Extracted from UniversalItemContainer. 提取UniversalItemContainer类。Cold-Mint2024-06-12 21:33:29 +0800
9b3701b49c(temp):ItemSlot has already changed into new interfaces
2024-06-12 17:57:38 +0800
e9656d6992(temp): Just a small refactoring in the huge interaction code (regarding ItemSlot and ItemStack), but I think it's necessary to leave a save point, after all, I have to go to sleep first
2024-06-12 02:22:04 +0800
7f20a7233cInitial migration of existing item interactions to the new interface
2024-06-12 01:57:55 +0800
026c7ff32fAdd single item stack type, move the weapon namespace into the item namespace, and I think it's ready to be merged into the new interface
2024-06-12 00:51:40 +0800
Unified management scenario instantiation, loot generation in the right place, and allow to specify the probability and quantity. 统一管理场景实例化,战利品生成在正确的位置,且允许指定概率和数量了。Cold-Mint2024-06-10 21:05:18 +0800
fcffdf3720Update C# version to 12
2024-06-10 13:50:12 +0800
When the selected item slot A is selected, pressing the shortcut key of item slot A again will no longer invoke the press event of A. 当选中物品槽A时,再次按下物品槽A的快捷键,就不能再调用A的按下事件了。Cold-Mint2024-06-06 21:05:51 +0800
Remove unused source files. Fixed an issue where the health tank was empty after resurrection. 移除未使用的源文件。修复复活后生命槽为空的问题。Cold-Mint2024-06-05 22:15:23 +0800
Resolved an issue where the room slots were not used but marked as matching when generating a map with multiple forks, resulting in no forks being generated. 解决生成多岔道的地图时,房间槽未使用但被标记为匹配,导致无法生成岔道的问题。Cold-Mint2024-05-27 23:10:56 +0800
Fixed an issue where the return path of the room template set was invalid, the initial room placement was extracted separately from the new method and added to the seed of map generation. 修复房间模板集返回路径无效的问题,初始房间的放置被单独提取出新的方法,加入地图生成时的种子。Cold-Mint2024-05-21 22:50:33 +0800
Support to delete the selected node, the room template edit box for anti-shake processing. 支持删除选中的节点了,对房间模板编辑框进行防抖处理。Cold-Mint2024-05-17 22:08:19 +0800
Support for connecting nodes. Adding taglines does not require changing random ranges in the code. 支持连接节点了。添加标语无需到代码内修改随机范围了。Cold-Mint2024-05-12 23:06:07 +0800
Supports the use of mouse wheel and keyboard number keys to adjust HotBar selected items. 支持使用鼠标滚轮和键盘数字键调整HotBar选中的项目了。Cold-Mint2024-05-03 22:35:54 +0800