using System;
using ColdMint.scripts.character;
using ColdMint.scripts.damage;
using Godot;

namespace ColdMint.scripts.projectile;

/// <summary>
/// <para>Projectile template</para>
/// <para>抛射体模板</para>
/// </summary>
public partial class ProjectileTemplate : CharacterBody2D
	protected Timer? Timer;

	protected double Life;

	//The durability of the projectile
	//When the projectile hits the object, the durability will be reduced, and when the durability is less than or equal to 0, the projectile will be destroyed
	protected double Durability;

	protected int MaxDamage;
	protected int MinDamage;
	protected int DamageType;

	//We use the Time node to specify when to destroy the projectile
	private Timer? _timer;

	/// <summary>
	/// <para>The impact area of the bullet</para>
	/// <para>子弹的碰撞区域</para>
	/// </summary>
	protected Area2D? Area2D;

	/// <summary>
	/// <para>knockback</para>
	/// <para>击退</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <remarks>
	///<para>How much force does it have when hitting the character? Unit: Number of cells,The X direction of the force is inferred automatically.</para>
	/// </remarks>
	protected Vector2 KnockbackForce;

	public float Speed
		get => GetMeta("Speed", "15").AsSingle();

	/// <summary>
	/// <para>The master of the weapon</para>
	/// <para>武器的主人</para>
	/// </summary>
	public new Node2D? Owner { get; set; }

	public override void _Ready()
		Area2D = GetNode<Area2D>("CollisionDetectionArea");
		Area2D.Monitoring = true;
		Area2D.BodyEntered += OnBodyEnter;
		Area2D.BodyExited += OnBodyExited;
		Durability = GetMeta("Durability", "1").AsDouble();
		MaxDamage = GetMeta("MaxDamage", "7").AsInt32();
		MinDamage = GetMeta("MinDamage", "5").AsInt32();
		DamageType = GetMeta("DamageType", Config.DamageType.Physical).AsInt32();
		KnockbackForce = GetMeta("Knockback", Vector2.Zero).AsVector2();
		Life = GetMeta("Life", "10").AsDouble();
		if (Life <= 0)
			Life = 10;

		Timer = new Timer();
		Timer.WaitTime = Life;
		Timer.OneShot = true;
		Timer.Timeout += OnTimeOut;

	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Detect whether harm is allowed</para>
	/// <para>检测是否允许造成伤害</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="owner"></param>
	/// <param name="target"></param>
	/// <returns></returns>
	private bool CanCauseHarm(Node2D? owner, Node2D target)
		//We must know who the owner of the bullet is in order to determine whether it should cause damage or not
		if (owner == null)
			return false;

		if (owner is not CharacterTemplate ownerCharacterTemplate)
			return false;

		if (target is TileMap)
			//When we hit the tile, we return true in order to place the bullet through the tile.
			return true;

		if (target is not CharacterTemplate characterTemplate)
			return false;

		//First get the owner's camp and compare it with the target camp
		var canCauseHarm = CampManager.CanCauseHarm(CampManager.GetCamp(ownerCharacterTemplate.CampId),
		return canCauseHarm;

	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Executive injury treatment</para>
	/// <para>执行伤害处理</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="owner"></param>
	/// <param name="target"></param>
	private void DoDamage(Node2D? owner, Node2D target)
		if (target is not CharacterTemplate characterTemplate)

		//Allow damage to be caused
		var damage = new Damage();
		damage.Attacker = owner;
		damage.MaxDamage = MaxDamage;
		damage.MinDamage = MinDamage;
		damage.MoveLeft = Velocity.X < 0;
		damage.Type = DamageType;
		if (KnockbackForce != Vector2.Zero)
			//If we set the attack force, then apply the force to the object
			var force = new Vector2();
			var forceX = Math.Abs(KnockbackForce.X);
			if (Velocity.X < 0)
				//Beat back to port
				forceX = -forceX;

			force.X = forceX * Config.CellSize;
			force.Y = KnockbackForce.Y * Config.CellSize;

	/// <summary>
	/// <para>When the bullet is in contact with the node</para>
	/// <para>当子弹与节点接触时</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="node"></param>
	protected virtual void OnBodyEnter(Node2D node)
		//Here we test whether harm is allowed, notice that for TileMap, we directly allow harm.
		var canCauseHarm = CanCauseHarm(Owner, node);
		if (!canCauseHarm)
		DoDamage(Owner, node);
		//Please specify in the Mask who the bullet will collide with
		//When a bullet hits an object, its durability decreases
		if (Durability <= 0)
			//When the durability is less than or equal to 0, destroy the bullet

	/// <summary>
	/// <para>When the bullet leaves the node</para>
	/// <para>当子弹离开节点时</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="node"></param>
	protected virtual void OnBodyExited(Node2D node)

	/// <summary>
	/// <para>When beyond the time of existence</para>
	/// <para>当超过存在时间</para>
	/// </summary>
	private void OnTimeOut()

	public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta)