v0.2.4: reworked rankings scene to properly handle scaling height
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,20 +33,24 @@ import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.ui.Archs;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.ui.ExitButton;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.ui.Icons;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.ui.Window;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.utils.Utils;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.windows.WndError;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.windows.WndRanking;
import com.watabou.utils.GameMath;
//FIXME: need to modify this to properly account for new landscape logic, more than just a merge.
public class RankingsScene extends PixelScene {
private static final String TXT_TITLE = "Top Rankings";
private static final String TXT_TOTAL = "Total games played: %d";
private static final String TXT_TOTAL = "Games Played: ";
private static final String TXT_NO_GAMES = "No games have been played yet.";
private static final String TXT_NO_INFO = "No additional information";
private static final float ROW_HEIGHT = 18;
private static final float ROW_HEIGHT_MAX = 20;
private static final float ROW_HEIGHT_MIN = 12;
private static final float MAX_ROW_WIDTH = 160;
private static final float GAP = 4;
private Archs archs;
@ -79,32 +83,58 @@ public class RankingsScene extends PixelScene {
if (Rankings.INSTANCE.records.size() > 0) {
float left = (w - Math.min( 160, w )) / 2 + GAP;
float top = align( (h - ROW_HEIGHT * Rankings.INSTANCE.records.size()) / 2 );
//attempts to give each record as much space as possible, ideally as much space as portrait mode
float rowHeight = GameMath.gate(ROW_HEIGHT_MIN, (uiCamera.height - 26)/Rankings.INSTANCE.records.size(), ROW_HEIGHT_MAX);
float left = (w - Math.min( MAX_ROW_WIDTH, w )) / 2 + GAP;
float top = align( (h - rowHeight * Rankings.INSTANCE.records.size()) / 2 );
int pos = 0;
for (Rankings.Record rec : Rankings.INSTANCE.records) {
Record row = new Record( pos, pos == Rankings.INSTANCE.lastRecord, rec );
row.setRect( left, top + pos * ROW_HEIGHT, w - left * 2, ROW_HEIGHT );
float offset =
rowHeight <= 14 ?
pos %2 == 1?
5 :
: 0;
row.setRect( left+offset, top + pos * rowHeight, w - left * 2, rowHeight );
if (Rankings.INSTANCE.totalNumber >= Rankings.TABLE_SIZE) {
BitmapText total = PixelScene.createText( Utils.format( TXT_TOTAL, Rankings.INSTANCE.totalNumber ), 8 );
total.hardlight( Window.TITLE_COLOR );
BitmapText label = PixelScene.createText( TXT_TOTAL, 8 );
label.hardlight( 0xCCCCCC );
add( label );
BitmapText won = PixelScene.createText( Integer.toString( Rankings.INSTANCE.wonNumber ), 8 );
won.hardlight( Window.SHPX_COLOR );
add( won );
BitmapText total = PixelScene.createText( "/" + Rankings.INSTANCE.totalNumber, 8 );
total.hardlight( 0xCCCCCC );
total.x = align( (w - total.width()) / 2 );
total.y = align( top + pos * ROW_HEIGHT + GAP );
total.y = align( top + pos * rowHeight + GAP );
add( total );
float tw = label.width() + won.width() + total.width();
label.x = align( (w - tw) / 2 );
won.x = label.x + label.width();
total.x = won.x + won.width();
label.y = won.y = total.y = align( h - label.height() - GAP );
} else {
BitmapText noRec = PixelScene.createText(TXT_NO_GAMES, 8);
noRec.hardlight( 0xCCCCCC );
noRec.x = align((w - noRec.width()) / 2);
noRec.y = align((h - noRec.height()) / 2);
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