v0.7.0: updated translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ actors.buffs.doom.desc=És difícil continuar quan sembla que l'univers et vulgu
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Una força màgica fa que costi mantenir-se despert.\n\nDesprés d'uns pocs torns, l'objectiu somnolent cau en un profund somni màgic.\n\nL'heroi pot resistir la somnolència si es fa mal o està amb la salut al màxim.
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Una força màgica fa que costi mantenir-se despert.\n\nDesprés d'uns pocs torns, l'objectiu somnolent cau en un profund somni màgic.\n\nL'heroi pot resistir la somnolència si es fa mal o està amb la salut al màxim.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imbuït amb la terra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imbuït amb terra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb el poder de la terra!\n\nTots els atacs físics canviaran la terra sota l'enemic, deixant-los esguerrats durant un període curt de temps.\n\nTorns d'imbuïment de la terra restants: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb el poder de la terra!\n\nTots els atacs físics canviaran la terra sota l'enemic, deixant-los esguerrats durant un període curt de temps.\n\nTorns d'imbuïment amb terra restants: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuït amb el foc
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuït amb foc
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb el poder del foc!\n\nTots els atacs físics tindran una probabilitat de cremar als enemics. A més a més, ara ets immune als efectes del foc.\n\nTorns de foc imbuït restants: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb el poder del foc!\n\nTots els atacs físics tindran una probabilitat de cremar als enemics. A més a més, ara ets immune als efectes del foc.\n\nTorns d'imbuïment amb foc restants: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Els teus sentits milloren, permetent-te detectar immediatament qualsevol cosa fora de lloc.\n\nMentre estigui sota l'efecte de la previsió, qualsevol cosa que ingressi en el teu radi de cerca es descobreix immediatament.\n\nTorns de previsió restants: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Els teus sentits milloren, permetent-te detectar immediatament qualsevol cosa fora de lloc.\n\nMentre estigui sota l'efecte de la previsió, qualsevol cosa que ingressi en el teu radi de cerca es descobreix immediatament.\n\nTorns de previsió restants: %s.
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ actors.buffs.frost.name=Congelat
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=L'ítem "%s" es congela!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=L'ítem "%s" es congela!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=No confondre-ho amb congelar-se completament, aquest tipus més benigne de congelació atrapa a l'objectiu en gel.\n\nLa congelació actua similar a la paràlisi, fent que l'objectiu no pugui actuar. A diferència de la paràlisi, la congelació es cancel·la immediatament si es danya a l'objectiu, ja que el gel es destruirà.\n\nTorns de congelació restants: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=No confondre-ho amb congelar-se completament, aquest tipus més benigne de congelació atrapa a l'objectiu en gel.\n\nLa congelació actua similar a la paràlisi, fent que l'objectiu no pugui actuar. A diferència de la paràlisi, la congelació es cancel·la immediatament si es danya a l'objectiu, ja que el gel es destruirà.\n\nTorns de congelació restants: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbuït amb glaçada
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb poder gèlid!\n\nTots els atacs físics refredaran acumulativament als enemics. A més a més, ara ets immune al fred.\n\nTorns d'imbuïment amb glaçada restants: %s.
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=T'has posat furiós!
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=T'has posat furiós!
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Llot càustic
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=El llot càustic et consumeix la pell. Renta'l!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=El llot càustic et consumeix la pell. Renta'l!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Et fons...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Et fons...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Aquest àcid enganxós s'aferra a la pell, fonent-la lentament.\n\nEl llot infligirà un dany consistent però es pot rentar immediatament amb aigua.\n\nTorns de llot restants: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Estàs paralitzat!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Estàs paralitzat!
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ actors.buffs.terror.name=Aterrit
actors.buffs.terror.desc=El terror és una màgia manipuladora que força a l'objectiu a tenir un pànic incontrolable.\n\nEls personatges aterrits estan forçats a escapar del seu oponent, intentant posar el màxim de portes i murs possible entre ells. Tot i que ser atacat reduirà la duració d'aquest efecte.\n\nTorns de terror restants: %s.
actors.buffs.terror.desc=El terror és una màgia manipuladora que força a l'objectiu a tenir un pànic incontrolable.\n\nEls personatges aterrits estan forçats a escapar del seu oponent, intentant posar el màxim de portes i murs possible entre ells. Tot i que ser atacat reduirà la duració d'aquest efecte.\n\nTorns de terror restants: %s.
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imbuït amb toxicitat
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imbuït amb toxicitat
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb energia verinosa!\n\nMentre et mous, el gas tòxic emana constantment de tu, danyant als teus enemics. Ets immune al gas tòxic i al verí durant l'efecte.\n\nTorns de toxicitat imbuïda restants: %s.
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb energia verinosa!\n\nMentre et mous, el gas tòxic emana constantment de tu, danyant als teus enemics. Ets immune al gas tòxic i al verí durant l'efecte.\n\nTorns d'imbuïment amb toxicitat restants: %s.
actors.buffs.corrosion.heromsg=T'estàs fonent!
actors.buffs.corrosion.heromsg=T'estàs fonent!
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=El _Frenètic_ infligeix una bonificaci
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Quan utilitza varetes en un enemic, el _Bruixot_ té l'oportunitat de marcar la seva ànima. Els enemics marcats el curaran i li trauran la fam quan se'ls hi faci mal físic.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Quan utilitza varetes en un enemic, el _Bruixot_ té l'oportunitat de marcar la seva ànima. Els enemics marcats el curaran i li trauran la fam quan se'ls hi faci mal físic.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mag de batalla
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mag de batalla
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Quan lluita amb el seu bastó, el _Mag de Batalla_ conjura efectes especials depenent de quina vareta estigui imbuïda en el seu bastó. El seu bastó també es carregarà durant el combat.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Quan lluita amb el seu bastó, el _Mag de Batalla_ conjura efectes especials depenent de quina vareta estigui imbuïda amb el seu bastó. El seu bastó també es carregarà durant el combat.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Mentre es manté invisible, _l'Assassí_ prepara una maniobra letal pel seu següent atac. Com més temps estigui invisible, més poderós serà l'atac.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Mentre es manté invisible, _l'Assassí_ prepara una maniobra letal pel seu següent atac. Com més temps estigui invisible, més poderós serà l'atac.
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Naplnění zemí
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Naplnila tě síla země!\n\nVeškeré fyzické útoky otřesou zemí pod nepřítelem, což jej na krátkou dobu zmrzačí.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění zemí: %s
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Naplnila tě síla země!\n\nVeškeré fyzické útoky otřesou zemí pod nepřítelem, což jej na krátkou dobu zmrzačí.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění zemí: %s
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Naplnění ohněm
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Naplnění ohněm
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Naplnila tě síla ohně!\n\nVeškeré fyzické útoky mají šanci zapálit nepřítele. Navíc jsi zcela imunní vůči účinkům ohně.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění ohněm: %s
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Naplnila tě síla ohně!\n\nVeškeré fyzické útoky mají šanci zapálit nepřítele. Ty jsi navíc vůči účinkům ohně zcela imunní.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění ohněm: %s
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Tvoje smysly jsou zesílené, takže si můžeš okamžitě všimnout čehokoliv neobvyklého.\n\nPod vlivem předvídavosti okamžitě objevíš cokoliv co se dostane do tvého pole hledání.\n\nZbývající tahy předvídavosti: %s
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Tvoje smysly jsou zesílené, takže si můžeš okamžitě všimnout čehokoliv neobvyklého.\n\nPod vlivem předvídavosti okamžitě objevíš cokoliv co se dostane do tvého pole hledání.\n\nZbývající tahy předvídavosti: %s
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ actors.buffs.frost.name=Zmražení
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s zamrzá!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s zamrzá!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Nejedná se o pevné zmražení, tato mírnější forma zmražení pouze obklopí cíl ledem.\n\nZmražení se chová podobně jako paralýza, takže cíl nemůže provést žádnou akci. Na rozdíl od paralýzy, zmražení je ihned zrušeno pokud cíl obdrží poškození, neboť se led roztříští.\n\nZbývající tahy zmražení: %s
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Nejedná se o pevné zmražení, tato mírnější forma zmražení pouze obklopí cíl ledem.\n\nZmražení se chová podobně jako paralýza, takže cíl nemůže provést žádnou akci. Na rozdíl od paralýzy, zmražení je ihned zrušeno pokud cíl obdrží poškození, neboť se led roztříští.\n\nZbývající tahy zmražení: %s
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Naplnění mrazem
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=Naplnila tě ledová síla!\n\nVšechny fyzické útoky budou na nepřátelích neustále hromadit ochlazení. Ty jsi navíc vůči chladu zcela imunní.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění mrazem: %s
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Pohltila tě zběsilost!
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Pohltila tě zběsilost!
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Žíravý sliz
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Žíravý sliz požírá tvé maso. Smyj ho!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Žíravý sliz požírá tvé maso. Smyj ho!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Rozpouštíš se...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Rozpouštíš se...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Lepkavá kyselina se lepí na maso a pomalu jej rozpouští.\n\nSliz ti bude postupně udělovat pravidelné poškození, ale může být okamžitě umyt ve vodě.\n\nZbývající tahy žíravého slizu: %s
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Jsi v paralýze!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Jsi v paralýze!
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ actors.buffs.terror.name=Vyděšení
actors.buffs.terror.desc=Teror je manipulační magie, která nutí svůj cíl k nekontrolovatelné panice.\n\nVyděšené postavy jsou nuceny utéct od svého soupeře, jen aby mezi nimi bylo co nejvíce dveří a stěn. Avšak šok z bolesti sníží dobu trvání teroru.\n\nZbývající tahy vyděšení: %s
actors.buffs.terror.desc=Teror je manipulační magie, která nutí svůj cíl k nekontrolovatelné panice.\n\nVyděšené postavy jsou nuceny utéct od svého soupeře, jen aby mezi nimi bylo co nejvíce dveří a stěn. Avšak šok z bolesti sníží dobu trvání teroru.\n\nZbývající tahy vyděšení: %s
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Naplnění toxicitou
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Naplnění toxicitou
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Jsi naplněn jedovatou energií.\n\nJak se pohybuješ okolo, je z tebe neustále vypouštěn toxický plyn poškozující tvé nepřátele. Ty sám jsi během trvání tohoto efektu vůči toxickému plynu a jedu imunní.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění toxicitou: %s
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Naplnila tě jedovatá energie!\n\nJak se pohybuješ okolo, neustále ze sebe vypouštíš toxický plyn poškozující tvé nepřátele. Ty jsi během trvání tohoto efektu, vůči toxickému plynu a jedu imunní.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění toxicitou: %s
actors.buffs.corrosion.heromsg=Rozpouštíš se!
actors.buffs.corrosion.heromsg=Rozpouštíš se!
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ actors.mobs.statue.name=Oživlá socha
actors.mobs.statue.desc=Jeden by si myslel že je to jen další z těch ošklivých soch, ale její červeně žhnoucí oči říkají něco jiného. \n\nAčkoliv je samotná socha z kamene, _%s_ v její ruce vypadá opravdově.
actors.mobs.statue.desc=Jeden by si myslel že je to jen další z těch ošklivých soch, ale její červeně žhnoucí oči říkají něco jiného. \n\nAčkoliv je samotná socha z kamene, _%s_ v její ruce vypadá opravdově.
actors.mobs.succubus.desc=Sukuby jsou démoni kteří vypadají jako (v trochu gotickém stylu) svůdné dívky. Pomocí své magie může sukuba okouzlit hrdinu, který nebude schopen na nic zaútočit, dokud kouzlo nepomine. Když sukuba zaútočí na okouzleného hrdinu, vysaje z něj část jeho života.
actors.mobs.succubus.desc=Sukuby jsou démoni kteří vypadají jako (v trochu gotickém stylu) svůdné dívky. Pomocí své magie může sukuba okouzlit hrdinu, který nebude schopen na nic zaútočit, dokud kouzlo nepomine. Když sukuby zaútočí na okouzleného hrdinu, vysají z něj část jeho života.
actors.mobs.swarm.name=Roj much
actors.mobs.swarm.name=Roj much
@ -76,21 +76,21 @@ actors.buffs.bleeding.name=Blutung
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Du bist verblutet...
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Du bist verblutet...
actors.buffs.bleeding.heromsg=Du blutest!
actors.buffs.bleeding.heromsg=Du blutest!
actors.buffs.bleeding.desc=Aus dieser Wunde tritt eine besorgniserregende Menge Blut aus. \n\nDie Blutung richtet jede Runde Schaden an. Dieser Schaden verringert sich jede Runde um einen zufälligen Wert bis die Blutung von selbst stoppt.\n\nDiese Blutung richtet im Moment bis zu %d Schaden an.
actors.buffs.bleeding.desc=Aus dieser Wunde tritt eine besorgniserregende Menge Blut aus. \n\nDie Blutung richtet jede Runde Schaden an. Dieser Schaden verringert sich jede Runde um einen zufälligen Wert bis die Blutung von selbst heilt.\n\nDiese Blutung richtet im Moment bis zu %d Schaden an.
actors.buffs.bless.desc=Eine beträchtliche Steigerung der Konzentration, ausgelöst durch eine Eingebung der Götter, so sagt man.\n\nDieser Segen steigert die Zielgenauigkeit und Ausweichrate spürbar, was den Gesegneten einen Kampf wesentlich effektiver bestreiten lässt. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden der Segnung: %s
actors.buffs.bless.desc=Eine beträchtliche Steigerung der Konzentration, ausgelöst durch eine Eingebung der Götter, so sagt man.\n\nDieser Segen steigert die Zielgenauigkeit und Ausweichrate spürbar, was den Gesegneten einen Kampf wesentlich effektiver bestreiten lässt. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden der Segnung: %s
actors.buffs.blindness.heromsg=Du bist geblendet!
actors.buffs.blindness.heromsg=Du bist geblendet!
actors.buffs.blindness.desc=Geblendet zu sein, verhüllt die umliegende Welt in einen dunklen Schleier. \n\nWährend ein Charakter geblendet ist, kann er nicht weiter als ein Feld vorausblicken, womit Fernkampfangriffe nicht möglich sind und man leicht den Überblick verliert. Zusätzlich ist ein geblendeter Held nicht in der Lage, Schriftrollen oder Bücher zu lesen. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden der Erblindung: %s.
actors.buffs.blindness.desc=Geblendet zu sein, hüllt die umliegende Welt in einen dunklen Schleier. \n\nWährend ein Charakter geblendet ist, kann er nicht weiter als ein Feld vorausblicken, womit Fernkampfangriffe nicht möglich sind und man leicht den Überblick verliert. Zusätzlich ist ein geblendeter Held nicht in der Lage, Schriftrollen oder Bücher zu lesen. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden der Erblindung: %s.
actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=Du hast Feuer gefangen!
actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=Du hast Feuer gefangen!
actors.buffs.burning.burnsup=%s verbrennt!
actors.buffs.burning.burnsup=%s verbrennt!
actors.buffs.burning.ondeath=Du bist verbrannt...
actors.buffs.burning.ondeath=Du bist verbrannt...
actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Zu Asche verbrannt
actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Zu Asche verbrannt
actors.buffs.burning.desc=Nur wenige Dinge sind besorgniserregender als die Tatsache, dass man von Flammen verschlungen wird. \n\nFeuer richtet jede Runde Schaden an, bis es durch Wasser gelöscht wird oder abklingt. Auch das Zerschmettern eines Trankes in unmittelbarer Nähe kann Feuer löschen.\n\nSolange man brennt, besteht die Gefahr, dass entflammbare Gegenstände oder Terrain entzündet werden, sobald man mit diesem in Berührung kommt.\n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden: %s
actors.buffs.burning.desc=Nur wenige Dinge sind besorgniserregender, als von Flammen verschlungen zu werden.\n\nFeuer richtet jede Runde Schaden an, bis es durch Wasser gelöscht wird oder abklingt. Auch das Zerschmettern eines Trankes in unmittelbarer Nähe kann Feuer löschen.\n\nSolange man brennt, besteht die Gefahr, dass entflammbare Gegenstände oder Terrain entzündet werden, sobald man mit diesem in Berührung kommt.\n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden: %s
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Du wurdest betört!
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Du wurdest betört!
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Betörung ist eine manipulative Magie, die Feinde zeitwe
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s friert ein!
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s friert ein!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nicht ganz gefroren, aber trotzdem viel zu kalt\n\nUnterkühlte Ziele führen alles langsamer aus, abhängig von den restlichen Zügen des Effektes. Im schlimmsten Fall ist es das gleiche wie verlangsamt\n\nVerbleibende Züge von unterkühlung:%1$s.\nGeschwindigkeit ist reduziert um:%2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nicht ganz gefroren, aber trotzdem viel zu kalt\n\nUnterkühlte Ziele führen alles langsamer aus, abhängig davon wie viele Runden der Effektes noch anhält. Im schlimmsten Fall ist er gleichwerte zu einer Verlangsamung.\n\nVerbleibende Züge von Unterkühlung:%1$s.\nGeschwindigkeit ist reduziert um:%2$s%%
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Ätzender Schlamm
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Ätzender Schlamm frisst sich durch dein Fleisch! Wasch ihn ab!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Ätzender Schlamm frisst sich durch dein Fleisch! Wasch ihn ab!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Du löst dich auf...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Du löst dich auf...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Diese klebrige Säure haftet sich an Fleisch und löst es langsam auf.\n\nDer Schlamm wird dir durchgängig Schaden zufügen, kann jedoch sofort im Wasser abgewaschen werden.\n\nVerbleibende Runden mit Schlamm: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Du bist gelähmt!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Du bist gelähmt!
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ actors.buffs.frost.name=Frostigita
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s frostiĝis!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s frostiĝis!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Ne konfuzu tion ĉi kun peco da glacio, tiu ĉi nesuspektinda frostaĵego ordinare ĉirkaŭfermas la viktimon per glacio.\n\nFrostigo funkcias simile kiel paralizo, malebligante al la viktimo moviĝi. Kontraste al paralizo, frostigo senprokraste ĉesos se la viktimo ricevos damaĝon, kiam la glacio dispeciĝos.\n\nPluaj temperoj da frostigo: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Ne konfuzu tion ĉi kun peco da glacio, tiu ĉi nesuspektinda frostaĵego ordinare ĉirkaŭfermas la viktimon per glacio.\n\nFrostigo funkcias simile kiel paralizo, malebligante al la viktimo moviĝi. Kontraste al paralizo, frostigo senprokraste ĉesos se la viktimo ricevos damaĝon, kiam la glacio dispeciĝos.\n\nPluaj temperoj da frostigo: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=Vi estas plenigita per forto de frosto!\n\nĈiuj korpaj atakoj iomete malvarmigos kontraŭulojn. Aldoni vi estas tute rezista kontraŭ frostiĝo.\n\nPluaj temperoj da frostplenado: %s.
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Vi furiozas!
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Vi furiozas!
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Mordata
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Morda ĥemiaĵo mordas vian karnon. Forlavu ĝin!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Morda ĥemiaĵo mordas vian karnon. Forlavu ĝin!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Vi estas dismordita…
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Vi estas dismordita…
actors.buffs.ooze.rankings_desc=Dismordita per acido
actors.buffs.ooze.rankings_desc=Dismordita per acido
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Tiu ĉi gluema acido suriĝas karnon kaj malrapidete dismordas ĝin.\n\nMorda ĥemiaĵo kaŭzos seriozan damaĝon kun tempo, sed tuj forlaviĝas per akvo.\n\nPluaj temperoj da acidmordado: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Vi estas paralizita!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Vi estas paralizita!
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Una fuerza mágica te dificulta estar despierto.\n\nEl
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imbuido con Tierra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imbuido con Tierra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con el poder de la tierra!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos cambiarán el terreno debajo del enemigo, paralizándolo por un corto tiempo.\n\nTurnos de imbuimiento de tierra restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con el poder de la tierra!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos cambiarán el terreno debajo del enemigo, paralizándolo por un corto tiempo.\n\nTurnos de imbuimiento de tierra restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuido con fuego
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuido con Fuego
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con el poder del fuego!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos tienen una posibilidad de incendiar a los enemigos. También eres completamente inmune a los efectos del fuego.\n\nTurnos restantes de imbuido por el fuego: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con el poder del fuego!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos tienen una posibilidad de incendiar a los enemigos. También eres completamente inmune a los efectos del fuego.\n\nTurnos de imbuimiento de fuego restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Tus sentidos se intensifican, permitiéndote notar inmediatamente cualquier cosa fuera de lugar.\n\nMientras estés bajo el efecto de la previsión, todo lo que entre al radio de búsqueda se descubre inmediatamente.\n\nTurnos de previsión restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Tus sentidos se intensifican, permitiéndote notar inmediatamente cualquier cosa fuera de lugar.\n\nMientras estés bajo el efecto de la previsión, todo lo que entre al radio de búsqueda se descubre inmediatamente.\n\nTurnos de previsión restantes: %s.
@ -141,15 +141,15 @@ actors.buffs.frost.name=Congelado
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=¡%s se congela!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=¡%s se congela!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Diferente de congelarse completamente, este tipo más benigno de congelación atrapa al objetivo en hielo.\n\nLa congelación actua similarmente a la parálisis, haciéndole imposible actuar al objetivo. A diferencia de la parálisis, la congelación es cancelada inmediatamente si el objetivo sufre daño, ya que el hielo se destruirá.\n\nTurnos de congelación restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Diferente de congelarse completamente, este tipo más benigno de congelación atrapa al objetivo en hielo.\n\nLa congelación actua similarmente a la parálisis, haciéndole imposible actuar al objetivo. A diferencia de la parálisis, la congelación es cancelada inmediatamente si el objetivo sufre daño, ya que el hielo se destruirá.\n\nTurnos de congelación restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbuido con Escarcha
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con el poder del hielo!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos enfriarán constantemente a los enemigos. Además, eres completamente inmune al frío.\n\nTurnos de imbuimiento de escarcha restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=¡Te pones furioso!
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=¡Te pones furioso!
actors.buffs.fury.desc=Estás enfadado, a los enemigos no les gustarás cuando estés enfadado.\n\nUna gran furia arde en tu interior, incrementando el daño que haces con tus ataques físicos en un 50%%.\n\nEsta furia durará mientras estes dañado por debajo del 50%% de vida.
actors.buffs.fury.desc=Estás enfadado, a los enemigos no les gustarás cuando estés enfadado.\n\nUna gran furia arde en tu interior, incrementando el daño que haces con tus ataques físicos en un 50%%.\n\nEsta furia durará mientras estes dañado por debajo del 50%% de vida.
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barrera de Purificación
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barrera de Purificación
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Alguna fuerza extraña te encierra en una delgada barrera protectora, bloqueando todos los efectos dañinos del ambiente.\n\nEres inmune a todos los efectos del área mientras dure esta barrera.\n\nTurnos de inmunidad restante: %s.
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Alguna fuerza extraña te encierra en una delgada barrera protectora, bloqueando todos los efectos dañinos del ambiente.\n\nEres inmune a todos los efectos del área mientras dure esta barrera.\n\nTurnos de inmunidad restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=¡Energía moviendose atraves de tus musculós, permitiedote correr a velocidades increíbles!\n\nMientras estes bajo el efecto de velocidad correrás 3x más rapido, pero haras otras acciones a velocidad normal.\n\nTurnos de velocidad restante: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=¡Energía moviendose atraves de tus musculós, permitiedote correr a velocidades increíbles!\n\nMientras estes bajo el efecto de velocidad correrás 3x más rapido, pero haras otras acciones a velocidad normal.\n\nTurnos de velocidad restante: %s.
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Cieno cáustico
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=¡El cieno cáustico te quema la piel, lávalo!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=¡El cieno cáustico te quema la piel, lávalo!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Te derrites...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Te derrites...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Este ácido pegajoso se aferra a tu piel, derritiéndola lentamente.\n\nEste cieno te hará daño constante a lo largo del tiempo, pero puede lavarse inmediatamente en agua.\n\nTurnos de cieno restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=¡Estás paralizado!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=¡Estás paralizado!
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ actors.buffs.terror.name=Aterrado
actors.buffs.terror.desc=El terror es una magia manipuladora que fuerza a su objetivo a un pánico incontrolable.\n\nLos personajes aterrorizados se ven obligados a huir de su oponente, tratando de poner tantas puertas y paredes entre ellos como sea posible. Sin embargo, el impacto del dolor disminuirá la duración del terror.\n\nTurnos de terror restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.terror.desc=El terror es una magia manipuladora que fuerza a su objetivo a un pánico incontrolable.\n\nLos personajes aterrorizados se ven obligados a huir de su oponente, tratando de poner tantas puertas y paredes entre ellos como sea posible. Sin embargo, el impacto del dolor disminuirá la duración del terror.\n\nTurnos de terror restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imbuido con Toxicidad
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imbuido con Toxicidad
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con energía tóxica!\n\nMientras te muevas, un gas tóxico emanará constantemente de tu cuerpo, dañando a tus enemigos. Tú eres inmune al gas tóxico y al veneno mientras dure este efecto.\n\nTurnos de imbuido con toxicidad restantes: %s
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con energía tóxica!\n\nA medida que te mueves, un gas tóxico emanará constantemente de tu cuerpo, dañando a tus enemigos. Tú eres inmune al gas tóxico y al veneno mientras dure este efecto.\n\nTurnos de imbuimiento tóxico restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.corrosion.heromsg=¡Te estás derritiendo!
actors.buffs.corrosion.heromsg=¡Te estás derritiendo!
@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ actors.blobs.stormcloud.desc=Ur lurrun hodei kulunkari bat hemen zirimolan ari d
actors.blobs.toxicgas.desc=Gas toxikoaren hodei berdexka bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.toxicgas.desc=Gas toxikoaren hodei berdexka bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=Gas toxikoaren ondorioz hilda...
actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=Gas toxikoaren ondorioz hil zara...
actors.blobs.corrosivegas.desc=Gas erregarri hilkorraren hodei bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.corrosivegas.desc=Gas erregarri hilkorraren hodei bat hemen zirimolan ari da.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=Zurrutada bat hartu eta berehala, jakintza zure burura isurtzen nabaritzen duzu. Orain dena dakizu tresnatutako piezei buruz. Pisu honetako objektu guztiak eta bere sekretuak ezagutzen dituzu ere.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=Zurrutada bat hartu eta berehala, jakintza zure burura isurtzen nabaritzen duzu. Orain dena dakizu tresnatutako piezei buruz. Pisu honetako objektu guztiak eta bere sekretuak ezagutzen dituzu ere.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=Ezagutzaren boterea dario putzu honetako urari. Hartu zurrutada bat tresnatuta daramatzazun piezen sekretuak azalarazteko.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=Ezagutzaren boterea dario putzu honetako urari. Hartu zurrutada bat tresnatuta daramatzazun piezen sekretuak azalarazteko.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.procced=Zurrupada bat hartu bezain laster zauriak sendatzen zaizkizula nabarizten duzu.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.procced=Zurrupada bat hartu bezain laster zauriak sendatzen zaizkizula nabaritzen duzu.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.desc=Osasunaren boterea dario putzu honetako urari. Hartu zurrutada bat zure zauriak sendatu eta gosea asetzeko.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.desc=Osasunaren boterea dario putzu honetako urari. Hartu zurrutada bat zure zauriak sendatu eta gosea asetzeko.
actors.blobs.wateroftransmutation.desc=Aldaketaren boterea dario putzu honetako urari. Jaurti zerbait uretara beste zerbait bihurtzeko.
actors.blobs.wateroftransmutation.desc=Aldaketaren boterea dario putzu honetako urari. Jaurti zerbait uretara beste zerbait bihurtzeko.
actors.blobs.web.desc=Dena amaraun lodi batez estalita dago emen.
actors.blobs.web.desc=Dena amaraun lodi batez estalita dago hemen.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Artefaktua berkargatzen
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energiak zeharkatzen zaitu, tresnatutako artefaktuen kargatzeko abiadura areagotuz.\n\nArtefaktu bakoitzari apur bat desberdin eragiten zaio, baina guztiei hobetuko zaie karga.\n\nGeratzen diren txandak:%s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energiak zeharkatzen zaitu, tresnatutako artefaktuen kargatzeko abiadura areagotuz.\n\nArtefaktu bakoitzari apur bat desberdin eragiten zaio, baina guztiei hobetuko zaie karga.\n\nGeratzen diren txandak:%s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Azal gogortua
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Azal gogortua
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Zure azala gogortzen da, zuhaitz-azala bezain lakarra eta trinkoa nabaritzen duzu.\n\nGogortutako azalak zure armadura efektiboa areagotzen du, eraso fisikoetatik hobeto babestea ahalbidetuz.\n\nZure armadura honenbestez areagotu da: %d.\nGeratzen diren zuhaitz-azal txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Zure azala gogortzen da, zuhaitz-azala bezain lakarra eta trinkoa nabaritzen duzu.\n\nGogortutako azalak zure armadura efektiboa areagotzen du, eraso fisikoetatik hobeto babestea ahalbidetuz.\n\nZure armadura honenbestez areagotu da: %d.\nGeratzen diren azal gogortuaren txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Kalte guztia geldiarazten duen indar burbuila iraunkor bat.\n\nLangak zaintzen duen horri zuzendutako kaltea hartzen du ezkutua geratzen zaion bitartean. Ezkutua txandako puntu bat galduko da ere.\n\nGeratzen den ezkutua: %d.
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Kalte guztia geldiarazten duen indar burbuila iraunkor bat.\n\nLangak zaintzen duen horri zuzendutako kaltea hartzen du ezkutua geratzen zaion bitartean. Ezkutua txandako puntu bat galduko da ere.\n\nGeratzen den ezkutua: %d.
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ actors.buffs.frost.name=Izoztua
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s izozten da!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s izozten da!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Seko izoztea ez bezala, izozte mota xamurrago honek helburua izotzez biltzen du besterik gabe.\n\nIzoztea geldiaraztea bezalakoa da, helburuak ezin du ezer egin. Baina geldiaraztean ez bezala, izoztean berehala ezeztatzen da efektua helburuak kalte hartzen badu, izotza birrintzen delako.\n\nGeratzen diren izozte txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Seko izoztea ez bezala, izozte mota xamurrago honek helburua izotzez biltzen du besterik gabe.\n\nIzoztea geldiaraztea bezalakoa da, helburuak ezin du ezer egin. Baina geldiaraztean ez bezala, izoztean berehala ezeztatzen da efektua helburuak kalte hartzen badu, izotza birrintzen delako.\n\nGeratzen diren izozte txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Izotza txertatua
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Basa kaustikoa
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Basa kaustikoak haragia jaten dizu. Garbitu ezazu!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Basa kaustikoak haragia jaten dizu. Garbitu ezazu!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Urtu egiten zara...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Urtu egiten zara...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Azido itsaskorra haragira heltzen da, hau apurka urtuz.\n\nBasak etengabeko kaltea eragingo du, baina urarekin berehala garbitu daiteke.\n\nGeratzen diren basa txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Geldiarazirik zaude!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Geldiarazirik zaude!
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ actors.hero.hero.leave=Ezin zara oraindik joan!
actors.hero.hero.level_up=Maila gora!
actors.hero.hero.level_up=Maila gora!
actors.hero.hero.new_level=Maila gora!\nZehatzagoa, iheskorragoa, eta osasuntsuagoa zara!
actors.hero.hero.new_level=Maila gora!\nZehatzagoa, iheskorragoa, eta osasuntsuagoa zara!
actors.hero.hero.level_cap=Ezin zara indartsuago bihurtu, baina zure esperientziek botere bultzada bat ematen dizute!
actors.hero.hero.level_cap=Ezin zara indartsuago bihurtu, baina zure esperientziek botere bultzada bat ematen dizute!
actors.hero.hero.you_now_have=Orain duzu: %s
actors.hero.hero.you_now_have=%s jaso duzu.
actors.hero.hero.locked_chest=Kutxa giltzaz itxita dago eta ez duzu bat datorren giltza.
actors.hero.hero.locked_chest=Kutxa giltzaz itxita dago eta ez duzu bat datorren giltza.
actors.hero.hero.locked_door=Ez duzu bat datorren giltzarik.
actors.hero.hero.locked_door=Ez duzu bat datorren giltzarik.
actors.hero.hero.noticed_smth=Zerbait antzeman duzu.
actors.hero.hero.noticed_smth=Zerbait antzeman duzu.
@ -301,9 +301,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Bigarren nagusia gainditu eta gero
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_item=Aztia _makulu bakan_ batekin hasten da, eta honi zarta baten ezaugarriak txertatu ahal zaizkio.\n\nMakulua zarta baino nabarmen azkarrago kargatzen da, eta gehieneko karga kopuru bat gehiago du.\n\nMakulua jaurtigai magikoa txertatua duela hasten da.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_item=Aztia _makulu bakan_ batekin hasten da, eta honi zarta baten ezaugarriak txertatu ahal zaizkio.\n\nMakulua zarta baino nabarmen azkarrago kargatzen da, eta gehieneko karga kopuru bat gehiago du.\n\nMakulua jaurtigai magikoa txertatua duela hasten da.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Aztia makulu batekin hasten da aurrez aurreko arma gisa. Makuluak beste aurrez aurreko armek baino kalte murriztua eragiten du.\n\nAztiak zartako magia erabili dezake urrunetik erasotzeko.\n\nAztia _Eskuizkribuentzako tutu_ batekin hasten da. bertan eskuizkribuak gorde ditzake eta sutik babestu.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Aztia makulu batekin hasten da aurrez aurreko arma gisa. Makuluak beste aurrez aurreko armek baino kalte murriztua eragiten du.\n\nAztiak zartako magia erabili dezake urrunetik erasotzeko.\n\nAztia _Eskuizkribuentzako tutu_ batekin hasten da. bertan eskuizkribuak gorde ditzake eta sutik babestu.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_misc=Aztiak erdizka hein batean zartak erabili ahala identifikatuko ditu.\n
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_misc=Aztiak erdizka hein batean zartak erabili ahala identifikatuko ditu.\n\nAztiak berez identifikatzen ditu hobetze eskuizkribuak.\n\nAztiak zarta eta makuluaren karga apur bat berreskuratzen du janaria jatean.
Aztiak berez identifikatzen ditu hobetze eskuizkribuak.\n\nAztiak zarta eta makuluaren karga apur bat berreskuratzen du janaria jatean.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Bigarren nagusia gainditu eta gero azpiklase bat aukeratu daiteke. Aztiak bi azpiklase ditu:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Bigarren nagusia gainditu eta gero azpiklase bat aukeratu daiteke. Aztiak bi azpiklase ditu:
@ -354,7 +352,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.degraded=Zaborra, kalitate oso txarrekoa da!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cant_reforge=Ezin ditut pieza hauek birforjatu!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cant_reforge=Ezin ditut pieza hauek birforjatu!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Troll errementari honek troll guztiek duten itxura bera du: garaia eta argala da, eta bere azala harria dirudi bai margo zein ehunduran. Troll errementaria proportzioan txikiak diren tresnekin dabil lanean.
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Troll errementari honek troll guztiek duten itxura bera du: garaia eta argala da, eta bere azala harria dirudi bai margo zein ehunduran. Troll errementaria proportzioan txikiak diren tresnekin dabil lanean.
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=Mamu goibela
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=mamu goibela
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Kaixo %s... Zu bezalakoa nintzen lehen, indartsu eta ziurra... Baina pizti higuingarri batek erail ninduen... Ezin dut toki honetatik irten... Ez mendekua betetzen ez dudan bitartean... Hil bizitza kendu ninduen _arratoi kirasduna_...\n\nPisu honetan zelatari dabil... Zaborra nonahi hedatuz... _Kontuz bere hatz hodeia eta hozkada korrosiboarekin, azidoa uretan garbitzen da..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Kaixo %s... Zu bezalakoa nintzen lehen, indartsu eta ziurra... Baina pizti higuingarri batek erail ninduen... Ezin dut toki honetatik irten... Ez mendekua betetzen ez dudan bitartean... Hil bizitza kendu ninduen _arratoi kirasduna_...\n\nPisu honetan zelatari dabil... Zaborra nonahi hedatuz... _Kontuz bere hatz hodeia eta hozkada korrosiboarekin, azidoa uretan garbitzen da..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=Mesedez... lagundu nazazu... Hil higuingarritasuna...\n\n_Borrokatu uretik hurbil... Ekidin hatsa..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=Mesedez... lagundu nazazu... Hil higuingarritasuna...\n\n_Borrokatu uretik hurbil... Ekidin hatsa..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Kaixo %s... Zu bezalakoa nintzen lehen, indartsu eta ziurra... Baina pizti higuingarri batek erail ninduen... Ezin dut toki honetatik irten... Ez mendekua betetzen ez dudan bitartean... Hil bizitza kendu ninduen _basati iruzurtia_...\n\nEz da beste basatiak bezalakoa... Ezkutatu egiten da eta jaurtitzeko armak erabiltzen ditu... _Kontuz dardo pozoitsu eta su eragileekin, ez erasotu urrunetik..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Kaixo %s... Zu bezalakoa nintzen lehen, indartsu eta ziurra... Baina pizti higuingarri batek erail ninduen... Ezin dut toki honetatik irten... Ez mendekua betetzen ez dudan bitartean... Hil bizitza kendu ninduen _basati iruzurtia_...\n\nEz da beste basatiak bezalakoa... Ezkutatu egiten da eta jaurtitzeko armak erabiltzen ditu... _Kontuz dardo pozoitsu eta su eragileekin, ez erasotu urrunetik..._
@ -368,7 +366,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.desc=Mamua ez da ia ikusten. Forma gabeko argi pattal orb
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.name=deabrutxo handinahia
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.name=deabrutxo handinahia
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_1=Abenturazalea zara? Abenturazaleak maite ditut! Zerbait hil behar denean beti eskatu diezaiekezu beraiei. Egia? Sari baten truke noski ;)\nKasu honetan _golem_ batzuk hil behar dira. Begira, negozio bat hasi nahi dut hemen, baina golem tentel hauek ez dute ezer erosten eta beste bezeroak uxatzen dituzte. Mesedez, hil... demagun _6 golem_ eta saria zurea da.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_1=Abenturazalea zara? Abenturazaleak maite ditut! Zerbait hil behar denean beti eskatu diezaiekezu beraiei. Egia? Sari baten truke noski ;)\nKasu honetan _golem_ batzuk hil behar dira. Begira, negozio bat hasi nahi dut hemen, baina golem tentel hauek ez dute ezer erosten eta beste bezeroak uxatzen dituzte. Mesedez, hil... demagun _6 golem_ eta saria zurea da.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_1=Abenturazalea zara? Abenturazaleak maite ditut! Zerbait hil behar denean beti eskatu diezaiekezu beraiei. Egia? Sari baten truke noski ;)\nKasu honetan _monje_ batzuk hil behar dira. Begira, negozio bat hasi nahi dut hemen, baina zoro hauek ez dute ezer erosten eta beste bezeroak uxatzen dituzte. Mesedez, hil... demagun _8 monje_ eta saria zurea da.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_1=Abenturazalea zara? Abenturazaleak maite ditut! Zerbait hil behar denean beti eskatu diezaiekezu beraiei. Egia? Sari baten truke noski ;)\nKasu honetan _monje_ batzuk hil behar dira. Begira, negozio bat hasi nahi dut hemen, baina zoro hauek ez dute ezer erosten eta beste bezeroak uxatzen dituzte. Mesedez, hil... demagun _8 monje_ eta saria zurea da.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_2=Zelan doa golem-en ehiza?
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_2=Zelan doa golem ehiza?
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_2=Hara, bizirik zaude oraindik! Banekien zure kung-fua sendoa zela ;) ez ahaztu monje adierazgarri hauek hartzea.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_2=Hara, bizirik zaude oraindik! Banekien zure kung-fua sendoa zela ;) ez ahaztu monje adierazgarri hauek hartzea.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.cya=Ikusi arte, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.cya=Ikusi arte, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.hey=Aizu, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.hey=Aizu, %s!
@ -378,13 +376,13 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.imp.desc=Deabrutxoak maila baxuko deabruak dira. Ez dute ez ind
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.name=deabrutxo handinahia
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.name=deabrutxo handinahia
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.greetings=Kaixo, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.greetings=Kaixo, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=Fidatzekoa zinela uste nuen!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=Fidatzekoa zinela uste nuen!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Deabrutxoakak maila baxuko deabruak dira. Ez dute ez indar ezta magiarako trebezia nabaririk. Baina nahiko azkarrak eta lagunkoiak dira eta askok deabruak ez direnekin bizitzea nahiago dute.
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Deabrutxoak maila baxuko deabruak dira. Ez dute ez indar ezta magiarako trebezia nabaririk. Baina nahiko azkarrak eta lagunkoiak dira eta askok deabruak ez direnekin bizitzea nahiago dute.
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=irudi ispilua
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=irudi ispilua
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Ilusio honek zure antza izugarria dauka, zure arma eta armadura berdinak daramatzala dirudielarik.\n\nIspilu irudiek etaisak bilatu eta daramaten arma bikoiztuarekin eraso egingo diete, zurea bezalakoa dena, baina kalte txikiagoa eragiten. Forma etereoan sortuak dira, baina solido bilakatu behar dira eraso ahal izateko.\n\nHaien erasoak boteretsuak izan daitezkeen arren, ispilu irudiek ez dute iraunkortasunik, eta eraso bat jaso bezain laster desegingo dira.
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Ilusio honek zure antza izugarria dauka, zure arma eta armadura berdinak daramatzala dirudielarik.\n\nIspilu irudiek etsaiak bilatu eta daramaten arma bikoiztuarekin eraso egingo diete, zurea bezalakoa dena, baina kalte txikiagoa eragiten. Forma etereoan sortuak dira, baina solido bilakatu behar dira erasotu ahal izateko.\n\nHaien erasoak boteretsuak izan daitezkeen arren, ispilu irudiek ez dute iraunkortasunik, eta kaltea jaso bezain laster desegingo dira.
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.name=irudi prismatikoa
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.name=irudi prismatikoa
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.desc=Ilusio honek zure antza izugarria dauka, zure arma eta armadura berdinak daramatzala dirudielarik.\n\nirudiek prismatikoek etaisak bilatu eta haien arreta nbereganatuko dute, haien defentsa eta osasun indartuak zu babesteko erabiliz. Ispilu irudien eraso gaitasuna ez duten arren, iraunkortasun hobetua dute, eta zure armaduraren onurak jasotzen dituzte,.\n\nHaien osasuna 0 op-ra heltzean, irudi prismatikoak hutsaldu egingo dira txanda batzuetan, zeinetan oraindik sendatuak izan ahal diren. Etsairik ez egotekotan, irudi prismatikoak hutsaldu eta haien jabearekin elkartuko dira.
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.desc=Ilusio honek zure antza izugarria dauka, zure arma eta armadura berdinak daramatzala dirudielarik.\n\nIrudiek prismatikoek etsaiak bilatu eta haien arreta bereganatuko dute, haien defentsa eta osasun hobetuak zu babesteko erabiliz. Ispilu irudien eraso gaitasuna ez duten arren, iraunkortasun hobetua dute, eta zure armaduraren onurak jasotzen dituzte,.\n\nHaien osasuna 0 puntuetara heltzean, irudi prismatikoak hutsaldu egingo dira txanda batzuetan zehar, zeinetan oraindik sendatuak izan ahal diren. Etsairik ez egotekotan, irudi prismatikoak hutsaldu eta haien jabearekin elkartuko dira.
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.name=arratoi erregea
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.name=arratoi erregea
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.not_sleeping=Ez nago lo!
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.not_sleeping=Ez nago lo!
@ -407,7 +405,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.desc=Tipo lodi hau hiri handi bateko merkatal gunear
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.name=zarta egile zaharra
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.name=zarta egile zaharra
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_warrior=Hara, bai ezustekoa heroi bat toki etsigarri honetan! Agure honi lagundu nahi badiozu, agian badut zeregin bat zuretzat.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_warrior=Hara, bai ezustekoa heroi bat toki etsigarri honetan! Agure honi lagundu nahi badiozu, agian badut zeregin bat zuretzat.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_rogue=Ay ene, izutu nauzu! Buru argitasuna mantentzen duen mandilik ez dut ezagutu inguruan, beraz gainazaletik etorri behar izan duzu! Ezezagun bat laguntzeko prest bazaude, zuretzako zeregin bat izan nezake.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_rogue=Ay ene, izutu nauzu! Buru argitasuna mantentzen duen mandilik ez dut ezagutu inguruan, beraz gainazaletik etorri behar izan duzu! Ezezagun bat laguntzeko prest bazaude, zuretzako zeregin bat izan nezake.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_mage=Oh, Kaixo %s! Magia institutuaren eta zure artean arazoak egon direla entuna dut. Baina ez larritu, zaharkitu horiek ez ditut inoiz gustokoak izan. Nahi izatekotan, zuretzako zeregin bat izan nezake.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_mage=Oh, kaixo %s! Magia institutuaren eta zure artean arazoak egon direla entzun dut. Baina ez larritu, ez ditut inoiz betilun horiek gustukoak izan. Nahi izatekotan, zuretzako zeregin bat izan nezake.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=Hara, kaixo andere! Aurpegi adiskidetsu bat ezusteko handia da hemen, ezta? Izan ere, zure arpegia lehenago ere ikusi dudala esango nuke, baina ez nago guztiz ziur... berdin du, abentura bila bazatoz, zuretzat zeregin bat izan nezake.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=Hara, kaixo andere! Aurpegi adiskidetsu bat ezusteko handia da hemen, ezta? Izan ere, zure arpegia lehenago ere ikusi dudala esango nuke, baina ez nago guztiz ziur... berdin du, abentura bila bazatoz, zuretzat zeregin bat izan nezake.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nZarta baterako osagai berezi baten bila etorri nintzen, baina galdu egin naiz, eta nire ezkutu magikoa ahultzen ari da. Laster joan beharko naiz, baina ezin dut jasan bilatzera etorri nintzen hori gabe itzultzea.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nZarta baterako osagai berezi baten bila etorri nintzen, baina galdu egin naiz, eta nire ezkutu magikoa ahultzen ari da. Laster joan beharko naiz, baina ezin dut jasan bilatzera etorri nintzen hori gabe itzultzea.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=_Gorpu hauts_ apur baten bila nabil. Honelako tokietan agertu ohi den madarikatutako hezurren irina bat da. Hemen inguruan barrikadaz babestutako gela bat egon beharko luke, ziur nago hor hautsa pilatu dela. Baina ibili kontu handiz, hautsak daraman madarikazioa nahiko ahaltsua da, _itzuli nigana ahal bezain laster_ eta nik garbituko dut.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=_Gorpu hauts_ apur baten bila nabil. Honelako tokietan agertu ohi den madarikatutako hezurren irina bat da. Hemen inguruan barrikadaz babestutako gela bat egon beharko luke, ziur nago hor hautsa pilatu dela. Baina ibili kontu handiz, hautsak daraman madarikazioa nahiko ahaltsua da, _itzuli nigana ahal bezain laster_ eta nik garbituko dut.
@ -539,7 +537,7 @@ actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=Armiarma itxurako izaki demoniako erraldoi hauek aurrez
actors.mobs.senior.name=monje zaharra
actors.mobs.senior.name=monje zaharra
actors.mobs.shaman.name=Xaman basatia
actors.mobs.shaman.name=xaman basatia
actors.mobs.shaman.zap_kill=Deskarga elektrikoak hil zaitu...
actors.mobs.shaman.zap_kill=Deskarga elektrikoak hil zaitu...
actors.mobs.shaman.desc=Basati azkarrenek magia xamanistikoa menpera dezakete. Xaman basatiek indar falta konpentsatzen dute urrunetik sorginkeria erabiliz, tribu barnean haien posizioa dudan jartzen dutenen kontra zalantzarik gabe erabiltzeko.
actors.mobs.shaman.desc=Basati azkarrenek magia xamanistikoa menpera dezakete. Xaman basatiek indar falta konpentsatzen dute urrunetik sorginkeria erabiliz, tribu barnean haien posizioa dudan jartzen dutenen kontra zalantzarik gabe erabiltzeko.
@ -551,8 +549,8 @@ actors.mobs.skeleton.explo_kill=Hezur eztandaren ondorioz hil zara...
actors.mobs.skeleton.desc=Eskeletoak zorigaiztoko abenturazaleen eta ziegako biztanleen gorpuetako hezurrez osatuta daude, azpiko sakoneretako magia gaiztoaren jariadurak. Nahikoa kaltetu zaienean, hezur leherketa batean ezerezten dira.
actors.mobs.skeleton.desc=Eskeletoak zorigaiztoko abenturazaleen eta ziegako biztanleen gorpuetako hezurrez osatuta daude, azpiko sakoneretako magia gaiztoaren jariadurak. Nahikoa kaltetu zaienean, hezur leherketa batean ezerezten dira.
actors.mobs.spinner.name=kobazulo lasterkariak
actors.mobs.spinner.name=kobazuloko araknidoa
actors.mobs.spinner.desc=Armiarma berdexka eta iletsu hauek borroka zuzena saihesten saiatzen dira, urrunean itxaroten dute haien biktima, amaraunetan korapilatuta, bere haginkada pozoitsuaren ondorioz hiltzen den bitartean.
actors.mobs.spinner.desc=Armiarma berdexka eta iletsu hauek borroka zuzena saihesten saiatzen dira eta urrunean itxaroten dute, haien biktima, amaraunetan korapilatuta, bere haginkada pozoitsuaren ondorioz hiltzen den bitartean.
actors.mobs.statue.name=estatua biziduna
actors.mobs.statue.name=estatua biziduna
actors.mobs.statue.desc=Ziegako beste estatua itsusi bat dela pentsa zenezake, baina bere begi gorri distiratsuek salatzen dute.\n\nEstatua bera harrizkoa den bitartean, daraman _%s-a_ benetakoa dirudi.
actors.mobs.statue.desc=Ziegako beste estatua itsusi bat dela pentsa zenezake, baina bere begi gorri distiratsuek salatzen dute.\n\nEstatua bera harrizkoa den bitartean, daraman _%s-a_ benetakoa dirudi.
@ -569,7 +567,7 @@ actors.mobs.tengu.notice_mine=Nirea zara, %s!
actors.mobs.tengu.notice_face=Egidazu aurre, %s!
actors.mobs.tengu.notice_face=Egidazu aurre, %s!
actors.mobs.tengu.interesting=Interesgarriagoa egin dezagun hau...
actors.mobs.tengu.interesting=Interesgarriagoa egin dezagun hau...
actors.mobs.tengu.defeated=Libre behingoz...
actors.mobs.tengu.defeated=Libre behingoz...
actors.mobs.tengu.rankings_desc=Tengu-gatik eraila
actors.mobs.tengu.rankings_desc=Tenguk eraila
actors.mobs.tengu.desc=Eraile famatu eta misteriotsu bat, izena aurpegian txertatuta daraman mozorrotik datorkiona.\n\nTenguk girgiluak daramatza eskumutur eta orkatiletan, kateetaz duela asko libratu zela dirudien arren.\n\nTranpak, magia engainagarria eta eraso zehatzetaz baliatuko da bere ihesaldia oztopatzen duen gauza bakarra akatzeko: zu.
actors.mobs.tengu.desc=Eraile famatu eta misteriotsu bat, izena aurpegian txertatuta daraman mozorrotik datorkiona.\n\nTenguk girgiluak daramatza eskumutur eta orkatiletan, kateetaz duela asko libratu zela dirudien arren.\n\nTranpak, magia engainagarria eta eraso zehatzetaz baliatuko da bere ihesaldia oztopatzen duen gauza bakarra akatzeko: zu.
actors.mobs.thief.name=lapur eroa
actors.mobs.thief.name=lapur eroa
@ -584,21 +582,21 @@ actors.mobs.warlock.desc=Ipotxen interesak ingeniaritzatik arte ezkutuetara alda
actors.mobs.wraith.desc=Mamua bekatari baten izpiritu mendekatia da, noren hilobia asaldatua izan den. Izaki etereo bat denez gero, oso zaila da arma arrunt batekin jotzea.
actors.mobs.wraith.desc=Mamua, bekatari baten izpiritu mendekatia da, noren hilobia asaldatua izan den. Izaki etereo bat denez gero, oso zaila da arma arrunt batekin jotzea.
actors.mobs.yog.notice=Itxaropena ilusio bat da...
actors.mobs.yog.notice=Itxaropena ilusio bat da...
actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa-gatik janda
actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewak irentsia
actors.mobs.yog.desc=Yog-Dzewa Jainko Zahar bat da, kaosaren erreinuko izaki boteretsu bat. Duela mende bat, antzinako ipotxek bere deabruen armadaren kontrako guda ozta-ozta irabazi zuten, baina ez ziren jainkoa bera hiltzeko gai izan. Horren ordez, haien hiriaren azpiko ganberatan giltzapetu zuten, inoiz berriro altxatzeko ahulegia zela pentsatuz.
actors.mobs.yog.desc=Yog-Dzewa Jainko Zahar bat da, kaosaren erreinuko izaki boteretsu bat. Duela mende bat, antzinako ipotxek bere deabruen armadaren kontrako guda ozta-ozta irabazi zuten, baina ez ziren jainkoa bera hiltzeko gai izan. Horren ordez, haien hiriaren azpiko ganberatan giltzapetu zuten, inoiz berriro altxatzeko ahulegia zela pentsatuz.
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.name=Ukabil ustela
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.name=ukabil ustela
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa-gatik janda
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewak irentsia
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa Jainko Zahar bat da, kaosaren erreinuko izaki boteretsu bat. Duela mende bat, antzinako ipotxek bere deabruen armadaren kontrako guda ozta-ozta irabazi zuten, baina ez ziren jainkoa bera hiltzeko gai izan. Horren ordez, haien hiriaren azpiko ganberatan giltzapetu zuten, inoiz berriro altxatzeko ahulegia zela pentsatuz.
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa Jainko Zahar bat da, kaosaren erreinuko izaki boteretsu bat. Duela mende bat, antzinako ipotxek bere deabruen armadaren kontrako guda ozta-ozta irabazi zuten, baina ez ziren jainkoa bera hiltzeko gai izan. Horren ordez, haien hiriaren azpiko ganberatan giltzapetu zuten, inoiz berriro altxatzeko ahulegia zela pentsatuz.
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.name=Ukabil kartsua
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.name=ukabil kartsua
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa-gatik janda
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewak irentsia
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa Jainko Zahar bat da, kaosaren erreinuko izaki boteretsu bat. Duela mende bat, antzinako ipotxek bere deabruen armadaren kontrako guda ozta-ozta irabazi zuten, baina ez ziren jainkoa bera hiltzeko gai izan. Horren ordez, haien hiriaren azpiko ganberatan giltzapetu zuten, inoiz berriro altxatzeko ahulegia zela pentsatuz.
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa Jainko Zahar bat da, kaosaren erreinuko izaki boteretsu bat. Duela mende bat, antzinako ipotxek bere deabruen armadaren kontrako guda ozta-ozta irabazi zuten, baina ez ziren jainkoa bera hiltzeko gai izan. Horren ordez, haien hiriaren azpiko ganberatan giltzapetu zuten, inoiz berriro altxatzeko ahulegia zela pentsatuz.
actors.mobs.yog$larva.name=Jainkoaren larba
actors.mobs.yog$larva.name=jainkoaren larba
actors.mobs.yog$larva.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa-gatik janda
actors.mobs.yog$larva.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewak irentsia
actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=Yog-Dzewa Jainko Zahar bat da, kaosaren erreinuko izaki boteretsu bat. Duela mende bat, antzinako ipotxek bere deabruen armadaren kontrako guda ozta-ozta irabazi zuten, baina ez ziren jainkoa bera hiltzeko gai izan. Horren ordez, haien hiriaren azpiko ganberatan giltzapetu zuten, inoiz berriro altxatzeko ahulegia zela pentsatuz.
actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=Yog-Dzewa Jainko Zahar bat da, kaosaren erreinuko izaki boteretsu bat. Duela mende bat, antzinako ipotxek bere deabruen armadaren kontrako guda ozta-ozta irabazi zuten, baina ez ziren jainkoa bera hiltzeko gai izan. Horren ordez, haien hiriaren azpiko ganberatan giltzapetu zuten, inoiz berriro altxatzeko ahulegia zela pentsatuz.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Recharge d'Artefact
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=De l'énergie parcourt votre corps, augmentant la vitesse de recharge de vos artefacts équipés\n\nChaque artefact est affecté différemment, mais ils seront tous moins limités par leur niveau de charge.\n\nTours restants : %s
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=De l'énergie parcourt votre corps, augmentant la vitesse de recharge de vos artefacts équipés\n\nChaque artefact est affecté différemment, mais ils seront tous moins limités par leur niveau de charge.\n\nTours restants : %s
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Peau d'écorce
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Peau d'écorce
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Your skin is hardened, it feels rough and solid like bark.\n\nThe hardened skin increases your effective armor, allowing you to better defend against physical attack.\n\nYour armor is currently increased by: %d.\nTurns until barkskin weakens: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Votre peau s'est endurcie, elle semble rugueuse et solide comme de l'écorce.\n\nVotre peau endurcie augmente l'effet de l'armure, améliorant votre défense contre les attaques physiques. Le bonus d'armure baissera d'un point à chaque tour jusqu'à ce qu'il expire.\n\nVotre armure est actuellement améliorée de : %d.
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Un champ de force durable qui bloque tous les dégâts.\n\nLa barrière encaissera les dégâts pour ce qu'elle protège, tant qu'il lui reste de l'énergie protectrice. L'énergie protectrice se dispersera au rythme de 1 par tour.\n\nProtection restante : %d
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Un champ de force durable qui bloque tous les dégâts.\n\nLa barrière encaissera les dégâts pour ce qu'elle protège, tant qu'il lui reste de l'énergie protectrice. L'énergie protectrice se dispersera au rythme de 1 par tour.\n\nProtection restante : %d
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ actors.buffs.burning.desc=Peu de choses sont aussi éprouvantes que de se retrou
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Vous êtes charmé !
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Vous êtes charmé !
actors.buffs.charm.desc=A charm is manipulative magic that can make enemies temporarily adore eachother.\n\nCharacters affected by charm are unable to directly attack the enemy they are charmed by. Attacking other targets is still possible however. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of charm.\n\nTurns of charm remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.charm.desc=Un charme est une magie de manipulation qui oblige deux ennemis à tomber temporairement en adoration.\n\nLes personnages sous le coup d'un charme ne peuvent s'attaquer mutuellement. Ils peuvent cependant attaquer les autres ennemis. \n\nTours de charme restant : %s.
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s est gelé !
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s est gelé !
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.name=Somnolent
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Une force magique vous pousse à dormir.\n\nLe héros peut résister à la somnolence si sa santé est au maximum ou s'il subit des dégâts.\n\nAprès quelques tours, la cible tombera dans un profond sommeil magique.
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Une force magique vous pousse à dormir.\n\nLe héros peut résister à la somnolence si sa santé est au maximum ou s'il subit des dégâts.\n\nAprès quelques tours, la cible tombera dans un profond sommeil magique.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imprégné par la Terre.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imprégné par la Terre.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=You are imbued with the power of earth!\n\nAll physical attacks will shift the earth under the enemy, crippling them for a short time.\n\nTurns of earth imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance de la terre !\n\nToutes les attaques physiques vont déplacer la terre sous les ennemis, les paralysant pour un court laps de temps.\n\nTours de puissance terrestre restant : %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imprégné par le Feu
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imprégné par le Feu
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance du feu !\n\nVos attaques physiques ont une chance d'enflammer vos ennemis. De plus, vous êtes complètement immunisé aux effets du feu.\n\nTours de puissance de feu restants : %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance du feu !\n\nVos attaques physiques ont une chance d'enflammer vos ennemis. De plus, vous êtes complètement immunisé aux effets du feu.\n\nTours de puissance de feu restants : %s.
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ actors.buffs.frost.name=Gelé
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s est gelé !
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s est gelé !
actors.buffs.frost.desc=A ne pas confondre avec la transformation en glace, ce simple gel emprisonne sa cible dans de la glace.\n\nLe gel agit un peu comme la paralysie, empêchant sa cible d'agir. A l'inverse de la paralysie, tout impact sur la cible brisera immédiatement la prison glacée.\n\nTours de gel restants : %s.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=A ne pas confondre avec la transformation en glace, ce simple gel emprisonne sa cible dans de la glace.\n\nLe gel agit un peu comme la paralysie, empêchant sa cible d'agir. A l'inverse de la paralysie, tout impact sur la cible brisera immédiatement la prison glacée.\n\nTours de gel restants : %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imprégné de givre
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=Vous êtes imprégné par la puissance de la glace!\n\nToutes les attaques physiques gèleront les ennemis. De plus, vous êtes complètement immunisé contre le froid.\n\nTours de puissance de glace restants : %s.
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Vous devenez furieux !
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Vous devenez furieux !
@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Vase caustique
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=La vase caustique dévore votre chair. Lavez-la !
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=La vase caustique dévore votre chair. Lavez-la !
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Vous avez fondu...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Vous avez fondu...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Cet acide gluant colle à la chair, la rongeant lentement.\n\nLa vase inflige des dégâts constants au fil du temps, mais peut être immédiatement rincée dans l'eau.\n\nTours de vase restant: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Vous êtes paralysé !
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Vous êtes paralysé !
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=Vous résistez à la paralysie.
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=Vous résistez à la paralysie.
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Oftentimes the worst thing to do is nothing at all.\n\nParalysis completely halts all actions, forcing the target to wait until the effect wears off. The pain from taking damage can cause characters to resist paralysis, breaking them out of the effect.\n\nTurns of paralysis remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Parfois, la pire chose est l'inaction.\n\nLa paralysie bloque toutes les actions, obligeant la cible à attendre que les effets se dissipent. La douleur causée par des dégâts peut briser la paralysie.\n\nTours de paralysie restants : %s.
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Vous êtes empoisonné !
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Vous êtes empoisonné !
@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ actors.buffs.soulmark.name=Âme marquée
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=Le sorcier puise dans l'âme de cette créature. Les dégâts physiques qu'elle subira le guériront et satisferont sa faim.\n\nTours d'âme marquée restants : %s.
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=Le sorcier puise dans l'âme de cette créature. Les dégâts physiques qu'elle subira le guériront et satisferont sa faim.\n\nTours d'âme marquée restants : %s.
actors.buffs.stamina.desc=You have unending stamina, allowing for faster movement!\n\nWhile under the effects of stamina you will run at +50%% speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of stamina remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.stamina.desc=De l'énergie parcourt vos muscles, vous permettant de courir à une vitesse incroyable !\n\nSous l'effet de l'endurance, vous courrez à une vitesse de +50%%, mais effectuez toutes les autres actions à vitesse normale.\n\nTours d'endurance restants: %s.
actors.buffs.terror.desc=Terror is manipulative magic which forces its target into an uncontrollable panic.\n\nTerrified characters are forced to run away from their opponent, trying to put as many doors and walls between them as possible. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of terror, however.\n\nTurns of terror remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.terror.desc=La terreur est une magie de manipulation qui met la cible en état de panique incontrôlable.\n\nLes personnages terrifiés sont forcés de fuir leur adversaire en essayant de mettre le maximum de murs et portes entre eux. Cependant, le choc de la douleur est suffisant pour briser cet effet. \n\nTours de panique restant : %s.
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imprégné de toxicité
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Imprégné de toxicité
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Une énergie empoisonnée vous habite!\n\nQuand vous vous déplacez, un nuage de gaz toxique vous environne, endommageant vos ennemis. Vous êtes immunisés contre les dégâts de poison ou de gaz toxique pour la durée de l'effet. \n\nTours d'énergie empoisonnée restants : %s.
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Une énergie empoisonnée vous habite!\n\nQuand vous vous déplacez, un nuage de gaz toxique vous environne, endommageant vos ennemis. Vous êtes immunisés contre les dégâts de poison ou de gaz toxique pour la durée de l'effet. \n\nTours d'énergie empoisonnée restants : %s.
@ -271,8 +271,8 @@ actors.buffs.weakness.name=Affaibli
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Vous vous sentez affaibli !
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Vous vous sentez affaibli !
actors.buffs.weakness.desc=Tout semble soudainement plus lourd.\n\nLa faiblesse magique réduit la force physique d'un personnage. Le héros perdra 2 points de force, tandis que les ennemis infligeront moins de dégâts.\n\nTours de faiblesse restants : %s.
actors.buffs.weakness.desc=Tout semble soudainement plus lourd.\n\nLa faiblesse magique réduit la force physique d'un personnage. Le héros perdra 2 points de force, tandis que les ennemis infligeront moins de dégâts.\n\nTours de faiblesse restants : %s.
actors.buffs.wellfed.name=Well Fed
actors.buffs.wellfed.name=Bien nourri
actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=You feel quite satisfied and full.\n\nWhile well fed, your hunger will not increase, and you will heal an additional amount of health over time.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Vous vous sentez assez satisfait et repu.\n\nTant que vous êtes bien nourris, votre faim n'augmentera pas et vous pourrez soigner une quantité supplémentaire de santé au fil du temps.\n\nTours restant: %d.
@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Les diablotins sont des démons mineurs. Ils
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=image miroir
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=image miroir
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=L'illusion vous ressemble beaucoup : elle semble même porter la même arme et la même armure que vous.\n\nLes images-miroir traquent et attaquent les ennemis avec leur imitation d'arme, qui se comporte comme la vôtre mais inflige moins de dégâts. Elles démarrent éthérées, mais doivent prendre leur forme solide pour attaquer.\n\nAlors que leur puissance d'attaque est bien réelle, les images-miroir n'ont aucune durée de vie, et disparaîtront dès qu'elles prendront des dégâts.
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=L'illusion vous ressemble beaucoup : elle semble même porter la même arme et la même armure que vous.\n\nLes images-miroir traquent et attaquent les ennemis avec leur imitation d'arme, qui se comporte comme la vôtre mais inflige moins de dégâts. Elles démarrent éthérées, mais doivent prendre leur forme solide pour attaquer.\n\nAlors que leur puissance d'attaque est bien réelle, les images-miroir n'ont aucune durée de vie, et disparaîtront dès qu'elles prendront des dégâts.
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.name=prismatic image
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.name=image prismatique
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.desc=This shimmering illusion bears a close resemblance to you, even seeming to wield your current weapon and armor.\n\nPrismatic images will attempt to seek and draw focus from enemies, using their enhanced defense and health to protect you. While they do not have the same offensive power as mirror images, they have enhanced durability, including receiving benefits from your armor.\n\nWhen reduced to 0 hp, prismatic images will fade over several turns, and can still be healed during this time. When no enemies are present, prismatic images will fade and rejoin their master.
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.desc=Cette illusion chatoyante vous ressemble beaucoup, semblant même brandir votre arme et votre armure actuelles.\n\nLes images prismatiques tenteront de rechercher et d'attirer l'attention des ennemis, en utilisant leur défense et leur santé améliorées pour vous protéger. Bien qu'elles n'aient pas le même pouvoir offensif que les images miroir, elles offrent une durabilité accrue, grâce au fait de recevoir les avantages de votre armure.\n\nLorsqu'elles sont réduites à 0 hp, les images prismatiques disparaissent en plusieurs tours et peuvent encore être guéries pendant ce temps. En l'absence d'ennemis, les images prismatiques s'estomperont et rejoindront leur maitre.
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.name=roi des rats
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.name=roi des rats
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.not_sleeping=Je ne dormais pas !
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.not_sleeping=Je ne dormais pas !
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ actors.mobs.bat.def_verb=échappé
actors.mobs.bat.desc=Ces habitants vifs et tenaces des grottes savent vaincre des opposant bien plus grands qu'eux en regénérant leur santé avec chaque attaque réussie.
actors.mobs.bat.desc=Ces habitants vifs et tenaces des grottes savent vaincre des opposant bien plus grands qu'eux en regénérant leur santé avec chaque attaque réussie.
actors.mobs.bee.name=abeille dorée
actors.mobs.bee.name=abeille dorée
actors.mobs.bee.desc_honey=Despite their small size, golden bees tend to protect their home fiercely. This one has been placated, and seems to want to follow you.
actors.mobs.bee.desc_honey=En dépit de leur petite taille, les abeilles dorées défendent furieusement leurs habitats. Celle-ci a été apaisée, et semble vouloir vous suivre.
actors.mobs.bee.desc=En dépit de leur petite taille, les abeilles dorées défendent furieusement leurs habitats. Celle-ci semble très en colère, il vaudrait mieux garder vos distances.
actors.mobs.bee.desc=En dépit de leur petite taille, les abeilles dorées défendent furieusement leurs habitats. Celle-ci semble très en colère, il vaudrait mieux garder vos distances.
actors.mobs.brute.name=brute gnoll
actors.mobs.brute.name=brute gnoll
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ actors.mobs.statue.name=statue animée
actors.mobs.statue.desc=Vous pourriez croire qu'il s'agit juste d'une autre de ces statues hideuses de ce donjon, mais ses yeux rouges luisants la trahissent.\n\nBien que la statue elle-même soit faite de pierre, le _%s,_ qu'elle brandit semble réel.
actors.mobs.statue.desc=Vous pourriez croire qu'il s'agit juste d'une autre de ces statues hideuses de ce donjon, mais ses yeux rouges luisants la trahissent.\n\nBien que la statue elle-même soit faite de pierre, le _%s,_ qu'elle brandit semble réel.
actors.mobs.succubus.desc=The succubi are demons that look like seductive (in a slightly gothic way) girls. Using its magic, the succubus can charm a hero, who will become unable to attack anything until the charm wears off. When succubi attack a charmed hero, they will steal their life essence.
actors.mobs.succubus.desc=Les succubes sont des démons ayant l'apparence de filles très séduisantes (d'une manière légèrement gothique). En utilisant leur magie, les succubes peuvent charmer un héros, qui deviendra incapable d'attaquer quoi que ce soit avant que le charme ne s'évanouisse. Quand les succubes attaquent un héros sous le charme, elles vont voler leur essence vitale.
actors.mobs.swarm.name=essaim de mouches
actors.mobs.swarm.name=essaim de mouches
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ actors.buffs.frost.name=Congelato
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s congela!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s congela!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Da non confondersi con il congelamento completo, questo congelamento più benigno racchiude semplicemente il bersaglio nel ghiaccio.\n\nCongelamento agisce in modo simile a paralisi, rendendo impossibile al bersaglio agire. A differenza di paralisi, congelamento viene immediatamente annullato se il bersaglio subisce danni, poiché il ghiaccio andrà in frantumi.\n\nTurni di congelamento rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Da non confondersi con il congelamento completo, questo congelamento più benigno racchiude semplicemente il bersaglio nel ghiaccio.\n\nCongelamento agisce in modo simile a paralisi, rendendo impossibile al bersaglio agire. A differenza di paralisi, congelamento viene immediatamente annullato se il bersaglio subisce danni, poiché il ghiaccio andrà in frantumi.\n\nTurni di congelamento rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Impregnato con Gelo
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=Sei impregnato del potere del ghiaccio!\n\nTutti gli attacchi fisici raffredderanno costantemente i nemici. Inoltre sei completamente immune al freddo.\n\nTurni di impregnamento del gelo rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Sei diventato furioso!
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Sei diventato furioso!
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Melma caustica
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=La melma caustica consuma le tue carni. Lavala via!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=La melma caustica consuma le tue carni. Lavala via!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Ti sei squagliato...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Ti sei squagliato...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Questo acido appiccicoso si aggrappa alla carne, sciogliendola lentamente via.\n\nLa melma infliggerà danno consistente nel tempo, ma può venire immediatamente lavata via dall'acqua.\n\nTurni di melma rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Sei paralizzato!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Sei paralizzato!
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ actors.buffs.frost.name=빙결
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=빙결은 상대를 완전히 동태로 만드는 것이 아니라, 그저 얼음으로 감쌀 뿐입니다.\n\n빙결은 마비와 비슷하게 대상의 움직임을 봉쇄합니다. 하지만 대상이 피해를 입으면 얼음이 깨져 효과가 중단됩니다.\n\n빙결이 끝날 때 까지 %s 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=빙결은 상대를 완전히 동태로 만드는 것이 아니라, 그저 얼음으로 감쌀 뿐입니다.\n\n빙결은 마비와 비슷하게 대상의 움직임을 봉쇄합니다. 하지만 대상이 피해를 입으면 얼음이 깨져 효과가 중단됩니다.\n\n빙결이 끝날 때 까지 %s 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=냉기와 동화함
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=당신은 차가운 힘과 하나가 되었습니다!\n\n모든 물리적 공격은 적을 점점 얼려갈 것이며, 추가적으로 당신은 추위에 면역을 가지게 됩니다.\n\n효과가 끝나기까지 %s턴 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=당신은 분노에 휩싸였다!
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=당신은 분노에 휩싸였다!
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=산성 덩어리
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=산성 덩어리가 살점을 삼킨다. 물에서 씻어내야 한다!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=산성 덩어리가 살점을 삼킨다. 물에서 씻어내야 한다!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=당신은 녹아버렸다....
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=당신은 녹아버렸다....
actors.buffs.ooze.rankings_desc=산성에 의해 녹아버림
actors.buffs.ooze.rankings_desc=산성에 의해 녹아버림
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=이 끈적한 산성 덩어리가 당신의 살에 붙어 살을 천천히 녹이고 있습니다.\n\n이 덩어리는 일정한 시간 동안 지속적으로 피해를 입히지만, 물에 즉시 씻어낼 수 있습니다.\n\n덩어리가 떨어지기까지 %s턴 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=당신은 마비되었다!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=당신은 마비되었다!
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ actors.buffs.frost.name=Zamarznięty
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s zamarza!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s zamarza!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Nie należy mylić z zamrożeniem na kość - to łagodniejsze mrożenie zwyczajnie otacza cel lodem.\n\nMrożenie działa podobnie do paraliżu, uniemożliwiając celowi działanie. W przeciwieństwie do paraliżu, mrożenie jest natychmiast anulowane jeśli cel otrzyma obrażenia, jako że lód zostanie strzaskany.\n\nMrożenie będzie trwało przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Nie należy mylić z zamrożeniem na kość - to łagodniejsze mrożenie zwyczajnie otacza cel lodem.\n\nMrożenie działa podobnie do paraliżu, uniemożliwiając celowi działanie. W przeciwieństwie do paraliżu, mrożenie jest natychmiast anulowane jeśli cel otrzyma obrażenia, jako że lód zostanie strzaskany.\n\nMrożenie będzie trwało przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Związany z Mrozem
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=Jesteś związany z potęgą mrozu!\n\nWszystkie fizyczne ataki będą nakładać wychłodzenie na przeciwników. Dodatkowo, jesteś odporny na mróz.\n\nJesteś związany jeszcze przez %s tur.
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Jesteś wściekły!
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Jesteś wściekły!
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Żrący szlam
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Żrący szlam przeżera się przez Twoje ciało. Zmyj go jak najszybciej!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Żrący szlam przeżera się przez Twoje ciało. Zmyj go jak najszybciej!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Rozpuściłeś się...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Rozpuściłeś się...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Lepka, żrąca substancja przywiera do ciała, powoli je rozpuszczając.\n\nSzlam będzie zadawał obrażenia przez jakiś czas, ale może być przemyty wodą.\n\nPozostałe tury oszlamienia: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Jesteś sparaliżowany!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Jesteś sparaliżowany!
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ actors.buffs.frost.name=Congelado
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s congelou!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s congelou!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Não deve ser confundido com congelamento sólido. Esse tipo mais benigno de congelamento simplesmente encapsula o alvo em gelo.\n\nCongelamento funciona de uma maneira similar à paralisia. Tornando impossível para o alvo de agir. Diferente da paralisia, o congelamento é cancelado se o alvo levar dano, pois o gelo irá quebrar.\n\nTurnos de congelamento restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Não deve ser confundido com congelamento sólido. Esse tipo mais benigno de congelamento simplesmente encapsula o alvo em gelo.\n\nCongelamento funciona de uma maneira similar à paralisia. Tornando impossível para o alvo de agir. Diferente da paralisia, o congelamento é cancelado se o alvo levar dano, pois o gelo irá quebrar.\n\nTurnos de congelamento restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbuído com Gelo
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=Você está imbuído com o poder do gelo!\n\nTodos os ataques físicos irão se acumular nos inimigos. Além disso, você está completamente imune ao frio.\n\nTurnos de geada imbatíveis restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Você ficou furioso!
actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=Você ficou furioso!
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Lodo cáustico
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=O lodo cáustico está devorando a sua carne! Lave-o na água!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=O lodo cáustico está devorando a sua carne! Lave-o na água!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Você derreteu...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Você derreteu...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Este ácido pegajoso se agarra à carne, derretendo lentamente.\n\nA Gosma causará danos consistentes ao longo do tempo, mas pode ser imediatamente lavado na água.\n\nCurvas de exsudação restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Você foi paralisado!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Você foi paralisado!
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ actors.buffs.frost.name=冰冻
actors.buffs.frost.desc=不要认为被冻得很结实了,这种温和的冻结只是把目标包裹在冰里。 \n\n冻结效果类似于麻痹,使目标不能行动。与麻痹不同的是,冻结效果会在目标受到伤害时立即消失,因为冰会碎。\n\n剩余的冻结效果时长:%s回合
actors.buffs.frost.desc=不要认为被冻得很结实了,这种温和的冻结只是把目标包裹在冰里。 \n\n冻结效果类似于麻痹,使目标不能行动。与麻痹不同的是,冻结效果会在目标受到伤害时立即消失,因为冰会碎。\n\n剩余的冻结效果时长:%s回合
actors.buffs.frostimbue.name=Imbued with Frost
actors.buffs.frostimbue.desc=You are imbued with icy power!\n\nAll physical attacks will steadily stack chill on enemies. Additionally, you are completely immune to the cold.\n\nTurns of frost imbue remaining: %s.
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=腐蚀淤泥
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Aquesta bomba personalitzada farà soroll repetidame
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elèctrica
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elèctrica
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha sigut modificada per alliberar una tempesta elèctrica al seu voltant quan explota.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha sigut modificada per alliberar una tempesta elèctrica al seu voltant quan explota.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba de rebrot
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba personalitzada esquitxarà amb líquid vitalitzant en comptes d'explotar. L'àrea de l'explosió s'omplirà ràpidament de brots d'herbes i plantes, i els aliats capturats en l'explosió se sanaran.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de metralla
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de metralla
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha estat modificada amb restes de metall del DM-300, que es fragmentaran i volaran a tot arreu quan explotin. Millor que t'amaguis darrere d'alguna cosa quan l'utilitzis...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha estat modificada amb restes de metall del DM-300, que es fragmentaran i volaran a tot arreu quan explotin. Millor que t'amaguis darrere d'alguna cosa quan l'utilitzis...
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=No sents les cames!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=No et sents gaire bé.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=No et sents gaire bé.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Estàs ple.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Estàs ple.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Menja sota el teu propi risc!
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Menja sota el teu propi risc!
items.food.pasty.pie=pastís de carbassa
items.food.pasty.pie=pastís de carbassa
@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quan es consumeix, aquest elixir
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir de curació melosa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir de curació melosa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Aquest elixir combina la curació amb la dolçor de la mel. Quan es begui, satisfarà una petita quantitat de fam, però també es pot tirar per curar un aliat.\n\nLes criatures amb afinitat per a la mel poden ser pacificades si s'utilitza aquest ítem.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Aquest elixir combina la curació amb la dolçor de la mel. Quan es begui, satisfarà una petita quantitat de fam, però també es pot tirar per curar un aliat.\n\nLes criatures amb afinitat per a la mel poden ser pacificades si s'utilitza aquest ítem.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir of icy touch
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir de tacte gèlid
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=Quan es consumeix, aquest elixir permet al bevedor absorbir la calor dels enemics que ataquen. Aquest efecte farà que el bevedor sigui immune al fred, i li permet refredar als enemics amb atacs físics.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir de vigor
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir de vigor
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 frç, +5 ps
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 frç, +5 ps
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=brases d'elemental
items.quest.embers.desc=Brases especials que només es poden recol·lectar dels elementals de foc joves. Irradien energia tèrmica.
items.quest.embers.desc=Brases especials que només es poden recol·lectar dels elementals de foc joves. Irradien energia tèrmica.
items.quest.gooblob.name=gota de Goo
items.quest.gooblob.name=gota de Goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Una gota movedissa de pegot, escindida d'en Goo quan moria. És gairebé com una gran bola de gelatina, però no t'atreviries a menjar-te-la.\n\nNo fa res per si sol, però potser es podria utilitzar com a ingredient. Com a mínim s'hauria de poder vendre a un preu decent.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Una gota movedissa de pegot, escindida d'en Goo quan moria. És gairebé com una gran bola de gelatina, però no t'atreviries a menjar-te-la.\n\nNo fa res per si sol, però podria ser útil combinada amb certes pocions, o una bomba. Com a mínim s'hauria de poder vendre a un preu decent.
items.quest.metalshard.name=fragment de metall maleït
items.quest.metalshard.name=fragment de metall maleït
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Un tros de metall maleït oxidat, que es va caure del DM-300 quan es va destruir. Pots sentir una màgia malèvola inactiva dins d'ell.\n\nNo fa res per si sol, però potser es podria utilitzar com a ingredient. Com a mínim s'hauria de poder vendre a un preu decent.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Un tros de metall maleït oxidat, que es va caure del DM-300 quan es va destruir. Pots sentir una màgia malèvola inactiva dins d'ell.\n\nNo fa res per si sol, però podria ser útil combinat amb certs pergamins, o una bomba. Com a mínim s'hauria de poder vendre a un preu decent.
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ items.spells.featherfall.light=Et sents lleuger com una ploma!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Aquest encanteri manipula l'efecte de la gravetat sobre l'usuari, permetent que caigui grans distàncies sense fer-se mal durant poc temps. Cada ús de l'encanteri només proporcionarà prou protecció per a un abisme.
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Aquest encanteri manipula l'efecte de la gravetat sobre l'usuari, permetent que caigui grans distàncies sense fer-se mal durant poc temps. Cada ús de l'encanteri només proporcionarà prou protecció per a un abisme.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=FER ENCANTERI
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=FER ENCANTERI
items.spells.spell.no_magic=You can't cast spells while magic immune.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=No pots fer encanteris mentre ets immune a la màgia.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=infusió màgica
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=infusió màgica
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Infon un ítem
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Infon un ítem
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Aquest encanteri infondrà una arma o una arma
items.spells.magicalporter.name=porter màgic
items.spells.magicalporter.name=porter màgic
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Transferir un ítem
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Transferir un ítem
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=No pots transferir un ítem enlloc.
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=No pots transferir un ítem enlloc.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=Aquest encanteri transportarà màgicament qualsevol ítem que sigui encantat. A diferència d'una balisa de comerciant, però, els articles es transportaran a l'entrada del proper pis amb líder.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=canvi de fase
items.spells.phaseshift.name=canvi de fase
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=La màgia de teletransport falla.
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=La màgia de teletransport falla.
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Infon un ítem
items.stones.runestone$placeholder.name=pedra rúnica
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=pedra d'agressió
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=pedra d'agressió
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Quan aquesta pedra es tiri prop d'un enemic, l'afligirà amb màgia d'agressió.\n\nUn enemic sota la influència d'agressió prioritzarà atacar al llançador d'aquesta sobre qualsevol altre objectiu.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Quan aquesta pedra es tiri prop d'un enemic, l'afligirà amb màgia d'agressió.\n\nUn enemic sota la influència d'agressió prioritzarà atacar al llançador d'aquesta sobre qualsevol altre objectiu.
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Estàs segur de què vols imbuir el teu ba
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sí, estic segur.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sí, estic segur.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, he canviat d'idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, he canviat d'idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Elaborat pel mateix Mag, aquest bastó és una arma màgica única. En lloc de tenir un poder màgic innat, aquest bastó s'imbueix amb l'energia màgica d'una vareta.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Elaborat pel mateix Mag, aquest bastó és una arma màgica única. En lloc de tenir un poder màgic innat, aquest bastó s'imbueix amb l'energia màgica d'una vareta.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=El bastó no té màgia a dins actualment, s'hi ha _d'imbuir el poder d'una vareta_ per poder-lo utilitzar per fer encanteris.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=El bastó no té màgia a dins actualment, s'ha _d'imbuir amb el poder d'una vareta_ per poder-lo utilitzar per fer encanteris.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=El bastó està imbuït actualment amb una _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=El bastó està imbuït actualment amb una _%s._
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Aquesta arma cos a cos de _nivell-%1$d_ infligeix _%2$d-%3$d de dany_ i requereix _%4$d de força_ per utilitzar-la adequadament.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Aquesta arma cos a cos de _nivell-%1$d_ infligeix _%2$d-%3$d de dany_ i requereix _%4$d de força_ per utilitzar-la adequadament.
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=pozdrženo %d
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.name=Pozdržené poškození
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.name=Pozdržené poškození
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.ondeath=Pozdržené poškození tě zabilo...
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.ondeath=Pozdržené poškození tě zabilo...
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.rankings_desc=Zabilo tě pozdržené poškození
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.rankings_desc=Zabilo tě pozdržené poškození
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=Zatímco tě tvá runa na zbroji chránila před poškozením, teď se zdá že ti to pomalu vrací zpět.\n\nPoškození je ti udělováno postupně časem místo najednou.\n\nZbývající pozdržené poškození: %d
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=Zatímco tě tvá runa na zbroji chránila před poškozením, teď se zdá že ti to pomalu vrací zpět.\n\nPoškození je ti udělováno postupně místo najednou.\n\nZbývající pozdržené poškození: %d
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.desc=Tato runa je schopna ukládat poškození způsobené nositeli a udělovat ho pomaleji, spíše než najednou.
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.desc=Tato runa je schopna ukládat poškození způsobené nositeli a udělovat ho pomaleji, spíše než najednou.
@ -372,28 +372,28 @@ items.bombs.firebomb.name=Ohnivá bomba
items.bombs.firebomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby při výbuchu uvolnila neutuchající ohnivou bouři.
items.bombs.firebomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby při výbuchu uvolnila neutuchající ohnivou bouři.
items.bombs.flashbang.name=Oslepující bomba
items.bombs.flashbang.name=Oslepující bomba
items.bombs.flashbang.desc=Tato upravená bomba vybuchne v dávku oslepujícího světla, namísto exploze. Cokoliv co zahlédne tuto záři bude na nějakou dobu dezorientováno.
items.bombs.flashbang.desc=Tato upravená bomba namísto exploze vybuchne v dávku oslepujícího světla. Cokoliv co zahlédne tuto záři bude na nějakou dobu dezorientováno.
items.bombs.frostbomb.name=Mrazící bomba
items.bombs.frostbomb.name=Mrazivá bomba
items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby při výbuchu uvolnila neutuchající poryv mrazivého vzduchu.
items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby při výbuchu uvolnila neutuchající poryv mrazivého vzduchu.
items.bombs.holybomb.name=Svěcená bomba
items.bombs.holybomb.name=Svěcená bomba
items.bombs.holybomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby při výbuchu zableskla svaté světlo, udělující nemrtvím a démonickým nepřátelům bonusové poškození.
items.bombs.holybomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby při výbuchu zableskla svaté světlo, udělující nemrtvím a démonickým nepřátelům bonusové poškození.
items.bombs.noisemaker.name=Hlučná bomba
items.bombs.noisemaker.name=Hlučná bomba
items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Tato upravená bomba bude opakovaně vydávat hluk, namísto exploze. Nepřátelé, kteří nejsou jinak zaneprázdněni, budou neustále přitahování na místo zásahu.
items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Tato upravená bomba bude namísto exploze opakovaně vydávat hluk. Nepřátelé, kteří nejsou jinak zaneprázdněni, budou neustále přitahování na místo zásahu.
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=Probíjející bomba
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=Probíjející bomba
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby kolem sebe při výbuchu uvolnila bouři elektřiny.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby kolem sebe při výbuchu uvolnila bouři elektřiny.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=Růstová bomba
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Tato upravená bomba kolem sebe namísto exploze rozstříkne životadárnou tekutinu. Oblast zachycená v dosahu rychle zaroste trávou a rostlinami a každý spojenec zachycený v dosahu, bude vyléčen.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=Střepinová bomba
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=Střepinová bomba
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena útržky kovu z DM-300, které se po výbuchu roztříští a všude rozletí. Bude lepší se po použití za něco schovat...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena útržky kovu z DM-300, které se po výbuchu roztříští a všude rozletí. Bude lepší se po použití za něco schovat...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=Stádová bomba
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=Stádová bomba
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tato upravená bomba vytvoří pole magických ovcí, namísto výbuchu. Tyto ovce přetrvají nějakou dobu na místě a budou blokovat pohyb.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tato upravená bomba namísto exploze vytvoří pole magických ovcí. Tyto ovce přetrvají nějakou dobu na místě a budou blokovat pohyb.
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Necítíš své nohy!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Není ti příliš dobře.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Není ti příliš dobře.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Jsi sytý.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Jsi sytý.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Požití na vlastní riziko!
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Požití na vlastní riziko!
items.food.pasty.pie=Dýňový koláč
items.food.pasty.pie=Dýňový koláč
@ -595,13 +595,13 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Vodní léče
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Dočasně získáváš obnovující vlastnosti podobné těm Slizákovým.\n\nBěhem stání ve vodě se ti bude obnovovat jeden bod zdraví za tah.\n\nZbývající tahy: %d
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Dočasně získáváš obnovující vlastnosti podobné těm Slizákovým.\n\nBěhem stání ve vodě se ti bude obnovovat jeden bod zdraví za tah.\n\nZbývající tahy: %d
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=Elixír dračí krve
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=Elixír dračí krve
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Po vypití vyšle elixír ohnivou sílu, která proteče žilami toho kdo jej vypil. Tento efekt ti zaručí imunitu vůči ohni a umožní zapálit nepřátele fyzickým útokem.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Po vypití vyšle elixír ohnivou sílu, která proteče žilami toho kdo jej vypil. Tento efekt tě udělá imunní vůči ohni a umožní ti zapálit nepřátele fyzickým útokem.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=Elixír léčivého medu
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=Elixír léčivého medu
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Tento elixír spojuje léčení se sladkostí medu. Po vypití uspokojí malé množství hladu, ale může být také hozen na spojence pro jejich vyléčení.\n\nStvoření s blízkým vztahem k medu by se po použití tohoto lektvaru na ně, mohli uklidnit.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Tento elixír spojuje léčení se sladkostí medu. Po vypití uspokojí malé množství hladu, ale může být také hozen na spojence pro jejich vyléčení.\n\nStvoření s blízkým vztahem k medu by se po použití tohoto lektvaru na ně, mohli uklidnit.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir of icy touch
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=Elixír ledového doteku
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=Po vypití umožní tento elixír tomu kdo jej vypil, vysát teplo z nepřátel na které útočí. Tento efekt tě udělá imunní vůči chladu a umožní ti ochladit nepřítele fyzickým útokem.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=Elixír moci
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=Elixír moci
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 síly, +5 zdraví
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 síly, +5 zdraví
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=Elementární uhlík
items.quest.embers.desc=Speciální uhlík, který může být sklizen z mladých ohnivých elementálů. Vyzařuje tepelnou energii.
items.quest.embers.desc=Speciální uhlík, který může být sklizen z mladých ohnivých elementálů. Vyzařuje tepelnou energii.
items.quest.gooblob.name=Hrudka slizu
items.quest.gooblob.name=Hrudka slizu
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Houpavá hrudka slizu, oddělená od Slizáka když zemřel. Je skoro jako velká koule želé, i když se neodvažuj ji jíst.\n\nSama o sobě nic nedělá, ale možná by se dala použít jako přísada. Přinejmenším by měla jít prodat za slušnou cenu.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Houpavá hrudka slizu, oddělená od Slizáka když zemřel. Je skoro jako velká koule želé, i když se neodvažuj ji jíst.\n\nSama o sobě nic nedělá, ale když se zkombinuje s určitým lektvarem nebo bombou, mohla by být užitečná. Přinejmenším by měla jít prodat za slušnou cenu.
items.quest.metalshard.name=Prokletý kovový střep
items.quest.metalshard.name=Prokletý kovový střep
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Střep rezavého prokletého kovu, který se odlomil z DM-300 když byl zničen. Můžeš v něm cítit neaktivní zlou magii.\n\nSám o sobě nic nedělá, ale možná by se dal použít jako přísada. Přinejmenším by měl jít prodat za slušnou cenu.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Střep rezavého prokletého kovu, který se odlomil z DM-300 když byl zničen. Můžeš v něm cítit neaktivní zlou magii.\n\nSám o sobě nic nedělá, ale když se zkombinuje s určitým svitkem nebo bombou, mohl by být užitečný. Přinejmenším by měl jít prodat za slušnou cenu.
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ items.spells.featherfall.light=Cítíš se lehce jako pírko!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Toto kouzlo ovlivní gravitační působení na toho kdo jej vyvolá, což na krátkou chvíli umožní spadnout bez poškození z velké výšky. Každé použití kouzla poskytne dostatek ochrany pouze na jednu propast.
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Toto kouzlo ovlivní gravitační působení na toho kdo jej vyvolá, což na krátkou chvíli umožní spadnout bez poškození z velké výšky. Každé použití kouzla poskytne dostatek ochrany pouze na jednu propast.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=You can't cast spells while magic immune.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=Nemůžeš vyvolávat kouzla během magické imunity.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=Magické naplnění
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=Magické naplnění
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Okouzli předmět
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Okouzli předmět
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Toto kouzlo naplní zbraň nebo zbroj silnou m
items.spells.magicalporter.name=Magický přenašeč
items.spells.magicalporter.name=Magický přenašeč
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Přenes předmět
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Přenes předmět
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Neexistuje místo kam by se dal předmět přenést.
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Neexistuje místo kam by se dal předmět přenést.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=Toto kouzlo magicky přenese jakýkoliv předmět, na které je vyvoláno. Na rozdíl od obchodníkova záblesku však bude předmět přenesen ke vchodu do patra s dalším bossem.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=Fázový přesun
items.spells.phaseshift.name=Fázový přesun
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Teleportační magie selhala.
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Teleportační magie selhala.
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Očaruj předmět
items.stones.runestone$placeholder.name=Runový kámen
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=Kámen agrese
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=Kámen agrese
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Když se tento kámen hodí poblíž nepřítele, postihne jej magická agresivita.\n\nNepřítel pod vlivem agresivity bude nucen zaútočit na tebe místo na tvé spojence, pokud jsou nějací spojenci nablízku.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Když se tento kámen hodí poblíž nepřítele, postihne jej magická agresivita.\n\nNepřítel pod vlivem agresivity bude nucen zaútočit na tebe místo na tvé spojence, pokud jsou nějací spojenci nablízku.
@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Lloyds Leuchtfeuerstab ist ein kompliziertes,
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Das Leuchtfeuer wurde irgendwo auf Ebene %d gesetzt.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Das Leuchtfeuer wurde irgendwo auf Ebene %d gesetzt.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Armband des Meisterdiebes
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Armband des Meisterdiebes
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Dieses purpurne Seidenarmband zeigt das Symbol eines Meisterdiebes. Es gehört dir zwar nicht, aber es gehörte wahrscheinlich auch nicht demjenigen der es als letztes benutzt hat.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Mit dem Armband am Handgelenk wächst dein Verlangen nach den Besitztümern anderer mit jedem Goldstück, das du findest. Vielleicht ist es doch nicht so schwer etwas aus dem Laden zu stehlen...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandalen der Natur
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandalen der Natur
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Schuhe der Natur
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Schuhe der Natur
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=Trank-Bandelier
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Dieses dicke Bandelier liegt eng an deiner Brust an, ähnlich wie eine Schärpe. Außerdem hat es viele kleine Schlaufen, in denen du deine Tränke sicher verstauen kannst.\n\nWährend sie in den Taschen sind sollten deine Tränke gut vor Kälte geschützt sein.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Dieses dicke Bandelier liegt eng an deiner Brust an, ähnlich wie eine Schärpe. Außerdem hat es viele kleine Schlaufen, in denen du deine Tränke sicher verstauen kannst.\n\nWährend sie in den Taschen sind sollten deine Tränke gut vor Kälte geschützt sein.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Dieser röhrenförmige Behälter sieht aus, als ließen sich die gesamten Aufzeichnungen und Werkzeuge eines Astronomen damit transportieren, aber deine Schriftrollen werden hier ebenfalls gut reinpassen. Es gibt sogar ein paar Seitentaschen, welche Deine Zauberkristalle aufnehmen können.\n\nDie Rolle sieht nicht sehr entzündlich aus, was bedeuten könnte, dass deine Schriftrollen nun vor Feuer geschützt sind.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=Beutel aus Samt
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=Beutel aus Samt
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Dieser kleine Samtbeutel kann viel kleine Gegenstände aufnehmen, wie Samen und Runensteine.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Dieser kleine Samtbeutel kann viel kleine Gegenstände aufnehmen, wie Samen und Runensteine.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=Schockbombe
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Diese Bombe wurde so modifiziert, dass sie in einen anhaltenden Sturm aus Elektrizität zerplatzt, wenn sie explodiert.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Diese Bombe wurde so modifiziert, dass sie in einen anhaltenden Sturm aus Elektrizität zerplatzt, wenn sie explodiert.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=Asche eines Elementars
items.quest.embers.desc=Spezielle Asche, welche nur von jungen Feuerelementaren gewonnen werden kann. Die Asche strahlt thermische Energie aus.
items.quest.embers.desc=Spezielle Asche, welche nur von jungen Feuerelementaren gewonnen werden kann. Die Asche strahlt thermische Energie aus.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=Verfluchte Metallplatte
items.quest.metalshard.name=Verfluchte Metallplatte
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatu
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
@ -943,9 +943,9 @@ items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Dein/e %s ist von arkaner Macht durchdrungen
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Trage einen Gegenstand
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=Dieser Zauber wird auf magische Art und Weise jeden Gegenstand transportieren. Anders als beim Händler-Ortungsgerät werden die Gegenstände jedoch zum Eingang der nächsten Boss-Ebene verbracht.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Die Teleportationsmagie versagt.
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Die Teleportationsmagie versagt.
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Markilo de Lloyd estas komplika magia aparato
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Markilo estas agordita ie en la %d-a keletaĝo de la Labirinto.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Markilo estas agordita ie en la %d-a keletaĝo de la Labirinto.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brakbendo de ĉefŝtelisto
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brakbendo de ĉefŝtelisto
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Tiu ĉi purpura velura brakbendo posedas la marko de ĉefŝtelisto. Ĝi ne apartenas al vi, tamen ĝi ankaŭ probable ne apartenis al ĝia eksa uzanto.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Tiu ĉi purpura velura brakbendo posedas markon de la ĉefŝtelisto. Ĝi ne apartenas al vi, tamen ĝi ankaŭ probable ne apartenis al ĝia eksa uzanto.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=Malbenita brakbendo alteniĝis al via brako kaj iel via saketo kun oro iom post iom malpeziĝas…
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=Malbenita brakbendo alteniĝis al via brako kaj iel via saketo kun oro iom post iom malpeziĝas…
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Kun la brakbendo sur via mano, ĉiu peco da oro trovita de vi igas vin pli deziri posedaĵojn de aliajn homojn. Eble ne estos tiel malfacile ŝteli ion de vendejo…
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Kun la brakbendo sur via mano, ĉiu peco da oro trovita de vi igas vin pli deziri posedaĵojn de aliajn homojn. Eble ne estos tiel malfacile ŝteli ion de vendejo…
@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke pluroble estigu
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke ellasu elektran tempeston proksime la loko de eksplodo.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke ellasu elektran tempeston proksime la loko de eksplodo.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=vegetaĵa bombo
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi modifita bombo ellasos vivigan likvon anstataŭ eksplodi. Areo proksime de eksplodejo estos tuj kovrita per rapide kreskanta herbo kaj vegetaĵoj, kaj ĉiu amiko ene la eksploda ondo estos sanigita.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=splitiĝa bombo
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=splitiĝa bombo
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estis modifita uzante metalajn restaĵojn de DM-300, ĝi splitiĝos en pluraj pecoj je eksplodo. Kaŝiĝu malantaŭ io antaŭ uzi tiun ĉi bombon…
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estis modifita uzante metalajn restaĵojn de DM-300, ĝi splitiĝos en pluraj pecoj je eksplodo. Kaŝiĝu malantaŭ io antaŭ uzi tiun ĉi bombon…
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Vi ne sentas viajn piedojn!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Vi ne sentiĝas bone.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Vi ne sentiĝas bone.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Vi sentiĝas pufe.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Vi sentiĝas pufe.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Manĝu ĝin nur sub via risko!
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Manĝu ĝin nur sub via risko!
items.food.pasty.pie=kukurba kuko
items.food.pasty.pie=kukurba kuko
@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Post esti trinkita, tiu ĉi miks
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=miksturo de miela sanigo
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=miksturo de miela sanigo
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Tiu ĉi miksturo estas same saniga kiel dolĉa. Post esti trinkita, ĝi ete kontentigos malsaton, krom tio oni povas ĵeti ĝin por sanigi amikon.\n\nBestaĉoj kun inklino al mielo povas esti trankviligitaj per uzi tiun ĉi likvon sur ili.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Tiu ĉi miksturo estas same saniga kiel dolĉa. Post esti trinkita, ĝi ete kontentigos malsaton, krom tio oni povas ĵeti ĝin por sanigi amikon.\n\nBestaĉoj kun inklino al mielo povas esti trankviligitaj per uzi tiun ĉi likvon sur ili.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir of icy touch
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=miksturo de frosta tuŝo
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=Post esti trinkita, tiu ĉi miksturo ebligos al la trinkanto elsuĉi varmon el kontraŭuloj je atako. Tiu ĉi efiko igos la trinkanton rezista kontraŭ frostiĝo kaj ebligos al li frosti malamikojn per korpaj atakoj.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=miksturo de povego
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=miksturo de povego
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 pov', +5 san'
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 pov', +5 san'
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=ardaĵo
items.quest.embers.desc=Tiu ĉi ardaĵo povas esti ricevita nur el junaj fajridoj. Ĝi radias varmalan energion.
items.quest.embers.desc=Tiu ĉi ardaĵo povas esti ricevita nur el junaj fajridoj. Ĝi radias varmalan energion.
items.quest.gooblob.name=restaĵo de Ŝmiraĵego
items.quest.gooblob.name=restaĵo de Ŝmiraĵego
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Glueca kaj glita substanco, kiu disiĝis de Ŝmiraĵogo je ĝia morto. Ĝi ŝajnas kiel granda gelatenaĵo, sed vi certege ne manĝos ĝin.\n\nĜi estas senutila per si mem, sed eble oni povas uzi ĝin kiel konsistaĵon. En ekstrema okazo vi povas vendi ĝin je deca prezo.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Glueca kaj glita substanco, kiu disiĝis de Ŝmiraĵego je ĝia morto. Ĝi ŝajnas kiel granda gelatenaĵo, sed vi certege ne manĝos ĝin.\n\nĜi estas senutila per si mem, sed eble oni povas kombini ĝin kun iuj eliksiroj aŭ bombo. En ekstrema okazo vi povas vendi ĝin je deca prezo.
items.quest.metalshard.name=malbenita metala ŝelpeco
items.quest.metalshard.name=malbenita metala ŝelpeco
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Ŝelpeco de rusta kaj malbenita metalo, kiu disiĝis de DM-300 je ĝia detruiĝo. Vi povas senti malican – tamen malaktivan – magion insidantan de ĝi.\n\nĜi estas senutila per si mem, sed eble oni povas uzi ĝin kiel konsistaĵon. En ekstrema okazo vi povas vendi ĝin je deca prezo.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Ŝelpeco de rusta kaj malbenita metalo, kiu disiĝis de DM-300 je ĝia detruiĝo. Vi povas senti malican – tamen malaktivan – magion insidantan de ĝi.\n\nĜi estas senutila per si mem, sed eble oni povas kombini ĝin kun iuj skribrulaĵoj aŭ bombo. En ekstrema okazo vi povas vendi ĝin je deca prezo.
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ items.spells.featherfall.light=Vi sentas vin malpeza kiel plumo!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Tiu ĉi sorĉaĵo manipulas forton de gravito pri la uzanto, ebligante al li malsuprenfali de alto. Ĉiu uzo de la sorĉaĵo protektos vin nur por unu abismo.
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Tiu ĉi sorĉaĵo manipulas forton de gravito pri la uzanto, ebligante al li malsuprenfali de alto. Ĉiu uzo de la sorĉaĵo protektos vin nur por unu abismo.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=You can't cast spells while magic immune.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=Vi ne povas sorĉi dum esti rezista al magio.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=sorĉkristalo de enmagiigo
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=sorĉkristalo de enmagiigo
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Enmagiigi aĵon
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Enmagiigi aĵon
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Tiu ĉi sorĉkristalo enmagiigos armilon aŭ d
items.spells.magicalporter.name=sorĉkristalo de teleporto
items.spells.magicalporter.name=sorĉkristalo de teleporto
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Teleporti aĵon
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Teleporti aĵon
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Estas neniu sekva areo por teleporti aĵon.
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Estas neniu sekva areo por teleporti aĵon.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=Tiu ĉi sorĉaĵo magie transportos iun elektitan aĵon. Tamen kontraŭ al markilo de komercisto, la aĵo estos transportita al la enirejo de sekvanta keletaĝo kun ĉefmonstro.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=sorĉkristalo de defaziĝo
items.spells.phaseshift.name=sorĉkristalo de defaziĝo
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Teleportanta magio malsukcesis.
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Teleportanta magio malsukcesis.
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Enmagiigi aĵon
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=ŝtono de agreso
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=ŝtono de agreso
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Kiam oni ĵetas tiun ĉi ŝtonon al malamiko, ĝi incitos lin per magio de agreso.\n\nMalamiko sub la influo de agreso estos instigita por ataki vin anstataŭ viajn amikojn, se iuj troviĝas proksime.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Kiam oni ĵetas tiun ĉi ŝtonon al malamiko, ĝi incitos lin per magio de agreso.\n\nMalamiko sub la influo de agreso estos instigita por ataki vin anstataŭ viajn amikojn, se iuj troviĝas proksime.
@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Esta bomba personalizada hará ruidos repetidamente
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba de choque
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba de choque
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba ha sido modificada para desatar una tormenta de electricidad a su alrededor cuando explota.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba ha sido modificada para desatar una tormenta de electricidad a su alrededor cuando explota.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba de rebrote
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada salpicará un líquido vivificante a su alrededor en lugar de explotar. Además, en el área atrapada por la explosión brotará hierba y plantas , y cualquier aliado atrapado en la explosión será curado.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de metralla
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de metralla
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Esta bomba ha sido modificada con restos de metal del DM-300, que se fragmentarán y volarán a todas partes cuando explote. Es mejor que te escondas detrás de algo cuando la uses...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Esta bomba ha sido modificada con restos de metal del DM-300, que se fragmentarán y volarán a todas partes cuando explote. Es mejor que te escondas detrás de algo cuando la uses...
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=¡No sientes las piernas!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=No te sientes bien.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=No te sientes bien.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Estás lleno.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Estás lleno.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=¡Come bajo tu propio riesgo!
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=¡Come bajo tu propio riesgo!
items.food.pasty.pie=tarta de calabaza
items.food.pasty.pie=tarta de calabaza
@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Cuando es consumido, este elixir
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir de curación melosa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir de curación melosa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Este elixir combina la curación con la dulzura de la miel. Cuando es bebida, satisfará una pequeña cantidad de hambre, pero también puede ser arrojado para sanar a un aliado.\n\nLas criaturas con afinidad por la miel pueden ser pacificadas si este ítem se usa en ellas.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Este elixir combina la curación con la dulzura de la miel. Cuando es bebida, satisfará una pequeña cantidad de hambre, pero también puede ser arrojado para sanar a un aliado.\n\nLas criaturas con afinidad por la miel pueden ser pacificadas si este ítem se usa en ellas.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir of icy touch
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir de toque helado
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=Cuando es consumido, este elixir permitirá al bebedor absorber el calor de los enemigos que ataca. Este efecto hará que el bebedor sea inmune al frío y le permitirá enfriar a los enemigos con ataques físicos.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir de poderío
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir de poderío
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 fuerza, +5 salud
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 fuerza, +5 salud
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=ascuas de elemental
items.quest.embers.desc=Ascuas especiales que sólo pueden obtenerse de elementales de fuego jóvenes. Irradian energía térmica.
items.quest.embers.desc=Ascuas especiales que sólo pueden obtenerse de elementales de fuego jóvenes. Irradian energía térmica.
items.quest.gooblob.name=gota de Gú
items.quest.gooblob.name=gota de Gú
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Una masa gelatinosa y gomosa, se separó de Gú cuando murió. Es casi como una gran bola de gelatina, aunque no te atreverías a comerla.\n\nNo hace nada por sí misma, pero tal vez podría usarse como un ingrediente. Por lo menos, debería venderse a un precio decente.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Una masa gelatinosa y gomosa, se separó de Gú cuando murió. Es casi como una gran bola de gelatina, aunque no te atreverías a comerla.\n\nNo hace nada por sí sola, pero podría ser útil cuando se combina con ciertas pociones, o una bomba. Por lo menos debería venderse por un precio decente.
items.quest.metalshard.name=fragmento de metal maldito
items.quest.metalshard.name=fragmento de metal maldito
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Un fragmento de metal maldito oxidado, que se rompió del DM-300 cuando fue destruido. Puedes sentir una magia malévola inactiva dentro de este.\n\nNo hace nada por sí mismo, pero tal vez podría usarse como un ingrediente. Por lo menos, debería venderse a un precio decente.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Un fragmento de metal maldito oxidado, que se rompió del DM-300 cuando fue destruido. Puedes sentir una magia malévola inactiva dentro de este.\n\nNo hace nada por sí solo, pero puede ser útil cuando se combina con ciertos pergaminos o una bomba. Por lo menos debería venderse por un precio decente.
@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Cuando se lea en voz alta, este perg
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergamino de adivinación
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergamino de adivinación
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=¡No queda nada por identificar!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=¡No queda nada por identificar!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Este pergamino identificará permanentemente cuatro tipos de ítems aleatorios: colores de pociones, runas de pergaminos y anillos de gemas. Los artículos identificados no serán necesariamente los que llevas.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Este pergamino identificará permanentemente cuatro tipos de ítems aleatorios: pociones coloridas, pergaminos rúnicos y anillos de gemas. Los artículos identificados no serán necesariamente los que llevas.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Tu pergamino de adivinación ha identificado los siguientes ítems:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Tu pergamino de adivinación ha identificado los siguientes ítems:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergamino de encantamiento
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergamino de encantamiento
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ items.spells.featherfall.light=¡Te sientes ligero como una pluma!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Este hechizo manipula el efecto de la gravedad sobre el usuario, permitiéndole caer grandes distancias sin causar daño por un corto tiempo. Cada uso del hechizo sólo proporcionará suficiente protección para caer desde un abismo.
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Este hechizo manipula el efecto de la gravedad sobre el usuario, permitiéndole caer grandes distancias sin causar daño por un corto tiempo. Cada uso del hechizo sólo proporcionará suficiente protección para caer desde un abismo.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=You can't cast spells while magic immune.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=No puedes lanzar hechizos mientras dure la magia de inmunidad.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=infusión mágica
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=infusión mágica
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Encantar un ítem
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Encantar un ítem
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Este hechizo infundirá un arma o armadura con
items.spells.magicalporter.name=portador mágico
items.spells.magicalporter.name=portador mágico
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Portar un ítem
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Portar un ítem
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=No hay ningún lugar para que portes un ítem.
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=No hay ningún lugar para que portes un ítem.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=Este hechizo transportará mágicamente cualquier ítem del usuario. Sin embargo, a diferencia de la baliza de comerciante, los ítems serán transportados a la entrada del próximo piso del jefe.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=cambio de fase
items.spells.phaseshift.name=cambio de fase
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=La magía de teletrasportación falla.
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=La magía de teletrasportación falla.
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Encantar un ítem
items.stones.runestone$placeholder.name=piedra rúnica
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=Piedra de agresión
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=Piedra de agresión
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Cuando esta piedra es arrojada cerca de un enemigo, lo afectará con magia de agresividad.\n\nUn enemigo bajo la influencia de la agresión intentará atacar al usuario en lugar de a cualquier aliado, si algún aliado está cerca.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Cuando esta piedra es arrojada cerca de un enemigo, lo afectará con magia de agresividad.\n\nUn enemigo bajo la influencia de la agresión intentará atacar al usuario en lugar de a cualquier aliado, si algún aliado está cerca.
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ items.armor.armor.detach_seal=Zigilua armaduratik askatzen duzu.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=Armadurak mingarri estutzen zaitu.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=Armadurak mingarri estutzen zaitu.
items.armor.armor.identify=Nahiko ezagutzen duzu zure armadura jada hau identifikatzeko.
items.armor.armor.identify=Nahiko ezagutzen duzu zure armadura jada hau identifikatzeko.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=Magia mota desberdinekin aritzeak armadura honetako glifoa ezabatu du!
items.armor.armor.incompatible=Magia mota desberdinekin aritzeak armadura honetako glifoa ezabatu du!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Armadura honek _%1$d-%2$dko kaltea_ blokeatzen du eta _%3$dko indarra_ eskatzen du ongi erabiltzeko.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Armadura honek _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ blokeatzen ditu eta _%3$dindar puntu_ eskatzen ditu ongi erabiltzeko.
items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Normalean armadura honek _%1$d-%2$dko kaltea_ blokeatzen du eta _%3$dko indarra_ eskatzen du behar bezala erabiltzeko.
items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Normalean armadura honek _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ blokeatzen ditu eta _%3$d indar puntu_ eskatzen ditu behar bezala erabiltzeko.
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=Indar nahikoa ez duzunez armadura hau janzteak zure mugitzeko, itzurtzeko, eta babesteko gaitasunak murriztuko ditu.
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=Indar nahikoa ez duzunez armadura hau janzteak zure mugitzeko, itzurtzeko, eta babesteko gaitasunak murriztuko ditu.
items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Armadura hau zuretzat astunegia izan daiteke.
items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Armadura hau zuretzat astunegia izan daiteke.
items.armor.armor.excess_str=Zure gaineratiko indarra dela eta, _saihestea_ errazagoa zaizu armadura honekin.
items.armor.armor.excess_str=Zure gaineratiko indarra dela eta, _saihestea_ errazagoa zaizu armadura honekin.
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ items.armor.huntressarmor.no_enemies=Areriorik ez ikusgai.
items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=Kapa hau daraman ehiztariak marraza espektralen zurrunbilo bat sor dezake. Marraza hauetako bakoitzak ehiztariak ikus dezakeen arerio bat i erasotuko dio, tresnatuta daraman aurrez aurreko armaren araberako kaltea eraginez.
items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=Kapa hau daraman ehiztariak marraza espektralen zurrunbilo bat sor dezake. Marraza hauetako bakoitzak ehiztariak ikus dezakeen arerio bat i erasotuko dio, tresnatuta daraman aurrez aurreko armaren araberako kaltea eraginez.
items.armor.leatherarmor.name=larruzko armadura
items.armor.leatherarmor.name=larruzko armadura
items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=Ondutako munstro larruz egindako armadura. Ez da oihal armadura bezain arina baina babes hobea ematen du
items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=Ondutako munstro-larruz egindako armadura. Ez da oihal armadura bezain arina baina babes hobea eskaintzen du
items.armor.magearmor.name=azti toga
items.armor.magearmor.name=azti toga
items.armor.magearmor.ac_special=LUR GALDATUA
items.armor.magearmor.ac_special=LUR GALDATUA
@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Armadura hau astuna badirudi ere, gudariari erabak
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alkimistaren tresneria
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.full=Your toolkit is at maximum energy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.full=Zure tresneriak energia maximoa du!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Kaliza goraino beteta dago zure bizitza es
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=itzal kapa
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=itzal kapa
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Zure kapak %d txanda gehiago behar ditu energia berreskuratzeko.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Zure kapak %d txanda gehiago behar ditu energia berreskuratzeko.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=Ezin duzu madarikatutako kapa bat erabili.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Zure kapak ez du energia nahiko erabilgarria izateko oraindik.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Zure kapak ez du energia nahiko erabilgarria izateko oraindik.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Kapa magiko baliotsua, alprojak aspaldi erregearen armategitik lapurtua. Janzterakoan, denbora labur batez erabat ikusezin bihurtzeko erabili daiteke.\n\nKapa zenbat eta gehiago erabili, are eta indartsuago bihurtzen da, alprojari maizago eta luzeago ikusezin bihurtzea ahalbidetuz.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Kapa magiko baliotsua, alprojak aspaldi erregearen armategitik lapurtua. Janzterakoan, denbora labur batez erabat ikusezin bihurtzeko erabili daiteke.\n\nKapa zenbat eta gehiago erabili, are eta indartsuago bihurtzen da, alprojari maizago eta luzeago ikusezin bihurtzea ahalbidetuz.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Zure kaparen energia agortu da.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Zure kaparen energia agortu da.
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.no_room=Ez dago tokirik petalo honentzat, beraz
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.maxlevel=Arrosa osatuta dago!
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.maxlevel=Arrosa osatuta dago!
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.levelup=Petaloa gehitzen duzu arrosara.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.levelup=Petaloa gehitzen duzu arrosara.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.desc=Petalo siku apurkor bat, nolabait ziegan hona arte biziraun duena.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.desc=Petalo siku apurkor bat, nolabait ziegan hona arte biziraun duena.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.name=Mamu goibela
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.name=mamu goibela
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=Kaixo berriro %s.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=Kaixo berriro %s.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=Nire espiritua arrosa honi lotuta dago, oso preziatua nuen, kanpoa utzi nuenean nire maiteak egindako oparia.\n\nEzin diot itzuli, baina zuri esker nire bidaia burutzeko bigarren aukera bat dut. Ahal dudanean zure deiari erantzungo diot eta zurekin bat borrokatuko dut\n\nDena ondo badoa arrakasta lortuko duzu nik huts egin nuen tokian...
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=Nire espiritua arrosa honi lotuta dago, oso preziatua nuen, kanpoa utzi nuenean nire maiteak egindako oparia.\n\nEzin diot itzuli, baina zuri esker nire bidaia burutzeko bigarren aukera bat dut. Ahal dudanean zure deiari erantzungo diot eta zurekin bat borrokatuko dut\n\nDena ondo badoa arrakasta lortuko duzu nik huts egin nuen tokian...
@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Lloyden gailua erabiltzaileari teleportazio ma
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Gailu hau Pixel Dunegeoneko %d mailan nonbait ezarri zen.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Gailu hau Pixel Dunegeoneko %d mailan nonbait ezarri zen.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=lapur maisuen besokoa
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=lapur maisuen besokoa
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Belus ubelezko besoko honek lapur maisu baten marka darama. Hau ez da zurea, baina ziur aski ez zen kendu zenion pertsonarena ere.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Besokoa eskumuturrean, aurkitzen duzun urre puska bakoitzarekin besteen jabetzak gehiago nahi dituzu. Agian ez da zaila denda batean lapurtzea...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=naturazko sandaliak
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=naturazko sandaliak
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=naturazko zapatak
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=naturazko zapatak
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=edabeetarako uhala
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Uhala lodi hau bularrean banda gisa daramazu, lokarri ugari ditu edabe anpuluak eusteko.\n\nUhalean daudela, edabeak hotzetik babestuta egon beharko lukete.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Uhala lodi hau bularrean banda gisa daramazu, lokarri ugari ditu edabe anpuluak eusteko.\n\nUhalean daudela, edabeak hotzetik babestuta egon beharko lukete.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=Eskuizkribuentzako tutua
items.bags.scrollholder.name=Eskuizkribuentzako tutua
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Euskarri tubular hau astronomo baten diagramak gordetzeko dela ematen du, baina zure eskuizkribuak ondo sartzen dira ere. Aldean xarma kristalak gordetzeko ondo datozen poltsiko txiki batzuk ditu.\n\nEz dirudi tutua erraz erreko denik, barruan zure eskuizkribuak sutik babestuta egon beharko lirateke
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=belusezko toxa
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=belusezko toxa
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Belusezko zorro txiki honetan objektu txiki ugari gorde daitezke, esaterako haziak eta erruna harriak.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Belusezko zorro txiki honetan objektu txiki ugari gorde daitezke, esaterako haziak eta erruna harriak.
@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Bomba eraldatu hau zarata sortzen hasiko da behin bo
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=astinaldi bonba
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=astinaldi bonba
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Bonba hau eraldatu da eztandan elektrizitate ekaitz bat sakatu dezan ingurura.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Bonba hau eraldatu da eztandan elektrizitate ekaitz bat sakatu dezan ingurura.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=berrazte bonba
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Ez dituzu zure hankak nabaritzen!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Larri zaude.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Larri zaude.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Bete-beteta zaude.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Bete-beteta zaude.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Jan zure erantzukizunaren pean!
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Jan zure erantzukizunaren pean!
items.food.pasty.pie=kalabaza tarta
items.food.pasty.pie=kalabaza tarta
@ -481,8 +481,8 @@ items.journal.guidepage.desc=Abenturarako gidaliburu batetik urratutako orri bat
items.keys.goldenkey.name=urrezko giltza
items.keys.goldenkey.name=urrezko giltza
items.keys.goldenkey.desc=Urrezko giltza honen koskak tiki-txikiak eta korapilatsuak dira. Agian giltzaz itxitako kutxaren bat irekiko du?
items.keys.goldenkey.desc=Urrezko giltza honen koskak tiki-txikiak eta korapilatsuak dira. Agian giltzaz itxitako kutxaren bat irekiko du?
items.keys.crystalkey.name=Kristalezko giltza
items.keys.crystalkey.name=Beirazko giltza
items.keys.crystalkey.desc=Giltza kristalino honen gainazal zorrotzak iluntasunean distira egiten dute. Kristalezko kutxa bat irekiko ote du?
items.keys.crystalkey.desc=Giltza kristalino honen gainazal zorrotzak iluntasunean distira egiten dute. Beirazko kutxa bat irekiko ote du?
items.keys.ironkey.name=burdinazko giltza
items.keys.ironkey.name=burdinazko giltza
items.keys.ironkey.desc=Antzinako burdinazko giltza honen koskak ondo higatuta daude; bere larruzko zinta adinak hondatua dago. Zein ate irekiko ote du?
items.keys.ironkey.desc=Antzinako burdinazko giltza honen koskak ondo higatuta daude; bere larruzko zinta adinak hondatua dago. Zein ate irekiko ote du?
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Presiopeko ontzi hau irekitzeak edo apurtzea
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=prestakin kaustikoa
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=Bisuts prestakina
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=Bisuts prestakina
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.name=hoztasun prestakina
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Prestakin honek izotza eta ekaitz hodei edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Jaurtitzean izoztu eta inguruan ura hedatzen duen hodei batean lehertuko da.
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Prestakin honek izotza eta ekaitz hodei edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Jaurtitzean izoztu eta inguruan ura hedatzen duen hodei batean lehertuko da.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=izotz su prestakina
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=izotz su prestakina
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Prestakin honek su likidoa eta izozte azkarraren edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Flaskoa jaurti eta ingurunea berehala izoztuko da, gero denbora luze batez sutan jarriz.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Prestakin honek su likidoa eta izozte azkarreko edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Flaskoa jaurti eta ingurunea berehala izoztuko da, gero denbora luze batez sutan jarriz.
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.name=infernuko prestakina
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.name=infernuko prestakina
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Birrintzean, prestakin honek gas bat bezala hedatzen den infernu bat askatuko du.
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Birrintzean, prestakin honek gas bat bezala hedatzen den infernu bat askatuko du.
@ -600,13 +600,13 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Edaterakoan, elixir honek edalea
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=sendatze eztiaren elixirra
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=sendatze eztiaren elixirra
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Elixir honek sendatzea eztiaren gozotasunarekin nahasten du. Edaterakoan, gose apur bat asetuko du, baina aliatu bat sendatzeko jaurti daiteke ere.\n\nEztia gustuko duten izakiak baretu egin daitezke beraiengan hau erabiltzen bada.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Elixir honek sendatzea eztiaren gozotasunarekin nahasten du. Edaterakoan, gose apur bat asetuko du, baina aliatu bat sendatzeko jaurti daiteke ere.\n\nEztia gustuko duten izakiak baretu egin daitezke beraiengan hau erabiltzen bada.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir of icy touch
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=ukitze izoztuaren elixirra
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=ahalmen elixirra
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 ind, +5 osa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 ind, +5 osa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Indar aurkitu berriaz betetzen zaizu gorputza.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Indar aurkitu berriaz betetzen zaizu gorputza.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Edabe boteretsu hau zure muskuluetan zehar barreiatuko da, zure indarra puntu batez eta osasuna 5 puntuz iraunkorki igotzen.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Edabe boteretsu hau zure muskuluetan zehar barreiatuko da, zure indarra puntu batez eta osasuna 5 puntuz iraunkorki areagotuz.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=indarberritze elixirra
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=indarberritze elixirra
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Elixir honek sendatze eta garbitze edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Edatean, edalea azkar sendatzen hasiko da eta efektu ezkor guztietaz garbitu.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Elixir honek sendatze eta garbitze edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Edatean, edalea azkar sendatzen hasiko da eta efektu ezkor guztietaz garbitu.
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=edabe zilar kolorekoa exotikoa
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Flasko borobil honek likido pikortsu eta koloretsu bat du. Ez dirudi lurralde hauetakoa, batek daki zer egingo duen edan edo jaurtiz gero.
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Flasko borobil honek likido pikortsu eta koloretsu bat du. Ez dirudi lurralde hauetakoa, batek daki zer egingo duen edan edo jaurtiz gero.
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.name=adrenalina uholdearen edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.name=adrenalina uholdearen edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.desc=Edabe boteretsu honek zure indarra asko sustatuko du denbora batean zehar.
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.desc=Likido boteretsu honek denbora luze batera indargabetuko den energia bultzada sendo bat emango dizu.
items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.name=garbiketa edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.name=garbiketa edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Erreaktibo indartsu honek edalearen efektu kaltegarri guztiak neutralizatuko ditu zanga-zanga irensten bada. Garbitu nahi den horri bota ahal zaio ere.
items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Erreaktibo indartsu honek edalearen efektu kaltegarri guztiak neutralizatuko ditu zanga-zanga irensten bada. Garbitu nahi den horri bota ahal zaio ere.
@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.desc=Sendatu ordez, edabe honek ezkutu ir
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.name=laino biltzailearen edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.name=laino biltzailearen edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=Airearekin kontaktuan, flako honetako likidoak ikustea erabat eragozten duen behe-laino ketsu bat sortuko du.
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=Airearekin kontaktuan, flako honetako likidoak ikustea erabat eragozten duen behe-laino ketsu bat sortuko du.
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.name=Izozte azkarreko edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.name=izozte azkarreko edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=Edabe honetako osagaiek airearekin erreakzionatuko dute, inguruko edozer izozten eta geldiarazten.
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=Edabe honetako osagaiek airearekin erreakzionatuko dute, inguruko edozer izozten eta geldiarazten.
items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.name=iraupen edabea
items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.name=iraupen edabea
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=txingar elementalak
items.quest.embers.desc=Su elemental gazteetatik besterik bildu ezin daitezkeen txingar bereziak. Energia termikoa igortzen dute.
items.quest.embers.desc=Su elemental gazteetatik besterik bildu ezin daitezkeen txingar bereziak. Energia termikoa igortzen dute.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -737,8 +737,8 @@ items.rings.ringofevasion.name=saiheste eraztuna
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Eraztun honek eramailearen erreakzioak bizkortzen ditu, kolpatzeko zailagoak bihurtuz. Madarikatutako eraztun batek eramailea astintzeko errazagoa bihurtzen du.
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Eraztun honek eramailearen erreakzioak bizkortzen ditu, kolpatzeko zailagoak bihurtuz. Madarikatutako eraztun batek eramailea astintzeko errazagoa bihurtzen du.
items.rings.ringofforce.name=botere eraztuna
items.rings.ringofforce.name=botere eraztuna
items.rings.ringofforce.avg_dmg=Armarik gabe, orain duzun indarrarekin, eraztun honek _%1$d-%2$dko kaltea_ eragingo du.
items.rings.ringofforce.avg_dmg=Armarik gabe, orain duzun indarrarekin, eraztun honek _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragingo ditu.
items.rings.ringofforce.typical_avg_dmg=Armarik gabe, orain duzun indarrarekin, eraztun honek orokorrean _-ko kaltea_ eragingo du.
items.rings.ringofforce.typical_avg_dmg=Armarik gabe, orain duzun indarrarekin, eraztun honek orokorrean _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragingo ditu.
items.rings.ringofforce.desc=Eraztun honek eramailearen zartakoen boterea areagotzen du. Armekin indar gehigarri hau ez da asko, baina arma gabeko erasoak askoz bortitzagoak izango dira. Madarikatutako eraztun batek eramailearen danbatekoak ahulduko ditu.
items.rings.ringofforce.desc=Eraztun honek eramailearen zartakoen boterea areagotzen du. Armekin indar gehigarri hau ez da asko, baina arma gabeko erasoak askoz bortitzagoak izango dira. Madarikatutako eraztun batek eramailearen danbatekoak ahulduko ditu.
items.rings.ringoffuror.name=sumin eraztuna
items.rings.ringoffuror.name=sumin eraztuna
@ -798,13 +798,13 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Eskuizkribu hau irakurtzean melodia lasaigarr
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=mapa magikoaren eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=mapa magikoaren eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Orain mailaren diseinua dakizu.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Orain mailaren diseinua dakizu.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Eskuizkribu hau irakurtzean, zure memorian irudi marratuko da kristala bezain gardena, pisuaren disposizio zehatza eta ezkutuko sekretu guztiak ageria utziz. Objektu eta izakien kokalekuak ezezagunak izaten jarraituko dute.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Eskuizkribu hau irakurtzean, zure memorian irudi marratuko da beira bezain gardena, pisuaren disposizio zehatza eta ezkutuko sekretu guztiak ageria utziz. Objektu eta izakien kokalekuak ezezagunak izaten jarraituko dute.
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=irudi ispiluaren eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=irudi ispiluaren eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Eskuizkribu honetako sorginkeriak irakurlearen ilusiozko bi kopia sortuko ditu. Ispilu irudi hauek irakurlearen klon ahulak izango dira, eta etsaiak ehizatuko dituzte. Ez dute iraunkortasunik eta eraso bat jaso bezain laster desagertuko dira.
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Eskuizkribu honetako sorginkeriak irakurlearen ilusiozko bi kopia sortuko ditu. Ispilu irudi hauek irakurlearen klon ahulak izango dira, eta etsaiak ehizatuko dituzte. Ez dute iraunkortasunik eta eraso bat jaso bezain laster desagertuko dira.
items.scrolls.scrollofretribution.name=zigor eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrollofretribution.name=zigor eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrollofretribution.desc=Eskuizkribu honek irakurlearen sumina energia suntsitzaile bezala bideratzen du eztanda bat sortuz. Irakurlea hare ahulago egon, hare indartsuagoa izango da eztanda. Osasuna oso baxua denean, eskuizkribu honek ia edozein etsai hil dezake momentuan.\n\nEskuizkribua erabiltzeak alde txarr bat du irakurlearentzako, ahulduta eta itsu geratzen delarik.
items.scrolls.scrollofretribution.desc=Eskuizkribu honek irakurlearen sumina energia suntsitzaile bezala bideratzen du eztanda bat sortuz. Irakurlea zenbat eta ahulago egon, are indartsuagoa izango da eztanda. Osasuna oso baxua denean, eskuizkribu honek ia edozein etsai hil dezake atoan.\n\nEskuizkribua erabiltzeak alde txar bat du irakurlearentzako, ahulduta eta itsu geratzen delarik.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=haserre eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=haserre eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Eskuizkribu honek haserretzen duen orro bat bidaltzen du ziegan zehar!
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Eskuizkribu honek haserretzen duen orro bat bidaltzen du ziegan zehar!
@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=hobekuntza eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Hobetu objektu bat
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Hobetu objektu bat
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=Hobekuntza eskuizkribuak zure objektuaren madarikazioa ahultzen du.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=Hobekuntza eskuizkribuak zure objektuaren madarikazioa ahultzen du.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.remove_curse=Hobekuntza eskuizkribuak zure objektuaren madarikazioa garbitzen du!
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.remove_curse=Hobekuntza eskuizkribuak zure objektuaren madarikazioa garbitzen du!
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Eskuizkribu honek elementu bat hobetu egingo du, bere kalitatea hobetuz. Zartak indartsuagoak izango dira eta karga gehiago izango dituzte, arma eta armadurak kalte gehiago egin eta blokeatuko dute, eta eraztunen efektuak indartuko dira. Eskuizkribuak madarikazioak ahuldu edota ezeztu dezake, nahiz eta madarikazioa kentzeko eskuizkribua baino ahulagoa izan.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Eskuizkribu honek elementu bakar bat hobetuko du, bere kalitatea hobeagotuz. Zartak indartsuagoak izango dira eta karga gehiago izango dituzte, arma eta armadurek kalte gehiago egin eta blokeatuko dute, eta eraztunen efektuak indartuko dira. Eskuizkribuak madarikazioak ahuldu edota ezeztu ditzake, nahiz eta madarikazioa kentzeko eskuizkribua baino ahulagoa den.
@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Eskuizkribu honek izugarrizko ene
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
@ -918,56 +918,56 @@ items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the targe
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=Inguruko izakien aura psikikoak ez dizu une honetan teleportatzea uzten.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=madarikazioaren txertatzea
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Madarikatu objektu bat
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.name=lumaren erorketa
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.light=Luma bezain arina sentitzen zara!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's effect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's effect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=You can't cast spells while magic immune.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=Ezin dituzu sorginkeriak esan magiatik salbuetsita zaudela.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=txertatze magikoa
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Txertatu objektu bat
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Txertatu objektu bat
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Zure %s energia misteriotsuz txertatua dago!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Zure %s energia misteriotsuz txertatua dago!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.name=garraiatzaile magikoa
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Garraiatu elementu bat
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Ez dago objektu bat nora garraiatu.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Teleportazio magiak huts egin du.
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Teleportazio magiak huts egin du.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=zureganatu tranpa
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Ez dago tranparik hemen.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Sorginkeria honek DM-300aren konpontze-gaitasunaren aztarnak ditu. tranpa aktibo batean erabiltzean, tranparen botere mekanikoa energia magikora birziklatuko da eta erabiltzailearen zarta eta gailuak birkargatuko ditu.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Birziklatu objektu bat
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Zure objektua honetara birziklatu da: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Hautatu helburu bat
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Txertatu objektu bat
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Txertatu objektu bat
items.stones.runestone$placeholder.name=erruna harria
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=erasokortasun harria
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=erasokortasun harria
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Harri hau etsai batetik hurbil botatzean, honi erasokortasun magiak eragingo dio.\n\nErasokortasunaren menpe dagoen arerio batek zu erasotuko zaitu eta ez aliatuak, inguruan aliaturik balego.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Harri hau etsai batetik hurbil botatzean, honi erasokortasun magiak eragingo dio.\n\nErasokortasunaren menpe dagoen arerio batek zu erasotuko zaitu eta ez aliatuak, inguruan aliaturik balego.
@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Babesa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Kendu emendioa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Kendu emendioa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Ez du axola
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Ez du axola
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=txera harria
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on an enemy, they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on an enemy, they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=eztanda harria
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=eztanda harria
@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=eztanda uhinaren zarta
items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=eztanda uhinaren makulua
items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=eztanda uhinaren makulua
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Zure burua hil duzu zure eztanda uhinaren zarta propioarekin...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Zure burua hil duzu zure eztanda uhinaren zarta propioarekin...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Zarta hau markol itxurako harri batez egina dago, urrezko apainketekin eta muturrean harri bitxi beltz bat. Nahiko astun nabaritzen duzu eskuan.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Zarta hau markol itxurako harri batez egina dago, urrezko apainketekin eta muturrean harri bitxi beltz bat. Nahiko astun nabaritzen duzu eskuan.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Zarta honek helburuan bortizki lehertzen den tximista bat jaurtitzen du. Eztandaren indarrak _%1$d-%2$dko kaltea__ eragiten du eta etsai gehienak hegaz bidaltzeko beste indartsua da.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Zarta honek helburuan bortizki lehertzen den tximista bat jaurtitzen du. Eztandaren indarrak _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu__ eragiten du eta etsai gehienak hegaz bidaltzeko beste indartsua da.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=ustelkeriaren zarta
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=ustelkeriaren zarta
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=ustelkeria makulua
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=ustelkeria makulua
@ -1056,12 +1056,12 @@ items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Zarta honek energia usteltzaile bolada b
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=ezerezte zarta
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=ezerezte zarta
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=ezerezte makulua
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=ezerezte makulua
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Zarta hau obsidianazko pieza leun eta solido batez egina dago. more ilun koloreko argi bat doa albo osoan zehar goraino. Energia suntsitzailez dardarka dago, aurrera tiro egiteko prest.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Zarta hau obsidianazko pieza leun eta solido batez egina dago. more ilun koloreko argi bat doa albo osoan zehar goraino. Energia suntsitzailez dardarka dago, aurrera tiro egiteko prest.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Zarta honek edozein oztopo zeharka dezake, eta hobetu ahala hurrunago helduko da. Izpiak _%1$d-%2$d -ko kaltea_ eragiten du, eta kalte gehigarria egingo du zeharkatzen duen etsai eta horma bakoitzeko.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Zarta honek edozein oztopo zeharka dezake, eta hobetu ahala urrunago helduko da. Izpiak _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten ditu, eta kalte gehigarria egingo du zeharkatzen duen etsai eta horma bakoitzeko.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=su bolada zarta
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=su bolada zarta
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=su bolada makulua
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=su bolada makulua
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Zarta hau gorriz lakatutako egurrez dago eginda, urrezko luma bat duela, boteretsuagoa iruditzeko. Punta txinpartaka eta txistuka dabil, bere botere magikoak askatzeko zain.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Zarta hau gorriz lakatutako egurrez dago eginda, urrezko luma bat duela, boteretsuagoa iruditzeko. Punta txinpartaka eta txistuka dabil, bere botere magikoak askatzeko zain.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Zarta honek suzko sorta bat sortzen du, kono formarekin. Zarta hobetzean karga gehiago erabiliko ditu, eta karga gehiago erabiltzerakoan indartsuagoa izango da. Hurrengo erasoak _%1$d karga_ kontsumituko ditu eta _%2$d-%3$d -ko kaltea_ eragingo du.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Zarta honek suzko sorta bat sortzen du, kono formarekin. Zarta hobetzean karga gehiago erabiliko ditu, eta karga gehiago erabiltzerakoan indartsuagoa izango da. Hurrengo erasoak _%1$d karga_ kontsumituko ditu eta _%2$d-%3$d kalte puntu_ eragingo ditu.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=izozte zarta
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=izozte zarta
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=izozte makulua
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=izozte makulua
@ -1072,17 +1072,17 @@ items.wands.wandoflightning.name=tximista zarta
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=tximista makulua
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=tximista makulua
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Zure burua hil duzu zure tximista zartarekin...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Zure burua hil duzu zure tximista zartarekin...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Zarta hau metal trinkoz egina dago, harrigarri astuna bihurtuz. Bi arantza puntan elkarrengana makurtzen dira, eta elektrizitate arku bat dirau bien artean.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Zarta hau metal trinkoz egina dago, harrigarri astuna bihurtuz. Bi arantza puntan elkarrengana makurtzen dira, eta elektrizitate arku bat dirau bien artean.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Zarta honek tximista arkutu indartsuak jaurtitzen ditu tirokatutako edozeren zehar, _%1$d-%2$dko kaltea_ eraginez. Elektrizitate honek arerio hurbiletara jauzi egin dezake, kaltea guztietara hedatuz. Tximista eta kaltea hobeto hedatzen dira uretan. Hurbilegi bazaude zu ere astinduko zaitu!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Zarta honek tximista arkutu indartsuak jaurtitzen ditu tirokatutako edozeren zehar, _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eraginez. Elektrizitate honek arerio hurbiletara jauzi egin dezake, kaltea guztietara hedatuz. Tximista eta kaltea hobeto hedatzen dira uretan. Hurbilegi bazaude zu ere astinduko zaitu!
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=jaurtigai magikoaren zarta
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=jaurtigai magikoaren zarta
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=jaurtigai magikoaren makulua
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=jaurtigai magikoaren makulua
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Zarta bakun honek energia magikozko jaurtigaiak jaurtikitzen ditu. Nahiz eta beste zartak bezain indartsuak ez izan, karga gehiagorekin orekatzen da.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Zarta bakun honek energia magikozko jaurtigaiak jaurtikitzen ditu. Nahiz eta beste zartak bezain indartsua ez izan, karga gehiagorekin orekatzen da.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Zarta honetako tximista bakoitzak _%1$d-%2$dko kaltea_ eragiten du, eta ez du beste eraginik.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Zarta honetako tximista bakoitzak _%1$d-%2$dkalte puntu_ eragiten ditu, eta ez du beste eraginik.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=argi prismatikoaren zarta
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=argi prismatikoaren zarta
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=argi primatikoaren makulua
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=argi primatikoaren makulua
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Zarta hau kristal solido garden batez eginda dago, beirazko zati luzanga baten antzera. Puntaren inguruan distira koloretsuak dantzan dabiltza, aurrerantz salto egin nahiean.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Zarta hau kristal solido garden batez eginda dago, beirazko zati luzanga baten antzera. Puntaren inguruan distira koloretsuak dantzan dabiltza, aurrerantz salto egin nahiean.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Zarta honek ziegako iluntasuna zulatzen duten argi izpiak isurtzen ditu, alde ezkutuak eta tranpak azalaraziz. Errainuak etsaiak itsutu ditzake, eta _%1$d-%2$dko kaltea_ eragiten du. Arerio demoniakoak eta ez-hilak zartaren argi distiratsuarekin garretan erreko dira, kalte gehigarria jasoz.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Zarta honek ziegako iluntasuna zulatzen duten argi izpiak isurtzen ditu, alde ezkutuak eta tranpak azalaraziz. Errainuak etsaiak itsutu ditzake, eta _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten ditu. Arerio demoniakoak eta ez-hilak zartaren argi distiratsuarekin garretan erreko dira, kalte gehigarria jasoz.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=berrazte zarta
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=berrazte zarta
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=berrazte makulua
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=berrazte makulua
@ -1253,8 +1253,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Aztiak berak egina, makulu hau arma magiko ba
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Makuluak ez du magiarik orain, zarta baten boterea _txertatu_ behar zaio magia isurtzeko erabili ahal izateko.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Makuluak ez du magiarik orain, zarta baten boterea _txertatu_ behar zaio magia isurtzeko erabili ahal izateko.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Makuluak _%s_ bat dauka txertatua.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Makuluak _%s_ bat dauka txertatua.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=_%1$d mailako_ aurrez aurreko arma honek _%2$d-%3$dko kaltea_ eragiten du eta _%4$dko indarra_ eskatzen du behar bezala erabiltzeko.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=_%1$d. mailako_ aurrez aurreko arma honek _%2$d-%3$d kalte puntu_ eragiten ditu eta _%4$dindar puntu_ eskatzen ditu behar bezala erabiltzeko.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=_%1$d mailako_ aurrez aurreko arma honek _%2$d%3$dko kaltea_ eragin ohi du eta _%4$dko indarra_ eskatzen du behar bezala erabiltzeko.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=_%1$d. mailako_ aurrez aurreko arma honek _%2$d%3$d kalte puntu_ eragin ohi ditu eta _%4$d indar puntu_ eskatzen ditu behar bezala erabiltzeko.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.probably_too_heavy=Arma hau zuretzat astunegia izan daiteke.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.probably_too_heavy=Arma hau zuretzat astunegia izan daiteke.
@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Arrantzarako diseinatutako jaurtitzeko a
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Jaurtitzeko arpoi handi hauek airean hegaz daudenean ziria aurreko puntan mantentzeko orekatu dira.
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Jaurtitzeko arpoi handi hauek airean hegaz daudenean ziria aurreko puntan mantentzeko orekatu dira.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Arma jaurtigaiak _%1$d-%2$dko kaltea_ eragiten du eta _%3$dko indarra_ eskatzen du behar bezala erabiltzeko.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Arma jaurtigaiak _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten du eta _%3$d indar puntu_ eskatzen ditu behar bezala erabiltzeko.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Arma hau urrunetik erabiltzeko diseinatu da, aurrez aurre askoz zehaztasun gutxiago du.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Arma hau urrunetik erabiltzeko diseinatu da, aurrez aurre askoz zehaztasun gutxiago du.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Arma jaurtigaiak hondatu eta apurtu egingo dira erabili ahala.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Arma jaurtigaiak hondatu eta apurtu egingo dira erabili ahala.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=Arma bikote honi _%d/%d_ erabilera geratzen zaizkio bietako bat apurtu arte.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=Arma bikote honi _%d/%d_ erabilera geratzen zaizkio bietako bat apurtu arte.
@ -1387,7 +1387,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=Jaurtitzeko arpoi erraldoiak bukaeran hiru or
items.weapon.weapon.identify=Ez duzu arma hau nahikoa ezagutzen identifikatzeko.
items.weapon.weapon.identify=Ez duzu arma hau nahikoa ezagutzen identifikatzeko.
items.weapon.weapon.too_heavy=Indar nahikoa ez duzunez arma honek zere erasoaren abiadura, zehaztasuna eta ezusteko erasoen aukerak murriztuko ditu.
items.weapon.weapon.too_heavy=Indar nahikoa ez duzunez arma honek zure erasoaren abiadura, zehaztasuna eta ezusteko erasoen aukerak murriztuko ditu.
items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Zure gaineratiko indarra dela eta, _%dko kalte gehigarria_ eragingo duzu arma honekin
items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Zure gaineratiko indarra dela eta, _%dko kalte gehigarria_ eragingo duzu arma honekin
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Magia mota desberdinen arteko elkarrekintzak arma honen sorginkeria ezeztatu du!
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Magia mota desberdinen arteko elkarrekintzak arma honen sorginkeria ezeztatu du!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Arma hau madarikatuta dagoenez, gainetik kentzeko ezgauza zara.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Arma hau madarikatuta dagoenez, gainetik kentzeko ezgauza zara.
@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Magia maltzur bat nabari dezakezu arman zelatari.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=Arma hau magia maltzurrez garbi dago.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=Arma hau magia maltzurrez garbi dago.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=_Abiadura_ areagotzeko emendatua.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=_Abiadura_ areagotzeko emendatua.
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=_Kaltea_ areagotzeko emendatua.
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=_Kaltea_ areagotzeko emendatua.
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=_%s_ bat du.
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=_%s_ du.
@ -1433,10 +1433,10 @@ items.dewdrop.desc=Ihintza tanta garden bat.\n\nTokiaren magiagatik , ur garbiak
items.dewvial.name=ihintza anpulua
items.dewvial.name=ihintza anpulua
items.dewvial.collected=Ihintza tanta ihintza anpuluan biltzen duzu.
items.dewvial.collected=Ihintza tanta ihintza anpuluan bildu duzu.
items.dewvial.full=Zure ihintza anpulua beteta dago!
items.dewvial.full=Zure ihintza anpulua beteta dago!
items.dewvial.empty=Zure ihintza anpulua hutsik dago!
items.dewvial.empty=Zure ihintza anpulua hutsik dago!
items.dewvial.desc=Soberan duzun ihintza ontzi honetan gorde dezakezu geroago edateko. Zenbat eta anpulua beteago, are gehiago senatuko zara berehala edatean. Behar beste edango duzu besterik ez.\n\nHonelako anpuluek biziberritze magia txertatua izan ohi zuten, baina botere hori itzali zaio. Badirudi hondarren bat geratzen dela, agian anpulu oso batekin beste biziberritze objektu bat bedeinkatu daiteke.
items.dewvial.desc=Soberan duzun ihintza ontzi honetan gorde dezakezu geroago edateko. Zenbat eta anpulua beteago, edatean are gehiago sendatuko zara berehala. Behar beste edango duzu besterik ez.\n\nHonelako anpuluek biziberritze magia txertatua izan ohi zuten, baina botere hori itzali zaio. Badirudi hondarren bat geratzen dela, agian anpulu oso batekin beste biziberritze objektu bat bedeinkatu daiteke.
items.equipableitem.unequip_cursed=Ezin duzu madarikatutako zerbait kendu!
items.equipableitem.unequip_cursed=Ezin duzu madarikatutako zerbait kendu!
@ -1449,8 +1449,8 @@ items.heap.chest=Kutxa
items.heap.chest_desc=Ez duzu barruan zer dagoen jakingo ireki arte!
items.heap.chest_desc=Ez duzu barruan zer dagoen jakingo ireki arte!
items.heap.locked_chest=Giltzaz itxitako kutxa
items.heap.locked_chest=Giltzaz itxitako kutxa
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=Ez dakizu zer dagoen barruan ireki arte! Baina irekitzeko urrezko giltza bat erabili behar duzu.
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=Ez dakizu zer dagoen barruan ireki arte! Baina irekitzeko urrezko giltza bat erabili behar duzu.
items.heap.crystal_chest=Kristalezko kutxa
items.heap.crystal_chest=Beirazko kutxa
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=_%s_ ikusi dezakezu barruan, baina kutxa irekitzeko kristalezko giltza bat behar duzu.
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=_%s_ ikusi dezakezu barruan, baina kutxa irekitzeko beirazko giltza bat behar duzu.
items.heap.artifact=artefaktu bat
items.heap.artifact=artefaktu bat
items.heap.wand=zarta bat
items.heap.wand=zarta bat
items.heap.ring=eraztun bat
items.heap.ring=eraztun bat
@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@ items.stylus.prompt=Aukeratu armadura bat
items.stylus.identify=Aurretik armadura hori identifikatu behar duzu.
items.stylus.identify=Aurretik armadura hori identifikatu behar duzu.
items.stylus.cursed=Estiletearen magia ez dabil madarikatutako armaduretan.
items.stylus.cursed=Estiletearen magia ez dabil madarikatutako armaduretan.
items.stylus.inscribed=Zure armadura inskribatu duzu estiletearekin
items.stylus.inscribed=Zure armadura inskribatu duzu estiletearekin
items.stylus.desc=Estilete misteriotsu hau harri ilun eta oso gogor batez egina dago. Hau erabiliz zure armaduran glifo magiko bat inskribatu dezakezu, baina ezin izango duzu glifoa zein izango den aukeratu, estileteak aukeratuko du zure ordez.
items.stylus.desc=Estilete misteriotsu hau harri ilun eta oso gogor batez egina dago. Honekin zure armaduran glifo magiko bat inskribatu dezakezu, baina ezin izango duzu glifoa aukeratu, estileteak aukeratuko du zure ordez.
items.tomeofmastery.name=Maisutasun tomoa
items.tomeofmastery.name=Maisutasun tomoa
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=elementaalin kekäleitä
items.quest.embers.desc=Erityisiä kekäleitä, joita saa vain nuorilta tulielementaaleilta. Ne säteilevät lämpöenergiaa.
items.quest.embers.desc=Erityisiä kekäleitä, joita saa vain nuorilta tulielementaaleilta. Ne säteilevät lämpöenergiaa.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -134,16 +134,16 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Même si cette armure paraît très lourde, elle p
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=Nécessaire d'alchimie
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Votre nécessaire n'a pas terminé de chauffer.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Votre nécessaire maudit vous empêche d'utiliser l'alchimie!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=Vous ne pouvez pas faire ça avec des ennemis à proximité.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.full=Your toolkit is at maximum energy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.full=Votre nécessaire est à son énergie maximum !
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Ce nécessaire contient un certain nombre de réactifs et d'herbes, ainsi qu'une petite fiole de mélange, permettant une alchimie instantanée.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=Le nécessaire maudit s'est lié à vous et refuse de vous laisser utiliser l'alchimie.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=Le nécessaire est en train de chauffer et sera prêt à être utilisé une fois que vous aurez acquis de l'expérience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=Le nécessaire équipé génère lentement de l'énergie alchimique à mesure que vous gagnez de l'expérience. Peut-être pourrait-il être amélioré avec un pot d'alchimie?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vous ne pouvez pas porter deux exemplaires du même artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vous ne pouvez pas porter deux exemplaires du même artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefact se lie à vous douloureusement.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefact se lie à vous douloureusement.
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Le calice est plein à ras bord de votre
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=cape des ombres
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=cape des ombres
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Votre cape a besoin d'encore %d tours pour être ré-énergisée.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Votre cape a besoin d'encore %d tours pour être ré-énergisée.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser une cape maudite.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Votre cape n'est pas assez chargée pour être utilisée.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Votre cape n'est pas assez chargée pour être utilisée.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Une inestimable cape magique, dérobé à l'armurerie royale de nombreuses années auparavant par le voleur. Lorsqu'elle est portée, elle peut être utilisée pour se rendre invisible pendant une courte durée.\n\nPlus la cape est utilisée, plus elle deviendra puissante, permettant au voleur de devenir invisible plus fréquemment et pour des périodes plus longues.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Une inestimable cape magique, dérobé à l'armurerie royale de nombreuses années auparavant par le voleur. Lorsqu'elle est portée, elle peut être utilisée pour se rendre invisible pendant une courte durée.\n\nPlus la cape est utilisée, plus elle deviendra puissante, permettant au voleur de devenir invisible plus fréquemment et pour des périodes plus longues.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Votre cape a épuisé toute son énergie.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Votre cape a épuisé toute son énergie.
@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=La balise de Lloyd est un instrument magique c
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Cette balise à été réglée quelque part dans le niveau %d de Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Cette balise à été réglée quelque part dans le niveau %d de Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brassard de maître voleur
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brassard de maître voleur
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Ce brassard de velours violet porte la marque d'un maître voleur. Il ne vous appartient pas, mais il n'appartenait probablement pas à son précédent porteur.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=Le brassard maudit est attaché à votre poignet et, d'une manière ou d'une autre, votre bourse d'or semble lentement s'alléger ...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Avec le brassard autour de votre bras, plus vous ramassez de pièces d'or, plus la propriété d'autrui vous semble désirable. Peut-être qu'il n'est pas si difficile de voler au Marché Pixel...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandales de la nature
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandales de la nature
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=chaussures de la nature
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=chaussures de la nature
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bombe choquante
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour lâcher une tempête électrique autour d'elle quand elle explose.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour lâcher une tempête électrique autour d'elle quand elle explose.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -424,8 +424,8 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Le fruifade a explosé à l'impact, ne laissan
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=viande grillée
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=viande grillée
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Ça ressemble à un steak correct.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Ça ressemble à un steak correct.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=That meal was incredible!
items.food.feast.eat_msg=Ce repas était incroyable !
items.food.feast.desc=A great variety of delicious food! This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.feast.desc=A great variety of delicious food! This will satiate you far more than any other meal.
items.food.food.name=ration de nourriture
items.food.food.name=ration de nourriture
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Vous ne sentez plus vos jambes !
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Vous ne vous sentez pas bien.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Vous ne vous sentez pas bien.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Vous êtes repus.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Vous êtes repus.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Mangez à vos risques et périls !
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Mangez à vos risques et périls !
items.food.pasty.pie=tarte à la citrouille
items.food.pasty.pie=tarte à la citrouille
@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Après l'avoir bue, votre esprit deviendra
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=potion de gaz paralysant
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=potion de gaz paralysant
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Exposé à l'air libre, ce liquide se vaporise en un nuage jaune étourdissant. Quiconque inhale ce nuage sera paralysé instantanément, incapable de bouger pour quelques temps. Cette potion peut être lancée sur des ennemis à distance pour les soumettre aux effets du gaz.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Exposé à l'air libre, ce liquide se vaporise en un nuage jaune étourdissant. Quiconque inhale ce nuage sera paralysé instantanément, incapable de bouger pour quelques temps. Cette potion peut être lancée sur des ennemis à distance pour les soumettre aux effets du gaz.
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=potion of purity
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=potion de pureté
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Vous ressentez une fraîcheur inhabituelle dans l'air.
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Vous ressentez une fraîcheur inhabituelle dans l'air.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Un film protecteur vous enveloppe!
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Un film protecteur vous enveloppe!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Ce réactif magique neutralisera rapidement tous les effets nocifs sur une grande surface. Boire ce réactif vous protègera temporairement de tels effets.
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Ce réactif magique neutralisera rapidement tous les effets nocifs sur une grande surface. Boire ce réactif vous protègera temporairement de tels effets.
@ -591,10 +591,10 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=potion de sang de dragon
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=braises élémentales
items.quest.embers.desc=Des braises spéciales qui ne peuvent être collectées que sur de jeunes élémentaires de feu. Elles diffusent une énergie réchauffante.
items.quest.embers.desc=Des braises spéciales qui ne peuvent être collectées que sur de jeunes élémentaires de feu. Elles diffusent une énergie réchauffante.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Ce parchemin contient une énergi
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=Vous ne pouvez pas faire ça avec des ennemis à proximité.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=elementál parázs
items.quest.embers.desc=Ezt a különleges parazsat csak fiatal tűzelementálokból lehet begyűjteni. Meleg energiát sugároz magából.
items.quest.embers.desc=Ezt a különleges parazsat csak fiatal tűzelementálokból lehet begyűjteni. Meleg energiát sugároz magából.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=bara elemental
items.quest.embers.desc=Bara spesial yang hanya bisa didapatkan dari elemental api muda. Bara itu memancarkan energi panas.
items.quest.embers.desc=Bara spesial yang hanya bisa didapatkan dari elemental api muda. Bara itu memancarkan energi panas.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.name=kapak tambang
items.quest.pickaxe.name=kapak tambang
@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Questa bomba fatta su misura emetterà ripetutamente
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba scossa
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba scossa
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata per scatenare una tempesta elettrica attorno a sé quando esplode.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata per scatenare una tempesta elettrica attorno a sé quando esplode.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba ricrescita
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Questa bomba fatta su misura spruzzerà liquido vivificatore attorno a sé invece di esplodere. La zona coinvolta germoglierà rapidamente erba e piante, e ogni alleato raggiunto verrà curato.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba shrapnel
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba shrapnel
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata con i rottami metallici di DM-300, i quali si frammenteranno catapultandosi dappertutto all'esplosione. Sarà meglio nascondersi dietro qualcosa quando la userai...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata con i rottami metallici di DM-300, i quali si frammenteranno catapultandosi dappertutto all'esplosione. Sarà meglio nascondersi dietro qualcosa quando la userai...
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Non ti senti più le gambe!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Non ti senti bene.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Non ti senti bene.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Sei troppo pieno.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Sei troppo pieno.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Mangia a tuo rischio e pericolo!
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Mangia a tuo rischio e pericolo!
items.food.pasty.pie=torta di zucca
items.food.pasty.pie=torta di zucca
@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quando tracannato, questo elisir
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elisir della guarigione melliflua
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elisir della guarigione melliflua
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Questa elisir combina la guarigione con la dolcezza del miele. Quando bevuto, soddisferà una piccola quantità di fame ma può anche venire lanciato per curare un alleato.\n\nCreature con una affinità col miele potrebbero essere rese docili se questo oggetto viene usato su di loro.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Questa elisir combina la guarigione con la dolcezza del miele. Quando bevuto, soddisferà una piccola quantità di fame ma può anche venire lanciato per curare un alleato.\n\nCreature con una affinità col miele potrebbero essere rese docili se questo oggetto viene usato su di loro.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir of icy touch
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elisir del tocco gelido
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=Quando tracannato, questo elisir permetterà al bevitore di sottrarre calore dai nemici bersagliati. Questo effetto renderà il bevitore immune al freddo e gli consentirà di raffreddare i nemici per mezzo degli attacchi fisici.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elisir della potenza
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elisir della potenza
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 for, +5 hp
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 for, +5 hp
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=braci elementali
items.quest.embers.desc=Braci speciali che possono essere raccolti da giovani elementali del fuoco. Irradiano energia termica.
items.quest.embers.desc=Braci speciali che possono essere raccolti da giovani elementali del fuoco. Irradiano energia termica.
items.quest.gooblob.name=grumo di viscidume
items.quest.gooblob.name=grumo di viscidume
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Un tremolante grumo di viscidume, staccàtosi da Goo al momento della morte. È quasi simile a una grossa palla di gelatina, sebbene non oseresti mangiarla.\n\nNon è di nessuna utilità da sola, ma forse potrebbe venire usata come ingrediente. Se non altro dovrebbe poter essere venduta a un prezzo discreto.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Un tremolante grumo di viscidume, staccàtosi da Goo al momento della morte. È quasi simile a una grossa palla di gelatina, sebbene non oseresti mangiarla.\n\nNon è di nessuna utilità da solo, ma potrebbe essere combinato con specifiche pozioni, o una bomba. Se non altro dovrebbe poter essere venduto a un prezzo discreto.
items.quest.metalshard.name=frammento di metallo maledetto
items.quest.metalshard.name=frammento di metallo maledetto
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Un frammento di metallo arrugginito maledetto, caduto da DM-300 quando è stato distrutto. Puoi avvertire una latente magia malevola in esso.\n\nNon è di nessuna utilità da solo, ma forse potrebbe venire usato come ingrediente. Se non altro dovrebbe poter essere venduto a un prezzo discreto.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Un frammento di metallo arrugginito maledetto, caduto da DM-300 quando è stato distrutto. Puoi avvertire una latente magia malevola in esso.\n\nNon è di nessuna utilità da solo, ma potrebbe essere combinato con specifiche pergamene, o una bomba. Se non altro dovrebbe poter essere venduto a un prezzo discreto.
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ items.spells.featherfall.light=Ti senti leggero come una piuma!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Questa formula magica manipola gli effetti della gravità sul suo lanciatore, permettendogli per un breve periodo di cadere da considerevoli altezze senza subire danni. Ogni uso della magia provvederà abbastanza protezione solamente per un baratro.
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Questa formula magica manipola gli effetti della gravità sul suo lanciatore, permettendogli per un breve periodo di cadere da considerevoli altezze senza subire danni. Ogni uso della magia provvederà abbastanza protezione solamente per un baratro.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=You can't cast spells while magic immune.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=Non puoi lanciare magie mentre sei immune alla magia.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=infusione magica
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=infusione magica
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Infondi un oggetto
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Infondi un oggetto
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Questa formula magica infonderà un'arma o un'
items.spells.magicalporter.name=facchino magico
items.spells.magicalporter.name=facchino magico
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Trasporta un oggetto
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Trasporta un oggetto
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Non c'è nessun posto in cui tu possa trasportare l'oggetto.
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Non c'è nessun posto in cui tu possa trasportare l'oggetto.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=Questa formula magica trasporterà qualunque oggetto su di cui viene lanciata. Diversamente dal faro del mercante comunque, l'oggetto verrà trasportato all'entrata del successivo livello del boss.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=cambio di fase
items.spells.phaseshift.name=cambio di fase
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=La magia di teletrasporto fallisce.
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=La magia di teletrasporto fallisce.
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Infondi un oggetto
items.stones.runestone$placeholder.name=pietra runica
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=pietra dell'aggressività
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=pietra dell'aggressività
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Quando questa pietra viene lanciata nei pressi di un nemico, esso verrà tormentato con magia aggressiva.\n\nUn nemico sotto l'influenza di aggressione sarà forzato ad attaccare te invece degli alleati, se ve ne sono nelle vicinanze.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Quando questa pietra viene lanciata nei pressi di un nemico, esso verrà tormentato con magia aggressiva.\n\nUn nemico sotto l'influenza di aggressione sarà forzato ad attaccare te invece degli alleati, se ve ne sono nelle vicinanze.
@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=이 폭탄은 격발하면 반복해서 소음을
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=전격 폭탄
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=전격 폭탄
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 격발할 때 주변에 번개 폭풍을 방출합니다.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 격발할 때 주변에 번개 폭풍을 방출합니다.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=재성장의 폭탄
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=이 개조된 폭탄은 폭발하는 대신 생명의 영약을 주변에 흩뿌릴 것입니다. 흩뿌려진 범위 내의 구역은 풀과 식물이 빠르게 자라날 것이며, 범위 내의 아군도 함께 치유될 것입니다.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=파편 폭탄
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=파편 폭탄
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 DM-300의 쇳조각으로 강화되어 격발하면 사방에 쇳조각을 발사합니다. 터트리기 전에 반드시 어딘가에 숨거 있어야 할 것입니다...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 DM-300의 쇳조각으로 강화되어 격발하면 사방에 쇳조각을 발사합니다. 터트리기 전에 반드시 어딘가에 숨거 있어야 할 것입니다...
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=당신은 다리에 감각이 없다!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=당신은 몸이 아픈것 같다.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=당신은 몸이 아픈것 같다.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=당신은 속이 막혔다.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=당신은 속이 막혔다.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=위험을 감수하고 먹어 보십시오!
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=위험을 감수하고 먹어 보십시오!
items.food.pasty.pie=호박 파이
items.food.pasty.pie=호박 파이
@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=이 영약을 마시는 순간
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=달달한 치유 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=달달한 치유 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=이 영약은 치유 물약과 달콤한 꿀을 섞어 만들었으며, 약간의 허기를 채워줄 수 있고, 동료를 치유하는 데에도 사용될 수 있습니다.\n\n만약 꿀과 친밀감이 있는 생물체에게 사용될 경우 그것을 진정시킬 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=이 영약은 치유 물약과 달콤한 꿀을 섞어 만들었으며, 약간의 허기를 채워줄 수 있고, 동료를 치유하는 데에도 사용될 수 있습니다.\n\n만약 꿀과 친밀감이 있는 생물체에게 사용될 경우 그것을 진정시킬 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir of icy touch
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=차가운 숨결 용액
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=이 물약을 마시면 당신이 공격하는 적들로부터 열기를 빼앗아 올 수 있게 됩니다. 이 효과는 당신을 추위에 면역으로 만들어 줄 것이며 물리적 공격으로 적들을 얼릴 수 있게 만들어 줄 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=용력의 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=용력의 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 힘, +5 최대 체력
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 힘, +5 최대 체력
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=정령의 잉걸불
items.quest.embers.desc=이 특이한 잉걸불은 어린 불정령에서만 채취할 수 있습니다. 뜨거운 에너지를 발산하고 있습니다.
items.quest.embers.desc=이 특이한 잉걸불은 어린 불정령에서만 채취할 수 있습니다. 뜨거운 에너지를 발산하고 있습니다.
items.quest.gooblob.name=구의 점액
items.quest.gooblob.name=구의 점액
items.quest.gooblob.desc=구가 죽을 때 떨어져 나온 점액 조각입니다. 커다란 젤리 방울처럼 생겼지만, 먹을 수 있을 것 같지 않습니다.\n\n점액 그 자체로는 아무런 효과는 없지만, 무언가를 제조할 때 재료로 쓰거나, 아니면 괜찮은 가격에 팔아버릴 수 있을 것입니다.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=저주받은 쇳조각
items.quest.metalshard.name=저주받은 쇳조각
items.quest.metalshard.desc=DM-300이 파괴될 때 그것으로부터 떨어져 나온 녹슨 저주받은 금속 조각입니다. 당신은 그것으로부터 비활성화된 악의적인 마법을 느낄 수 있습니다.\n\n쇳조각은 그 자체로는 아무런 효과는 없지만, 무언가를 제조할 때 재료로 쓰거나, 아니면 괜찮은 가격에 팔아버릴 수 있을 것 같습니다.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ items.spells.featherfall.light=당신은 깃털과도 같이 가벼워짐을 느
items.spells.featherfall.desc=이 주문은 시전자에게 미치는 중력의 영향을 조작하여 짧은 시간 동안 높은 곳에서 떨어질 때의 큰 피해를 입히지 않도록 합니다. 매 주문을 사용할 때마다 하나의 낭떠러지의 피해를 막을 수 있습니다.
items.spells.featherfall.desc=이 주문은 시전자에게 미치는 중력의 영향을 조작하여 짧은 시간 동안 높은 곳에서 떨어질 때의 큰 피해를 입히지 않도록 합니다. 매 주문을 사용할 때마다 하나의 낭떠러지의 피해를 막을 수 있습니다.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=You can't cast spells while magic immune.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=당신은 마법 면역 도중 마법을 시전할 수 없다.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=마법 융합
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=마법 융합
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=융합할 아이템을 선택하세요
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=융합할 아이템을 선택하세요
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=이 주문은 무기나 방어구에 강력한
items.spells.magicalporter.name=마법 전송기
items.spells.magicalporter.name=마법 전송기
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=전송할 아이템 선택
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=전송할 아이템 선택
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=아이템을 옮길 곳이 없습니다.
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=아이템을 옮길 곳이 없습니다.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=이 마법은 시전된 아이템을 마법으로 전송할 것입니다. 다만 상인의 신호기와는 다르게, 아이템들은 다음 보스 층의 입구로 전송될 것입니다.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=위상 변화
items.spells.phaseshift.name=위상 변화
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=공간이동 마법이 실패했다.
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=공간이동 마법이 실패했다.
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=융합할 아이템을 선택하세요
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=공격성의 돌
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=공격성의 돌
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=이 돌을 적들에게 던지면 그 주변 적들에게 공격성의 마법을 겁니다.\n\n공격성의 마법에 걸린 적들은 당신의 다른 아군보다 당신을 우선해서 공격합니다.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=이 돌을 적들에게 던지면 그 주변 적들에게 공격성의 마법을 겁니다.\n\n공격성의 마법에 걸린 적들은 당신의 다른 아군보다 당신을 우선해서 공격합니다.
@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Ta spreparowana bomba będzie przez dłuższy czas w
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba szokująca
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba szokująca
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Ta bomba została spreparowana by uwolnić burzę elektryczności dookoła miejsca eksplozji.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Ta bomba została spreparowana by uwolnić burzę elektryczności dookoła miejsca eksplozji.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba odrodzenia
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Ta własnej roboty bomba rozrzuci dający życie płyn wszędzie dookoła zamiast wybuchu. Na pobliskim terenie zaczną rosnąć rośliny oraz trawa, a sojusznicy dotknięci tym płynem zostaną uleczeni.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=rozpryskowa bomba
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=rozpryskowa bomba
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Ta bomba zawiera w środku kawałki złomu z DM-300, które rozlecą się we wszystkie strony po wybuchu . Lepiej się za czymś ukryj zanim wybuchnie!
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Ta bomba zawiera w środku kawałki złomu z DM-300, które rozlecą się we wszystkie strony po wybuchu . Lepiej się za czymś ukryj zanim wybuchnie!
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Nie czujesz swoich nóg!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Czujesz się dobrze.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Czujesz się dobrze.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Jesteś najedzony.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Jesteś najedzony.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Jesz na własną odpowiedzialność!
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Jesz na własną odpowiedzialność!
items.food.pasty.pie=dyniowe ciasto
items.food.pasty.pie=dyniowe ciasto
@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Po wypiciu, ten eliksir da ognis
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=eliksir miodowego leczenia
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=eliksir miodowego leczenia
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Ten eliksir słodzi miksturę leczenia, dzięki czemu jest nawet smaczna. Po wypiciu, uleczy trochę głodu, ale też można rzucić w przyjaciela i go uleczyć.\n\nStworzenia które mają upodobanie miodu mogą być tym uspokojone.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Ten eliksir słodzi miksturę leczenia, dzięki czemu jest nawet smaczna. Po wypiciu, uleczy trochę głodu, ale też można rzucić w przyjaciela i go uleczyć.\n\nStworzenia które mają upodobanie miodu mogą być tym uspokojone.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir of icy touch
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=eliksir mroźnego dotyku
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=Po spożyciu, eliksir pozwoli wykradać ciepło z wrogów podczas ataku. Ten efekt powoduje że pijący jest odporny na mróz i może wychładzać przeciwników fizycznymi ciosami.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=eliksir mocy
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=eliksir mocy
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 SIŁY +5 PŻ
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 SIŁY +5 PŻ
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=niedopałki żywiołów
items.quest.embers.desc=Specjalne niedopałki, które mogą zostać uzyskane tylko z młodych żywiołaków ognia. Promieniują ciepłem.
items.quest.embers.desc=Specjalne niedopałki, które mogą zostać uzyskane tylko z młodych żywiołaków ognia. Promieniują ciepłem.
items.quest.gooblob.name=kawał szlamu
items.quest.gooblob.name=kawał szlamu
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Kawał trzęsącego się szlamu, oderwał się z Wielkiego Szlamu. Wygląda nawet jak smakowita galaretka, ale wiesz, że lepiej tego nie jeść.\n\nSamo z siebie jest to bezużyteczne, ale może się przyda do alchemii? W każdym razie powinno się to sprzedać za okrągłą sumkę w sklepie.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Kawał trzęsącego się szlamu, oderwał się z Wielkiego Szlamu. Wygląda nawet jak smakowita galaretka, ale wiesz, że lepiej tego nie jeść.\n\nSamo z siebie jest to bezużyteczne, ale może się przydać się do tworzenia niektórych mikstur i bomb. W każdym razie powinno się to sprzedać za okrągłą sumkę w sklepie.
items.quest.metalshard.name=przeklęty kawał złomu
items.quest.metalshard.name=przeklęty kawał złomu
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Kawał zardzewiałego złomu który oderwał się od DM-300 po jego zniszczeniu. Wyczuwasz złą, lecz nieaktywną magię w środku.\n\nRaczej to nic nie robi, ale może się przyda do alchemii? W każdym razie powinno się to sprzedać za okrągłą sumkę w sklepie.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Kawał zardzewiałego złomu który oderwał się od DM-300 po jego zniszczeniu. Wyczuwasz złą, lecz nieaktywną magię w środku.\n\nRaczej to nic nie robi, ale może się przydać do tworzenia niektórych zwojów lub bomb. W każdym razie powinno się to sprzedać za okrągłą sumkę w sklepie.
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ items.spells.featherfall.light=Czujesz się lekki jak piórko!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=To zaklęcie manipuluje grawitacją rzucającego, pozwalając im spaść z dużych wysokości bez ranienia się przez krótki czas. Każde użycie zaklęcia wystarcza na tylko jeden upadek w przepaść.
items.spells.featherfall.desc=To zaklęcie manipuluje grawitacją rzucającego, pozwalając im spaść z dużych wysokości bez ranienia się przez krótki czas. Każde użycie zaklęcia wystarcza na tylko jeden upadek w przepaść.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=RZUĆ ZAKLĘCIE
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=RZUĆ ZAKLĘCIE
items.spells.spell.no_magic=You can't cast spells while magic immune.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=Nie możesz rzucać zaklęć kiedy jesteś odporny na magię.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=nasycenie zaklęciem
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=nasycenie zaklęciem
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Nasyć przedmiot
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Nasyć przedmiot
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Ten czar nasyci broń lub zbroję z magiczną
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magiczny przenosiciel
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magiczny przenosiciel
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Przenieś przedmiot
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Przenieś przedmiot
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Nigdzie nie możesz przenieść przedmiotu
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Nigdzie nie możesz przenieść przedmiotu
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=To zaklęcie magicznie przeniesie dowolny przedmiot na który zostanie rzucony. Przeniesie ono przedmioty blisko wejścia następnego potężnego stworzenia.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=przesunięcie fazowe
items.spells.phaseshift.name=przesunięcie fazowe
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Magia teleportacji zawodzi.
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Magia teleportacji zawodzi.
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Nasyć przedmiot
items.stones.runestone$placeholder.name=kamień runiczny
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=kamień agresji
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=kamień agresji
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Gdy ten kamień runiczny zostanie rzucony nieopodal przeciwnika, ześle na niego magię agresji.\n\nPrzeciwnik pod wpływem magii agresji zostanie zmuszony do atakowania ciebie zamiast twoich sojuszników, jeśli takowi są w pobliżu.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Gdy ten kamień runiczny zostanie rzucony nieopodal przeciwnika, ześle na niego magię agresji.\n\nPrzeciwnik pod wpływem magii agresji zostanie zmuszony do atakowania ciebie zamiast twoich sojuszników, jeśli takowi są w pobliżu.
@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Esta bomba personalizada fará repetidamente ruído
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elétrica
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elétrica
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba foi modificada para desencadear uma tempestade de eletricidade em torno dela quando explode.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba foi modificada para desencadear uma tempestade de eletricidade em torno dela quando explode.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bomba do recrescimento
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada irá espirrar líquidos que dão vida ao redor dela, em vez de explodir. A área capturada na explosão com grama e plantas rapidamente germinadas, e quaisquer aliados capturados na explosão serão curados.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de estilhaços
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de estilhaços
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Esta bomba foi modificada com pedaços de metal do DM-300, que se fragmentarão e voarão por toda parte quando explodir. É melhor você se esconder atrás de algo ao usá-lo...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Esta bomba foi modificada com pedaços de metal do DM-300, que se fragmentarão e voarão por toda parte quando explodir. É melhor você se esconder atrás de algo ao usá-lo...
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Você não sente suas pernas!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Você não se sente bem.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Você não se sente bem.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Você está estufado.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Você está estufado.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Coma por sua própria conta e risco.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Coma por sua própria conta e risco.
items.food.pasty.pie=Torta de abóbora
items.food.pasty.pie=Torta de abóbora
@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quando consumido, esse elixir en
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir da cura com mel
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir da cura com mel
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Este elixir combina a cura com a doçura do mel. Quando bebe, satisfaz uma pequena quantidade de fome, mas também pode ser usada para curar um aliado.\n\nCriaturas com afinidade por mel podem ser pacificadas se este item for usado nelas.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Este elixir combina a cura com a doçura do mel. Quando bebe, satisfaz uma pequena quantidade de fome, mas também pode ser usada para curar um aliado.\n\nCriaturas com afinidade por mel podem ser pacificadas se este item for usado nelas.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir of icy touch
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir do toque gelado
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=Quando consumido, esse elixir permitirá ao bebedor sugar o calor dos inimigos que atacar. Esse efeito deixará o bebedor imune ao frio e permitirá que ele resfrie os inimigos com ataques físicos.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir de poder
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir de poder
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 força, + 5 vida
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 força, + 5 vida
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=brasas elementais
items.quest.embers.desc=Brasas especiais que só podem ser obtidas de um elemental de fogo jovem. Elas irradiam energia térmica.
items.quest.embers.desc=Brasas especiais que só podem ser obtidas de um elemental de fogo jovem. Elas irradiam energia térmica.
items.quest.gooblob.name=bolha de gosma
items.quest.gooblob.name=bolha de gosma
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Um burburinho de gosma, se separou de Gosma quando este morreu. É quase como uma grande bola de geleia, embora você não ousasse comê-la.\n\nNão faz nada por conta própria, mas talvez possa ser usado como ingrediente. No mínimo, deveria vender por um preço decente.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Um burburinho de gosma, se separou de Goo quando este morreu. É quase como uma grande bola de geleia, embora você não ousasse comê-la.\n\nNão faz nada sozinho, mas pode ser útil quando combinado com certas poções ou uma bomba. No mínimo, deveria vender por um preço decente.
items.quest.metalshard.name=pedaço de metal amaldiçoado
items.quest.metalshard.name=pedaço de metal amaldiçoado
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Um fragmento de metal amaldiçoado enferrujado, que rompeu o DM-300 quando foi destruído. Você pode sentir uma magia mal intencionada inativa dentro dela.\n\nNão faz nada por conta própria, mas talvez possa ser usado como ingrediente. No mínimo, deveria vender por um preço decente.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Um fragmento de metal amaldiçoado enferrujado, que rompeu o DM-300 quando foi destruído. Você pode sentir uma magia mal intencionada inativa dentro dela.\n\nEle não faz nada sozinho, mas pode ser útil quando combinado com certos pergaminhos ou uma bomba. No mínimo, deveria vender por um preço decente.
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ items.spells.featherfall.light=Você se sente leve como uma pena!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Este feitiço manipula o efeito da gravidade sobre o lançador, permitindo que eles caiam grandes distâncias sem dano por um curto período de tempo. Cada uso do feitiço apenas fornecerá proteção suficiente para um abismo.
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Este feitiço manipula o efeito da gravidade sobre o lançador, permitindo que eles caiam grandes distâncias sem dano por um curto período de tempo. Cada uso do feitiço apenas fornecerá proteção suficiente para um abismo.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=You can't cast spells while magic immune.
items.spells.spell.no_magic=Você não pode lançar feitiços enquanto está imune a magia.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=infusão mágica
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=infusão mágica
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Fundir um item
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Fundir um item
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Este feitiço irá infundir uma arma ou armadu
items.spells.magicalporter.name=porteiro mágico
items.spells.magicalporter.name=porteiro mágico
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Portar um item
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Portar um item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Não há nenhum lugar para você portar um item para.
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Não há nenhum lugar para você portar um item para.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=Este feitiço irá magicamente transportar qualquer item em que for lançado. Ao contrário do farol de um comerciante, no entanto, os itens serão transportados para a entrada do próximo piso do chefe.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=mudança de fase
items.spells.phaseshift.name=mudança de fase
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=a magia de teleporte falhou
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=a magia de teleporte falhou
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Fundir um item
items.stones.runestone$placeholder.name=pedra rúnica
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Quando esta pedra é lançada perto de um inimigo, ela os afligirá com magia de agressão.\n\nUm inimigo sob a influência de agressão será forçado a atacar você ao invés de qualquer aliado, se algum aliado estiver por perto.
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=Quando esta pedra é lançada perto de um inimigo, ela os afligirá com magia de agressão.\n\nUm inimigo sob a influência de agressão será forçado a atacar você ao invés de qualquer aliado, se algum aliado estiver por perto.
@ -984,8 +984,8 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Defesa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remover o aumento
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remover o aumento
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Deixa quieto
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Deixa quieto
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=stone of affection
items.stones.stoneofaffection.name=pedra da afeição
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=When this stone is thrown on an enemy, they will be temporarily charmed, and will attempt to target your allies instead of you.
items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=Quando esta pedra é jogada sobre um inimigo, ela ficará temporariamente encantada e tentará atingir seus aliados em vez de você.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=pedra de explosão
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=pedra de explosão
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Este runestone explodirá instantaneamente no local para onde é lançado. Assim como uma bomba, a explosão causará dano a qualquer coisa próxima.
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Este runestone explodirá instantaneamente no local para onde é lançado. Assim como uma bomba, a explosão causará dano a qualquer coisa próxima.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=шоковая бомба
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована таким образом, чтобы при взрыве высвободить вокруг себя электрический шторм.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована таким образом, чтобы при взрыве высвободить вокруг себя электрический шторм.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=Осколочная бомба
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=Осколочная бомба
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована осколками DM-300, всё фрагменты которого разлетятся во все стороны. Тебе лучше спрятаться за чем-нибудь прежде чем использовать это...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована осколками DM-300, всё фрагменты которого разлетятся во все стороны. Тебе лучше спрятаться за чем-нибудь прежде чем использовать это...
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=пепел элементаля
items.quest.embers.desc=Особый вид пепла, который можно получить только с молодых огненных элементалей. Даже сейчас он излучает тепло.
items.quest.embers.desc=Особый вид пепла, который можно получить только с молодых огненных элементалей. Даже сейчас он излучает тепло.
items.quest.gooblob.name=Капля Слизня
items.quest.gooblob.name=Капля Слизня
items.quest.gooblob.desc=Неряшливый комочек слизи, оставшийся после смерти Слизня. Это похоже на большой шарик желе, но вы не посмеете съесть его.\n\nСам по себе он ничего не представляет, но его можно использовать в качестве ингредиента. На крайний случай он может быть продан за приличную цену.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=Проклятый осколок
items.quest.metalshard.name=Проклятый осколок
items.quest.metalshard.desc=Осколок ржавого проклятого металла, который отломился от умирающей DM-300. Вы можете почувствовать спящую в нём тёмную магию.\n\nСам по себе он ничего не представляет, но его можно использовать в качестве ингредиента. На крайний случай он может быть продан за приличную цену.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=elementer köz
items.quest.embers.desc=Sadece genç ateş elementallerinden elde edilebilen özel közler. Termal enerji yayıyorlar.
items.quest.embers.desc=Sadece genç ateş elementallerinden elde edilebilen özel közler. Termal enerji yayıyorlar.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹不会爆炸,但会持续
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout glass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=你的腿没有知觉了!
@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=饮用后,这瓶秘药会使
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.name=elixir of icy touch
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=元素余烬
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ items.spells.featherfall.light=你觉得自己身轻如燕!
items.spells.spell.no_magic=You can't cast spells while magic immune.
@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=这个菱晶会给武器或护甲注入强大
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magically transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of the next boss floor.
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=灌注一件物品/道具
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Els atacs màgics travessen l'arma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guia d'alquímia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guia d'alquímia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Crear pocions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Crear pocions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Benvingut a les aplicacions pràctiques de l'alquímia!\n\nAquest llibre serveix com a referència de les receptes pels alquimistes aficionats o aventurers que busquen embrutir-se les mans.\n\nComencem amb la recepta alquímica més emblemàtica: col·loca tres llavors en una olla d'alquímia per preparar una poció!\n\nCada tipus de llavor serveix de contrapart a la poció. La poció que creïs es pot relacionar amb una de les llavors utilitzades, però també hi ha la possibilitat que sigui aleatòria. L'ús de múltiples llavors del mateix tipus disminuirà la probabilitat d'una poció aleatòria.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Crear pedres rúniques
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Crear pedres rúniques
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Ficar un sol pergamí dins d'un pot d'alquímia imbuirà la seva màgia a dues o tres pedres dins del pot. Això crea pedres rúniques que corresponen a la màgia del pergamí.\n\nLes pedres rúniques són una variant menor dels pergamins, igual que les llavors són una variant menor de les pocions. A diferència de les llavors, però, les runes no es poden combinar per fer un pergamí.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Afegir puntes als dards
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Afegir puntes als dards
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Una llavor es pot combinar amb un o dos dards per afegir-los-hi puntes. Cada tipus de llavor produeix el seu propi tipus de dard amb punta, amb un efecte únic.\n\nEls dards amb punta només duren una vegada i es tornaran dards normals quan es recullin.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Pocions i pergamins exòtics
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=El poder d'una poció o un pergamí es pot augmentar per crear una nova variant "exòtica". Aquests ítems exòtics tenen efectes més poderosos, però sovint també són útils d'altres maneres.\n\nLa combinació d'una poció i dues llavors de qualsevol tipus generarà una poció exòtica. La combinació d'un pergamí amb dues runes de qualsevol tipus generarà un pergamí exòtic.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Energia alquímica
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Tot i que les receptes que hem discutit fins ara només necessiten els seus ingredients, algunes receptes requereixen energia de l'olla d'alquímia. Aquesta energia és un recurs limitat, però es pot utilitzar per fer receptes que són superiors a la suma dels seus ingredients. Algunes receptes requereixen una petita quantitat d'energia, mentre que altres en requereixen molta.\n\nTotes les receptes comentades en aquest llibre a partir d'ara utilitzaran energia alquímica.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Receptes alimentàries
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=No totes les receptes inclouen pocions màgiques o pergamins, algunes són més tradicionals.\n\nLa carn crua es pot guisar en una olla d'alquímia, i l'energia del pot netejarà la carn de qualsevol malaltia. Com més carn s'utilitzi alhora, major serà l'eficiència de la recepta.\n\nUna baia-insípida crua pot combinar-se amb una llavor per crear una baia-insípida cuinada. La fruita cuinada emularà qualsevol poció que es correspongui a la llavor.\n\nEs poden combinar una empanada, una ració de menjar sencera i un tros de carn (de qualsevol tipus) per crear un banquet! Els banquets proporcionen una experiència culinària inigualable, però costen una bona quantitat d'energia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes millorades
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes millorades
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba de pólvora negre normal i corrent es pot barrejar amb un ítem específic per crear una bomba millorada. La quantitat d'energia necessària varia segons l'ítem utilitzat.\n\nEls següents ítems poden produir una bomba millorada:\n- Poció de flama líquida\n- Poció de glaçada\n- Poció de curació\n- Poció d'invisibilitat\n- Pergamí de recàrrega\n- Pergamí d'eliminació de malediccions\n- Pergamí de miratge\n- Pergamí de fúria\n- Gota de Goo\n- Fragment de metall maleït
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Beuratges combinats
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Els beuratges combinats són la forma més senzilla de preparar pocions, combinant els efectes de dues pocions nocives en una.\n\n\nUna poció horrorosa es crea barrejant una poció de gas tòxic amb una poció de gas paralític.\n\nUna poció frígida es crea barrejant una poció de glaçada amb una poció de núvols de tempesta.\n\nUna poció de gel-foc es crea barrejant una poció de flama líquida amb una poció de congelació instantània.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elixirs curatius
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Els elixirs curatius també són bastant simples, combinant la curació i un altre efecte en un sol ítem.\n\n\nUn elixir de restauració es crea barrejant una poció de curació amb una poció de neteja.\n\nUn elixir de vitalitat es crea barrejant una poció de curació amb una poció d'escut.\n\nUn elixir de curació melosa es crea barrejant una poció de curació amb un pot de mel destrossat.\n\nUn elixir de rejoveniment aquàtic es crea barrejant una poció de curació i una gota de Goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Beuratges d'àrea d'efecte
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Els beuratges d'àrea d'efecte propaguen un efecte nociu sobre una gran àrea. Són més cars que els beuratges combinats, però també més potents.\n\n\nUn beuratge infernal es crea barrejant una poció d'alè de drac i una poció de flama líquida.\n\nUn beuratge de rufaga es crea barrejant una poció de congelació instantània i una poció de gelada.\n\nUn beuratge xocant es crea barrejant una poció de gas paralític i una poció de núvols de tempesta.\n\nUn beuratge càustic es crea barrejant una poció de gas tòxic i una gota de Goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixirs imbuïts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Encanteris de teletransport
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Encanteris de manipulació d'ítems
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Encanteris ambientals
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pou de salut
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pou de salut
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pou de coneixement
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pou de coneixement
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magické útoky projdou přímo sk
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Příručka alchymie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Příručka alchymie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tvorba lektvarů
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tvorba lektvarů
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Vítej u Praktických Aplikací Alchymie!\n\nTato kniha slouží jako reference receptů pro nadšence do alchymie a dobrodruhy, kteří se nebojí zašpinit si ruce.\n\nZačneme s nejikoničtějším receptem alchymie: Umísti jakákoliv tři semínka do alchymického kotlíku a uvař lektvar!\n\nKe každému typu semínka existuje podobný lektvar. Lektvar který vytvoříš, se může vztahovat k jednomu z použitých semínek, ale je tu šance že bude náhodný. Použití více semínek stejného typu sníží možnost náhodného lektvaru.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Tvorba runových kamenů
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Tvorba runových kamenů
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Vmíchání jediného svitku do alchymického kotlíku naplní jeho magií dva nebo tři kamínky v kotlíku. To vytvoří runové kameny korespondující s použitým svitkem.\n\nRunové kameny jsou slabší varianty svitků, stejně jako jsou semínka slabší varianty lektvarů. Ovšem na rozdíl od semínek, runové kameny nelze kombinovat k vytvoření svitku.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Napuštěné šípy
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Napuštěné šípy
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Jedno semínko může být zkombinováno s jedním nebo dvěma šípy pro jejich napuštění. Každý typ semínka vytvoří vlastní typ napuštěného šípu s unikátním efektem.\n\nNapuštěné šípy ovšem vydrží pouze jedno použití a po získání zpět se z nich znovu stanou obyčejné šípy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Vzácnější lektvary a svitky
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=Síla lektvarů a svitků může být rozšířena vytvořením nových 'vzácnějších' variant. Tyto vzácnější předměty mají mnohem silnější účinky, ale taky jsou často užitečné v úplně jiných situacích.\n\nZkombinování lektvaru a dvou jakýchkoliv semínek vytvoří vzácnější lektvar. Zkombinování svitku a jakýchkoliv dvou runových kamenů vytvoří vzácnější svitek.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alchymická energie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Zatímco recepty, o kterých jsme do teď hovořili, potřebují pouze své suroviny, některé recepty vyžadují energii ze samotného alchymického kotlíku. Tato energie je omezený zdroj, ale může být použita k vytvoření receptů, které jsou víc než jen součtem jejich surovin. Některé recepty vyžadují malé množství energie, některé vyžadují hodně.\n\nVeškeré další recepty probírané v této knize, budou využívat alchymickou energii.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Recepty jídel
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Ne všechny recepty zahrnují magické lektvary a svitky, některé jsou více tradiční.\n\nSyrové maso může být v alchymickém kotlíku podušeno a energie kotlíku očistí maso od chorob. Čím více masa je použito naráz, tím větší je účinnost receptu.\n\nSyrová Popelice může být zkombinována se semínkem k vytvoření povařené Popelice. Povařené ovoce bude mít podobné vlastnosti lektvaru, kterému dané semínko odpovídá.\n\nPiroh, celou porci jídla a kousek masa (jakéhokoliv typu) lze zkombinovat k vytvoření hostiny! Hostina poskytuje jedinečný kulinářský zážitek, ale za cenu velkého množství energie.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Vylepšené bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Vylepšené bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Obyčejná černá prachová bomba může být smíchána s konkrétním předmětem k vytvoření vylepšené bomby. Množství potřebné energie se mění podle použitého předmětu.\n\nVylepšenou bombu lze vytvořit z těchto předmětů:\n- Lektvar tekutého ohně\n- Lektvar mrazu\n- Lektvar léčení\n- Lektvar neviditelnosti\n- Svitek nabíjení\n- Svitek odstranění prokletí\n- Svitek zrcadlového obrazu\n- Svitek vzteku\n- Hrudka slizu\n- Prokletý kovový střep
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Sloučené směsi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Sloučené směsi jsou tou nejjednodušší formou směsí, kombinující efekty dvou škodlivých lektvarů do jednoho.\n\n\nSměs zákeřných plynů je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru toxického plynu s lektvarem paralyzujícího plynu.\n\nSměs mrazivých mračen je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru mrazu s lektvarem bouřných mračen.\n\nSměs mrazícího ohně je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru tekutého ohně s lektvarem přímého zmražení.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Léčivé elixíry
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Léčivé elixíry jsou také velmi lehké, kombinující léčení a jiný efekt do jednoho předmětu.\n\n\nElixír obnovení je vytvořen smícháním lektvaru léčení s lektvarem očištění.\n\nElixír vitality je vytvořen smícháním lektvaru léčení s lektvarem chránění.\n\nElixír léčivého medu je vytvořen smícháním lektvaru léčení s rozbitým hrncem medu.\n\nElixír vodního omlazení je vytvořen smícháním lektvaru léčení a hrudky slizu.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Směsi plošných efektů
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Směsi plošných efektů rozšíří škodlivý efekt po velké oblasti. Jsou dražší než sloučené směsi, ale také silnější.\n\n\nSměs ohnivého pekla je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru dračího dechu a lektvaru tekutého ohně.\n\nSměs ledové vichřice je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru přímého zmražení a lektvaru mrazu.\n\nSměs elektrické bouře je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru paralyzujícího plynu a lektvaru bouřných mračen.\n\nSměs žíraviny je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru toxického plynu a hrudky slizu.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixíry naplnění
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportační kouzla
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Kouzla manipulace s předměty
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Kouzla prostředí
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Studna zdraví
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Studna zdraví
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=Studna vědomí
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=Studna vědomí
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magische Angriffe schneiden direkt
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Handbuch der Alchemie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Handbuch der Alchemie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tränke brauen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tränke brauen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Willkommen zu Praktische Anwendungen der Alchemie!\n\nDieses Werk dient als Rezeptbuch für Hobby-Alchemisten und Abenteurer, welche sich ihre Hände schmutzig machen möchten.\n\nWir fangen an, mit dem ikonischen Alchemie-Rezept überhaupt: Werfe drei Samen in den Alchemiekessel, um einen Trank zu brauen!\n\nZu jeder Art Samen gibt es einen entsprechenden Trank. Der gebraute Trank mag mit einem der verwendeten Samen zu tun haben, es gibt jedoch ebenfalls eine Chance darauf, einen zufälligen Trank zu erhalten. Wenn mehrere Samen der gleichen Art verwendet werden, sind die Chance für einen Zufallstrank.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Runensteine erschaffen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Runensteine erschaffen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Wird eine Schriftrolle in den Alchemiekessel gerührt, durchdringt deren Magie zwei bis drei Steine innerhalb des Kessels. So lassen sich Runensteine erzeugen, welche der Schriftrolle entsprechen.\n\nRunensteine eine weniger mächtige Art von Schriftrolle, genau wie Samen eine weniger mächtige Art von Tränken sind. Anders als Samen zu Tränken, können Runensteine jedoch nicht zu einer Schriftrolle zusammengefügt werden.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Pfeile präparieren
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Pfeile präparieren
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Ein einzelner Samen kann mit ein oder zwei Pfeilen gekocht werden, um sie zu präparieren. Die Sorte des Samens bestimmt die Art des Pfeils und damit dessen Wirkung.\n\nAllerdings wirken die präparierten Pfeile nur einmal und sind, wenn sie danach wieder aufgenommen werden, normale Pfeile.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Exotische Tränke und Schriftrollen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=Die Macht eines Tranks oder einer Schriftrolle kann zu einer 'exotischen' Variante ausgebaut werden. Die daraus entstehenden exotischen Gegenstände sind deutlich mächtiger, aber oft auch in anderer Hinsicht hilfreich.\n\nDie Kombination aus einem Trank und zwei Samen ergibt einen exotischen Trank. Wer eine Schriftrolle mit zwei beliebigen Runensteinen kombiniert, erhält eine exotische Schriftrolle.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Energie der Alchemie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Während die Rezepte, die wir bisher besprochen haben, nur ihre jeweiligen Zutaten benötigen, brauchen andere wiederum die Energie des Alchemietopfs selbst. Diese Energie ist eine begrenzte Ressource, aber man kann sie bei Rezepten einsetzen, die mehr ergeben als einfach nur die Summe ihrer Zutaten. Manche Rezepte brauchen weniger, manche sehr viel dieser Energie.\n\nAlle Rezepte dieses Buchs ab hier benötigen die alchemistische Energie.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Rezepte für Nahrungsmittel
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nicht alle Rezepte brauchen magische Tränke oder Schriftrollen, manche sind althergebracht.\n\nRohes Fleisch kann im Kessel geschmort werden, und die Energie des Alchemie-Kessels wird das Fleisch von Krankheitserregern reinigen. Je mehr Fleisch gleichzeitig verwendet wird, desto wirkungsvoller ist das Rezept.\n\nEine ungekochte Fadfrucht kann mit einem Samen kombiniert werde, um eine gekochte Fadfrucht zu erhalten. Die gekochte Frucht wird einem Trank der zu dem Samen gehört entsprechen.\n\nEine Pastete, Essenration und ein Stück Fleisch (egal welches) kombiniert ergeben ein Festmahl. Ein Festmahl ist eine unvergleichliche kulinarische Erfahrung, kostet aber eine erhebliche Menge Energie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Verstärkte Bomben
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Verstärkte Bomben
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Eine ganz normale Schwarzpulver-Bombe kann mit einem bestimmten Gegenstand verknüpft werden, um eine verstärkte Bombe herzustellen. Die Energiemenge, die dazu vonnöten ist, variiert je nachdem, welchen Gegenstand man einsetzt.\n\nMit den folgenden Gegenständen kann man verstärkte Bomben herstellen:\n- Trank der Flüssigen Flamme\n- Trank des Frosts\n- Heiltrank\n- Trank der Unsichtbarkeit\n- Schriftrolle der Aufladung\n- Schriftrolle des Spiegelbildes\n- Schriftrolle des Zorns\n- Schleimklumpen\n- Verfluchte Metallplatte
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Kombinierte Brühen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Kombinierte Brühen sind die einfachste Art Gebräu; sie vereinen die Effekte von zwei schädigenden Tränken in einen.\n\n\nBöse Mische entsteht, wenn man einen Trank des Giftgases mit einem Trank des Lähmungsgases mischt.\n\nKaltgetränk ergibt sich aus der Mischung eines Tranks des Frosts und eines Tranks der Gewitterwolken.\n\nFrostfeuerbrühe entsteht, wenn man einen Trank der Flüssigen Flamme mit einem Blitzeis-Trank vermengt.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Heilende Elixiere
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Auch heilende Elixiere sind recht simpel, da sie den Heileffekt und einen weiteren in einem Trank vereinen.\n\n\nEin Elixier der Erneuerung entsteht, wenn man einen Heiltrank mit einem Trank der Reinigung mischt.\n\nEin Elixier der Vitalität ergibt sich aus der Mischung eines Heiltranks mit einem Schildtrank.\n\nDas Elixier der honigsüßen Heilung erhält man, wenn man einen Heiltrank mit einem zerbrochenen Honigtopf zusammentut.\n\nDas Elixier der aquatischen Verjüngung entsteht, wenn man einen Heiltrank mit einem Schleimklumpen mischt.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Brühen mit Wirkradius
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Brühen mit Wirkradius haben in einem bestimmten Umkreis einen schädigenden Effekt. Sie sind teurer als kombinierte Brühen, aber auch stärker.\n\n\nHöllensud entsteht, wenn man einen Trank des Drachenodems mit einem Trank der Flüssigen Flamme vermischt.\n\nBlizzardbräu ergibt sich, wenn man einen Blitzeis-Trank und einen Trank des Frosts mischt.\n\nSchockbrause entsteht, indem man einen Trank des Lähmungsgases und einen Trank der Gewitterwolken vermengt.\n\nÄtzbrühe erhält man durch eine Kombination aus einem Trank des Giftgases und einem Schleimklumpen.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixiere der Durchtränkung
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Zaubersprüche zum Manipulieren von Gegenständen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Brunnen der Gesundheit
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Brunnen der Gesundheit
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=Brunnen der Wahrnehmung
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=Brunnen der Wahrnehmung
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magiaj atakoj trairas vian defenda
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alĥemia Gvidlibro
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alĥemia Gvidlibro
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Kuiri eliksirojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Kuiri eliksirojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Bonvenon al praktika apliko de alĥemio!\n\nTiu ĉi libro liveras receptojn por malspertaj alĥemiistoj kaj aventuristoj kiuj volas fari ion per si mem.\n\nNi komenciĝos kun la plej tradicia alĥemia recepto: enmetu tri semojn en kuirpoton por kuiri eliksiron!\n\nĈiu speco de semo havas sian analogan eliksiron. La kreota eliksiro povas rilati al uzitaj semoj, sed ankaŭ eblas, ke ĝi estos hazarda. Uzado de pluraj samspecaj semoj malpliiĝos ŝancon por akiri hazardan eliksiron.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Krei runŝtonojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Krei runŝtonojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Diserigu unu skribrulaĵon kaj enmetu ĝiajn pecojn en la poto por transigi ĝian magion al du aŭ tri ŝtono. Tiel vi kreos runŝtonojn rilatajn al la uzita skribrulaĵo.\n\nRunŝtonoj estas malpli fortaj ol skribrulaĵoj, simile kiel semoj al eliksiroj. Tamen kontraŭe al semoj, oni ne povas kombini runŝtonojn por formi skribrulaĵon.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dronigitaj sagetoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dronigitaj sagetoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Oni povas kombini unu semon kun unu aŭ du sagetojn por saturi ilin per substanco de la semo. Per ĉiu speco de semo oni povas krei malsaman dronigitan sageton kun unika efekto.\n\nTamen dronigitaj sagetoj agos nur por unu ĵeto, kaj post uzo iĝos normaj sagetoj.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Ekzotaj eliksiroj kaj skribrulaĵoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=Oni povas plivastigi ecojn de eliksiro aŭ skribrulaĵo por krei novan “ekzotan” version. Tiuj ĉi ekzotaj aĵoj havas pli potencajn efikojn kaj eĉ diversajn efikojn ol la originalaj.\n\nKunmiksu eliksiron kaj du semojn por kuiri ekzotan eliksiron. Kombinu skribrulaĵon kaj du runŝtonojn por krei ekzotan skribrulaĵon.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alĥemia energio
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=La antaŭe menciitaj receptoj nur postulis fizikaj ingrediencoj, por iuj receptoj oni bezonas energion el la alĥemia kuirpoto mem. Tiu ĉi energio estas limigita rimedo, sed oni povas uzi ĝin por prepari aĵojn, kiuj estas pli potencaj ol sumo de ĝiaj konsistaĵoj. Kelkaj receptoj postulos malmulte da energio, aliaj multe.\n\nĈiuj pliaj receptoj priskribitaj en tiu ĉi libro uzos la alĥemian energion.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Ne ĉiuj receptoj postulas magiajn eliksirojn aŭ skribrulaĵojn, kelkaj estas tradiciaj.\n\nNekuiritan viandon oni povas boleti en la poto, kaj energio de poto purigos ĝin el malsanigoj. Ju pli viandojn oni uzos per unu fojo, des pli efika la kuirado estos.\n\nNekuiritan naŭzfrukton oni povas kombini kun samo por krei kuiritan naŭzfrukton. La kuirita naŭzfrukto gajnos ecojn de rilata eliksiro aŭ semo.\n\nKunmiksu pastaĵon, plenan porcion da manĝaĵo kaj viandon (ajna speco) por prepari festenon! Festenoj liveras nekompareblan kuirartan sperton, sed kostas signifan kvanton da energio.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Oni povas kunligi kutiman bombon de nigra pulvo kun specifa objekto por krei superbombon. Kvanto da bezonata alĥemia energio dependas de uzata aĵo.\n\nLa jenaj aĵoj taŭgas por krei superbombon:\n– eliksiro de frosto\n– eliksiro de likva fajro\n– eliksiro de nevidebleco\n– eliksiro de sano\n– skribrulaĵo de kolero\n– skribrulaĵo de senmalbenigo\n– skribrulaĵo de spegula figuro\n– skribrulaĵo de ŝargigo\n– restaĵo de Ŝmiraĵego\n– malbenita metala ŝelpeco
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Simplaj infuzaĵoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Simplajn infuzaĵojn oni povas krei per kombini ecojn de du danĝeraj eliksiroj.\n\n\nFrostfajra infuzaĵo prepariĝas per miksi eliksiron de likva fajro kun eliksiro de subita frostigo.\n\nMalarda infuzaĵo prepariĝas per miksi eliksiron de frosto kun eliksiro de pluvegaj nuboj.\n\nŜveb-mortiga infuzaĵo prepariĝas per miksi eliksiron de toksa gaso kun eliksiro de paraliza gaso.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Sanigaj miksturoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Sanigaj miksturoj ankaŭ estas eĉ facilaj por kuiri, ili kombinas sanigadon kaj aliajn utilan efikon.\n\nMiksturo de miela sanigo prepariĝas per miksi eliksiron de sano kun agitita mielujo.\n\nMiksturo de restarigo prepariĝas per miksi eliksiron de sano kun eliksiro de purigego.\n\nMiksturo de viveco prepariĝas per miksi eliksiron de sano kun eliksiro de ŝirmo.\n\nMiksturo de akva restarigo prepariĝas per miksi eliksiron de sano kun restaĵo de Ŝmiraĵego.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Infuzaĵoj de zonaj efikoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Infuzaĵoj de zonaj efikoj disvastigas danĝerajn efikojn tra vasta tereno. Ili estas pli kostaj ol simplaj infuzaĵoj, sed ankaŭ pli potencaj.\n\n\nElektroŝoka infuzaĵo prepariĝas per miksi eliksiron de paraliza gaso kun eliksiro de pluvegaj nuboj.\n\nIncendia infuzaĵo prepariĝas per miksi eliksiron de draka spiro kun eliksiro de likva fajro.\n\nNeĝŝtorma infuzaĵo prepariĝas per miksi eliksiron de subita frostigo kun eliksiro de frosto.\n\nAcidmorda infuzaĵo prepariĝas per miksi eliksiron de toksa gaso kun restaĵo de Ŝmiraĵego.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Miksturoj de elementaj plenigoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Sorĉkristaloj de teleportado
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Sorĉkristaloj de manipuli aĵojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Sorĉkristaloj de mediaj efikoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puto de sano
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puto de sano
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puto de scio
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puto de scio
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Los ataques mágicos atraviesan la
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guía de alquimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guía de alquimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creando Pociones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creando Pociones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=¡Bienvenido a las Aplicaciones Prácticas de la Alquimia!\n\nEste libro sirve como referencia de recetas para los alquimistas aficionados y aventureros que buscan ensuciarse las manos.\n\nEmpezaremos con la receta de alquimia más icónica: ¡Coloque tres semillas en una olla de alquimia para preparar una poción!\n\nCada tipo de semilla tiene una contraparte de la poción. La poción que creas puede relacionarse con una de las semillas utilizadas, pero existe la posibilidad de que sea aleatoria también. Usar múltiples del mismo tipo de semilla disminuirá la posibilidad de una poción al azar.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creando Piedras Rúnicas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creando Piedras Rúnicas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mezclar un sólo pergamino en una olla de alquimia imbuirá su magia en dos o tres rocas dentro de la olla. Esto crea piedras rúnicas que corresponden a ese pergamino.\n\nLas piedras rúnicas son una variante menor de los pergaminos, al igual que las semillas son una variante menor de las pociones. Sin embargo, a diferencia de las semillas, las piedras rúnicas no se pueden combinar para hacer un pergamino.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardos Tipados
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardos Tipados
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Una sola semilla se puede combinar con uno o dos dardos para tiparlos. Cada tipo de semilla produce su propio tipo de dardo tipado, con un efecto único.\n\nSin embargo, los dardos tipados sólo duran un solo uso, y se revertirán a dardos regulares cuando se recuperen.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Pociones y Pergaminos Exóticos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=El poder de una poción o un pergamino se puede aumentar para crear una nueva variante "exótica". Estos ítems exóticos tienen efectos más potentes, pero a menudo también son útiles de diferentes maneras.\n\nCombinando una poción y dos semillas producirá una poción exótica. La combinación de un pergamino con dos piedras rúnicas producirá un pergamino exótico.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Energía Alquímica
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Si bien las recetas que hemos discutido hasta ahora sólo necesitan ingredientes, algunas recetas requieren energía de la misma olla de alquimia. Esta energía es un recurso limitado, pero se puede usar para hacer recetas que son más que la suma de sus ingredientes. Algunas recetas requerirán una pequeña cantidad de energía, algunas requieren de mucha.\n\nTodas las demás recetas comentadas en este libro utilizarán la Energía Alquímica.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Recetas de Comida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=No todas las recetas involucran pociones mágicas o pergaminos, algunas son más tradicionales.\n\nLa carne cruda se puede guisar en una olla de alquimia, y la energía de la olla limpiará la carne de de enfermedades. Mientras más carne se use a la vez, mayor será la eficiencia de la receta.\n\nUn fruta insípida cruda se puede combinar con una semilla para crear un fruta insípida cocida. La fruta cocida emulará cualquier poción a la que corresponda la semilla.\n\n¡Una empanada, una ración completa y un trozo de carne (cualquier tipo servirá) se pueden combinar para crear un banquete! Los banquetes proporcionan una experiencia culinaria sin igual, pero cuestan una buena cantidad de energía.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Mejoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Mejoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba estándar de pólvora se puede mezclar con un ítem específico para crear una bomba mejorada. La cantidad de energía necesaria varía según el ítem utilizado.\n\nLos siguientes ítems pueden producir una bomba mejorada:\n- Poción de Llama Líquida\n- Poción de Escarcha\n- Poción de Curación\n- Poción de Invisibilidad\n- Pergamino de Recarga\n- Pergamino de Eliminar Maldición\n- Pergamino de Reflejo\n- Pergamino de Furia\n- Gota de Gú\n- Fragmento de Metal Maldito
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combinación de Infusiones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Las infusiones combinadas, son creadas de forma sencilla, combinando los efectos de dos pociones dañinas en una sola.\n\n\nUna infusión malvada se crea mezclando una poción de gas tóxico con una poción de gas paralizante.\n\nUna infusión frígida se crea mezclando una poción de escarcha con una poción de nubes de tormenta.\n\nUna infusión de escarcha se crea mezclando una poción de llama líquida con una poción de congelación rápida.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elixires Curativos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Los elixires curativos también son bastante simples, combinando curación y otro efecto en un sólo ítem.\n\n\nUn elixir de restauración se crea al mezclar una poción de curación con una poción de purificación.\n\nUn elixir de vitalidad se crea mezclando una poción de curación con una poción de protección.\n\nUn elixir de curación melosa se crea al mezclar una poción de curación con un tarro de miel fragmentado.\n\nUn elixir de rejuvenecimiento acuático se crea mezclando una poción de curación y una gota de Gú.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Infusiones de Efecto de Área
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Las infusiones de efecto propagan un efecto dañino sobre un área grande. Son más caras que las infusiones combinadas, pero también más potentes.\n\n\nUna infusión infernal se crea mezclando una poción de aliento de dragón y una poción de llama líquida.\n\nUna infusión de ventisca se crea mezclando una poción de congelación rápida y una poción de escarcha.\n\nUna infusión impactante se crea al mezclar una poción de gas paralizante y una poción de nubes de tormenta.\n\nUna infusión cáustica se crea mezclando una poción de gas tóxico y una gota de Gú
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixires Imbuidos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Hechizos de Teletransportación
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Hechizos de Manipulación de Ítems
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Hechizos Ambientales
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozo de vitalidad
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozo de vitalidad
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozo del conocimiento
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozo del conocimiento
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
journal.document.adventurers_guide.title=Abenturazalearen Gida
journal.document.adventurers_guide.title=Abenturazalearen gida
journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.body=Agur t'erdi abenturazale!\n\nZiegetan zehar ibiltzeko abenturazalearen gida irakurtzen ari zara! Gidaliburu hau abenturazale hasiberriak bizirauteko eta bikain bilakatzeko aholkuz eta amarruz beterik dago!\n\nNahiz eta gidaliburu hau behin osorik irakurri dezakezun, erreferentzia bezala erabiltzeko da. Emaiozu begirada bat zailtasunak dituzun bakoitzean.\n\nManten ezazu burua argi eta gogoratu:\nEZ LARRITU!
journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.body=Agur t'erdi abenturazale!\n\nZiegetan zehar ibiltzeko abenturazalearen gida irakurtzen ari zara! Gidaliburu hau abenturazale hasiberriak bizirauteko eta bikain bilakatzeko aholkuz eta amarruz beterik dago!\n\nNahiz eta gidaliburu hau behin osorik irakurri dezakezun, erreferentzia bezala erabiltzeko da. Emaiozu begirada bat zailtasunak dituzun bakoitzean.\n\nManten ezazu burua argi eta gogoratu:\nEZ LARRITU!
journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.title=Objektuak identifikatzea
journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.title=Objektuak identifikatzea
journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.body=Elementuak identifikatzea hauek aurkitzea bezain garrantzitsua da!\n\nEdabeen koloreak eta eskuizkribuetako glifoak ziega bakoitzean desberdinak dira, ez dakizu zer eragingo duten identifikatu arte.\n\nIdentifikatu gabeko tresneria hobetu daiteke zortea baduzu, edo madarikatua egon daiteke! Madarikatutako elementu bat tresnatzea txarra da, baina ez dakar berehalako gainbehera.\n\nIdentifikazio, hobekuntza eta madarikazioa kentzeko eskuizkribuak oso erabilgarriak dira identifikatu gabeko elementuen arriskua murrizteko.\n\n(Identifikatu dituzun elementuen zerrenda bat aurkitu dezakezu zure egunkariaren elementuen fitxan)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.body=Elementuak identifikatzea hauek aurkitzea bezain garrantzitsua da!\n\nEdabeen koloreak eta eskuizkribuetako glifoak ziega bakoitzean desberdinak dira, ez dakizu zer eragingo duten identifikatu arte.\n\nIdentifikatu gabeko tresneria hobetu daiteke zortea baduzu, edo madarikatua egon daiteke! Madarikatutako elementu bat tresnatzea txarra da, baina ez dakar berehalako gainbehera.\n\nIdentifikaziorako, hobekuntzarako, edo madarikazioa kentzeko eskuizkribuak oso erabilgarriak dira identifikatu gabeko elementuen arriskua murrizteko.\n\n(Identifikatu dituzun elementuen zerrenda bat aurkitu dezakezu zure egunkariaren elementuen fitxan)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.title=Aztertzea eta bilatzea
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.title=Aztertzea eta bilatzea
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.body=Burugabe zuzen erasotzea norbera hiltzeko modu oso egokia da.\n\nHobe da lasai inguruan duzuna aztertzea, honek egoera bakoitzari nola aurre egin erabakitzen lagunduko zaitu. Etsaiengana korrika joatea oso gutxitan da egoera ebazteko modurik egokiena.\n\nZiegak pasadizo sekretuez eta tranpaz josita daude, hasieran ikusezin direnak. Ondo dago ingurune bat lasai aztertzea zerbait ezkutuan dagoela susmatzen baduzu.\n\n(Luparen botoia aztertu eta bilatzeko erabiltzen da. Sakatu behin eta sakatu beste zerbait zer den aztertzeko, edo sakatu bitan zure inguruan bilatzeko)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.body=Burugabe zuzen erasotzea norbera hiltzeko modu oso egokia da.\n\nHobe da lasai inguruan duzuna aztertzea, honek egoera bakoitzari nola aurre egin erabakitzen lagunduko zaitu. Etsaiengana korrika joatea oso gutxitan da egoera ebazteko modurik egokiena.\n\nZiegak pasadizo sekretuez eta tranpaz josita daude, hasieran ikusezin direnak. Ondo dago ingurune bat lasai aztertzea zerbait ezkutuan dagoela susmatzen baduzu.\n\n(Luparen botoia aztertu eta bilatzeko erabiltzen da. Sakatu behin eta jarraian sakatu beste zerbait hura zer den aztertzeko, edo sakatu bitan zure inguruan bilatzeko)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=Indarra eta Hobekuntzak
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=Indarra eta hobekuntzak
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.body=Ez duzu ziegan aurkitutako armadura eta armekin entrenatzeko denborarik izango, indar gordina beharko duzu hauek eraginkorki erabiltzeko.\n\nIndar edabeek zuzenean areagotzen dute zure gaitasun fisikoa eta goragoko mailetako tresneria erabiltzeko beharrak betetzeko modu eraginkorrena.\n\nHobekuntza eskuizkribuak nagusiki tresneria indartsuagoa egiteko dira, baina pisua kentzen diete baita. Hala ere, hobekuntza bakoitzak aurrekoak baino pisu gutxiago kenduko du.\n\nGarrantzitsua da goragoko mailetako tresneria astunerantz bidea egitea, baina ez ahaztu erabat aurrerago erabili dezakezuna.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.body=Ez duzu ziegan aurkitutako armadura eta armekin entrenatzeko denborarik izango, indar gordina beharko duzu hauek eraginkorki erabiltzeko.\n\nIndar edabeek zuzenean areagotzen dute zure gaitasun fisikoa eta goragoko mailetako tresneria erabiltzeko beharrak betetzeko modu eraginkorrena dira.\n\nHobekuntza eskuizkribuak nagusiki tresneria indartsuago bilakatzeko dira, baina pisua kentzen diete baita. Hala ere, hobekuntza bakoitzak aurrekoak baino pisu gutxiago kenduko du.\n\nGarrantzitsua da goragoko mailetako tresneria astunerantz bidea egitea, baina ez ahaztu erabat lehenago erabili dezakezuna.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.title=Goseari aurre egitea
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.title=Goseari aurre egitea
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.body=Janaria modu eraginkor batean erabiltzea zure bizirauteko aukerak areagotzeko egin dezakezun gauza onenetariko bat da.\n\nGoseak azkenean zure osasunean eragina du: apurka sendatuko zara ase zaudenean, eta apurka galduko duzu osasuna gosez hiltzen ari bazara. Osasuna galtzea txarra dirudi, baina hiltzen ez zaren bitartean osasuna galtzeak ez du beste eraginik.\n\nOsasuna eta gosea kudeatu beharreko baliabideak bezala ikustea egokia da, ez dira beti osorik egon behar. Adibidez, osasun guztia baduzu, ase egoteak dakarren sendatzea galdu egiten da.\n\nJatea osasunaren egoeraren arabera egiten baduzu, janariak gehiago iraungo dizu.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.body=Janaria modu eraginkor batean erabiltzea zure bizirauteko aukerak areagotzeko egin dezakezun gauza onenetariko bat da.\n\nGoseak azkenean zure osasunean eragina du: apurka sendatuko zara ase zaudenean, eta apurka galduko duzu osasuna gosez hiltzen ari bazara. Osasuna galtzea txarra dirudi, baina hiltzen ez zaren bitartean osasuna galtzeak ez du beste eraginik.\n\nOsasuna eta gosea kudeatu beharreko baliabideak bezala ikustea egokia da, ez beti osorik izan beharrekoak. Adibidez, osasun guztia baduzu, ase egoteak dakarren sendatzea alperrik galduko da.\n\nOsasunaren egoeraren arabera jaten baduzu, janariak gehiago iraungo dizu.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.title=Esperientzia irabaztea
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.title=Esperientzia irabaztea
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.body=Arerioak gainditu ahala zure esperientzia metatzen da. Zure esperientziak zure erasoen zehaztasuna baldintzatzen du, zeinen erraz saihestu dezakezun, eta zenbat osasun duzun.\n\nZure esperientzia maila borrokan erabakigarria da. Hobe da ziegako pisu bakoitzeko esperientzia maila bat izatea.\n\nTentagarria izan daiteke ziegan behera korrika abiatzea, esplorazioa eta borroka ekidinez, baina hori eginda baliabide eta esperientzia gutxi izango dituzu.\n\n(Zure heroiaren informazioa, esperientzia barne, egoeraren panelean ikusi dezakezu jolasaren interfazearen goialdean. Sakatu zure heroiaren profila informazio gehiago jasotzeko.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.body=Arerioak gainditu ahala zure esperientzia metatzen da. Zure esperientziak zure erasoen zehaztasuna baldintzatzen du, erasoak zeinen erraz saihestu ditzakezun, eta zenbat osasun duzun.\n\nBorrokan zure esperientzia maila erabakigarria da. Hobe da gutxienez ziegako pisu bakoitzeko esperientzia maila bat izatea.\n\nTentagarria izan daiteke ziegan behera korrika abiatzea, esplorazioa eta borroka ekidinez, baina hori eginda baliabide eta esperientzia gutxi izango dituzu.\n\n(Zure heroiaren informazioa, esperientzia barne, egoeraren panelean ikusi dezakezu jolasaren interfazearen goialdean. Sakatu zure heroiaren profila informazio gehiago jasotzeko.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.title=Ustekabeko erasoak
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.title=Ustekabeko erasoak
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.body=Borrokan aurretik jartzeko modu onenetariko bat ezustean erasotzea da.\n\nEzusteko eraso bat gertatzen da ikusi ez zaituen etsai bat erasotzen duzunean, edo agertu eta berehala. Etsai iheskorrenek ere ezin dute ezusteko eraso bat saihestu!\n\nArerioak ezustean harrapatzeko erabili dezakezun inguruneko elementu bat ate bat da. Arerioa ezusteko eraso baten arriskuan dago itxitako ate bat gurutzatzen duenean.\n\n(Ezusteko zartako bat ematea lortzen duzunean, harridura marka hori bat agertuko da arerio gaixoaren gainean une batez)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.body=Borrokan aurretik jartzeko modu onenetariko bat ezustean erasotzea da.\n\nEzusteko eraso bat gertatzen da ikusi ez zaituen etsai bat erasotzen duzunean, edo agertu eta berehala. Etsai iheskorrenek ere ezin dute ezusteko eraso bat saihestu!\n\nArerioak ezustean harrapatzeko erabili dezakezun inguruneko elementu bat ate bat da. Arerioa ezusteko eraso baten arriskuan dago itxitako ate bat gurutzatzen duenean.\n\n(Ezusteko zartako bat ematea lortzen duzunean, harridura marka hori bat agertuko da arerio gaixoaren gainean une batez)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.title=Porrota kudeatzea
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.title=Porrota kudeatzea
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Eraso magikoak armadura zeharkatze
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alkimia gida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alkimia gida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Edabeak sortzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Edabeak sortzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Ongi etorri Alkimiaren aplikazio praktikoak liburura!\n\nLiburu hau alkimia zale eta eskuak zikintzeko prest dauden abenturazaleentzako errezeten bilduma bat da.\n\nAlkimiaren errezeta ikonikoenarekin hasiko gara: Kokatu edozein hiru hazi alkimia eltzean edabe berri bat egiteko!\n\nHazi mota bakoitzak dagokion edabe bat du. Sortzen duzun edabea erabilitako hazi batekin zerikusia izan lezake, baina guztiz ausazko edabe bat sortzeko aukera badago ere. Mota beeko hainbat hazi erabilita ausazko edabea sortzeko aukera murrizten da.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Erruna harriak sortzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Erruna harriak sortzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Eskuizkribu bakar bat alkimia eltzean sartzean bere magia eltzeko bi edo hiru harrietara txertatuko da. Honela eskuizkribu horri dagozkien erruna harriak sortuko dira.\n\nErruna harriak eskuizkribuen pareko txikiak dira, haziak edabeek pareko txikian diren bezala. Haziak ez bezala, erruna harriak ezin dira konbinatu eskuizkribu bat sortzeko.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardoak bustitzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardoak bustitzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Hazi bakar bat bi edo hiru dardoekin konbinatu daiteke hauek bustitzeko. Hazi mota bakoitzak dagokion bustitako dardo mota sortzen du, efektua bakana dela.\n\nBustitako dardoek erabilera bakarra dute, eta dardo arrunta bihurtuko dira berreskuratzean.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Edabe eta eskuizkribu exotikoak
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=Edabe edo eskuizkribu baten boterea emendatu daiteke aldaera 'exotiko' bat sortzeko. Pieza exotiko hauek efektu indartsuagoak dituzte, baina maiz desberdin erabili behar dira ere.\n\nEdabe bat eta edozein bi hazi konbinatuz edabe exotiko bat sortuko da. Eskuizkribu bat eta edozein bi erruna harri konbinatuz eskuizkribu exotiko bat sortuko da.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Energia alkimikoa
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Orain arte aipatu ditugun errezetak osagaiak besterik ez badute behar ere, errezeta batzuk alkimia potoaren beraren energia behar dute. Energia hau mugatutako baliabidea da, baina osagaien batura baino gehiago diren errezetak egiteko erabili daiteke. Errezeta batzuk energia kopuru txiki behar dute, beste batzuk asko behar dute.\n\nLiburuan hemendik aurrera aipatutako errezeta guztiek alkimia energia erabiliko dute.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Janari errezetak
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Errezeta guztiak ez dira edabe magiko eta eskuizkribuekin egiten, badira tradizionalagoak.\n\nHaragi gordina alkimia potoan erregosi daiteke, eta potoaren energiak haragia gaixotasunez garbituko du. Zenbat eta haragi gehiago erabili aldi berean, are eta eraginkorragoa errezeta.\n\nFruitutxepel gordin bat hazi batekin konbinatu daiteke egindako fruitutxepel bat sortzeko. Egindako fruitua haziari dagokion edabea bezala arituko da.\n\nEnpanada bat, anoa oso bat, eta edozein motako haragi zati bat oturuntza bat sortzeko konbinatu daiteke! Oturuntzek sukaldaritza esperientzia paregabeak dira, baina nahiko energia behar dute.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Hobetutako bonbak
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Hobetutako bonbak
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Konbinazio prestakinak
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Sendatze elixirra
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Efektu arearako prestakinak
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Txertatze elixirrak
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=osasun putzua
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=osasun putzua
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=kontzientzia putzua
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=kontzientzia putzua
@ -56,7 +48,7 @@ journal.notes$landmark.well_of_transmutation=transmutazio putzua
journal.notes$landmark.alchemy=alkimia lapikoa
journal.notes$landmark.alchemy=alkimia lapikoa
journal.notes$landmark.statue=estatua biziduna
journal.notes$landmark.statue=estatua biziduna
journal.notes$landmark.ghost=Mamu goibela
journal.notes$landmark.ghost=mamu goibela
journal.notes$landmark.wandmaker=zarta egile zaharra
journal.notes$landmark.wandmaker=zarta egile zaharra
journal.notes$landmark.troll=troll errementaria
journal.notes$landmark.troll=troll errementaria
journal.notes$landmark.imp=deabrutxo handinahia
journal.notes$landmark.imp=deabrutxo handinahia
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alchemy Guide
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alchemy Guide
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creating Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creating Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a potion!\n\nEvery seed type has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, but there is a chance it will be random as well. Using multiple of the same type of seed will decrease the chance for a random potion.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creating Runestones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creating Runestones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.\n\nRunestones are a lesser variant of scrolls, just as seeds are a lesser variant of potions. Unlike seeds however, runestones cannot be combined to make a scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique effect.\n\nTipped darts only last for one use however, and will revert to regular darts when recovered.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Exotic Potions and Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=The power of a potion or scroll can be augmented to create a new 'exotic' variant. These exotic items have more powerful effects, but they are often useful in different ways as well.\n\nCombining a potion and any two seeds will produce an exotic potion. Combining a scroll with any two runestones will produce an exotic scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alchemical Energy
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed so far only need their ingredients, some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. This Energy is a limited resource, but can be used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients. Some recipes will require a small amount of energy, some require a lot.\n\nAll further recipes discussed in this book will make use of Alchemical Energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=elinvoiman kaivo
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=elinvoiman kaivo
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=tietämyksen kaivo
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=tietämyksen kaivo
@ -21,34 +21,26 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Attaques magiques
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Les attaques magiques passent directement à travers l'armure et sont très difficiles à esquiver.\n\nLes dégats que vous infligez avec les baguettes sont donc très efficaces, mais les attaques magiques des ennemis aussi !\n\nCependant, les attaques magiques ont toujours un facteur limitant. Les baguettes ont un nombre de charges limité par exemple, et deviennent inutiles le temps qu'elles rechargent. Les attaques magiques des ennemis ont elles aussi toujours une faiblesse.\n\nFaisant face à un ennemi utilisant de la magie, il est donc important de trouver comment éviter ses attaques plutôt que d'en encaisser les dégâts.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Les attaques magiques passent directement à travers l'armure et sont très difficiles à esquiver.\n\nLes dégats que vous infligez avec les baguettes sont donc très efficaces, mais les attaques magiques des ennemis aussi !\n\nCependant, les attaques magiques ont toujours un facteur limitant. Les baguettes ont un nombre de charges limité par exemple, et deviennent inutiles le temps qu'elles rechargent. Les attaques magiques des ennemis ont elles aussi toujours une faiblesse.\n\nFaisant face à un ennemi utilisant de la magie, il est donc important de trouver comment éviter ses attaques plutôt que d'en encaisser les dégâts.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Manuel d'Alchimie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Manuel d'Alchimie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creating Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Créer des potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a potion!\n\nEvery seed type has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, but there is a chance it will be random as well. Using multiple of the same type of seed will decrease the chance for a random potion.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creating Runestones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Créer des pierres runiques
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.\n\nRunestones are a lesser variant of scrolls, just as seeds are a lesser variant of potions. Unlike seeds however, runestones cannot be combined to make a scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique effect.\n\nTipped darts only last for one use however, and will revert to regular darts when recovered.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Exotic Potions and Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=The power of a potion or scroll can be augmented to create a new 'exotic' variant. These exotic items have more powerful effects, but they are often useful in different ways as well.\n\nCombining a potion and any two seeds will produce an exotic potion. Combining a scroll with any two runestones will produce an exotic scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alchemical Energy
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed so far only need their ingredients, some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. This Energy is a limited resource, but can be used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients. Some recipes will require a small amount of energy, some require a lot.\n\nAll further recipes discussed in this book will make use of Alchemical Energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes améliorées
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puits de santé
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puits de santé
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puits de connaissance
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puits de connaissance
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alchemy Guide
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alchemy Guide
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creating Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creating Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a potion!\n\nEvery seed type has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, but there is a chance it will be random as well. Using multiple of the same type of seed will decrease the chance for a random potion.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creating Runestones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creating Runestones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.\n\nRunestones are a lesser variant of scrolls, just as seeds are a lesser variant of potions. Unlike seeds however, runestones cannot be combined to make a scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique effect.\n\nTipped darts only last for one use however, and will revert to regular darts when recovered.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Exotic Potions and Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=The power of a potion or scroll can be augmented to create a new 'exotic' variant. These exotic items have more powerful effects, but they are often useful in different ways as well.\n\nCombining a potion and any two seeds will produce an exotic potion. Combining a scroll with any two runestones will produce an exotic scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alchemical Energy
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed so far only need their ingredients, some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. This Energy is a limited resource, but can be used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients. Some recipes will require a small amount of energy, some require a lot.\n\nAll further recipes discussed in this book will make use of Alchemical Energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=élet vize
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journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=éberség kútja
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=éberség kútja
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Serangan sihir langsung menembus a
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Panduan Racikan
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Panduan Racikan
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Membuat Ramuan
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Membuat Ramuan
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Selamat Datang di Aplikasi Praktis dalam Racikan!\n\nBuku ini menyediakan referensi resep untuk para penggemar racikan yang gemar tangannya kotor.\n\nKita akan memulai pada resep yang paling biasa: Masukkan tiga benih ke dalam panci peracik untuk dapat membuat sebuah ramuan!\n\nSetiap benih mempunyai zat setiap ramuan. Ramuan yang kau buat akan berhubungan dengan benih yang kau pakai, namun kadang tetap dapat random. Memasukkan beberapa benih yang sama dapat mengurangi perentasi ramuan random.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Membaut Batu Kuno
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Membaut Batu Kuno
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.\n\nRunestones are a lesser variant of scrolls, just as seeds are a lesser variant of potions. Unlike seeds however, runestones cannot be combined to make a scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique effect.\n\nTipped darts only last for one use however, and will revert to regular darts when recovered.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Exotic Potions and Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=The power of a potion or scroll can be augmented to create a new 'exotic' variant. These exotic items have more powerful effects, but they are often useful in different ways as well.\n\nCombining a potion and any two seeds will produce an exotic potion. Combining a scroll with any two runestones will produce an exotic scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alchemical Energy
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed so far only need their ingredients, some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. This Energy is a limited resource, but can be used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients. Some recipes will require a small amount of energy, some require a lot.\n\nAll further recipes discussed in this book will make use of Alchemical Energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sumur kesehatan
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journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=sumur pengetahuan
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=sumur pengetahuan
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Gli attacchi magici passano attrav
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guida all'Alchimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guida all'Alchimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creare Pozioni
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creare Pozioni
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Benvenuti al Corso Pratico di Alchimia!\n\nQuesto libro funge come fonte di ricette per alchimisti in erba ed avventurieri desiderosi di sporcarsi le mani.\n\nCominceremo con la ricetta alchemica più emblematica: Posiziona tre semi qualsiasi in un calderone alchemico per preparare una pozione!\n\nOgni tipo di seme possiede una pozione corrispondente. La pozione da te creata può corrispondere a uno dei semi usati, ma c'è comunque la possibilità che sia casuale. Usare multipli dello stesso tipo di seme diminuirà le possibilità di una pozione casuale.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creare Pietre Runiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creare Pietre Runiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mescolare una singola pergamena in un calderone alchemico instillerà la sua magia all'interno di due o tre pietre nel calderone. Ciò creerà pietre runiche che corrispondono a quella pergamena.\n\nLe pietre runiche rappresentano una versione minore delle pergamene, proprio come i semi lo sono delle pozioni. Diversamente dai semi comunque, le pietre runiche non possono essere congiunte per formare una pergamena.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardi Intinti
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardi Intinti
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Un singolo seme può essere combinato con uno o due dardi per intingerne le punte. Ogni tipo di seme produce un suo genere di dardo con uno specifico effetto.\n\nI dardi intinti comunque durano un solo uso e ritorneranno dardi normali una volta recuperati.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Pozioni e Pergamene Esotiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=Il potere di una pozione o pergamena può essere incrementato per creare una nuova versione "esotica". Tali oggetti hanno effetti più potenti ma sono spesso utili anche in altri modi.\n\nCombinare una pozione e due semi qualsiasi produrrà una pozione esotica. Combinare una pergamena con due pietre runiche qualsiasi produrrà una pergamena esotica.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Energia Alchemica
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Mentre le ricette trattate finora necessitano solo dei loro ingredienti, alcune altre richiedono energia proveniente dal pozzo alchemico. Questa Energia è una risorsa limitata, ma in compenso può venire usata per creare ricette che offrono più della somma dei loro ingredienti. Alcune ricette richiederanno una piccola quantità di energia, altre ne richiederanno molta.\n\nTutte le ricette trattate nel libro da questo punto in poi faranno uso di Energia Alchemica.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Ricette Culinarie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Non tutte le ricette prevedono pozioni magiche o pergamene, alcune sono più tradizionali.\n\nLa carne cruda può venire stufata in un calderone alchemico, così da renderla purificata da ogni effetto nocivo. Più carne verrà usata in una volta, maggiore sarà il rendimento della ricetta.\n\nUn blandofrutto crudo può essere combinato con un seme per creare un blandofrutto cotto. Il frutto così cotto simulerà qualsiasi pozione a cui il seme corrisponda.\n\nUn pasticcio, una razione e un pezzo di carne (di qualsiasi genere) possono venire combinati per creare un banchetto! I Banchetti forniscono un'esperienza culinaria impareggiabile, ma solo al costo di una discreta quantità di energia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombe Migliorate
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombe Migliorate
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba di polvere nera standard può essere mescolata con un oggetto specifico per creare una bomba migliorata. La quantità di energia necessaria varia in base all'oggetto usato.\n\nI seguenti oggetti possono produrre una bomba migliorata:\n- Pozione del Fuoco Liquido\n- Pozione del Congelamento \n- Pozione di Guarigione\n- Pozione dell'Invisibilità\n- Pergamena della Ricarica\n- Pergamena di Rimuovi Maledizione\n- Pergamena dell'Immagine Speculare\n- Pergamena della Rabbia\n- Grumo di Viscidume\n- Frammento di Metallo Maledetto
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Miscele di Infusi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Le miscele di infusi sono la forma più semplice di miscuglio, combinando così gli effetti di due pozioni nocive in una.\n\n\nUna miscela perfida è creata mescolando una pozione di gas tossico con una pozione di gas paralizzante.\n\nUna miscela glaciale è creata mescolando una pozione di congelamento con una pozione delle nubi tempestose.\n\nUna miscela fuocogelo è creata mescolando una pozione del fuoco liquido con una pozione del surgelamento.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elisir curativi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Gli elisir curativi sono anch'essi piuttosto semplici, combinando guarigione e un altro effetto in un solo oggetto.\n\n\nUn elisir di ripristino è creato miscelando una pozione della guarigione con una pozione detergente.\n\nUn elisir della vitalità è creato miscelando una pozione della guarigione con una pozione dello scudo.\n\nUn elisir della guarigione melliflua è creato miscelando una pozione della guarigione con un vaso di miele frantumato. \n\nUn elisir del rinvigorimento acquatico è creato miscelando una pozione della guarigione con un grumo di viscidume.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Miscele a Effetto Area
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Le miscele a effetto area diffondono i loro effetti nocivi su di una zona estesa. Sono più costose delle miscele di infusi, ma anche più potenti.\n\n\nUna miscela infernale è creata miscelando una pozione del sangue di drago e una pozione del fuoco liquido.\n\nUna miscela bufera è creata miscelando una pozione di surgelamento e una pozione di congelamento.\n\nUna miscela fulminante è creata miscelando una pozione di gas paralizzante e una pozione delle nubi tempestose. \n\nUna miscela caustica è creata miscelando una pozione di gas tossico con un grumo di viscidume.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elisir Permeanti
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Magie di Teletrasporto
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Magie di Manipolazione Oggetti
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Magie Ambientali
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozzo della salute
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozzo della salute
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozzo della consapevolezza
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@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=피하기가 매우 어려우며
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=연금술 가이드
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=연금술 가이드
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=물약 제조
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=물약 제조
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=연금술의 실용적인 응용에 오신걸 환영합니다!\n\n이 책은 취미 연금술사나 손이 지저분해지기를 바라는 모험가들에게 레시피를 제공합니다.\n\n우리는 연금술의 가장 대표적인 레시피부터 시작할 예정입니다. 연금솥에 아무 씨앗 세개를 넣어 포션을 양조해보세요!\n\n모든씨앗의 특성은 포션과 짝을 이룹니다! 당신이 만든 포션은 사용한 씨앗과 연관이 있을 수 있습니다. 하지만 무작위일 가능성도 있습니다. 같은 특성을 가진 씨앗 여러개를 사용하면 무작위포션의 생성가능성을 낮춰줍니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=룬석 생성
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=룬석 생성
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=주문서 하나를 연금술 솥에 넣으면 솥 안에 있던 돌과 융합합니다. 해당 주문서의 마법을 담은 룬석을 만들 수 있습니다.\n\n룬석은 주문서의 약화된 종류이지만, 씨앗과 달리 조합하여 주문서를 만들 수는 없습니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=특수 다트 제작
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=특수 다트 제작
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=하나의 씨앗은 그것을 끝에 붙이기 위해 다른 하나 또는 두 개의 다트와 혼합될 수 있습니다. 각 타입의 씨앗은 독특한 효과와 함께 그것의 특성을 가진 다트를 만들어낼 것입니다.\n\n특성을 가진 다트들은 오직 한 번의 사용에만 그 효과가 지속되지만, 한 번 사용하면 일반 다트로 돌아올 것입니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=특이한 물약과 주문서
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=포션 또는 주문서는 하나의 새로운 '색다른' 변환된 것을 만들기 위해 증강될 수 있습니다. 이 색다른 아이템들은 더 강력한 효과를 가지고 있지만, 그것들은 또한 다른 방법으로 자주 사용될 것입니다.\n\n하나의 포션과 두 개의 씨앗을 혼합하는 것은 색다른 포션을 만들어 낼 것입니다. 하나의 주문서와 두 룬석을 혼합하는 것은 색다른 주문서를 만들어 낼 것입니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=연금술 에너지
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=지금까지 다뤄왔던 제조법은 오직 그것들의 재료만 필요했지만, 몇몇의 제조법은 연금술 솥 그것 자체의 에너지를 요구합니다. 이 에너지는 한정된 자원이지만, 재료의 합 이상의 제조법을 만들어 내는 데에 사용될 수 있습니다. 몇몇의 제조법은 적은 양의 에너지를 필요로 하지만, 몇몇은 많은 양을 요구할 것입니다.\n\n이 책에서 다룰 추가적인 제조법들은 모두 연금술 에너지를 사용할 것입니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=음식 요리하기
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=모든 제조법이 포션 또는 주문서를 포함하는 것은 아니지만, 몇몇은 더 전통적입니다.\n\n날고기는 연금술 솥에서 조리될 수 있고, 그 솥의 에너지는 고기의 질병을 씻어낼 것입니다. 고기가 한번에 더 많이 사용될수록, 제조법의 효과는 더욱 강력해질 것입니다.\n\n단백과는 한 씨앗과 혼합되어 조리된 단백과가 될 수 있습니다. 조리된 열매는 그 씨앗과 상응하는 포션의 효과와 같은 효과를 낼 것입니다,\n\n파스티, 비상식량, 그리고 한 조각의 고기(타입에 관계없이)는 혼합되어 하나의 진수성찬을 만들 것입니다! 진수성찬은 비교할 수 없는 경험을 제공하지만, 상당한 양의 에너지를 소모합니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=폭탄 개조
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=폭탄 개조
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=흔히 볼 수 있는 검은 화약이 담긴 폭탄입니다. 특정한 재료와 섞어 개조된 폭탄을 만들 수 있습니다. 개조한 폭탄 종류에 따라 에너지 소모량이 달라집니다.\n\n다음 아이템과 조합하여 개조 폭탄을 만들 수 있습니다.\n- 액체 화염 물약\n- 서리 물약\n- 회복 물약\n- 투명화 물약\n- 재충전 주문서\n- 저주 해제 주문서\n- 거울상 주문서\n- 분노의 주문서\n- 구의 점액\n- 저주받은 쇳조각
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=특수 혼합물
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=혼합 제조물은 두 개의 해로운 포션을 하나로 경합한 가장 간단한 형태의 혼합물입니다.\n\n\n사악한 혼합물은 유독 가스의 포션과 마비 가스의 물약을 혼합하여 만듭니다.\n\n싸늘한 혼합물은 서리의 물약과 천둥 구름의 물약을 혼합하여 만듭니다.\n\n서리 불꽃의 혼합물은 액체 화염 물약과 급속 빙결의 물약을 혼합하여 만듭니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=회복의 영약
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=회복의 영약들은 회복 물약과 다른 아이템을 섞어 만들며, 둘의 효과를 같이 발휘합니다.\n\n치료의 영약은 회복 물약과 정화 물약을 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n활력의 영약은 회복 물약과 방어막 물약을 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n달달한 치료 영약은 회복 물약과 깨진 꿀단지를 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n수상 회복의 영약은 회복 물약과 구의 점액을 섞어서 만듭니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=광역 효과 혼합물
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=광역 효과 혼합물은 해로운 효과를 넓은 범위에 흩뿌립니다. 특수 화합물보다 더 비싸지만 더 강력합니다.\n\n지옥불 혼합물은 용 숨결의 물약과 액체 화염 물약을 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n눈보라 혼합물은 순간 빙결의 물약과 서리 물약을 섰어서 만듭니다.\n\n전격 혼합물은 마비 가스의 물약과 폭풍 구름 물약을 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n산성 화합물은 독성 가스와 구의 점액을 섞어서 만듭니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=마법 융합 영약
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=순간이동 주문
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=아이템 변형 주문
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=환경 주문
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=회복의 우물
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=회복의 우물
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=지식의 우물
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=지식의 우물
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magiczne ataki przebijają się pr
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Poradnik alchemiczny
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Poradnik alchemiczny
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tworzenie mikstur
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tworzenie mikstur
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Witaj w Zastosowaniach Praktycznych i Niepraktycznych Alchemii!\n\nTa książka powinna pomóc początkującym alchemikom i podróżnikom którzy chcą się troszkę pobrudzić.\n\nNajprostszym przepisem który może pojąć każdy, to mikstura. Tworzymy je z trzech dowolnych nasion.\n\nKażda roślina, i jej nasienie ma odpowiednik w miksturze. Mikstura może być powiązana z jednym nasionkiem które użyłeś, ale możesz gdzieś pomylić się, i mikstura będzie kompletnie losowa. Na szczęście używanie kilku tych samych nasion zwiększa szansę otrzymania mikstury, którą chcesz.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Tworzenie kamieni runicznych
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Tworzenie kamieni runicznych
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Rozdrabniając zwój na drobne kawałeczki i wrzucenie go do kociołka, kawałki zwoju zostaną wchłonięte przez parę kamieni (2 lub 3) w kotle. To tworzy kamienie runiczne odpowiadające temu zwojowi.\n\nKamienie runiczne to słabszy odpowiedniki zwojów, tak samo jak nasiona są słabszymi miksturami. Niestety procesu nie da się odwrócić, i nie możesz kamieniami runicznymi zrobić zwoju.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Nasączanie rzutek
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Nasączanie rzutek
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Z pojedynczego nasionka można wycisnąć sok na jedną lub dwie strzałki. Każde nasionko tworzy inną strzałkę, z efektem powiązanym.\n\nNiestety nasączenie jest bardzo słabe i wystarcza na jedno użycie. Potem znów będą to zwykłe strzałki.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Egzotyczne zwoje i mikstury
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=Na szczęście wymyślono nowe, egzotyczne warianty zwojów i mikstur. Są one potężniejsze od zwykłych, ale czasem używane trochę inaczej.Można je dość łatwo zrobić.\n\nPołączenie mikstury i dowolnych dwóch nasion powinno dać ci egzotyczną miksturę. Podobnie ze zwojami, jeden zwój i dwa kamienie runiczne powinny wymieszać się w egzotyczny zwój.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alchemiczna Energia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Podczas gdy wszystkie przepisy które dotychczas omówiliśmy potrzebowały tylko ich składników, niektóre przepisy będą potrzebować trochę energii z samego kotła alchemicznego. energia ta jest limitowana, lecz może być użyta do przepisów których składniki nie wystarczą. Niektóre z nich wymagają jej niewielką ilość, podczas gdy inne wymagają jej dużo.\n\nWszystkie następne przepisy będą wymagać Energii Alchemicznej.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nie wszystkie przepisy używają mikstur lub zwojów, niektóre z nich są bardziej tradycyjne.\n\nSurowe mięso może być ugotowane w kotle alchemicznym, a jego energia wyczyści je z chorób. Im więcej mięsa jest użyte na raz, tym większa jest efektywność przepisu.\n\nSurowy mdły owoc może być połączony z nasionem by wytworzyć ugotowany mdły owoc. Ugotowany owoc będzie miał moc mikstury która odpowiada danemu nasieniu.\n\nPełna pastowata porcja jedzenia i kawałek mięsa (każdy rodzaj się nada) mogą być połączone by stworzyć ucztę! Uczty dostarczą ci nieporównywalne doświadczenie kulinarne kosztem energii.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Zaawansowane bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Zaawansowane bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Zwykła czarnoprochowa bomba może być napełniona specyficznymi przedmiotami, aby polepszyć jej właściwości. Wymaga to różnych ilości energii, w zależności od przedmiotu. Dzięki inżynierowie!\n\nNastępujące przedmioty mogą być dodane do bomby:\n-Mikstura ciekłego płomienia\n-Mikstura mrozu\n-Mikstura leczenia\n-Mikstura niewidzialności\n-Zwój ładowania\n-Zwój usunięcia klątwy\n-Zwój lustrzanego odbicia\n-Zwój szału\n-Kawał szlamu\n-Przeklęty kawał złomu
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Kombinacje mikstur
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Alchemicy lali dwie mikstury o negatywnych efektach do jednego kotła i patrzyli co się dzieje. Czasem powstawała mikstura jeszcze mocniejsza. To wszystko co znaleźli:\n\n\nNikczemna mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę toksycznego gazu z miksturą paraliżującego gazu\n\nLodowata mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę mrozu z miksturą burzowych chmur.\n\nMroźno-ogniowa mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę ciekłego płomienia z miksturą błyskawicznego mrożenia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Eliksiry Leczące
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Alchemicy pracują zamiast spać. Mieszając wszystko co popadnie, znaleźli przepisy na eliksiry lecznicze, łącząc leczenie i efekt jakiegoś przedmiotu.\n\n\nEliksir odnowienia tworzy się z pomocą mikstury leczenia i oczyszczenia.\n\nEliksir witalności tworzy się z pomocą mikstury leczenia i tarczy.\n\nEliksir miodowego leczenia jest tworzony mieszając miksturę leczenia z rozbitym dzbanem miodu.\n\nEliksir wodnego odmłodzenia jest tworzony łącząc miksturę leczenia i kawał szlamu.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Obszar mieszanin efektowych
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Mieszaniny efektowe rozprzestrzeniają negatywne efekty po rozległym terenie. Cały magazyn takich kosztował cały skarbiec króla, ponieważ są znacznie droższe, ale za to mocniejsze.\n\n\npiekielna mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę smoczego oddechu i ciekłego płomienia.\n\nburzowa mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę błyskawicznego mrożenia i mrozu.\n\nszokująca mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę paraliżującego gazu i burzowych chmur.\n\nszlamowa mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę toksycznego gazu i kawał szlamu.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Wzmacniające eliksiry
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Zaklęcia teleportacyjne.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Zaklęcia manipulujące przedmiotami
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Zaklęcia środowiskowe
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=studnia zdrowia
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=studnia zdrowia
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=studnia czujności
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=studnia czujności
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Ataques mágicos cortam através d
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guia de Alquimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guia de Alquimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Criando Poções
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Criando Poções
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Bem-vindo a aplicações práticas da alquimia!\n\nEste livro serve como uma referência de receita para alquimistas e aventureiros amadores procurando sujar as mãos.\n\nVamos começar com a receita de alquimia mais icônica: Coloque três sementes em um vaso de alquimia para preparar uma poção!\n\nCada tipo de semente tem uma contrapartida de poção. A poção que você cria pode estar relacionada a uma das sementes usadas, mas há uma chance de que ela seja aleatória também. Usar múltiplos do mesmo tipo de semente diminuirá a chance de uma poção aleatória.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Criando pedras rúnicas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Criando pedras rúnicas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Misturar um único pergaminho em um pote de alquimia irá imbuir sua magia em duas ou três pedras dentro do pote. Isso cria pedras rúnicas que correspondem a essa rolagem.\n\nPedras Runas são uma variante menor dos pergaminhos, assim como as sementes são uma variação menor de poções. Ao contrário das sementes, no entanto, as runas não podem ser combinadas para fazer um pergaminho.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Derrubar dardos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Derrubar dardos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Uma única semente pode ser combinada com um ou dois dardos para derrubá-los. Cada tipo de semente produz seu próprio tipo de dardo com ponta, com um efeito único.\n\nDardos derrubados duram apenas um uso, e serão revertidos para dardos regulares quando recuperados.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Poções Exóticas e Pergaminhos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=O poder de uma poção ou pergaminho pode ser incrementado para criar uma variante exótica. Os itens Exóticos possuem efeitos mais poderosos, mas são usados frequentemente de maneiras diferentes.\n\nCombinar uma poção e duas sementes aleatórias irá produzir uma poção exótica. Combinar um pergaminho com duas runas irá produzir um pergaminho exótico.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Energia alquímica
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=As receitas discutidas até agora precisavam somente de seus ingredientes, entretanto, algumas receitas irão demandar energia do caldeirão de alquimia. Tal energia é um recurso limitado, mas pode ser utilizado para fazer receitas que serão mais fortes do que somente somando seus ingredientes. Algumas receitas irão necessitar de uma pequena quantidade de energia, já outras demandarão bastante.\n\nTodas as próximas receitas discutidas neste livro farão uso da Energia Alquímica
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Receitas de comida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nem todas as receitas envolvem poções mágicas ou pergaminhos, algumas são mais tradicionais.\n\nCarne crua pode ser cozida em uma panela de alquimia, e a energia da panela vai limpar a carne da doença. Quanto mais carne utilizada de uma só vez, maior a eficiência da receita.\n\nUm blandfruit cru pode ser combinado com uma semente para criar um blandfruit cozinhado. A fruta cozida vai emular qualquer poção a que a semente corresponda.\n\nUma ração completa, pastosa e um pedaço de carne (qualquer tipo serve) podem ser combinados para criar um banquete! As festas proporcionam uma experiência culinária incomparável, mas custam uma boa quantidade de energia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Aprimoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Aprimoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Uma bomba de pó preto padrão pode ser misturada com um item específico para criar uma bomba aprimorada. A quantidade de energia necessária varia de acordo com o item usado.\n\nOs itens a seguir podem produzir uma bomba aprimorada:\n- Poção da Chama Líquida\n- Poção de Gelo\n- Poção de Cura\n- Poção da Invisibilidade\n- Pergaminho de Recarregamento\n- Pergaminho de Remove Curse\n- Pergaminho da Imagem Espelhada\n- Pergaminho da Raiva\n- Gota de Gosma\n- Estilhaço de Metal Amaldiçoado
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combinações de Bebidas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=As bebidas fermentadas combinadas são a forma mais simples de fermentação, combinando os efeitos de duas poções nocivas em uma só.\n\n\nUma poção malvada é criada misturando-se uma poção de gás tóxico com uma poção de gás paralisante.\n\nUma bebida gelada é criada misturando uma poção de gelo com uma poção de nuvens de tempestade.\n\nUma poção fogo gelado é criada misturando uma poção de chama líquida com uma poção de congelamento instantâneo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elixires de Cura
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Elixires de cura também são bastante simples, combinando cura e outro efeito em um item.\n\n\nUm elixir de restauração é criado misturando uma poção de cura com uma poção de limpeza.\n\nUm elixir de vitalidade é criado misturando uma poção de cura com uma poção de proteção.\n\nUm elixir de cura com mel é criado pela mistura de uma poção de cura com um pote de mel quebrado.\n\nUm elixir de rejuvenescimento aquático é criado misturando uma poção de cura e uma gota de gosma.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Área de Efeito das Bebidas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Área de efeito brews espalhar um efeito nocivo sobre uma grande área. Eles são mais caros do que combinações de cerveja, mas também mais poderosos.\n\n\nUma mistura infernal é criada misturando uma poção de respiração de dragão e uma poção de chama líquida.\n\nUma mistura de nevasca é criada misturando uma poção de congelamento instantâneo e uma poção de gelo.\n\nUma bebida chocante é criada misturando-se uma poção de gás paralisante e uma poção de nuvens de tempestade.\n\nUma bebida cáustica é criada misturando uma poção de gás tóxico e uma gota de gosma.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuindo Elixires
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Feitiços de Teletransporte
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Magias Manipulação de Itens
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Magias Ambientais
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=poço de saúde
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=poço de saúde
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=poço de consciência
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=poço de consciência
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Магические атаки и
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Учебник алхимии
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Учебник алхимии
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Варка зелий
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Варка зелий
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Практическое применение алхимии!\n\nЭта книга является посланием для начинающих алхимиков и путешественников, готовых запачкать руки.\n\nНачнем рассказ с самого знаменитого алхимического рецепта: Положи три любых семечка в алхимический котёл чтобы сварить зелье!\n\nКаждое семечко имеет свой аналог среди зелий. Созданное вами зелье может иметь эффект одного из использованных вами семян, но есть вероятность того, что эффект будет случайным. Использование нескольких семян одного типа уменьшает шансы получить случайное зелье.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Создание рунных камней
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Создание рунных камней
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Свиток, который вы сложили в котёл передаст магию двум-трем камням внутри котла. Эта процедура создаст рунные камни, подобные свитку.\n\nРунные камни - это слабые аналоги свитков, также как семена являются слабым вариантом зелий. К сожалению, в отличии от семян, рунные камни не могут быть объединены в свиток.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Наконечники для дротиков
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Наконечники для дротиков
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Одно семечко может быть использовано на одном или двух дротиках в качестве наконечника. Реакция семечки с дротиком создает определенный тип смазанных дротиков, со своими уникальными эффектами.\n\nСмазанные дротики могут быть использованы лишь один раз, после чего вы получите простые дротики
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Экзотические зелья и свитки
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=Зелье или свиток могут быть усилены до их новых, "экзотических" разновидностей. Эти экзотические предметы имеют более мощные эффекты, но часто используются по-другому.\n\nЭкзотическое зелье получается при смешивании зелья и любых двух семян, а экзотический свиток - при объединении свитка и любых двух рунных камней.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Алхимическая энергия
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=В то время, как рецепты, о которых мы пока говорили, нуждаются только в своих добавках, есть и рецепты, в которых необходима энергия самого алхимического котла. Эта энергия - ограниченный ресурс, но её можно использовать для изготовления по рецептам, результат которых будет больше чем просто сумма добавок. В некоторых рецептах требуется малое количество энергии, в некоторых других - большое.\n\nВсе следующие рецепты, обсуждаемые в настоящей книге, используют Алхимическую энергию.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Рецепты еды
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Не все рецепты требуют применения волшебных зельев или свитков; некоторые из них, скорее, традициональны.\n\nСырое мясо можно сварить в алхимическом котле, и энергия котла очистит его от всякой заразы. Чем больше мяса готовится одновременно, тем больше эффективность рецепта.\n\nСырой пустофрукт можно сочетать с семенем, чтобы приготовить варёный пустофрукт. Вареный фрукт, соответственно, имеет свойства, похожие на зелье, которому соответствует семя.\n\nИз пирога, полного рациона пищи и куска мяса (любой его вид) можно приготовить праздничное блюдо! Праздничные блюда - изысканный кулинарный опыт, правда, требуют достаточное количество энергии.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Совершенствование бомб
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Совершенствование бомб
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Обыкновенная бомба может быть соединена с определёнными предметами для создания усовершенствованной бомбы. Количество требуемой энергии варьируется от типа используемого предмета.\n\nЭти предметы могут быть использованы для совершенствования:\n-Зелье Алхимического Огня\n-Зелье Мороза\n-Зелье Исцеления\n-Зелье Невидимости\n-Свиток Перезарядки\n-Свиток Рассеяния\n-Свиток Иллюзий\n-Свиток Ярости\n-Капля Слизня\n-Проклятый осколок
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Комбинированные варева
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Комбинированные варева - самый простой вид варева, сочетающий эффекты двух вредных зельев воедино.\n\nКоварное варево можно получить из слияния зелья Ядовитого газа и зелья Парализующего газа.\n\nЗаморозка получается из смешения зелья Холода и зелья Грозовых туч.\n\nЛедяное пламя можно изготовить при смешении зелья Алхимического огня и зелья Ледяного хвата.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Исцеляющие эликсиры
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Исцеляющие эликсиры тоже довольно просты в изготовлении. Они сочетают эффект исцеления и определенный другой эффект в одном флаконе.\n\nЭликсир Восстановления можно получить, смесив зелье Исцеления с зельем Очищения.\n\nЭликсир Жизненной силы изготавливается из зелья Исцеления и зелья Защиты.\n\nЭликсир Медового исцеления - приготовленное в расколотом горшке с медом зелье Исцеления.\n\nЭликсир водного омоложения можно создать смешав зелье исцеления и каплю Слизня.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Варева с зоной действия
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Варева с зоной действия распротраняют вредоносный эффект на больших площадях. Они дороже чем комбинированные варева, но зато много мощнее.\n\nАдское пламя делается из смешения зелья Драконьего дыхания с зельем Алхимического огня.\n\nВарево "Буран" изготавливается, смесив зелье Ледяного хвата с зельем Холода.\n\nВарево "Электрошок" получается из смеси зелья Парализующего газа и зелья Грозовых туч.\n\nКислотное варево получается при смешении зелья отравляющего газа и капли Слизня.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Пропитывающие эликсиры
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Телепортационные заклинания
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Заклинания манипуляции
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Заклинания взаимодействия
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=источник жизни
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=источник жизни
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=источник мудрости
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=источник мудрости
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Büyülü saldırılar zırhları
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Simya Kılavuzu
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Simya Kılavuzu
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=İksir Oluşturma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=İksir Oluşturma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a potion!\n\nEvery seed type has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, but there is a chance it will be random as well. Using multiple of the same type of seed will decrease the chance for a random potion.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Rüntaşı Oluşturma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Rüntaşı Oluşturma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.\n\nRunestones are a lesser variant of scrolls, just as seeds are a lesser variant of potions. Unlike seeds however, runestones cannot be combined to make a scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique effect.\n\nTipped darts only last for one use however, and will revert to regular darts when recovered.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Egzotik iksirler ve Parşömeller
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=The power of a potion or scroll can be augmented to create a new 'exotic' variant. These exotic items have more powerful effects, but they are often useful in different ways as well.\n\nCombining a potion and any two seeds will produce an exotic potion. Combining a scroll with any two runestones will produce an exotic scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Simyasal Enerji
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed so far only need their ingredients, some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. This Energy is a limited resource, but can be used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients. Some recipes will require a small amount of energy, some require a lot.\n\nAll further recipes discussed in this book will make use of Alchemical Energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Yemek Tarifi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Geliştirilmiş Bombalar
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Geliştirilmiş Bombalar
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Yenilenme İksiri
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Efekt Alanı
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sağlık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sağlık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=farkındalık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=farkındalık kuyusu
@ -22,33 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=魔法攻击会直接穿透护甲
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of icy touch is created by mixing a potion of frost and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of identification with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of divination.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeather fall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=trampa de debilitació
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La màgia fosca d'aquesta trampa aspira l'energia de qualsevol cosa amb què entri en contacte.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La màgia fosca d'aquesta trampa aspira l'energia de qualsevol cosa amb què entri en contacte.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=trampa de dard desgastada
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=trampa de dard desgastada
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Una petita sarbatana deu estar amagada per aquí prop, activar aquesta trampa farà que aquesta dispari un dard verinós al seu objectiu més proper.\n\nA causa de la seva edat ja no fa tant de mal, ni tan sols està oculta...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ levels.traps.blazingtrap.desc=Šlápnutí na tuto past zažehne silnou chemickou
levels.traps.burningtrap.name=Ohnivá past
levels.traps.burningtrap.name=Ohnivá past
levels.traps.burningtrap.desc=Šlápnutí na tuto paste zažehne chemickou směs, která v jejím okolí způsobí plameny.
levels.traps.burningtrap.desc=Šlápnutí na tuto paste zažehne chemickou směs, která v jejím okolí způsobí plameny.
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=Mrazící past
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=Ochlazující past
levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=Po spuštění chemikálie v této pasti rychle zmrazí vzduch okolo jejího umístění.
levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=Po spuštění chemikálie v této pasti rychle zmrazí vzduch okolo jejího umístění.
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=Past matoucího plynu
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=Past matoucího plynu
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ levels.traps.flashingtrap.desc=Při aktivaci tato past zažehne silný blýskav
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=Stádová past
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=Stádová past
levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=Pravděpodobně vtip nějakého amatérského mága. Spuštění této pasti vytvoří stádo magických ovcí.
levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=Pravděpodobně vtip nějakého amatérského mága. Spuštění této pasti vytvoří stádo magických ovcí.
levels.traps.frosttrap.name=Ledová past
levels.traps.frosttrap.name=Mrazivá past
levels.traps.frosttrap.desc=Po spuštění chemikálie v této pasti rychle zmrazí vzduch v širokém dosahu kolem jejího umístění.
levels.traps.frosttrap.desc=Po spuštění chemikálie v této pasti rychle zmrazí vzduch v širokém dosahu kolem jejího umístění.
levels.traps.grimtrap.name=Smrtící past
levels.traps.grimtrap.name=Smrtící past
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=Oslabující past
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Temná magie v této pasti vysává energii z čehokoliv co s ní přijde do kontaktu.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Temná magie v této pasti vysává energii z čehokoliv co s ní přijde do kontaktu.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=Opotřebená šípová past
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=Opotřebená šípová past
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Někde poblíž musí být ukryt malý vystřelovač šipek. Aktivování této pasti způsobí že vystřelí na nejbližší cíl.\n\nVzhledem ke svému věku není past příliš škodlivá, natož aby byla skrytá...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=Schwäche-Falle
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dunkle Magie lauert in dieser Falle, welche sämtliche Energie aus ihrem Opfer entzieht, wenn dieses mit der Falle in Berührung kommt.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dunkle Magie lauert in dieser Falle, welche sämtliche Energie aus ihrem Opfer entzieht, wenn dieses mit der Falle in Berührung kommt.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=Alte Dartwerferfalle
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=Alte Dartwerferfalle
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=In der Nähe muss ein Blasrohr versteckt sein; durch Auslösen der Falle wird ein Pfeil auf das nächstgelegene Ziel geschossen.\n\nAufgrund des Alters, ist die Falle nicht besonders gefährlich, sie ist nichtmal versteckt...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=malfortiga kaptilo
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Malluma magio en tiu ĉi kaptilo elsuĉos la forton el io ajn, kio tuŝos ĝin.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Malluma magio en tiu ĉi kaptilo elsuĉos la forton el io ajn, kio tuŝos ĝin.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=eluzita pikila kaptilo
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=eluzita pikila kaptilo
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Eta saget-ellasilo estas kaŝita proksime, do aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo pafos al la plej proksima celo.\n\nTamen pro ĝia aĝo ĝi ne estas tre danĝera, eĉ ne estas kaŝita…
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=trampa debilitadora
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magia oscura de esta trampa succiona la energía de cualquier cosa que entre en contacto con ella.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magia oscura de esta trampa succiona la energía de cualquier cosa que entre en contacto con ella.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=trampa de dardo gastada
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=trampa de dardo gastada
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Un pequeño soplador de dardos debe estar escondido cerca, al activar esta trampa hará que dispare al objetivo más cercano.\n\nDebido a su antiguedad, no es muy dañina, ni siquiera está oculta...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -26,20 +26,20 @@ levels.rooms.special.weakfloorroom$hiddenwell.desc=Ozta putzu bat antzematen duz
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=Alarma tranpa
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=alarma tranpa
levels.traps.alarmtrap.alarm=Tranpak ziega osoan zehar sakabanatzen den soinu sakon bat igortzen ari da!
levels.traps.alarmtrap.alarm=Tranpak ziega osoan zehar sakabanatzen den soinu sakon bat igortzen ari da!
levels.traps.alarmtrap.desc=Tranpa hau alarma zaratatsu bati lotuta dagoela dirudi. Tranpa aktibatzeak mailako edozer erne jarriko du.
levels.traps.alarmtrap.desc=Tranpa hau alarma zaratatsu bati lotuta dagoela dirudi. Tranpa aktibatzeak mailako edozer erne jarriko du.
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=Sute tranpa
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=sute tranpa
levels.traps.blazingtrap.desc=Tranpa hau zapaltzeak nahaste kimiko indartsu bat piztea ekarriko du, ingurunea sutan jartzen.
levels.traps.blazingtrap.desc=Tranpa hau zapaltzeak nahaste kimiko indartsu bat piztea ekarriko du, ingurunea sutan jartzen.
levels.traps.burningtrap.name=Tranpa erretzailea
levels.traps.burningtrap.name=tranpa erretzailea
levels.traps.burningtrap.desc=Tranpa hau zapaltzeak nahaste kimiko indartsu bat piztea ekarriko du, ondokoa sutan jartzen.
levels.traps.burningtrap.desc=Tranpa hau zapaltzeak nahaste kimiko indartsu bat piztea ekarriko du, ondokoa sutan jartzen.
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=Hotz tranpa
levels.traps.chillingtrap.name=hotz tranpa
levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=Aktibatu bezain laster, tranpa honetako erreaktiboak ondoko airea izoztu egingo dute.
levels.traps.chillingtrap.desc=Aktibatu bezain laster, tranpa honetako erreaktiboak ondoko airea izoztu egingo dute.
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=Nahaste gas tranpa
levels.traps.confusiontrap.name=nahaste gas tranpa
levels.traps.confusiontrap.desc=Tranpa aktibatzeak inguruan nahaste gas hodei bat askatzea ekarriko du.
levels.traps.confusiontrap.desc=Tranpa aktibatzeak inguruan nahaste gas hodei bat askatzea ekarriko du.
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=tranpa madarikatzailea
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=tranpa madarikatzailea
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=tranpa ahulgarria
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Tranpa honetako magia ilunak ukitzen duen edozeren energia xurgatzen du.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Tranpa honetako magia ilunak ukitzen duen edozeren energia xurgatzen du.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=higatutako dardo tranpa
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=higatutako dardo tranpa
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Hemendik hurbil dardo jaurtigailu txiki bat ezkutatuta egon behar da, tranpa hau aktibatzean pozoitutako dardo bat botako zaio helburu hurbilenari.\n\nAdina dela eta ez da oso kaltegarria, ez dago ezkutatuta ere...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=weakening trap
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Tässä ansassa oleva musta magia imee energian kaikelta kosketukseen tulevalta.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Tässä ansassa oleva musta magia imee energian kaikelta kosketukseen tulevalta.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=worn dart trap
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=worn dart trap
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Pieni puhallusputki täytyy olla piilotettuna lähistölle. Tämän ansan laukaiseminen saa sen ampumaan nuolen kohti lähintä olentoa.\n\nSen iän takia se ei ole kovin vaarallinen, eikä sitä ole edes piilotettu...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=piège affaiblissant
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magie noire contenue dans ce piège absorbera l'énergie de tout ce qui entre en contact avec elle.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magie noire contenue dans ce piège absorbera l'énergie de tout ce qui entre en contact avec elle.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=piège à fléchettes usées
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=piège à fléchettes usées
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Un petit lanceur de fléchettes doit être caché à proximité, l'activation de ce piège l'amènera à tirer sur la cible la plus proche.\n\nEn raison de son âge il n'est pas très dangeureux, il n'est même pas caché...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=weakening trap
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=A csapdában lévő fekete mágia bármiből kiszívja az energiát, ami csak hozzáér.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=A csapdában lévő fekete mágia bármiből kiszívja az energiát, ami csak hozzáér.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=worn dart trap
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=worn dart trap
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to it's age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=jebakan pelemah
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Ilmu hitam di jebakan ini menyerap semua energi apa pun yang menginjaknya.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Ilmu hitam di jebakan ini menyerap semua energi apa pun yang menginjaknya.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=jebakan anak panah bekas
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=jebakan anak panah bekas
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Pelempar anak panah yang kecil pasti tersembunyi di dekat sini, jika kau mengaktifkan jebakan ini maka anak panah akan mengarah pada target terdekat.\n\nKarena faktor usia, jebakan ini tidak terlalu mematikan, bahkan tidak tersembunyi,
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=trappola indebolente
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magia nera in questa trappola risucchia l'energia da qualsiasi cosa venga in contatto con essa.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magia nera in questa trappola risucchia l'energia da qualsiasi cosa venga in contatto con essa.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=trappola a dardi consumata
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=trappola a dardi consumata
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Un piccolo spara-dardi dev'essere nascosto nelle vicinanze, attivando questa trappola sparerà un dardo velenoso al bersaglio più vicino.\n\nEssendo vecchia non è tuttavia molto pericolosa, non è nemmeno nascosta...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=약화 함정
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=이 함정에 깃든 암흑 마법이 함정을 건드린 대상의 에너지를 빼앗아간다.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=이 함정에 깃든 암흑 마법이 함정을 건드린 대상의 에너지를 빼앗아간다.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=오래된 다트 함정
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=오래된 다트 함정
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=작은 다트 발사기가 주변이 숨겨져 있다. 함정을 작동시키면 가장 가까운 대상에게 다트를 발사할 것이다.\n\n오래 방치되어 있어 위험해 보이지도 않고, 숨겨져 있지도 않다.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=pułapka osłabiająca
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Mroczna magia z pułapki wyssie energię z czegokolwiek, co wejdzie z nią w kontakt.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Mroczna magia z pułapki wyssie energię z czegokolwiek, co wejdzie z nią w kontakt.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=stara strzałkowa pułapka
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=stara strzałkowa pułapka
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Mała wyrzutnia rzutek musi być ukryta w pobliżu, pozwalając pułapce wystrzelić rzutkę w najbliższy cel.\n\nJest taka stara, że jej siła drastycznie spadła. Nie jest nawet ukryta...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=armadilha de enfraquecimento
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=A magia negra desta armadilha suga a energia do que entrar em contato com ela.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=A magia negra desta armadilha suga a energia do que entrar em contato com ela.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=armadilha de dardos
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=armadilha de dardos
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Uma pequena zarabatana deve estar escondida nas redondezas. Ativar essa armadilha fará com que um dardo envenenado seja atirado ao alvo mais próximo.\n\nDevido à sua idade, ela não é muito nociva. Ela sequer está escondida...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=ослабляющая ловушка
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Тёмная магия в этой ловушке высасывает энергию из всего, что к ней прикоснётся.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Тёмная магия в этой ловушке высасывает энергию из всего, что к ней прикоснётся.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=ловушка с дротиком
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=ловушка с дротиком
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Маленький пусковой механизм должен быть спрятан неподалёку, и активация ловушки заставит механизм выстрелить дротиком в ближайшую цель.\n\nВ силу своего возраста, эту ловушку трудно не заметить.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=zayıflatıcı tuzak
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Bu tuzağın içindeki kara büyü ona dokunan herhangi bir şeyin tüm enerjisini çeker.
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Bu tuzağın içindeki kara büyü ona dokunan herhangi bir şeyin tüm enerjisini çeker.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=aşınmış dart tuzağı
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=aşınmış dart tuzağı
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Yakınlarda küçük bir dart atıcı saklı olmalı, bu tuzağı aktifleştirmek en yakındaki hedefe bir dart atacak.\n\nFakat yaşı nedeniyle pek te zararlı değil, saklanmamış bile...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=虚弱陷阱
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
@ -57,6 +57,6 @@ plants.sungrass$health.desc=Sunherbo posedas bonegan sanigan econ, tamen ĝi est
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Kiam iu piedpremos viglokardon, ĝi por mallonga tempo plirapidigos pason de tempo ĉirkaŭe, ebligante al piedpremanto samtempe fari kelkajn agojn.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Kiam iu piedpremos viglokardon, ĝi por mallonga tempo plirapidigos pason de tempo ĉirkaŭe, ebligante al piedpremanto samtempe fari kelkajn agojn.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=samo de viglokardo
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=semo de viglokardo
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Veziko de tempo
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Veziko de tempo
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Vi troviĝas en malgranda veziko de plirapidigita tempo, kiu ebligas al vi tuj fari agojn. Tamen atako, movo aŭ uzo de magio ĉesigos la efikon.\n\nPluaj movoj: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Vi troviĝas en malgranda veziko de plirapidigita tempo, kiu ebligas al vi tuj fari agojn. Tamen atako, movo aŭ uzo de magio ĉesigos la efikon.\n\nPluaj movoj: %s.
@ -53,9 +53,7 @@ plants.sungrass.name=Ekibelarra
plants.sungrass.desc=Ekilorea bere izerdiaren ezaugarri sendagarri geldo baina eraginkorragatik ezaguna da.
plants.sungrass.desc=Ekilorea bere izerdiaren ezaugarri sendagarri geldo baina eraginkorragatik ezaguna da.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=ekilore hazia
plants.sungrass$seed.name=ekilore hazia
plants.sungrass$health.name=Belar bidezko sendatzea
plants.sungrass$health.name=Belar bidezko sendatzea
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Ekibelarrak ezaugarri sendagarri bikainak ditu, baina edabe sendagarri bat baino askoz geldoagoa da.\n\nOrain apurka osasuna berreskuratzen ari zara ekibelar landareari esker. Landaretik aldenduz gero sendatze efektua geldituko da.\n
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Ekibelarrak ezaugarri sendagarri bikainak ditu, baina edabe sendagarri bat baino askoz geldoagoa da.\n\nOrain apurka osasuna berreskuratzen ari zara ekibelar landareari esker. Landaretik aldenduz gero sendatze efektua geldituko da.\n\nGeratzen den sendatzea: %d.
Geratzen den sendatzea: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Oinperatzean, kardubizkorrak une batez inguruko denboraren igarotzea azkartuko du, zapaldu duenari hainbat ekintza berehala egitea ahalbidetuz.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Oinperatzean, kardubizkorrak une batez inguruko denboraren igarotzea azkartuko du, zapaldu duenari hainbat ekintza berehala egitea ahalbidetuz.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the Rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the Blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Cousin éloigné de la Rancebaie, ce fruit en forme de poire est produit par un buisson, le Fruifadier. Même s'il n'est pas empoisonné, ce fruit est peu consistant et son goût terreux n'est pas très appétissant. Mais peut-être que vous pourriez le cuire.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=Graine de Fruifade
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=Graine de Fruifade
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
scenes.alchemyscene.text=Combinez des ingrédients pour créer quelque chose de nouveau !
scenes.alchemyscene.text=Combinez des ingrédients pour créer quelque chose de nouveau !
scenes.alchemyscene.select=Sélectionnez un objet
scenes.alchemyscene.select=Sélectionnez un objet
scenes.alchemyscene.cost=Energy: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.cost=Énergie: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.energy=Alchemical Energy: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.energy=Énergie alchimique: %d
scenes.amuletscene.exit=On s'arrête là pour aujourd'hui
scenes.amuletscene.exit=On s'arrête là pour aujourd'hui
scenes.amuletscene.stay=Je n'ai pas encore fini
scenes.amuletscene.stay=Je n'ai pas encore fini
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Laster marketara gehitu
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Objektua laster-markara
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Sakatu berriro bilatzeko\nSakatu laukitxo bat hura aztertzeko
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Sakatu berriro bilatzeko\nSakatu lauza bat hura aztertzeko
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ windows.wndtradeitem.sell_1=Saldu 1 %d txanponengatik
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_all=Saldu guztiak %d txanponengatik
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_all=Saldu guztiak %d txanponengatik
windows.wndtradeitem.cancel=Ez du axola
windows.wndtradeitem.cancel=Ez du axola
windows.wndwandmaker.dust=Hara, hautsa duzu! Ez larritu mamutaz, kudeatu ditzaket. Agindu bezala, nire kalitate oneneko zartetako bat aukeratu dezakezu.
windows.wndwandmaker.dust=Hara, hautsa daukazula ikusten dut! Ez larritu mamuekin, arduratu naiteke. Agindu bezala, nire kalitate oneneko zartetako bat aukeratu dezakezu.
windows.wndwandmaker.ember=Hara, txingarrak dituzu eta! Zintzoki espero dut su elementala arazo handia ez izana zuretzat. Agindu bezala, nire kalitate oneneko zartetako bat aukeratu dezakezu.
windows.wndwandmaker.ember=Hara, txingarrak dituzu eta! Zintzoki espero dut su elementala arazo handia ez izana zuretzat. Agindu bezala, nire kalitate oneneko zartetako bat aukeratu dezakezu.
windows.wndwandmaker.berry=Hara, baia duzu eta! Zintzoki espero du baiaustela landarea eragozpen handia ez izana zuretzat. Agindu bezala, nire kalitate oneneko zartetako bat aukeratu dezakezu.
windows.wndwandmaker.berry=Hara, baia duzu eta! Zintzoki espero du baiaustela landarea eragozpen handia ez izana zuretzat. Agindu bezala, nire kalitate oneneko zartetako bat aukeratu dezakezu.
windows.wndwandmaker.farewell=Zorte on zure errokan, %s!
windows.wndwandmaker.farewell=Zorte on zure errokan, %s!
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