using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Loader;
using ColdMint.scripts.debug;
using ColdMint.scripts.utils;
using Godot;
namespace ColdMint.scripts.mod;
/// Mod Loader
/// 模组加载器
public class ModLoader
/// AssemblyLoadContext
/// 装配加载上下文
private static AssemblyLoadContext? _assemblyLoadContext;
private static readonly string[] RequiredDllList = [Config.SolutionName];
/// Initializes the mod loader
/// 初始化模组加载器
///This exception is thrown if the built-in dll file cannot be found when it is loaded.
public static void Init()
//Initialize the context.
LogCat.Log("initialize_the_context", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader);
_assemblyLoadContext = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext(typeof(Godot.Bridge.ScriptManagerBridge).Assembly);
if (_assemblyLoadContext == null)
LogCat.LogError("initialize_the_context_failed", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader);
var dllFolder = ResUtils.GetSelfDllFolder();
if (dllFolder == null)
LogCat.LogError("get_dll_folder_failed", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader);
foreach (var requiredDll in RequiredDllList)
var dllPath = Path.Join(dllFolder, requiredDll + ".dll");
//Load the necessary dll files.
if (!File.Exists(dllPath))
//When the dll that must be loaded does not exist, an error is reported immediately.
LogCat.LogErrorWithFormat("dll_not_exist", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader, true, dllPath);
throw new FileNotFoundException("dll not exist:" + dllPath);
/// Load Dll file
/// 加载Dll文件
///dll file path
///Throw this error if the assemblyLoadContext has not been initialized.
private static void LoadDllFile(string dllPath)
if (_assemblyLoadContext == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("assemblyLoadContext is null.");
//Load the dll.
LogCat.LogWithFormat("load_dll", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader, true, dllPath);
catch (ArgumentNullException argumentNullException)
//The assemblyPath parameter is null.
LogCat.LogErrorWithFormat("load_dll_argument_null_exception", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader, true, dllPath);
LogCat.WhenCaughtException(argumentNullException, LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader);
catch (ArgumentException argumentException)
//Not an absolute path.
LogCat.LogErrorWithFormat("load_dll_argument_exception", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader, true, dllPath);
LogCat.WhenCaughtException(argumentException, LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader);
catch (FileLoadException fileLoadException)
//A file that was found could not be loaded.
LogCat.LogErrorWithFormat("load_dll_file_load_exception", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader, true, dllPath);
LogCat.WhenCaughtException(fileLoadException, LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader);
catch (BadImageFormatException badImageFormatException)
//assemblyPath is not a valid assembly.
LogCat.LogErrorWithFormat("load_dll_bad_image_format_exception", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader, true,
LogCat.WhenCaughtException(badImageFormatException, LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader);
//Loading the dll succeeded.
LogCat.LogWithFormat("load_dll_success", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader, true, dllPath);
/// Load all mods
/// 加载全部模组
///This method scans the incoming subfolders and loads them as module folders.
///Mod folder
///If the given folder does not exist, throw this exception.
public static void LoadAllMods(string modFolder)
if (!Directory.Exists(modFolder))
//The mod directory does not exist.
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("mod folder not exist:" + modFolder);
var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(modFolder);
foreach (var directory in directoryInfo.GetDirectories())
/// Load a single mod
/// 加载单个模组
///Mod path
/// If the given directory does not exist, throw this exception.
///Throw this exception if the manifest file creation deserialization fails.
private static void LoadSingleMod(string modFolderPath)
if (!Directory.Exists(modFolderPath))
//The module folder does not exist.
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Mod folder does not exist:" + modFolderPath);
var modManifestPath = Path.Join(modFolderPath, Config.ModManifestFileName);
var modManifest =
if (modManifest == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("mod manifest is null:" + modManifestPath);
var dllList = modManifest.DllList;
if (dllList == null || dllList.Length == 0)
//The module does not contain a dll file.
LogCat.LogWarningWithFormat("mod_not_contain_dll", true, LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader, modFolderPath);
//The module contains dll files, load the dll files.
foreach (var dll in dllList)
var dllPath = Path.GetFullPath(dll, modFolderPath);
var pakList = modManifest.PckList;
if (pakList == null || pakList.Length == 0)
//The module does not contain a pck file.
LogCat.LogWarningWithFormat("mod_not_contain_pck", true, LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader, modFolderPath);
//The module contains pck files, load the pck files.
foreach (var pak in pakList)
var pakPath = Path.GetFullPath(pak, modFolderPath);
/// Load the Pck file
/// 加载Pck文件
///Pck path
///If the given path does not exist, throw this exception.
///Throw this exception if the pck package fails to load.
private static void LoadPckFile(string pckPath)
if (!File.Exists(pckPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException("pck file not exist:" + pckPath);
var success = ProjectSettings.LoadResourcePack(pckPath);
if (success)
LogCat.LogWithFormat("load_pck_success", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader, true, pckPath);
LogCat.LogErrorWithFormat("load_pck_failed", LogCat.LogLabel.ModLoader, true, pckPath);
//Throw a suitable exception here for handling at the caller.
throw new DataException("load pck failed:" + pckPath);