v0.7.0: updated translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuït amb foc
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb el poder del foc!\n\nTots els atacs físics tindran una probabilitat de cremar als enemics. A més a més, ara ets immune als efectes del foc.\n\nTorns d'imbuïment amb foc restants: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb el poder del foc!\n\nTots els atacs físics tindran una probabilitat de cremar als enemics. A més a més, ara ets immune als efectes del foc.\n\nTorns d'imbuïment amb foc restants: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Els teus sentits milloren, permetent-te detectar immediatament qualsevol cosa fora de lloc.\n\nMentre estigui sota l'efecte de la previsió, qualsevol cosa que ingressi en el teu radi de cerca es descobreix immediatament.\n\nTorns de previsió restants: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=L'ítem "%s" es congela!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=L'ítem "%s" es congela!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Una força estranya et recobreix amb una fina bar
actors.buffs.haste.desc=L'energia recorre els teus músculs, permetent-te córrer a velocitats increïbles.\n\nMentre estiguis sota els efectes de la pressa, et mouràs a una velocitat de 3x, però realitzaràs totes les altres accions a velocitat normal.\n\nTorns de pressa restants: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=L'energia recorre els teus músculs, permetent-te córrer a velocitats increïbles.\n\nMentre estiguis sota els efectes de la pressa, et mouràs a una velocitat de 3x, però realitzaràs totes les altres accions a velocitat normal.\n\nTorns de pressa restants: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.hunger.hungry=Amb gana
actors.buffs.hunger.hungry=Amb gana
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Naplnění ohněm
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Naplnila tě síla ohně!\n\nVeškeré fyzické útoky mají šanci zapálit nepřítele. Ty jsi navíc vůči účinkům ohně zcela imunní.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění ohněm: %s
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Naplnila tě síla ohně!\n\nVeškeré fyzické útoky mají šanci zapálit nepřítele. Ty jsi navíc vůči účinkům ohně zcela imunní.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění ohněm: %s
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Tvoje smysly jsou zesílené, takže si můžeš okamžitě všimnout čehokoliv neobvyklého.\n\nPod vlivem předvídavosti okamžitě objevíš cokoliv co se dostane do tvého pole hledání.\n\nZbývající tahy předvídavosti: %s
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s zamrzá!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s zamrzá!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Nějaká zvláštní síla tě zabaluje do tenké
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energie proudí skrze tvé svaly a umožňuje ti běžet neuvěřitelnou rychlostí!\n\nPod vlivem rychlosti poběžíš 3x rychleji, ale ostatní akce budeš provádět normální rychlostí.\n\nZbývající tahy rychlosti: %s
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energie proudí skrze tvé svaly a umožňuje ti běžet neuvěřitelnou rychlostí!\n\nPod vlivem rychlosti poběžíš 3x rychleji, ale ostatní akce budeš provádět normální rychlostí.\n\nZbývající tahy rychlosti: %s
actors.buffs.healing.value=%+d ZDRAVÍ
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Umírání hlady
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Umírání hlady
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Eins mit dem Feuer
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Die Kräfte des Feuers durchströmen deinen Körper!\n\nAlle deine physischen Angriffe haben eine Chance, dass Gegner in Flammen aufgehen. Außerdem bist du komplett immun gegen die Auswirkungen von Feuer. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden : %s
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Die Kräfte des Feuers durchströmen deinen Körper!\n\nAlle deine physischen Angriffe haben eine Chance, dass Gegner in Flammen aufgehen. Außerdem bist du komplett immun gegen die Auswirkungen von Feuer. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden : %s
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Deine Sinne sind geschärft, so dass du sofort bemerkst, wenn etwas nicht stimmt.\n\nSolange du unter dem Effekt der Vorhersehung stehst, wird alles, was sich in deinem Suchradius befindet, sofort offenbart.\n\nVerbleibende Runden mit Vorhersehung; %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s friert ein!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s friert ein!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Eine wunderliche Kraft umgibt Dich mit einer Schu
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energie fließt durch deine Muskeln, was dich dazu befähight unglaublich schnell zu laufen\n\nWährend du unter Eile stehst, rennst du mit 3-facher Geschwindigkeit, wirst aber alle anderen Aktionen mit normaler Geschwindigkeit ausführen\n\nVerbleibende Züge mit Eile:%s
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energie fließt durch deine Muskeln, was dich dazu befähight unglaublich schnell zu laufen\n\nWährend du unter Eile stehst, rennst du mit 3-facher Geschwindigkeit, wirst aber alle anderen Aktionen mit normaler Geschwindigkeit ausführen\n\nVerbleibende Züge mit Eile:%s
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Fajroplena
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vi estas plenigita per la forto de fajro!\n\nĈiuj korpaj atakoj povos ekbruligi kontraŭulojn. Aldone vi estas tute fajrorezista.\n\nPluaj temperoj da fajroplenado: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vi estas plenigita per la forto de fajro!\n\nĈiuj korpaj atakoj povos ekbruligi kontraŭulojn. Aldone vi estas tute fajrorezista.\n\nPluaj temperoj da fajroplenado: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Viaj sensoj estas pliakriigitaj, ebligante al vi vidi ĉion senmovante.\n\nDum la efiko de prudento, ĉio, kio troviĝos en via serĉa radiuso estos malkaŝita.\n\nPluaj temperoj da prudento: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s frostiĝis!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s frostiĝis!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Iu stranga forto fermas vin en maldikan protektan
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energio trairas viajn muskolojn, ebligante al vi kuri je mirinda rapido!\n\nSub la influo de rapidemo vi kuros je la 3-obla rapido, sed faros aliajn agojn je norma rapido.\n\nPluaj temperoj da rapidemo: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energio trairas viajn muskolojn, ebligante al vi kuri je mirinda rapido!\n\nSub la influo de rapidemo vi kuros je la 3-obla rapido, sed faros aliajn agojn je norma rapido.\n\nPluaj temperoj da rapidemo: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.value=%+d san'
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuido con Fuego
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con el poder del fuego!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos tienen una posibilidad de incendiar a los enemigos. También eres completamente inmune a los efectos del fuego.\n\nTurnos de imbuimiento de fuego restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con el poder del fuego!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos tienen una posibilidad de incendiar a los enemigos. También eres completamente inmune a los efectos del fuego.\n\nTurnos de imbuimiento de fuego restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Tus sentidos se intensifican, permitiéndote notar inmediatamente cualquier cosa fuera de lugar.\n\nMientras estés bajo el efecto de la previsión, todo lo que entre al radio de búsqueda se descubre inmediatamente.\n\nTurnos de previsión restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=¡%s se congela!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=¡%s se congela!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Alguna fuerza extraña te encierra en una delgada
actors.buffs.haste.desc=¡Energía moviendose atraves de tus musculós, permitiedote correr a velocidades increíbles!\n\nMientras estes bajo el efecto de velocidad correrás 3x más rapido, pero haras otras acciones a velocidad normal.\n\nTurnos de velocidad restante: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=¡Energía moviendose atraves de tus musculós, permitiedote correr a velocidades increíbles!\n\nMientras estes bajo el efecto de velocidad correrás 3x más rapido, pero haras otras acciones a velocidad normal.\n\nTurnos de velocidad restante: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ actors.mobs.bee.desc=Aún siendo pequeñas, las abejas doradas tienden a protege
actors.mobs.brute.name=gnoll fiero
actors.mobs.brute.name=gnoll fiero
actors.mobs.brute.desc=Los Fieros son los más grandes, fuertes y duros de los gnolls. Cuando heridos severamente, enloquecen, infligiendo aún más daño a sus enemigos.
actors.mobs.brute.desc=Los fieros son los más grandes, fuertes y resistentes de todos los gnolls. Cuando están gravemente heridos, se vuelven locos e infligen aún más daño a sus enemigos.
actors.mobs.crab.name=cangrejo de las alcantarillas
actors.mobs.crab.name=cangrejo de las alcantarillas
@ -461,11 +462,11 @@ actors.mobs.eye.desc=Los Ojos Malignos son esferas de energía demoníaca conten
actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=rata fétida
actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=rata fétida
actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Definitivamente algo anda mal con esta rata. Su grasiento pelaje negro y piel putrefacta son muy diferentes de las ratas sanas que has visto anteriormente. Sus pálidos ojos verdes la hacen parecer especialmente amenazante.\n\nLa rata lleva consigo una nube de terrible hedor, es abrumador de cerca.\n\nCieno oscuro gotea de su boca derritiendo el suelo pero parece disolverse en agua.
actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Definitivamente algo anda mal con esta rata. Su grasiento pelaje negro y piel putrefacta son muy diferentes de las ratas sanas que has visto anteriormente. Sus pálidos ojos verdes la hacen parecer especialmente amenazante.\n\nLa rata lleva consigo una nube de terrible hedor, es abrumador de cerca.\n\nCieno oscuro gotea de su boca derritiendo el suelo pero parece disolverse en agua.
actors.mobs.gnoll.name=explorador gnoll
actors.mobs.gnoll.name=gnoll explorador
actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Los gnolls son humanoides parecidos a las hienas. Se encuentran en las alcantarillas y las mazmorras, aventurándose a la superficie de vez en cuando. Los exploradores gnoll son miembros regulares de su manada, no son tan fuertes como los fieros ni tan inteligentes como los chamanes.
actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Los gnolls son humanoides parecidos a las hienas. Se encuentran en las alcantarillas y las mazmorras, aventurándose a la superficie de vez en cuando. Los exploradores gnoll son miembros regulares de su manada, no son tan fuertes como los fieros ni tan inteligentes como los chamanes.
actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.name=gnoll embaucador
actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.name=gnoll embaucador
actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.desc=Una criatura que se ve un tanto extraña, incluso con respecto al estándar gnoll. Se acerca con una malvada sonrisa, casi sosteniendo la bolsa colgando sobre sus hombros. Sus ojos son anchos con una extraña mezcla de miedo y emoción.\n\nHay una enorme colección de dardos mal hechos en su bolsa, todos parecen estar envenenados con sustancias diversas.
actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.desc=Una criatura que se ve un tanto extraña, incluso con respecto al estándar gnoll. Se acerca con una malvada sonrisa, casi sosteniendo la bolsa colgando sobre sus hombros. Sus ojos son anchos con una extraña mezcla de miedo y emoción.\n\nHay una enorme colección de dardos mal hechos en su bolsa, todos parecen estar tipados con diversas sustancias dañinas.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Bisuts bat zirimolan ari da hemen.
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Bisuts bat zirimolan ari da hemen.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Nahaste-gasaren hodei bat zirimolan ari da hemen.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Nahaste-gasezko hodei bat zirimolan ari da hemen.
actors.blobs.electricity.desc=Elektrizitate eremu bat dago txinpartaka hemen.
actors.blobs.electricity.desc=Elektrizitate eremu bat dago txinpartaka hemen.
@ -16,19 +16,19 @@ actors.blobs.goowarn.desc=Energia ilun izpiak hemendik multzoka irteten ari dira
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=Infernu bat dago hemen
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=Infernu bat dago hemen
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Gas geldiarazlearen hodei bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Gas geldiarazlezko hodei bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.smokescreen.desc=Ke lodi beltzaren hodei bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.smokescreen.desc=Ke lodi beltzezko hodei bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.stenchgas.desc=Gas kirastuaren hodei bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.stenchgas.desc=Gas kirastuzko hodei bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.stormcloud.desc=Ur lurrun hodei kulunkari bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.stormcloud.desc=Ur lurrunezko hodei kulunkari bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.toxicgas.desc=Gas toxikoaren hodei berdexka bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.toxicgas.desc=Gas toxikozko hodei berdexka bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=Gas toxikoaren ondorioz hil zara...
actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=Gas toxikoaren ondorioz hil zara...
actors.blobs.corrosivegas.desc=Gas erregarri hilkorraren hodei bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.corrosivegas.desc=Gas erregarri hilkorrezko hodei bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=Zurrutada bat hartu eta berehala, jakintza zure burura isurtzen nabaritzen duzu. Orain dena dakizu tresnatutako piezei buruz. Pisu honetako objektu guztiak eta bere sekretuak ezagutzen dituzu ere.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=Zurrutada bat hartu eta berehala, jakintza zure burura isurtzen nabaritzen duzu. Orain dena dakizu tresnatutako piezei buruz. Pisu honetako objektu guztiak eta bere sekretuak ezagutzen dituzu ere.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=Ezagutzaren boterea dario putzu honetako urari. Hartu zurrutada bat tresnatuta daramatzazun piezen sekretuak azalarazteko.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=Ezagutzaren boterea dario putzu honetako urari. Hartu zurrutada bat tresnatuta daramatzazun piezen sekretuak azalarazteko.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Sua txertatua
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Suaren boterea txertatuta duzu!\n\nEraso fisko guztiek arerioak su garretan pizteko aukera dute. Gainera, suak ez du eraginik zugan.\n\nGeratzen diren su txerto txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Suaren boterea txertatuta duzu!\n\nEraso fisko guztiek arerioak su garretan pizteko aukera dute. Gainera, suak ez du eraginik zugan.\n\nGeratzen diren su txerto txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Zure zentzumenak areagotzen dira, eta lekuz kanpo dagoen edozer berehala antzematen duzu.\n\nAurreikuspenaren efektuaren pean zaudela, zure bilaketa erradioan sartzen den edozer berehala ohartzen duzu.\n\nGeratzen diren aurreikuspen txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s izozten da!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s izozten da!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Indar bereziren batek babes mehe batez inguratzen
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energiak zure muskuluak zeharkatzen ditu, abiadura sinesgaitzetan korrika egitea ahalbidetuz!\n\nPresaren efektuen menpe zaudela 3 aldiz azkarrago ibiliko zara, baina beste ekintzak abiadura arruntean egingo dituzu.\n\nGeratzen diren lastertze txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energiak zure muskuluak zeharkatzen ditu, abiadura sinesgaitzetan korrika egitea ahalbidetuz!\n\nPresaren efektuen menpe zaudela 3 aldiz azkarrago ibiliko zara, baina beste ekintzak abiadura arruntean egingo dituzu.\n\nGeratzen diren lastertze txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Gosez hiltzen
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Gosez hiltzen
@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cant_reforge=Ezin ditut pieza hauek birforjatu!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Troll errementari honek troll guztiek duten itxura bera du: garaia eta argala da, eta bere azala harria dirudi bai margo zein ehunduran. Troll errementaria proportzioan txikiak diren tresnekin dabil lanean.
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Troll errementari honek troll guztiek duten itxura bera du: garaia eta argala da, eta bere azala harria dirudi bai margo zein ehunduran. Troll errementaria proportzioan txikiak diren tresnekin dabil lanean.
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=mamu goibela
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=mamu goibela
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Kaixo %s... Zu bezalakoa nintzen lehen, indartsu eta ziurra... Baina pizti higuingarri batek erail ninduen... Ezin dut toki honetatik irten... Ez mendekua betetzen ez dudan bitartean... Hil bizitza kendu ninduen _arratoi kirasduna_...\n\nPisu honetan zelatari dabil... Zaborra nonahi hedatuz... _Kontuz bere hatz hodeia eta hozkada korrosiboarekin, azidoa uretan garbitzen da..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Kaixo %s... Zu bezalakoa nintzen lehen, indartsu eta ziurra... Baina pizti higuingarri batek erail ninduen... Ezin dut toki honetatik irten... Ez mendekua betetzen ez dudan bitartean... Hil bizitza kendu ninduen _arratoi kirasduna_...\n\nPisu honetan zelatari dabil... Zaborra nonahi hedatuz... _Kontuz bere kirats hodeia eta hozkada korrosiboarekin, azidoa uretan garbitzen da..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=Mesedez... lagundu nazazu... Hil higuingarritasuna...\n\n_Borrokatu uretik hurbil... Ekidin hatsa..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=Mesedez... lagundu nazazu... Hil higuingarritasuna...\n\n_Borrokatu uretik hurbil... Ekidin hatsa..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Kaixo %s... Zu bezalakoa nintzen lehen, indartsu eta ziurra... Baina pizti higuingarri batek erail ninduen... Ezin dut toki honetatik irten... Ez mendekua betetzen ez dudan bitartean... Hil bizitza kendu ninduen _basati iruzurtia_...\n\nEz da beste basatiak bezalakoa... Ezkutatu egiten da eta jaurtitzeko armak erabiltzen ditu... _Kontuz dardo pozoitsu eta su eragileekin, ez erasotu urrunetik..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Kaixo %s... Zu bezalakoa nintzen lehen, indartsu eta ziurra... Baina pizti higuingarri batek erail ninduen... Ezin dut toki honetatik irten... Ez mendekua betetzen ez dudan bitartean... Hil bizitza kendu ninduen _basati iruzurtia_...\n\nEz da beste basatiak bezalakoa... Ezkutatu egiten da eta jaurtitzeko armak erabiltzen ditu... _Kontuz dardo pozoitsu eta su eragileekin, ez erasotu urrunetik..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=Mesedez... lagundu nazazu... hil iruzurtia...\n\n_Ez utzi zu jotzen... Hurbildu berarengana..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=Mesedez... lagundu nazazu... hil iruzurtia...\n\n_Ez utzi zu jotzen... Hurbildu berarengana..._
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Yhtä tulen kanssa
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Olet saanut käyttöösi tulen voiman!\n\nKaikilla fyysisillä hyökkäyksillä on mahdollisuus sytyttää kohde ilmiliekkeihin. Lisäksi olet täysin immuuni tulen haitallisille vaikutuksille.\n\nVuoroja tulen voiman ehtymiseen: %s
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Olet saanut käyttöösi tulen voiman!\n\nKaikilla fyysisillä hyökkäyksillä on mahdollisuus sytyttää kohde ilmiliekkeihin. Lisäksi olet täysin immuuni tulen haitallisille vaikutuksille.\n\nVuoroja tulen voiman ehtymiseen: %s
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight, anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s jäätyy!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s jäätyy!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Jokin omituinen voima pitää ympärilläsi ohutt
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Nälkään nääntyvä
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Nälkään nääntyvä
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imprégné par le Feu
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance du feu !\n\nVos attaques physiques ont une chance d'enflammer vos ennemis. De plus, vous êtes complètement immunisé aux effets du feu.\n\nTours de puissance de feu restants : %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance du feu !\n\nVos attaques physiques ont une chance d'enflammer vos ennemis. De plus, vous êtes complètement immunisé aux effets du feu.\n\nTours de puissance de feu restants : %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Vos sens se sont affutés, vous permettant de remarquer immédiatement quoi que ce soit sortant de l'ordinaire\n\nTant que vous êtes sous l'effet de prévoyance, tout ce qui entre dans votre rayon de recherche sera immédiatement découvert.\n\nTours de prévoyance restants : %s
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s est gelé !
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s est gelé !
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Une force étrange vous enveloppe d'une mince bar
actors.buffs.haste.desc=De l'énergie parcourt vos muscles, vous permettant de courir à une vitesse incroyable !\n\nSous les effets de la célérité vous courez 3x plus vite, mais effectuez toutes les autres actions à une vitesse normale.\n\nTours de célérité restants : %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=De l'énergie parcourt vos muscles, vous permettant de courir à une vitesse incroyable !\n\nSous les effets de la célérité vous courez 3x plus vite, mais effectuez toutes les autres actions à une vitesse normale.\n\nTours de célérité restants : %s.
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Egy hóvihar örvénylik itt
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Zavarógáz felhője örvénylik itt.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Zavarógáz felhője örvénylik itt.
actors.blobs.electricity.desc=Egy elektromos mező szikrázik itt.
actors.blobs.electricity.desc=Egy elektromos mező szikrázik itt.
actors.blobs.electricity.rankings_desc=Meg lettél villámcsapva
actors.blobs.fire.desc=Tűz lángol itt.
actors.blobs.fire.desc=Tűz lángol itt.
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ actors.blobs.freezing.desc=Rendellenesen fagyos itt a levegő.
actors.blobs.goowarn.desc=Sötét energiaszemcsék hemzsegnek itt!
actors.blobs.goowarn.desc=Sötét energiaszemcsék hemzsegnek itt!
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=An inferno is raging here.
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=Egy tűzvihar tombol itt.
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Bénítógáz kavarog ezen a helyen.
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Bénítógáz kavarog ezen a helyen.
@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Mindent vastag pókháló borít itt.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=Megugrott a fizikai erő, az adrenalin a támadási és mozgási sebességet is növeli.\n\nAz adrenalinnal a célpont mozgása 2x-es, a támadása 1.5x-es sebességre gyorsul.\n\nFennmaradó körök: %s .
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.name=Adrenalin Löket
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.name=Adrenalin Löket
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=A surge of great might, but sadly not permanent.\n\nStrength boost: +%d.\nTurns until boost weakens: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Megugrott a hatalmad, de sajnos nem véglegesen.\n\nErő megnövelve: +%d\nEnnyi kör múlva gyengül: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Az ámok óriási dühöt és zavartságot kelt a célpontjában.\n\nA hatása alá kerülő lény bármit megtámad a közelében, legyen az akár ellenség, akár barát.\n\nAz ámok még %s körig tart.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Az ámok óriási dühöt és zavartságot kelt a célpontjában.\n\nA hatása alá kerülő lény bármit megtámad a közelében, legyen az akár ellenség, akár barát.\n\nAz ámok még %s körig tart.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Artifact Recharging
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Az ereklye újratölt
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all be less limited by their charge meter.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Az energia átáramlik rajtad, ezzel megnövelve a viselt ereklyék töltési sebességét.\n\nMinden ereklyére kicsit máshogy hat, de kevésbé korlátozza őket a töltési mutató.\n\nFennmaradó körök: %s
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Your skin is hardened, it feels rough and solid like bark.\n\nThe hardened skin increases your effective armor, allowing you to better defend against physical attack.\n\nYour armor is currently increased by: %d.\nTurns until barkskin weakens: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Your skin is hardened, it feels rough and solid like bark.\n\nThe hardened skin increases your effective armor, allowing you to better defend against physical attack.\n\nYour armor is currently increased by: %d.\nTurns until barkskin weakens: %s.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Eltelve tűzzel
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=A tűz ereje átjár!\n\nMinden fizikai támadásnál van esély arra, hogy az ellenség lángba borul. Ezen felül teljesen immunis vagy a tűz hatásaira.\n\nA tűzzel töltöttség még %s körig tart.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=A tűz ereje átjár!\n\nMinden fizikai támadásnál van esély arra, hogy az ellenség lángba borul. Ezen felül teljesen immunis vagy a tűz hatásaira.\n\nA tűzzel töltöttség még %s körig tart.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight, anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s megfagy!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s megfagy!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Some strange force is encasing you in a thin prot
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.value=%+d élet
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Dijiwai oleh Api
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Kau dijiwai kekuatan api!\n\nSemua serangan fisik dapat membuat musuhmu terbakar. Ditambah, kau imun terhadap api.\n\nSisa waktu dijiwai api: %s giliran.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Kau dijiwai kekuatan api!\n\nSemua serangan fisik dapat membuat musuhmu terbakar. Ditambah, kau imun terhadap api.\n\nSisa waktu dijiwai api: %s giliran.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight, anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s membeku!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s membeku!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Kekuatan yang aneh menyelubungimu dengan penahan
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energi mengalir dalam otot-ototmu, membuatmu dapat berlari dalam kecepatan yang luar biasa!\n\nSaat berada dalam efek kecepatan kau akan dapat berlari 3x lipat lebih cepat, tapi hal yang lain tetap akan berkecepatan normal.\n\nSisa giliran kecepatan: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energi mengalir dalam otot-ototmu, membuatmu dapat berlari dalam kecepatan yang luar biasa!\n\nSaat berada dalam efek kecepatan kau akan dapat berlari 3x lipat lebih cepat, tapi hal yang lain tetap akan berkecepatan normal.\n\nSisa giliran kecepatan: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Impregnato con il Fuoco
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Sei impregnato del potere del fuoco!\n\nTutti gli attacchi fisici hanno la probabilità di infiammare il nemico. Inoltre sei completamente immune agli effetti del fuoco.\n\nTurni di impregnamento del fuoco rimasti: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Sei impregnato del potere del fuoco!\n\nTutti gli attacchi fisici hanno la probabilità di infiammare il nemico. Inoltre sei completamente immune agli effetti del fuoco.\n\nTurni di impregnamento del fuoco rimasti: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=I tuoi sensi sono amplificati, permettendoti di notare immediatamente ogni cosa fuori posto.\n\nSotto l'effetto di preveggenza, ogni cosa all'interno del tuo raggio di ricerca sarà immediatamente scoperta.\n\nTurni di preveggenza rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s congela!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s congela!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Qualche strana forza ti racchiude in una sottile
actors.buffs.haste.desc=L'energia scorre nei tuoi muscoli, permettendoti di correre a velocità incredibili!\n\nMentre sei sotto l'effetto di Fretta correrai a 3x della velocità, ma eseguirai ogni altra attività a velocità normale.\n\nTurni di Fretta rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=L'energia scorre nei tuoi muscoli, permettendoti di correre a velocità incredibili!\n\nMentre sei sotto l'effetto di Fretta correrai a 3x della velocità, ma eseguirai ogni altra attività a velocità normale.\n\nTurni di Fretta rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Morente di fame
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Morente di fame
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=화염과 동화함
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=당신은 불의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다!\n\n적에게 가하는 모든 물리 공격은 지속시간 동안 적들을 불타오르게 만들며, 당신은 불에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n화염과 동화함 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=당신은 불의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다!\n\n적에게 가하는 모든 물리 공격은 지속시간 동안 적들을 불타오르게 만들며, 당신은 불에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n화염과 동화함 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=당신의 감각이 강화되어 눈에 보이는 모든 것들의 비밀을 알 수 있게 되었습니다.\n\n예지 효과 도중에는 시야 내의 모든 숨겨진 것들을 즉시 밝혀냅니다.\n\n예지 효과가 끝나기까지 %s턴 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=어떤 기묘한 힘이 얇은 보호막을 형
actors.buffs.haste.desc=에너지가 당신의 근육을 따라 흐르며, 당신이 믿을 수 없는 속도로 달리는 것을 가능하게 합니다!\n\n신속 효과가 적용되는 동안 당신은 3배 빠르게 달릴 수 있지만, 다른 행동들은 보통의 속도로 수행합니다.\n\n신속 효과는 %s턴 동안 적용됩니다.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=에너지가 당신의 근육을 따라 흐르며, 당신이 믿을 수 없는 속도로 달리는 것을 가능하게 합니다!\n\n신속 효과가 적용되는 동안 당신은 3배 빠르게 달릴 수 있지만, 다른 행동들은 보통의 속도로 수행합니다.\n\n신속 효과는 %s턴 동안 적용됩니다.
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Związany z Ogniem
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Jesteś związany z potęgą ognia! \n\nWszystkie fizyczne ataki mają szanse podpalić wroga. Dodatkowo, jesteś całkowicie odporny na efekty ognia. \n\nJesteś związany jeszcze przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Jesteś związany z potęgą ognia! \n\nWszystkie fizyczne ataki mają szanse podpalić wroga. Dodatkowo, jesteś całkowicie odporny na efekty ognia. \n\nJesteś związany jeszcze przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Twoja percepcja jest podwyższona, pozwalając ci natychmiast dostrzec wszelkie nieprawidłowości w twoim otoczeniu.\n\nW czasie trwania efektu przezorności wszystko, co wejdzie w twoje pole widzenia jest natychmiast wykrywane.\n\nPozostało tur przezorności: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s zamarza!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s zamarza!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Jakaś dziwna moc zamyka cię w cienkiej, ochronn
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energia płynie przez twoje mięśnie, pozwalając biec bardzo szybko.\n\nPrzyspieszenie powoduje że poruszasz się trzykrotnie szybciej, ale wykonujesz inne czynności z normalną prędkością.\n\nPozostałe tury przyspieszenia:%s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energia płynie przez twoje mięśnie, pozwalając biec bardzo szybko.\n\nPrzyspieszenie powoduje że poruszasz się trzykrotnie szybciej, ale wykonujesz inne czynności z normalną prędkością.\n\nPozostałe tury przyspieszenia:%s.
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuído com Fogo
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Você esta imbuído com o poder do fogo!\n\nTodos os ataques físicos tem uma chance de botar os inimigos em chamas. Adicionalmente, você está completamente imune aos efeitos do fogo.\n\nTurnos de imbuição de fogo restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Você esta imbuído com o poder do fogo!\n\nTodos os ataques físicos tem uma chance de botar os inimigos em chamas. Adicionalmente, você está completamente imune aos efeitos do fogo.\n\nTurnos de imbuição de fogo restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Seus sentidos são intensificados, permitindo que você perceba imediatamente qualquer coisa fora do lugar.\n\nEnquanto sob o efeito de previsão, qualquer coisa que entra no seu raio de pesquisa é imediatamente descoberta.\n\nVoltas de previsão restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s congelou!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s congelou!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Uma estranha força está lhe encasulando em uma
actors.buffs.haste.desc=A energia percorre os seus músculos, permitindo-o correr a velocidades incríveis!\n\nEnquanto sob os efeitos da celeridade, você correrá 3x mais rápido, mas realizará todas outras ações na velocidade normal.\n\nTurnos de celeridade restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=A energia percorre os seus músculos, permitindo-o correr a velocidades incríveis!\n\nEnquanto sob os efeitos da celeridade, você correrá 3x mais rápido, mas realizará todas outras ações na velocidade normal.\n\nTurnos de celeridade restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Morrendo de fome
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Morrendo de fome
@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Благословение Огня
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Вы наделены силой Огня!\n\nВсе ваши физические атаки имеют шанс поджечь цель. К тому же, вы абсолютно невосприимчивы к огню.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Вы наделены силой Огня!\n\nВсе ваши физические атаки имеют шанс поджечь цель. К тому же, вы абсолютно невосприимчивы к огню.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Ваши чувства обострены, позволяя моментально обнаружать любые странности.\n\nВо время действия эффекта прозрения любой секрет, находящийся в вашем радиусе поиска, будет немедленно раскрыт.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s замерзает!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s замерзает!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Это не полная заморозка тела, а скорее просто слой льда, делающий любые движения невозможными.\n\nЗаморозка действует как паралич, не позволяя жертве действовать. В отличие от паралича, заморозка будет снята сразу же при получении урона, так как лёд расколется.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Это не полная заморозка тела, а скорее просто слой льда, делающий любые движения невозможными.\n\nЗаморозка действует как паралич, не позволяя жертве действовать. В отличие от паралича, заморозка будет снята сразу же при получении урона, так как лёд расколется.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Благословение Льда
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=Вы наделены силой Льда!\n\nВсе ваши физические атаки накладывают либо постепенно усиляют уже действующий эффект окоченения на врагов. К тому же, вы абсолютно невосприимчивы к холоду.\n\nХодов осталось: %s
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Вы в ярости!
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Вы в ярости!
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Какая-то загадочная сила о
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Энергия пронизывает ваши мышцы, позволяя вам передвигаться с невероятной скоростью!\n\nПод действием ускорения вы будете передвигаться втрое быстрее, но на скорость выполнения других действий этот эффект не влияет.\n\nХодов осталось: %s
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Энергия пронизывает ваши мышцы, позволяя вам передвигаться с невероятной скоростью!\n\nПод действием ускорения вы будете передвигаться втрое быстрее, но на скорость выполнения других действий этот эффект не влияет.\n\nХодов осталось: %s
actors.buffs.healing.value=%+d ОЗ
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.hunger.hungry=Легкий голод
actors.buffs.hunger.hungry=Легкий голод
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Сильный голод
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Сильный голод
@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Ядовитая слизь
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Ядовитая слизь разъедает вашу плоть. Надо ее смыть!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Ядовитая слизь разъедает вашу плоть. Надо ее смыть!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Вы растаяли...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Вы растаяли...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Этот липкий яд въедается в кожу, медленно растворяя ее.\n\nСлизь наносит постоянный урон в течение какого-то времени, но в воде немедленно смывается.\n\nХодов осталось: %s
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Вы парализованы!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Вы парализованы!
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Burada bir kar fırtınası dolanıyor.
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Burada bir kar fırtınası hortum halinde bulunuyor.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Burada baş döndürücü bir gaz bulutu süzülüyor.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Burada baş döndürücü bir gaz bulutu süzülüyor.
@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Ateş ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Ateşin gücü ile sarıldın! \n\nTüm fiziksel saldırılarının düşmanı alevler içinde bırakma şansı var. Üstüne, alevlerin tüm negatif etkilerine karşı dirençlisin. \n\nAteş sarılmasının bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Ateşin gücü ile sarıldın! \n\nTüm fiziksel saldırılarının düşmanı alevler içinde bırakma şansı var. Üstüne, alevlerin tüm negatif etkilerine karşı dirençlisin. \n\nAteş sarılmasının bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Duyuların gelişerek etrafında olan biten normalin dışı her şeyi anında fark etmeni sağlıyor.\n\nBu öngörünün etkisi altındayken arama alanına giren her şey anında keşfedilecektir.\n\nÖngörünün geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight your search radius is increased, and anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s dondu!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s dondu!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Donarak katılaşma ile karıştırılmamalıdır, bu iyi huylu dondurma daha ziyade hedefi buzla çevreler.\n\nDonma basit bir şekilde felç olma durumuna benzer şekilde işler, hedefin her hangi bir eylemde bulunmasına engel olur. Felç olmanın aksine, donma durumu hedefin hasar alması durumunda sonlanır, çünkü buz kırılacaktır.\n\nDonmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Donarak katılaşma ile karıştırılmamalıdır, bu iyi huylu dondurma daha ziyade hedefi buzla çevreler.\n\nDonma basit bir şekilde felç olma durumuna benzer şekilde işler, hedefin her hangi bir eylemde bulunmasına engel olur. Felç olmanın aksine, donma durumu hedefin hasar alması durumunda sonlanır, çünkü buz kırılacaktır.\n\nDonmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Soğukla Sarılmış
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=Buzul güçle sarıldın!\n\nTüm fiziksel saldırıların düşmanların üzerinde üşüme etkisi yaratacak ve bu etki her saldırıda üst üste gelecektir. Bunun yanında soğuğa tamamen bağışıklısın.\n\nSoğuk sarılmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Garip bir güç seni kalın bir koruma bariyeri i
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Enerji kaslarından geçerek muhteşem hızlarda koşmana olanak sağlıyor!\n\nAcele etkisi altındayken 3 kat daha hızlı koşarsın, fakat diğer tüm davranışları yine normal hızda yaparsın.\n\nAcelenin bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Enerji kaslarından geçerek muhteşem hızlarda koşmana olanak sağlıyor!\n\nAcele etkisi altındayken 3 kat daha hızlı koşarsın, fakat diğer tüm davranışları yine normal hızda yaparsın.\n\nAcelenin bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.desc=A magical remedy is causing wounds to close and flesh to knit.\n\nEvery turn health will steadily regenerate until the healing effect expires. The amount of healing may fade over time.\n\nNext heal: %d.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Çok aç
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Çok aç
@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Zayıflamış hissediyorsun!
actors.buffs.weakness.desc=Her şey birden daha ağır hissettiriyor. Zayıflatma büyüsü bir karakterin fiziksel gücünü azaltır. Kahraman 2 güç puanı kaybetse de düşmanların saldırıları da daha az hasar verecektir. \n\nZayıflığın bitmesine %s sıra kaldı.
actors.buffs.weakness.desc=Her şey birden daha ağır hissettiriyor. Zayıflatma büyüsü bir karakterin fiziksel gücünü azaltır. Kahraman 2 güç puanı kaybetse de düşmanların saldırıları da daha az hasar verecektir. \n\nZayıflığın bitmesine %s sıra kaldı.
actors.buffs.wellfed.name=İyi Beslenmiş
actors.buffs.wellfed.name=İyi Beslenmiş
actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=You feel quite satisfied and full.\n\nWhile well fed, your hunger will not increase, and you will heal an additional amount of health over time.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Gayet tatmin olmuş ve tok hissediyorsun.\n\nİyi beslenmişken açlığın artmaz, ve bunun yanında ekstra bir miktar sağlığa sahip olursun.\n\nKalan sıra: %d.
@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ actors.mobs.bat.def_verb=sakınıldı
actors.mobs.bat.desc=Bu mağara yaratıklarının canlı ve inatçı öğeleri kendilerinden çok daha büyük rakipleri yaptıkları her başarılı saldırı ile sağlıklarını yenileyerek yenebilirler.
actors.mobs.bat.desc=Bu mağara yaratıklarının canlı ve inatçı öğeleri kendilerinden çok daha büyük rakipleri yaptıkları her başarılı saldırı ile sağlıklarını yenileyerek yenebilirler.
actors.mobs.bee.name=altın arı
actors.mobs.bee.name=altın arı
actors.mobs.bee.desc_honey=Despite their small size, golden bees tend to protect their home fiercely. This one has been placated, and seems to want to follow you.
actors.mobs.bee.desc_honey=Küçük boyutlarına rağmen altın arılar evlerini vahşice korumaya eğilimlidirler. Bu arı yatıştırıldı, ve seni takip etmek istiyor gibi görünüyor.
actors.mobs.bee.desc=Küçük boylarına bakmaksızın, altın arılar evlerini vahşice korurlar. Şu anki çok sinirli, mesafeni korusan iyi olur.
actors.mobs.bee.desc=Küçük boylarına bakmaksızın, altın arılar evlerini vahşice korurlar. Şu anki çok sinirli, mesafeni korusan iyi olur.
actors.mobs.brute.name=canavar gnoll
actors.mobs.brute.name=canavar gnoll
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=火焰之力
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=一种奇怪的能量环绕在你的周围,为
actors.buffs.haste.desc=强大的能量灌入到你的双腿肌肉上,允许你以不可思议的速度移动!\n\n当你拥有极速状态时你将拥有3倍的移动速度,但是其他行动速度仍然和原来一样。\n\n极速持续时间:1%s 回合。
actors.buffs.haste.desc=强大的能量灌入到你的双腿肌肉上,允许你以不可思议的速度移动!\n\n当你拥有极速状态时你将拥有3倍的移动速度,但是其他行动速度仍然和原来一样。\n\n极速持续时间:1%s 回合。
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elèctrica
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha sigut modificada per alliberar una tempesta elèctrica al seu voltant quan explota.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha sigut modificada per alliberar una tempesta elèctrica al seu voltant quan explota.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba de rebrot
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba de rebrot
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba personalitzada esquitxarà amb líquid vitalitzant en comptes d'explotar. L'àrea de l'explosió s'omplirà ràpidament de brots d'herbes i plantes, i els aliats capturats en l'explosió se sanaran.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de metralla
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de metralla
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha estat modificada amb restes de metall del DM-300, que es fragmentaran i volaran a tot arreu quan explotin. Millor que t'amaguis darrere d'alguna cosa quan l'utilitzis...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha estat modificada amb restes de metall del DM-300, que es fragmentaran i volaran a tot arreu quan explotin. Millor que t'amaguis darrere d'alguna cosa quan l'utilitzis...
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Aquesta bomba personalitzada crearà un camp d'ovell
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=baia-insípida cuinada
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=La baia-insípida ha explotat en l'impacte, de
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carn a la brasa
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carn a la brasa
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Sembla un bon filet.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Sembla un bon filet.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=El menjar estava boníssim!
items.food.feast.desc=Una gran varietat de deliciosos aliments! Això et saciarà molt més que qualsevol altre àpat.
items.food.food.name=ració de menjar
items.food.food.name=ració de menjar
items.food.food.eat_msg=El menjar estava deliciós!
items.food.food.eat_msg=El menjar estava deliciós!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Refrescant!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Et sents millor!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Et sents millor!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=És una peça de carn congelada crua. Només es pot menjar tallant-la en fines peces. I d'aquesta forma està sorprenentment bona.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=És una peça de carn congelada crua. Només es pot menjar tallant-la en fines peces. I d'aquesta forma està sorprenentment bona.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=carn misteriosa
items.food.mysterymeat.name=carn misteriosa
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Aquell menjar tenia un gust... estrany.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Aquell menjar tenia un gust... estrany.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ostres, està calent!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ostres, està calent!
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Aquest beuratge combina les propietats d'una
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir de rejoveniment aquàtic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir de rejoveniment aquàtic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Aquest elixir conté les restes d'en Goo millorades amb una poció curativa. Si bé no proporcionarà una curació immediata, restaurarà la teva salut lentament mentre estiguis a l'aigua.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Curació aquàtica
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Curació aquàtica
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Has obtingut temporalment propietats restauratives similars a les d'en Goo.\n\nMentre et trobis a l'aigua, recuperaràs un punt de salut per torn.\n\nTorns de curació aquàtica restants: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Has obtingut temporalment propietats restauratives similars a les d'en Goo.\n\nMentre et trobis a l'aigua, recuperaràs un punt de salut per torn.\n\nTorns de curació aquàtica restants: %d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Aquest pergamí revela permanentment tots el
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergamí de cançó de bressol
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergamí de cançó de bressol
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=El pergamí emet una melodia calmant. Et sents molt somnolent.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=El pergamí emet una melodia calmant. Et sents molt somnolent.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Llegir aquest pergamí emetrà una melodia calmant que portarà a tots els que la sentin en un profund somni màgic.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamí de mapatge màgic
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamí de mapatge màgic
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ara ets conscient de l'estructura del pis.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ara ets conscient de l'estructura del pis.
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Quan es llegeix, aquest pergamí all
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergamí d'endevinació
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergamí d'endevinació
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=No queda res per identificar!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=No queda res per identificar!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Aquest pergamí identificarà de forma permanent quatre tipus d'ítems aleatoris. Els tipus identificats poden ser: el color d'una poció, el pergamí d'una runa o la gemma d'un anell. Els elements identificats no seran necessàriament els que portes.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=El teu pergamí d'endevinació ha identificat els següents ítems:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=El teu pergamí d'endevinació ha identificat els següents ítems:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergamí d'encanteri
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergamí d'encanteri
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=cancel·lar
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Aquest pergamí infondrà una arma o una armadura amb una potent energia màgica. El lector fins i tot té cert grau de control sobre quina màgia s'imbueix.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Aquest pergamí infondrà una arma o una armadura amb una potent energia màgica. El lector fins i tot té cert grau de control sobre quina màgia s'imbueix.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=pergamí de previsió
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=pergamí de previsió
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Quan es llegeix aquest pergamí, els detalls del terreny proper s'aniran afegint constantment a la ment del lector de manera cristal·lina. Mentre duri aquest efecte, no serà necessària cap cerca, ja que el lector detectarà automàticament tot el que estigui dins del seu radi de cerca.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=pergamí d'energia mística
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=pergamí d'energia mística
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Quan es desencadeni la crua força màgica lligada a aquest pergamí es carregaran els artefactes equipats per l'usuari durant el temps.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Quan es desencadeni la crua força màgica lligada a aquest pergamí es carregaran els artefactes equipats per l'usuari durant el temps.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Treure augment
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=És igual
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=És igual
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=pedra d'afecte
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=pedra d'afecte
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=Quan es tiri aquesta pedra a un enemic, serà temporalment encantat, i intentarà dirigir-se als teus aliats en comptes de tu.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=pedra d'explosió
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=pedra d'explosió
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica explotarà instantàniament a la ubicació on es llenci. Igual que una bomba, l'explosió farà malbé qualsevol propera.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica explotarà instantàniament a la ubicació on es llenci. Igual que una bomba, l'explosió farà malbé qualsevol propera.
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.eat=Jíš z rohu.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.prompt=Vyber nějaké jídlo
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.prompt=Vyber nějaké jídlo
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.no_food=Tvůj roh v sobě nemá žádné jídlo!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.no_food=Tvůj roh v sobě nemá žádné jídlo!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.full=Tvůj roh je plný jídla!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.full=Tvůj roh je plný jídla!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.reject=Tvůj roh odmítá nepovařenou Popelici.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.reject=Tvůj roh odmítá neuvařenou Popelici.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Tvůj roh spotřeboval tolik jídla kolik mohl!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Tvůj roh spotřeboval tolik jídla kolik mohl!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=Roh spotřeboval tebou darované jídlo a stává se silnějším!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=Roh spotřeboval tebou darované jídlo a stává se silnějším!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=Roh spotřeboval tebou darované jídlo.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=Roh spotřeboval tebou darované jídlo.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=Probíjející bomba
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby kolem sebe při výbuchu uvolnila bouři elektřiny.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby kolem sebe při výbuchu uvolnila bouři elektřiny.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=Růstová bomba
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=Růstová bomba
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Tato upravená bomba kolem sebe namísto exploze rozstříkne životadárnou tekutinu. Oblast zachycená v dosahu rychle zaroste trávou a rostlinami a každý spojenec zachycený v dosahu, bude vyléčen.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=Střepinová bomba
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=Střepinová bomba
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena útržky kovu z DM-300, které se po výbuchu roztříští a všude rozletí. Bude lepší se po použití za něco schovat...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena útržky kovu z DM-300, které se po výbuchu roztříští a všude rozletí. Bude lepší se po použití za něco schovat...
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tato upravená bomba namísto exploze vytvoří pole
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=Vařená Popelice
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Cítíš v sobě hořet obrovský oheň!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Naplnila tě odporná toxická síla!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Naplnila tě odporná toxická síla!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Cítíš skrze sebe protékat sílu země!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Cítíš skrze sebe protékat sílu země!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tak suché a bez chuti. Podušení s další ingrediencí by to možná zlepšilo.
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tak suché a bez chuti. Podušení s další ingrediencí by to možná zlepšilo.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Plod od chvíle, kdy se ponořil do kotlíku, nasákl a dokonce absorboval vlastnosti semínka, se kterým byl uvařen.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Plod od chvíle kdy se ponořil do kotlíku, nasákl a dokonce absorboval vlastnosti semínka, se kterým byl uvařen.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=Vypadá že je připraven k jídlu!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=Vypadá že je připraven k jídlu!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=Zdá se být hodně nestálý, možná by bylo nejlepší hodit ho.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=Zdá se být hodně nestálý, možná by bylo nejlepší hodit ho.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=Kousky Popelice
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=Kousky Popelice
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Popelice se nárazem rozprskla a zanechala po
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=Propečené maso
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=Propečené maso
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Vypadá to jako slušný steak.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Vypadá to jako slušný steak.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=To bylo neuvěřitelné!
items.food.feast.desc=Velký výběr výborného jídla. Tohle tě nasytí mnohem víc než jakékoliv jiné jídlo.
items.food.food.name=Porce jídla
items.food.food.name=Porce jídla
items.food.food.eat_msg=To chutnalo výborně!
items.food.food.eat_msg=To chutnalo výborně!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Osvěžující!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Cítíš se lépe!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Cítíš se lépe!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Kousek zmraženého syrového masa. Jediný způsob jak jej jíst, je odřezáváním tenkých plátků. A je to překvapivě dobré.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Kousek zmraženého syrového masa. Jediný způsob jak jej jíst, je odřezáváním tenkých plátků. A je to překvapivě dobré.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=Tajemné maso
items.food.mysterymeat.name=Tajemné maso
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=To chutnalo... zvláštně.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=To chutnalo... zvláštně.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ou, je to horké!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ou, je to horké!
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Tato směs kombinuje vlastnosti lektvaru tox
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=Elixír vodního omlazení
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=Elixír vodního omlazení
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Tento elixír obsahuje zbytky slizu obohacené lektvarem léčení. Ačkoliv neposkytne okamžité uzdravení, bude tvé zdraví pomalu obnovovat, během toho co budeš stát ve vodě.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Vodní léčení
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Vodní léčení
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Dočasně získáváš obnovující vlastnosti podobné těm Slizákovým.\n\nBěhem stání ve vodě se ti bude obnovovat jeden bod zdraví za tah.\n\nZbývající tahy: %d
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Dočasně získáváš obnovující vlastnosti podobné těm Slizákovým.\n\nBěhem stání ve vodě se ti bude obnovovat jeden bod zdraví za tah.\n\nZbývající tahy: %d
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Tento svitek trvale odhalí všechna tajemst
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=Svítek ukolébání
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=Svítek ukolébání
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Svitek vydává uklidňující melodii. Cítíš se velmi ospale.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Svitek vydává uklidňující melodii. Cítíš se velmi ospale.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Přečtení tohoto svitku vydá uklidňující melodii, která ukolébá všechny kteří ji uslyší, do hlubokého magického spánku.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Svitek magického mapování
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Svitek magického mapování
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Nyní znáš rozvržení této úrovně.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Nyní znáš rozvržení této úrovně.
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Tento svitek vypustí po přečtení
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=Svitek věštění
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=Svitek věštění
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Nezbývá nic, co by bylo možné identifikovat!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Nezbývá nic, co by bylo možné identifikovat!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Tento svitek trvale odhalí čtyři náhodné typy předmětů. Identifikované typy mohou být barvy lektvarů, runy na svitcích nebo kameny na prstenech. Předměty které identifikuješ nemusí být nutně ty které neseš.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Tvůj svitek věštění identifikoval tyto předměty:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Tvůj svitek věštění identifikoval tyto předměty:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=Svitek okouzlení
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=Svitek okouzlení
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=Zrušit
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Tento svitek naplní zbraň nebo zbroj silnou magickou energií. Ten kdo jej přečte má dokonce část kontroly nad tím, kterým kouzlem bude naplněna.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Tento svitek naplní zbraň nebo zbroj silnou magickou energií. Ten kdo jej přečte má dokonce část kontroly nad tím, kterým kouzlem bude naplněna.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=Svitek předvídavosti
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=Svitek předvídavosti
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Když přečteš tento svitek, detaily o okolním prostředí budou neustále přiváděny do tvé mysli v krystalové čistotě. Po dobu trvání tohoto efektu nebude nutné hledat, neboť ten kdo svitek přečte, automaticky objeví vše co bude v jeho poli hledání.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=Svitek mystické energie
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=Svitek mystické energie
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Čistá magická energie vázající se k tomuto pergamenu, po vypuštění postupně dobije vybavené artefakty toho, kdo jej přečte.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Čistá magická energie vázající se k tomuto pergamenu, po vypuštění postupně dobije vybavené artefakty toho, kdo jej přečte.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Odstranit rozšíření
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Nedělat nic
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Nedělat nic
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=Kámen náklonnosti
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=Kámen náklonnosti
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=Když je tento runový kámen hozen po nepříteli, bude tebou dočasně okouzlen a pokusí se zaměřit spíše na tvé spojence, namísto tebe.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=Kámen výbuchu
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=Kámen výbuchu
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Tento runový kámen okamžitě exploduje na místě, kam je hozen. Stejně jako bomba, výbuch udělí poškození všemu co je v blízkosti.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Tento runový kámen okamžitě exploduje na místě, kam je hozen. Stejně jako bomba, výbuch udělí poškození všemu co je v blízkosti.
@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Diese angepasste Bombe wird anhaltend Krach machen,
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Diese Bombe wurde so modifiziert, dass sie in einen anhaltenden Sturm aus Elektrizität zerplatzt, wenn sie explodiert.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Diese Bombe wurde so modifiziert, dass sie in einen anhaltenden Sturm aus Elektrizität zerplatzt, wenn sie explodiert.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=Bombe des Wildwuchses
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Diese angepasste Bombe erschafft ein Feld aus magisc
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=gekochte Fadfrucht
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Die Fadfrucht ist beim Aufprall explodiert und
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=Gebratenes Fleisch
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=Gebratenes Fleisch
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Es sieht aus wie ein gutes Steak.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Es sieht aus wie ein gutes Steak.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=Das Mahl war unglaublich!
items.food.feast.desc=Eine enorme Vielfalt köstlichster Speisen! Diese werden dich weit besser sättigen als jede andere Mahlzeit.
items.food.food.eat_msg=Das hat echt lecker geschmeckt!
items.food.food.eat_msg=Das hat echt lecker geschmeckt!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Erfrischend!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Dir geht es besser!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Dir geht es besser!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Es ist ein Stück gefrorenes Fleisch. Die einzige Möglichkeit es zu essen besteht darin, es in dünne Scheiben zu schneiden. Und tatsächlich schmeckt es so überraschenderweise ziemlich gut.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Es ist ein Stück gefrorenes Fleisch. Die einzige Möglichkeit es zu essen besteht darin, es in dünne Scheiben zu schneiden. Und tatsächlich schmeckt es so überraschenderweise ziemlich gut.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=Mysteriöses Fleisch
items.food.mysterymeat.name=Mysteriöses Fleisch
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Irgendwie hat das Essen ... merkwürdig geschmeckt.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Irgendwie hat das Essen ... merkwürdig geschmeckt.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh! Heiß Heiß Heiß!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh! Heiß Heiß Heiß!
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Du spürst deine Beine nicht mehr!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Du fühlst dich nicht wirklich wohl.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Du fühlst dich nicht wirklich wohl.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Du bist satt.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Du bist satt.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Verzehr auf eigene Gefahr!
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Verzehr auf eigene Gefahr!
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Diese Brühe kombiniert die Eigenschaften ei
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Diese Schriftrolle enthüllt sämtliche Gehe
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=Schriftrolle des Wiegenliedes
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=Schriftrolle des Wiegenliedes
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Die Schriftrolle gibt eine schöne Melodie von sich. Du wirst müde.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Die Schriftrolle gibt eine schöne Melodie von sich. Du wirst müde.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Wenn diese Schriftrolle gelesen wird, gibt sie eine schöne Melodie von sich die alle, welche sie hören, in einen tiefen, magischen Schlaf versinken lässt.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Schriftrolle der magischen Kartographie
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Schriftrolle der magischen Kartographie
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Du kennst nun die Räumlichkeiten dieser Ebene.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Du kennst nun die Räumlichkeiten dieser Ebene.
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Wenn diese Schriftrolle laut gelesen
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=Schriftrolle der Wahrsagerei
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=Schriftrolle der Wahrsagerei
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Hier ist nichts zum identifizieren!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Hier ist nichts zum identifizieren!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Dieser Zauberspruch wird vier zufällige Typen von Gegenständen permanent identifizieren. Erkannte Typen könnten sein: die Farbe eines Trankes, die Rune einer Schriftrolle oder der Edelsteins eines Rings. Die identifizierten Gegenstände müssen nicht unbedingt unter denen sein, die du bei dir trägst.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Deine Schriftrolle der Wahrsagerei hat die folgenden Gegenstände identifiziert:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Deine Schriftrolle der Wahrsagerei hat die folgenden Gegenstände identifiziert:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=Schriftrolle der Verzauberung
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=Schriftrolle der Verzauberung
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=Abbrechen
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Diese Schriftrolle wird eine Rüstund oder Waffe mit einer starken Magischen Energie versehen. Der Leser hat sogar eine leichte Kontrolle über die Art von Magie die verwendet wird.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Diese Schriftrolle wird eine Rüstund oder Waffe mit einer starken Magischen Energie versehen. Der Leser hat sogar eine leichte Kontrolle über die Art von Magie die verwendet wird.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=Schriftrolle der Vorhersehung
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=Schriftrolle der Vorhersehung
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Wird diese Schriftrolle gelesen, dann werden Details des umliegenden Terrains permanent kristallklar in den Verstand des Lesenden gepumpt. Solange dieser Effekt anhält, braucht man nichts mehr zu suchen, denn alles, was sich im Suchradius befindet, wird automatisch entdeckt.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=Schriftrolle der mystischen Energie
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=Schriftrolle der mystischen Energie
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Die rohe magische Macht, die auf dieses Pergament gebannt wurde, wird, wenn man sie entfesselt, die ausgerüsteten Gegenstände des Nutzers mit der Zeit aufladen.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Die rohe magische Macht, die auf dieses Pergament gebannt wurde, wird, wenn man sie entfesselt, die ausgerüsteten Gegenstände des Nutzers mit der Zeit aufladen.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Entferne Verzauberung
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Später entscheiden
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Später entscheiden
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=Stein der Zuneigung
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=Stein der Zuneigung
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=Auf einen Feind geworfen, wird dieser zeitweise betört, und dann versucht dieser anstatt auf Dich, auf Deine Verbündeten zu zielen.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=Stein der Detonation
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=Stein der Detonation
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Dieser Stein wird sofort an der Stelle explodieren, an der er geworfen wurde. Genau wie eine Bombe wird die Explosion Alles beschädigen, was in der Nähe ist.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Dieser Stein wird sofort an der Stelle explodieren, an der er geworfen wurde. Genau wie eine Bombe wird die Explosion Alles beschädigen, was in der Nähe ist.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=elektrobombo
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke ellasu elektran tempeston proksime la loko de eksplodo.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke ellasu elektran tempeston proksime la loko de eksplodo.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=vegetaĵa bombo
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=vegetaĵa bombo
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi modifita bombo ellasos vivigan likvon anstataŭ eksplodi. Areo proksime de eksplodejo estos tuj kovrita per rapide kreskanta herbo kaj vegetaĵoj, kaj ĉiu amiko ene la eksploda ondo estos sanigita.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=splitiĝa bombo
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=splitiĝa bombo
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estis modifita uzante metalajn restaĵojn de DM-300, ĝi splitiĝos en pluraj pecoj je eksplodo. Kaŝiĝu malantaŭ io antaŭ uzi tiun ĉi bombon…
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estis modifita uzante metalajn restaĵojn de DM-300, ĝi splitiĝos en pluraj pecoj je eksplodo. Kaŝiĝu malantaŭ io antaŭ uzi tiun ĉi bombon…
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tiu ĉi modifita bombo estigos kampon de magia ŝafo
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=kuirita naŭzfrukto
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Naŭzfrukto eksplodis je falo, disfalante al m
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=rostita viandaĵo
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=rostita viandaĵo
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Ĝi aspektas kiel bongusta viandotranĉaĵo.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Ĝi aspektas kiel bongusta viandotranĉaĵo.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=Tiu ĉi manĝaĵo estis franda!
items.food.feast.desc=Multege da diversaj bongustaj manĝaĵoj! Tio ĉi satigos vin por pli longe ol ĉiu alia manĝaĵo.
items.food.food.name=porcio da manĝaĵo
items.food.food.name=porcio da manĝaĵo
items.food.food.eat_msg=Tiu ĉi manĝaĵo estis bongusta!
items.food.food.eat_msg=Tiu ĉi manĝaĵo estis bongusta!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Refreŝiĝo!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Vi sentas vin pli bone!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Vi sentas vin pli bone!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Ĝi estas peco da glaciigita nekuirita viando. Por manĝi ĝin, vi devas distranĉi ĝin al maldikaj rondpecoj. Kaj tial ĝi gustas apetitige.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Ĝi estas peco da glaciigita nekuirita viando. Por manĝi ĝin, vi devas distranĉi ĝin al maldikaj rondpecoj. Kaj tial ĝi gustas apetitige.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=mistera viando
items.food.mysterymeat.name=mistera viando
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Tiu ĉi manĝaĵo gustis… kurioze.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Tiu ĉi manĝaĵo gustis… kurioze.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ho ve, ĝi varmegas!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ho ve, ĝi varmegas!
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Vi iel sentas, ke vi estas sola en tiu
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Kiam vi trinkos tiun ĉi, via menso estos alĝustigita al spiritaj markoj de aliaj malproksimaj monstroj, ebligante al vi senti vivaĵojn trans muroj. Krom tio, tiu ĉi eliksiro ebligos vidi trans proksimaj muroj kaj pordoj.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Kiam vi trinkos tiun ĉi, via menso estos alĝustigita al spiritaj markoj de aliaj malproksimaj monstroj, ebligante al vi senti vivaĵojn trans muroj. Krom tio, tiu ĉi eliksiro ebligos vidi trans proksimaj muroj kaj pordoj.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=eliksiro de paraliza gaso
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=eliksiro de paraliza gaso
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=En kontakto kun libera aero, la likvo en tiu ĉi boteleto vaporiĝos formante flavetan nebulon. Iu ajn kiu enspiros la nubeton estos tuj paralizita kaj neebliganta movi ĝis la nubeto disiĝos. Tiu ĉi boteleto povas esti ĵetita al foraj kontraŭuloj por kapti ilin per efiko de la gaso..
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=En kontakto kun libera aero, la likvo de tiu ĉi boteleto vaporiĝos formante flavetan nebulon. Iu ajn kiu enspiros la nubeton estos tuj paralizita kaj neebliganta movi ĝis la nubeto disiĝos. Tiu ĉi boteleto povas esti ĵetita al foraj kontraŭuloj por kapti ilin per efiko de la gaso.
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=eliksiro de purigo
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=eliksiro de purigo
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Vi sentas nekutiman freŝecon en la aero.
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Vi sentas nekutiman freŝecon en la aero.
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Tiu ĉi infuzaĵo kombinas ecojn de eliksiro
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=miksturo de akva restarigo
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=miksturo de akva restarigo
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Tiu ĉi miksturo enhavas restaĵojn de Ŝmiraĵego kuiritaj kun saniga eliksiro. Kvankam ĝi ne sanigos vin tuj, ĝi iom post iom restarigos vian sanon dum kiam vi staros en akvo.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Akva sanigado
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Akva sanigado
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Vi portempe havas resanigan povon, similan al tiu de Ŝmiraĵego.\n\nDum stari en la akvo, vi reakiros po unu sanpoento por luda tempero.\n\nPluaj temperoj da akva sanigado: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Vi portempe havas resanigan povon, similan al tiu de Ŝmiraĵego.\n\nDum stari en la akvo, vi reakiros po unu sanpoento por luda tempero.\n\nPluaj temperoj da akva sanigado: %d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo porĉiam malkaŝos ĉiu
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=skribrulaĵo de dormkanto
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=skribrulaĵo de dormkanto
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=La skribrulaĵo ludas lulan melodion. Vi sentiĝas tre dormema.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=La skribrulaĵo ludas lulan melodion. Vi sentiĝas tre dormema.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Lego de tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo eligos dormigan melodion, kiu lulos ĉiujn, kiuj aŭdos ĝin al profunda magia dormo.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=skribrulaĵo de magia mapado
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=skribrulaĵo de magia mapado
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Vi ĵus ekkonis strukturon de keletaĝo.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Vi ĵus ekkonis strukturon de keletaĝo.
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Kiam legita voĉe, tiu ĉi skribrula
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=skribrulaĵo de aŭguro
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=skribrulaĵo de aŭguro
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Estas nenio pli por identigi!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Estas nenio pli por identigi!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo porĉiam identigos kvar hazardajn aĵojn. Identigotaj aĵoj povas esti koloroj de eliksiroj, runoj sur skribrulaĵoj aŭ ringaj juvelŝtonoj. Identigotaj aĵoj ne devas esti tiuj, kiujn vi jam posedas.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=La skribrulaĵo de aŭguro identigis la jenajn aĵojn:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=La skribrulaĵo de aŭguro identigis la jenajn aĵojn:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=skribrulaĵo de enmagiigo
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=skribrulaĵo de enmagiigo
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=rezigni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo ensorĉos vian armilon aŭ defendaĵon per potenca magia energio. La leganto eĉ povas parte elekti ensorĉon por apliki.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo ensorĉos vian armilon aŭ defendaĵon per potenca magia energio. La leganto eĉ povas parte elekti ensorĉon por apliki.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=skribrulaĵo de prudento
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=skribrulaĵo de prudento
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Kiam tiu ĉi skribaĵo estas legita, detaloj de proksima tereno – en la formo de kristala klarigo – konstante enigos menson de la leganto. Dum daŭro de tiu ĉi efiko, serĉado estos malnepra, ĉar la leganto aŭtomate malkovros ĉion en sia serĉa radiuso.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=skribrulaĵo de mistera energio
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=skribrulaĵo de mistera energio
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Kiam la kruda magia energio ensorĉita en tiu ĉi pergameno estos ellasita, ĝi ŝargados ĉiujn surmetitajn antikvaĵojn de la leganto dum tempo.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Kiam la kruda magia energio ensorĉita en tiu ĉi pergameno estos ellasita, ĝi ŝargados ĉiujn surmetitajn antikvaĵojn de la leganto dum tempo.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Senplivastigi
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=ŝtono de afekcio
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=ŝtono de afekcio
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=Kiam tiu ĉi śtono estos ĵetita al kontraŭulo, li estos portempe ĉarmata kaj provos ataki viajn amikojn anstataŭ vin.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=ŝtono de eksplodo
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=ŝtono de eksplodo
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Tiu ĉi runŝtono tuj eksplodos en ĵetita loko. Simie al bombo, la eksplodo damaĝos ĉion proksime.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Tiu ĉi runŝtono tuj eksplodos en ĵetita loko. Simie al bombo, la eksplodo damaĝos ĉion proksime.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba de choque
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba ha sido modificada para desatar una tormenta de electricidad a su alrededor cuando explota.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba ha sido modificada para desatar una tormenta de electricidad a su alrededor cuando explota.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba de rebrote
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba de rebrote
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada salpicará un líquido vivificante a su alrededor en lugar de explotar. Además, en el área atrapada por la explosión brotará hierba y plantas , y cualquier aliado atrapado en la explosión será curado.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de metralla
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de metralla
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Esta bomba ha sido modificada con restos de metal del DM-300, que se fragmentarán y volarán a todas partes cuando explote. Es mejor que te escondas detrás de algo cuando la uses...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Esta bomba ha sido modificada con restos de metal del DM-300, que se fragmentarán y volarán a todas partes cuando explote. Es mejor que te escondas detrás de algo cuando la uses...
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada creará un campo de ovejas
items.food.blandfruit.name=fruta insípida
items.food.blandfruit.name=fruta insípida
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=fruta insípida cocida
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=fruta de podredumbre
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=fruta de podredumbre
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=La fruta a explotado en el impacto, dejando pe
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne tierna
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne tierna
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Parece un filete comestible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Parece un filete comestible.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=¡Esa comida fue increíble!
items.food.feast.desc=¡Una gran variedad de deliciosa comida! Esto te saciará mucho más que cualquier otra comida.
items.food.food.name=ración de comida
items.food.food.name=ración de comida
items.food.food.eat_msg=¡La comida estaba deliciosa!
items.food.food.eat_msg=¡La comida estaba deliciosa!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=¡Refrescante!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=¡Te sientes mejor!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=¡Te sientes mejor!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Es un trozo de carne cruda congelada. La única manera de comerla es cortando finas ebras. Y así está sorprendentemente buena.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Es un trozo de carne cruda congelada. La única manera de comerla es cortando finas ebras. Y así está sorprendentemente buena.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=carne misteriosa
items.food.mysterymeat.name=carne misteriosa
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=La comida supo... extraño.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=La comida supo... extraño.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=¡Oh, está caliente!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=¡Oh, está caliente!
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Este brebaje combina las propiedades de un g
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir de rejuvenecimiento acuático
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir de rejuvenecimiento acuático
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Este elixir contiene los restos de Gú mejorados con una poción de curación. Si bien no proporcionará una curación inmediata, recuperarás lentamente tu salud mientras estés parado en el agua.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Curación Acuática
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Curación Acuática
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc= Has obtenido temporalmente propiedades restaurativas similares a las de Gú.\n\nMientras estás en el agua, recuperarás solamente un punto de salud por turno.\n\nTurnos restantes: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc= Has obtenido temporalmente propiedades restaurativas similares a las de Gú.\n\nMientras estás en el agua, recuperarás solamente un punto de salud por turno.\n\nTurnos restantes: %d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Este encantamiento revela permanentemente lo
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergamino de canción de cuna
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergamino de canción de cuna
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=El pergamino emite una tranquilizadora melodía. Te sientes muy somnoliento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=El pergamino emite una tranquilizadora melodía. Te sientes muy somnoliento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Leer este pergamino emite una melodía relajante que inducirá a todo aquel que lo escuche en un profundo sueño mágico.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamino de mapeo magico
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamino de mapeo magico
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ahora conoces la disposición del nivel.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ahora conoces la disposición del nivel.
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Cuando se lea en voz alta, este perg
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergamino de adivinación
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergamino de adivinación
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=¡No queda nada por identificar!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=¡No queda nada por identificar!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Este pergamino identificará permanentemente cuatro tipos de ítems aleatorios. Los ítems identificados pueden ser el color de una poción, la runa de un pergamino o la gema de un anillo. Los ítems identificados no serán necesariamente los que llevas.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Tu pergamino de adivinación ha identificado los siguientes ítems:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Tu pergamino de adivinación ha identificado los siguientes ítems:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergamino de encantamiento
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergamino de encantamiento
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=cancelar
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Este pergamino infundirá un arma o armadura con poderosa energía mágica. El lector incluso tiene cierto grado de control sobre qué magia está imbuida.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Este pergamino infundirá un arma o armadura con poderosa energía mágica. El lector incluso tiene cierto grado de control sobre qué magia está imbuida.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=pergamino de previsión
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=pergamino de previsión
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Cuando se lee este pergamino, los detalles del terreno cercano serán alimentados constantemente a la mente del lector con claridad cristalina. Mientras dure este efecto, la búsqueda no será necesaria, ya que el lector detectará automáticamente todo dentro de su radio de búsqueda.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=pergamino de energía mística
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=pergamino de energía mística
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=El poder mágico en bruto vinculado a este pergamino, cuando se libere, cargará los artefactos equipados del usuario a lo largo del tiempo.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=El poder mágico en bruto vinculado a este pergamino, cuando se libere, cargará los artefactos equipados del usuario a lo largo del tiempo.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Eliminar Aumentación
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=Piedra de afecto
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=Piedra de afecto
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=Cuando esta piedra es lanzada a un enemigo, ellos estarán temporalmente encantados, y van a intentar atacar a tus aliados en vez de a ti.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=Piedra explosiva
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=Piedra explosiva
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Esta piedra rúnica explotará instantáneamente en el lugar al que fue arrojada. Igual que una bomba, la explosión dañará cualquier cosa cercana.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Esta piedra rúnica explotará instantáneamente en el lugar al que fue arrojada. Igual que una bomba, la explosión dañará cualquier cosa cercana.
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alkimistaren tresneria
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=Ezin duzu hori egin etsaiak inguruan dituzula.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.full=Zure tresneriak energia maximoa du!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.full=Zure tresneriak energia maximoa du!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=astinaldi bonba
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Bonba hau eraldatu da eztandan elektrizitate ekaitz bat sakatu dezan ingurura.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Bonba hau eraldatu da eztandan elektrizitate ekaitz bat sakatu dezan ingurura.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=berrazte bonba
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=berrazte bonba
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Fruitutxepela kolpean eztanda egin du, puskak
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=erretako haragia
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=erretako haragia
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Xerra txukun bat dirudi.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Xerra txukun bat dirudi.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=Janari hori zoragarria izan da!
items.food.feast.desc=Jaki gozo-gozoen aniztasun zabala! Honek beste edozein elikagaik baino gehiago asetuko zaitu.
items.food.food.name=janari anoa
items.food.food.name=janari anoa
items.food.food.eat_msg=Janaria oso goxo zegoen!
items.food.food.eat_msg=Janaria oso goxo zegoen!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Freskagarria!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Hobeto zaude!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Hobeto zaude!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Izoztutako haragi gordin zati bat da. Hau jateko modu bakarra xerra mehetan moztea da. Eta honela harrigarri goxo dago.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Izoztutako haragi gordin zati bat da. Hau jateko modu bakarra xerra mehetan moztea da. Eta honela harrigarri goxo dago.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=haragi misteriotsua
items.food.mysterymeat.name=haragi misteriotsua
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Janariak zapore... berezia zuen.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Janariak zapore... berezia zuen.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Hara, bero dago!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Hara, bero dago!
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ items.potions.potionofinvisibility.desc=Edabe hau edateak une batez ikusezin bih
items.potions.potionoflevitation.name=lebitatze edabea
items.potions.potionoflevitation.name=lebitatze edabea
items.potions.potionoflevitation.float=Airean hegaz zaude!
items.potions.potionoflevitation.float=Airean hegaz zaude!
items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Likido bitxi hau edateak airean hegaz egitea eragingo dizu, tranpa eta zuloen gainetik ahalegindu gabe ere pasatzeko gai. Edabe hau jaurtitzeak harrapatzen duen edozer desorientatuko duen gas zatar hodei bat sortuko du.
items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Likido bitxi hau edateak airean hegaz egitea eragingo dizu, tranpa eta zuloen gainetik ahalegindu gabe ere pasatzeko gai. Edabe hau jaurtitzeak harrapatzen duen edozer desorientatuko duen gas zatarrezko hodei bat sortuko du.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=sugar likidoaren edabea
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=sugar likidoaren edabea
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Flasko honek osagai ezegonkor bat du eta su garretan eztanda egingo du airearekin kontaktuan sartzean.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Flasko honek osagai ezegonkor bat du eta su garretan eztanda egingo du airearekin kontaktuan sartzean.
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Pisu honetan orain bakarrik zaudela su
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Hau edan eta gero, zure gogoa urruneko izakien sinadura psikikoarekin sintonian egongo da, hormetatik harago bizigai biologikoa antzematea ahalbidetuz. Gainera edabe honek hurbileko horma eta ateetan zehar ikustea ahalbidetuko dizu.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Hau edan eta gero, zure gogoa urruneko izakien sinadura psikikoarekin sintonian egongo da, hormetatik harago bizigai biologikoa antzematea ahalbidetuz. Gainera edabe honek hurbileko horma eta ateetan zehar ikustea ahalbidetuko dizu.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=geldiarazte gas edabea
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=geldiarazte gas edabea
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Airearekin kontaktuan sartzean, flasko honetako likidoa gandu neketsu horixka batera lurrinduko da. Hodeiak arnasten duen oro atoan bertan geldiaraziko du, hodeia iragan eta gero ere denbora batez mugitzeko elbarri. Objektu hau urruneko etsaiei jaurti ahal zaie gasaren efektuan harrapatzeko.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Airearekin kontaktuan sartzean, flasko honetako likidoa gandu neketsu horixka batera lurrinduko da. Hodeia arnasten duen oro bertan mugitu ezinik geldituko da atoan, hodeia iragan eta gero ere denbora batez mugitzeko elbarri. Objektu hau urruneko etsaiei jaurti ahal zaie gasaren efektuan harrapatzeko.
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=purutasun edabea
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=purutasun edabea
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Ezohiko hoztasuna nabaritzen duzu airean.
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Ezohiko hoztasuna nabaritzen duzu airean.
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=Bisuts prestakina
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Birrintzean, prestakin honek gas bat bezala hedatzen den bisuts zirimola bat askatuko du.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Birrintzean, prestakin honek gas bat bezala hedatzen den bisuts zirimola bat askatuko du.
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.name=hoztasun prestakina
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.name=hoztasun prestakina
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Prestakin honek izotza eta ekaitz hodei edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Jaurtitzean izoztu eta inguruan ura hedatzen duen hodei batean lehertuko da.
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Prestakin honek izotza eta ekaitz-hodei edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Jaurtitzean izoztu eta inguruan ura hedatzen duen hodei batean lehertuko da.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=izotz su prestakina
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=izotz su prestakina
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Prestakin honek su likidoa eta izozte azkarreko edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Flaskoa jaurti eta ingurunea berehala izoztuko da, gero denbora luze batez sutan jarriz.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Prestakin honek su likidoa eta izozte azkarreko edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Flaskoa jaurti eta ingurunea berehala izoztuko da, gero denbora luze batez sutan jarriz.
@ -590,9 +590,9 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Prestakin honek gas toxikoaren eta geldiaraz
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=gaztetze akuatikoaren elixirra
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Sendatze akuatikoa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=dragoi odolaren elixirra
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=dragoi odolaren elixirra
@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.name=garbiketa edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Erreaktibo indartsu honek edalearen efektu kaltegarri guztiak neutralizatuko ditu zanga-zanga irensten bada. Garbitu nahi den horri bota ahal zaio ere.
items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Erreaktibo indartsu honek edalearen efektu kaltegarri guztiak neutralizatuko ditu zanga-zanga irensten bada. Garbitu nahi den horri bota ahal zaio ere.
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.name=gas korrosiboaren edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.name=gas korrosiboaren edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Presioko botila honi kortxoa ateratzean edo botila bera haustean edukia erdoil koloreko gas hodei korrosibo eta hilgarri batean lehertuko da. Hala ere, gasak kontzentrazio txikia du eta ez du asko iraungo.
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Presioko botila honi kortxoa ateratzean edo botila bera haustean edukia erdoil koloreko gasezko hodei korrosibo eta hilgarri batean lehertuko da. Hala ere, gasak kontzentrazio txikia du eta ez du asko iraungo.
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.name=dragoi-arnasaren edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.name=dragoi-arnasaren edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Hautatu erretzeko toki bat
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Hautatu erretzeko toki bat
@ -669,8 +669,8 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=Edabe honetako osagaiek airearekin
items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.name=iraupen edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.name=iraupen edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.desc=Bereziki goxoa den likido hau edateak energia bultzada iraunkor bat emango dizu, denbora luzez azkarrago korrika egitea ahalbidetuz.
items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.desc=Bereziki goxoa den likido hau edateak energia bultzada iraunkor bat emango dizu, denbora luzez azkarrago korrika egitea ahalbidetuz.
items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.name=ekaitz hodeien edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.name=ekaitz-hodeien edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Edabe hau jaurtitzeak kontzentratutako lurrin hodei bat sortuko du, inguruan kondentsatu eta jariatuko dena. Lurrazal gehiena urez estaliko da, eta tranpak murgilduta apurtuko dira.
items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Edabe hau jaurtitzeak kontzentratutako lurrinezko hodei bat sortuko du, inguruan kondentsatu eta jariatuko dena. Lurrazal gehiena urez estaliko da, eta tranpak murgilduta apurtuko dira.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Eskuizkribu honek behin betirako azalarazten
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=sehaska-kanta eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=sehaska-kanta eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Eskuizkribuak melodia lasaigarri bat botatzen du. Oso logura zara.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Eskuizkribuak melodia lasaigarri bat botatzen du. Oso logura zara.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Eskuizkribu hau irakurtzean melodia lasaigarri batek entzuten duen oro lo magiko batera bidaliko du.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=mapa magikoaren eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=mapa magikoaren eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Orain mailaren diseinua dakizu.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Orain mailaren diseinua dakizu.
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Ozen irakurtzean, eskuizkribu honek
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=igartzapen eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=igartzapen eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Ez dago ezer identifikatzeke!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Ez dago ezer identifikatzeke!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Eskuizkribu honek era iraunkorrean identifikatuko ditu ausazko lau elementuen motak: Identifikatutako motak edabeen koloreak, eskuizkribuen errunak eta eraztunetako bitxiak izan daitezke. Identifikatutako elementuak ez dute zertan gainean dituzunak izan.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Zure igartzapen eskuizkribuak honako objektu hauek identifikatu ditu:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Zure igartzapen eskuizkribuak honako objektu hauek identifikatu ditu:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=sorgintze eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=sorgintze eskuizkribua
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=ezeztatu
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Eskuizkribu honek arma edo armadura bati energia magiko boteretsua txertatuko dio. Irakurleak neurri batean txertatuko den magia erabaki dezake.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Eskuizkribu honek arma edo armadura bati energia magiko boteretsua txertatuko dio. Irakurleak neurri batean txertatuko den magia erabaki dezake.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=aurreikuspen eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=aurreikuspen eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Eskuizkribu hau irakurtzean, erabiltzaileak inguruko eremuari buruzko informazioa jasoko du argi eta garbi era jarraituan. Efektua irauten duen bitartean bilatzeak ez du zentzurik izango, irakurleak automatikoki antzemango baitu bilaketa eremuan dagoen edozer.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=energia mistikoaren eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=energia mistikoaren eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Pergamino honi estekatutako botere magiko gordinak, askatzean, erabiltzaileak tresnatutako artefaktuak kargatuko ditu denboran zehar.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Pergamino honi estekatutako botere magiko gordinak, askatzean, erabiltzaileak tresnatutako artefaktuak kargatuko ditu denboran zehar.
@ -911,20 +911,20 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Eskuizkribu honek izugarrizko ene
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=Ezin duzu hori egin etsaiak inguruan dituzula.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.name=ur bolada
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=itzultzeko gailua
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=Inguruko izakien aura psikikoak ez dizu une honetan teleportatzea uzten.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=Inguruko izakien aura psikikoak ez dizu une honetan teleportatzea uzten.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=Gailua zure uneko kokapenera ezarri da.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Ezartzeak, gailua aurretik ezarrita zuen kokapena gainidatziko du.\n\nItzultzeak, aurretik ezarritako azken kokapenean utziko du, eta sorginkeriaren erabilera bat gastatuko du
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=Gailu hau %d pisuko tokiren batean ezarri da.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=madarikazioaren txertatzea
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=madarikazioaren txertatzea
@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with
items.spells.magicalporter.name=garraiatzaile magikoa
items.spells.magicalporter.name=garraiatzaile magikoa
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Garraiatu elementu bat
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Garraiatu elementu bat
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Ez dago objektu bat nora garraiatu.
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Ez dago objektu bat nora garraiatu.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=Sorginkeria honek magikoki garraiatuko du sorgindutako edozein elementu. Baina merkatariaren gailuarekin ez bezala, elementuak hurrengo mailako nagusiaren atarira eramango ditu.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Teleportazio magiak huts egin du.
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Teleportazio magiak huts egin du.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Kendu emendioa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Ez du axola
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Ez du axola
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=txera harria
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=txera harria
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on an enemy, they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=eztanda harria
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=eztanda harria
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Erruna harri hau berehala lehertuko da jaurtitzen den tokian. Bonba baten gisara, inguruan dagoen edozeri kalte egingo dio.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Erruna harri hau berehala lehertuko da jaurtitzen den tokian. Bonba baten gisara, inguruan dagoen edozeri kalte egingo dio.
@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Zarta honek zure bizitza-energiatik zer
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=korrosio zarta
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=korrosio zarta
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=korrosio makulua
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=korrosio makulua
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Zarta honek gorputz hauskara da du eta harri bitxi laranja distiratsu batean bukatzen da.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Zarta honek gorputz hauskara da du eta harri bitxi laranja distiratsu batean bukatzen da.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Zarta honek helburuan gas oso korrosiboaren hodei batean lehertzen den tximista bat botatzen du. Hodeian harrapatutako edozer kaltea jasoko du etengabe, denboran areagotua.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Zarta honek helburuan gas oso korrosibozko hodei batean lehertzen den tximista bat botatzen du. Hodeian harrapatutako edozer kaltea jasoko du etengabe, denboran areagotua.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=grillattu liha
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=grillattu liha
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Se näyttää kohtuullisen hyvältä pihviltä.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Se näyttää kohtuullisen hyvältä pihviltä.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=That meal was incredible!
items.food.feast.desc=A great variety of delicious food! This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.food.eat_msg=Ruoka maistui herkulliselta!
items.food.food.eat_msg=Ruoka maistui herkulliselta!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Virkistävää!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Tunnet olosi paremmaksi!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Tunnet olosi paremmaksi!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Se on pala raakaa jäätynyttä lihaa. Ainoa tapa syödä sitä on leikata ohuita suikaleita siitä. Niin syötynä se on yllättävän hyvää.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Se on pala raakaa jäätynyttä lihaa. Ainoa tapa syödä sitä on leikata ohuita suikaleita siitä. Niin syötynä se on yllättävän hyvää.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Ruoka maistui... omituiselta.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Ruoka maistui... omituiselta.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Auh, se polttaa!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Auh, se polttaa!
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Tämä käärö paljastaa lopullisesti esine
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=unilaulun käärö
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=unilaulun käärö
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Käärö soittaa rauhoittavan melodian. Tunnet itsesi todella väsyneeksi.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Käärö soittaa rauhoittavan melodian. Tunnet itsesi todella väsyneeksi.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Tämän käärön lukeminen soittaa rauhoittavan melodian, joka tuudittaa kaikki sen kuulevat syvään maagiseen uneen.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=maagisen kartoituksen käärö
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=maagisen kartoituksen käärö
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Olet tietoinen tason pohjapiirustukesta.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Olet tietoinen tason pohjapiirustukesta.
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=cancel
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=This scroll will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy. The reader even has some degree of control over which magic is imbued.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=This scroll will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy. The reader even has some degree of control over which magic is imbued.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=scroll of foresight
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=scroll of foresight
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within their search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=scroll of mystical energy
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=scroll of mystical energy
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=The raw magical power bound up in this parchment will, when released, charge a user's equipped artifacts over time.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=The raw magical power bound up in this parchment will, when released, charge a user's equipped artifacts over time.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remove Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Unohda koko juttu
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Unohda koko juttu
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on an enemy, they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bombe choquante
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour lâcher une tempête électrique autour d'elle quand elle explose.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour lâcher une tempête électrique autour d'elle quand elle explose.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Le fruifade a explosé à l'impact, ne laissan
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=viande grillée
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=viande grillée
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Ça ressemble à un steak correct.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Ça ressemble à un steak correct.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=Ce repas était incroyable !
items.food.feast.desc=A great variety of delicious food! This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.food.name=ration de nourriture
items.food.food.name=ration de nourriture
items.food.food.eat_msg=Cette nourriture était excellente !
items.food.food.eat_msg=Cette nourriture était excellente !
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Rafraîchissant !
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Vous vous sentez mieux !
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Vous vous sentez mieux !
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=C'est un bout de viande crue gelée. Le seul moyen de la consommer et d'en découper de fines tranches. Et c'est étonnamment bon.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=C'est un bout de viande crue gelée. Le seul moyen de la consommer et d'en découper de fines tranches. Et c'est étonnamment bon.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=viande mystérieuse
items.food.mysterymeat.name=viande mystérieuse
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Cette nourriture avait un goût... étrange.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Cette nourriture avait un goût... étrange.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh ! C'est chaud !
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh ! C'est chaud !
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Ce sort va révéler de manière permanente
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=parchemin de berceuse
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=parchemin de berceuse
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Le parchemin produit une douce mélodie. Vous avez vraiment envie de dormir.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Le parchemin produit une douce mélodie. Vous avez vraiment envie de dormir.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=La lecture de ce parchemin émet une apaisante mélodie qui plongera qui l'entend dans un profond sommeil.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=sort de cartographie magique
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=sort de cartographie magique
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Vous connaissez maintenant la disposition du niveau.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Vous connaissez maintenant la disposition du niveau.
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=annuler
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Ce parchemin va infuser une arme ou une armure avec une puissante énergie magique. Le lecteur a un certain degré de contrôle sur quelle magie est imprégnée.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Ce parchemin va infuser une arme ou une armure avec une puissante énergie magique. Le lecteur a un certain degré de contrôle sur quelle magie est imprégnée.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=parchemin de prévoyance
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=parchemin de prévoyance
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Quand ce parchemin est lu, le détail du terrain proche sera constamment nourri a l'esprit du lecteur en une clarté cristalline. Pour la durée de cet effet, la recherche ne sera pas nécessaire, du fait que le lecteur va automatiquement tout détecter dans le rayon de recherche.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=parchemin d'énergie mystique
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=parchemin d'énergie mystique
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Le pouvoir magique pur attaché a ce parchemin va, quand déchaîné, charger les artefacts équipés d'un utilisateur au fil du temps.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Le pouvoir magique pur attaché a ce parchemin va, quand déchaîné, charger les artefacts équipés d'un utilisateur au fil du temps.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Retirer l'Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=J'ai changé d'avis
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=J'ai changé d'avis
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on an enemy, they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=pierre d'explosion
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=pierre d'explosion
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Cette pierre runique va exploser instantanément à l'endroit où elle a été lancée. Tout comme une bombe, l'explosion endommagera tout ce qui se trouve à sa portée.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Cette pierre runique va exploser instantanément à l'endroit où elle a été lancée. Tout comme une bombe, l'explosion endommagera tout ce qui se trouve à sa portée.
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Bár a páncélzat nehéznek tűnik, segítségév
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alkimista felszerelés
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=rostélyos hús
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=rostélyos hús
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Olyan mint egy rendes sült hús.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Olyan mint egy rendes sült hús.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=That meal was incredible!
items.food.feast.desc=A great variety of delicious food! This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.food.eat_msg=Ez finom volt!
items.food.food.eat_msg=Ez finom volt!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Frissítő!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Jobban érzed magad!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Jobban érzed magad!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Egy darab fagyott nyers hús. Megenni csak vékony szeleteket vágva lehet, így viszont meglepően jó.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Egy darab fagyott nyers hús. Megenni csak vékony szeleteket vágva lehet, így viszont meglepően jó.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=rejtélyes hús
items.food.mysterymeat.name=rejtélyes hús
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Az étel... fura ízű volt.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Az étel... fura ízű volt.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ó, ez csíp!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ó, ez csíp!
@ -472,10 +472,10 @@ items.journal.documentpage.name=kitépett lap
items.journal.documentpage.desc=Egy lap, valószínűleg valamilyen könyvből tépték ki. Fel kell venned, hogy el tudd olvasni.
items.journal.documentpage.desc=Egy lap, valószínűleg valamilyen könyvből tépték ki. Fel kell venned, hogy el tudd olvasni.
items.journal.alchemypage.name=Kitépett bájitalkönyvoldal
items.journal.alchemypage.name=Kitépett bájitalkönyvoldal
items.journal.alchemypage.desc=A torn page from a guidebook on alchemy.\n\nMost of the text is too small to read at a distance, but you can make out the title of the page:\n\n_"%s"_
items.journal.alchemypage.desc=Egy alkímia kézikönyvből kiszakadt lap.\n\nA szöveg nagy része túl kicsi, hogy messziről elolvasd, de az oldal címe kivehető:\n\n_"%s"_
items.journal.guidepage.name=útikönyvből kitépett lap
items.journal.guidepage.name=útikönyvből kitépett lap
items.journal.guidepage.desc=A torn page from an adventuring guidebook.\n\nMost of the text is too small to read at a distance, but you can make out the title of the page:\n\n_"%s"_
items.journal.guidepage.desc=Egy kalandozó útikönyvből kitépett lap.\n\nA szöveg nagy része túl kicsi, hogy messziről elolvasd, de az oldal címe kivehető:\n\n_"%s"_
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Ez a tekercs egy tárgy minden titkát felt
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=A tekercsből nyugtató dallam hangja száll fel. Nagyon elálmosodtál.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=A tekercsből nyugtató dallam hangja száll fel. Nagyon elálmosodtál.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Ezt a tekercset olvasva lágy dallam száll fel belőle, amely mély, mágikus álomba ringat mindenkit, aki csak meghallja.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=varázstérkép tekercs
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=varázstérkép tekercs
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Megismerted a szint alaprajzát.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Megismerted a szint alaprajzát.
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=cancel
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=This scroll will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy. The reader even has some degree of control over which magic is imbued.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=This scroll will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy. The reader even has some degree of control over which magic is imbued.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=scroll of foresight
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=scroll of foresight
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within their search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=scroll of mystical energy
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=scroll of mystical energy
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=The raw magical power bound up in this parchment will, when released, charge a user's equipped artifacts over time.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=The raw magical power bound up in this parchment will, when released, charge a user's equipped artifacts over time.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remove Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on an enemy, they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Buah campur telah meledak karena benturan, men
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=daging panggang
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=daging panggang
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Kelihatannya seperti steak.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Kelihatannya seperti steak.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=That meal was incredible!
items.food.feast.desc=A great variety of delicious food! This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.food.eat_msg=Makanan itu sangat enak!
items.food.food.eat_msg=Makanan itu sangat enak!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Menyegarkan!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Kau merasa lebih baik!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Kau merasa lebih baik!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Ini adalah sepotong daging mentah beku. Satu-satunya cara untuk memakannya adalah dengan memotongnya tipis-tipis. Dan ternyata rasanya enak.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Ini adalah sepotong daging mentah beku. Satu-satunya cara untuk memakannya adalah dengan memotongnya tipis-tipis. Dan ternyata rasanya enak.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=daging misteri
items.food.mysterymeat.name=daging misteri
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Makanan itu rasanya... aneh.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Makanan itu rasanya... aneh.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Aduh itu panas!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Aduh itu panas!
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=gulungan ini mengungkapkan semua rahasia dar
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=gulungan nina bobo
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=gulungan nina bobo
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Gulungan itu mengeluarkan melodi menenangkan. Kau merasa sangat mengantuk.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Gulungan itu mengeluarkan melodi menenangkan. Kau merasa sangat mengantuk.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Saat membaca gulungan ini, melodi menenangkan akan terdengar, menidurkan siapa saja yang mendengarkan menuju tidur magis.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=gulungan peta sihir
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=gulungan peta sihir
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Kau sekarang mengetahui lapisan luar level.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Kau sekarang mengetahui lapisan luar level.
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=cancel
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=This scroll will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy. The reader even has some degree of control over which magic is imbued.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=This scroll will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy. The reader even has some degree of control over which magic is imbued.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=scroll of foresight
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=scroll of foresight
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within their search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=scroll of mystical energy
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=scroll of mystical energy
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=The raw magical power bound up in this parchment will, when released, charge a user's equipped artifacts over time.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=The raw magical power bound up in this parchment will, when released, charge a user's equipped artifacts over time.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Hapus Augmentasi
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Gak jadi
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Gak jadi
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on an enemy, they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=batu ledakan
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=batu ledakan
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Batu kuno ini akan langsung meledak secara instan ke tempat dilemparkannya batu ini. Layaknya bom, ledakannya akan memberikan damage di sekitarnya.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Batu kuno ini akan langsung meledak secara instan ke tempat dilemparkannya batu ini. Layaknya bom, ledakannya akan memberikan damage di sekitarnya.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba scossa
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata per scatenare una tempesta elettrica attorno a sé quando esplode.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata per scatenare una tempesta elettrica attorno a sé quando esplode.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba ricrescita
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba ricrescita
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Questa bomba fatta su misura spruzzerà liquido vivificatore attorno a sé invece di esplodere. La zona coinvolta germoglierà rapidamente erba e piante, e ogni alleato raggiunto verrà curato.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba shrapnel
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba shrapnel
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata con i rottami metallici di DM-300, i quali si frammenteranno catapultandosi dappertutto all'esplosione. Sarà meglio nascondersi dietro qualcosa quando la userai...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata con i rottami metallici di DM-300, i quali si frammenteranno catapultandosi dappertutto all'esplosione. Sarà meglio nascondersi dietro qualcosa quando la userai...
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Questa bomba fatta su misura creerà un campo di pec
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=blandofrutto cotto
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=frutto della terra
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=frutto della terra
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Il blandofrutto è esploso all'impatto, lascia
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne alla griglia
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne alla griglia
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Sembra una bistecca niente male.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Sembra una bistecca niente male.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=Quel pasto è stato incredibile!
items.food.feast.desc=Un grande assortimento di cibo delizioso! Ti sazierà molto più di ogni altro pasto.
items.food.food.name=razione di cibo
items.food.food.name=razione di cibo
items.food.food.eat_msg=Il cibo era delizioso!
items.food.food.eat_msg=Il cibo era delizioso!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Rinfrescante!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Ti senti meglio!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Ti senti meglio!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=È un pezzo di carne cruda congelata. L'unico modo per mangiarla è tagliandola in fettine sottili. E mangiata così è incredibilmente buona.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=È un pezzo di carne cruda congelata. L'unico modo per mangiarla è tagliandola in fettine sottili. E mangiata così è incredibilmente buona.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=carne misteriosa
items.food.mysterymeat.name=carne misteriosa
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Questo cibo ha un sapore... strano.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Questo cibo ha un sapore... strano.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh, è caldo!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh, è caldo!
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Questa miscela combina le proprietà delle p
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elisir del rinvigorimento acquatico
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elisir del rinvigorimento acquatico
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Questo elisir contiene le spoglie di goo, potenziate con una pozione di guarigione. Sebbene non provveda a una guarigione immediata, ripristinerà lentamente la tua salute mentre resti in acqua.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Guarigione Acquatica
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Guarigione Acquatica
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Hai temporaneamente ottenuto proprietà di ripristino simili a quelle di Goo.\n\nMentre sei in acqua, recupererai un punto di salute per turno.\n\nturni rimanenti: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Hai temporaneamente ottenuto proprietà di ripristino simili a quelle di Goo.\n\nMentre sei in acqua, recupererai un punto di salute per turno.\n\nturni rimanenti: %d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Questa pergamena rivela in modo permanente t
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergamena della ninna nanna
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergamena della ninna nanna
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=La pergamena emette una rilassante melodia. Ti senti molto sonnolento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=La pergamena emette una rilassante melodia. Ti senti molto sonnolento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Leggere questa pergamena sprigionerà una rilassante melodia che cullerà ogni ascoltatore in un profondo sonno magico.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamena di mappatura magica
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamena di mappatura magica
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ora conosci la struttura del livello.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ora conosci la struttura del livello.
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Quando letta ad alta voce, questa pe
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergamena della divinazione
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergamena della divinazione
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Non c'è rimasto niente da identificare!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Non c'è rimasto niente da identificare!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Questa pergamena identificherà permanentemente quattro tipologie casuali di oggetti. Le tipologie identificabili potranno consistere nel colore di una pozione, la runa di una pergamena o la gemma di un anello. Gli oggetti identificati non saranno necessariamente quelli che stai trasportando.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=La tua pergamena di divinazione ha identificato i seguenti oggetti:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=La tua pergamena di divinazione ha identificato i seguenti oggetti:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergamena dell'incantamento
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergamena dell'incantamento
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=annulla
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Questa pergamena infonderà un'arma o un'armatura con una potente energia magica. Il lettore ha persino qualche capacità di controllo sul tipo di magia infusa.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Questa pergamena infonderà un'arma o un'armatura con una potente energia magica. Il lettore ha persino qualche capacità di controllo sul tipo di magia infusa.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=pergamena della preveggenza
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=pergamena della preveggenza
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Quando questa pergamena viene letta, i particolari del terreno circostante verranno costantemente forniti alla mente del lettore con chiarezza cristallina. Finché dura il suo effetto la ricerca non sarà necessaria, poiché il lettore scoprirà automaticamente ogni cosa all'interno del suo raggio di ricerca.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=pergamena di energia mistica
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=pergamena di energia mistica
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Il primordiale potere magico legato a questa pergamena ricaricherà, quando rilasciato, tutti gli artefatti nel corso del tempo.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Il primordiale potere magico legato a questa pergamena ricaricherà, quando rilasciato, tutti gli artefatti nel corso del tempo.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Rimuovi Incremento
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Lascia perdere
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Lascia perdere
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=pietra dell'affezione
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=pietra dell'affezione
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=Quando questa pietra viene lanciata su di un nemico, esso verrà temporaneamente ammaliato e tenterà di bersagliare i tuoi alleati invece di te.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=pietra dell'esplosione
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=pietra dell'esplosione
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Questa pietra runica esploderà immediatamente nel luogo in cui è lanciata. Proprio come una bomba, l'esplosione arrecherà danno a qualunque cosa vicina.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Questa pietra runica esploderà immediatamente nel luogo in cui è lanciata. Proprio come una bomba, l'esplosione arrecherà danno a qualunque cosa vicina.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=전격 폭탄
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 격발할 때 주변에 번개 폭풍을 방출합니다.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 격발할 때 주변에 번개 폭풍을 방출합니다.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=재성장의 폭탄
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=재성장의 폭탄
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=이 개조된 폭탄은 폭발하는 대신 생명의 영약을 주변에 흩뿌릴 것입니다. 흩뿌려진 범위 내의 구역은 풀과 식물이 빠르게 자라날 것이며, 범위 내의 아군도 함께 치유될 것입니다.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=파편 폭탄
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=파편 폭탄
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 DM-300의 쇳조각으로 강화되어 격발하면 사방에 쇳조각을 발사합니다. 터트리기 전에 반드시 어딘가에 숨거 있어야 할 것입니다...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 DM-300의 쇳조각으로 강화되어 격발하면 사방에 쇳조각을 발사합니다. 터트리기 전에 반드시 어딘가에 숨거 있어야 할 것입니다...
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=이 특수 폭탄은 격발하면 주변에 양떼
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=조리된 단백과
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=이 단백과는 폭발하여 과육만 조금
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=직화구이 고기
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=직화구이 고기
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=괜찮게 구워진 고기가 된 것 같다.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=괜찮게 구워진 고기가 된 것 같다.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=오오옷! 이 음식은 엄청나게 맛있었다!
items.food.feast.desc=맛있는 음식이 많이 있습니다! 다른 어떤 음식들보다 배를 더 채울 것입니다.
items.food.food.eat_msg=이 음식은 매우 맛있었다!
items.food.food.eat_msg=이 음식은 매우 맛있었다!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=상태 회복!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=당신의 기분이 나아졌다!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=당신의 기분이 나아졌다!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=얼린 생고기 조각입니다. 얇게 썰어서 바로 먹을 수 있고 또 맛도 의외로 좋습니다.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=얼린 생고기 조각입니다. 얇게 썰어서 바로 먹을 수 있고 또 맛도 의외로 좋습니다.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=수상한 고기
items.food.mysterymeat.name=수상한 고기
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=이 음식은...수상한 맛이 났다.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=이 음식은...수상한 맛이 났다.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=앗 뜨거!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=앗 뜨거!
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 유독 가스와 마비 가
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=수상 회복의 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=수상 회복의 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=이 영약은 구의 젤리 일부가 회복 물약과 섞여 있습니다. 마셔도 즉시 회복은 되지 않지만 물 위에 서 있으면 서서히 체력을 회복합니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=수상 회복
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=수상 회복
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=당신은 일시적으로 구와 비슷한 회복 성질을 얻었습니다.\n\n물에 서 있으면, 당신은 매 턴마다 1의 체력을 회복할 것입니다.\n\n남은 턴: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=당신은 일시적으로 구와 비슷한 회복 성질을 얻었습니다.\n\n물에 서 있으면, 당신은 매 턴마다 1의 체력을 회복할 것입니다.\n\n남은 턴: %d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=이 주문서는 하나의 아이템의 비
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=자장가의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=자장가의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=이 주문서에서 매우 부드러운 소리가 흘러나왔다. 당신은 매우 졸린다.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=이 주문서에서 매우 부드러운 소리가 흘러나왔다. 당신은 매우 졸린다.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=이 주문서를 읽음으로서 나오는 부드러운 멜로디는 듣는 그 누구에게도 마법적인 깊은 잠을 선사합니다.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=마법 지도의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=마법 지도의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=당신은 현재 층의 구조를 알게 되었다.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=당신은 현재 층의 구조를 알게 되었다.
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=이 주문서를 읽으면 착란
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=점성술의 주문서
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=점성술의 주문서
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=감정할 종류가 남아 있지 않다!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=감정할 종류가 남아 있지 않다!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=이 주문서는 영구적으로 네 가지 아이템을 무작위로 감정합니다. 물약의 색깔이나, 주문서의 룬 문자나, 반지에 박힌 보석이 감정될 수 있으며, 당신이 가지고 있지 않은 아이템도 감정될 수 있습니다.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=점성술의 주문서가 다음의 아이템을 감정했습니다:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=점성술의 주문서가 다음의 아이템을 감정했습니다:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=마법 부여의 주문서
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=마법 부여의 주문서
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=취소
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=이 주문서는 무기나 갑옷에 강력한 마법 에너지를 융합합니다. 또한 시전자가 부여할 마법을 어느정도 결정할 수도 있습니다.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=이 주문서는 무기나 갑옷에 강력한 마법 에너지를 융합합니다. 또한 시전자가 부여할 마법을 어느정도 결정할 수도 있습니다.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=예지의 주문서
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=예지의 주문서
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=이 주문서를 읽으면 주변 지형지물의 정보를 지속적으로 사용자에게 제공합니다. 지속시간 동안 탐색 범위의 숨겨진 요소를 자동으로 탐지합니다.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=신비한 에너지의 주문서
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=신비한 에너지의 주문서
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=이 주문서에 담겨 있는 그대로의 마력은 풀려날 때 사용자의 유물을 서서히 충전시킵니다.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=이 주문서에 담겨 있는 그대로의 마력은 풀려날 때 사용자의 유물을 서서히 충전시킵니다.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=증강 제거
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=애정의 돌
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=애정의 돌
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=이 돌을 적에게 던지면 일시적으로 매혹 주문을 걸어 당신 대신 당신의 아군을 공격하게끔 합니다.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=폭발의 돌
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=폭발의 돌
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=이 돌은 던져진 지점에 즉시 폭발을 일으킵니다. 일반 폭탄처럼 주변의 모든 대상에게 피해를 줍니다.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=이 돌은 던져진 지점에 즉시 폭발을 일으킵니다. 일반 폭탄처럼 주변의 모든 대상에게 피해를 줍니다.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba szokująca
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Ta bomba została spreparowana by uwolnić burzę elektryczności dookoła miejsca eksplozji.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Ta bomba została spreparowana by uwolnić burzę elektryczności dookoła miejsca eksplozji.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba odrodzenia
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba odrodzenia
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Ta własnej roboty bomba rozrzuci dający życie płyn wszędzie dookoła zamiast wybuchu. Na pobliskim terenie zaczną rosnąć rośliny oraz trawa, a sojusznicy dotknięci tym płynem zostaną uleczeni.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=rozpryskowa bomba
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=rozpryskowa bomba
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Ta bomba zawiera w środku kawałki złomu z DM-300, które rozlecą się we wszystkie strony po wybuchu . Lepiej się za czymś ukryj zanim wybuchnie!
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Ta bomba zawiera w środku kawałki złomu z DM-300, które rozlecą się we wszystkie strony po wybuchu . Lepiej się za czymś ukryj zanim wybuchnie!
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Ta spreparowana bomba wytworzy pole magicznych owiec
items.food.blandfruit.name=mdły owoc
items.food.blandfruit.name=mdły owoc
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=ugotowany mdły owoc
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=owoc słońca
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=owoc słońca
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=owoc zgnilizny
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=owoc zgnilizny
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=owoc ziemi
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=owoc ziemi
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Mdły owoc eksplodował od uderzenia, zostawia
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=grillowane mięso
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=grillowane mięso
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Wygląda na przyzwoity stek.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Wygląda na przyzwoity stek.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=Ten posiłek był przepyszny!
items.food.feast.desc=Spora różnorodność pysznego jedzenia! To nasyci cię znacznie bardziej niż cokolwiek innego.
items.food.food.name=porcja prowiantu
items.food.food.name=porcja prowiantu
items.food.food.eat_msg=To jedzenie smakowało wyśmienicie!
items.food.food.eat_msg=To jedzenie smakowało wyśmienicie!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Odświeżające!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Czujesz się znacznie lepiej!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Czujesz się znacznie lepiej!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Jest to kawał zamrożonego, surowego mięsa. Jedyny sposób by je zjeść to pociąć je w cienkie kawałki. Wbrew pozorom jest bardzo pyszne.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Jest to kawał zamrożonego, surowego mięsa. Jedyny sposób by je zjeść to pociąć je w cienkie kawałki. Wbrew pozorom jest bardzo pyszne.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=tajemnicze mięso
items.food.mysterymeat.name=tajemnicze mięso
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=To jedzenie smakowało... dziwnie.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=To jedzenie smakowało... dziwnie.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Aj, to jest gorące!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Aj, to jest gorące!
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Ta mieszanina ma właściwości toksycznego
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=eliksir wodnego odmłodzenia
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=eliksir wodnego odmłodzenia
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Ten eliksir zamiera glutowate resztki szlamu które nasiąkły miksturą zdrowia. Niestety, ale ona przestała normalnie działać, lecz zacznie uzdrawiać cię jeśli stoisz w wodzie.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Wodne leczenie
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Wodne leczenie
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Tymczasowo masz umiejętności leczące jak Wielki Szlam.\n\nJeśli stoisz w wodzie, leczysz 1 PŻ na turę.\n\nPozostało tur: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Tymczasowo masz umiejętności leczące jak Wielki Szlam.\n\nJeśli stoisz w wodzie, leczysz 1 PŻ na turę.\n\nPozostało tur: %d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Ten zwój stale zdradza wszystkie sekrety je
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=zwój kołysanki
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=zwój kołysanki
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Zwój wydaje z siebie kojącą muzykę. Czujesz się bardzo śpiący.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Zwój wydaje z siebie kojącą muzykę. Czujesz się bardzo śpiący.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Przeczytanie tego zwoju emituje kojąca melodię, która uśpi każdego kto wsłucha się w jej dźwięk.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=zwój magicznego mapowania
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=zwój magicznego mapowania
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Poznałeś układ bieżącej głębokości.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Poznałeś układ bieżącej głębokości.
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Kiedy głośno wyczytany, ten zwój
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=Zwój oświecenia
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=Zwój oświecenia
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Zidentyfikowałeś już wszystkie przedmioty.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Zidentyfikowałeś już wszystkie przedmioty.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Ten zwój zidentyfikuje cztery losowe typy przedmiotów.Mogą to być: kolor mikstury, runę zwoju, lub klejnot pierścienia. Przedmioty te nie muszą być w twoim plecaku.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Zwój oświecenia zidentyfikował poniższe rzeczy:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Zwój oświecenia zidentyfikował poniższe rzeczy:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=zwój zaklęcia
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=zwój zaklęcia
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=pomiń
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Ten zwój zaklnie broń lub zbroję z potężnym magicznym glifem. Czytelnik ma nawet w pewnym stopniu kontrolę nad używanym typem magii.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Ten zwój zaklnie broń lub zbroję z potężnym magicznym glifem. Czytelnik ma nawet w pewnym stopniu kontrolę nad używanym typem magii.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=zwój dalekowzroczności
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=zwój dalekowzroczności
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Kiedy przeczytany, wszystkie detale pobliskiego terenu będą przekazywane do umysłu czytelnika, czyste jak krystaliczna woda. Na czas trwania tego efektu przeszukiwanie jest zbędne, ponieważ natychmiast wykrywane jest wszystko w zasięgu przeszukiwania.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=zwój mistycznej energii
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=zwój mistycznej energii
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Czysta magiczna moc wpojona w ten skrawek papieru, po uwolnieniu, naładuje po pewnym czasie założone artefakty.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Czysta magiczna moc wpojona w ten skrawek papieru, po uwolnieniu, naładuje po pewnym czasie założone artefakty.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Usuń Rozszerzenie
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=kamień zauroczenia
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=kamień zauroczenia
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=Po rzuceniu w przeciwnika, będzie on chwilowo zauroczony, i będzie atakował twoich sojuszników zamiast ciebie.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=kamień fali wybuchu
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=kamień fali wybuchu
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Ten kamień runiczny natychmiastowo wybuchnie w miejscu rzucenia. Tak jak w przypadku bomb, eksplozja zada obrażenia wszystkiemu dookoła.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Ten kamień runiczny natychmiastowo wybuchnie w miejscu rzucenia. Tak jak w przypadku bomb, eksplozja zada obrażenia wszystkiemu dookoła.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elétrica
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba foi modificada para desencadear uma tempestade de eletricidade em torno dela quando explode.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba foi modificada para desencadear uma tempestade de eletricidade em torno dela quando explode.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba do recrescimento
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba do recrescimento
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada irá espirrar líquidos que dão vida ao redor dela, em vez de explodir. A área capturada na explosão com grama e plantas rapidamente germinadas, e quaisquer aliados capturados na explosão serão curados.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de estilhaços
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de estilhaços
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Esta bomba foi modificada com pedaços de metal do DM-300, que se fragmentarão e voarão por toda parte quando explodir. É melhor você se esconder atrás de algo ao usá-lo...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Esta bomba foi modificada com pedaços de metal do DM-300, que se fragmentarão e voarão por toda parte quando explodir. É melhor você se esconder atrás de algo ao usá-lo...
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada irá criar um campo de ovel
items.food.blandfruit.name=fruta branda
items.food.blandfruit.name=fruta branda
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=fruta branda cozida
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=fruta do sol
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=fruta do sol
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=O blandfruit explodiu no impacto, deixando ped
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne grelhada
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne grelhada
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Parece ser um bife decente.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Parece ser um bife decente.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=Essa refeição foi incrível!
items.food.feast.desc=Uma grande variedade de comida deliciosa! Isso vai saciá-lo muito mais do que qualquer outra refeição.
items.food.food.eat_msg=A comida estava deliciosa!
items.food.food.eat_msg=A comida estava deliciosa!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Revigorante!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Você se sente melhor!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Você se sente melhor!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=É um pedaço de carne crua congelada. A única maneira de comer é cortando em fatias bem finas. Desta forma ele é surpreendentemente bom.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=É um pedaço de carne crua congelada. A única maneira de comer é cortando em fatias bem finas. Desta forma ele é surpreendentemente bom.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=carne misteriosa
items.food.mysterymeat.name=carne misteriosa
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Essa comida estava com um gosto... esquisito.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Essa comida estava com um gosto... esquisito.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ah! Está quente!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ah! Está quente!
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Esta mistura combina as propriedades de um g
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir de rejuvenescimento aquático
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir de rejuvenescimento aquático
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Este elixir contém os restos de gosma aumentada com uma poção de cura. Embora não proporcione cura imediata, ela lentamente restaurará sua saúde enquanto você estiver na água.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Cura Aquática
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Cura Aquática
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Você ganhou temporariamente propriedades restaurativas semelhantes às de Gosma.\n\nEnquanto estiver na água, você recuperará um único ponto de vida por turno.\n\nturnos restantes:%d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Você ganhou temporariamente propriedades restaurativas semelhantes às de Gosma.\n\nEnquanto estiver na água, você recuperará um único ponto de vida por turno.\n\nturnos restantes:%d.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Este pergaminho revela todos os segredos de
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergaminho do acalento
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergaminho do acalento
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=O pergaminho sussurra uma melodia suave. Você se sente muito sonolento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=O pergaminho sussurra uma melodia suave. Você se sente muito sonolento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Ler este pergaminho emite uma melodia suave que vai prender todos os que a ouvirem em um sono profundo mágico.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergaminho de mapeamento mágico
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergaminho de mapeamento mágico
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Você está agora ciente da configuração deste nível.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Você está agora ciente da configuração deste nível.
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Quando lido em voz alta, este pergam
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergaminho da adivinhação
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergaminho da adivinhação
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Não há mais nada para identificar!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Não há mais nada para identificar!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Este pergaminho irá identificar permanentemente quatro tipos de itens aleatórios. Os tipos identificados podem ser a cor de uma poção, a runa de um pergaminho ou a gema de um anel. Os itens identificados não serão necessariamente aqueles que você está carregando.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Seu pergaminho de adivinhação identificou os seguintes itens:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Seu pergaminho de adivinhação identificou os seguintes itens:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergaminho do encantamento
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergaminho do encantamento
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=cancelar
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Este pergaminho infundirá uma arma ou armadura com poderosa energia mágica. O leitor ainda tem algum grau de controle sobre qual mágica está imbuída.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Este pergaminho infundirá uma arma ou armadura com poderosa energia mágica. O leitor ainda tem algum grau de controle sobre qual mágica está imbuída.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=pergaminho da previsão
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=pergaminho da previsão
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Quando este pergaminho é lido, os detalhes do terreno próximo serão constantemente alimentados à mente do leitor com clareza cristalina. Para a duração desse efeito, a pesquisa não será necessária, pois o leitor detectará automaticamente tudo em seu raio de pesquisa.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=pergaminho da energia mística
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=pergaminho da energia mística
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=O poder mágico bruto ligado a este pergaminho irá, quando liberado, cobrar os artefatos equipados do usuário ao longo do tempo.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=O poder mágico bruto ligado a este pergaminho irá, quando liberado, cobrar os artefatos equipados do usuário ao longo do tempo.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remover o aumento
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Deixa quieto
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Deixa quieto
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=pedra da afeição
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=pedra da afeição
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=Quando esta pedra é jogada sobre um inimigo, ela ficará temporariamente encantada e tentará atingir seus aliados em vez de você.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=pedra de explosão
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=pedra de explosão
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Este runestone explodirá instantaneamente no local para onde é lançado. Assim como uma bomba, a explosão causará dano a qualquer coisa próxima.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Este runestone explodirá instantaneamente no local para onde é lançado. Assim como uma bomba, a explosão causará dano a qualquer coisa próxima.
@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Этот зачарованный чехол, с
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=Магическая бомба
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=магическая бомба
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=Эта бомба получила магические свойства и её взрыв будет схож со взрывом накачивающегося Слизня.
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=Эта бомба была наделена магическими свойствами и её взрыв будет схож со взрывной атакой накачивающегося Слизня.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ПОДЖЕЧЬ И БРОСИТЬ
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ПОДЖЕЧЬ И БРОСИТЬ
@ -386,10 +386,10 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Эта бомба будет создавать по
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=шоковая бомба
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=шоковая бомба
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована таким образом, чтобы при взрыве высвободить вокруг себя электрический шторм.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована таким образом, чтобы при взрыве высвободить вокруг себя электрический шторм.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=возрождающая бомба
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=Осколочная бомба
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=осколочная граната
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована осколками DM-300, всё фрагменты которого разлетятся во все стороны. Тебе лучше спрятаться за чем-нибудь прежде чем использовать это...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована осколками DM-300, всё фрагменты которого разлетятся во все стороны. Тебе лучше спрятаться за чем-нибудь прежде чем использовать это...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=шерстяная бомба
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=шерстяная бомба
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Пустофрукт лопнул при уд
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=прожаренное мясо
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=прожаренное мясо
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Пахнет как неплохой стейк.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Пахнет как неплохой стейк.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=Изумительный вкус!
items.food.feast.desc=Огромное изобилие самых вкусных яств! Это насытит тебя намного больше чем любая другая еда.
items.food.food.name=рацион пищи
items.food.food.name=рацион пищи
items.food.food.eat_msg=Эта еда была просто превосходна!
items.food.food.eat_msg=Эта еда была просто превосходна!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Освежающе!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Вы чувствуете себя лучше!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Вы чувствуете себя лучше!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Это кусок насквозь промороженного мяса. Его можно есть, только нарезая тонкими ломтиками, как карпаччо. Впрочем, так оно получается на вкус даже лучше, чем обычно.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Это кусок насквозь промороженного мяса. Его можно есть, только нарезая тонкими ломтиками, как карпаччо. Впрочем, так оно получается на вкус даже лучше, чем обычно.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=загадочное мясо
items.food.mysterymeat.name=загадочное мясо
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Это еда была какой-то странной на вкус.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Это еда была какой-то странной на вкус.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ой! Горячо!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Ой! Горячо!
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Эта микстура объединяет
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=Эликсир водяного омоложения.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=Эликсир водяного омоложения.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Этот эликсир содержит останки Слизня смешанные с зельем Исцеления. Пускай это не вылечит вас мгновенно, но зато будет медленно восстанавливать ваше здоровье пока вы стоите в воде.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Водное лечение
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Водное лечение
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Вы временно получили регенеративные способности схожие с таковыми у Слизня.\n\nНаходясь в воде, вы восстанавливаете одну единицу здоровья каждый ход.\n\nХодов осталось: %d
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Вы временно получили регенеративные способности схожие с таковыми у Слизня.\n\nНаходясь в воде, вы восстанавливаете одну единицу здоровья каждый ход.\n\nХодов осталось: %d
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ items.quest.embers.name=пепел элементаля
items.quest.embers.desc=Особый вид пепла, который можно получить только с молодых огненных элементалей. Даже сейчас он излучает тепло.
items.quest.embers.desc=Особый вид пепла, который можно получить только с молодых огненных элементалей. Даже сейчас он излучает тепло.
items.quest.gooblob.name=Капля Слизня
items.quest.gooblob.name=Капля Слизня
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Неряшливый комочек слизи, оставшийся после смерти Слизня. Его почти можно принять за большой желейный шарик, но попробовать его на вкус вам почему-то не хочется.\n\nСам по себе он бесполезен, но возможно он проявит свои свойства в комбинации с зельем или бомбой. По крайней мере, за него можно выручить неплохие деньги.
items.quest.metalshard.name=Проклятый осколок
items.quest.metalshard.name=Проклятый осколок
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Этот свиток способен на
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=Свиток Колыбельной
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=Свиток Колыбельной
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=В воздухе раздается убаюкивающая мелодия. Вы чувствуете, что хотите спать.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=В воздухе раздается убаюкивающая мелодия. Вы чувствуете, что хотите спать.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Чтение этого свитка вслух вызывает тихую мелодию, которая погрузит всех, кто её слышал, в глубокий волшебный сон.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Свиток Поиска Пути
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Свиток Поиска Пути
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Теперь вы знакомы с планировкой этого уровня.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Теперь вы знакомы с планировкой этого уровня.
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=отменить
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Этот свиток наполнит оружие или броню мощной волшебной энергией. Прочитавший даже сможет в некоторой степени контролировать тип применяемого зачарования.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Этот свиток наполнит оружие или броню мощной волшебной энергией. Прочитавший даже сможет в некоторой степени контролировать тип применяемого зачарования.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=Свиток Предвидения
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=Свиток Предвидения
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=В разум прочитавшего этот свиток с предельной ясностью начнет поступать информация об окружающей местности. На время действия эффекта можно будет не искать вручную, так как прочитавший будет автоматически обнаруживать любые секреты в радиусе его поиска.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=Свиток Таинственной Энергии
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=Свиток Таинственной Энергии
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Необузданная магическая сила, заключенная в этом манускрипте, при высвобождении с течением времени зарядит надетые на прочитавшего артефакты.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Необузданная магическая сила, заключенная в этом манускрипте, при высвобождении с течением времени зарядит надетые на прочитавшего артефакты.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Убрать балансиро
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Я передумал
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Я передумал
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=Камень очарования
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=Камень очарования
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=Когда этот камень будет кинут во врага, он будет временно очарован, а также будет пытаться атаковать ваших союзников, а не вас.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=камень взрыва
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=камень взрыва
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Этот рунный камень моментально взорвётся при броске. Прямо как бомба, взрыв нанесёт урон всем, кто находится рядом.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Этот рунный камень моментально взорвётся при броске. Прямо как бомба, взрыв нанесёт урон всем, кто находится рядом.
@ -136,14 +136,14 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Bu zırh ağır görünse de savaşçının hedefl
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=simyagerin alet kiti
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=simyagerin alet kiti
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Alet çantan ısınmayı bitirmedi.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Lanetli alet çantan seni kimya yapmaktan alıkoyuyor!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=Bunu, yakında düşmanlar bulunuyorken yapamazsın.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.full=Your toolkit is at maximum energy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.full=Alet çantan maksimum enerjiye ulaştı!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Bu alet çantasının içinde istediğin yerde simya yapmana olanak sağlayan çeşitli ayıraçlar, bitkiler ve küçük bir karıştırma şişesi bulunuyor.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=Lanetli alet çantası seni kendine bağladı ve simya kullanmana izin vermeyi reddediyor.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=Bu alet çantası şu an ısınıyor, ve deneyim kazandığın zaman kullanılmaya hazır olacak.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=Kuşanılmış alet seti sen deneyim kazandıkça, yavaşça simyasal enerji üretiyor. Acaba bir simya kazanında geliştirilebilir mi?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Aynı eserden iki tane giyemezsin.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Aynı eserden iki tane giyemezsin.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Eser kendisini sana acı verici bir şekilde bağlıyor.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Eser kendisini sana acı verici bir şekilde bağlıyor.
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Kadeh yaşam özünle ağzına kadar doldu
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=gölgelerin pelerini
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=gölgelerin pelerini
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Pelerininin yeniden şarj olması için %d sıraya ihtiyacı var.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Pelerininin yeniden şarj olması için %d sıraya ihtiyacı var.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=Lanetli bir pelerini kullanamazsın.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Pelerinin henüz kullanmaya yetecek kadar şarj olmadı.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Pelerinin henüz kullanmaya yetecek kadar şarj olmadı.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Paha biçilemez büyülü bir pelerin, Haydut tarafından kraliyet cephaneliğinden çok uzun yıllar önce çalınmış. Giyildiğinde, kısa bir süreliğine tamamen görünmez olmak için kullanılabilir.\n\nPelerin ne kadar çok kullanılırsa gücü o kadar artar, bu da Haydut'un daha sık ve daha uzun süreliğine görünmez olmasını sağlar.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Paha biçilemez büyülü bir pelerin, Haydut tarafından kraliyet cephaneliğinden çok uzun yıllar önce çalınmış. Giyildiğinde, kısa bir süreliğine tamamen görünmez olmak için kullanılabilir.\n\nPelerin ne kadar çok kullanılırsa gücü o kadar artar, bu da Haydut'un daha sık ve daha uzun süreliğine görünmez olmasını sağlar.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Pelerininin enerjisi bitti.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Pelerininin enerjisi bitti.
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Bu fener Pixel Dungeon'un %d. katında bir
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=usta hırsızların kol bandı
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=usta hırsızların kol bandı
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Bu mor kadife kol bandı usta bir hırsızın mührünü taşıyor. Bu sana ait değil, ama muhtemelen ondan aldığın kişiye de ait değildi.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Bu mor kadife kol bandı usta bir hırsızın mührünü taşıyor. Bu sana ait değil, ama muhtemelen ondan aldığın kişiye de ait değildi.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=Lanetli bileklik koluna kilitlendi ve bir şekilde altın kesen git gide hafifleşiyor...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Kol bandı bileğindeyken topladığın her altın parçası diğer kişilerin mülküne daha da fazla göz dikmene neden oluyor. Belki de bir mağazadan bir şeyler çalmak o kadar da zor olmayabilir...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Kol bandı bileğindeyken topladığın her altın parçası diğer kişilerin mülküne daha da fazla göz dikmene neden oluyor. Belki de bir mağazadan bir şeyler çalmak o kadar da zor olmayabilir...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=doğanın sandaletleri
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=doğanın sandaletleri
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Bu ince kılıf bir çeşit egzotik hayvan derisi
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomba
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
@ -386,18 +386,18 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Bu kişiselleştirmiş bomba patlamak yerine sürekl
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=şok bombası
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=şok bombası
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Bu bomba patladığı zaman etrafında bir elektrik fırtınası yaratmak için modifiye edilmiş.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Bu bomba patladığı zaman etrafında bir elektrik fırtınası yaratmak için modifiye edilmiş.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=yeniden büyüme bombası
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=şarapnel bombası
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Bu bomba DM-300'ün metallerinden kalan hurdalarla modifiye edilmiş, bu da onun patladığı zaman parçalanıp her yere uçmasını sağlar. Onu kullandığın zaman bir şeyin arkasına saklansan iyi olur...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=yünlü bomba
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=yünlü bomba
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Bu kişiselleştirilmiş bomba patlamak yerine büyülü bir kuzu sürüsü yaratacaktır. Bu kuzular inatçı bir şekilde onların arasından herhangi bir şeyin geçmesine engel olacaktır.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Bu kişiselleştirilmiş bomba patlamak yerine büyülü bir kuzu sürüsü yaratacaktır. Bu kuzular inatçı bir şekilde onların arasından herhangi bir şeyin geçmesine engel olacaktır.
items.food.blandfruit.name=tatsız meyve
items.food.blandfruit.name=tatsız meyve
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=pişmiş tatsızmeyve
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=güneş meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=güneş meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=çürük meyve
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=çürük meyve
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=dünya meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=dünya meyvesi
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Tatsız meyve bir darbe nedeniyle parçalandı
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=kızartılmış et
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=kızartılmış et
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Normal pişmiş bir et gibi görünüyor.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Normal pişmiş bir et gibi görünüyor.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=That meal was incredible!
items.food.feast.desc=A great variety of delicious food! This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.food.name=yemek paketi
items.food.food.name=yemek paketi
items.food.food.eat_msg=Bu yemek lezzetliydi!
items.food.food.eat_msg=Bu yemek lezzetliydi!
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=Tazeleyici!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Daha iyi hissediyorsun!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Daha iyi hissediyorsun!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Bu bir parça donmuş et. Bunu yemenin tek yolu onu küçük parçalara ayırmak. Ve bu şekilde tadı şaşırtıcı derecede güzel.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Bu bir parça donmuş et. Bunu yemenin tek yolu onu küçük parçalara ayırmak. Ve bu şekilde tadı şaşırtıcı derecede güzel.
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=gizemli et
items.food.mysterymeat.name=gizemli et
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı... garipti.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı... garipti.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh, bu sıcak!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh, bu sıcak!
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Bacaklarını hissedemiyorsun!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=İyi hissetmiyorsun.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=İyi hissetmiyorsun.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Kendi riskine ye!
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Kendi riskine ye!
items.food.pasty.pasty=etli börek
items.food.pasty.pasty=etli börek
items.food.pasty.pie=bal kabağı turtası
items.food.pasty.pie=bal kabağı turtası
@ -461,9 +461,9 @@ items.food.smallration.name=küçük yemek paketi
items.food.smallration.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı fena değildi.
items.food.smallration.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı fena değildi.
items.food.smallration.desc=Tam olarak standart bir yemek paketi gibi görünüyor ama daha küçük.
items.food.smallration.desc=Tam olarak standart bir yemek paketi gibi görünüyor ama daha küçük.
items.food.stewedmeat.name=stewed meat
items.food.stewedmeat.name=güveç et
items.food.stewedmeat.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı fena değildi.
items.food.stewedmeat.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı fena değildi.
items.food.stewedmeat.desc=Stewing the meat has cleansed it of any disease or parasites. It should be safe to eat.
items.food.stewedmeat.desc=Eti güveç haline getirmek onu tüm hastalıklardan ve parazitlerden temizledi. Artık bunu yemek güvenli olmalı.
@ -471,8 +471,8 @@ items.food.stewedmeat.desc=Stewing the meat has cleansed it of any disease or pa
items.journal.documentpage.name=aşınmış sayfa
items.journal.documentpage.name=aşınmış sayfa
items.journal.documentpage.desc=Yalnız bir sayfa, muhtemelen bir kitaptan veya benzeri bir şeyden düşmüş. Okumak için yerden alman gerekiyor.
items.journal.documentpage.desc=Yalnız bir sayfa, muhtemelen bir kitaptan veya benzeri bir şeyden düşmüş. Okumak için yerden alman gerekiyor.
items.journal.alchemypage.name=torn alchemy book page
items.journal.alchemypage.name=yırtık simya kitabı sayfası
items.journal.alchemypage.desc=A torn page from a guidebook on alchemy.\n\nMost of the text is too small to read at a distance, but you can make out the title of the page:\n\n_"%s"_
items.journal.alchemypage.desc=Simya üzerine yazılmış bir rehber kitabından bir sayfa.\n\nYazının çoğu uzaktan okumak için çok küçük, fakat sayfanın başlığını çıkarabiliyorsun:\n\n_"%s"_
items.journal.guidepage.name=aşınmış kılavuz sayfası
items.journal.guidepage.name=aşınmış kılavuz sayfası
items.journal.guidepage.desc=Bir macera kılavuzundan yırtılmış bir sayfa.\n\nYazının çoğunluğu uzaktan okuyabilmek için çok küçük, ama sayfanın başlığını çıkarabiliyorsun:\n\n_"%s"_
items.journal.guidepage.desc=Bir macera kılavuzundan yırtılmış bir sayfa.\n\nYazının çoğunluğu uzaktan okuyabilmek için çok küçük, ama sayfanın başlığını çıkarabiliyorsun:\n\n_"%s"_
@ -566,53 +566,53 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Bu basınçlı şişeyi açmak ya da parçal
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=aşındırıcı karışım
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Bu karışım kırıldığı bölgeye aşındırıcı çamur yayacaktır. Bu çamura yakalanan her şey çamur yıkanmadığı sürece yavaşça eriyip gidecektir.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=kar fırtınası iksiri
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Bu karışım kırıldığı zaman gaz gibi yayılan hortum halinde bir kar fırtınası yaratır.
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.name=frigid brew
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.name=soğuk iksir
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a frost and storm clouds potion. When thrown it will erupt into a cloud which both freezes and spreads water to surrounding terrain.
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Bu karışım dondurma ve fırtına bulutları iksirlerinin özelliklerini içerir. Fırlatıldığında hem donduran hem de etrafındaki araziye su yayan bir buluta dönüşecektir.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=frostfire brew
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=buz ateşi karışımı
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a liquid flame and snap freeze potion. The area around where the vial is thrown will be snap-frozen, then set ablaze for an extended duration.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a liquid flame and snap freeze potion. The area around where the vial is thrown will be snap-frozen, then set ablaze for an extended duration.
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.name=infernal brew
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.name=cehennem karışımı
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a raging inferno which spreads like a gas.
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Bu karışım kırıldığı zaman etrafında gaz gibi yayılan bir ateş fırtınası yaratır.
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.name=shocking brew
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.name=şok edici karışım
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash an electrical storm in an area around the location it breaks at.
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Bu karışım kırıldığı zaman kırıldığı yerde bir elektrik fırtınası yaratacaktır.
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.name=wicked brew
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.name=kötücül karışım
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic gas and paralytic gas potion. When exposed to open air the liquid of the brew will erupt into both gasses at once.
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Bu karışım zehirli gaz bulutu ve felç edici gaz bulutu iksirlerinin özelliklerini birleştirir. Bu sıvı, açık havaya maruz kaldığı zaman aynı anda iki gaza birden dönüşecektir.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=ejderha kanı özütü
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Bu özüt tüketildiği zaman içen kişinin damarlarına ateşli bir güç akışı gönderir. Bu etki içen kişiyi ateşe bağışıklı yapar ve düşmanlarını, onlara fiziksel saldırılar yaparak yakma olanağı sağlar.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=ballı iyileşme özütü
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Bu karışım iyileştirmeyi, balın tatlılığı ile karıştırır. İçildiği zaman küçük bir miktar açlığı bastıracaktır, bunun yanında bir dostu iyileştirmek için ona da fırlatılabilir.\n\nBala ilgi duyan yaratıklar bu eşya onların üzerinde kullanıldığı zaman barışçıl hale gelebilir.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir of icy touch
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=buz dokunuşu özütü
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=güç özütü
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 güç, +5 sağlık
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 güç, +5 sağlık
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Yeni bulunan güç, bedenini sarıyor.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Yeni bulunan güç, bedenini sarıyor.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Bu güçlü sıvı, kasların boyunca ilerleyip kalıcı olarak gücünü bir puan ve sağlığını beş puan arttırır.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Bu güçlü sıvı, kasların boyunca ilerleyip kalıcı olarak gücünü bir puan ve sağlığını beş puan arttırır.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=iyileşme özütü
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.name=elixir of vitality
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.name=canlılık özütü
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and shielding potion, granting a massive burst of survivability to whomever drinks it.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and shielding potion, granting a massive burst of survivability to whomever drinks it.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.name=elixir of toxic essence
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.name=elixir of toxic essence
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Çoğu cüce ve onların bazı büyük yapıtları b
items.quest.embers.name=elementer köz
items.quest.embers.name=elementer köz
items.quest.embers.desc=Sadece genç ateş elementallerinden elde edilebilen özel közler. Termal enerji yayıyorlar.
items.quest.embers.desc=Sadece genç ateş elementallerinden elde edilebilen özel közler. Termal enerji yayıyorlar.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.name=yapışkan çamur damlası
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.name=lanetli metal parçası
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Bu parşömen tek bir eşyanın tüm sırlar
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=ninni parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=ninni parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Bu parşömen rahatlatıcı bir melodi söylüyor. Çok uykulu hissediyorsun.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Bu parşömen rahatlatıcı bir melodi söylüyor. Çok uykulu hissediyorsun.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Bu parşömen okunduğunda onu dinleyenleri yatıştırıp derin bir büyülü uykuya dalmalarına sebep olan rahatlatıcı bir melodi yayar.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=büyülü haritalama parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=büyülü haritalama parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Artık bölümün düzeninden haberdarsın.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Artık bölümün düzeninden haberdarsın.
@ -874,19 +874,19 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Sesli bir şekilde okunduğunda bu p
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=sezgi parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=sezgi parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Tanınacak hiçbir şey kalmadı!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Tanınacak hiçbir şey kalmadı!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Bu parşömen dört rastgele eşya tipini kalıcı olarak tanıyacaktır. Tanınan eşyalar bir iksirin rengi, bir parşömenin rünü veya bir yüzüğün mücevheri olabilir. Tanınan eşyalar yanında taşımadığın eşyalar da olabilir.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Sezgi parşömeni şu eşyaları tanıdı:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Sezgi parşömeni şu eşyaları tanıdı:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=efsunlama parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=efsunlama parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=Bir eşyayı efsunla
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=Bir eşyayı efsunla
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=Silahına işlemek için bir efsun seç.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=Silahına işlemek için bir efsun seç.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=Zırhına işlemek için bir kabartma seç.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=Zırhına işlemek için bir kabartma seç.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=Cancelling will still consume the scroll.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=İşlem iptal edilse de parşömen kullanılacaktır.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=iptal et
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=iptal et
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Bu parşömen bir silahı veya zırhı güçlü bir büyülü enerji ile işleyecektir. Okuyucu hangi büyünün işlendiği üzerine bile biraz kontrol sahibidir.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Bu parşömen bir silahı veya zırhı güçlü bir büyülü enerji ile işleyecektir. Okuyucu hangi büyünün işlendiği üzerine bile biraz kontrol sahibidir.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=öngörü parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=öngörü parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Bu parşömen okunduğu zaman etraftaki arazinin detayları, okuyucunun zihnine kristal açıklığında işlenecektir. Bu etki süresince okuyucu arama mesafesindeki her şeyi otomatik olarak fark edeceğinden arama yapmak gereksiz olacaktır.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=mistik enerji parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=mistik enerji parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Bu parşömenin içindeki çiğ büyüsel güç yayıldığı zaman bir kullanıcının kuşandığı eserleri zamanla şarj eder.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Bu parşömenin içindeki çiğ büyüsel güç yayıldığı zaman bir kullanıcının kuşandığı eserleri zamanla şarj eder.
@ -897,11 +897,11 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpassage.desc=Bu parşömenin üzerindeki büyü oku
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.name=taşlaşma iksiri
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.name=taşlaşma iksiri
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.desc=Bir kırmızı ışık patlaması, görüşündeki tüm yaratıkları o kadar büyük bir terörle sarsacaktır ki oldukları yerde donup kalacaklardır.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.desc=Bir kırmızı ışık patlaması, görüşündeki tüm yaratıkları o kadar büyük bir terörle sarsacaktır ki oldukları yerde donup kalacaklardır.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.name=scroll of polymorph
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.name=polimorf iksiri
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When invoked, all enemies in the reader's sight will be transformed into magical sheep!\n\nThe transformation is permanent, eliminating all enemies affected. Powerful enemies will resist the effect though, and any items affected enemies were carrying are lost.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.desc=Bu parşömen güçlü bir dönüşüm büyüsü içeriyor. Uyarıldığı zaman, okuyucunun görünümündeki tüm düşmanlar büyülü kuzulara dönüşür!\n\nBu dönüşüm sonsuzdur ve etkilenen tüm düşmanları nötralize eder fakat güçlü düşmanlar bu etkiye direnebilir, ve bu büyüden etkilenen düşmanların taşıdığı eşyalar kaybolacaktır.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.name=scroll of prismatic image
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.name=prizmatik görüntü parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.desc=The incantation on this scroll will create a colorful illusory twin of the reader. This prismatic image acts as a weaker clone of the reader, with similar defence but lower hp and damage.\n\nThe prismatic image will show itself when enemies are present, and will attempt to defend the reader.\n\nIf a prismatic image already exists, using this scroll will fully heal it.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.desc=Bu parşömenin üzerindeki yazıt, okuyucunun ilüzyonik bir ikizini yaratacaktır. Bu prizmatik görüntü, okuyucu ile benzer defansa fakat daha az hp ve hasara sahip zayıf bir kopya olacak davranacaktır.\n\nBu prizmatik görüntü görünürde düşmanlar varken kendisini gösterecek ve okuyucuyu korumaya çalışacaktır.\n\nEğer bir prizmatik görüntü zaten yanında ise bu parşömeni okumak onu tamamen iyileştirecektir.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.name=psiyonik patlama parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.name=psiyonik patlama parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=Psionik Patlama zihnini paramparça etti...
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=Psionik Patlama zihnini paramparça etti...
@ -911,18 +911,18 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Bu parşömende görünürdeki t
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=Bunu, yakında düşmanlar bulunuyorken yapamazsın.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=geri dönüş feneri
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Yükseltmeyi Kaldır
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on an enemy, they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=patlama taşı
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=patlama taşı
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Bu rüntaşı atıldığı yere değdiği an patlayacaktır. Aynı bir bomba gibi patlama çevresindekilere zarar verecektir.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Bu rüntaşı atıldığı yere değdiği an patlayacaktır. Aynı bir bomba gibi patlama çevresindekilere zarar verecektir.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=电击炸弹
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹不会爆炸,但会召出
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
@ -425,10 +425,6 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=无味果触地爆炸,碎成了一地的普
@ -441,6 +437,10 @@ items.food.frozencarpaccio.refresh=神清气爽!
items.food.meatpie.name=meat pie
items.food.meatpie.eat_msg=That food was incredible!
items.food.meatpie.desc=A delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=这瓶魔药融合了毒气药剂和麻痹
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ items.quest.embers.name=元素余烬
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=该卷轴能永久揭示一件物品的所
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep.
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=当阅读这张秘卷后,所有你
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=取消
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within an enhanced search radius.
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=移除强化
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on or next to an enemy they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Els atacs màgics travessen l'arma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guia d'alquímia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guia d'alquímia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Crear pocions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Crear pocions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Benvingut a les aplicacions pràctiques de l'alquímia!\n\nAquest llibre serveix com a referència de les receptes pels alquimistes aficionats o aventurers que busquen embrutir-se les mans.\n\nComençarem amb la recepta alquímica més emblemàtica: col·loca tres llavors en una olla d'alquímia per preparar una poció aleatòria!\n\nCada tipus de llavor serveix de contrapart a la poció, i la poció que creïs es pot relacionar amb una de les llavors utilitzades. L'ús de múltiples llavors del mateix tipus augmentarà la probabilitat de què això passi.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Crear pedres rúniques
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Crear pedres rúniques
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Ficar un pergamí dins d'un pot d'alquímia imbuirà la seva màgia a dues o tres pedres dins del pot. Això crea pedres rúniques!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Afegir puntes als dards
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Afegir puntes als dards
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Una llavor es pot combinar amb un o dos dards per afegir-los-hi puntes. Cada tipus de llavor produeix el seu propi tipus de dard amb punta, amb un efecte únic d'un sol ús.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pocions exòtiques
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pocions exòtiques
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Les pocions es poden augmentar amb dues llavors per crear pocions exòtiques. Aquestes tenen efectes més poderosos, però sovint també són útils d'altres maneres.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergamins exòtics
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergamins exòtics
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Els pergamins exòtics també es poden fer amb dues pedres rúniques i un pergamí. Són una mica més fortes que les pocions exòtiques, però les pedres també són més difícils d'aconseguir.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia i menjar
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia i menjar
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Algunes receptes requereixen energia del mateix pot d'alquímia. L'energia s'utilitza en les receptes per produir més de la suma dels seus ingredients.\n\nNo totes les receptes amb energia són especialment místiques però. Aquestes receptes s'assemblen més a la cuina tradicional que a l'alquímia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes millorades
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes millorades
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba de pólvora negre normal i corrent es pot barrejar amb un ítem específic per crear una bomba millorada.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Els beuratges estan elaborats amb receptes basades en pocions i se centren en danyar als teus enemics.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Els elixirs estan elaborats amb receptes basades en pocions, i se centren en la curació o en augmentar les teves habilitats.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Els elixirs estan elaborats amb receptes basades en pocions, i se centren en la curació o en augmentar les teves habilitats.
@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magiaj atakoj trairas vian defenda
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alĥemia Gvidlibro
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alĥemia Gvidlibro
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Kuiri eliksirojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Kuiri eliksirojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Bonvenon al praktika apliko de alĥemio!\n\nTiu ĉi libro liveras receptojn por malspertaj alĥemiistoj kaj aventuristoj kiuj volas fari ion per si mem.\n\nNi komenciĝos kun la plej tradicia alĥemia recepto: enmetu tri semojn en kuirpoton por kuiri hazardan eliksiron!\n\nĈiu semo havas sian analogan eliksiron kaj la kreota eliksiro povos rilati al semoj uzitaj por kuiri. Uzu kelkajn samspecajn semojn por pliigi ŝancon por akiri dezirotan eliksiron.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Krei runŝtonojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Krei runŝtonojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Per diserigi skribrulaĵon en la alĥemia kuirpoto oni povas transigi ĝian magion al du aŭ tri ŝtonoj. Tiel vi kreos runŝtonojn!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dronigitaj sagetoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dronigitaj sagetoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Oni povas kombini semon kun unu aŭ du sagetojn por saturi ilin per substanco de la semo. Per ĉiu speco de semo oni povas krei malsaman dronigitan sageton kun unika por-unu-uza efekto.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Ekzotaj eliksiroj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Oni povas plibonigi eliksiron per du semoj por krei ekzotan eliksiron. Ili havas pli potencajn efikojn, sed ankaŭ povas esti uzeblaj en alia maniero.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Ekzotaj skribrulaĵoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Ekzotaj skribrulaĵoj prepariĝas el du runŝtonoj kaj skribrulaĵo. Ili estas ete pli potencaj ol ekzotaj eliksiroj, sed ŝtonoj estas pli malfacilaj por akiri.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energio kaj manĝaĵo
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Iuj receptoj postulas energion el la alĥemia kuirpoto mem. Energio estas uzata en receptoj, kiuj produktas ion pli potencaj ol sumo de konsistaĵoj.\n\nTamen ne ĉiuj receptoj uzantaj energion estas mistikaj. Tiuj receptoj estas pli similaj al tradicia kuirado ol al alĥemio.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Oni povas kunligi kutiman bombon de nigra pulvo kun specifa aĵo por krei superbombon.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Infuzaĵoj estas preparataj surbaze de eliksiroj, kaj estas uzataj por damaĝi malamikojn.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Miksturoj estas preparataj surbaze de eliksiroj, kaj estas uzataj por sanigi aŭ pliigi viajn povojn.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Sorĉkristaloj estas preparataj surbaze de skribrulaĵoj, kaj karakterizas per diversaj efikoj por plurfoja uzo.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puto de sano
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puto de sano
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puto de scio
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puto de scio
@ -22,20 +22,20 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Los ataques mágicos atraviesan la
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guía de alquimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guía de alquimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creando Pociones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creando Pociones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=¡Bienvenido a Aplicaciones Practicas de Alquimia!\n\nEste libro sirve como una formula para los aficionados alquimistas y los aventureros que buscan ensuciarse las manos\n\nComenzaremos con la receta alquímica mas icónica: ¡Coloque tres semillas en el caldero alquímico para elaborar una poción al azar!\n\nCada semilla tiene su contra parte, y la poción que crees estará relacionada a una de las semillas usadas. Usar múltiples semillas iguales aumentara la posibilidad de que esto ocurra
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=¡Bienvenidos a Las Aplicaciones Prácticas de Alquimia!\n\nEste libro sirve como una referencia de recetas para los alquimistas aficionados y aventureros que buscan ensuciarse las manos.\n\nComenzaremos con la receta de alquimia más icónica: ¡coloca tres semillas en una olla de alquimia para elaborar una poción aleatoria!\n\nCada semilla tiene una contraparte en la poción, y la poción que crees puede estar relacionada con una de las semillas utilizadas. Usar múltiples semillas del mismo tipo aumentará la posibilidad de que esto ocurra.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creando Piedras Rúnicas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creando Piedras Rúnicas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mezclar un pergamino en un caldero alquímico imbuirá su magia en dos o tres piedras dentro del caldero. ¡Esto creara piedras rúnicas!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mezclar un pergamino en una olla de alquimia imbuirá su magia en dos o tres rocas dentro de la olla. ¡Esto crea piedras rúnicas!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardos Tipados
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardos Tipados
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Una semilla puede ser combinada con uno o dos dardos para marcarlos. Cada tipo de semilla produce su propio tipo de dardo marcado, con un efecto de un solo uso.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Una semilla se puede combinar con uno o dos dardos para tiparlos. Cada tipo de semilla produce su propio tipo de dardo tipado, con un efecto único de un solo uso.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pociones exóticas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pociones Exóticas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Las pociones pueden ser mejoradas con dos semillas para crear pociones exóticas. Tienen efectos mas poderosos, pero son a menudo usadas de formas diferentes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Las pociones se pueden aumentar con dos semillas para crear pociones exóticas. Tienen efectos más poderosos, pero a menudo son útiles de diferentes maneras.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergaminos exóticos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergaminos Exóticos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Los pergaminos exóticos pueden ser creados con dos piedras rúnicas y un pergamino. Son un poco mas fuertes que las pociones exóticas, pero las piedras también son mas difíciles de conseguir.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Los pergaminos exóticos pueden ser creados con dos piedras rúnicas y un pergamino. Son un poco más fuertes que las pociones exóticas, pero las piedras también son más difíciles de conseguir.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energía y comida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energía y Comida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Algunas recetas requieren energía del propio caldero alquímico. La energía es usada en recetas que producen mas que la suma de sus ingredientes.\n\nNo todas las recetas de energía son especialmente místicas sin embargo. Estas recetas se parecen mas a la cocina tradicional que al a alquimia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Algunas recetas requieren energía de la propia olla de alquimia. La energía se utiliza en recetas que producen más que la suma de sus ingredientes.\n\nSin embargo, no todas las recetas de energía son especialmente místicas. Estas recetas se parecen más a la cocina tradicional que a la alquimia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Mejoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Mejoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba de pólvora negra que puede ser mezclada con objetos específicos para crear una bomba mejorada.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba de pólvora negra estándar se puede mezclar con un ítem específico para crear una bomba mejorada.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Las infusiones son recetas basadas en pociones, y centradas en dañar a tus enemigos.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Las infusiones son recetas basadas en pociones, y centradas en dañar a tus enemigos.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Los elixires son recetas basadas en pociones centradas en curarte o impulsar tus habilidades.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Los elixires son recetas basadas en pociones centradas en curarte o impulsar tus habilidades.
@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Eraso magikoak armadura zeharkatze
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alkimia gida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alkimia gida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Edabeak sortzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Edabeak sortzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Ongi etorri Alkimiaren aplikazio praktikoetara!\n\nLiburu hau alkimia-zaleentzako eta eskuak zikintzeko prest dauden abenturazaleentzako errezeten bilduma bat da.\n\nAlkimiaren errezeta ikonikoenarekin hasiko gara: Kokatu edozein hiru hazi alkimia eltzean edabe berri bat prestatzeko!\n\nHazi mota bakoitzak dagokion edabe bat du eta sortzen duzun edabea erabilitako hazi batekin zerikusia izan lezake. Mota bereko hainbat hazi erabiltzeak hau horrela izateko aukera areagotzen du.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Erruna harriak sortzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Erruna harriak sortzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Eskuizkribu bat alkimia eltzean nahastean bere magia eltzeko bi edo hiru harrietara txertatuko da. Honela erruna harriak sortzen ditu!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardoak bustitzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardoak bustitzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Hazi bat bi edo hiru dardoekin konbinatu daiteke hauek bustitzeko. Hazi mota bakoitzak dagokion bustitako dardo mota sortzen du, efektua erabilera bakarrekoa eta bakana dela.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made wi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Hobetutako bonbak
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Hobetutako bonbak
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Bolbora beltzezko bonba arrunt bat beste elementu zehatzekin nahastu daiteke hobetutako bonba bat sortzeko.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Specific rooms will often contai
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Mágikus támadások
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Mágikus támadások
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alchemy Guide
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alkímia kézikönyv
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creating Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creating Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creating Runestones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creating Runestones
@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Gli attacchi magici passano attrav
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guida all'Alchimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guida all'Alchimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creare Pozioni
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creare Pozioni
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Benvenuti al Corso Pratico di Alchimia!\n\nQuesto libro funge come fonte di ricette per alchimisti in erba ed avventurieri desiderosi di sporcarsi le mani.\n\nCominceremo con la ricetta alchemica più emblematica: Posiziona tre semi qualsiasi in un calderone alchemico per preparare una pozione casuale!\n\nOgni seme possiede una pozione corrispondente e la pozione da te creata può corrispondere a uno dei semi usati. Usare multipli dello stesso tipo di seme aumenterà le probabilità che questo succeda.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creare Pietre Runiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creare Pietre Runiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mescolare una singola pergamena in un calderone alchemico instillerà la sua magia all'interno di due o tre pietre nel calderone. Ciò creerà pietre runiche!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardi Intinti
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardi Intinti
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Un seme può essere combinato con uno o due dardi per intingerne le punte. Ogni tipo di seme produce un suo genere di dardo intinto, con uno specifico effetto che dura per un solo uso.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pozioni Esotiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pozioni Esotiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Le pozioni possono essere incrementate con due semi per creare pozioni esotiche. Esse hanno effetti più potenti, ma sono spesso utili anche in modi diversi.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergamene Esotiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergamene Esotiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Le pergamene esotiche possono essere create con due pietre runiche e una pergamena. Sono un po' più forti delle pozioni esotiche, poiché le pietre sono più difficili da trovare.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Cibo ed Energia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Cibo ed Energia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Qualche ricetta richiede energia proveniente dal calderone alchemico. L'energia è usata per ricette che rappresentano più della somma dei loro ingredienti.\n\nNon tutte le ricette che richiedono energia sono tuttavia particolarmente mistiche. Queste ricette paiono somigliare più alla cucina tradizionale che all'alchimia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombe Migliorate
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombe Migliorate
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba di polvere nera standard può essere mescolata con un oggetto specifico per creare una bomba migliorata.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Le miscele sono create dalle ricette con pozioni e si focalizzano sul danneggiare i tuoi nemici.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Gli elisir sono creati dalle ricette con pozioni e si focalizzano sulla guarigione o sull'incremento delle tue abilità.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Gli elisir sono creati dalle ricette con pozioni e si focalizzano sulla guarigione o sull'incremento delle tue abilità.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.title=Formule Magiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.title=Formule Magiche
@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Ataques mágicos cortam através d
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guia de Alquimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guia de Alquimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Criando Poções
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Criando Poções
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Bem-vindo a aplicações práticas da alquimia!\n\nEste livro serve como uma referência de receita para alquimistas e aventureiros amadores procurando sujar as mãos.\n\nVamos começar com a receita de alquimia mais icônica: Coloque quaisquer três sementes em um vaso de alquimia para preparar uma poção aleatória!\n\nCada semente tem uma contraparte de poção, e a poção que você cria pode se relacionar com uma das sementes usadas. Usar múltiplos da mesma semente aumentará a chance de isso ocorrer.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Criando pedras rúnicas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Criando pedras rúnicas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Misturar um pergaminho em um pote de alquimia vai imbuir sua magia em duas ou três pedras dentro do pote. Isso cria runas!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Derrubar dardos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Derrubar dardos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Uma semente pode ser combinada com um ou dois dardos para derrubá-los. Cada tipo de semente produz seu próprio tipo de dardo com ponta, com um efeito único de uso único.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Poções Exóticas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Poções Exóticas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=As poções podem ser aumentadas com duas sementes para criar poções exóticas. Eles têm efeitos mais poderosos, mas geralmente são úteis de maneiras diferentes.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergaminhos Exóticos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergaminhos Exóticos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Pergaminhos exóticos podem ser feitos com duas runas e um pergaminho. Eles são um pouco mais fortes do que poções exóticas, mas as pedras também são mais difíceis de encontrar.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia e Alimentação
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia e Alimentação
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Algumas receitas requerem energia da própria panela de alquimia. A energia é usada em receitas que produzem mais do que a soma de seus ingredientes.\n\nNem todas as receitas energéticas são especialmente místicas. Essas receitas se assemelham mais a culinária tradicional do que a alquimia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Aprimoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Aprimoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Uma bomba de pó preto padrão pode ser misturada com um item específico para criar uma bomba aprimorada.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.title=Bebida Fermentada
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.title=Bebida Fermentada
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Bebida fermentada é feita a partir de receitas à base de poções, e se concentrar em prejudicar seus inimigos.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Os elixires são feitos a partir de receitas baseadas em poções e concentram-se em curar ou aumentar suas habilidades.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Os elixires são feitos a partir de receitas baseadas em poções e concentram-se em curar ou aumentar suas habilidades.
@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=İksir Oluşturma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Rüntaşları Oluşturma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Rüntaşları Oluşturma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dartların Ucuna Bir Şeyler Eklemek
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Egzotik İksirler
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=İksirler iki bitki ile karıştırılarak egzotik iksirler oluşturmada kullanılabilirler. Daha güçlü etkileri olacaktır fakat genelde farklı şekillerde kullanışlıdırlar.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Egzotik Parşömenler
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Egzotik parşömenler iki rüntaşı ve bir parşömen ile yapılabilir. Egzotik iksirlerden biraz daha güçlüdürler fakat rüntaşları ile karşılaşmak da güçtür.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Enerji ve Yemek
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Geliştirilmiş Bombalar
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Geliştirilmiş Bombalar
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Normal bir bomba belirli eşyalarla birleştirilerek geliştirilmiş bir bombaya dönüştürülebilir.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Karışımlar iksir temelli tariflerdir ve düşmanlarına zarar vermeye odaklıdırlar.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Özütler iksir temelli tariflerdir ve seni iyileştirmeye veya becerilerini arttırmaya odaklıdırlar.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Büyüler parşömen temelli tariflerden yapılırlar ve çok sayıda kullanımda farklı etkiler sunarlar.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sağlık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sağlık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=farkındalık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=farkındalık kuyusu
@ -24,23 +24,23 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=炼金指南
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Selecciona una llavor
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Pot d'alquímia
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Cuina una baia-insípida
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Preparar una poció
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Vols cuinar una baia-insípida amb una llavor, o preparar una poció amb llavors?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Si, sé el que faig
levels.features.chasm.yes=Si, sé el que faig
levels.features.chasm.no=No, he canviat d'idea
levels.features.chasm.no=No, he canviat d'idea
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=La barricada de fusta s'ha construït amb fermesa, p
levels.level.sign_desc=No pots llegir el text des d'aquí.
levels.level.sign_desc=No pots llegir el text des d'aquí.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Aquesta trampa s'ha activat anteriorment i ja no és perillosa.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Aquesta trampa s'ha activat anteriorment i ja no és perillosa.
levels.level.statue_desc=Algú volia adornar aquest lloc, però va fracassar, òbviament.
levels.level.statue_desc=Algú volia adornar aquest lloc, però va fracassar, òbviament.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Deixa aquí unes llavors per cuinar una poció.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=El pou està sec.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=El pou està sec.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Aigua freda i fosca.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Aigua freda i fosca.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Vyber semínko
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Alchymický kotlík
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Uvařit Popelici
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Uvařit lektvar
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Chceš uvařit Popelici se semínkem nebo lektvar ze semínek?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Ano, vím co dělám
levels.features.chasm.yes=Ano, vím co dělám
levels.features.chasm.no=Ne, rozmýšlím si to
levels.features.chasm.no=Ne, rozmýšlím si to
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=Dřevěná barikáda je pevně sestavená, ale běhe
levels.level.sign_desc=Nemůžeš odsud ten nápis přečíst.
levels.level.sign_desc=Nemůžeš odsud ten nápis přečíst.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Tato past již byla dříve aktivována a už není nebezpečná.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Tato past již byla dříve aktivována a už není nebezpečná.
levels.level.statue_desc=Někdo chtěl tohle místo vyzdobit, ale očividně selhal.
levels.level.statue_desc=Někdo chtěl tohle místo vyzdobit, ale očividně selhal.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Vhoď sem nějaká semínka pro uvaření lektvaru.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Studna vyschla.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Studna vyschla.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Temná chladná voda.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Temná chladná voda.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Wähle ein Samenkorn
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Koche eine Fadfrucht
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Braue einen Trank
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Möchtest du eine Fadfrucht mit einem Samen kochen oder einen Trank mithilfe deiner Samen brauen?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Ja, ich weiß was ich tue
levels.features.chasm.yes=Ja, ich weiß was ich tue
levels.features.chasm.no=Nein, lieber doch nicht...
levels.features.chasm.no=Nein, lieber doch nicht...
@ -124,7 +118,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=Schwäche-Falle
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dunkle Magie lauert in dieser Falle, welche sämtliche Energie aus ihrem Opfer entzieht, wenn dieses mit der Falle in Berührung kommt.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dunkle Magie lauert in dieser Falle, welche sämtliche Energie aus ihrem Opfer entzieht, wenn dieses mit der Falle in Berührung kommt.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=Alte Dartwerferfalle
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=Alte Dartwerferfalle
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=In der Nähe muss ein Blasrohr versteckt sein; durch Auslösen der Falle wird ein Pfeil auf das nächstgelegene Ziel geschossen.\n\nAufgrund des Alters, ist die Falle nicht besonders gefährlich, sie ist nicht mal versteckt...
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=EIne Barrikade aus Holz wurde hier sorgfältig erric
levels.level.sign_desc=Du kannst den Text von hier aus nicht lesen.
levels.level.sign_desc=Du kannst den Text von hier aus nicht lesen.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Diese Falle wurde bereits ausgelöst und kann keinen Schaden mehr anrichten.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Diese Falle wurde bereits ausgelöst und kann keinen Schaden mehr anrichten.
levels.level.statue_desc=Irgendjemand hat versucht diesen Ort anschaulich zu gestalten, doch war er hat es - offensichtlich - nur versucht.
levels.level.statue_desc=Irgendjemand hat versucht diesen Ort anschaulich zu gestalten, doch war er hat es - offensichtlich - nur versucht.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Werf´ einige Samen rein um einen Trank zu brauen.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Der Brunnen ist ausgetrocknet.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Der Brunnen ist ausgetrocknet.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Dunkles Wasser
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Dunkles Wasser
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Elektu semon
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Alĥemia kuirpoto
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Kuiri naŭzfrukton
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Kuiri eliksiron
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Ĉu vi volas kuiri naŭzfrukton kun semo, aŭ prepari eliksiron el semoj?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Jes, mi certas pri tio
levels.features.chasm.yes=Jes, mi certas pri tio
levels.features.chasm.no=Ne, mi ŝanĝis mian volon
levels.features.chasm.no=Ne, mi ŝanĝis mian volon
@ -124,7 +118,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=malfortiga kaptilo
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Malluma magio en tiu ĉi kaptilo elsuĉos la forton el io ajn, kio tuŝos ĝin.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Malluma magio en tiu ĉi kaptilo elsuĉos la forton el io ajn, kio tuŝos ĝin.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=eluzita pikila kaptilo
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=eluzita pikila kaptilo
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Eta saget-ellasilo estas kaŝita proksime, do aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo pafos al la plej proksima celo.\n\nTamen pro ĝia aĝo ĝi ne estas tre danĝera, eĉ ne estas kaŝita…
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=La ligna barikado estas solide konstruita sed putris
levels.level.sign_desc=La teksto ne estas legebla de tie ĉi.
levels.level.sign_desc=La teksto ne estas legebla de tie ĉi.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=La kaptilo estis aktivigita antaŭe, do ĝi ne estas plu danĝera.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=La kaptilo estis aktivigita antaŭe, do ĝi ne estas plu danĝera.
levels.level.statue_desc=Iu ornamemulo provis dekoracii tiun ĉi ĉambron, tamen li sendube malsukcesis.
levels.level.statue_desc=Iu ornamemulo provis dekoracii tiun ĉi ĉambron, tamen li sendube malsukcesis.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Enĵetu kelkajn semojn tien ĉi por kuiri eliksiron.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=La puto senakviĝis.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=La puto senakviĝis.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Malhela malvarma akvo.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Malhela malvarma akvo.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Selecciona una semilla
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Caldero de alquimia
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Cocinar una Fruta insípida
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Cocinar una poción
levels.features.alchemypot.options=¿Quieres cocinar una Fruta insípida con una semilla o usar semillas para elaborar una Poción?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Si, sé lo que hago
levels.features.chasm.yes=Si, sé lo que hago
levels.features.chasm.no=No, he cambiado de idea
levels.features.chasm.no=No, he cambiado de idea
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=Esta barricada de madera esta puesta firmemente, per
levels.level.sign_desc=No puedes leer el texto desde aquí.
levels.level.sign_desc=No puedes leer el texto desde aquí.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Esta trampa ya ha sido activada previamente y ya no es peligrosa.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Esta trampa ya ha sido activada previamente y ya no es peligrosa.
levels.level.statue_desc=Alguien quería decorar este lugar, pero claramente falló.
levels.level.statue_desc=Alguien quería decorar este lugar, pero claramente falló.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Suelta algunas semillas aquí para hacer una poción.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=El pozo se ha secado.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=El pozo se ha secado.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Agua oscura y fría.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Agua oscura y fría.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Aukeratu hazi bat
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Alkimia lapikoa
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Prestatu fruitutxepel bat
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Egosi edabe bat
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Fruitutxepel bat hazi batekin prestatu nahi duzu, ala haziekin edabe bat egosi?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Bai, badakit zertan nabilen
levels.features.chasm.yes=Bai, badakit zertan nabilen
levels.features.chasm.no=Ez, iritziz aldatu dut
levels.features.chasm.no=Ez, iritziz aldatu dut
@ -40,7 +34,7 @@ levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=hotz tranpa
levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=Aktibatu bezain laster, tranpa honetako erreaktiboak ondoko airea izoztu egingo dute.
levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=Aktibatu bezain laster, tranpa honetako erreaktiboak ondoko airea izoztu egingo dute.
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=nahaste gas tranpa
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=nahaste gas tranpa
levels.traps.confusiontrap.desc=Tranpa aktibatzeak inguruan nahaste gas hodei bat askatzea ekarriko du.
levels.traps.confusiontrap.desc=Tranpa aktibatzeak inguruan nahaste gasezko hodei bat askatzea ekarriko du.
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=tranpa madarikatzailea
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=tranpa madarikatzailea
levels.traps.cursingtrap.curse=Gainean daramazun tresneria madarikatu egin da!
levels.traps.cursingtrap.curse=Gainean daramazun tresneria madarikatu egin da!
@ -110,12 +104,12 @@ levels.traps.teleportationtrap.name=teleportazio tranpa
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.desc=Tranpa hau aktibatzen duen edozer pisu honetako beste toki batetara teleportatuko da.
levels.traps.teleportationtrap.desc=Tranpa hau aktibatzen duen edozer pisu honetako beste toki batetara teleportatuko da.
levels.traps.toxictrap.name=gas toxikoaren tranpa
levels.traps.toxictrap.name=gas toxikoaren tranpa
levels.traps.toxictrap.desc=Tranpa hau zapaltzean gas toxikoaren hodei bat askatuko da inguruan.
levels.traps.toxictrap.desc=Tranpa hau zapaltzean gas toxikozko hodei bat askatuko da inguruan.
levels.traps.trap.rankings_desc=Honek hila: %s
levels.traps.trap.rankings_desc=Honek hila: %s
levels.traps.corrosiontrap.name=gas korrosiboaren tranpa
levels.traps.corrosiontrap.name=gas korrosiboaren tranpa
levels.traps.corrosiontrap.desc=Tranpa hau aktibatzeak gas azido hilkor hodei bat askatuko du inguruan.
levels.traps.corrosiontrap.desc=Tranpa hau aktibatzeak gas azido hilkorrezko hodei bat askatuko du inguruan.
levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=galbideratze tranpa
levels.traps.warpingtrap.name=galbideratze tranpa
levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Tranpa hau aktibatzen duen edozer pisu honetako beste toki batera galbideratuko da.
levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Tranpa hau aktibatzen duen edozer pisu honetako beste toki batera galbideratuko da.
@ -124,7 +118,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=tranpa ahulgarria
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Tranpa honetako magia ilunak ukitzen duen edozeren energia xurgatzen du.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Tranpa honetako magia ilunak ukitzen duen edozeren energia xurgatzen du.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=higatutako dardo tranpa
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=higatutako dardo tranpa
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Hemendik hurbil dardo jaurtigailu txiki bat ezkutatuta egon behar da, tranpa honek helburu hurbilenari tiro egin diezaiola eragingo du.\n\nAdina dela eta ez da oso kaltegarria, ez dago ezkutatuta ere...
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=Zurezko barrikada hau ondo ezarrita dago baina urtee
levels.level.sign_desc=Ezin duzu testua hemendik irakurri.
levels.level.sign_desc=Ezin duzu testua hemendik irakurri.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Tranpa hau aurretik aktibatu da eta ez da arriskutsua dagoeneko.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Tranpa hau aurretik aktibatu da eta ez da arriskutsua dagoeneko.
levels.level.statue_desc=Baten batek tokia apaindu nahi zuen, eta argi dagoenez kale egin zuen.
levels.level.statue_desc=Baten batek tokia apaindu nahi zuen, eta argi dagoenez kale egin zuen.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Bota hazi batzuk hona edabe bat egozteko.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Putzu hau sikatu da.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Putzu hau sikatu da.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Ur ilun hotza.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Ur ilun hotza.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Valitse siemen
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Keitä mietohedelmä
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Hauduta taikajuoma
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Haluatko keittää mietohedelmän siemenen kanssa vai hauduttaa taikajuoman siemenistä?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Kyllä, tiedän mitä teen
levels.features.chasm.yes=Kyllä, tiedän mitä teen
levels.features.chasm.no=Ei, muutin mieleni
levels.features.chasm.no=Ei, muutin mieleni
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=Puinen barrikadi on lujasti rakennettu, mutta se on
levels.level.sign_desc=Et voi lukea tekstiä täältä.
levels.level.sign_desc=Et voi lukea tekstiä täältä.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Ansa on laukaistu ja ei ole enää vaaraksi kenellekään.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Ansa on laukaistu ja ei ole enää vaaraksi kenellekään.
levels.level.statue_desc=Joku yritti koristaa tämän paikan, mutta ilmiselvästi epäonnistui.
levels.level.statue_desc=Joku yritti koristaa tämän paikan, mutta ilmiselvästi epäonnistui.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Pudota muutama siemen tänne hauduttaaksesi taikajuoman.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Kaivo on kuivunut.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Kaivo on kuivunut.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Tummaa ja kylmää vettä.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Tummaa ja kylmää vettä.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Sélectionnez une graine
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Marmite d'alchimie
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Cuisiner un Fruifade
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Concocter une Potion
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Voulez-vous cuisiner un Fruifade avec une graine, ou concocter une potion avec des graines ?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Oui, je sais ce que je fais
levels.features.chasm.yes=Oui, je sais ce que je fais
levels.features.chasm.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
levels.features.chasm.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=La cloison de bois est fermement fixée mais a séch
levels.level.sign_desc=Vous ne pouvez lire le texte d'ici.
levels.level.sign_desc=Vous ne pouvez lire le texte d'ici.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Le piège à déjà été activé et ne présente plus de danger.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Le piège à déjà été activé et ne présente plus de danger.
levels.level.statue_desc=Quelqu'un à tenté de décorer cet endroit, mais visiblement n'y est pas parvenu.
levels.level.statue_desc=Quelqu'un à tenté de décorer cet endroit, mais visiblement n'y est pas parvenu.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Déposez des graines ici pour concocter une potion.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Le puits s'est asséché.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Le puits s'est asséché.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Eau sombre et froide.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Eau sombre et froide.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Válassz egy magot!
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Alkimista üst
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Szelídgyümölcs főzése
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Ital kifőzése
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Szelídgyümölcsöt szeretnél főzni egy magból vagy inkább egy italt főznél ki magokból?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Igen, tudom, mit csinálok
levels.features.chasm.yes=Igen, tudom, mit csinálok
levels.features.chasm.no=Nem, meggondoltam magam
levels.features.chasm.no=Nem, meggondoltam magam
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=A fából készült barikádot erősre építették,
levels.level.sign_desc=Nem tudod elolvasni a szöveget innen.
levels.level.sign_desc=Nem tudod elolvasni a szöveget innen.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Ez a csapda már elsült, nem jelent veszélyt többé.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Ez a csapda már elsült, nem jelent veszélyt többé.
levels.level.statue_desc=Valaki díszíteni akarta ezt a helyet, de szemmel láthatóan kudarcot vallott.
levels.level.statue_desc=Valaki díszíteni akarta ezt a helyet, de szemmel láthatóan kudarcot vallott.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Dobj néhány magot ide, hogy italt főzz belőlük.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=A kút kiszáradt.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=A kút kiszáradt.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Sötét, hideg víz.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Sötét, hideg víz.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Pilih sebuah benih
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Panci Peracik
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Masak Buah Campur
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Racik Ramuan
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Apakah kau mau memasak Buah Campur dengan sebuah benih, atau mau membuat ramuan dari benih-benih?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Ya, aku tahu apa yang kulakukan
levels.features.chasm.yes=Ya, aku tahu apa yang kulakukan
levels.features.chasm.no=Tidak, aku berubah pikiran
levels.features.chasm.no=Tidak, aku berubah pikiran
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=Barikade kayu ini dipasang dengan apik namun telah r
levels.level.sign_desc=Kau tidak bisa membaca teksnya dari sini.
levels.level.sign_desc=Kau tidak bisa membaca teksnya dari sini.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Jebakan ini sudah diaktifkan sebelumnya dan sudah tidak berbahaya lagi.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Jebakan ini sudah diaktifkan sebelumnya dan sudah tidak berbahaya lagi.
levels.level.statue_desc=Seseorang ingin memperindah tempat ini, tapi gagal, pastinya.
levels.level.statue_desc=Seseorang ingin memperindah tempat ini, tapi gagal, pastinya.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Letakkan beberapa benih di sini untuk meracik ramuan.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Sumurnya sudah kering.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Sumurnya sudah kering.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Air kotor dingin.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Air kotor dingin.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Seleziona un seme
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Calderone Alchemico
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Cuoci un Blandofrutto
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Prepara una Pozione
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Vuoi cucinare un Blandofrutto assieme ad un seme, o preparare una Pozione con i semi?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Sì, so quel che sto facendo
levels.features.chasm.yes=Sì, so quel che sto facendo
levels.features.chasm.no=No, ho cambiato idea
levels.features.chasm.no=No, ho cambiato idea
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=La barricata di legno è saldamente costruita ma si
levels.level.sign_desc=Non riesci a leggere da qui.
levels.level.sign_desc=Non riesci a leggere da qui.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=La trappola è stata già attivata in precedenza e non è più pericolosa.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=La trappola è stata già attivata in precedenza e non è più pericolosa.
levels.level.statue_desc=Qualcuno ha tentato di decorare questo posto, ma ha evidentemente fallito.
levels.level.statue_desc=Qualcuno ha tentato di decorare questo posto, ma ha evidentemente fallito.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Lascia cadere dei semi per creare una pozione.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Il pozzo si è prosciugato.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Il pozzo si è prosciugato.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Acqua scura fredda.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Acqua scura fredda.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=씨앗을 선택하세요
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=연금술 솥
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=단백과를 요리한다
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=물약을 제조한다
levels.features.alchemypot.options=단백과를 씨앗과 요리하시겠습니까? 아니면 씨앗으로 물약을 제조하시겠습니까?
levels.features.chasm.yes=네. 그렇게 하겠습니다.
levels.features.chasm.yes=네. 그렇게 하겠습니다.
levels.features.chasm.no=아니오. 생각을 바꾸었습니다.
levels.features.chasm.no=아니오. 생각을 바꾸었습니다.
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=이 나무 장애물은 수 년에 걸쳐 굳건하
levels.level.sign_desc=여기서부터 뭐라고 쓰여 있는지 알 수 없다.
levels.level.sign_desc=여기서부터 뭐라고 쓰여 있는지 알 수 없다.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=이 함정은 이전에 작동되어서 더 이상 위험하지 않다.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=이 함정은 이전에 작동되어서 더 이상 위험하지 않다.
levels.level.statue_desc=누군가가 이 장소를 꾸미려고 했지만, 확실히 실패한 것 같다.
levels.level.statue_desc=누군가가 이 장소를 꾸미려고 했지만, 확실히 실패한 것 같다.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=물약을 제조하기 위해 씨앗을 던져 넣으십시오.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=우물이 말랐다.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=우물이 말랐다.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=깊고 차가운 물
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=깊고 차가운 물
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Wybierz nasiono
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Kocioł Alchemiczny
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Ugotuj Mdły Owoc
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Uwarz miksturę
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Czy chcesz ugotować Mdły Owoc z innym nasionem, czy naważyć Miksturę z nasion?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Tak, wiem co robię
levels.features.chasm.yes=Tak, wiem co robię
levels.features.chasm.no=Nie, zmieniłem zdanie
levels.features.chasm.no=Nie, zmieniłem zdanie
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=Drewniana barykada jest solidna, ale wyschła po tyl
levels.level.sign_desc=Nie możesz stąd odczytać tekstu.
levels.level.sign_desc=Nie możesz stąd odczytać tekstu.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Pułapka została uruchomiona wcześniej i nie stanowi już zagrożenia.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Pułapka została uruchomiona wcześniej i nie stanowi już zagrożenia.
levels.level.statue_desc=Ktoś chciał ozdobić to miejsce, zdecydowanie mu nie wyszło.
levels.level.statue_desc=Ktoś chciał ozdobić to miejsce, zdecydowanie mu nie wyszło.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Wrzuć tu kilka nasion aby ugotować miksturę.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Ta studnia wyschła.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Ta studnia wyschła.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Ciemna, zimna woda.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Ciemna, zimna woda.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=selecione uma semente.
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Caldeirão de alquimia
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Cozinhar uma frutinsossa
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Produzir uma poção
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Você quer cozinhar uma frutinsossa com alguma semente, ou preparar uma poção a partir de sementes?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Sim, sei o que faço
levels.features.chasm.yes=Sim, sei o que faço
levels.features.chasm.no=Não, eu mudei de ideia
levels.features.chasm.no=Não, eu mudei de ideia
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=A barricada de madeira está presa firmemente, mas s
levels.level.sign_desc=Você não consegue ler a placa daqui.
levels.level.sign_desc=Você não consegue ler a placa daqui.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=A armadilha já foi ativada e não é mais perigosa.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=A armadilha já foi ativada e não é mais perigosa.
levels.level.statue_desc=Alguém queria deixar este lugar mais bonito, mas falhou miseravelmente, como se pode ver.
levels.level.statue_desc=Alguém queria deixar este lugar mais bonito, mas falhou miseravelmente, como se pode ver.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Jogue algumas sementes aqui para preparar uma poção.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=O poço secou.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=O poço secou.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Água fria escura
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Água fria escura
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Выберите семя
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Алхимический котел
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Приготовить Пустофрукт
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Сварить Зелье
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Вы хотите приготовить Пустофрукт с семечком или сварить Зелье из семян?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Да, я знаю, что я делаю
levels.features.chasm.yes=Да, я знаю, что я делаю
levels.features.chasm.no=Нет, я передумал
levels.features.chasm.no=Нет, я передумал
@ -124,7 +118,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=ослабляющая ловушка
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Тёмная магия в этой ловушке высасывает энергию из всего, что к ней прикоснётся.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Тёмная магия в этой ловушке высасывает энергию из всего, что к ней прикоснётся.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=ловушка с дротиком
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=ловушка с дротиком
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Маленький пусковой механизм должен быть спрятан неподалёку, и активация ловушки заставит механизм выстрелить дротиком в ближайшую цель.\n\nВ силу своего возраста, эту ловушку трудно не заметить.
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=Деревянная баррикада устано
levels.level.sign_desc=Вы не можете разобрать, что там написано, с этого расстояния.
levels.level.sign_desc=Вы не можете разобрать, что там написано, с этого расстояния.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Ловушка уже сработала, теперь она безопасна.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Ловушка уже сработала, теперь она безопасна.
levels.level.statue_desc=Кто-то хотел украсить это место, но у него явно не получилось.
levels.level.statue_desc=Кто-то хотел украсить это место, но у него явно не получилось.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Бросьте сюда семена, чтобы приготовить зелье.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Колодец пересох.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Колодец пересох.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Тёмная холодная вода.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Тёмная холодная вода.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
levels.features.alchemypot.select_seed=Bir tohum seç
levels.features.alchemypot.pot=Simya Kazanı
levels.features.alchemypot.fruit=Tatsızmeyve pişir
levels.features.alchemypot.potion=Bir İksir hazırla
levels.features.alchemypot.options=Bir tohumla Tatsızmeyve mi pişirmek istersin, ya da tohumlarla iksir hazırlamayı mı ?
levels.features.chasm.yes=Evet, ne yaptığımı biliyorum
levels.features.chasm.yes=Evet, ne yaptığımı biliyorum
levels.features.chasm.no=Hayır, fikrimi değiştirdim
levels.features.chasm.no=Hayır, fikrimi değiştirdim
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=Bu ahşap barikat sıkıca sabitlenmiş ancak yılla
levels.level.sign_desc=Yazıyı buradan okuyamıyorsun.
levels.level.sign_desc=Yazıyı buradan okuyamıyorsun.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Bu tuzak önceden tetiklenmiş ve artık tehlikeli değil.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Bu tuzak önceden tetiklenmiş ve artık tehlikeli değil.
levels.level.statue_desc=Biri burayı süslemek istemiş, ancak göründüğü gibi başarısız olmuş.
levels.level.statue_desc=Biri burayı süslemek istemiş, ancak göründüğü gibi başarısız olmuş.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=İksir pişirmek için birkaç tohum at.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=This pot is filled with magical water. Items can be mixed into the pot to create something new!
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Bu kuyu kurumuş.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Bu kuyu kurumuş.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Koyu, soğuk su.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Koyu, soğuk su.
@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=木栅栏依然坚固,但早已风干多年。烧
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ badges$badge.death_from_fire=Tűzhalál
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Death from deferred damage
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Késleltetett sebzés általi halál
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Szörnyet halt
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Szörnyet halt
badges$badge.yasd=Tűzhalál, mérgezés, gázmérgezés, éhhalál, halál varázsjeltől és eséstől
badges$badge.yasd=Tűzhalál, mérgezés, gázmérgezés, éhhalál, halál varázsjeltől és eséstől
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=Első főellenség megölve
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=Első főellenség megölve
@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ badges$badge.games_played_2=50 lejátszott játék
badges$badge.games_played_3=250 lejátszott játék
badges$badge.games_played_3=250 lejátszott játék
badges$badge.games_played_4=1000 lejátszott játék
badges$badge.games_played_4=1000 lejátszott játék
badges$badge.happy_end=Minden jó, ha a vége jó
badges$badge.happy_end=Minden jó, ha a vége jó
badges$badge.champion_1=Won with a Challenge
badges$badge.champion_1=Egy kihívással nyertél
badges$badge.champion_2=Won with 3 Challenges
badges$badge.champion_2=3 kihívással nyertél
badges$badge.champion_3=Won with 6 Challenges
badges$badge.champion_3=6 kihívással nyertél
challenges.no_food_desc=Szűkös az élelem, ossz be minden falatot!\n\n- A hagyományos ételcsomagok és pástétomok helyett kis ételcsomagok vannak\n- Nincs titokzatos hús és szelídgyümölcs\n- Nincs bőségszaru
challenges.no_food_desc=Szűkös az élelem, ossz be minden falatot!\n\n- A hagyományos ételcsomagok és pástétomok helyett kis ételcsomagok vannak\n- Nincs titokzatos hús és szelídgyümölcs\n- Nincs bőségszaru
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Sobre
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon és un RPG roguelike, amb enemics, nivells, ítems i trampes generats a l'atzar!\n\nCada sessió és una nova experiència desafiant, però vigila, la mort és permanent!\n\nFeliç masmorreig!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon és un RPG roguelike, amb enemics, nivells, ítems i trampes generats a l'atzar!\n\nCada sessió és una nova experiència desafiant, però vigila, la mort és permanent!\n\nFeliç masmorreig!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon s'ha actualitzat!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon s'ha actualitzat!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Aquesta armadura està centrada en l'armadura i el Frenètic! L'armadura ara té més opcions de personalització, i varis glifs s'han millorat. El Frenètic ha rebut una petita modificació.\n\nPots mirar la llista de canvis per més detalls.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=S'ha afegit un nou pedaç a Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=S'ha afegit un nou pedaç a Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Aquest pedaç conté correcció d'errors.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Aquest pedaç conté correcció d'errors.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Aquest pedaç conté actualitzacions de traducció.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Aquest pedaç conté actualitzacions de traducció.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=O aplikaci
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon je rouguelike RPG s náhodně generovanými nepřáteli, úrovněmi, předměty a pastmi!\n\nKaždá hra je nová výzva, ovšem pozor! Smrt je permanentní!\n\nŠťastné Prozkoumávání!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon je rouguelike RPG s náhodně generovanými nepřáteli, úrovněmi, předměty a pastmi!\n\nKaždá hra je nová výzva, ovšem pozor! Smrt je permanentní!\n\nŠťastné Prozkoumávání!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon byl aktualizován!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon byl aktualizován!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Tato aktualizace se zaměřuje na zbroj a berserkera. Zbroj má nyní více možností přizpůsobení a několik run bylo vylepšeno. Berserker obdržel malé přepracování.\n\nPro všechny detaily se podívej na seznam změn.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon byl opatchován!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon byl opatchován!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tento patch obsahuje opravy drobných chyb.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tento patch obsahuje opravy drobných chyb.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tento patch obsahuje aktualizace jazykových překladů.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tento patch obsahuje aktualizace jazykových překladů.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Über
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon ist ein Rougelike-RPG mit zufällig genererierten Gegnern, Leveln, Gegenständen und Fallen!\n\nJedes Spiel ist ein neues, herausforderndes Erlebnis, aber sei vorsichtig, denn der Tod ist unwiderruflich!\n\nViel Spaß beim Erkunden des Untergrunds!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon ist ein Rougelike-RPG mit zufällig genererierten Gegnern, Leveln, Gegenständen und Fallen!\n\nJedes Spiel ist ein neues, herausforderndes Erlebnis, aber sei vorsichtig, denn der Tod ist unwiderruflich!\n\nViel Spaß beim Erkunden des Untergrunds!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Es gab ein Update für Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Es gab ein Update für Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Dies aktualisiert hauptsächlich Rüstungen und den Berserker! Rüstungen können stärker angepasst werden und einige Glyphen wurden verbessert. Dem Berserker wurde eine Mini-Überarbeitung zuteil.\n\nWirf einen Blick in die Änderungsliste, um alles zu erfahren.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Es gab Patches für Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Es gab Patches für Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Dieser Patch enthält Fehlerkorrekturen.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Dieser Patch enthält Fehlerkorrekturen.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Dieser Patch enthält Updates.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Dieser Patch enthält Updates.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Pri
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas labirint-esplorada rolludo, kun hazarde generitaj monstroj, niveloj, objektoj kaj kaptiloj!\n\nIu ajn ludo estas nova defiplena sperto, do estu singardema, morto neinversigeblas!\n\nPlezuran labirintadon!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas labirint-esplorada rolludo, kun hazarde generitaj monstroj, niveloj, objektoj kaj kaptiloj!\n\nIu ajn ludo estas nova defiplena sperto, do estu singardema, morto neinversigeblas!\n\nPlezuran labirintadon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas ĝisdatigita!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas ĝisdatigita!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo temas pri defendaĵo kaj berserko! Nun defendaĵo estas pli tajlorebla kaj efikoj de kelkaj skribaĵoj estas plibonigitaj. La profesio berserko estis iomete reprojektita.\n\nLegu la liston de ŝanĝoj por plenan liston de detaloj.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas flikita!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas flikita!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo riparas erarojn.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo riparas erarojn.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo liveras plibonigojn por tradukoj.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo liveras plibonigojn por tradukoj.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Acerca de
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon es un RPG "roguelike", con enemigos, niveles, ítems y trampas generados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada sesión es una nueva y desafiante experiencia, pero cuidado, ¡la muerte es definitiva!\n\n¡Feliz mazmorreo!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon es un RPG "roguelike", con enemigos, niveles, ítems y trampas generados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada sesión es una nueva y desafiante experiencia, pero cuidado, ¡la muerte es definitiva!\n\n¡Feliz mazmorreo!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=¡Esta actualización se centra en la armadura y el Frenético! La armadura ahora tiene más opciones de personalización y se han mejorado varios glifos. El Frenético ha recibido una mini-revisión\n\nRevisa la lista de cambios para todos los detalles.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido parcheado!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido parcheado!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Este parche contiene corrección de errores.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Este parche contiene corrección de errores.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Este parche contiene actualizaciones de traducción.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Este parche contiene actualizaciones de traducción.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Honi buruz
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon (Birrindutako pixel ziega) Roguelike motako RPG bat, ausaz sortutako arerio, maila, objektu eta tranpekin!\n\nPartida bakoitza erronka eta esperientzia desberdin bat da, baina kontuz, heriotza betirako baita!\n\nOndo ibili ziegatan!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon (Birrindutako pixel ziega) Roguelike motako RPG bat, ausaz sortutako arerio, maila, objektu eta tranpekin!\n\nPartida bakoitza erronka eta esperientzia desberdin bat da, baina kontuz, heriotza betirako baita!\n\nOndo ibili ziegatan!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon eguneratu da!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon eguneratu da!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Eguneraketa hau armaduran eta amorratuan zentratzen da! Armadurak orain pertsonalizatzeko aukera gehiago ditu, eta hainbat glifo hobetu dira. Amorratua zertxobait berregin da.\n\nEgiaztatu aldaketen zerrenda xehetasun guztiak ezagutzeko.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon partxeatu da!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon partxeatu da!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Partxe honek arazoen konponketak dauzka.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Partxe honek arazoen konponketak dauzka.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Partxe honek itzulpenetan eguneraketak ditu.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Partxe honek itzulpenetan eguneraketak ditu.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Tietoja
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on roguelike RPG satunnaisesi generoiduilla vihollisilla, tasoilla, esineillä ja ansoilla!\n\nJokainen pelikerta on uusi haastava kokemus, mutta ole varovainen, sillä kuolema on peruuttamaton!\n\nHauskaa Luolailua!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on roguelike RPG satunnaisesi generoiduilla vihollisilla, tasoilla, esineillä ja ansoilla!\n\nJokainen pelikerta on uusi haastava kokemus, mutta ole varovainen, sillä kuolema on peruuttamaton!\n\nHauskaa Luolailua!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on päivitetty!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on päivitetty!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is focused on armor and the berserker! Armor now has more customization options, and several glyphs have been improved. The berserker has received a mini-rework.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on päivitetty!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on päivitetty!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tämä päivitys sisältää bugikorjauksia.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tämä päivitys sisältää bugikorjauksia.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tämä päivitys sisältää käännöspäivityksiä.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tämä päivitys sisältää käännöspäivityksiä.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=A propos
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon est un jeu de rôle du genre roguelike, c'est à dire que les ennemis rencontrés, les niveaux, les objets et les pièges du jeu sont générés de manière aléatoire.\n\nChaque partie est donc la fois une nouvelle expérience et un défi, mais soyez prudents, la mort est aussi irréversible.\n\nBonne aventure !
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon est un jeu de rôle du genre roguelike, c'est à dire que les ennemis rencontrés, les niveaux, les objets et les pièges du jeu sont générés de manière aléatoire.\n\nChaque partie est donc la fois une nouvelle expérience et un défi, mais soyez prudents, la mort est aussi irréversible.\n\nBonne aventure !
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à été mis à jour !
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à été mis à jour !
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Cette mise à jour est consacrée aux armures et au berserker ! Les armures ont dorénavant des options de personnalisation, et plusieurs glyphes ont été améliorés. Le berserker a subi une mini-refonte.\n\nAssurez-vous de regarder la liste des changements pour plus de détails.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à bénéficié d'un correctif logiciel !
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à bénéficié d'un correctif logiciel !
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ce correctif contient des corrections de bugs.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ce correctif contient des corrections de bugs.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ce correctif contient des mises à jour de traductions.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ce correctif contient des mises à jour de traductions.
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
scenes.alchemyscene.text=Keverj össze alapanyagokat és készíts valami újat!
scenes.alchemyscene.text=Keverj össze alapanyagokat és készíts valami újat!
scenes.alchemyscene.select=Válassz egy tárgyat
scenes.alchemyscene.select=Válassz egy tárgyat
scenes.alchemyscene.cost=Energy: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.cost=Energia: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.energy=Alchemical Energy: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.energy=Alkímiai energia: %d
scenes.amuletscene.exit=Mára ennyi
scenes.amuletscene.exit=Mára ennyi
scenes.amuletscene.stay=Még nem végeztem
scenes.amuletscene.stay=Még nem végeztem
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ scenes.changesscene.misc=Egyéb változások
scenes.changesscene.language=Nyelvi javítások
scenes.changesscene.language=Nyelvi javítások
scenes.gamescene.descend=Leszálltál a várbörtön %d. szintjére.
scenes.gamescene.descend=Leszálltál a várbörtön %d. szintjére.
scenes.gamescene.warp=The walls warp and shift around you!
scenes.gamescene.warp=A falak elgörbülnek és változnak körülötted!
scenes.gamescene.return=Visszatértél a várbörtön %d. szintjére.
scenes.gamescene.return=Visszatértél a várbörtön %d. szintjére.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=A lépteid visszhangja átjárja a várbörtönt.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=A lépteid visszhangja átjárja a várbörtönt.
scenes.gamescene.water=Vízcsobogást hallasz magad körül.
scenes.gamescene.water=Vízcsobogást hallasz magad körül.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Névjegy
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon egy roguelike RPG, véletlenszerűen generált ellenségekkel, pályákkal, tárgyakkal és csapdákkal!\n\nMinden játék egy új kihívás, de vigyázz, ha meghalsz, nincs visszaút!\n\nÉlvezd a bolyongást a várbörtönben!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon egy roguelike RPG, véletlenszerűen generált ellenségekkel, pályákkal, tárgyakkal és csapdákkal!\n\nMinden játék egy új kihívás, de vigyázz, ha meghalsz, nincs visszaút!\n\nÉlvezd a bolyongást a várbörtönben!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Frissült a Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Frissült a Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Ez a frissítés a páncélra és a berzerkerre fókuszált! A páncél több testreszabási lehetőséggel bővült, és számos varázsjel fejlesztésre került. A berzerker egy minimális átdolgozáson esett át.\n\nA részletekért nézd a változáslistát.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon javítást kapott!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon javítást kapott!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ez a javítás hibákat orvosol.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ez a javítás hibákat orvosol.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ez a javítás fordításokat frissít.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ez a javítás fordításokat frissít.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Tentang
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon adalah sebuah RPG roguelike, dengan musuh, level, item, dan jebakan yang muncul secara acak!\n\nSetiap main kau akan mengalami tantangan baru, tapi berhati-hatilah, kematiannya permanen!\n\nSelamat Ber-dungeon Ria!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon adalah sebuah RPG roguelike, dengan musuh, level, item, dan jebakan yang muncul secara acak!\n\nSetiap main kau akan mengalami tantangan baru, tapi berhati-hatilah, kematiannya permanen!\n\nSelamat Ber-dungeon Ria!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-update!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-update!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Pembaharuan ini berfokus pada armor dan berserker! Sekarang armor mempunyai opsi lebih untuk kustomisasi dan beberapa gylph sudah ditingkatkan. Berserker menerima pembuatan ulang kecil-kecilan.\n\nPastikan cek daftar perubahan untuk detail lengkapnya.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-patch!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-patch!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Patch ini berisi bugfix.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Patch ini berisi bugfix.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Patch ini berisi update terjemahan.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Patch ini berisi update terjemahan.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Info
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è un gioco RPG simile a Rogue, con nemici, livelli, oggetti e trappole generate casualmente!\n\nOgni partita è una nuova eccitante esperienza, ma attenzione, la morte è permanente!\n\nBuon dungeonamento!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è un gioco RPG simile a Rogue, con nemici, livelli, oggetti e trappole generate casualmente!\n\nOgni partita è una nuova eccitante esperienza, ma attenzione, la morte è permanente!\n\nBuon dungeonamento!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato aggiornato!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato aggiornato!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Questo aggiornamento è dedicato all'armatura e al berserker! L'armatura ora presenta più opzioni di personalizzazione e molti glifi sono stati migliorati. Il berserker ha ricevuto una piccola revisione.\n\nAssicurati di consultare la lista dei cambiamenti per i dettagli.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato modificato!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato modificato!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=La modifica contiene correzioni di errori.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=La modifica contiene correzioni di errori.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=La modifica contiene aggiornamenti nelle traduzioni.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=La modifica contiene aggiornamenti nelle traduzioni.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=소개
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon은 무작위로 출현하는 적들과 아이템, 그리고함정이 도사리고 있는 던전을 돌파하는 로그라이크 RPG입니다!\n\n매 플레이마다 새로운 도전이 기다리고 있습니다. 하지만 조심하세요. 한번 죽으면 그걸로 끝이니까요!\n\n즐거운 플레이 되십시오!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon은 무작위로 출현하는 적들과 아이템, 그리고함정이 도사리고 있는 던전을 돌파하는 로그라이크 RPG입니다!\n\n매 플레이마다 새로운 도전이 기다리고 있습니다. 하지만 조심하세요. 한번 죽으면 그걸로 끝이니까요!\n\n즐거운 플레이 되십시오!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 업데이트되었습니다!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 업데이트되었습니다!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=이번 업데이트는 갑옷과 광전사에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다! 이제 갑옷은 더 많은 개조 옵션이 제공되고, 몇 가지 상형문자가 개선되었습니다. 광전사가 작은 재조정을 받았습니다.\n\n자세한 내용은 변경 사항 목록을 확인하십시오.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 패치되었습니다!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 패치되었습니다!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=버그 수정이 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=버그 수정이 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=번역 업데이트가 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=번역 업데이트가 있습니다.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=O grze
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon to gra RPG typu roguelike z losowo generowanymi przeciwnikami, poziomami, przedmiotami i pułapkami!\n\nKażda gra jest nowym, wymagającym doświadczeniem, ale bądź ostrożny, śmierć jest trwała!\n\nMiłego lochowania!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon to gra RPG typu roguelike z losowo generowanymi przeciwnikami, poziomami, przedmiotami i pułapkami!\n\nKażda gra jest nowym, wymagającym doświadczeniem, ale bądź ostrożny, śmierć jest trwała!\n\nMiłego lochowania!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został uaktualniony!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został uaktualniony!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Ta aktualizacja jest skupiona na zbroi i berserku! Zbroja ma teraz więcej możliwości dostosowania, i kilka glifów zostało zmienionych. Berserk otrzymał mini zmianę.\n\nSprawdź pełną listę zmian dla wszystkich detali.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został załatany!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został załatany!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ta łatka zawiera poprawy błędów.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ta łatka zawiera poprawy błędów.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ta łatka zawiera aktualizacje tłumaczeń.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ta łatka zawiera aktualizacje tłumaczeń.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Sobre
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=shattered pixel dungeon é um roguelike RPG. com inimigos,armadilhas e niveis gerados aléatoriamente.\n\ncada partida é uma nova experiencia desafiadora,mas tenha cuidado,a morte é permanente!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=shattered pixel dungeon é um roguelike RPG. com inimigos,armadilhas e niveis gerados aléatoriamente.\n\ncada partida é uma nova experiencia desafiadora,mas tenha cuidado,a morte é permanente!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi actualizada!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi actualizada!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Esta atualização está focada na armadura e no berserker! A armadura agora tem mais opções de personalização e vários glifos foram aprimorados. O berserker recebeu um mini-retrabalho.\n\nNão deixe de conferir a lista de alterações para maiores detalhes.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi actualizada!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi actualizada!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Esta actualização inclui correcções de erros.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Esta actualização inclui correcções de erros.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Esta actualização possui melhorias de tradução.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Esta actualização possui melhorias de tradução.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Об игре
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - рпг-рогалик со случайно генерируемыми врагами, уровнями, предметами и ловушками!\n\nКаждая игра - новое испытание, но будьте осторожны, у вас всего одна жизнь!\n\nУдачи вам в этом подземелье!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - рпг-рогалик со случайно генерируемыми врагами, уровнями, предметами и ловушками!\n\nКаждая игра - новое испытание, но будьте осторожны, у вас всего одна жизнь!\n\nУдачи вам в этом подземелье!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Это обновление посвящено доспехам и берсерку! Доспехов теперь можно адаптировать при помощи камня баланса, а некоторые руны для них глифов были переделаны. Берсерк также подвергся небольшой переработке.\n\nОбязательно загляните в список изменений, чтобы узнать все подробности.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Исправлены некоторые ошибки.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Исправлены некоторые ошибки.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Обновлён перевод.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Обновлён перевод.
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
scenes.alchemyscene.text=Yeni bir şey oluşturmak için içerikleri birleştir!
scenes.alchemyscene.text=Yeni bir şey oluşturmak için içerikleri birleştir!
scenes.alchemyscene.select=Bir eşya seç
scenes.alchemyscene.select=Bir eşya seç
scenes.alchemyscene.cost=Energy: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.cost=Enerji: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.energy=Alchemical Energy: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.energy=Simyasal enerji: %d
scenes.amuletscene.exit=Bugünlük bu kadar
scenes.amuletscene.exit=Bugünlük bu kadar
scenes.amuletscene.stay=Henüz işim bitmedi
scenes.amuletscene.stay=Henüz işim bitmedi
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Hakkında
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon düşmanların, seviyelerin, eşyaların ve tuzakların rastgele oluşturulduğu bir roguelike rol yapma oyunudur!\n\nHer oyun yeni ve zorlayıcı bir tecrübedir, fakat dikkatli olun, ölüm kalıcıdır.\n\nMutlu zindanlamalar!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon düşmanların, seviyelerin, eşyaların ve tuzakların rastgele oluşturulduğu bir roguelike rol yapma oyunudur!\n\nHer oyun yeni ve zorlayıcı bir tecrübedir, fakat dikkatli olun, ölüm kalıcıdır.\n\nMutlu zindanlamalar!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon güncellendi!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon güncellendi!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Bu güncelleme zırh ve vahşi savaşçı üzerine yoğunlaştırıldı! Zırh artık daha fazla kişiselleştirme seçeneğine sahip ve çeşitli rünler geliştirildi. Vahşi savaşçı üzerinde minik bir yeniden tasarlama yapıldı.\n\nTüm detaylar için değişim listesine baktığınızdan emin olun
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is an entire overhaul to the game's alchemy system! Alchemy has been expanded massively to give consumable items some of the variety and customizability that equipment already has.\n\nThere are roughly 100 recipes total, with over 60 new items! Most of these new items can only be obtained through alchemy.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. A lot has changed!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon yama aldı!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon yama aldı!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Bu yama hata düzeltmeleri içerir.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Bu yama hata düzeltmeleri içerir.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Bu yama çeviri güncellemeleri içerir.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Bu yama çeviri güncellemeleri içerir.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=关于
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Ez a csapda inaktív, nem fog már bekapcsolni.
windows.wndjournal$guidetab$guideitem.missing=hiányzó lap
windows.wndjournal$guidetab$guideitem.missing=hiányzó lap
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Bu tuzak etkisizleştirilmiş ve artık tetikleneme
windows.wndjournal$guidetab.title=Rehber kitapları
windows.wndjournal$guidetab$guideitem.missing=sayfa eksik
windows.wndjournal$guidetab$guideitem.missing=sayfa eksik
windows.wndjournal$notestab.landmarks=Yer işaretleri
windows.wndjournal$notestab.landmarks=Yer işaretleri
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