[![Star History Chart](https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=Cold-Mint/Traveller&type=Date)](https://star-history.com/#Cold-Mint/Traveller&Date) English [简体中文](README_ZH.md) [にほんご](README_JA.md) ## Intro Mint's new game. A pixel cross-platform roguelite game. ## Recent Development progress | Task | status | |------------------------------------------|-------------| | Randomly generated map | complete | | loot | complete | | Support still out of the knapsack system | complete | | Add AI agents to creatures | In progress | ## Screenshot Game scene ![](screenshot/0.0.1/game_page.png) Level graph editor ![](screenshot/0.0.1/level_Graph_Editor.png) ## Run the project locally #### Download engine 1. Download [Godot Engine .Net](https://godotengine.org/). After downloading the engine, you will need to download an additional export template to export as an executable program. 2. Download [.NetSDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download). Ubuntu or Linux Mint install the .net 8.0 Sdk. ``` apt install dotnet-sdk-8.0 ``` #### Clone project Enter the following command in your working directory: ``` git clone https://github.com/Cold-Mint/Traveller.git ``` #### Export You need to fill in the Export Presets > Resources > Filter to export non-resource files or folders edit box: ``` data/* ``` #### Custom feature - **disableVersionIsolation** Disable version isolation. - **enableMod** Experimental feature, the game loads dll files and pck files in the mod directory when the mod is enabled. Due to the isolation of AssemblyLoadContext, the main game content cannot be accessed from within the Mod for the time being. #### Run the console on Linux Enter the following command in the directory where the game is located: ``` ./Traveler.sh ``` ## Participate in translation The project is prepared for localization at the beginning of writing. You can edit the csv file in the locals directory. To modify and add new translations. ## License [GPL-3.0 license](LICENSE) Support commercial, anyone can modify, build, and sell or distribute for free. For all derivative versions of this project, under the GPL, you shall **retain the author copyright** and **publish the modified source code**. > Note: You have the right to sell the modified version, but not the original. > ## Contributor