровень Pixel Dungeon. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Маяк установлен на %d уровень в Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=повязка гильдии воров items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=повязка гильдии воров
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Эта фиолетовая повязка на руку отмечена знаком мастера-вора. Она не принадлежит вам, но и своему предыдущему владельцу она вряд ли принадлежала. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Эта фиолетовая повязка на руку отмечена знаком мастера-вора. Она не принадлежит вам, но и своему предыдущему владельцу она вряд ли принадлежала.
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ items.food.blandfruit.desc=Не имеет ни вкуса, ни запаха.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Во время варки в котле этот фрукт разбух и даже впитал в себя некоторые свойства ингредиентов, с которыми был сварен.\n\nПохоже, теперь его можно есть\! items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Во время варки в котле этот фрукт разбух и даже впитал в себя некоторые свойства ингредиентов, с которыми был сварен.\n\nПохоже, теперь его можно есть\!
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=прожаренное мясо items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=прожаренное мясо
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Похоже на неплохой стейк. items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Пахнет как неплохой стейк.
items.food.food.name=дневной рацион пищи items.food.food.name=дневной рацион пищи
items.food.food.ac_eat=СЪЕСТЬ items.food.food.ac_eat=СЪЕСТЬ
@ -430,8 +430,8 @@ items.quest.corpsedust.desc=Эта кучка праха не сильно от
items.quest.darkgold.name=руда тёмного золота items.quest.darkgold.name=руда тёмного золота
items.quest.darkgold.desc=Этот металл называется темным не из-за его цвета (который не отличается от обычного золота), а из-за того, что при воздействии солнечного света он плавится.\n\nДумаю, не стоит говорить, что темное золото не очень-то ценится городскими жителями. items.quest.darkgold.desc=Этот металл называется темным не из-за его цвета (который не отличается от обычного золота), а из-за того, что при воздействии солнечного света он плавится.\n\nДумаю, не стоит говорить, что темное золото не очень-то ценится городскими жителями.
items.quest.dwarftoken.name=гномий жетон items.quest.dwarftoken.name=дворфский жетон
items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=По неизвестным причинам многие гномы и некоторые из их творений носят с собой эти маленькие кусочки металла. Может быть, это какие-то украшения или опознавательные символы... Кто их поймет, этих бородатых. items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=По неизвестным причинам многие дворфы и некоторые из их творений носят с собой эти маленькие кусочки металла. Может быть, это какие-то украшения или опознавательные символы... Кто их поймет, этих бородатых.
items.quest.embers.name=пепел элементаля items.quest.embers.name=пепел элементаля
items.quest.embers.desc=Особый вид пепла, который можно получить только с молодых огненных элементалей. Даже сейчас он излучает тепло. items.quest.embers.desc=Особый вид пепла, который можно получить только с молодых огненных элементалей. Даже сейчас он излучает тепло.
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ items.quest.embers.desc=Особый вид пепла, который можн
items.quest.pickaxe.name=кирка items.quest.pickaxe.name=кирка
items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=ДОБЫТЬ РУДУ items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=ДОБЫТЬ РУДУ
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Рядом нет жил тёмного золота. items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Рядом нет жил тёмного золота.
items.quest.pickaxe.desc=Это большой и прочный инструмент для добычи руды. В крайнем случае эта кирка может использоваться и как оружие. items.quest.pickaxe.desc=Это большой и прочный инструмент для добычи руды. В крайнем случае, эта кирка может использоваться и как оружие.
items.quest.ratskull.name=череп гигантской крысы items.quest.ratskull.name=череп гигантской крысы
items.quest.ratskull.desc=Удивительно огромный крысиный череп. Из него вышел бы неплохой трофей, если бы вам было куда его вешать. items.quest.ratskull.desc=Удивительно огромный крысиный череп. Из него вышел бы неплохой трофей, если бы вам было куда его вешать.
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.warning=Вы действительно хотит
items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.yes=Да, я уверен items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.yes=Да, я уверен
items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=Нет, я передумал items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=Нет, я передумал
items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.name=Свиток Идентификации items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.name=Свиток Опознания
items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.inv_title=Выберите предмет для опознания items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.inv_title=Выберите предмет для опознания
items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.it_is=Это %s items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.it_is=Это %s
items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Этот свиток способен навсегда открыть все тайны одного предмета. items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Этот свиток способен навсегда открыть все тайны одного предмета.
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Этот свиток улучшает оди
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Вас убил ваш собственный %s. items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Вас убил ваш собственный %s.
items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Ничего не произошло. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Ничего не произошло.
items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=Надетая экипировка стала проклята\! items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=Надетая экипировка стала проклята\!
items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Вокруг вас разрастается трава\! items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Вокруг вас внезапно появляются заросли травы\!
items.wands.cursedwand.fire=Вы чувствуете запах гари... items.wands.cursedwand.fire=Вы чувствуете запах гари...
items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Ваш жезл превратился в другой предмет\! items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Ваш жезл превратился в другой предмет\!
@ -603,35 +603,44 @@ items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Этот %s проклят\!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Выберите цель items.wands.wand.prompt=Выберите цель
items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=жезл взрывной волны items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=жезл взрывной волны
items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=жезл взрывной волны
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Вы убили себя собственным жезлом Взрывной Волны... items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Вы убили себя собственным жезлом Взрывной Волны...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Этот жезл с золотой отделкой и навершием из черного самоцвета сделан из мрамора. Он довольно тяжёлый.\n\nЭтот жезл выпускает заряд, создающий мощный взрыв в точке удара. Силы этого взрыва достаточно, чтобы отправить большинство врагов в полёт. items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Этот жезл с золотой отделкой и навершием из черного самоцвета сделан из мрамора. Он довольно тяжёлый.\n\nЭтот жезл выпускает заряд, создающий мощный взрыв в точке удара. Силы этого взрыва достаточно, чтобы отправить большинство врагов в полёт.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=жезл порчи items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=жезл порчи
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Эта цель уже под вашим контролем. items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Эта цель уже под вашим контролем.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=Боссы невосприимчивы к порче. items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=Боссы невосприимчивы к порче.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=Сила порчи недостаточно велика, ничего не произошло. items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=Сила порчи недостаточно велика, ничего не произошло.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Даже без маленького черепа на навершии можно понять, что эта вещь не для всяких рук - жезл просто источает тёмную магию.\n\nЭтот жезл выпускает разряд энергии порчи, пытаясь подчинить врагов вашей воле. Здоровые враги лучше сопротивляются этому эффекту, чем ослабленные.\n\nПри использовании, этот жезл потратит как минимум один заряд. Чем здоровее враг, тем больше зарядов может потребоваться. items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Даже без маленького черепа на навершии можно понять, что эта вещь не для всяких рук - жезл просто источает тёмную магию.\n\nЭтот жезл выпускает разряд энергии порчи, пытаясь подчинить врагов вашей воле. Здоровые враги лучше сопротивляются этому эффекту, чем ослабленные.\n\nПри использовании, этот жезл потратит как минимум один заряд. Чем здоровее враг, тем больше зарядов может потребоваться.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=жезл дезинтеграции items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=жезл дезинтеграции
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=жезл дезинтеграции
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Этот жезл сделан из цельного куска обсидиана, внутри которого течёт фиолетовый свет, заканчивающийся у навершия. Он мерцает разрушительной энергией, ожидая, когда им воспользуются.\n\nЖезл испускает луч, пронзающий любые препятствия на своём пути. Дальность луча увеличивается с улучшением жезла.\n\nЧем больше жезл пронзает врагов и препятствий, тем больше от него урон. items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Этот жезл сделан из цельного куска обсидиана, внутри которого течёт фиолетовый свет, заканчивающийся у навершия. Он мерцает разрушительной энергией, ожидая, когда им воспользуются.\n\nЖезл испускает луч, пронзающий любые препятствия на своём пути. Дальность луча увеличивается с улучшением жезла.\n\nЧем больше жезл пронзает врагов и препятствий, тем больше от него урон.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=жезл огненной вспышки items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=жезл огненной вспышки
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=жезл огненной вспышки
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Этот жезл сделан из лакированного красного дерева с навершием в виде золотого листа, из-за чего выглядит, как королевский скипетр. Он шипит и искрит, готовый выпустить свою магию.\n\nЭтот жезл создает конусовидную вспышку огня. При улучшении жезл начнёт использовать всё больше зарядов, значительно увеличивая наносимый урон. items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Этот жезл сделан из лакированного красного дерева с навершием в виде золотого листа, из-за чего выглядит, как королевский скипетр. Он шипит и искрит, готовый выпустить свою магию.\n\nЭтот жезл создает конусовидную вспышку огня. При улучшении жезл начнёт использовать всё больше зарядов, значительно увеличивая наносимый урон.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=жезл холода items.wands.wandoffrost.name=жезл холода
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=жезл холода
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Кажется, этот жезл сделан из какого-то волшебного льда. Он становится ярче около навершия. На ощупь он довольно холодный, но ваша рука почему-то остается тёплой.\n\nЭтот жезл испускает леденящей энергии во врагов, нанося значительный урон и заставляя их окоченеть, снижая их скорость. Эффект усиливается в воде. Окоченевшие и замороженные враги получают меньше урона от этого жезла. items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Кажется, этот жезл сделан из какого-то волшебного льда. Он становится ярче около навершия. На ощупь он довольно холодный, но ваша рука почему-то остается тёплой.\n\nЭтот жезл испускает леденящей энергии во врагов, нанося значительный урон и заставляя их окоченеть, снижая их скорость. Эффект усиливается в воде. Окоченевшие и замороженные враги получают меньше урона от этого жезла.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=жезл молний items.wands.wandoflightning.name=жезл молний
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=жезл молний
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Вы убили себя собственным жезлом Молний... items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Вы убили себя собственным жезлом Молний...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Этот жезл сделан из цельного металла, из-за чего он довольно тяжёл. На навершии есть два зубца, между которыми проскакивают электрические дуги.\n\nЭтот жезл испускает разряд электричества в указанную цель. Электричество будет перескакивать между ближайшими врагами, становясь эффективнее в воде. Лучше держитесь подальше, иначе вас тоже может задеть\! items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Этот жезл сделан из цельного металла, из-за чего он довольно тяжёл. На навершии есть два зубца, между которыми проскакивают электрические дуги.\n\nЭтот жезл испускает разряд электричества в указанную цель. Электричество будет перескакивать между ближайшими врагами, становясь эффективнее в воде. Лучше держитесь подальше, иначе вас тоже может задеть\!
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=жезл магической стрелы items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=жезл магической стрелы
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=жезл магической стрелы
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Довольно простой жезл, стреляющий стрелами чистой магической энергии, наносящими средний урон.\n\nХотя он и не такой сильный, как другие жезлы, он отчасти искупает это за счет наличия большего числа зарядов. items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Довольно простой жезл, стреляющий стрелами чистой магической энергии, наносящими средний урон.\n\nХотя он и не такой сильный, как другие жезлы, он отчасти искупает это за счет наличия большего числа зарядов.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=жезл чистого света items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=жезл чистого света
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=жезл чистого света
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Этот жезл сделан из цельного куска прозрачного кристалла. Он напоминает длинный кусок гладкого стекла.\n\nЭтот жезл испускает луч света, наносящий урон и ослепляющий врагов. Свет также пронзает тьму подземелья, раскрывая скрытые двери и ловушки. Демоны и нежить загорятся чистым пламенем этого жезла, получая значительно больше урона. items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Этот жезл сделан из цельного куска прозрачного кристалла. Он напоминает длинный кусок гладкого стекла.\n\nЭтот жезл испускает луч света, наносящий урон и ослепляющий врагов. Свет также пронзает тьму подземелья, раскрывая скрытые двери и ловушки. Демоны и нежить загорятся чистым пламенем этого жезла, получая значительно больше урона.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=жезл возрождения items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=жезл возрождения
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=жезл возрождения
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Этот жезл сделан из тонкого и искусно обработанного дерева. Каким-то образом он всё ещё выглядит живым и зелёным, как молодое деревце.\n\nПри использовании жезл поглотит все заряды, испустив конусовидную волну возрождающей энергии, которая заставит моментально вырасти траву, корни и редкие растения в зоне своего действия.\n\n"Когда угасает одна жизнь, всегда рождается другая... Вечный цикл будет продолжаться\!" items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Этот жезл сделан из тонкого и искусно обработанного дерева. Каким-то образом он всё ещё выглядит живым и зелёным, как молодое деревце.\n\nПри использовании жезл поглотит все заряды, испустив конусовидную волну возрождающей энергии, которая заставит моментально вырасти траву, корни и редкие растения в зоне своего действия.\n\n"Когда угасает одна жизнь, всегда рождается другая... Вечный цикл будет продолжаться\!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Ловец росы items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Ловец росы
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Ловцы росы пытаются маскироваться под траву, однако их выдают большие капли собранной росы. items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Ловцы росы пытаются маскироваться под траву, однако их выдают большие капли собранной росы.
@ -639,11 +648,13 @@ items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Семяловка
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Семяловки очень красивые на вид, но семена в их стручках на самом деле украдены у других растений, которые были задушены корнями семяловки. items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Семяловки очень красивые на вид, но семена в их стручках на самом деле украдены у других растений, которые были задушены корнями семяловки.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=жезл переливания items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=жезл переливания
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.staff_name=жезл переливания
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Вы убились собственным жезлом Переливания... items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Вы убились собственным жезлом Переливания...
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Ваш посох заряжен жизненной энергией вашего противника\! items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Ваш посох заряжен жизненной энергией вашего противника\!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Хотя этот жезл довольно прост на вид, он выделяется за счет пурпурного оттенка и угольно-черного камня на его навершии.\n\nПри использовании этот жезл забирает часть вашей жизненной энергии и выпускает её в форме разряда. Эффект от попадания такого разряда сильно варьируется\: союзники будут исцелены, враги будут временно очарованы, а любая враждебно настроенная нежить получит значительный урон.\n\nЖезл способен потратить немало вашей энергии и здоровья за одно использование, используйте его с осторожностью. items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Хотя этот жезл довольно прост на вид, он выделяется за счет пурпурного оттенка и угольно-черного камня на его навершии.\n\nПри использовании этот жезл забирает часть вашей жизненной энергии и выпускает её в форме разряда. Эффект от попадания такого разряда сильно варьируется\: союзники будут исцелены, враги будут временно очарованы, а любая враждебно настроенная нежить получит значительный урон.\n\nЖезл способен потратить немало вашей энергии и здоровья за одно использование, используйте его с осторожностью.
items.wands.wandofvenom.name=жезл яда items.wands.wandofvenom.name=жезл яда
items.wands.wandofvenom.staff_name=жезл яда
items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=Фиолетовая рукоять этого жезла украшена сияющим драгоценным камнем ярко-зеленого цвета.\n\nПри использовании этот жезл создает облако страшно ядовитого газа в месте попадания. Урон, наносимый этим газом, растет в зависимости от того, сколько времени цель находилась в облаке. items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=Фиолетовая рукоять этого жезла украшена сияющим драгоценным камнем ярко-зеленого цвета.\n\nПри использовании этот жезл создает облако страшно ядовитого газа в месте попадания. Урон, наносимый этим газом, растет в зависимости от того, сколько времени цель находилась в облаке.
@ -696,8 +707,6 @@ items.weapon.melee.mace.desc=Железное навершие этого ору
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=посох мага items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=посох мага
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=УЛУЧШИТЬ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=УЛУЧШИТЬ
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=ЦЕЛЬ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=ЦЕЛЬ
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Выберите жезл для слияния items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Выберите жезл для слияния
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Вы используете %s для того, чтобы наделить ваш посох его силой. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Вы используете %s для того, чтобы наделить ваш посох его силой.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Взаимодействие несовместимой магии развеивает чары на вашем посохе\! items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Взаимодействие несовместимой магии развеивает чары на вашем посохе\!
@ -710,7 +719,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Этот необычный посох, сд
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=Это оружие ближнего боя %d уровня. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=Это оружие ближнего боя %d уровня.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Средний урон за удар равен %d, обычно оно требует %d силы. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Средний урон за удар равен %d, обычно оно требует %d силы.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.probably_too_heavy=Вероятно, это оружие слишком тяжело для вас. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.probably_too_heavy=Вероятно, это оружие будет слишком тяжело для вас.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_desc= items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_desc=
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed_worn=Ваше оружие проклято, вы не в силах бросить его. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed_worn=Ваше оружие проклято, вы не в силах бросить его.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этом оружии. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этом оружии.
@ -739,7 +748,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.name=бумеранг
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Этот плоский изогнутый деревянный снаряд вернется к хозяину, если кинуть его во врага. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Этот плоский изогнутый деревянный снаряд вернется к хозяину, если кинуть его во врага.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=парализующий дротик items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=парализующий дротик
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Эти коварные дротики с ядом кураре не наносят много урона, но они могут парализовать жертву, сделав её на некоторое время беспомощной и бездвижной. items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Эти коварные дротики, покрытые ядом кураре, не способны нанести много урона, но они могут парализовать жертву, сделав её на некоторое время беспомощной и бездвижной.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.name=дротик items.weapon.missiles.dart.name=дротик
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=Эти простые металлические дротики сбалансированы так, что даже легкое движение кистью способно отправить их на значительное расстояние. items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=Эти простые металлические дротики сбалансированы так, что даже легкое движение кистью способно отправить их на значительное расстояние.
@ -787,7 +796,7 @@ items.armorkit.upgraded=Вы улучшаете %s с помощью инстр
items.armorkit.desc=С помощью этого набора небольших инструментов и материалов любой сможет превратить любую броню в "эпичную броню", которая сохранит свои предыдущие свойства, дав при этом своему владельцу особую способность, зависящую от класса. Навыки портного, кожевенника или кузнеца не требуются. items.armorkit.desc=С помощью этого набора небольших инструментов и материалов любой сможет превратить любую броню в "эпичную броню", которая сохранит свои предыдущие свойства, дав при этом своему владельцу особую способность, зависящую от класса. Навыки портного, кожевенника или кузнеца не требуются.
items.bomb.name=бомба items.bomb.name=бомба
items.bomt.ac_lightthrow=ПОДЖЕЧЬ И КИНУТЬ items.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ПОДЖЕЧЬ И БРОСИТЬ
items.bomb.snuff_fuse=Вы спешно задуваете фитиль бомбы. items.bomb.snuff_fuse=Вы спешно задуваете фитиль бомбы.
items.bomb.ondeath=Вас убило взрывом items.bomb.ondeath=Вас убило взрывом
items.bomb.rankings_desc=Убит взрывом items.bomb.rankings_desc=Убит взрывом
@ -804,7 +813,7 @@ items.dewdrop.desc=Кристально чистая капля росы.\n\nБ
items.dewvial.name=сосуд для росы items.dewvial.name=сосуд для росы
items.dewvial.ac_drink=ВЫПИТЬ items.dewvial.ac_drink=ВЫПИТЬ
items.dewvial.value=%+d ОЗ items.dewvial.value=%+d ОЗ
items.dewvial.collected=Вы собрали каплю росы в сосуд. items.dewvial.collected=Вы собираете росу в сосуд.
items.dewvial.full=Ваш сосуд для росы заполнен\! items.dewvial.full=Ваш сосуд для росы заполнен\!
items.dewvial.empty=Ваш сосуд для росы пуст\! items.dewvial.empty=Ваш сосуд для росы пуст\!
items.dewvial.desc=Вы можете собрать лишние капли росы в этот маленький сосуд, чтобы потом выпить. Чем больше в нём росы, тем лучше он вас исцелит. Полный сосуд действует как зелье исцеления.\n\nТакие сосуды когда-то были наполнены возрождающей магией, однако эта сила почти иссякла. Возможно, её остатков хватит, чтобы освятить другой возрождающий предмет. items.dewvial.desc=Вы можете собрать лишние капли росы в этот маленький сосуд, чтобы потом выпить. Чем больше в нём росы, тем лучше он вас исцелит. Полный сосуд действует как зелье исцеления.\n\nТакие сосуды когда-то были наполнены возрождающей магией, однако эта сила почти иссякла. Возможно, её остатков хватит, чтобы освятить другой возрождающий предмет.
@ -858,4 +867,4 @@ items.weightstone.desc=С помощью грузильного камня вы
items.weightstone$wndbalance.choice=Как вы хотите сбалансировать оружие? items.weightstone$wndbalance.choice=Как вы хотите сбалансировать оружие?
items.weightstone$wndbalance.light=Легче items.weightstone$wndbalance.light=Легче
items.weightstone$wndbalance.heavy=Тяжелее items.weightstone$wndbalance.heavy=Тяжелее
items.weightstone$wndbalance.cancel=Не важно items.weightstone$wndbalance.cancel=Я передумал

View File

@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=这个卷轴可以升级一件物品,也就
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=你用你自己的%s自杀了。 items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=你用你自己的%s自杀了。
items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=啥事都没发生。 items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=啥事都没发生。
items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=你身上的装备被诅咒了! items.wands.cursedwand.cursed=你身上的装备被诅咒了!
items.wands.cursedwand.grass=草木在你周围出! items.wands.cursedwand.grass=草木在你周围喷薄而出!
items.wands.cursedwand.fire=你闻到了烧烤的味道…… items.wands.cursedwand.fire=你闻到了烧烤的味道……
items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=你的法杖变形成了另一样东西! items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=你的法杖变形成了另一样东西!
@ -603,35 +603,44 @@ items.wands.wand.curse_discover=这把%s是诅咒的
items.wands.wand.prompt=选择要释放魔法的位置 items.wands.wand.prompt=选择要释放魔法的位置
items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=冲击波法杖 items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=冲击波法杖
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=你用你的冲击波法杖炸碎了你自己…… items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=你用你的冲击波法杖炸碎了你自己……
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=这根法杖是用一种大理石石材制作的,有着黄金装饰和圆圆的黑宝石在顶端。它在你手中的感觉非常沉重。\n\n这根法杖能射出一发能量猛烈地在目标位置爆发。这种爆炸的力量足够强大足以使大多数敌人被炸飞也能用于触发陷阱。爆炸无污染零添加不包含火药。 items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=这根法杖是用一种大理石石材制作的,有着黄金装饰和圆圆的黑宝石在顶端。它在你手中的感觉非常沉重。\n\n这根法杖能射出一发能量猛烈地在目标位置爆发。这种爆炸的力量足够强大足以使大多数敌人被炸飞也能用于触发陷阱。爆炸无污染零添加不包含火药。
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=腐化法杖 items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=腐化法杖
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=这玩意儿已经被你腐化了。 items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=这玩意儿已经被你腐化了。
items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=怪物首领免疫腐化。 items.wands.wandofcorruption.boss=怪物首领免疫腐化。
items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=腐化力量不够强大,没啥用。 items.wands.wandofcorruption.fail=腐化力量不够强大,没啥用。
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=这根法杖发射黑暗能量,如果这法杖头上那小小的装饰用头骨还没有明显地揭露出这点的话。\n\n这根法杖会释放腐坏的能量能让你按自己的心愿扭曲敌人的意志。健康的敌人要比虚弱的敌人更难腐化。\n\n这根法杖每次使用至少消耗一发充能但往往会在试图扭曲健康敌人的情况下使用更多。长时间持有此法杖会导致偏头痛和面色发黑。 items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=这根法杖发射黑暗能量,如果这法杖头上那小小的装饰用头骨还没有明显地揭露出这点的话。\n\n这根法杖会释放腐坏的能量能让你按自己的心愿扭曲敌人的意志。健康的敌人要比虚弱的敌人更难腐化。\n\n这根法杖每次使用至少消耗一发充能但往往会在试图扭曲健康敌人的情况下使用更多。长时间持有此法杖会导致偏头痛和面色发黑。
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=解离法杖 items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=解离法杖
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=这根法杖是由一整块光滑的黑曜石制成的,有深紫色的光从边缘开始移动而终止于法杖尖端。它闪烁着散发破坏性能量,等待向前射出。\n\n这根法杖射出的光束能穿透任何的障碍物并将随着法杖等级的提升而到达更远的区域。\n\n这根法杖穿透的地形和敌人越多造成的额外伤害就越大。使用时请小心别拿反了。 items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=这根法杖是由一整块光滑的黑曜石制成的,有深紫色的光从边缘开始移动而终止于法杖尖端。它闪烁着散发破坏性能量,等待向前射出。\n\n这根法杖射出的光束能穿透任何的障碍物并将随着法杖等级的提升而到达更远的区域。\n\n这根法杖穿透的地形和敌人越多造成的额外伤害就越大。使用时请小心别拿反了。
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=焰浪法杖 items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=焰浪法杖
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=这根法杖是由红漆木与金叶装饰的,这使得它看起来相当的土。它的顶端在发出嘶嘶声,渴望释放其强大的魔力。\n\n这根法杖在使用时会产生爆发的火焰延伸到一个锥形区域。随着这根法杖的升级它将消耗更多的充能效果也会显著地变得更加强大。只要用它的杖头一碰就能点着香烟还不消耗充能非常贴心。 items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=这根法杖是由红漆木与金叶装饰的,这使得它看起来相当的土。它的顶端在发出嘶嘶声,渴望释放其强大的魔力。\n\n这根法杖在使用时会产生爆发的火焰延伸到一个锥形区域。随着这根法杖的升级它将消耗更多的充能效果也会显著地变得更加强大。只要用它的杖头一碰就能点着香烟还不消耗充能非常贴心。
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=霜冻法杖 items.wands.wandoffrost.name=霜冻法杖
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=这根法杖似乎是用某种魔法冰块制成的。它的圆形顶部闪着明亮的光。你握着它的时候感觉它很冷,但不知为何你的手仍旧保持着温暖。\n\n这根法杖向你的敌人射击冰霜能量对你的敌人造成严重的伤害和使敌人颤栗从而降低敌人的速度。在水中的作用似乎更强。颤栗的敌人被击中造成的伤害会减小冻结的则不会受伤因为他们已经很冷了……这类法杖广泛应用于各个行业主要包括海鲜配送偶尔也有女性购买无法获得充能的此种法杖。兴许是做搅拌棒呢 items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=这根法杖似乎是用某种魔法冰块制成的。它的圆形顶部闪着明亮的光。你握着它的时候感觉它很冷,但不知为何你的手仍旧保持着温暖。\n\n这根法杖向你的敌人射击冰霜能量对你的敌人造成严重的伤害和使敌人颤栗从而降低敌人的速度。在水中的作用似乎更强。颤栗的敌人被击中造成的伤害会减小冻结的则不会受伤因为他们已经很冷了……这类法杖广泛应用于各个行业主要包括海鲜配送偶尔也有女性购买无法获得充能的此种法杖。兴许是做搅拌棒呢
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=闪电法杖 items.wands.wandoflightning.name=闪电法杖
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=你用你的闪电法杖电死了自己了…… items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=你用你的闪电法杖电死了自己了……
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=这根法杖是用实心金属制成的,这使它令人吃惊地沉重。顶端有两个向内弯曲的部分,电弧在其间跳跃。\n\n这根法杖能向随便什么它瞄准发出强大的电弧。这种电力可以在许多附近的敌人间反弹而且在水面上更强大。如果你太接近的话你可能同样被电到。穿戴拴着一条长铁链子的链甲理论上可以避免被电得太厉害。 items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=这根法杖是用实心金属制成的,这使它令人吃惊地沉重。顶端有两个向内弯曲的部分,电弧在其间跳跃。\n\n这根法杖能向随便什么它瞄准发出强大的电弧。这种电力可以在许多附近的敌人间反弹而且在水面上更强大。如果你太接近的话你可能同样被电到。穿戴拴着一条长铁链子的链甲理论上可以避免被电得太厉害。
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=魔法飞弹法杖 items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=魔法飞弹法杖
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=这把相当普通的法杖发射纯魔法能量构成的导弹,对目标造成中度损伤。\n\n尽管不像其他法杖一样强大它的大量蓄能数弥补了这一点。怨灵表示强烈抗议魔弹法杖制造商的这一邪恶行径。 items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=这把相当普通的法杖发射纯魔法能量构成的导弹,对目标造成中度损伤。\n\n尽管不像其他法杖一样强大它的大量蓄能数弥补了这一点。怨灵表示强烈抗议魔弹法杖制造商的这一邪恶行径。
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=棱光法杖 items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=棱光法杖
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=这根法杖由一块实心的、晶莹的、半透明的水晶构成,看起来像是一块长而光滑的玻璃。\n\n这根法杖射出光线刺破地牢中的黑暗揭露隐藏在黑暗中的区域和陷阱。恶魔、亡灵和邪恶生物将在法杖的亮光下燃烧受到显著的额外伤害。法杖配套一个显示器展示亮光射过的地形。该法杖同时也可做强光手电筒使用。 items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=这根法杖由一块实心的、晶莹的、半透明的水晶构成,看起来像是一块长而光滑的玻璃。\n\n这根法杖射出光线刺破地牢中的黑暗揭露隐藏在黑暗中的区域和陷阱。恶魔、亡灵和邪恶生物将在法杖的亮光下燃烧受到显著的额外伤害。法杖配套一个显示器展示亮光射过的地形。该法杖同时也可做强光手电筒使用。
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=再生法杖 items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=再生法杖
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=这根法杖是由一块长木片精细地雕琢而成的。不知为何它看起来还活着而且充满生气,它明亮的绿色就像是一株小树的核心。\n\n使用时这根法杖将消耗所有的充能以在一个锥形区域内爆出神奇的再生能量。这个魔法将产生草根系和稀有的植物就像是春天到来。\n\n“每当有生命停止之时总有新的生命开始成长……这永恒的轮回从不停止”当然大部分沙漠、盐碱地和真空会质疑这句话的真实性。 items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=这根法杖是由一块长木片精细地雕琢而成的。不知为何它看起来还活着而且充满生气,它明亮的绿色就像是一株小树的核心。\n\n使用时这根法杖将消耗所有的充能以在一个锥形区域内爆出神奇的再生能量。这个魔法将产生草根系和稀有的植物就像是春天到来。\n\n“每当有生命停止之时总有新的生命开始成长……这永恒的轮回从不停止”当然大部分沙漠、盐碱地和真空会质疑这句话的真实性。
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=露珠收集者 items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=露珠收集者
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=露珠收集者把自己伪装成杂草来逃避关注,不过它们叶片顶端的凸起使得伪装效果不大。 items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=露珠收集者把自己伪装成杂草来逃避关注,不过它们叶片顶端的凸起使得伪装效果不大。
@ -639,11 +648,13 @@ items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=种子荚
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=种子荚看起来很漂亮,但它们携带的种子实际上是从被种子荚的根系杀死的其他植物中偷走的。 items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=种子荚看起来很漂亮,但它们携带的种子实际上是从被种子荚的根系杀死的其他植物中偷走的。
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=输血法杖 items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=输血法杖
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=你献血太多了…… items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=你献血太多了……
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=敌人的生命能量被注入进了你的魔杖! items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=敌人的生命能量被注入进了你的魔杖!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=这把法杖外形相当普通,它有着暗红色的色调,在顶端有一块漆黑的宝石。\n\n这根法杖会将你生命中的一部分能量传输给目标。这能导致多种结果盟友会被治疗敌人会暂时被你魅惑而敌对的亡灵将受到相当大的伤害。如果法杖的力量足够强大还可以去除物品上的诅咒清理物品的负等级。\n\n生命吸取效果是显著的使用这根法杖不仅会消耗蓄能还会消耗你的生命。已经有很多人因此死在献血站里了。 items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=这把法杖外形相当普通,它有着暗红色的色调,在顶端有一块漆黑的宝石。\n\n这根法杖会将你生命中的一部分能量传输给目标。这能导致多种结果盟友会被治疗敌人会暂时被你魅惑而敌对的亡灵将受到相当大的伤害。如果法杖的力量足够强大还可以去除物品上的诅咒清理物品的负等级。\n\n生命吸取效果是显著的使用这根法杖不仅会消耗蓄能还会消耗你的生命。已经有很多人因此死在献血站里了。
items.wands.wandofvenom.name=剧毒法杖 items.wands.wandofvenom.name=剧毒法杖
items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=这根法杖的主干是紫色的,顶端打开以容纳一个明亮的绿色宝石。\n\n这根法杖射出一颗会在目标位置爆炸成一团剧毒气体的法球。任何被困在这毒云里的东西都会持续不断地受到伤害伤害的大小随着时间的推移不断增加。说来奇怪单独把宝石摘下来卖掉的话价格会比三四把法杖还高。 items.wands.wandofvenom.desc=这根法杖的主干是紫色的,顶端打开以容纳一个明亮的绿色宝石。\n\n这根法杖射出一颗会在目标位置爆炸成一团剧毒气体的法球。任何被困在这毒云里的东西都会持续不断地受到伤害伤害的大小随着时间的推移不断增加。说来奇怪单独把宝石摘下来卖掉的话价格会比三四把法杖还高。
@ -696,8 +707,6 @@ items.weapon.melee.mace.desc=这把武器的铁头能造成可观的伤害。别
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=法师之杖 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=法师之杖
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=灌注 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=灌注
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=释放 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=释放
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=选择一把要毁灭的法杖 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=选择一把要毁灭的法杖
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=你将你的%s灌入了魔杖。 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=你将你的%s灌入了魔杖。
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=互相冲突的魔法抹去了你魔杖上的附魔。 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=互相冲突的魔法抹去了你魔杖上的附魔。
@ -787,7 +796,7 @@ items.armorkit.upgraded=你使用护甲配件包对你的%s进行了升级。
items.armorkit.desc=使用这配件包里的工具和材料,任何人都能将任意防具打造成 “史诗护甲”,它会继承原护甲的所有属性,并依据职业提供给穿戴者一个特殊技能。完全无需裁缝、制皮或锻造技能。 items.armorkit.desc=使用这配件包里的工具和材料,任何人都能将任意防具打造成 “史诗护甲”,它会继承原护甲的所有属性,并依据职业提供给穿戴者一个特殊技能。完全无需裁缝、制皮或锻造技能。
items.bomb.name=炸弹 items.bomb.name=炸弹
items.bomt.ac_lightthrow=点着丢出去 items.bomb.ac_lightthrow=点着丢出去
items.bomb.snuff_fuse=你飞快地吹灭了炸弹的引线。 items.bomb.snuff_fuse=你飞快地吹灭了炸弹的引线。
items.bomb.ondeath=被炸死 items.bomb.ondeath=被炸死
items.bomb.rankings_desc=被炸死 items.bomb.rankings_desc=被炸死

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
###features ###features
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Wähle einen Samen, um Ihn zu werfen levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Wähle einen Samen, um ihn zu werfen
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Alchemietopf levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Alchemietopf
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Koche eine Fadfrucht levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Koche eine Fadfrucht
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Braue einen Trank levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Braue einen Trank
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ levels.features.sign.tip_11=Pixel-Markt. Investiere Geld. Lebe länger.
levels.features.sign.tip_12=Wenn du von mehreren Monstern gleichzeitig angegriffen wirst, ziehe dich zu einer Türe zurück. levels.features.sign.tip_12=Wenn du von mehreren Monstern gleichzeitig angegriffen wirst, ziehe dich zu einer Türe zurück.
levels.features.sign.tip_13=Solltest du brennen, kannst du das Feuer nicht mit Wasser löschen während du schwebst. levels.features.sign.tip_13=Solltest du brennen, kannst du das Feuer nicht mit Wasser löschen während du schwebst.
levels.features.sign.tip_14=Es macht keinen Sinn mehr als ein ungesegnetes Ankh mit sich zu führen, da du alle Gegenstände nach der Reanimation verlierst. levels.features.sign.tip_14=Es macht keinen Sinn mehr als ein ungesegnetes Ankh mit sich zu führen, da du alle Gegenstände nach der Reanimation verlierst.
levels.features.sign.tip_15=LEBENSGEFAHR\! Schwere Maschinen können Verletzungen, Gliedmaßenverluste oder Tod verursachen\! levels.features.sign.tip_15=LEBENSGEFAHR\! Schwere Maschinen können Verletzungen, Verlust von Gliedmaßen oder Tod verursachen\!
levels.features.sign.tip_16=Pixel-Markt. Für ein sicheres Leben im Dungeon. levels.features.sign.tip_16=Pixel-Markt. Für ein sicheres Leben im Dungeon.
levels.features.sign.tip_17=Immer wenn du eine verzauberte Waffe verbesserst, besteht eine Chance das die Verzauberung zerstört wird. levels.features.sign.tip_17=Immer wenn du eine verzauberte Waffe verbesserst, besteht eine Chance das die Verzauberung zerstört wird.
levels.features.sign.tip_18=Es besteht die Möglichkeit, Gegenstände durch den Brunnen der Transmutation zu erhalten, die du normalerweise niemals erhalten würdest. levels.features.sign.tip_18=Es besteht die Möglichkeit, Gegenstände durch den Brunnen der Transmutation zu erhalten, die du normalerweise niemals erhalten würdest.
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ levels.level.locked_exit_desc=Dicke Eisenstangen versperren den Zugang zu den hi
levels.level.barricade_desc=EIne Barrikade aus Holz wurde hier sorgfältig errichtet, aber das Holz scheint sehr vertrocket zu sein. Ob man die Barrikade entzünden kann? levels.level.barricade_desc=EIne Barrikade aus Holz wurde hier sorgfältig errichtet, aber das Holz scheint sehr vertrocket zu sein. Ob man die Barrikade entzünden kann?
levels.level.sign_desc=Du kannst den Text von hier aus nicht lesen. levels.level.sign_desc=Du kannst den Text von hier aus nicht lesen.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Diese Falle wurde bereits ausgelöst und kann keinen Schaden mehr anrichten. levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Diese Falle wurde bereits ausgelöst und kann keinen Schaden mehr anrichten.
levels.level.statue_desc=Irgendjemand hat versucht diesen Ort anschaulich zu gestalten, doch es war zum Scheitern verurteilt. levels.level.statue_desc=Irgendjemand hat versucht diesen Ort anschaulich zu gestalten, doch war jene Arbeit - offensichtlich - nicht gelungen.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Werf´ einige Samen rein um einen Trank zu brauen. levels.level.alchemy_desc=Werf´ einige Samen rein um einen Trank zu brauen.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Der Brunnen ist ausgetrocknet. levels.level.empty_well_desc=Der Brunnen ist ausgetrocknet.
levels.level.default_desc=Hier befindet sich nichts von Interesse. levels.level.default_desc=Hier befindet sich nichts von Interesse.

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@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Selecciona una semilla para usar
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Caldero de alquimia
# levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Cook a Blandfruit
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Cocinar una poción
# levels.features.alchemypot.options=Do you want to cook a Blandfruit with a seed, or brew a Potion from seeds?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Si, sé lo que hago
levels.features.chasm.no=No, He cambiado de idea
levels.features.chasm.jump=¿Realmente quieres saltar al abismo? Una caída de esta altura será dolorosa.
levels.features.chasm.ondeath=Has muerto por la caída.
# levels.features.chasm.rankings_desc=Died on Impact
levels.features.sign.dead_end=¡¿Qué estas haciendo aquí?\!
# levels.features.sign.tip_1=Almost all equipment has a strength requirement. Don't overestimate your strength, using equipment you can't handle has big penalties\!\n\nRaising your strength is not the only way to access better equipment, you can also lower equipment strength requirements with Scrolls of Upgrade.\n\n\nItems found in the dungeon will often be unidentified. Some items will have unknown effects, others may be upgraded, or degraded and cursed\! Unidentified items are unpredictable, so be careful\!
# levels.features.sign.tip_2=Charging forward recklessly is a great way to get killed.\n\nSlowing down a bit to examine enemies and use the environment and items to your advantage can make a big difference.\n\nYou can double tap or hold on the examine button to search for secrets. The dungeon is full of traps and hidden passageways, keep your eyes open\!
# levels.features.sign.tip_3=Levelling up is important\!\n\nBeing about the same level as the floor you are on is a good idea. Hunger may keep you moving in search of more food, but don't be afraid to slow down a little and train.\n\n\nHunger and health are both resources, and using them well can mean starving yourself in order to help conserve food, if you have some health to spare.
# levels.features.sign.tip_4=The rogue isn't the only character that benefits from being sneaky. You can retreat to the other side of a door to ambush a chasing opponent for a guaranteed hit\!\n\nAny attack on an unaware opponent is guaranteed to hit them.
# levels.features.sign.tip_5=Note to all sewer maintenance & cleaning crews\: TURN BACK NOW. Some sort of sludge monster has made its home here and several crews have been lost trying to deal with it.\n\nApproval has been given to seal off the lower sewers, this area has been condemned, LEAVE NOW.
levels.features.sign.tip_6=Pixel-Mart - ¡todo lo necesario para una aventura exitosa\!
levels.features.sign.tip_7=Identifica tus pociones y pergaminos lo antes posible. No lo dejes para el momento en el que te hagan falta de verdad.
levels.features.sign.tip_8=Tener hambre no hace daño, pero estar muriendo de hambre sí.
levels.features.sign.tip_9=Algunos enemigos son muy poderosos a distancia. Correr directamente hacia ellos usualmente es menos efectivo que ocultarse y dejar que ellos vengan a ti.
levels.features.sign.tip_10=Thomas,\n\nHas sido un gran amigo, así que te haré un favor. Cuando te toque el turno esta noche, revisa la celda de Tengu y luego vete.\n\nNo importa si los prisioneros intentan escapar, pronto nadie podrá dejar este lugar.\n\nPero ese loco debe permanecer encerrado, si escapa no sabemos qué puede hacer. Solo asegúrate de que la celda de Tengu esté cerrada con llave, luego vete.\n\nNo te molestes en buscarme luego, un capitán debe hundirse con su barco.\n\n- Guardián Smith
levels.features.sign.tip_11=Pixel-mart. Gasta dinero. Vive más.
levels.features.sign.tip_12=Cuando te ataquen varios monstruos a la vez intenta refugiarte tras una puerta.
levels.features.sign.tip_13=Si te estás quemando, no puedes apagar el fuego en el agua mientras levitas.
levels.features.sign.tip_14=No tiene sentido poseer más de una Cruz sin bendecir a la vez, ya que perderás todas al resucitar.
levels.features.sign.tip_15=PELIGRO\! La maquinaria pesada puede causar lesiones, perdida de miembros o la muerte\!
levels.features.sign.tip_16=Pixel-Mart. Una vida más segura en la mazmorra.
levels.features.sign.tip_17=Cuando mejoras un arma encantada, hay una posibilidad de destruir ese encantamiento.
levels.features.sign.tip_18=En un Pozo de Transmutación puedes obtener un objeto que no puede ser adquirido de otra forma.
levels.features.sign.tip_19=La única forma de encantar un arma es mejorándola con un Rollo de Infusión Mágica.
levels.features.sign.tip_20=¡No se permiten armas en presencia de su majestad\!
# levels.features.sign.tip_21=Pixel-Mart. Special prices for demon hunters\!
levels.features.sign.burn=Mientras intentas leer el cartel, éste arde en llamas verdes.
# levels.painters.massgravepainter$bones.name=Mass grave
# levels.painters.massgravepainter$bones.desc=bones litter the floor, what happened here?
levels.painters.ritualsitepainter$ritualmarker.name=Símbolo de ritual
# levels.painters.ritualsitepainter$ritualmarker.desc=A painted marker for some dark ritual. Candles are usually placed on the four corners.
levels.painters.weakfloorpainter$hiddenwell.name=Pozo lejano
# levels.painters.weakfloorpainter$hiddenwell.desc=You can just make out a well in the depths below, perhaps there is something down there?
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=Trampa de alarma
# levels.traps.alarmtrap.alarm=The trap emits a piercing sound that echoes throughout the dungeon\!
levels.traps.alarmtrap.desc=Esta trampa parece estar atada a un mecanismo de alerta. Activarla alertará todo el nivel.
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=Trampa de fuego
# levels.traps.blazingtrap.desc=Stepping on this trap will ignite a powerful chemical mixture, setting a wide area ablaze.
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=Trampa de frío
# levels.traps.chillingtrap.ondeath=You succumb to the chilling trap...
# levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=When activated, chemicals in this trap will trigger a snap-frost at its location.
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=Trampa de gas de la confusión
# levels.traps.confusiontrap.desc=Triggering this trap will set a cloud of confusion gas loose within the immediate area.
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=Trampa maldita
levels.traps.cursingtrap.curse=¡El equipo que llevas ahora tiene una maldición\!
levels.traps.cursingtrap.desc=Esta trampa contiene la misma magia malévola encontrada en los objetos malditos. Activarla maldecirá todos los objetos que tengas puestos y todos los objetos en el área cercana.
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=Trampa desarmadora
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.disarm=¡Tu arma es teletransportada\!
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.desc=Esta trampa contiene magia teletransportadora muy específica que llevará el arma de la víctima a algún otro lugar.
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=Trampa desintegrante
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.one=¡La trampa desintegró tus %s\!
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.some=¡La trampa desintegró algunos de tus %s\!
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.ondeath=Has sido matado por la trampa desintegrante
# levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.desc=When triggered, this trap will lance the target with beams of disintegration, dealing significant damage and destroying items.
levels.traps.distortiontrap.name=Trampa de distorsión
# levels.traps.distortiontrap.desc=Built from strange magic of unknown origin, this trap will shift and morph the world around you.
levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=Trampa explosiva
# levels.traps.explosivetrap.desc=This trap contains some powdered explosive and a trigger mechanism. Activating it will cause an explosion in the immediate area.
levels.traps.firetrap.name=Trampa de fuego
# levels.traps.firetrap.desc=Stepping on this trap will ignite a chemical mixture, setting the immediate area aflame.
# levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=Flashing trap
# levels.traps.flashingtrap.desc=On activation, this trap will ignite a potent flashing powder stored within, temporarily blinding and crippling its victim.
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=Trampa del rebaño
# levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=Perhaps a joke from some amateur mage, triggering this trap will create a flock of magical sheep.
# levels.traps.frosttrap.name=Frost trap
# levels.traps.frosttrap.ondeath=You succumb to the freezing trap...
# levels.traps.frosttrap.desc=When activated, chemicals in this trap will trigger a powerful snap-frost at its location.
levels.traps.grimtrap.name=Trampa de la muerte
levels.traps.grimtrap.ondeath=Te mató el rayo de una trampa de la muerte...
# levels.traps.grimtrap.desc=Extremely powerful destructive magic is stored within this trap, enough to instantly kill all but the healthiest of heroes. Triggering it will send a ranged blast of lethal magic towards the nearest character.
# levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=Gripping trap
# levels.traps.grippingtrap.desc=Triggering this trap will send barbed claws along the ground, damaging the victims feet and rooting them in place.
levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=Trampa del guardián
# levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=The trap emits a piercing sound that echoes throughout the dungeon\!
# levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=This trap is tied to a strange magical mechanism, which will summon guardians and alert all enemies on the floor.
# levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=summoned guardian
# levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=This blue apparition seems to be a summoned echo of one of the dungeon's stone guardians.\n\nWhile the statue itself is almost incorporeal, the _%s,_ it's wielding, looks real.
# levels.traps.lightningtrap.name=Lightning trap
# levels.traps.lightningtrap.ondeath=You were killed by a discharge of a lightning trap...
# levels.traps.lightningtrap.desc=A mechanism with a large amount of energy stored into it. Triggering the trap will discharge that energy into whatever activates it.
# levels.traps.oozetrap.name=Ooze trap
# levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=This trap will splash out caustic ooze when activated, which will burn until it is washed away.
# levels.traps.paralytictrap.name=Paralytic gas trap
# levels.traps.paralytictrap.desc=Triggering this trap will set a cloud of paralytic gas loose within the surrounding area.
# levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=Pitfall trap
# levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This pressure plate rests atop a fairly weak floor, and will likely collapse into a pit if it is pressed.
levels.traps.poisontrap.name=Trampa venenosa
# levels.traps.poisontrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot a poisoned dart at you.
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.name=Trampa de avalancha
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Fuiste aplastado por la trampa de avalancha...
# levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down.
levels.traps.speartrap.name=Trampa de lanzas
# levels.traps.speartrap.ondeath=You were skewered by the spear trap...
# levels.traps.speartrap.desc=The classic spear trap, primitive but effective. Due to their simple nature, these traps can activate many times without breaking.
# levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=Summoning trap
# levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=Triggering this trap will summon a number of this area's monsters to this location.
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=Trampa de teletransportación
# levels.traps.teleportationtrap.desc=Whatever triggers this trap will be warped to some other location on this floor.
levels.traps.toxictrap.name=Trampa de gas tóxico
# levels.traps.toxictrap.desc=Triggering this trap will set a cloud of toxic gas loose within the surrounding area.
# levels.traps.trap.rankings_desc=Killed by\: %s
levels.traps.venomtrap.name=Trampa de gas venenoso
# levels.traps.venomtrap.desc=Triggering this trap will set a cloud of deadly venom gas loose within the immediate area.
# levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=Warping trap
# levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Whatever triggers this trap will be warped to some other location in the dungeon.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=Trampa debilitadora
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magia oscura de esta trampa succiona la energía de cualquier cosa que entre en contacto con ella.
# levels.traps.worntrap.name=Worn out trap
levels.traps.worntrap.nothing=No ocurre nada...
# levels.traps.worntrap.desc=Due to age and possibly poor workmanship, it looks like this trap has worn to the point where it won't do anything when triggered.
# levels.caveslevel.grass_name=Fluorescent moss
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_name=Hongos fluorescentes
levels.caveslevel.water_name=Agua extremadamente fría
# levels.caveslevel.entrance_desc=The ladder leads up to the upper depth.
# levels.caveslevel.exit_desc=The ladder leads down to the lower depth.
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_desc=Grandes hongos bloquean la vista.
# levels.caveslevel.wall_deco_desc=A vein of some ore is visible on the wall. Gold?
levels.caveslevel.bookshelf_desc=Quién necesitaría un estante en una cueva?
levels.citylevel.water_name=Agua de coloración sospechosa
# levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=High blooming flowers
# levels.citylevel.entrance_desc=A ramp leads up to the upper depth.
# levels.citylevel.exit_desc=A ramp leads down to the lower depth.
# levels.citylevel.deco_desc=Several tiles are missing here.
# levels.citylevel.sp_desc=Thick carpet covers the floor.
# levels.citylevel.statue_desc=The statue depicts some dwarf standing in a heroic stance.
# levels.citylevel.bookshelf_desc=The rows of books on different disciplines fill the bookshelf.
levels.hallslevel.water_name=Lava fría
# levels.hallslevel.grass_name=Embermoss
# levels.hallslevel.high_grass_name=Emberfungi
levels.hallslevel.water_desc=Parece lava, pero está frío y probablemente es seguro tocarlo.
levels.hallslevel.statue_desc=El pilar está hecho de calaveras humanoides reales. Genial.
# levels.hallslevel.bookshelf_desc=Books in ancient languages smoulder in the bookshelf.
# levels.level.hidden_plate=A hidden pressure plate clicks\!
levels.level.closed_door_name=Puerta cerrada
levels.level.open_door_name=Puerta abierta
levels.level.entrace_name=Entrada del nivel
levels.level.exit_name=Salida del nivel
levels.level.locked_door_name=Puerta con llave
levels.level.high_grass_name=Hierba alta
# levels.level.locked_exit_name=Locked depth exit
# levels.level.unlocked_exit_name=Unlocked depth exit
# levels.level.sign_name=Sign
levels.level.empty_well_name=Pozo vacío
# levels.level.inactive_trap_name=Triggered trap
levels.level.alchemy_name=Caldero de alquimia
# levels.level.chasm_desc=You can't see the bottom.
# levels.level.water_desc=In case of burning step into the water to extinguish the fire.
# levels.level.entrance_desc=Stairs lead up to the upper depth.
# levels.level.exit_desc=Stairs lead down to the lower depth.
levels.level.embers_desc=Brasas cubren el piso.
levels.level.high_grass_desc=Vegetación densa bloquea la vista.
levels.level.locked_door_desc=Esta puerta está cerrada, necesitas la llave correcta para abrirla.
# levels.level.locked_exit_desc=Heavy bars block the stairs leading down.
# levels.level.barricade_desc=The wooden barricade is firmly set but has dried over the years. Might it burn?
# levels.level.sign_desc=You can't read the text from here.
# levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=The trap has been triggered before and it's not dangerous anymore.
# levels.level.statue_desc=Someone wanted to adorn this place, but failed, obviously.
# levels.level.alchemy_desc=Drop some seeds here to cook a potion.
# levels.level.empty_well_desc=The well has run dry.
# levels.level.default_desc=Nothing interesting here.
# levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Dark cold water.
levels.prisonlevel.empty_deco_desc=Hay viejas manchas de sangre en el piso.
# levels.prisonlevel.bookshelf_desc=This is probably a vestige of a prison library. Might it burn?
# levels.sewerlevel.water_name=Murky water
# levels.sewerlevel.empty_deco_desc=Wet yellowish moss covers the floor.
levels.sewerlevel.bookshelf_desc=El estante está lleno de inútiles libros baratos. Podría arder?

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ levels.features.chasm.yes=네. 그렇게 하겠습니다.
levels.features.chasm.no=아니오. 생각을 바꾸었습니다. levels.features.chasm.no=아니오. 생각을 바꾸었습니다.
levels.features.chasm.jump=정말로 낭떠러지 아래로 뛰어 내리겠습니까? 이렇게 높은 데서 떨어지면 많이 아플 껍니다. levels.features.chasm.jump=정말로 낭떠러지 아래로 뛰어 내리겠습니까? 이렇게 높은 데서 떨어지면 많이 아플 껍니다.
levels.features.chasm.ondeath=당신은 추락으로 사망했다 levels.features.chasm.ondeath=당신은 추락으로 사망했다
# levels.features.chasm.rankings_desc=Died on Impact levels.features.chasm.rankings_desc=폭발로 인해 사망
levels.features.sign.dead_end=여기서 뭐 하는 겐가\!? levels.features.sign.dead_end=여기서 뭐 하는 겐가\!?
levels.features.sign.tip_1=거의 모든 장비들은 힘 제한이 있습니다. 이 제한을 무시하지 마세요. 너무 무거운 장비를 억지로 들게 되면 큰 불이익을 당하니까요\!\n\n힘 수치를 올리는 것만이 더 좋은 장비를 다룰 수 있는 유일한 방법은 아닙니다. 강화의 주문서를 사용하여 해당 장비의 힘 제한을 줄일 수도 있습니다.\n\n\n던전에 등장하는 장비들은 대부분 감정되지 않았습니다. 어떤 아이템은 효과를 알 수 없으며, 어떤 아이템은 강화되거나 저하된 것이며, 심지어 저주받은 것일수도 있습니다\! 누구도 예측할 수 없기 때문에 감정되지 않은 아이템을 사용할 땐 조심하세요\! levels.features.sign.tip_1=거의 모든 장비들은 힘 제한이 있습니다. 이 제한을 무시하지 마세요. 너무 무거운 장비를 억지로 들게 되면 큰 불이익을 당하니까요\!\n\n힘 수치를 올리는 것만이 더 좋은 장비를 다룰 수 있는 유일한 방법은 아닙니다. 강화의 주문서를 사용하여 해당 장비의 힘 제한을 줄일 수도 있습니다.\n\n\n던전에 등장하는 장비들은 대부분 감정되지 않았습니다. 어떤 아이템은 효과를 알 수 없으며, 어떤 아이템은 강화되거나 저하된 것이며, 심지어 저주받은 것일수도 있습니다\! 누구도 예측할 수 없기 때문에 감정되지 않은 아이템을 사용할 땐 조심하세요\!
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ levels.features.sign.tip_4=로그는 그저 은신이 잘 되기만 하는 직
levels.features.sign.tip_5=모든 하수구 관리 및 청소 팀에게 \: 당장 돌아가십시오. 진창 괴물같은 것이 여기 자리잡아 그것을 처리하려던 몇 팀원이 실종되었습니다.\n\n하수구 하층부를 막기로 승인되었으며, 이 구역은 버려졌습니다. 당장 나가십시오. levels.features.sign.tip_5=모든 하수구 관리 및 청소 팀에게 \: 당장 돌아가십시오. 진창 괴물같은 것이 여기 자리잡아 그것을 처리하려던 몇 팀원이 실종되었습니다.\n\n하수구 하층부를 막기로 승인되었으며, 이 구역은 버려졌습니다. 당장 나가십시오.
levels.features.sign.tip_6=픽셀 마트 - 성공적인 모험을 위한 모든 것\! levels.features.sign.tip_6=픽셀 마트 - 성공적인 모험을 위한 모든 것\!
levels.features.sign.tip_7=포션과 스크롤의 감정은 가능하면 빨리 해야합니다. 정말로 필요해질 때까지 미루면 안됩니다. levels.features.sign.tip_7=포션과 스크롤의 감정은 가능하면 빨리 해야합니다. 정말로 필요해질 때까지 미루면 안됩니다.
# levels.features.sign.tip_8=Being hungry doesn't hurt, but starving does hurt. levels.features.sign.tip_8=배고픈 것은 별 지장이 없습니다, 하지만 굶주리면 피해를 입게 됩니다.
levels.features.sign.tip_9=몇몇 적들은 원거리에서 강력합니다. 그들에게 직접 달려들기보다는, 숨거나 그들이 당신에게 오게 만드는 것이 좋습니다. levels.features.sign.tip_9=몇몇 적들은 원거리에서 강력합니다. 그들에게 직접 달려들기보다는, 숨거나 그들이 당신에게 오게 만드는 것이 좋습니다.
# levels.features.sign.tip_10=Thomas,\n\nYou've been a great friend, so I'm going to do you a favour. When you get to your shift tonight, check Tengu's cell, then get out.\n\nDoesn't matter if the prisoners try and escape, pretty soon nobody will be able to leave this place.\n\nThat freak has to stay secured though, if he escapes there's no telling what he'll do, just make sure tengu's cell is locked, then get out.\n\nDon't bother looking for me after this, a captain must go down with his ship.\n- Warden Smith levels.features.sign.tip_10=토마스에게,\n\n넌 나에게 참 좋은 친구였어, 그러니 한 가지 보답을 해 주려고 해. 오늘 밤 교대하게 되면, 텐구 암살자의 감방을 확인하고, 곧장 여기서 빠져나가.\n\n죄수들이 여기서 빠져나가려고 해도 신경쓸 것 없어, 이제 곧 아무도 여기서 빠져나갈 수 없을 테니까.\n\n하지만 저 녀석만은 여기 있어야 해. 놈이 여길 탈출하면 어떤 일이 일어날 진 아무도 모를 테니까 말야. 텐구 암살자의 감방이 잠긴 것만 확인되면, 그 길로 바로 도망쳐.\n\n그리고 날 굳이 찾아 올 필요는 없어. 선장은 배와 운명을 함께 해야 하니까.\n- 간수장 스미스
levels.features.sign.tip_11=픽셀 마트 - 돈을 쓰세요. 오래 사세요. levels.features.sign.tip_11=픽셀 마트 - 돈을 쓰세요. 오래 사세요.
levels.features.sign.tip_12=여러 마리의 적에게 공격당하고 있다면, 문 너머로 퇴각해보세요. levels.features.sign.tip_12=여러 마리의 적에게 공격당하고 있다면, 문 너머로 퇴각해보세요.
levels.features.sign.tip_13=비행 중에 화상을 입었다면, 물에 뛰어드는 방법으로는 불을 끌 수 없습니다. levels.features.sign.tip_13=비행 중에 화상을 입었다면, 물에 뛰어드는 방법으로는 불을 끌 수 없습니다.
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ levels.features.sign.tip_15=위험\! 중장비는 부상, 팔다리 절단이나
levels.features.sign.tip_16=픽셀 마트 - 던전에서의 더 안전한 삶. levels.features.sign.tip_16=픽셀 마트 - 던전에서의 더 안전한 삶.
levels.features.sign.tip_17=마법이 걸린 무기를 강화할 때, 그 마법이 사라질 수도 있습니다. levels.features.sign.tip_17=마법이 걸린 무기를 강화할 때, 그 마법이 사라질 수도 있습니다.
levels.features.sign.tip_18=변화의 우물에서는 다른 곳에서는 얻을 수 없는 아이템을 얻을 수 있습니다. levels.features.sign.tip_18=변화의 우물에서는 다른 곳에서는 얻을 수 없는 아이템을 얻을 수 있습니다.
# levels.features.sign.tip_19=The only way to enchant a weapon is by upgrading it with a Scroll of Magical Infusion. levels.features.sign.tip_19=무기에 마법을 부여하는 것은 마법 융합의 주문서로 강화하는 방법 뿐입니다.
# levels.features.sign.tip_20=No weapons allowed in the presence of His Majesty\! levels.features.sign.tip_20=그 어떤 무기도 알현실에 들일 수 없다\!
# levels.features.sign.tip_21=Pixel-Mart. Special prices for demon hunters\! levels.features.sign.tip_21=픽셀 마트. 악마 사냥꾼에겐 특별 할인\!
levels.features.sign.burn=표지판을 읽으려 하자 녹색 불꽃으로 타들어갔다. levels.features.sign.burn=표지판을 읽으려 하자 녹색 불꽃으로 타들어갔다.
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ levels.features.sign.burn=표지판을 읽으려 하자 녹색 불꽃으로 타
levels.painters.massgravepainter$bones.name=공동묘지 levels.painters.massgravepainter$bones.name=공동묘지
levels.painters.massgravepainter$bones.desc=뼈들이 층계에 어지러이 놓여있다. 무슨 일이 있었던거지? levels.painters.massgravepainter$bones.desc=뼈들이 층계에 어지러이 놓여있다. 무슨 일이 있었던거지?
# levels.painters.ritualsitepainter$ritualmarker.name=Ritual marker levels.painters.ritualsitepainter$ritualmarker.name=의식의 표식
# levels.painters.ritualsitepainter$ritualmarker.desc=A painted marker for some dark ritual. Candles are usually placed on the four corners. levels.painters.ritualsitepainter$ritualmarker.desc=어둠의 의식을 행하기 위해 그려진 표식입니다. 네 귀퉁이에 각각 양초 하나를 놓을 수 있습니다.
# levels.painters.weakfloorpainter$hiddenwell.name=Distant well levels.painters.weakfloorpainter$hiddenwell.name=멀리 떨어진 우물
# levels.painters.weakfloorpainter$hiddenwell.desc=You can just make out a well in the depths below, perhaps there is something down there? levels.painters.weakfloorpainter$hiddenwell.desc=아래층의 우물로 빠져 나올 수 있을 것으로 보입니다. 아마 밑에 무언가가 있을지도요?
###traps ###traps
@ -82,46 +82,46 @@ levels.traps.distortiontrap.name=왜곡 함정
levels.traps.distortiontrap.desc=근원을 알 수 없는 이상한 마법으로 만들어진 이 함정은, 당신을 둘러싼 세상을 바꾸고 뒤틀 것이다. levels.traps.distortiontrap.desc=근원을 알 수 없는 이상한 마법으로 만들어진 이 함정은, 당신을 둘러싼 세상을 바꾸고 뒤틀 것이다.
levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=폭발 함정 levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=폭발 함정
# levels.traps.explosivetrap.desc=This trap contains some powdered explosive and a trigger mechanism. Activating it will cause an explosion in the immediate area. levels.traps.explosivetrap.desc=이 함정은 폭발 화역과 뇌관으로 이루어져 있습니다. 밟는 순간 주변에 폭발을 일으킵니다.
# levels.traps.firetrap.name=Fire trap levels.traps.firetrap.name=화염 함정
# levels.traps.firetrap.desc=Stepping on this trap will ignite a chemical mixture, setting the immediate area aflame. levels.traps.firetrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 화학 물질의 점화를 일으켜, 그 지역에 불길을 일으킵니다.
# levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=Flashing trap levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=섬광 함정
# levels.traps.flashingtrap.desc=On activation, this trap will ignite a potent flashing powder stored within, temporarily blinding and crippling its victim. levels.traps.flashingtrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 강렬한 섬광을 터트려 대상을 실명시키며 불구 상태로 만듭니다.
# levels.traps.flocktrap.name=Flock trap levels.traps.flocktrap.name=양떼 함정
# levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=Perhaps a joke from some amateur mage, triggering this trap will create a flock of magical sheep. levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=견습 마법사가 장난으로 만들어 놓은 것 같은 함정입니다. 이 함정을 밟으면 마법의 양떼가 주변에 생겨납니다.
# levels.traps.frosttrap.name=Frost trap levels.traps.frosttrap.name=서리 함정
# levels.traps.frosttrap.ondeath=You succumb to the freezing trap... levels.traps.frosttrap.ondeath=당신은 얼음 함정에 걸려 사망했다...
# levels.traps.frosttrap.desc=When activated, chemicals in this trap will trigger a powerful snap-frost at its location. levels.traps.frosttrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 화학 반응으로 인해 대상 지역에 강력한 서리와 온도 저하를 일으킵니다.
# levels.traps.grimtrap.name=Grim trap levels.traps.grimtrap.name=냉혹한 함정
# levels.traps.grimtrap.ondeath=You were killed by the blast of a grim trap... levels.traps.grimtrap.ondeath=당신은 냉혹한 함정의 공격으로 사망했다...
# levels.traps.grimtrap.desc=Extremely powerful destructive magic is stored within this trap, enough to instantly kill all but the healthiest of heroes. Triggering it will send a ranged blast of lethal magic towards the nearest character. levels.traps.grimtrap.desc=매우 강력한 파괴 마법이 이 함정에 깃들어 있으며, 가장 건강한 영웅을 제외한 모든 것을 일격사시킬 수 있을 정도입니다. 함정을 밟게 되면 가장 가까운 캐릭터에게 치명적인 마법을 발사합니다.
# levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=Gripping trap levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=쥐덫 함정
# levels.traps.grippingtrap.desc=Triggering this trap will send barbed claws along the ground, damaging the victims feet and rooting them in place. levels.traps.grippingtrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 가시 돋친 쐐기가 작동하여 희생자들의 발을 공격하며 그 자리에 속박시킵니다.
# levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=Guardian trap levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=수호자 함정
levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=함정이 던전 전체에 울려퍼지는 꿰뚫는 듯한 소리를 내었다\! levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=함정이 던전 전체에 울려퍼지는 꿰뚫는 듯한 소리를 내었다\!
# levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=This trap is tied to a strange magical mechanism, which will summon guardians and alert all enemies on the floor. levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=이 함정은 수상한 마법 장치와 연결되어 있어, 수호자를 소환하고 해당 층의 모든 적에게 위치를 알립니다.
# levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=summoned guardian levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=소환된 수호자
# levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=This blue apparition seems to be a summoned echo of one of the dungeon's stone guardians.\n\nWhile the statue itself is almost incorporeal, the _%s,_ it's wielding, looks real. levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=이 푸른 영혼은 던전에 있는 바위 수호자의 모습을 빌어 소환된 것 같습니다.\n\n이 석상 자체는 거의 비현실적이지만, 들고 있는 _%s_은/는 진짜 같아 보입니다.
levels.traps.lightningtrap.name=전기 함정 levels.traps.lightningtrap.name=전기 함정
levels.traps.lightningtrap.ondeath=당신은 전기 함정에 감전되어 죽었다... levels.traps.lightningtrap.ondeath=당신은 전기 함정에 감전되어 죽었다...
levels.traps.lightningtrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 함정에 저장된 엄청난 양의 전기가 함정을 작동시킨 사람에게 흐를 것이다. levels.traps.lightningtrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 함정에 저장된 엄청난 양의 전기가 함정을 작동시킨 사람에게 흐를 것이다.
# levels.traps.oozetrap.name=Ooze trap levels.traps.oozetrap.name=산성 함정
# levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=This trap will splash out caustic ooze when activated, which will burn until it is washed away. levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 산성 덩어리를 내뿜습니다. 물에 씻어낼 때 까지 계속해서 살을 녹입니다.
levels.traps.paralytictrap.name=마비 가스 함정 levels.traps.paralytictrap.name=마비 가스 함정
levels.traps.paralytictrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 주변에 마비 가스가 뿌려질 것이다. levels.traps.paralytictrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 주변에 마비 가스가 뿌려질 것이다.
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=낭떠러지 함정 levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=낭떠러지 함정
# levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This pressure plate rests atop a fairly weak floor, and will likely collapse into a pit if it is pressed. levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=이 함정은 상대적으로 약한 땅 위에 놓여 있으며, 밟으면 아래층으로 떨어지는 구덩이를 만들어 버립니다.
levels.traps.poisontrap.name=독다트 함정 levels.traps.poisontrap.name=독다트 함정
levels.traps.poisontrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 주변에 숨겨진 작은 다트 발사기에서 독다트가 당신을 향해 발사될 것이다. levels.traps.poisontrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 주변에 숨겨진 작은 다트 발사기에서 독다트가 당신을 향해 발사될 것이다.
@ -132,31 +132,31 @@ levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 위쪽에 느슨하
levels.traps.speartrap.name=창 함정 levels.traps.speartrap.name=창 함정
levels.traps.speartrap.ondeath=당신은 창 함정에 찔려죽었다... levels.traps.speartrap.ondeath=당신은 창 함정에 찔려죽었다...
# levels.traps.speartrap.desc=The classic spear trap, primitive but effective. Due to their simple nature, these traps can activate many times without breaking. levels.traps.speartrap.desc=이것은 구식 창 함정입니다. 옛 것이 좋은 것이죠. 간단한 구조 덕분에, 고장나지 않고 여러 번 발동될 수 있습니다.
levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=소환 함정 levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=소환 함정
levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 이 구역에서 출현하는 몇몇 몬스터를 이 자리에 소환한다. levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 이 구역에서 출현하는 몇몇 몬스터를 이 자리에 소환한다.
# levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=Teleportation trap levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=공간이동 함정
# levels.traps.teleportationtrap.desc=Whatever triggers this trap will be warped to some other location on this floor. levels.traps.teleportationtrap.desc=이 함정을 밟은 대상은 해당 층의 다른 위치로 공간이동합니다.
# levels.traps.toxictrap.name=Toxic gas trap levels.traps.toxictrap.name=독가스 함정
# levels.traps.toxictrap.desc=Triggering this trap will set a cloud of toxic gas loose within the surrounding area. levels.traps.toxictrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 근처에 독가스 구름을 방출합니다.
levels.traps.trap.rankings_desc=%s에 의해 사망 levels.traps.trap.rankings_desc=%s에 의해 사망
# levels.traps.venomtrap.name=Venom gas trap levels.traps.venomtrap.name=맹독 가스 함정
# levels.traps.venomtrap.desc=Triggering this trap will set a cloud of deadly venom gas loose within the immediate area. levels.traps.venomtrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 주변 지대에 치명적인 맹독 가스 구름을 방출한다.
# levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=Warping trap levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=순간이동 함정
# levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Whatever triggers this trap will be warped to some other location in the dungeon. levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=이 함정을 건드린 어떤 것이든 던전의 이전 위치 어딘가로 순간이동한다.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=약화 함정 levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=약화 함정
# levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=이 함정에 깃든 암흑 마법이 함정을 건드린 것의 에너지를 빼앗아갑니다.
levels.traps.worntrap.name=못 쓰게 된 함정 levels.traps.worntrap.name=못 쓰게 된 함정
levels.traps.worntrap.nothing=아무 일도 일어나지 않았다... levels.traps.worntrap.nothing=아무 일도 일어나지 않았다...
# levels.traps.worntrap.desc=Due to age and possibly poor workmanship, it looks like this trap has worn to the point where it won't do anything when triggered. levels.traps.worntrap.desc=이 함정은 너무 낡았거나 너무 조잡하여 밟아도 아무 일도 일어나지 않을 지경까지 와 버렸습니다.
@ -164,46 +164,46 @@ levels.traps.worntrap.nothing=아무 일도 일어나지 않았다...
levels.caveslevel.grass_name=야광 이끼 levels.caveslevel.grass_name=야광 이끼
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_name=야광 버섯 levels.caveslevel.high_grass_name=야광 버섯
levels.caveslevel.water_name=얼어붙을 정도로 차가운 물. levels.caveslevel.water_name=얼어붙을 정도로 차가운 물.
# levels.caveslevel.entrance_desc=The ladder leads up to the upper depth. levels.caveslevel.entrance_desc=위층으로 올라가는 사다리입니다.
# levels.caveslevel.exit_desc=The ladder leads down to the lower depth. levels.caveslevel.exit_desc=아랫층으로 내려가는 사다리입니다.
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_desc=거대한 버섯이 시야를 가린다. levels.caveslevel.high_grass_desc=거대한 버섯이 시야를 가린다.
# levels.caveslevel.wall_deco_desc=A vein of some ore is visible on the wall. Gold? levels.caveslevel.wall_deco_desc=어떤 광물의 광맥이 이 벽에 있습니다. 황금일까요?
levels.caveslevel.bookshelf_desc=도대체 누가 동굴에서 책 선반이 필요한거지? levels.caveslevel.bookshelf_desc=도대체 누가 동굴에서 책 선반이 필요한거지?
levels.citylevel.water_name=의심스러운 색이 물든 물 levels.citylevel.water_name=의심스러운 색이 물든 물
# levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=High blooming flowers levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=만개한 꽃들
# levels.citylevel.entrance_desc=A ramp leads up to the upper depth. levels.citylevel.entrance_desc=위층으로 올라가는 경사로입니다.
# levels.citylevel.exit_desc=A ramp leads down to the lower depth. levels.citylevel.exit_desc=아래층으로 내려가는 경사로입니다.
# levels.citylevel.deco_desc=Several tiles are missing here. levels.citylevel.deco_desc=몇몇 타일이 빠져 있습니다.
# levels.citylevel.sp_desc=Thick carpet covers the floor. levels.citylevel.sp_desc=두꺼운 카펫이 바닥에 깔려 있습니다.
# levels.citylevel.statue_desc=The statue depicts some dwarf standing in a heroic stance. levels.citylevel.statue_desc=영웅적인 자세를 취하고 있는 드워프의 모습을 본딴 석상입니다.
# levels.citylevel.bookshelf_desc=The rows of books on different disciplines fill the bookshelf. levels.citylevel.bookshelf_desc=각종 분류의 책들이 책장에 가지런히 꽂혀 있습니다.
levels.hallslevel.water_name=차가운 용암 levels.hallslevel.water_name=차가운 용암
# levels.hallslevel.grass_name=Embermoss levels.hallslevel.grass_name=잉걸불이끼
# levels.hallslevel.high_grass_name=Emberfungi levels.hallslevel.high_grass_name=잉걸불버섯
levels.hallslevel.statue_name=기둥 levels.hallslevel.statue_name=기둥
levels.hallslevel.water_desc=용암처럼 보이지만, 실제로는 차가워서 만져도 안전할 것이다. levels.hallslevel.water_desc=용암처럼 보이지만, 실제로는 차가워서 만져도 안전할 것이다.
# levels.hallslevel.statue_desc=The pillar is made of real humanoid skulls. Awesome. levels.hallslevel.statue_desc=이 기둥은 진짜 인간의 해골로 만들어졌습니다. 여러 가지 의미로 대단하네요.
levels.hallslevel.bookshelf_desc=책장 속의 고대 언어로 쓰여진 책이 서서히 불타고있다. levels.hallslevel.bookshelf_desc=책장 속의 고대 언어로 쓰여진 책이 서서히 불타고있다.
# levels.level.hidden_plate=A hidden pressure plate clicks\! levels.level.hidden_plate=숨겨진 발판이 밟혔다\!
levels.level.chasm_name=낭떠러지 levels.level.chasm_name=낭떠러지
# levels.level.floor_name=Floor levels.level.floor_name=땅바닥
# levels.level.grass_name=Grass levels.level.grass_name=
# levels.level.water_name=Water levels.level.water_name=
levels.level.wall_name= levels.level.wall_name=
levels.level.closed_door_name=닫힌 문 levels.level.closed_door_name=닫힌 문
levels.level.open_door_name=열린 문 levels.level.open_door_name=열린 문
# levels.level.entrace_name=Depth entrance levels.level.entrace_name=층 입구
# levels.level.exit_name=Depth exit levels.level.exit_name=층 출구
# levels.level.embers_name=Embers levels.level.embers_name=불씨
levels.level.locked_door_name=잠긴 문 levels.level.locked_door_name=잠긴 문
# levels.level.pedestal_name=Pedestal levels.level.pedestal_name=제단
# levels.level.barricade_name=Barricade levels.level.barricade_name=나무 장애물
# levels.level.high_grass_name=High grass levels.level.high_grass_name=높게 자란 풀
# levels.level.locked_exit_name=Locked depth exit levels.level.locked_exit_name=잠긴 층 출구
# levels.level.unlocked_exit_name=Unlocked depth exit levels.level.unlocked_exit_name=열린 층 출구
levels.level.sign_name=표지판 levels.level.sign_name=표지판
levels.level.well_name=우물 levels.level.well_name=우물
levels.level.empty_well_name=빈 우물 levels.level.empty_well_name=빈 우물
@ -212,26 +212,26 @@ levels.level.inactive_trap_name=작동된 함정
levels.level.bookshelf_name=책장 levels.level.bookshelf_name=책장
levels.level.alchemy_name=연금술 솥 levels.level.alchemy_name=연금술 솥
levels.level.default_name=??? levels.level.default_name=???
# levels.level.chasm_desc=You can't see the bottom. levels.level.chasm_desc=바닥을 볼 수 없을 정도로 깊군요.
levels.level.water_desc=불타고 있을 때에는 물에 뛰어들면 불을 끌 수 있습니다. levels.level.water_desc=불타고 있을 때에는 물에 뛰어들면 불을 끌 수 있습니다.
# levels.level.entrance_desc=Stairs lead up to the upper depth. levels.level.entrance_desc=위층으로 올라가는 계단입니다.
# levels.level.exit_desc=Stairs lead down to the lower depth. levels.level.exit_desc=아래층으로 내려가는 계단입니다.
# levels.level.embers_desc=Embers cover the floor. levels.level.embers_desc=바닥을 뒤덮고 있는 불씨입니다.
# levels.level.high_grass_desc=Dense vegetation blocks the view. levels.level.high_grass_desc=우거진 수풀이 시야를 가립니다.
levels.level.locked_door_desc=이 문은 잠겨있어서, 맞는 열쇠가 필요하다. levels.level.locked_door_desc=이 문은 잠겨있어서, 맞는 열쇠가 필요하다.
# levels.level.locked_exit_desc=Heavy bars block the stairs leading down. levels.level.locked_exit_desc=아래층으로 내려가는 무거운 벽돌 계단입니다.
# levels.level.barricade_desc=The wooden barricade is firmly set but has dried over the years. Might it burn? levels.level.barricade_desc=이 나무 장애물은 수 년에 걸쳐 굳건하게 길을 막고 있지만 바싹 말랐습니다. 불이 잘 붙을까요?
# levels.level.sign_desc=You can't read the text from here. levels.level.sign_desc=여기서부터 뭐라고 쓰여 있는지 알 수 없습니다.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=이 함정은 이전에 작동되어서 더 이상 위험하지 않다. levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=이 함정은 이전에 작동되어서 더 이상 위험하지 않다.
# levels.level.statue_desc=Someone wanted to adorn this place, but failed, obviously. levels.level.statue_desc=누군가가 이 장소를 꾸미려고 했지만, 확실히 실패한 것 같군요.
# levels.level.alchemy_desc=Drop some seeds here to cook a potion. levels.level.alchemy_desc=물약을 제조하기 위해 씨앗을 던져 넣으십시오.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=우물이 말랐다. levels.level.empty_well_desc=우물이 말랐다.
levels.level.default_desc=흥미로운 것은 없어보인다. levels.level.default_desc=흥미로운 것은 없어보인다.
# levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Dark cold water. levels.prisonlevel.water_name=깊고 차가운 물입니다.
levels.prisonlevel.empty_deco_desc=층에 오래된 피가 얼룩져있다. levels.prisonlevel.empty_deco_desc=층에 오래된 피가 얼룩져있다.
# levels.prisonlevel.bookshelf_desc=This is probably a vestige of a prison library. Might it burn? levels.prisonlevel.bookshelf_desc=감옥 도서관에서 떼 온 물건 같습니다. 불이 잘 붙을까요?
# levels.sewerlevel.water_name=Murky water levels.sewerlevel.water_name=어두컴컴한 물입니다.
# levels.sewerlevel.empty_deco_desc=Wet yellowish moss covers the floor. levels.sewerlevel.empty_deco_desc=노란 이끼가 바닥을 뒤덮었습니다.
# levels.sewerlevel.bookshelf_desc=The bookshelf is packed with cheap useless books. Might it burn? levels.sewerlevel.bookshelf_desc=이 책장은 값싸고 쓸모없는 책들로 가득 차 있습니다. 불이 잘 붙을까요?

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@ -1,237 +1,237 @@
###features ###features
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=selecione uma semente para jogar levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Selecione uma semente para jogar
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=pote de alquimia levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Caldeirão de alquimia
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=cozinhar uma blandfruit levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Cozinhar uma frutinsossa
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=fazer uma poção levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Produzir uma poção
levels.features.alchemypot.options=você quer cozinhar uma blandfruit com uma semente,ou fazer uma poção usando sementes? levels.features.alchemypot.options=Você quer cozinhar uma frutinsossa com alguma semeste, ou preparar uma poção a partir de sementes?
levels.features.chasm.chasm=abismo levels.features.chasm.chasm=Abismo
levels.features.chasm.yes=sim,eu sei oque estou fazendo levels.features.chasm.yes=Sim, eu sei o que estou fazendo
levels.features.chasm.no=não,eu mudei de ideia levels.features.chasm.no=Não, eu mudei de ideia
levels.features.chasm.jump=você realmente que pular no abismo?uma queda tão alta será dolorosa. levels.features.chasm.jump=Você realmente quer pular no abismo? Uma queda dessa altura pode ser dolorosa.
levels.features.chasm.ondeath=você caiu para a morte. levels.features.chasm.ondeath=Você caiu e morreu...
levels.features.chasm.rankings_desc=você morreu com o impacto levels.features.chasm.rankings_desc=Você morreu com o Impacto
levels.features.sign.dead_end=oque você está fazendo aqui? levels.features.sign.dead_end=O que você está fazendo aqui?
levels.features.sign.tip_1=Quase todo o equipamento tem uma exigência de força. Não superestime sua força, usando equipamento que você não pode segurar,pois haverão grandes penalidades\!\n\nAumentar a sua força não é a única maneira de acessar um equipamento melhor , você pode diminuir o requisito de um equipamento com pergaminhos de atualização\n\n\nItens encontrados na masmorra , muitas vezes, não são identificados. Alguns itens terão efeitos desconhecidos , outros podem ser atualizados , ou degradadas e amaldiçoados \! Itens não identificados são imprevisíveis, por isso tome cuidado\! levels.features.sign.tip_1=Quase todo equipamento tem uma exigência de força. Não sobrestime sua força, usando equipamentos que você não consegue manusear, isso tem penalidades severas\!\n\nAumentar sua força não é a única maneira de acessar equipamentos melhores. Você pode também abaixar a exigência de força de um equipamento com um Pergaminho da Atualização.\n\n\nItens achados na Masmorra muitas vezes serão não-identificados. Alguns itens terão efeitos desconhecidos, outros podem ser melhorados, ou piorados e amaldiçoados\! Itens não-identificados são imprevisíveis, então tome muito cuidado\!
levels.features.sign.tip_2=lutar de forma imprudente é uma ótima maneira de ser morto.\n\nparando um pouco para examinar inimigos e o ambiente e seus itens para sua vantagem pode fazer uma grande diferença.\n\nvocê pode dar um toque duplo ou segurar o botão de examinar para procurar por segredos.a masmorra é cheia de armadilhas e passagens ocultas,mantenha seus olhos abertos levels.features.sign.tip_2=Atacar os inimigos de forma imprudente e afobada é uma ótima maneira de ser morto.\n\nIr com calma para examinar os inimigos e utilizar o ambiente e itens a seu favor pode fazer uma grande diferença.\n\nVocê pode dar dois toques no botão de examinar para procurar por segredos. A Masmorra está cheia de armadilhas e passagens secretas. Mantenha-se atento\!
levels.features.sign.tip_3=subir de nivel é importante\!\n\nficar no mesmo nivel um certo tempo pode ser uma boa ideia. a fome pode incentivar você a se mover rápido em procura de mais comida,mas não se preocupe em parar um pouco e treinar um pouco.\n\n\nFome e saúde são os dois recursos e usá-los bem pode significar morrer de fome por um a fim de ajudar a conservar a comida, se você tiver um pouco de saúde de sobra. levels.features.sign.tip_3=Subir de nível é importante\!\n\nEstar no mesmo nível que o andar atual é uma boa ideia. Fome pode te fazer andar mais em busca de comida, mas não tenha medo de para um pouco e treinar.\n\n\nFome e vida são recursos, e utilizá-los bem pode significar passar um pouco de fome para economizar comida, se você tem um pouco de vida para gastar.
levels.features.sign.tip_4=o trapaceiro não é o unico personagem que se beneficia ao ser furtivo.Você pode se retrair por uma porta para enganar um inimigo para um golpe garantido\!\n\nqualquer ataque contra um oponente desavisado é garantido de acerta-lo levels.features.sign.tip_4=O maroto não é o único personagem que se beneficia ao ser esguio. Você pode se mover para o outro lado de uma porta para emboscar um inimigo que esteja te perseguindo para um golpe garantido\!\n\nQualquer ataque em um oponente que não esteja prestando atenção é garantido em acertá-lo.
levels.features.sign.tip_5=nota para todos os membro da manutenção dos esgotos\: SAIA DAQUI AGORA.Algum tipo de mostro fez sua casa aqui,e varios trabalhadores morreram ao tentar lidar com aquela coisa.\n\naprovada lei para selar os niveis inferiores dos esgotos,essa area foi condenada SAIA AGORA levels.features.sign.tip_5=Nota para todos os funcionários da manutenção e limpeza dos esgotos\: VOLTEM AGORA. Um tipo de monstro gosmento fez daqui a sua casa e vários funcionários foram perdidos tentando lidar com ele.\n\nA aprovação para lacrar os níveis inferiores dos esgotos foi dada. Esta área está condenada. SAIA AGORA\!
levels.features.sign.tip_6=pixel-mart tudo oque você precisa para uma aventura de sucesso\! levels.features.sign.tip_6=Pixel-Mart - tudo o que você precisa para sua aventura dar certo\!
levels.features.sign.tip_7=identifique suas poções e pergaminhos o mais rápido possivel.E guarde para o momento em que você realmente precisar deles levels.features.sign.tip_7=Identifique suas poções e pergaminhos o mais rápido possível. Não espere precisar delas para saber o que elas são.
levels.features.sign.tip_8=ficar com fome não doí,mais morrer de fome pode doer levels.features.sign.tip_8=Passar fome não machuca, mas ficar morrendo de fome dói.
levels.features.sign.tip_9=alguns inimigos são muito poderosos a distancia.Correr diretamente para eles é menos efetivo do que se esconder e esperar eles se aproximarem levels.features.sign.tip_9=Alguns inimigos são muito poderosos à distância. Correr até eles é por muitas vezes menos eficiente do que esconder e esperar que eles venham a você.
levels.features.sign.tip_10=thomas.\n\nvocê sempre foi um grande amigo,e agora eu lhe peço um favor.quando você chegar para o seu turno hoje a noite,cheque a cela do tengu,então saia.\n\nNão importa se os prisioneiros tentarem escapar , muito em breve ninguém será capaz de deixar este lugar.\n\nEssa aberração tem que ficar presa , porém, se ele escapar não há como dizer o que ele vai fazer , basta ter certeza de que tengu está bloqueado, em seguida, sair .\n\nNão se preocupe em me procurar depois disso, um capitão deve afundar com seu navio\n-guardião smith levels.features.sign.tip_10=Thomas,\n\nVocê sempre foi um bom amigo, então eu vou te fazer um favor. Quando você chegar ao seu turno hoje a noite, verifique a cela do Tengu, e depois caia fora.\n\nNão importa se os prisioneiros tentares escapar, logo menos ninguém vai conseguir escapar deste lugar.\n\nAquela aberração tem que continuar presa. Se ele escapar, não há como saber o que ele irá fazer. Certifique-se que a cela do Tengu esteja trancada, e depois caia fora.\n\nNão se preocupe em me procurar. Um capitão deve afundar com seu navio.\n- Vigia Smith
levels.features.sign.tip_11=pixel-mart. gaste dinheiro,viva mais levels.features.sign.tip_11=Pixel-Mart. Gaste dinheiro. Viva mais.
levels.features.sign.tip_12=se você for atacado por muitos monstros ao mesmo tempo,tente recuar para atrás de uma porta. levels.features.sign.tip_12=Quando você for atacado por muitos monstros ao mesmo tempo, tente fugir para detrás de alguma porta.
levels.features.sign.tip_13=se você estiver em chamas,você não poderá apagar o fogo se estiver levitando levels.features.sign.tip_13=Se você estiver queimando, você não conseguirá apagar o fogo na água se estiver levitando.
levels.features.sign.tip_14=não tem sentido possuir mais do que um ankh não abençoado ao mesmo tempo,pois você irá perder o outro ao reviver. levels.features.sign.tip_14=Não faz sentido possuir mais de um Ankh não-abençoado ao mesmo tempo, porque você irá perdê-los ao ressucitar.
levels.features.sign.tip_15=PERIGO\!\!\! maquinas pesadas podem causar ferimentos,perda de membros ou morte\! levels.features.sign.tip_15=PERIGO\! Máquinas pesadas podem causar ferimentos, perda de membros ou morte\!
levels.features.sign.tip_16=pixel-mart. Um salvador de vidas em pixel dungeon levels.features.sign.tip_16=Pixel-Mart. Uma vida melhor na Masmorra.
levels.features.sign.tip_17=quando você melhora uma arma encantada,tem uma chance de destruir esse encantamento levels.features.sign.tip_17=Quando você atualiza uma arma encantada, há uma chance de destruir esse encantamento.
levels.features.sign.tip_18=se você transformar um item num poço de transmutação,ele não pode ser obtido de volta levels.features.sign.tip_18=Em um Poço da Transmutação você pode obter um item que não pode ser obtido de nenhuma outra forma.
levels.features.sign.tip_19=o único jeito de encantar uma arma é melhorando-a com um pergaminho de infusão magica levels.features.sign.tip_19=A única maneira de encantar uma arma é atualizando-a com um Pergaminho de Infusão Mágica.
levels.features.sign.tip_20=nenhuma arma permitida na presença de vossa majestade\! levels.features.sign.tip_20=Nenhuma arma é permitida na presença de Vossa Majestade\!
levels.features.sign.tip_21=pixel-mart. preços especiais para caçadores de demonios levels.features.sign.tip_21=Pixel-Mart. Preços especiais para caçadores de demônios\!
levels.features.sign.burn=quando você tenta ler o sinal ele queima em chamas brilhantes e esverdeadas. levels.features.sign.burn=Ao tentar ler a placa, ela explode em chamas esverdeadas.
###painters ###painters
levels.painters.massgravepainter$bones.name=tumulo em massa levels.painters.massgravepainter$bones.name=Vala comum
levels.painters.massgravepainter$bones.desc=ossos se empilham no chão,oque aconteceu aqui? levels.painters.massgravepainter$bones.desc=Ossos se empilham no chão. O que aconteceu aqui?
levels.painters.ritualsitepainter$ritualmarker.name=marca de ritual levels.painters.ritualsitepainter$ritualmarker.name=Marca de ritual
levels.painters.ritualsitepainter$ritualmarker.desc=uma marca foi pintada aqui para algum tipo de ritual escuro.Velas são normalmente colocadas no quatro cantos levels.painters.ritualsitepainter$ritualmarker.desc=Uma marcação foi feita aqui para algum ritual de magia negra. Velas geralmente são postas nos quatro cantos.
levels.painters.weakfloorpainter$hiddenwell.name=poço distante levels.painters.weakfloorpainter$hiddenwell.name=Poço distante
levels.painters.weakfloorpainter$hiddenwell.desc=você pode distinguir um poço nas profundezas abaixo,talvez aja algo aqui em baixo levels.painters.weakfloorpainter$hiddenwell.desc=Você pode vagamente ver um poço nas profundezas abaixo. Talvez haja alguma coisa lá embaixo?
###traps ###traps
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=armadilha de alarme levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=Armadilha de alarme
levels.traps.alarmtrap.alarm=a armadilha emitiu um som perfurante que ecoou pela masmorra\! levels.traps.alarmtrap.alarm=A armadilha emite um som perfurante que ecoa por toda a masmorra\!
levels.traps.alarmtrap.desc=essa armadilha esta ligada a um alto mecanismo de alarme.ativa-lo ira alertar todos nesse andar levels.traps.alarmtrap.desc=Esta armadilha aparenta estar conectada a um mecanismo de alarme barulhento. Ativá-la irá alertar a todas as criaturas do nível.
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=armadilha da labareda levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=Armadilha da labareda
levels.traps.blazingtrap.desc=ativar essa armadilha ira acender um mistura quimica poderosa,acendendo uma grande area no fogo levels.traps.blazingtrap.desc=Ativar esta armadilha irá acender uma mistura química muito poderosa, que irá tragar uma área larga em sua volta em chamas.
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=armadilha de refrigeração levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=Armadilha de refrigeração
levels.traps.chillingtrap.ondeath=você sucumbiu a armadilha de refrigeração levels.traps.chillingtrap.ondeath=Você sucumbiu à armadilha de refrigeração...
levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=ao ser ativada,essa armadilha irá enviar um leve frio instantaneo no lugar levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=Ao ser ativada, substâncias químicas ativarão um congelamento instantâneo ao seu redor.
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=armadilha de gás a confusão levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=Armadilha de gás da confusão
levels.traps.confusiontrap.desc=ativa-la ira soltar uma nuvem gás da confusão na area imediata levels.traps.confusiontrap.desc=Ativar esta armadilha irá liberar uma nuvem de gás de confusão em uma área a sua volta.
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=armadilha maldita levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=Armadilha da maldição
levels.traps.cursingtrap.curse=o seu equipamento se tornou amaldiçoado. levels.traps.cursingtrap.curse=O equipamento que você está utilizando tornou-se amaldiçoado\!
levels.traps.cursingtrap.desc=essa armadilha contem a mesma magia maligna encontrada em equipamento amaldiçoado.ativa-la ira amaldiçoar todos os itens na area próxima levels.traps.cursingtrap.desc=Esta armadilha contém a mesma energia maligna encontrada em equipamentos amaldiçoados. Ativá-la irá amaldiçoar todos os itens que você estiver vestindo, e todos os itens na área imediata.
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=armadilha de desarme levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=Armadinha do desarmamento
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.disarm=sua arma foi teletransportada\! levels.traps.disarmingtrap.disarm=Sua arma foi teletransportada para outro lugar\!
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.desc=essa armadilha contem magia de teletransporte muito especifica,ela ira teleportar a arma de sua vitima para outro lugar levels.traps.disarmingtrap.desc=Esta armadilha contém uma mágica de teletransporte muito específico, que irá mover a arma de sua vítima para outro lugar.
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=armadilha de desintegração levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=Armadilha da desintegração
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.one=a armadilha desintegrou o seu %s\! levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.one=A armadura desintegra %s\!
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.some=a armadilha desintegrou alguns dos seus %s levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.some=A armadilha desintegra alguns(mas) de seus(uas) %s
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.ondeath=você foi morto pela armadilha de desintegração levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.ondeath=Você foi morto pela armadilha de desintegração...
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.desc=ao ser ativada essa armadilha ira enviar feixes de desintegração,causando um dano significativo e destruindo itens. levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.desc=Ao ser ativada, esta armadilha irá furar o alvo com feixes de desintegração, infligindo dano considerável e destruindo itens.
levels.traps.distortiontrap.name=armadilha de distorção levels.traps.distortiontrap.name=Armadilha da distorção
levels.traps.distortiontrap.desc=construida por magia estranha de origem estranha,essa armadilha ira moldar e transformar o mundo ao seu redor levels.traps.distortiontrap.desc=Feita a partir de uma magia de origem desconhecida, esta armadilha irá mudar e trocar o mundo à sua volta.
levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=armadilha explosiva levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=Armadilha explosiva
levels.traps.explosivetrap.desc=essa armadilha contem algum tipo de explosivo e um mecanismo de ativação.Ativa-la ira causar uma explosão. levels.traps.explosivetrap.desc=Esta armadilha contém um pouco de explosivos em pó e um mecanismo de ativação. Ativá-la irá causar uma explosão na área imediata.
levels.traps.firetrap.name=armadilha de fogo levels.traps.firetrap.name=Armadilha de fogo
levels.traps.firetrap.desc=ativar essa armadilha ira ativar uma mistura quimica,incinerando a area ao redor levels.traps.firetrap.desc=Pisar nesta armadilha irá acender uma mistura química, ateando fogo na área ao seu redor.
levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=armadilha de flash levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=Armadilha do clarão
levels.traps.flashingtrap.desc=ao ser ativada,essa armadilha ira acender um pó potente que irá soltar um flash que irá temporariamente cegar e aleijar a sua vitima levels.traps.flashingtrap.desc=Ao ser ativada, esta armadilha irá acender um pó potente, que criará um clarão, cegando e incapacitando suas vítimas.
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=armadilha do rebanho levels.traps.flocktrap.name=Armadilha do rebanho
levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=provavelmente algum truque de um mago amador,ativar essa armadilha irá criar um rebanho de ovelhas magicas. levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=Provavelmente alguma piada de um mago amador. Ativar esta armadilha irá criar um rebanho de ovelhas mágicas.
levels.traps.frosttrap.name=armadilha congelada levels.traps.frosttrap.name=Armadilha do congelamento
levels.traps.frosttrap.ondeath=você sucumbiu a armadilha congelante levels.traps.frosttrap.ondeath=Você sucumbiu à armadilha de congelamento...
levels.traps.frosttrap.desc=ao ser ativada,essa armadilha irá enviar um poderoso ¨congelamento instantaneo¨ no lugar levels.traps.frosttrap.desc=Quando ativada, substâncias químicas nesta armadilha irão ativar uma potente nuvem de congelamento no local.
levels.traps.grimtrap.name=armadilha sinistra levels.traps.grimtrap.name=Armadilha sinistra
levels.traps.grimtrap.ondeath=você foi morto pela explosão letal da armadilha sinistra levels.traps.grimtrap.ondeath=Você foi morto por uma pancada da armadilha sinistra...
levels.traps.grimtrap.desc=magia Extremamente poderosa e destrutiva é armazenada dentro dessa armadilha , o suficiente para matar instantaneamente até o mais saudável dos heróis. Dispara-la irá enviar uma explosão de magia letal para o personagem mais próximo. levels.traps.grimtrap.desc=Uma magia extremamente destrutiva e poderosa está armazenada nesta armadilha. É suficiente para matar qualquer herói que não esteja saudável o suficiente. Ativá-la liberará uma magia letal que bombardeará o personagem mais próximo.
levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=armadilha agarradora levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=Armadilha enfarpada
levels.traps.grippingtrap.desc=Desencadear essa armadilha irá enviar arame farpado ao longo do chão , danificando os pés da vitima e torcendo-los no lugar . levels.traps.grippingtrap.desc=Ativar esta armadilha irá liberar arame farpado pelo chão, machucando os pés da vítima e fixando-os no lugar.
levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=armadilha de guardiões. levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=Armadilha dos guardiões
levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=a armadilha emitiu um som perfurante que ecoou pela masmorra\! levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=A armadilha emitiu um som perfurante que ecoa pela Masmorra\!
levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=Essa armadilha esta ligada a um estranho mecanismo magico,que ira invocar guardiões e ira alertar todos os inimigos do andar levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=Esta armadilha está ligada à um estranho mecanismo mágico, que invocará guardiões e alertará os inimigos do andar.
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=guardião invocado levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=guardião invocado
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=está aparição azul parecer um eco invocado de um dos guardiões de pedra da masmorra.\n\na estatua parece incorpórea,mas a _%s,_que ela segura,parece real. levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=Está aparição azul parece ser uma invocação de uma das estátuas guardiãs de pedra da Masmorra.\n\nApesar da estátua ser quase incorpórea, o(a) _%s,_ que ela empunha, é bem real.
levels.traps.lightningtrap.name=armadilha de relampâgo levels.traps.lightningtrap.name=Armadilha do relâmpago
levels.traps.lightningtrap.ondeath=você foi morto por uma carga elétrica da armadilha levels.traps.lightningtrap.ondeath=Você foi morto por uma descarga elétrica de uma armadilha do relâmpago...
levels.traps.lightningtrap.desc=Um mecanismo com uma grande quantidade de energia armazenada nele . Desencadear a armadilha vai descarregar essa energia no que a ativar levels.traps.lightningtrap.desc=Um mecanismo com uma grande quantidade de energia armazenada dentro de si. Ativar esta armadilha irá descarregar essa energia no que for que ativou-a.
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=armadilha de lodo levels.traps.oozetrap.name=Armadilha de lodo
levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=essa armadilha ira fazer um splash de lodo caustico ao ser ativada,que ira queimar qualquer um até ser lavado na água. levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Esta armadilha irá derrubar lodo cáustico quando ativada, que irá queimar até ser lavada na água.
levels.traps.paralytictrap.name=armadilha de gás paralitico levels.traps.paralytictrap.name=Armadilha de gás paralítico
levels.traps.paralytictrap.desc=ativar essa armadilha irá enviar uma nuvem de gás paralisante na area imediata. levels.traps.paralytictrap.desc=Ativar esta armadilha irá liberar uma nuvem de gás paralítico ao redor.
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=armadilha de queda levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=Armadilha da queda
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=essa placa de pressão repousa sobre uma parte fraca do piso,e irá entrar em colapso se for pressionado. levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Essa placa de pressão está sobre uma parte frágil do chão, e irá provavelmente desmoronar e fazer um buraco se pressionada.
levels.traps.poisontrap.name=armadilha de dardo envenenado. levels.traps.poisontrap.name=Armadilha do dardo envenenado
levels.traps.poisontrap.desc=uma pequena zarabatana deve estar escondida por perto,ativar essa armadilha irá fazer a zarabatana enviar um dardo envenenado em você. levels.traps.poisontrap.desc=Uma pequena zarabatana está escondida por perto, ativar esta armadilha irá atirar um dardo envenenado em você.
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.name=armadilha de queda de pedras. levels.traps.rockfalltrap.name=armadilha da avalanche
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=você foi esmagado pela armadilha de queda de pedras levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Você foi esmagado pela armadilha da avalanche...
levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=essa armadilha esta conectada a uma série de rochas enormes acima,ativa-la irá faze-las cairém levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Essa armadilha está conectada a uma série de rochas soltas acima. Ativá-la irá fazê-las caírem sobre você.
levels.traps.speartrap.name=armadilha de lança levels.traps.speartrap.name=Armadilha da lança
levels.traps.speartrap.ondeath=você foi empalado pela armadilha de lança... levels.traps.speartrap.ondeath=Você foi empalado pela armadilha da lança...
levels.traps.speartrap.desc=a classíca armadilha de lança,primitiva porém efetiva.graças a sua natureza simples,essas armadilhas podem ser ativadas muitas vezes sem quebrar. levels.traps.speartrap.desc=A clássica armadilha da lança. Rudimentar, mas eficiente. Devido a sua natureza simples, essas armadilhas podem ativar múltiplas vezes sem quebrar.
levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=armadilha de invocação levels.traps.summoningtrap.name=Armadilha de invocação
levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=Ativar essa armadilha irá convocar uma série de monstros deste nivel a este local levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=Ativar esta armadilha irá invocar alguns dos inimigos desta área ao seu redor.
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=armadilha de teletransporte. levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=Armadilha de teletransporte
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.desc=O que quer que desencadeie esta armadilha será transportado para outro local neste andar. levels.traps.teleportationtrap.desc=O que ativar esta armadilha será enviado a outro lugar deste nível.
levels.traps.toxictrap.name=armadilha de gás tóxico levels.traps.toxictrap.name=Armadilha de gás tóxico
levels.traps.toxictrap.desc=desencadear essa armadilha irá soltar uma nuvem de gás tóxico dentro da área imediata. levels.traps.toxictrap.desc=Ativar esta armadilha irá liberar uma nuvem de gás tóxico ao seu redor.
levels.traps.trap.rankings_desc=Morto por\: %s levels.traps.trap.rankings_desc=Morto por\: %s
levels.traps.venomtrap.name=armadilha de gás venenoso. levels.traps.venomtrap.name=armadilha de gás venenoso
levels.traps.venomtrap.desc=desencadear essa armadilha irá soltar uma nuvem de gás venenoso mortal dentro da área imediata. levels.traps.venomtrap.desc=Desencadear esta armadilha irá liberar uma nuvem de um veneno mortífero na área ao seu redor.
levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=armadilha de warp levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=Armadilha de warp
levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=qualquer coisa que ative essa armadilha sera teletransportado para um lugar aleatório da masmorra. levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=O que ativar esta armadilha será enviado para outro lugar da Masmorra.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=armadilha de enfraquecimento levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=Armadilha do enfraquecimento
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=a magia negra nessa armadilha suga a energia de qualquer coisa que entre em contato com ela. levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=A magia negra desta armadilha suga a energia do que entrar em contato com ela.
levels.traps.worntrap.name=armadilha degastada. levels.traps.worntrap.name=Armadilha desgastada
levels.traps.worntrap.nothing=nada aconteceu... levels.traps.worntrap.nothing=Nada acontece...
levels.traps.worntrap.desc=graças a idade ou fabricamento ruim,parece que está armadilha não fara nada ao ser ativada. levels.traps.worntrap.desc=Graças a idade avançada e possivelmente por uma má qualidade, parece que essa armadilha desgastou-se ao ponto de não fazer nada ao ser ativada.
###levels ###levels
levels.caveslevel.grass_name=musgo fluorecente levels.caveslevel.grass_name=Musgo fluorecente
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_name=cogumelos fluorecentes. levels.caveslevel.high_grass_name=Cogumelos fluorecentes.
levels.caveslevel.water_name=água fria congelante. levels.caveslevel.water_name=Água fria congelante.
levels.caveslevel.entrance_desc=esta escada leva para o andar superior levels.caveslevel.entrance_desc=Esta escada leva ao andar superior.
levels.caveslevel.exit_desc=esta escada leva para o andar inferior levels.caveslevel.exit_desc=Esta escada leva ao andar inferior.
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_desc=grandes cogumelos bloqueiam a vista levels.caveslevel.high_grass_desc=Grandes cogumelos bloqueiam a vista.
levels.caveslevel.wall_deco_desc=uma veio de algum tipo de mineral é visivel na parede.Ouro? levels.caveslevel.wall_deco_desc=Um mineral está visível na parede. Ouro?
levels.caveslevel.bookshelf_desc=quem precisa de uma estante em uma caverna? levels.caveslevel.bookshelf_desc=Quem iria precisar de uma estante nessa caverna?
levels.citylevel.water_name=água de cor suspeita levels.citylevel.water_name=Água de cor suspeita
levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=flores altas e brilhantes levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=Flores altas desabrochando
levels.citylevel.entrance_desc=uma rampa leva para o andar superior levels.citylevel.entrance_desc=Uma rampa leva ao andar superior.
levels.citylevel.exit_desc=uma rampa leva para o andar inferior. levels.citylevel.exit_desc=Uma rampa leva ao nível inferior.
levels.citylevel.deco_desc=varias telhas estão faltando no chão. levels.citylevel.deco_desc=Vários tiles estão faltando aqui.
levels.citylevel.sp_desc=carpete caro cobre o chão. levels.citylevel.sp_desc=Um carpete grosso cobre o chão.
levels.citylevel.statue_desc=essa estatua representa um anão em algum tipo de dança heróica levels.citylevel.statue_desc=Essa estátua representa um anão em algum tipo de pose heroica.
levels.citylevel.bookshelf_desc=livros de várias disciplinas enchem a estante levels.citylevel.bookshelf_desc=Várias fileiras de livros de diferentes assuntos enchem a estante.
levels.hallslevel.water_name=lava fria levels.hallslevel.water_name=Lava fria
levels.hallslevel.grass_name=musgo de cinzas levels.hallslevel.grass_name=Musgo-cinza
levels.hallslevel.high_grass_name=fungo de cinzas levels.hallslevel.high_grass_name=Fungo-cinza
levels.hallslevel.statue_name=pilar levels.hallslevel.statue_name=Pilar
levels.hallslevel.water_desc=parece lava,mas é fria e provavelmente segura de tocar levels.hallslevel.water_desc=Parece com lava, mas é frio e provavelmente é seguro para tocar.
levels.hallslevel.statue_desc=este pilar é feito de caveira humanóides reais\!Incrivel\! levels.hallslevel.statue_desc=Este pilar é feito de crânios reais de humanos. Ótimo.
levels.hallslevel.bookshelf_desc=livros em linguagens ancestrais estão juntos na estante levels.hallslevel.bookshelf_desc=Livros em línguas antigas enchem a estante.
levels.level.hidden_plate=uma placa de pressão oculta fez click\! levels.level.hidden_plate=Uma placa de pressão oculta é ativada\!
levels.level.chasm_name=abismo levels.level.chasm_name=Abismo
levels.level.floor_name=andar levels.level.floor_name=andar
levels.level.grass_name=grama levels.level.grass_name=Grama
levels.level.water_name=água levels.level.water_name=Água
levels.level.wall_name=parede levels.level.wall_name=Parede
levels.level.closed_door_name=porta fechada levels.level.closed_door_name=Porta fechada
levels.level.open_door_name=porta aberta levels.level.open_door_name=Porta aberta
levels.level.entrace_name=entrada do andar levels.level.entrace_name=Entrada do andar
levels.level.exit_name=saída do andar levels.level.exit_name=Saída do andar
levels.level.embers_name=cinzas levels.level.embers_name=Cinzas
levels.level.locked_door_name=porta trancada levels.level.locked_door_name=Porta trancada
levels.level.pedestal_name=pedestal levels.level.pedestal_name=Pedestal
levels.level.barricade_name=barricada levels.level.barricade_name=Barricada
levels.level.high_grass_name=grama alta levels.level.high_grass_name=Grama alta
levels.level.locked_exit_name=saída do andar trancada levels.level.locked_exit_name=Saída do andar trancada
levels.level.unlocked_exit_name=saída do andar destrancada levels.level.unlocked_exit_name=Saída do andar destrancada
levels.level.sign_name=placa levels.level.sign_name=Placa
levels.level.well_name=poço levels.level.well_name=Poço
levels.level.empty_well_name=poço vazio levels.level.empty_well_name=Poço vazio
levels.level.statue_name=estatua levels.level.statue_name=Estátua
levels.level.inactive_trap_name=armadilha desencadeada levels.level.inactive_trap_name=Armadilha ativada
levels.level.bookshelf_name=estante levels.level.bookshelf_name=Estante
levels.level.alchemy_name=pote de alquimia levels.level.alchemy_name=Caldeirão de alquimia
levels.level.default_name=??? levels.level.default_name=???
levels.level.chasm_desc=você não pode ver o chão. levels.level.chasm_desc=Você não consegue ver o fundo.
levels.level.water_desc=em caso de fogo,pise na água para apagar o fogo. levels.level.water_desc=Em caso de queimaduras, pise na água para apagar o fogo.
levels.level.entrance_desc=escadas sobem para o andar superior levels.level.entrance_desc=Escadas levam ao andar superior.
levels.level.exit_desc=escadas descem para o andar de baixo. levels.level.exit_desc=Escadas levam ao andar inferior.
levels.level.embers_desc=cinzas cobrem o chão. levels.level.embers_desc=Cinzas cobrem o chão.
levels.level.high_grass_desc=vegetação densa bloqueia a vista. levels.level.high_grass_desc=Vegetação densa bloqueia a visão.
levels.level.locked_door_desc=Esta porta está trancada , você precisa de uma chave correspondente para desbloqueá-la levels.level.locked_door_desc=Esta porta está trancada. Você precisa da chave correspondente para destrancá-la.
levels.level.locked_exit_desc=barras pesadas bloqueiam as escadas que descem ainda mais levels.level.locked_exit_desc=Barras pesadas bloqueia as escadas levando ao nível inferior.
levels.level.barricade_desc=esta barrica de madeira apodreceu através dos anos.talvez possa queimar? levels.level.barricade_desc=A barricada de madeira está presa firmemente, mas secou ao passar dos anos. Será que pega fogo?
levels.level.sign_desc=você não pode ler a placa daqui. levels.level.sign_desc=Você não consegue ler a placa daqui.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=está armadilha já foi ativada antes e não é mais perigosa. levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=A armadilha já foi ativada e não é mais perigosa.
levels.level.statue_desc=alguém tentou decorar este lugar,mas falhou obviamente. levels.level.statue_desc=Alguém queria deixar este lugar mais bonito, mas falhou miseravelmente, como se pode ver.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=largue algumas sementes aqui para cozinhar uma poção. levels.level.alchemy_desc=Jogue algumas poções aqui para preparar uma poção.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=o poço secou levels.level.empty_well_desc=O poço secou.
levels.level.default_desc=nada interessante aqui levels.level.default_desc=Nada de interessante aqui.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=água fria escura. levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Água fria escura
levels.prisonlevel.empty_deco_desc=sangue seco antigo está grudado no chão levels.prisonlevel.empty_deco_desc=Há manchas de sangue seco no chão.
levels.prisonlevel.bookshelf_desc=isto é provavelmente um vestígio de uma biblioteca da prisão . Pode queimar ? levels.prisonlevel.bookshelf_desc=Isto é provavelmente o vestígio de uma biblioteca da prisão. Será que pega fogo?
levels.sewerlevel.water_name=água suja levels.sewerlevel.water_name=Água suja
levels.sewerlevel.empty_deco_desc=musgo amarelado cobre o chão levels.sewerlevel.empty_deco_desc=Um musgo molhado e amarelo encobre o chão.
levels.sewerlevel.bookshelf_desc=A estante esta embalada com livros inúteis baratos. Pode queimar ? levels.sewerlevel.bookshelf_desc=A estante está cheia de livros porcarias e inúteis. Será que queima?\n

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
badges.endorsed=Medalla ganada\: %s
badges.new_super=Nueva super medalla\: %s
badges.new=Nueva medalla\: %s
badges$badge.monsters_slain_1=10 enemigos muertos
badges$badge.monsters_slain_2=50 enemigos muertos
badges$badge.monsters_slain_3=150 enemigos muertos
badges$badge.monsters_slain_4=250 enemigos muertos
badges$badge.gold_collected_1=100 oro recogido
badges$badge.gold_collected_2=500 oro recogido
badges$badge.gold_collected_3=2500 oro recogido
badges$badge.gold_collected_4=7500 oro recogido
badges$badge.level_reached_1=Alcanzado nivel 6
badges$badge.level_reached_2=Alcanzado nivel 12
badges$badge.level_reached_3=Alcanzado nivel 18
badges$badge.level_reached_4=Alcanzado nivel 24
badges$badge.all_potions_identified=Identificadas todas las pociones
badges$badge.all_scrolls_identified=Identificados todos los pergaminos
badges$badge.all_rings_identified=Identificados todos los anillos
badges$badge.all_wands_identified=Identificadas todas las varitas
badges$badge.all_items_identified=Identificadas todas las pociones, anillos y varitas
badges$badge.all_bags_bought=Compradas todas las bolsas
badges$badge.death_from_fire=Muerte por fuego
badges$badge.death_from_poison=Muerte por veneno
badges$badge.death_from_gas=Muerte por gas tóxico
badges$badge.death_from_hunger=Muerte por hambre
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Muerte por un glifo
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Muerte por caída
badges$badge.yasd=Muerte por fuego, veneno, gas tóxico y hambre
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=Jefe n°1 eliminado
badges$badge.boss_slain_2=Jefe nº2 eliminado
badges$badge.boss_slain_3=Jefe nº3 eliminado
badges$badge.boss_slain_4=Jefe nº4 eliminado
badges$badge.boss_slain_1_all_classes=Jefe nº1 eliminado por el guerrero, el mago, el pícaro y la cazadora
badges$badge.boss_slain_3_all_subclasses=Jefe n°3 eliminado por el guerrero, el mago, el pícaro y la cazadora
badges$badge.ring_of_haggler=Anillo de Regateo obtenido
badges$badge.ring_of_thorns=Anillo de Espinas obtenido
badges$badge.strength_attained_1=13 puntos de fuerza obtenidos
badges$badge.strength_attained_2=15 puntos de fuerza obtenidos
badges$badge.strength_attained_3=17 puntos de fuerza obtenidos
badges$badge.strength_attained_4=19 puntos de fuerza obtenidos
badges$badge.food_eaten_1=Comidas 10 piezas de comida
badges$badge.food_eaten_2=Comidas 20 piezas de comida
badges$badge.food_eaten_3=Comidas 30 piezas de comida
badges$badge.food_eaten_4=Comidas 40 piezas de comida
badges$badge.item_level_1=Conseguido un ítem de nivel 3
badges$badge.item_level_2=Conseguido un ítem de nivel 6
badges$badge.item_level_3=Conseguido un ítem de nivel 9
badges$badge.item_level_4=Conseguido un ítem de nivel 12
badges$badge.rare=Matados todos los monstruos raros
badges$badge.victory=Amuleto de Yendor obtenido
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amuleto de Yendor obtenido por el guerrero, el mago, el pícaro y la cazadora
badges$badge.mastery_combo=Combo de 7 golpes
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 pociones cocinadas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 pociones cocinadas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 pociones cocinadas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_4=12 pociones cocinadas
badges$badge.no_monsters_slain=Nivel completado sin matar ningún monstruo
badges$badge.grim_weapon=Monstruo matado por arma Sombría
badges$badge.piranhas=Matadas 6 pirañas
badges$badge.night_hunter=15 monstruos eliminados durante la noche
badges$badge.games_played_1=10 partidas jugadas
badges$badge.games_played_2=100 partidas jugadas
badges$badge.games_played_3=500 partidas jugadas
badges$badge.games_played_4=2000 partidas jugadas
badges$badge.happy_end=Final feliz
badges$badge.champion=Desafío ganado
badges$badge.supporter=¡Gracias por tu apoyo\!
challenges.no_food=A dieta
challenges.no_armor=La fe es mi armadura
challenges.no_herbalism=Tierra estéril
challenges.swarm_intelligence=Inteligencia de enjambre
challenges.darkness=En la oscuridad
challenges.no_scrolls=Runas prohibidas
journal$feature.well_of_health=Pozo de salud
journal$feature.well_of_awareness=Pozo de conocimiento
journal$feature.well_of_transmutation=Pozo de transmutación
journal$feature.alchemy=Caldero de alquimia
journal$feature.statue=Estatua animada
journal$feature.ghost=Fantasma triste
journal$feature.wandmaker=Viejo artesano de varitas
journal$feature.troll=Herrero troll
journal$feature.imp=Diablillo ambicioso

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
badges.endorsed=Emblema reforçado\: %s badges.endorsed=Emblema reforçado\: %s
badges.new_super=novo super emblema desbloqueado\: %s badges.new_super=Novo super emblema desbloqueado\: %s
badges.new=Novo emblema\: %s badges.new=Novo emblema\: %s
badges$badge.monsters_slain_1=10 inimigos mortos badges$badge.monsters_slain_1=10 inimigos mortos
badges$badge.monsters_slain_2=50 inimigos mortos badges$badge.monsters_slain_2=50 inimigos mortos
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ badges$badge.level_reached_1=Nível 6 alcançado
badges$badge.level_reached_2=Nível 12 alcançado badges$badge.level_reached_2=Nível 12 alcançado
badges$badge.level_reached_3=Nível 18 alcançado badges$badge.level_reached_3=Nível 18 alcançado
badges$badge.level_reached_4=Nível 24 alcançado badges$badge.level_reached_4=Nível 24 alcançado
badges$badge.all_potions_identified=Todas as poções identificadas. badges$badge.all_potions_identified=Todas as poções identificadas
badges$badge.all_scrolls_identified=Todos os pergaminhos identificados. badges$badge.all_scrolls_identified=Todos os pergaminhos identificados
badges$badge.all_rings_identified=Todos os aneis identificados badges$badge.all_rings_identified=Todos os anéis identificados
badges$badge.all_wands_identified=Todas as varinhas identificadas badges$badge.all_wands_identified=Todas as varinhas identificadas
badges$badge.all_items_identified=Todas as poções, pergaminhos, anéis & varinhas identificadas badges$badge.all_items_identified=Todas as poções, pergaminhos, anéis & varinhas identificadas
badges$badge.all_bags_bought=Todas as bolsas compradas badges$badge.all_bags_bought=Todas as bolsas compradas
@ -33,54 +33,54 @@ badges$badge.boss_slain_4=4° chefe morto
badges$badge.boss_slain_1_all_classes=1° chefe morto por Guerreiro, Mago, Maroto & Caçadora badges$badge.boss_slain_1_all_classes=1° chefe morto por Guerreiro, Mago, Maroto & Caçadora
badges$badge.boss_slain_3_all_subclasses=3° chefe morto por Gladiador, Beserker, Warlock, Battlemage, Freerunner, Assassino, Atiradora e Guardiã badges$badge.boss_slain_3_all_subclasses=3° chefe morto por Gladiador, Beserker, Warlock, Battlemage, Freerunner, Assassino, Atiradora e Guardiã
badges$badge.ring_of_haggler=Anel da Pechincha obtido badges$badge.ring_of_haggler=Anel da Pechincha obtido
badges$badge.ring_of_thorns=anel de espinhos obtido badges$badge.ring_of_thorns=Anel de Espinhos obtido
badges$badge.strength_attained_1=13 pontos de força acumulados badges$badge.strength_attained_1=13 pontos de Força acumulados
badges$badge.strength_attained_2=15 pontos de força acumulados badges$badge.strength_attained_2=15 pontos de Força acumulados
badges$badge.strength_attained_3=17 pontos de força acumulados badges$badge.strength_attained_3=17 pontos de Força acumulados
badges$badge.strength_attained_4=19 pontos de força acumulados badges$badge.strength_attained_4=19 pontos de Força acumulados
badges$badge.food_eaten_1=10 peças de comida consumidas badges$badge.food_eaten_1=10 pedaços de comida consumidas
badges$badge.food_eaten_2=20 peças de comida consumidas badges$badge.food_eaten_2=20 pedaços de comida consumidas
badges$badge.food_eaten_3=30 peças de comida consumidas badges$badge.food_eaten_3=30 pedaços de comida consumidas
badges$badge.food_eaten_4=40 peças de comida consumidas badges$badge.food_eaten_4=40 pedaços de comida consumidas
badges$badge.item_level_1=item de nivel 3 adquirido badges$badge.item_level_1=Item de nível 3 adquirido
badges$badge.item_level_2=item de nivel 6 adquirido badges$badge.item_level_2=item de nível 6 adquirido
badges$badge.item_level_3=item de nivel 9 adiquirido badges$badge.item_level_3=item de nível 9 adiquirido
badges$badge.item_level_4=item de nivel 12 adquirido badges$badge.item_level_4=item de nível 12 adquirido
badges$badge.rare=todos os monstros raros mortos. badges$badge.rare=Todos os monstros raros mortos
badges$badge.victory=amuleto de yendor recuperado badges$badge.victory=Amuleto de Yendor obtido
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=amuleto de yendor recuperado por guerreiro,mago,trapaceiro e caçadora. badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amuleto de Yendor obtido pelo Guerreiro, Mago, Maroto e Caçadora
badges$badge.mastery_combo=combo de 7 golpes badges$badge.mastery_combo=combo de 7 golpes
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 poções cozinhadas badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 poções produzidas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 poções cozinhadas badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 poções produzidas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 poções cozinhadas badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 poções produzidas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_4=12 poções cozinhadas badges$badge.potions_cooked_4=12 poções produzidas
badges$badge.no_monsters_slain=nivel completo sem matar nenhum monstro. badges$badge.no_monsters_slain=Nível completo sem matar nenhum monstro
badges$badge.grim_weapon=monstro morto por uma arma assustadora. badges$badge.grim_weapon=Monstro morto por uma arma Cruel
badges$badge.piranhas=6 piranhas mortas. badges$badge.piranhas=6 piranhas mortas
badges$badge.night_hunter=15 monstros mortos no período noturno. badges$badge.night_hunter=15 monstros mortos no período noturno
badges$badge.games_played_1=10 jogos jogados badges$badge.games_played_1=10 partidas jogadas
badges$badge.games_played_2=100 jogos jogados badges$badge.games_played_2=100 partidas jogadas
badges$badge.games_played_3=500 jogos jogados badges$badge.games_played_3=500 partidas jogadas
badges$badge.games_played_4=2000 jogos jogados badges$badge.games_played_4=2000 partidas jogadas
badges$badge.happy_end=final feliz badges$badge.happy_end=Final feliz
badges$badge.champion=desafio vencido. badges$badge.champion=Desafio vencido
badges$badge.supporter=obrigado pelo suporte badges$badge.supporter=Obrigado pelo apoio\!
challenges.no_food=em dieta challenges.no_food=De dieta
challenges.no_armor=fé é a minha armadura. challenges.no_armor=Fé é minha armadura
challenges.no_healing=pharmacophobia challenges.no_healing=Farmacofobia
challenges.no_herbalism=terra do barro challenges.no_herbalism=Terreno baldio
challenges.swarm_intelligence=inteligencia do enxame challenges.swarm_intelligence=Inteligência em bandos
challenges.darkness=na escuridão challenges.darkness=Na escuridão
challenges.no_scrolls=runas proibidas challenges.no_scrolls=Runas proibidas
journal$feature.well_of_health=poço da cura journal$feature.well_of_health=Poço da Saúde
journal$feature.well_of_awareness=poço da sabedoria journal$feature.well_of_awareness=Poço da Sabedoria
journal$feature.well_of_transmutation=poço da transmutação journal$feature.well_of_transmutation=Poço da Transmutação
journal$feature.alchemy=pote de alquimia journal$feature.alchemy=Caldeirão de alquimia
journal$feature.garden=jardim journal$feature.garden=Jardim
journal$feature.statue=estátua animada journal$feature.statue=Estátua animada
journal$feature.ghost=fantasma triste journal$feature.ghost=Fantasma triste
journal$feature.wandmaker=velho fabricante de varinhas. journal$feature.wandmaker=Velho fabricante de varinhas
journal$feature.troll=troll ferreiro. journal$feature.troll=Troll ferreiro
journal$feature.imp=imp ambicioso journal$feature.imp=Duende ambicioso

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@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%s/n-Samen
plants.plant$seed.ac_plant=PFLANZE plants.plant$seed.ac_plant=PFLANZE
plants.plant$seed.info=Werfe diesen Samen an einem beliebigen Ort, wo du eine Pflanze wachsen lassen möchtest.\n\n%s plants.plant$seed.info=Werfe diesen Samen an einem beliebigen Ort, wo du eine Pflanze wachsen lassen möchtest.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.name=Fäulnisberre plants.rotberry.name=Fäulnisbeere
plants.rotberry.desc=Die Berren einer jungen Fäulnispflanze schmecken nach süssen Tod. \n\nNach einigen Tagen wird auch dieser Fäulnispflanze zu einer verrotteten Herz wachsen und gedeihen. plants.rotberry.desc=Die Beeren einer jungen Fäulnispflanze schmecken nach süssem Tod. \n\nNach einigen Tagen wird auch diese Fäulnispflanze zu einem Fäulnisherz heranwachsen.
plants.rotberry$seed.name=Fäulnisfrucht-Samen plants.rotberry$seed.name=Fäulnisfrucht-Samen
plants.sorrowmoss.name=Trauermoss plants.sorrowmoss.name=Trauermoss

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# plants.blandfruitbush.name=Blandfruit
# plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the Rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the Blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. perhaps it could be cooked.
# plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=seed of blandfruit
# plants.blindweed.name=Blindweed
# plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a Blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
# plants.blindweed$seed.name=seed of blindweed
# plants.dreamfoil.name=Dreamfoil
# plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=You feel refreshed.
# plants.dreamfoil.desc=The Dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
# plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=seed of dreamfoil
# plants.earthroot.name=Earthroot
# plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an Earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
# plants.earthroot$seed.name=seed of earthroot
# plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal armor
# plants.earthroot$armor.desc=A kind of natural, immobile armor is protecting you. The armor forms plates of bark and twine, wrapping around your body.\n\nThis herbal armor will absorb 50%% of all physical damage you take, until it eventually runs out of durability and collapses. The armor is also immobile, if you attempt to move it will break apart and be lost.\n\nArmor remaining\: %d.
# plants.fadeleaf.name=Fadeleaf
# plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a Fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
# plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=seed of fadeleaf
# plants.firebloom.name=Firebloom
# plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a Firebloom, it bursts into flames.
# plants.firebloom$seed.name=seed of firebloom
# plants.icecap.name=Icecap
# plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an Icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
# plants.icecap$seed.name=seed of icecap
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=semilla de %s
# plants.plant$seed.ac_plant=PLANT
# plants.plant$seed.info=Throw this seed to the place where you want to grow a plant.\n\n%s
# plants.rotberry.name=Rotberry
# plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death.\n\nGiven several days, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
# plants.rotberry$seed.name=seed of rotberry
# plants.sorrowmoss.name=Sorrowmoss
# plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A Sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
# plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=seed of sorrowmoss
# plants.starflower.name=Starflower
# plants.starflower.desc=An extremely rare plant, Starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
# plants.starflower$seed.name=seed of starflower
# plants.stormvine.name=Stormvine
# plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the Stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
# plants.stormvine$seed.name=seed of stormvine
# plants.sungrass.name=Sungrass
# plants.sungrass.desc=Sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
# plants.sungrass$seed.name=seed of sungrass
# plants.sungrass$health.name=Herbal Healing
# plants.sungrass$health.desc=Sungrass possesses excellent healing properties, though its not as fast as a potion of healing.\n\nYou are current slowly regenerating health from the sungrass plant. Taking damage while healing will reduce the healing effectiveness, and moving off the plant will break the healing effect.\n\nHealing remaining\: %d.

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@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.name=blandfruit plants.blandfruitbush.name=Frutinsossa
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=parente distante da rotberry,o produto em forma de pera da blandfruit tem gosto de pó endurecido.a fruta é grossa e insubstancial,mas não é venenosa.talvez ela possa ser cozinhada. plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Parente distante da Rotberry, o fruto em formato de pêra do pé de Frutinsossa tem gosta de poeira esfarelada. A fruta tem gosto horrível e insosso, mas não é venenosa. Talvez ela possa ser cozida.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=semente de blandfruit plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=semente de frutinsossa
plants.blindweed.name=erva de cegueira plants.blindweed.name=Erva-da-cegueira
plants.blindweed.desc=ao tocar uma erva de cegueira,ela perece em um brilhante flash de luz.o flash é forte o suficiente para desorientar por vários segundos. plants.blindweed.desc=Ao ser tocada, a Erva-da-cegueira seca e emite um forte feixe de luz. Este feixe é forte o suficiente para desorientar por vários segundos.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=semente de erva da cegueira plants.blindweed$seed.name=semente de erva-da-cegueira
plants.dreamfoil.name=folha dos sonhos plants.dreamfoil.name=Folha-onírica
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=você se sentir revigorado plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Você se sente revigorado.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Flores espinhosas da folha dos sonhos contêm uma substância química que é conhecida por suas propriedades como um forte agente neutralizante. A maioria das criaturas mais fracas são sobrecarregadas e ficam inconscientes , o que dá à planta o seu apelido . plants.dreamfoil.desc=As folhas espinhosas da folha-onírica contem uma substância que é conhecida por suas propriedades neutralizantes. A maioria das criaturas mais fracas não suportam e caem inconscientes, daí o nome da planta.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=semente de folha dos sonhos plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=semente de folha-onírica
plants.earthroot.name=raiz de terra plants.earthroot.name=Raíz-da-terra
plants.earthroot.desc=quando uma criatura toca uma raiz de terra,suas raízes criam algum tipo de uma móvel armadura natural ao seu redor. plants.earthroot.desc=Quando uma criatura toca uma Raíz-da-terra, suas raízes criam uma armadura natural ao redor dela.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=semente de raiz da terra plants.earthroot$seed.name=semente de raíz-da-terra
plants.earthroot$armor.name=armadura de ervas. plants.earthroot$armor.name=Armadura herbácea
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=algum tipo de armadura natural imóvel está envolvendo você.A armadura forma grandes placas de madeira e vinha,se enroscando ao redor de seu corpo.\n\na armadura de ervas irá absorver 50%% de todo o dano fisico que você receber,até eventualmente ficar sem durabilidade e quebrar.E a armadura é imóvel,se você tentar se mover irá quebra-la.\n\narmadura restante\: %d plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Um tipo natural de armadura imóvel está protegendo você. A armadura forma placas de casca de árvore e galhos, contornando seu corpo.\n\nEsta armadura herbácea absorverá 50% de todo dano físico que você sofrer, até que eventualmente se fragilize e quebre. A armadura é imóvel. Se você tentar se mover, ela se romperá e será perdida.\n\nArmadura restante\: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.name=planta de desaparecimento. plants.fadeleaf.name=Folha-fantasma
plants.fadeleaf.desc=tocar uma planta de desaparecimento irá teletransportar qualquer criatura para um lugar aleatório do andar atual. plants.fadeleaf.desc=Tocar uma Folha-fantasma teletransportará qualquer criatura a um lugar aleatório no andar atual.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=semente de planta de desaparecimento plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=semente de folha-fantasma
plants.firebloom.name=flor de fogo. plants.firebloom.name=Flor-de-fogo
plants.firebloom.desc=Quando algo toca uma flor de fogo, ela explode em chamas plants.firebloom.desc=Qualdo algo toca a flor-de-fogo, ela explode em chamas.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=semente de flor de fogo plants.firebloom$seed.name=semente de flor-de-fogo
plants.icecap.name=semente de capsula de gelo. plants.icecap.name=Muda-de-gelo
plants.icecap.desc=ao ser tocada,uma capsula de gelo solta um pólen congelante.o efeito de congelamento é muito mais forte se os arredores estiverem cheios de água plants.icecap.desc=Ao ser tocada, uma muda-de-gelo excreta uma nuvem de pólen congelante. O efeito é muito mais forte se o ambiente estiver molhado.
plants.icecap$seed.name=semente de capsula de gelo plants.icecap$seed.name=semente de muda-de-gelo
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=semente de %s plants.plant$seed.seed_of=semente de %s
plants.plant$seed.ac_plant=PLANTAR plants.plant$seed.ac_plant=PLANTAR
plants.plant$seed.info=jogue essa semente em um lugar que você queira que cresça uma planta.\n\n%s plants.plant$seed.info=Jogue esta semente no lugar que deseja que a planta cresça.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.name=rotberry. plants.rotberry.name=Rotberry
plants.rotberry.desc=as bagas de um jovem arbusto de rotberry tem um gosto doce,gosto de morte.\n\napós vários dias,esse arbustos de rotberry irá crescer em outro coração de rotberry. plants.rotberry.desc=as bagas de um jovem arbusto de rotberry tem um gosto doce,gosto de morte.\n\napós vários dias,esse arbustos de rotberry irá crescer em outro coração de rotberry.
plants.rotberry$seed.name=semente de rotberry plants.rotberry$seed.name=semente de rotberry
plants.sorrowmoss.name=musgo da tristeza plants.sorrowmoss.name=Musgo-da-tristeza
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=o musgo da tristeza é uma flor (não um musgo)com petálas afiadas,cobertas com um veneno mortal. plants.sorrowmoss.desc=O Musgo-da-tristeza é uma flor (e não um musgo) com pétalas afiadas, cobertas por um veneno mortal.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=semente de musgo da tristeza plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=semente de musgo-da-tristeza
plants.starflower.name=flor de estrela plants.starflower.name=flor-estrela
plants.starflower.desc=sendo uma planta extremamente rara,a flor de estrela é conhecida por garantir poder divino a quem a toque plants.starflower.desc=Uma planta extremamente rara. Diz-se que a flor-estrela dá um poder sagrado a quem quer que a toque.
plants.starflower$seed.name=semente de fruta de estrela plants.starflower$seed.name=semente de fruta-estrela
plants.stormvine.name=stormvine. plants.stormvine.name=Parreira-da-tempestade
plants.stormvine.desc=a gravidade afeta a stormvine estranhamente,permitindo aos seu galhos se ¨prenderem¨ no ar.qualquer um pego na vinha será afetado por isso,e ficará desorientado plants.stormvine.desc=A gravidade afeta a parreira-da-tempestade de forma anormal, fazendo com que seus pequenos ramos azuis etéreos "agarrem-se" no ar. Qualquer coisa que se prender na parreira é afetado por isso, e se torna desorientado.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=semente de stormvine plants.stormvine$seed.name=semente de parreira-da-tempestade
plants.sungrass.name=grama do sol. plants.sungrass.name=grama-solar
plants.sungrass.desc=a grama do sol foi nomeada por suas lentas,porém efetivas propriedades curativas. plants.sungrass.desc=A grama-solar é conhecida pelas propriedades lentas, mas efetivas, de sua seiva.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=semente da grama do sol plants.sungrass$seed.name=semente da grama-solar
plants.sungrass$health.name=cura de ervas. plants.sungrass$health.name=Cura Herbácea
plants.sungrass$health.desc=grama do sol possui propriedades curativas excelentes,mas não é tão rápida quanto uma poção de saúde.\n\nvocê está lentamente regenerando vida da grama do sol,Levar dano enquanto estiver se curando irá reduzir a efetividade da cura,e se mover para fora da planta irá quebrar o efeito\n\ncura restante %d plants.sungrass$health.desc=A Grama-solar possui excelentes propriedades regenerativas, apesar de não ser tão rápida como uma poção de vida.\n\nVocê está atualmente recuperando vida lentamente por causa da grama-solar. Levar dano enquanto se cura reduzirá a sua eficiência, e mover-se de cima da planta irá parar o efeito curativo.\n\nCura restante\: %d.

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@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_title=Inkompatibel
ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=Sorry, aber dein Handy muss mindestens auf Android 2.3 laufen, damit die Google Play Games-Dienste verwendet werden können. ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=Sorry, aber dein Handy muss mindestens auf Android 2.3 laufen, damit die Google Play Games-Dienste verwendet werden können.
ui.renamebutton.title=Wie heißt dein Held? ui.renamebutton.title=Wie heißt dein Held?
ui.renamebutton.message=Nur englische Buchstaben \n& Zahlen werden unterstützt.
ui.renamebutton.rename=Umbenennen ui.renamebutton.rename=Umbenennen
ui.renamebutton.revert=Rückgängig ui.renamebutton.revert=Rückgängig
@ -68,13 +67,12 @@ windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.icon=Shattered
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=Aktiviere goldenen Rahmen windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=Aktiviere goldenen Rahmen
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=Deaktiviere goldenen Rahmen windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=Deaktiviere goldenen Rahmen
windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=Verbinde zu Cloud-Diensten, einen Moment bitte... windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=Verbinde zu Cloud-Diensten, einen Moment bitte...
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title_normal=Nutze normalen Menü-Button windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title_normal=Nutze normale Buttons
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title=Nutze %s-Button windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title=Nutze %s-Button
windows.wndgame.rename_equip=Ausrüstung umbenennen windows.wndgame.rename_equip=Ausrüstung umbenennen
windows.wndgame.select_item=Wähle ein Gegenstand windows.wndgame.select_item=Wähle ein Gegenstand
windows.wndgame.dialog_title=Wie heißt dein Held? windows.wndgame.dialog_title=Wie heißt dein Held?
windows.wndgame.dialog_msg=Nur englische Buchstaben/Zahlen%d& und wenige Sonderzeichen werden unterstützt.
windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=Umbenennen windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=Umbenennen
windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=Rückgängig windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=Rückgängig
@ -93,9 +91,9 @@ windows.wndranking.already_there=Dieser Eintrag befindet sich bereits in der Hal
windows.wndranking.copy_where=Auf welche Seite möchtest du deinen Helden übertragen? Sollte der Held auf eine volle Seite übertragen werden, wird der letzte Eintrag gelöscht. windows.wndranking.copy_where=Auf welche Seite möchtest du deinen Helden übertragen? Sollte der Held auf eine volle Seite übertragen werden, wird der letzte Eintrag gelöscht.
bones.here_lies_named=Hier liegt ein namenloser %s. # bones.here_lies_named=Here lies a nameless %s.
bones.here_lies_nameless=Hier liegt %s, der/die %s. bones.here_lies_nameless=Hier liegt %s, %s.
bones.pacifist=Ein überzeugter Pazifist, welcher starb ohne ein anderes Leben zu schaden. # bones.pacifist=Renowned as a pacifist, they perished without taking another life.
# bones.rats=An esteemed puncher of rats, they defeated %d enemies before perishing. # bones.rats=An esteemed puncher of rats, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.crabs=A skilled crusher of crabs, they defeated %d enemies before perishing. # bones.crabs=A skilled crusher of crabs, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.undead=A terror to the explosive undead, they defeated %d enemies before perishing. # bones.undead=A terror to the explosive undead, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ bones.pacifist=Ein überzeugter Pazifist, welcher starb ohne ein anderes Leben z
# bones.monks=Experienced with fighting dwarvern warriors, they defeated %d enemies before perishing. # bones.monks=Experienced with fighting dwarvern warriors, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.golems=A destroyer of dwarvern inventions, they defeated %d enemies before perishing. # bones.golems=A destroyer of dwarvern inventions, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.demons=A legendary demon hunter, they defeated %d enemies before perishing. # bones.demons=A legendary demon hunter, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
bones.yog=Herausforderer eines Dämonengottes, sie haben %d Gegner besiegt bevor sie zugrunde gingen. # bones.yog=Challenger of a demon god, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.forgot_vial=A shame that in the throes of death they forgot their dew vial does not auto-revive. # bones.forgot_vial=A shame that in the throes of death they forgot their dew vial does not auto-revive.
# bones.forgot_potion=A shame that in the throes of death they forgot to drink a Potion of Healing. # bones.forgot_potion=A shame that in the throes of death they forgot to drink a Potion of Healing.
# bones.rest_in_peace=They leave their possessions in this world, as they pass on to the next. In hopes that another hero may avoid their grisly fate. # bones.rest_in_peace=They leave their possessions in this world, as they pass on to the next. In hopes that another hero may avoid their grisly fate.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
items.keys.skeletonkey.gpg_title=Google Play Games
items.keys.skeletonkey.gpg_text=¡Felicitaciones por derrotar al primer jefe\!\n\nSi estás disfrutando el juego, considera conectarte a Google Play Games. Tus medallas se sincronizarán entre tus dispositivos y podrás desbloquear logros de Google Play.\nDe hecho, ¡acabas de ganar uno por derrotar a Goo\!\n\nSiempre puedes cambiar de idea usando el botón del control en el menú principal.
items.keys.skeletonkey.more_info=Más información
items.keys.skeletonkey.no_thanks=No gracias
scenes.hallofheroesscene.title=Hall de los héroes
scenes.hallofheroesscene.no_games=No hay héroes en esta página
scenes.hallofheroesscene.page=Página %d/%d
ui.donationbutton.pls_1=Por favor considera donar
ui.donationbutton.pls_2=Donaciones y recompensas
ui.donationbutton.pls_3=Dona, ¡consigue recompensas\!
ui.donationbutton.pls_4=Donaciones y Extras
ui.donationbutton.ty_3=¡Gracias por donar\!
ui.googleplaybutton.title=Google Play Games
ui.googleplaybutton.text=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon usa Google Play Games como soporte para funcionalidades adicionales\!\n\nConectando a Google Play Games Shattered Pixel Dungeon puede\:\n-Sincronizar medallas ganadas entre dispositivos\n-Desbloquear logros de Google Play\n-Reunir datos para ayudar a mejorar el juego.\n\nPuedes desconectarte en cualquier momento, y el uso de datos se mantiene al mínimo
ui.googleplaybutton.data_use_title=Información de uso de datos
ui.googleplaybutton.data_use_text=Shattered Pixel Dungeon usa los servicios de Google Play para los siguientes propósitos\:\n\n-Para proveer funcionalidades adicionales al juego, como sincronización de datos y logros de Google Play\n\n-Para reunir información demográfica anónima que es usada para entender mejor quién juega el juego.\n\n-Para reunir datos de juego que son utilizados para entender como mejorar el juego.\n\nShattered Pixel Dungeon no utiliza datos, ni reune información para otros propósitos.\n\nEl uso de datos móviles es mínimo, monitoreado como menos de 100kb/h durante pruebas.
ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=Lo siento, pero tu teléfono debe tener al menos Android 2.3 para utilizar los servicios de Google Play Games.
ui.renamebutton.title=Introduzca un nombre de Héroe
# windows.wnddonations.error=Could not connect to cloud services.
windows.wnddonations$infotab.text=Shattered Pixel Dungeon es completamente gratuito, pero ¡puedes donar para mostrar tu apoyo y ayudar al juego a crecer\!\n\nTu donación ayuda para apoyar tanto a los desarrolladores de Shattered como del Pixel Dungeon original.\n\nComo agradecimiento, hay divertidos agregados cosméticos para quienes donen.\n\nPuedes incrementar tu donación en cualquier momento, así que dona tanto o tan poco como quieras.\n\nPresiona cualquier etiqueta de abajo para más información u opciones de donación.
windows.wnddonations$infotab.title=DONACIONES Y EXTRAS
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.title_1=DONACIÓN PLATEADA
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.title_2=Botón de Menú Plateado
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.title_3=Nombra a tu Héroe
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.text_1=Tu generosidad permite tanto al juego como a sus desarrolladores continuar.
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.text_2=¡Personajes y las listas de rankings serán referidas por tu nombre\!
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.text_3=¡Los restos de héroes caidos ahora aparecen en una lápida especial con un epitafio único\!
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.button_5=$5-Sé un Donante Plateado
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_1=DONACIÓN DORADA
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_2=Botón de Menú Dorado
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_3=Renombrar equipamiento
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_4=Hall de los héroes
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.text_1=Donaciones generosas me dan más recursos para mejorar el juego. Incluye Recompensas Plateadas.
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.text_2=¡Da épicos nombres personalizados a tu equipamento favorito\!
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.text_3=¡Cuatro páginas de rankings separadas para soportar notas personalizadas\!
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.button_5=$5-Sé un Donante Dorado
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.button_10=$10-Sé un Donante Dorado
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.title_1=DONACIÓN SHATTERED
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.title_2=Botón de Menú Esmeralda
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.title_3=Interfaz Dorada
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.text_1=¡Habilitado si realmente quieres gastar tanto para apoyar el juego\! Incluye Recompensas Doradas
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.text_2=¡La interfaz de juego estándar recibe un opulento acabado dorado\!
# windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.button_10=$10-Be a Shattered Donator
# windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.button_15=$15-Be a Shattered Donator
# windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.button_20=$20-Be a Shattered Donator
# windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=Enable Golden UI
# windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=Disable Golden UI
# windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=Connecting to Cloud Services, One Moment...
# windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title_normal=Set Icon to Normal
# windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title=Set Icon to %s
windows.wndgame.rename_equip=Renombrar equipamiento
windows.wndgame.select_item=selecciona un item
# windows.wndgame.dialog_title=Enter an Item Name
# windows.wndinfoitem.grave=Heroes Gravestone
# windows.wndranking.copy=Copy to Hall of Heroes
windows.wndranking.page=Página %d
# windows.wndranking.move_where=Where would you like to move your Hero? Moving to a full page will delete the lowest entry.
# windows.wndranking.remove=Remove
# windows.wndranking.notes=Notes
# windows.wndranking.custom_note=Custom Note
# windows.wndranking.save_reminder=Make sure to Save\!
# windows.wndranking.save=Save
# windows.wndranking.already_there=This record is already in the hall of heroes.
# windows.wndranking.copy_where=Where would you like to copy your Hero? Moving to a full page will delete the lowest entry.
# bones.here_lies_named=Here lies a nameless %s.
# bones.here_lies_nameless=Here lies %s the %s.
# bones.pacifist=Renowned as a pacifist, they perished without taking another life.
# bones.rats=An esteemed puncher of rats, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.crabs=A skilled crusher of crabs, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.undead=A terror to the explosive undead, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.thieves=A hunter of crazed thieves, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.bats=A clipper of bat wings, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.brutes=A crusher of gnoll helmets, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.monks=Experienced with fighting dwarvern warriors, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.golems=A destroyer of dwarvern inventions, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.demons=A legendary demon hunter, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.yog=Challenger of a demon god, they defeated %d enemies before perishing.
# bones.forgot_vial=A shame that in the throes of death they forgot their dew vial does not auto-revive.
# bones.forgot_potion=A shame that in the throes of death they forgot to drink a Potion of Healing.
# bones.rest_in_peace=They leave their possessions in this world, as they pass on to the next. In hopes that another hero may avoid their grisly fate.

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_title=Incompatible
ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=Désolé, votre téléphone doit tourner au minimum sous Android 2.3 pour pouvoir utiliser les services Google Play Jeux ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=Désolé, votre téléphone doit tourner au minimum sous Android 2.3 pour pouvoir utiliser les services Google Play Jeux
ui.renamebutton.title=Veuillez entrer un nom de Héros ui.renamebutton.title=Veuillez entrer un nom de Héros
ui.renamebutton.message=Seul les lettres de l'alphabet\n& les chiffres sont supportés
ui.renamebutton.rename=Renommer ui.renamebutton.rename=Renommer
ui.renamebutton.revert=Retour ui.renamebutton.revert=Retour
@ -68,13 +67,12 @@ windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.icon=Shattered
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=Activer Interface dorée windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=Activer Interface dorée
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=Désactiver Interface dorée windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=Désactiver Interface dorée
windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=Connexion aux services de Cloud en cours, patientez... windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=Connexion aux services de Cloud en cours, patientez...
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title_normal=Icone réglé en Normal # windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title_normal=Set Icon to Normal
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title=Icone réglé en %s # windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title=Set Icon to %s
windows.wndgame.rename_equip=Renommer équipement windows.wndgame.rename_equip=Renommer équipement
windows.wndgame.select_item=Sélectionner un objet windows.wndgame.select_item=Sélectionner un objet
windows.wndgame.dialog_title=Entrer un Nom d'Objet windows.wndgame.dialog_title=Entrer un Nom d'Objet
windows.wndgame.dialog_msg=Seul les lettres de l'alphabet/les chiffres%d& quelques symboles sont supportés
windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=Renommer windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=Renommer
windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=retour windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=retour

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_title=오래된 버전
ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=죄송합니다, 안드로이드 버전 2.3 이상이 되어야 구글 플레이 게임 서비스를 사용할 수 있습니다. ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=죄송합니다, 안드로이드 버전 2.3 이상이 되어야 구글 플레이 게임 서비스를 사용할 수 있습니다.
ui.renamebutton.title=영웅의 이름을 입력하세요 ui.renamebutton.title=영웅의 이름을 입력하세요
ui.renamebutton.message=알파벳 또는\n숫자만 입력 가능합니다.
ui.renamebutton.rename=이름 다시 짓기 ui.renamebutton.rename=이름 다시 짓기
ui.renamebutton.revert=되돌리기 ui.renamebutton.revert=되돌리기
@ -68,13 +67,12 @@ windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.icon=깨어진 등급
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=황금색 UI 활성화 windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=황금색 UI 활성화
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=황금색 UI 비활성화 windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=황금색 UI 비활성화
windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=클라우드 서비스에 접속중입니다, 기다려 주십시오... windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=클라우드 서비스에 접속중입니다, 기다려 주십시오...
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title_normal=아이콘을 통상 버전으로 # windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title_normal=Set Icon to Normal
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title=아이콘을 %s 버전으로 # windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title=Set Icon to %s
windows.wndgame.rename_equip=장비의 이름 변경 windows.wndgame.rename_equip=장비의 이름 변경
windows.wndgame.select_item=아이템을 선택하세요 windows.wndgame.select_item=아이템을 선택하세요
windows.wndgame.dialog_title=아이템의 이름을 입력하세요 windows.wndgame.dialog_title=아이템의 이름을 입력하세요
windows.wndgame.dialog_msg=알파벳과 숫자%d 그리고 기호만 입력 가능합니다.
windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=이름 다시 짓기 windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=이름 다시 짓기
windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=되돌리기 windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=되돌리기

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_title=Niekompatybilne
ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=Wybacz, ale twój telefon musi posiadać conajmniej oprogramowanie Android 2.3 by móc używać usług Google Play. ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=Wybacz, ale twój telefon musi posiadać conajmniej oprogramowanie Android 2.3 by móc używać usług Google Play.
ui.renamebutton.title=Wpisz Imię Bohatera ui.renamebutton.title=Wpisz Imię Bohatera
ui.renamebutton.message=Tylko angielskie litery\ni numery są dozwolone.
ui.renamebutton.rename=Przemianuj ui.renamebutton.rename=Przemianuj
ui.renamebutton.revert=Powróć ui.renamebutton.revert=Powróć
@ -68,13 +67,12 @@ windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.icon=Pokruszoną
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=Włącz Złote UI windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=Włącz Złote UI
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=Wyłącz Złote UI windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=Wyłącz Złote UI
windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=Połącz się z Serwisem Cloud, Jeden Momencik... windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=Połącz się z Serwisem Cloud, Jeden Momencik...
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title_normal=Ustaw Normalną Ikonę # windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title_normal=Set Icon to Normal
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title=Ustaw ikonę na %s # windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title=Set Icon to %s
windows.wndgame.rename_equip=Przemianuj Ekwipunek windows.wndgame.rename_equip=Przemianuj Ekwipunek
windows.wndgame.select_item=wybierz przedmiot windows.wndgame.select_item=wybierz przedmiot
windows.wndgame.dialog_title=Wpisz Nazwę Przedmiotu windows.wndgame.dialog_title=Wpisz Nazwę Przedmiotu
windows.wndgame.dialog_msg=Tylko angielskie litery/numery%di część symboli jest dostępna
windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=Przemianuj windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=Przemianuj
windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=Powróć windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=Powróć

View File

@ -1,101 +1,99 @@
items.keys.skeletonkey.gpg_title=google play jogos\! items.keys.skeletonkey.gpg_title=Google Play Games
items.keys.skeletonkey.gpg_text=parabéns por derrotar o primeiro chefe\!\n\nse você esta gostando do jogo,considere se conectar ao google play games.seus emblemas poderão ser sincronizadas e você poderá desbloquear conquistas do google play.\n\nvocê já ganhou uma por derrotar o goo\!\n\nse você mudar de idéia você sempre pode usar o botão de controle no menu principal items.keys.skeletonkey.gpg_text=Parabéns por derrotar o primeiro chefe\!\n\nSe você está curtindo o jogo, considere conectar-se ao Google Play Games. Seus emblemas serão sincronizados em todos os seus dispositivos e você poderá desbloquear conquistas no Google Play.\n_Na verdade, você acabou de desbloquear uma ao derrotar o Goo\!_\n\nVocê pode mudar de ideia e trocar sua preferência no ícone do controle no menu principal.
items.keys.skeletonkey.connect_me=me conecte\! items.keys.skeletonkey.connect_me=Conecte-me\!
items.keys.skeletonkey.more_info=mais informação items.keys.skeletonkey.more_info=Mais informações\!
items.keys.skeletonkey.no_thanks=não,obrigado items.keys.skeletonkey.no_thanks=Não, obrigado\!
scenes.hallofheroesscene.title=hall dos heróis scenes.hallofheroesscene.title=Hall dos Heróis
scenes.hallofheroesscene.no_games=não tem heróis nessa pagína scenes.hallofheroesscene.no_games=Não há nenhum herói nesta página.
scenes.hallofheroesscene.page=pagina %d/%d scenes.hallofheroesscene.page=gina %d/%d
ui.donationbutton.pls_1=por favor. Considere doar ui.donationbutton.pls_1=Por favor, considere uma doação
ui.donationbutton.pls_2=doações e recompensas ui.donationbutton.pls_2=Doações & Recompensas
ui.donationbutton.pls_3=doe,ganhe recompensas\! ui.donationbutton.pls_3=Doe, ganhe Recompensas\!
ui.donationbutton.pls_4=doações e extras ui.donationbutton.pls_4=Doações & Extras
ui.donationbutton.ty_1=obrigado\! ui.donationbutton.ty_1=Obrigado\!
ui.donationbutton.ty_3=obrigado por doar ui.donationbutton.ty_3=Obrigado por doar\!
ui.donationbutton.ty_2=obrigado\! ui.donationbutton.ty_2=Obrigado\!
ui.googleplaybutton.connect=conectar ui.googleplaybutton.connect=Conectar
ui.googleplaybutton.disconnect=desconectar ui.googleplaybutton.disconnect=Desconectar
ui.googleplaybutton.close=fechar ui.googleplaybutton.close=Fechar
ui.googleplaybutton.title=google play jogos\! ui.googleplaybutton.title=Google Play Games
ui.googleplaybutton.text=shattered pixel dungeon usa recursos do google play para suportar alguns recurso extras\!\n\nao se conectar você pode\:\n\nsincronizar conquistas em qualquer dispositivo.\ndesbloquear conquistas do google play\ncoletar informações para ajudar a melhorar o jogo\!\n\nvocê desconectar quando quiser,e a informação pega se mantem no minimo ui.googleplaybutton.text=Shattered Pixel Dungeon usa o Google Play para oferecer funcionalidades extra\!\n\nAo conectar ao Google Play Games, Shattered Pixel Dungeon poderá\:\n- Sincronizar emblemas conquistados com outros dispositivos\n- Desbloquear conquistas do Google Play\n- Coletar dados para ajudar a melhorar o jogo.\n\nVocê poderá desconectar-se a qualquer hora, e a transferência de dados é mantida a um mínimo.
ui.googleplaybutton.data_use_title=informação sobre o uso de informações ui.googleplaybutton.data_use_title=Informações sobre Dados
ui.googleplaybutton.data_use_text=shattered pixel dungeon usa recursos do google play para os seguintes propósitos\:\n\npara trazer recurso extras,como conquistas do google play.\n\npara gerar informações demograficas anonimas para entender melhor como você joga o jogo.\n\nshattered pixel dungeon não coleta informação por qualquer outro propósito.\n\no uso de memória do dispositivo é minimo,observada ser menos de 100Kb/hr durante os testes ui.googleplaybutton.data_use_text=Shattered Pixel Dungeon utiliza o Google Play para os seguintes fins\:\n\n- Fornecer funcionalidades extra, como sincronização de dados e conquistas do Google Play.\n\n- Coletar informações anônimas populacionais que serão utilizadas para melhor entender que tipo de usuários jogam o game.\n\n- Coletar dados de gameplay que será utilizado para estudos de como melhorar o game.\n\nShattered Pixel Dungeon não usa dados, ou coleta outras informações para nenhum outro fim.\n\nO uso da conexão de dados é mantido a um mínimo. Durante os testes, não ultrapassou 100kB/h
ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_title=incompativel ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_title=Incompatível
ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=desculpe,mas o seu telefone deve ser ao menos android 2.3 para usar google play games. ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=Desculpe, mas seu celular deve estar rodando Android 2.3 ou superior para usar o serviço de Google Play Games.
ui.renamebutton.title=insira o nome do heroi ui.renamebutton.title=Insira um Nome para o Heroi
ui.renamebutton.message=apenas letras inglesas & numeros são suportados ui.renamebutton.rename=Renomear
ui.renamebutton.rename=renomear ui.renamebutton.revert=Reverter
windows.wnddonations.error=não conectado aos serviços da nuvem windows.wnddonations.error=Não foi possível conectar-se ao serviço da nuvem.
windows.wnddonations$infotab.text=shattered pixel dungeon é totalmente gratís,nas você pode doar para mostrar o seu suporte e ajudar o jogo a crescer\n\na sua doação ajuda a suportar o desenvolvedores de ambos shattered pixel dungeon e o original pixel dungeon\n\nalém de gratidão você também terá acesso a alguns extras divertidos ao doar.\n\nvocê pode aumentar a sua doação quando quiser.\n\npressione qualquer uma das tabelas abaixo para ver mais informação sobre as opções de doação. windows.wnddonations$infotab.text=Shattered Pixel Dungeon é totalmente grátis, mas você pode doar para mostrar seu apoio e ajudar o game a crescer\!\n\nSua doação ajuda a ambos os desenvolvedores do Shattered e do original, Pixel Dungeon.\n\nComo um obrigado, há algumas mudanças cosméticas extra disponíveis para aqueles que doarem.\n\nVocê pode aumentar sua doação a qualquer hora, então, doe o quanto quiser, seja pouco ou muito.\n\nAperte uma das abas abaixo para saber mais sobre as opções de doação.
windows.wnddonations$infotab.title=doações e extras\! windows.wnddonations$infotab.title=DOAÇÕES & EXTRAS
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.title_1=DOAÇÃO DE PRATA windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.title_1=DOAÇÃO PRATA
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.title_2=botão de menu prateado windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.title_2=Botão de Menu Prateado
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.title_3=nomear seu herói windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.title_3=Nomear seu Herói
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.title_4=tumúlos windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.title_4=Lápides
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.text_1=sua generosidade ajuda a sustentar o jogo windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.text_1=Sua generosidade mantém ambos o game e seus desenvolvedores ativos.
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.text_2=personagens e os rankings irão referir a você pelo nome\! windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.text_2=Os personagens e seus rankings irão se referir a você pelo nome\!
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.text_3=restos de heróis caídos agora aparecem e tumúlos especiais windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.text_3=Restos de heróis derrotados irão aparecer com um túmulo especial com um epitáfio exclusivo\!
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.button_5=$5-seja um doador nivel prata\! windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.button_5=US$5 - Seja um Doador Prata
windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.icon=prata windows.wnddonations$tier1tab.icon=Prata
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_1=DOAÇÃO DOURADA windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_1=DOAÇÃO DOURADA
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_2=botão de menu dourado windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_2=Botão de Menu Dourado
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_3=renomear equipamento windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_3=Renomear Equipamento
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_4=hall dos heróis windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.title_4=Hall dos Heróis
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.text_1=doações generosas me dão mais recursos para melhorar o jogo,inclui recompensas prateadas. windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.text_1=Doações generosas me dão mais recursos para melhorar o game. Inclui Recompensas Prata.
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.text_2=de a seu equipamento favorito nomes épicos windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.text_2=Dê a seu equipamento predileto nomes customizados épicos\!
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.text_3=quatro pagínas de rankings com suportes para notas\! windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.text_3=Quatro páginas de rankings com suporte para anotações customizadas\!
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.button_5=$5-seja um doador dourado\! windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.button_5=US$5 - Seja um doados dourado\!
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.button_10=$10-seja um doador dourado\! windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.button_10=US$10 - Seja um doador dourado\!
windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.icon=dourado windows.wnddonations$tier2tab.icon=Dourado
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.title_1=DOAÇÃO DESPEDAÇADA windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.title_1=DOAÇÃO SHATTERED
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.title_2=botão de menu esmeralda windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.title_2=Botão de Menu Esmeralda
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.title_3=interface dourada windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.title_3=Interface Dourada
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.text_1=disponível se você realmente quiser suportar o jogo,inclui recompensas de ouro windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.text_1=Disponível se você realmente quiser gastar isso para apoiar o game\! Inclui as Recompensas Douradas.
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.text_2=o jogo padrão ganha uma interface dourada\! windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.text_2=O jogo padrão ganha uma interface dourada requintada\!
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.button_10=$10-seja um doador despedaçado windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.button_10=US$10 - Seja um doador Shattered
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.button_15=$15-seja um doador despedaçado windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.button_15=US$15 - Seja um doador Shattered
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.button_20=20$seja um doador despedeçado windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.button_20=US$20 - Seja um Doador Shattered
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.icon=despedaçado windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.icon=Shattered
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=ativar interface dourada windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=Ativar UI Dourada
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=desabilitar interface dourada windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=Desabilitar UI Dourada
windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=conectando para serviços da nuvem,um momento... windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=Conectando-se ao Serviços na Nuvem, um momento...
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title_normal=configurar icone para normal windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title_normal=Voltar ao Ícone Normal
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title=configurar icone para %s windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title=Ativar Ícone %s
windows.wndgame.rename_equip=renomear equipamento windows.wndgame.rename_equip=Renomear Equipamento
windows.wndgame.select_item=selecionar um itens windows.wndgame.select_item=selecione um item
windows.wndgame.dialog_title=insira o nome do itens windows.wndgame.dialog_title=Insira um nome para o item
windows.wndgame.dialog_msg=apenas letras inglesas/numeros%d& alguns simbolos são suportados windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=Renomear
windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=renomear windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=Reverter
windows.wndinfoitem.grave=lapides de heróis windows.wndinfoitem.grave=Lápide dos Heróis
windows.wndranking.copy=copiar para o hall dos heróis windows.wndranking.copy=Copiar para o Hall dos Herois
windows.wndranking.move=mover windows.wndranking.move=Mover
windows.wndranking.page=pagina %d windows.wndranking.page=gina %d
windows.wndranking.move_where=para onde você gostaria de mover o seu herói?mover para uma pagina cheia irá deletar a classificação mais baixa windows.wndranking.move_where=Para onde você deseja mover seu Herói? Mover para uma página cheia irá deletar a entrada mais baixa.
windows.wndranking.remove=remover windows.wndranking.remove=Remover
windows.wndranking.notes=notas windows.wndranking.notes=Anotações
windows.wndranking.custom_note=notas personalizadas windows.wndranking.custom_note=Nota Personalizada
windows.wndranking.save_reminder=certifique-se de salvar\! windows.wndranking.save_reminder=Certifique-se de Salvar\!
windows.wndranking.save=salvar windows.wndranking.save=Salvar
windows.wndranking.already_there=esse recorde já está no hall dos heróis windows.wndranking.already_there=Esse registro já está no hall dos heróis.
windows.wndranking.copy_where=para onde você gostaria de mover o seu herói?mover para uma pagina cheia irá deletar a classificação mais baixa windows.wndranking.copy_where=Aonde você deseja copiar seu Herói? Mover para uma página cheia irá deletar a entrada mais baixa.
bones.here_lies_named=herói encontra um %s sem nome bones.here_lies_named=Aqui jaz um %s sem nome.
bones.here_lies_nameless=heroi encontra %s o %s bones.here_lies_nameless=Aqui encontra-se %s o(a) %s.
bones.pacifist=conhecido como um pacifista,ele pereceu sem tirar outra vida. bones.pacifist=Renomado como um pacifista, o herói morreu sem tomar sequer uma vida alheia.
bones.rats=Um renomado socador de ratos. Derrotou %d inimigos antes de perecer. bones.rats=Um renomado socador de ratos. Derrotou %d inimigos antes de perecer.
bones.crabs=Um habilidoso esmagador de carangejos, ele derrotou %d inimigos antes de perecer. bones.crabs=Um habilidoso esmagador de carangejos, ele derrotou %d inimigos antes de perecer.
bones.undead=Um terror para os mortos-vivos explosivos, ele derrotou %d inimigos antes de perecer. bones.undead=Um terror para os mortos-vivos explosivos, ele derrotou %d inimigos antes de perecer.

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_title=Несовместимо
ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=К сожалению, ваш телефон должен использовать как минимум Android 2.3 для использования Google Play Games ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=К сожалению, ваш телефон должен использовать как минимум Android 2.3 для использования Google Play Games
ui.renamebutton.title=Введите имя героя ui.renamebutton.title=Введите имя героя
ui.renamebutton.message=Только латинские буквы\nили цифры.
ui.renamebutton.rename=Переименовать ui.renamebutton.rename=Переименовать
ui.renamebutton.revert=Отмена ui.renamebutton.revert=Отмена
@ -68,13 +67,12 @@ windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.icon=Изумрудный
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=Включить Золотой интерфейс windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=Включить Золотой интерфейс
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=Отключить Золотой интерфейс windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=Отключить Золотой интерфейс
windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=Соединение с облаком, подождите... windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=Соединение с облаком, подождите...
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title_normal=Вернуть обычную иконку windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title_normal=Обычная иконка
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title=Сменить иконку на %s windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title=Иконка "%s"
windows.wndgame.rename_equip=Переименовать экипировку windows.wndgame.rename_equip=Переименовать экипировку
windows.wndgame.select_item=выберите предмет windows.wndgame.select_item=выберите предмет
windows.wndgame.dialog_title=Введите имя предмета windows.wndgame.dialog_title=Введите имя предмета
windows.wndgame.dialog_msg=Только латинские буквы, цифры%d и некоторые символы
windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=Переименовать windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=Переименовать
windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=Отмена windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=Отмена

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_title=不兼容
ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=抱歉您的设备至少得在Android 2.3上运行才能使用Google Play服务。 ui.googleplaybutton.incompatible_text=抱歉您的设备至少得在Android 2.3上运行才能使用Google Play服务。
ui.renamebutton.title=给英雄起个名字 ui.renamebutton.title=给英雄起个名字
ui.renamebutton.rename=重命名 ui.renamebutton.rename=重命名
ui.renamebutton.revert=撤销 ui.renamebutton.revert=撤销
@ -68,13 +67,12 @@ windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.icon=破碎
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=开启金色UI windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.enable_gold=开启金色UI
windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=关闭金色UI windows.wnddonations$tier3tab.disable_gold=关闭金色UI
windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=正在连接云端服务,请等待...... windows.wnddonations$wndconnecting.title=正在连接云端服务,请等待......
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title_normal=恢复菜单键图标 windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title_normal=恢复菜单键图标
windows.wnddonations$btnIcon.title=换成%s菜单键图标 windows.wnddonations$btnicon.title=换成%s菜单键图标
windows.wndgame.rename_equip=装备重命名 windows.wndgame.rename_equip=装备重命名
windows.wndgame.select_item=选择一样物品 windows.wndgame.select_item=选择一样物品
windows.wndgame.dialog_title=输入新的物品名称 windows.wndgame.dialog_title=输入新的物品名称
windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=重命名 windows.wndgame.dialog_rename=重命名
windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=撤销 windows.wndgame.dialog_revert=撤销

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
scenes.amuletscene.exit=Vamos a llamarlo un día
scenes.amuletscene.stay=No he acabado todavía.
scenes.amuletscene.text=Finalmente tienes el Amuleto de Yendor en tus manos.\nUsando su poder puedes ir por el mundo o conceder paz y prosperidad a que o quien sea. De cualquier modo, tu vida cambiará para siempre y este juego terminará aquí. O puedes seguir siendo un simple mortal por un rato más
scenes.badgesscene.title=Tus Medallas
scenes.gamescene.welcome=¡Bienvenido al nivel %d de Pixel Dungeon\!
scenes.gamescene.welcome_back=¡Bienvenido de nuevo al nivel %d de Pixel Dungeon\!
scenes.gamescene.chasm=Tus pasos suenan a través de la mazmorra.
scenes.gamescene.water=Escuchas agua salpicando a tu alrededor.
scenes.gamescene.grass=El aroma de la vegetación es intenso en el aire
scenes.gamescene.dark=Puedes escuchar los enemigos moviéndose en la oscuridad...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=El ambiente presagia que este piso esconde muchos secretos.
scenes.interlevelscene.file_not_found=No se encuentra la partida guardada. Si el error persiste despues de reiniciar, puede ser que el fichero este corrupto. Lo siento.
scenes.interlevelscene.io_error=No se puede leer la partida guardada. Si el error persiste despues de reiniciar, puede ser que el fichero este corrupto. Lo siento.
scenes.introscene.text=Muchos héroes se han aventurado dentro de la mazmorra antes que tu desde la ciudad de arriba. Algunos han regresado con tesoros y artefactos mágicos, la mayoría nunca ha sido vuelta a escuchar.\n\nNadie, de todos modos, se ha aventurado hasta el fondo y devuelto el Amuleto de Yendor, el cual se dice que es guardado por antiguos espíritus malignos en las profundidades. Incluso ahora, energía oscura irradia desde abajo, haciendo su camino hasta la ciudad.\n\nTe consideras listo para el desafío. Más importante, sientes que la fortuna te sonríe. Es tiempo de iniciar tu propia aventura\!
scenes.rankingsscene.title=Top Rankings
scenes.rankingsscene.total=Partidas jugadas\:\:
scenes.rankingsscene.no_games=No se ha jugado partidas todavía.
scenes.rankingsscene.no_info=No hay información adicional.
scenes.startscene.load=Cargar partida
scenes.startscene.new=Nueva partida
scenes.startscene.erase=Borrar progreso
scenes.startscene.depth_level=Profundidad\: %d, Nivel\: %d
scenes.startscene.really=¿De verdad quieres empezar una partida nueva?
scenes.startscene.warning=Se borrará tu progreso en el juego actual.
scenes.startscene.yes=Sí, empezar nueva partida
scenes.startscene.no=No, volver al menú principal
scenes.startscene.unlock=Para desbloquear a la Cazadora acaba con el jefe del nivel 15.
scenes.startscene.need_to_win=Para desbloquear los Desafíos, gana el juego con cualquier clase de personaje
scenes.surfacesscene.exit=Fin del Juego
scenes.titlescene.about=Acerca de

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@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
#scenes.aboutscene.= #scenes.aboutscene.=
scenes.amuletscene.exit=vamos chamá-lo um dia scenes.amuletscene.exit=Já fiz o que tinha que fazer
scenes.amuletscene.stay=eu não estou pronto ainda scenes.amuletscene.stay=Ainda não terminei
scenes.amuletscene.text=Você finalmente segura-lo em suas mãos , o Amuleto de Yendor . Usando seu poder você pode dominar o mundo ou trazer paz e prosperidade para as pessoas ou o que quiser . De qualquer forma, sua vida vai mudar para sempre e este jogo vai terminar aqui. Ou você pode ser um mero mortal um pouco mais. scenes.amuletscene.text=Você finalmente segura-o em suas mãos, o Amuleto de Yendor. Você poderia usar seu poder para dominar o mundo ou trazer a paz e prosperidade às pessoas ou qualquer coisa nesse sentido... De qualquer forma, sua vida irá mudar para sempre e este jogo termina aqui. Ou você pode permanecer como um mero mortal por mais um pouco.
scenes.badgesscene.title=seus emblemas scenes.badgesscene.title=Seus Emblemas
scenes.gamescene.welcome=bem vindo ao nivel %d de pixel dungeon scenes.gamescene.welcome=Bem-vindo ao nível %d de Pixel Dungeon\!
scenes.gamescene.welcome_back=bem vindo de volta ao nivel %d de pixel dungeon scenes.gamescene.welcome_back=Bem-vindo de volta ao nível %d de Pixel Dungeon\!
scenes.gamescene.chasm=seus passo ecoaram pela masmorra scenes.gamescene.chasm=Seus passos ecoam pela masmorra.
scenes.gamescene.water=você ouviu a água fazendo splash ao seu redor scenes.gamescene.water=Você ouve água respingando ao seu redor.
scenes.gamescene.grass=o cheiro de vegetação está denso no ar scenes.gamescene.grass=O cheiro de vegetação está bem forte.
scenes.gamescene.dark=você pode ouvir inimigos de movendo na escuridão scenes.gamescene.dark=Você consegue ouvir os inimigos se mexendo na escuridão...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=a atmosfera desse andar parece esconder muitos segredos scenes.gamescene.secrets=A atmosfera deste andar indica que ele contém vários segredos.
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=descendo... scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=Descendo...
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.ascend=subindo... scenes.interlevelscene$mode.ascend=Subindo...
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.continue=carregando... scenes.interlevelscene$mode.continue=Carregando...
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.resurrect=ressucitando.. scenes.interlevelscene$mode.resurrect=Ressuscitando...
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.return=retornando... scenes.interlevelscene$mode.return=Retornando...
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.fall=caindo... scenes.interlevelscene$mode.fall=Caindo...
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.reset=resetando... scenes.interlevelscene$mode.reset=Reiniciando...
scenes.interlevelscene.file_not_found=arquivo de salvamento não encontrado,se o erro persistir após reiniciar,provavelmente o salvamento foi corrompido,desculpe por isso. scenes.interlevelscene.file_not_found=Arquivo de save não foi encontrado. Se este erro persistir após reiniciar o jogo, pode significar que o arquivo de save está corrompido. Desculpe\!
scenes.interlevelscene.io_error=impossível ler arquivo.se o erro persistir após reiniciar,provavelmente o salvamento foi corrompido,desculpe por isso. scenes.interlevelscene.io_error=Não foi possível ler o arquivo de save. Se este erro persistir após reiniciar o jogo, pode significar que o arquivo de save está corrompido. Desculpe\!
scenes.introscene.text=muitos heróis se aventuraram na masmorra antes de você,vindo da cidade acima.Alguns retornaram com tesouros e artefatos mágicos,mas da maioria nunca mais se ouviu falar.\n\nmas nenhum deles consegui se aventurar até o fundo e recuperar o amuleto de yendor,que é conhecido por ser guardado por um mal ancestral nas profundezas.Até agora energia negra se irradia do fundo,fazendo seu caminho até a cidade.\n\nvocê se considera pronto para o desafio.E mais importante,se a sorte sorri para você,é hora de começar a sua aventura\! scenes.introscene.text=Vários heróis aventuraram-se nas Masmorras antes de você. Alguns retornaram com tesouros e artefatos mágicos, mas a maioria deles nunca mais foi visto novamente.\n\nNenhum deles, porém, se aventuraram até o fundo e resgataram o Amuleto de Yendor. Diz a lenda que ele está guardado por um mal antigo nas profundezas. Mesmo agora, uma energia escura irradia abaixo, chegando à Cidade.\n\nVocê se considera pronto para este desafio. E mais importante, você pressente que a sorte está a seu lado. É hora de começar a sua própria aventura\!
scenes.rankingsscene.title=melhores rankings scenes.rankingsscene.title=Top Rankings
scenes.rankingsscene.total=jogos jogados. scenes.rankingsscene.total=Tentativas\:
scenes.rankingsscene.no_games=nenhum jogo foi jogado ainda scenes.rankingsscene.no_games=Nenhum jogo foi iniciado ainda.
scenes.rankingsscene.no_info=sem informação adicional scenes.rankingsscene.no_info=Sem informações adicionais.
scenes.startscene.load=carregar jogo scenes.startscene.load=Carregar Jogo
scenes.startscene.new=novo jogo scenes.startscene.new=Novo Jogo
scenes.startscene.erase=apagar progresso scenes.startscene.erase=Apagar Progresso
scenes.startscene.depth_level=profundidade %d, nivel\: %d scenes.startscene.depth_level=Andar\: %d, Nível\: %d
scenes.startscene.really=você realmente que começar um novo jogo? scenes.startscene.really=Você realmente deseja começar um novo jogo?
scenes.startscene.warning=o seu jogo atual será apagado scenes.startscene.warning=O seu jogo atual será apagado.
scenes.startscene.yes=sim,começar novo jogo scenes.startscene.yes=Sim, começar um novo jogo
scenes.startscene.no=não,retornar ao menu scenes.startscene.no=Não, retornar ao menu
scenes.startscene.unlock=para desbloquear a caçadora,\nmate o chefe no 15° andar scenes.startscene.unlock=Para desbloquear a caçadora,\nmate o chefe do andar 15.
scenes.startscene.need_to_win=para desbloquear desafios,vença o jogo com qualquer classe scenes.startscene.need_to_win=Para desbloquear os Desafios, vença o jogo com qualquer classe.
scenes.surfacesscene.exit=fim de jogo scenes.surfacesscene.exit=Game Over
scenes.titlescene.play=jogar scenes.titlescene.play=Jogar
scenes.titlescene.rankings=rankings scenes.titlescene.rankings=Rankings
scenes.titlescene.badges=emblemas scenes.titlescene.badges=Emblemas
scenes.titlescene.about=sobre scenes.titlescene.about=Sobre
#scenes.welcomescene.= #scenes.welcomescene.=

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Selecciona un ítem para el acceso directo
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Presiona otra vez para buscar\nPresiona una casilla para obtener información

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=selecione um item para o quickslot ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Selecione um item para o atalho
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=pressione novamente para procurar.\n\naperte em algo para informação ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Pressione novamente para procurar\n\nPressione em algum tile para mais informações

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Выберите предмет для быстрого доступа ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Выберите предмет
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Нажмите ещё раз, чтобы осмотреться\nИли выберите клетку для подробностей ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Выберите клетку или\nнажмите кнопку ещё раз

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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Ok, un trato es un trato, esto es lo que puedo hacer por ti\: Puedo reforjar 2 ítems y convertirlos en uno de mejor calidad.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=Selecciona un ítem para reforjarlo
windows.wndchooseway.message=¿Que senda seguirás?
windows.wndchooseway.cancel=Lo decidiré más tarde
windows.wndgame.start=Empezar Nuevo Juego
windows.wndgame.menu=Menú principal
windows.wndgame.exit=Salir del juego
windows.wndgame.return=Volver al juego
windows.wndhero$statstab.title=Nivel %d %s
windows.wndhero$statstab.gold=Oro recolectado
windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=Profundidad máxima
windows.wndimp.message=¡Oh sí\! ¡Tú eres mi héroe\!\nSobre tu recompensa, no tengo dinero ahora mismo, pero tengo algo mejor para ti. Este es el anillo de mi familia\: mi abuelo lo cogió del dedo de un paladín muerto.
windows.wndimp.reward=Coge el anillo
windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=Cofre bloqueado
windows.wndinfoitem.crystal_chest=Cofre de cristal
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton=Restos de huesos
windows.wndinfoitem.remains=Restos del héroe
windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=¡No sabrás lo que hay dentro hasta que lo abras\!
windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=¡No sabrás lo que hay dentro hasta que lo abras\! Pero necesitas una llave de oro para abrirlo.
windows.wndinfoitem.inside=Puedes ver %s dentro, pero para abrirlo necesitarás una llave de oro.
windows.wndinfoitem.owner=Esta antigua tumba puede contener algo útil. Pero seguramente a su dueño no le gustará que la mires.
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=Esto es todo lo que queda de un desafortunado aventurero. Quizás merece la pena mirarlo por si hay algo de valor.
windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=Esto es todo lo que queda de uno de tus predecesores. Quizás merece la pena mirarlo por si hay algo de valor.
windows.wndinfoitem.artifact=un artefacto
windows.wndinfoitem.wand=una varita
windows.wndinfoitem.ring=un anillo
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Esta trampa está inactiva y ya no puede volver a ser activada.
windows.wndranking.error=Incapaz de cargar información adicional.
windows.wndranking$statstab.title=Nivel %d %s
windows.wndranking$statstab.duration=Duración de la partida
windows.wndranking$statstab.depth=Profundidad máxima
windows.wndranking$statstab.enemies=Monstruos matados
windows.wndranking$statstab.gold=Oro recolectado
windows.wndranking$statstab.food=Comida comida
windows.wndranking$statstab.alchemy=Pociones creadas
windows.wndranking$statstab.ankhs=Ankhs usados
windows.wndresurrect.message=Has muerto, pero se te ha dado otra oportunidad para conquistar esta mazmorra. ¿Lucharás?
windows.wndresurrect.yes=¡Sí, lucharé\!
windows.wndresurrect.no=No, me rindo
windows.wndsadghost.rat_title=RATA FÉTIDA HA MUERTO
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll_title=GNOLL PÍCARO HA MUERTO
windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=CANGREJO GIGANTE HA MUERTO
windows.wndsadghost.rat=Gracias, esa horrible rata ha muerto y finalmente puedo descansar... Me pregunto qué retorcida magia ha creado tal desgraciada criatura...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Gracias, ese retorcido Gnoll ha muerto y puedo finalmente descansar... Me pregunto qué retorcida magia lo ha podido hacer tan listo...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=Gracias, ese cangrejo gigante ha muerto y finalmente puedo descansar... Me pregunto qué retorcida magia ha permitido que viva tanto tiempo...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=\n\nPor favor coge uno de estos ítems, son inútiles para mi ahora... Quizás puedan ayudarte en tu camino...\n\nAdemás... Hay un ítem perdido en esta mazmorra que es muy querido por mi... Si alguna vez... encuentras mi... rosa...
windows.wndsadghost.weapon=Arma del fantasma
windows.wndsadghost.armor=Armadura del fantasma
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=¡Hasta pronto aventurero\!
windows.wndsettings$screentab.scale=Escala del dispositivo
windows.wndsettings$screentab.soft_keys=Esconder teclas de software
windows.wndsettings$screentab.portrait=Cambiar a vertical
windows.wndsettings$screentab.landscape=Cambiar a apaisado
windows.wndsettings$uitab.mode=Modalidad de barra\:
windows.wndsettings$uitab.flip_toolbar=Alternar barra
windows.wndsettings$uitab.flip_indicators=Alternar indicadores
windows.wndsettings$uitab.quickslots=Accesos directos
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_vol=Volumen de la música
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_mute=Sin música
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_vol=Volumen SFX
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_mute=Silenciar SFX
windows.wndstory.sewers=La mazmorra se encuentra justo debajo de la Ciudad, sus pisos superiores de hecho constituyen el sistema de Desagüe de la Ciudad.\n\nComo energía oscura se ha arrastrado desde abajo, las normalmente inofensivas criaturas del Desagüe se han vuelto más y más peligrosas. La Ciudad envía patrullas acá abajo para intentar mantener la seguridad de los que están arriba, pero poco a poco están fracasando.\n\nEste lugar es peligroso, pero al menos la magia oscura tiene una presencia débil.
windows.wndstory.prison=Muchos años atrás, una Prisión fue construida acá para retener criminales peligrosos. Por su regulación estricta y su seguridad, prisioneros provenientes de todos los lugares fueron traidos acá para cumplir su condena.\n\nPero luego un miasma oscuro comenzó a arrastrarse desde abajo, retorciendo las mentes tanto de los guardias como de los prisioneros.\n\nEn consencuencia al caos creciente, la Ciudad selló toda la Prisión. Nadie sabe qué pasó con aquellos que fueron dejados por muertos dentro de estas paredes...
windows.wndstory.caves=Las Cuevas, que se extienden debajo de la Prisión Abandonada, están escasamente pobladas. Se encuentran a demasiada profundidad para ser aprovechadas por la Ciudad y tienen muy pocos minerales para interesar a los enanos. En el pasado había un puesto de comercio en algún lugar en esta ruta entre estos dos Estados, pero este desapareció desde la caida de la Metropolí Enana. Sólo Gnoll propagados y criaturas subterráneas viven acá ahora.
windows.wndstory.city=La Metropolí Enana fue alguna vez la más grandiosa the las Ciudades-Estado enanas. En su esplendor, el ejército mecanizado de Enanos logró vencer la invasión el Dios Ancestral y su ejército demoniaco. Pero se dice que los guerreros que regresaron trajeron con ellos gérmenes de corrupción, y que la victoria fue el comienzo del final para el Reino subterráneo.
windows.wndstory.halls=En los últimos tres pisos estaban las afueras de la Metropolí. Después de la costosa victoria en la guerra con los Dios Ancestral, los Enanos estaban muy debilitados para acabar con los Demonios restantes. Paulatinamente, los Demonios han reforzado su control de este sitio, y ahora es llamado las Salas Demoniacas.\n\nMuy pocos aventureros han logrado jamás llegar tan lejos...
windows.wndtradeitem.sale=A LA VENTA\: %s - %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.buy=Comprar por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.steal=Robar con una oportunidad del %d%%
windows.wndtradeitem.sell=Vender por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_1=Vender 1 por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_all=Vender totalmente por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sold=Has vendido %s for %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.bought=Has comprado %s por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.stole=Has robado %s
windows.wndwandmaker.dust=Vaya, veo que tienes el polvo\! No te preocupes por los espectros, yo puedo lidiar con ellos. Como lo prometí, puedes elegir una de mis varitas de gran calidad.
windows.wndwandmaker.ember=Vaya, veo que tienes las ascuas\! Espero que el Elemental de Fuego no haya sido mucho problema. Como lo prometí, puedes elegir una de mis varitas de gran calidad.
windows.wndwandmaker.berry=¡Oh, veo que tienes la baya\! Espero que la bayaroja no te haya dado muchos problemas. Como te prometí, puedes elegir una de mis varitas de gran calidad.
windows.wndwandmaker.farewell=Buena suerte en tu aventura, %s\!

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@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=ok,um acordo é um acordo\: eu posso reforjar 2 itens e torna-los em um de melhor qualidade. windows.wndblacksmith.prompt=Ok, promessa é promessa. O que posso fazê pro'cê\: eu posso reforjá 2 itens em um outro item de melhor qualidade.
windows.wndblacksmith.select=selecione um item para reforjar windows.wndblacksmith.select=Selecione um item para reforjar
windows.wndblacksmith.reforge=reforja-los windows.wndblacksmith.reforge=Reforjá-los
windows.wndcatalogus.potions=poções windows.wndcatalogus.potions=Poções
windows.wndcatalogus.scrolls=pergaminhos windows.wndcatalogus.scrolls=Pergaminhos
windows.wndcatalogus.title=catálogos windows.wndcatalogus.title=Catálogos
windows.wndchallenges.title=desafios windows.wndchallenges.title=Desafios
windows.wndchooseway.message=que caminho você irá seguir? windows.wndchooseway.message=Qual caminho você seguirá?
windows.wndchooseway.cancel=eu decidirei depois windows.wndchooseway.cancel=Eu decidirei depois
windows.wndclass.mastery=dominio windows.wndclass.mastery=Maestria
windows.wnderror.title=error windows.wnderror.title=ERRO
windows.wndgame.settings=configurações windows.wndgame.settings=Configurações
windows.wndgame.challenges=desafios windows.wndgame.challenges=Desafios
windows.wndgame.rankings=rankings windows.wndgame.rankings=Rankings
windows.wndgame.start=começar novo jogo windows.wndgame.start=Começar um Jogo Novo
windows.wndgame.menu=menu principal windows.wndgame.menu=Menu Principal
windows.wndgame.exit=sair do jogo windows.wndgame.exit=Sair do Jogo
windows.wndgame.return=retornar ao jogo windows.wndgame.return=Retornar ao Jogo
windows.wndhero.stats=status windows.wndhero.stats=Dados
windows.wndhero.buffs=buff windows.wndhero.buffs=Buffs
windows.wndhero$statstab.title=level %d%s windows.wndhero$statstab.title=%s$2 nível %d$1
windows.wndhero$statstab.catalogs=catálogos windows.wndhero$statstab.catalogs=Catálogos
windows.wndhero$statstab.journal=jornal windows.wndhero$statstab.journal=Diário
windows.wndhero$statstab.exp=experiencia windows.wndhero$statstab.exp=Experiência
windows.wndhero$statstab.str=força windows.wndhero$statstab.str=Força
windows.wndhero$statstab.health=vida windows.wndhero$statstab.health=Vida
windows.wndhero$statstab.gold=ouro coletado windows.wndhero$statstab.gold=Ouro Coletado
windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=profundidade maxima windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=Andar Máximo
windows.wndimp.message=oh,sim\! você é meu herói\nem relação a sua recompensa,eu não tenho dinheiro comigo agora,mas eu tenho algo ainda melhor para você. esse anel é uma relíquia da minha familía\: meu avô o cortou do dedo de um paladino morto. windows.wndimp.message=Ah, sim\! Você é meu herói\!\nSobre sua recompensa, eu não tenho dinheiro comigo agora, mas eu tenho algo ainda melhor para você. Esse anel é uma relíquia da minha família\: meu avô o cortou do dedo de um paladino morto.
windows.wndimp.reward=pegar o anel windows.wndimp.reward=Pegar o anel
windows.wndinfoitem.chest=b windows.wndinfoitem.chest=B
windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=baú trancado windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=Baú trancado
windows.wndinfoitem.crystal_chest=baú de cristal. windows.wndinfoitem.crystal_chest=Baú de cristal
windows.wndinfoitem.tomb=tumba windows.wndinfoitem.tomb=Tumba
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton=restos de esqueletos windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton=Restos de esqueletos
windows.wndinfoitem.remains=restos de um heróis windows.wndinfoitem.remains=Restos de um herói
windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=você não tem como saber oquê tem ai dentro até você abrir\! windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=Você não conseguirá saber o que tem dentro até abri-lo\!
windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=você não tem como saber oquê tem ai dentro até você abrir\!Mas para abrir você precisa de uma chave de ouro windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=Você não conseguirá saber o que tem dentro até abri-lo\! Mas para abri-lo você precisa de uma chave dourada.
windows.wndinfoitem.inside=você pode ver %s dentro,mas para abrir você precisa de uma chave de ouro windows.wndinfoitem.inside=Você consegue ver ver um(a) %s dentro. Mas para abrir o baú, você precisa de uma chave de ouro.
windows.wndinfoitem.owner=essa tumba ancestral pode conter algo útil,mas certamente o seu proprietário vai se opor a checagem. windows.wndinfoitem.owner=Esta tumba antiga pode conter algo útil, mas seu dono vai se opor a perturbação com certeza.
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=isso é tudo oquê resta de algum aventureiro desafortunado,talvez você deva checar em busca de algo útil. windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=Isto é tudo o que resta de algum aventureiro desafortunado. Talvez valha a pena verificar para tentar achar algum item valioso.
windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=é tudo oque resta de um de seus predecessores.talvez você deva checar em busca de algo útil windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=Isto é tudo o que resta de algum de seus predecessores. Talvez valha a pena verificar para tentar achar algum item valioso.
windows.wndinfoitem.artifact=um artefato windows.wndinfoitem.artifact=um artefato
windows.wndinfoitem.wand=uma varinha windows.wndinfoitem.wand=uma varinha
windows.wndinfoitem.ring=um anél windows.wndinfoitem.ring=um anel
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=essa armadilha está inativa,e não pode mais ser ativada windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Esta armadilha está inerte e não pode mais ser ativada.
windows.wndjournal.title=jornal windows.wndjournal.title=Diário
windows.wndranking.error=incapaz de carregar informação adicional windows.wndranking.error=Não é possível carregar mais informações
windows.wndranking.stats=status windows.wndranking.stats=Estatísticas
windows.wndranking.items=itens windows.wndranking.items=itens
windows.wndranking.badges=emblemas windows.wndranking.badges=Emblemas
windows.wndranking$statstab.title=level %d%s windows.wndranking$statstab.title=%s$2 nível %d$1
windows.wndranking$statstab.challenges=desafios windows.wndranking$statstab.challenges=Desafios
windows.wndranking$statstab.health=vida windows.wndranking$statstab.health=Vida
windows.wndranking$statstab.str=força windows.wndranking$statstab.str=Força
windows.wndranking$statstab.duration=duração do jogo windows.wndranking$statstab.duration=Duração do Jogo
windows.wndranking$statstab.depth=profundidade maxima windows.wndranking$statstab.depth=Andar Máximo
windows.wndranking$statstab.enemies=inimigos mortos windows.wndranking$statstab.enemies=Inimigos Mortos
windows.wndranking$statstab.gold=ouro coletado windows.wndranking$statstab.gold=Ouro Coletado
windows.wndranking$statstab.food=comida consumida windows.wndranking$statstab.food=Comida Consumida
windows.wndranking$statstab.alchemy=poções cozinhadas windows.wndranking$statstab.alchemy=Poções Produzidas
windows.wndranking$statstab.ankhs=ankhs usados windows.wndranking$statstab.ankhs=Ankhs Usados
windows.wndresurrect.message=você está morto,mas você tem outra change de vencer essa masmorra.Você irá aceita-la? windows.wndresurrect.message=Você morreu. Mas tem outra chance de derrotar esta masmorra. Você irá utilizá-la?
windows.wndresurrect.yes=Sim, eu irei lutar\! windows.wndresurrect.yes=Sim, eu irei lutar\!
windows.wndresurrect.no=não,eu desisto windows.wndresurrect.no=Não, eu desisto\!
windows.wndsadghost.rat_title=derrotou o rato fedido windows.wndsadghost.rat_title=DERROTOU O RATO FÉTIDO
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll_title=derrotou o gnoll malandro windows.wndsadghost.gnoll_title=DERROTOU O GNOLL TRAPACEIRO
windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=derrotou o carangueijo gigante windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=DERROTOU O GRANDE CARANGUEJO
windows.wndsadghost.rat=obrigado,aquele rato horrendo está morto e agora eu posso finalmente descansar em paz..eu me pergunto que tipo de magia retorcida pode criar uma criatura tão repulsiva. windows.wndsadghost.rat=Obrigado\! Aquele rato horrível está morto e eu posso descansar, finalmente... Eu me pergunto que tipo de magia deturpada trouxe à vida uma criatura tão detestável...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=obrigado,aquele gnoll intrigante esta morto e eu posso finalmente descansar...Eu me pergunto que tipo de magia retorcida deixou ele tão inteligente windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Obrigado\! Aquele gnoll cheio de tramoias está morto e eu posso descansar, finalmente... Eu me pergunto que tipo de magia deturpada o fez ficar tão inteligente...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=obrigado,aquele carangueijo gigantesco está morto e eu posso finalmente descansar...eu me pergunto que tipo de magia retorcida permitiu a ele viver tanto tempo windows.wndsadghost.crab=Obrigado\! Aquele caranguejo está morto e eu posso descanar, finalmente... Eu me pergunto que tipo de magia deturpada o fez viver por tanto tempo...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=\n\npor favor,pegue um desse itens,eles são inuteis para mim agora...mas talves eles possam ajudar você em sua jornada\n\na um item perdida nessa masmorra que é muito precioso para mim...se você puder...encontre minha...rosa...... windows.wndsadghost.give_item=\n\nPor favor, leve um destes itens, eles são inúteis para mim agora... Talvez eles te ajudarão na sua jornada...\n\nOutra coisa... Há um item perdido nesta masmorra que é muito precioso para mim... se você... achar... minha... rosa......
windows.wndsadghost.weapon=arma do fantasma windows.wndsadghost.weapon=Arma do fantasma
windows.wndsadghost.armor=armadura do fantasma windows.wndsadghost.armor=Armadura do fantasma
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=adeus aventureiro\! windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Adeus, aventureiro\!
windows.wndsettings.screen=tela windows.wndsettings.screen=Tela
windows.wndsettings.ui=UI windows.wndsettings.ui=UI
windows.wndsettings.audio=audio windows.wndsettings.audio=Áudio
windows.wndsettings$screentab.scale=escala do display windows.wndsettings$screentab.scale=Escala de Amostra
windows.wndsettings$screentab.brightness=brilhante windows.wndsettings$screentab.brightness=Bilho
windows.wndsettings$screentab.dark=escuro windows.wndsettings$screentab.dark=Escuro
windows.wndsettings$screentab.bright=brilho windows.wndsettings$screentab.bright=Claro
windows.wndsettings$screentab.soft_keys=esconder chaves do programa windows.wndsettings$screentab.soft_keys=Ocultar teclas do sistema
windows.wndsettings$screentab.portrait=mudar para portatil windows.wndsettings$screentab.portrait=Mudar para retrato
windows.wndsettings$screentab.landscape=mudar para paisagem windows.wndsettings$screentab.landscape=Mudar para paisagem
windows.wndsettings$uitab.mode=modo da barra de ferramentas windows.wndsettings$uitab.mode=Modo dos Ícones\:
windows.wndsettings$uitab.split=dividido windows.wndsettings$uitab.split=Separado
windows.wndsettings$uitab.group=agrupado windows.wndsettings$uitab.group=Junto
windows.wndsettings$uitab.center=centro windows.wndsettings$uitab.center=Meio
windows.wndsettings$uitab.flip_toolbar=empurrar barra de ferramentas windows.wndsettings$uitab.flip_toolbar=Inverter Ícones
windows.wndsettings$uitab.flip_indicators=empurrar indicadores windows.wndsettings$uitab.flip_indicators=Inverter Indicadores
windows.wndsettings$uitab.quickslots=quickslots windows.wndsettings$uitab.quickslots=Atalhos
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_vol=volume da musica windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_vol=Volume da Música
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_mute=silenciar musica windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_mute=Silenciar Música
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_vol=SFX volume windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_vol=Volume SFX
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_mute=silencias SFX windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_mute=Silenciar SFX
windows.wndstory.sewers=a masmorra se estende por baixo da cidade,e seus niveis superiores constituem o sistema de esgoto da cidade\n\nquando a energia negra rastejou-se das profundezas as geralmente inofensivas criaturas do esgoto se tornaram cada vez mais agressivas.a cidade enviou patrulhas para manter a segurança aqui,mas eles estão lentamente falhando.\n\nesse lugar é perigoso,mas a magia maligna aqui é fraca windows.wndstory.sewers=A Masmorra se estende por debaixo da Cidade. Seus níveis superiores na verdade são o sistema de esgoto da Cidade.\n\nConforme a energia negra se esgueirou das profundezas, as criaturas antigamente inofensivas tornaram-se cada vez mais perigosas. A Cidade envia patrulhas de guardas para tentar manter a segurança dos habitantes da superfície, mas eles estão lentamente falhando.\n\nEste lugar é perigoso. Mas ao menos a magia maléfica aqui ainda está fraca.
windows.wndstory.prison=muitos anos atrás uma prisão foi construída aqui para guardar os mais perigosos criminosos. com regulamento rigído e seguro. presídiaríos de todos os lugares foram trazidos para cá.\n\nmas a peste negra chegou,enlouquecendo as mentes dos guardas e prisioneiros\n\nem resposta ao grande caos aqui em baixo a cidade selou a prisão.Ninguém sabe oque aconteceu com aqueles que foram deixados para morrer atrás dessas paredes.... windows.wndstory.prison=Há muitos anos atrás, uma prisão foi construída aqui para trancar criminosos perigosos. Fortemente controlada e segura, condenados de todos os lugares foram trazidos aqui para cumprirem suas penas.\n\nMas rapidamente uma pestilência negra começou a emanar das profundezas, deturpando a mente tanto dos guardas como dos prisioneiros.\n\nEm resposta à confusão que estava se alastrando, a Cidade selou toda a prisão. Ninguém sabe o que aconteceu com aqueles que foram deixados para morrer dentro destas paredes...
windows.wndstory.caves=as cavernas.elas se estendem por baixo da prisão abandonada,elas são muito profundas para serem exploradas pela cidade.e muito pobres em minerais para interessar os anões.\nno passado elas foram um lugar de comércio entre esses dois estados,mas após a queda da cidade dos anões isso acabou.Agora apenas gnolls e animais subterráneos andam por aqui windows.wndstory.caves=As cavernas, que se esticam por debaixo da prisão abandonada, são esparsamente populadas. Elas ficam muito distantes da superfície para serem exploradas pela Cidade e são muito pobres em minerais para serem de interesse dos anões. No passado havia um posto de troca em algum lugar por aqui, na rota entre estes dois Estados, mas ele pereceu desde o declínio da Metrópole dos Anões. Apenas os gnolls onipresentes e animais subterrâneos habitam por aqui agora.
windows.wndstory.city=a metrópole dos anões foi a maior das cidade-estados dos anões.e foi reconhecida após a sua armada mecânizada de anões conseguiu repelir o antigo deus e sua armada de demônios.Porém os guerreiros que retornaram trouxeram com eles sementes de corrupção para a cidade.e essa vitória foi o começo do fim do reino subterráneo windows.wndstory.city=A Metrópole dos Anões era a maior das cidades-estado dos anões. No seu auge, o exército mecanizado dos anões repeliu com sucesso a invasão do deus antigo e seu exército de demônios. Mas diz a lenda, que os guerreiros sobreviventes trouxeram consigo sementes de corrupção dentro deles, e que a vitória foi apenas o começo do fim para o reino subterrâneo.
windows.wndstory.halls=no passado esse lugar foi o porão da metrópole.Após a custosa vitória na guerra contra os demônios,os anões estavam muito fracos para matar os demônio remanescentes.então eles os prenderam aqui.Gradualmente os demônio dominaram o lugar,que é agora chamado de os salões de demônios.\n\npoucos aventureiros desceram tão fundo... windows.wndstory.halls=No passado estes níveis foram o subúrbio da Metrópole. Depois da custosa vitória contra o antigo deus, os anões estavam muito enfraquecidos para erradicar os demônios restantes. Gradualmente os demônios recuperaram suas forças e este lugar agora é chamado de Ala dos Demônios.\n\nPouquíssimos aventureiros desceram tão fundo na Masmorra...
windows.wndtradeitem.sale=A VENDA-%s-%dg windows.wndtradeitem.sale=A VENDA\: %s - %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.buy=comprar por %dg windows.wndtradeitem.buy=Comprar por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.steal=roubar com %d%% de chance windows.wndtradeitem.steal=Roubar com %d%% de chance
windows.wndtradeitem.sell=vender por %dg windows.wndtradeitem.sell=Vender por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_1=vender 1 por %dg windows.wndtradeitem.sell_1=Vender 1 por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_all=vender tudo por %dg windows.wndtradeitem.sell_all=Vender tudo por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.cancel=nada windows.wndtradeitem.cancel=Deixa quieto
windows.wndtradeitem.sold=você vendeu seu %s por %dg windows.wndtradeitem.sold=Você vendeu %s por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.bought=você comprou o %s por %dg windows.wndtradeitem.bought=Você comprou %s por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.stole=você roubou o %s windows.wndtradeitem.stole=Você roubou %s
windows.wndwandmaker.dust=oh,eu vejo que você tem o pó\!Não se preocupe com os espectros,eu posso lidar com eles.E como eu prometi você pode ficar com uma de minhas varinhas de alta qualidade windows.wndwandmaker.dust=Ah, vejo que trouxe o pó\! Não se preocupe quanto aos espectros, eu cuido deles. Como eu prometi, você pode escolher uma de minhas melhores varinhas.
windows.wndwandmaker.ember=oh,Eu vejo que você tem as cinzas\!Eu espero que o elemental não tenha lhe causado muitos problemas.E como eu prometi você pode ficar com uma de minhas varinhas de alta qualidade windows.wndwandmaker.ember=Ah, vejo que trouxe as cinzas\! Eu espero que o elemental de fogo não tenha dado muito problema. Como o prometido, você pode escolher dentre uma de minhas melhores varinhas.
windows.wndwandmaker.berry=oh\!Eu vejo que você tem a semente\!Eu espero que a planta de rotberry não tenha lhe causado muitos problemas.E como eu prometi você pode ficar com uma de minhas varinhas de alta qualidade windows.wndwandmaker.berry=Ah, vejo que trouxe a rotberry\! Eu espero que a planta rotberry não tenha te incomodado muito. Como prometido, você pode escolher uma de minhas melhores varinhas.
windows.wndwandmaker.farewell=boa sorte na sua missão,%s\! windows.wndwandmaker.farewell=Boa sorte em sua missão, %s\!

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ windows.wndgame.return=Продолжить
windows.wndhero.stats=Хар-ки windows.wndhero.stats=Хар-ки
windows.wndhero.buffs=Эфф-ты windows.wndhero.buffs=Эфф-ты
windows.wndhero$statstab.title=$2%s $1%d-го уровня windows.wndhero$statstab.title=%2$s %1$d-го уровня
windows.wndhero$statstab.catalogs=Каталог windows.wndhero$statstab.catalogs=Каталог
windows.wndhero$statstab.journal=Журнал windows.wndhero$statstab.journal=Журнал
windows.wndhero$statstab.exp=Опыт windows.wndhero$statstab.exp=Опыт
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ windows.wndranking.error=Не удалось загрузить дополнит
windows.wndranking.stats=Хар-ки windows.wndranking.stats=Хар-ки
windows.wndranking.items=Предметы windows.wndranking.items=Предметы
windows.wndranking.badges=Медали windows.wndranking.badges=Медали
windows.wndranking$statstab.title=$2%s $1%d-го уровня windows.wndranking$statstab.title=%2$s %1$d-го уровня
windows.wndranking$statstab.challenges=Испытания windows.wndranking$statstab.challenges=Испытания
windows.wndranking$statstab.health=Здоровье windows.wndranking$statstab.health=Здоровье
windows.wndranking$statstab.str=Сила windows.wndranking$statstab.str=Сила

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public class LanguageButton extends Button {
@Override @Override
protected void onClick() { protected void onClick() {
parent.add( new WndOptions("Languages", "Select a language(No, this menu isn't finished)", "English", "Русский язык(99%)", "Português(99%)", "中文(99%)", "Deutsch(80%)", "한국어(80%)", "Polski(55%)", "Français(40%)" ) { parent.add( new WndOptions("Languages", "Select a language(proper menu soon)", "English", "Русский язык(99%)", "Português(99%)", "中文(99%)", "한국어(99%)", "Deutsch(93%)", "Polski(55%)", "Français(40%)", "Español(40%)" ) {
@Override @Override
protected void onSelect(int index) { protected void onSelect(int index) {
switch(index){ switch(index){
@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ public class LanguageButton extends Button {
Messages.setup("zh"); Messages.setup("zh");
break; break;
case 4: case 4:
Messages.setup("de"); Messages.setup("ko");
break; break;
case 5: case 5:
Messages.setup("ko"); Messages.setup("de");
break; break;
case 6: case 6:
Messages.setup("pl"); Messages.setup("pl");
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ public class LanguageButton extends Button {
case 7: case 7:
Messages.setup("fr"); Messages.setup("fr");
break; break;
case 8:
} }
ShatteredPixelDungeon.switchNoFade(TitleScene.class); ShatteredPixelDungeon.switchNoFade(TitleScene.class);
RenderedText.clearCache(); RenderedText.clearCache();